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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  January 7, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PST

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ely on something called the internet to survive. huh, powers out. [ gasp ] are they gonna to die? worse, they are gonna get bored. [ gasp ] wait look! they figured out a way to keep the internet on. yeah! -nature finds a way. [ grunt ] stay connected when the power goes out, with storm ready wifi from xfinity. and see migration in theaters now. getting sick and tired of cold and flu products that don't work? biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. getting sick and tired of cold and flu products that don't work? biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. ♪
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welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world, i'm lynda kincade. good to have you with us. ahead on "cnn newsroom" -- >> we are the global world standard for safety around the world, but we have to maintain that standard. >> investigation begins as the midair scare that left a gaping hole in the boeing 737. plus, donald trump makes a bizarre claim about the civil war. and attacks one of his top rival as. the latest in the campaign trail in iowa. and the weather system making its way across the u.s. with million of people in its path. tracking the first big winter storm of the season. ♪ >> announcer: live from atlanta, this is "cnn newsroom" with lynda kincade. well, we begin this hour
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with a terrifying midair emergency that left a hole in a passenger jet flighting at an altitude of 16,000 feet. it happened friday on alaska airlines fright 1282. and prompted the federal aviation administration to order the temporary grounding of the boeing 737 max aircraft. national transportation safety officials said a door plug came off shortly after takeoff, leaving a gaping hole and causing the cab ton depressurize. incredibly, the plane landed safely with only minor injuries among the 177 passengers and crew. officials at the ntsb news conference asked for the public's help in finding the missing door plug. and explained why the outcome wasn't worse. >> no one was seated in 26a and
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b where that door -- where the door plug is. the aircraft was around 16,000 feet. and only ten minutes out from the airport when the door blew. fortunately, they were not at cruise altitude of 30,000 or 35,000 feet. think about what happens when you're in cruise. everybody is up and walking. folks don't have seat belts on. they're going to restrooms. the flight attendants are providing service to passengers. we could have ended up with something so much more tragic and we're really fortunate that did not occur here. >> well, cnn's pete muntean has more on the emergency situation. and what boeing is facing once
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again. >> reporter: a major new development following this incident.the federal aviation administration is now issuing an emergency air worthiness directive. essentially an emergency recall, calling for a temporary grounding of these boeing 737 max9 airports pending the results of inspections. this incident happened in an explosive moment, like the most violent convertible you've ever been in. in. this case, on a passenger jet, and row 26 is where this happened where there do have been a door installed. this point it does not have it, door plug, more on that in a second. this happened with a bang, a refrigerator size hole punched into the plane at 16,000 feet but head to a rapid decompression, the high pressure inside the plane goes rushing out and the very cold air comes rushing in. we heard from a passenger that a boy sitting nearby had his shirt pulled off by the force of the
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explosion. the oxygen mask dropped and pilots very quickly had to deal with the unusual situation. i want you to listen to the call on the air traffic control. step one, fly the airplane. step two, run the check list, descend back to 10,000 feet where the air is more preethable. and step three, control to air traffic control exactly what you're doing. >> coming down to 10,000. >> roger, just want to maintain 1 zero thousand. give me the nature of the emergency. >> seattle alaska. 1202, we have an emergency. >> the part of this plane that failed, the part that will now need to be inspected is on the left side of the plane's fuselage. it's where a door can be installed in the boeing factory but it all depends on the order configuration ordered by the airline. this plane did not have a door
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there, instead it had a door plug. you wouldn't know from the inside of the plane. this plane rolled off the factory floor in renton, washington, only a few months ago. october 15th was the first flight. 150 flights since then for alaska airlines. but this has really thrust boeing back under the microscope. the latest in a litany of issues for the 737 max family, 313 people killed in two crashes in 2018 and 2019 respectively. and since boeing has been dogged by quality issues, 176 passengers, six members of the crew who performed admirably, everybody is okay. pete muntean, cnn, washington. >> one of the passengers who was on that flight is describing a moment when part of the plane burst open. stephanie king was sitting in an aisle seat just several rows away from that hole in the plane. she spoke to cnn's dana costa about the harrowing ordeal.
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>> it was very, very scary, as you can imagine. initially, when the piece flew off, there were almost multiple explosions. it first felt like air rushed into the cabin. particles were flying everywhere. i'm not sure what that was, if it was ice or debris from the plane itself, but it came forward and then it got sucked back out. very dramatically. and that's when the oxygen mask came down, and, you know, at that point, you've heard the spiel a thousand times to put your mask on and then help others, so that's what i did. we just sat there and waited and hoped that everything was okay when we kind of knew it wasn't okay. >> last hour, i spoke with a professor of safety and accident investigation at uk's greenfield
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university and asked him before the old boeing max 737 jets across the world were being inspected or only those here in the u.s. >> i would imagine if you're operating the many 9 with this plug configuration, without the door and inspection is a very sensible thing to do at this point. that's what the faa are requiring and united airlines have already started that inspection process. it takes about 4,000 to 8,000 in the hangar to do that. that inspection is essential. one thing about the national transportation safety board process, as soon as they find something of concern, they will feed that directly back through the regulator, the faa, and they share that around the world. but one thing we do in aviation very well is actually share that information. i know, for example, in the uk, the civil aviation authority has already said aircraft that flies into airspace, any 737 max9 with this plug configuration will
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need that inspected before that do that. the iowa caucus is days away and donald trump is sharing his thoughts on the civil war. >> i was reading something and i said, this is something that could have been negotiated, you know, for all of those people to die. they died viciously, that was a vicious, vicious war. and in many ways, look, they were -- nothing nice about it, but, boy, that was a tough one for our country. but i think it's -- you know, abraham lincoln, of course, if you negotiated it, you probably wouldn't even know who abraham lincoln was. >> well, trump suggested the fight to end slavery was ultimately unnecessary. however the presidential candidate did not say how he would have prevented the conflict, calling the war, quote, so horrible, but so fascinating. the former president also ramped up this attacks on republican rival nikki haley. during a campaign event in iowa,
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he showed his criticism of haley so far, calling her an establishment figure, and haley's failure to mention slavery when she was asked in a new hampshire town hall what caused the civil war. >> i don't know it's going to have an impact. you know, i'd say slavery is the obvious answer. as opposed to about three paragraphs of [ bleep ] she just talked. haley recently said our voters will need to be corrected by other states. now, i don't know if -- look, i don't know. but it doesn't seem nice, right? >> haley, who is also campaigning in i, was lashed out at her former boss. she said chaos follows trump and she pitched herself as a new generational leader that will leave the baggage behind. >> for those that want me to hit trump more, i just am not going to do it. i told you, i'm not going to do it.
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if he lies about me, i'll call him out on it. if he's done something wrong, whether it's the economy or how he talks about dictators and those things, i'll call him out on every one of those issues. but i just think politics is personal enough, let's focus on the issue of getting america back on track. well, ron desantis takes a slap at donald trump while campaigning in iowa. the florida governor criticized him for not having a plan and integrity. despite that the 2020 election was stolen from him. desantis cited this is one of the many reasons that iowans should support him as the front-runner. steve confor row reports. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis has staked the campaign on the strong performance in iowa. he's spent a lot of time here, with the iowa caucus, that was a big part of his pitch here
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reminding voters he's a candidate who visited all 99 counties, he's a candidate not afraid do debate in any setting obviously contrasting himself with former president donald trump who has not debated any of these candidates at all. when it comes to trump, he said he had a chance to watch the former president over the weekend and saying, quote, this is not the same candidate by any stretch of the imagination. >> i would say, when you're doing the 99, it takes a lot of time, but i think it's a lot of benefit. i'm a better dad and husband. i'm a better governor, i'm a better candidate, and i'd be a better president as a result of going through this. >> so the choice on january 15th, i think, is very simple. donald trump is running for his issues. nikki haley is running for her donors' issues. i'm running for your issues. i'm running for your family's issues. i'm running solely for this country's issues.
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and we have an opportunity here, indeed, we have a responsibility, to stand up and make our voice heard 9in 2024. and iowa gets the first crack at it. >> reporter: desantis reminding voters, that iowa caucuses have very long turnout with primaries, if they will show up with friends and neighbors, they may be able to change the outcome here, steve contorno, cnn, cedar rapids, iowa. some republican voters in iowa have a big decision to make. with trump even though he's the front-runner. >> he's not going to leave all of these issues lie even if he gets elected. it will become turmoil for the next four years. we need to get rid of the turmoil, we need congress to start working together. >> when people are working so hard for him not to be able to
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run, not to have the -- just the fight he had for four years and the four years since then, that speaks positively to me. because sometimes you don't look at just the people that are in favor of you, you look at who's against you. well, approximately 25 million people are under severe weather alerts here in the u.s., as the northeast is bracing for a winter storm. a few flakes were already spotted in new york city and philadelphia saturday afternoon. the rain has now overtaken the snow in those cities. officials are add vising passengers to check their flights before going the ai airports. and more than 600 flights were cancelled on saturday. and governors are urging people to stay off the roads as much as possible. >> don't go out if you don't need to go out. stay off the roads. we are blessed this is a weekend
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event. and it's not a holiday so you don't have a lot of folks traveling to visit families. >> right now, it looks like we're having the first significant snowstorm of the season. >> we have thousands of plows and crew members, utility crews all standing at the ready to go where they need to be. well, at this hour, a live system that dropped a combination of heavy snow and rain in the northeast is continuing to move forth. at last check, that mix has fallen in pennsylvania, maryland, west virginia and virginia. the heaviest snow is expected in central and northern new york and throughout new england. those others could get 6 to 8 inches of snow. the national weather service has confirmed a tornado has touched down in south florida, the first one of the new year. you can see the twister swirling around in this video, in ft. lauderdale, it happened just before 6:00 p.m. local time. fire officials add that after it
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came into the area, no one was hurt and no structure has significant damage. the city is urging people to watch out for any debris and downed power lines in the area. ♪ international diplomats head to the middle east to prevent the war in gaza from spilling over, as they try to dial down the tensions, more fighting is breaking out on israel's northern border. we'll have that story just ahead. and president biden did not know his defense secretary was in the hospital for days. ahahead, hear r what lloydyd a s hearing ababout the sisituation.
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. ♪ it is vital that we engage in this diplomacy now, both for the sake of the future of gaza itself. and more broadly, the sake of the future for israelis and palestinians. and for the region as a whole. there's clearly a strong desire, among the majority of the people in the region, for a future that is one of these, of security, of de-escalation of conflicts, of integration of countries. and that's one path, that's one future. the other future is an endless
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cycle of violence. >> well, that was the u.s. secretary of state antony blinken speaking during his ongoing whistle stop tour aimed at keeping the war in gaza contained. right now, blinken is in jordan where he held talks earlier this morning. and visited a world food program warehouse. but as blinken is pushing diplomacy as well as facing more military pressure on its northern border, on saturday, hezbollah said it fired a barrage of rockets at lebanon at an israeli surveillance post. the group said that was its initial response to the recent killing of a senior hamas leader in beirut. israel said it later destroyed the unit that fired the rockets. well, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel's defense in gaza will not stop in its main objectives are achieved. sunday marks three months since israel launched its raid killing 200 people and taking 240
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hostages. cnn's jeremy diamond is there. good to have you here, jeremy. as the death toll continues to soar, 20,000 now. the u.s. secretary of state is back in the region, meeting with leaders and diplomats, trying to prevent a further escalation. just explain what else is on his agenda. >> reporter: yeah, this multicountry stop tour that secretary blinken is undertaking is coming at a critical moment in his war in gaza as the humanitarian situation is worsening, as israel is maullin over its plans of the next phase of war, as well as escalating tensions. all of that is certainly on the agenda, as the secretary of state makes his way around the region, yesterday, meeting with the president of turkey, as well as the prime minister of greece. today, secretary blinken was in jordan, where we saw him go to a world food program warehouse. and also meet with jordan's king as well as its foreign minister.
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he will head from there to doha, qatar today, we know, of course, the qataris have been closely involved in negotiations between israel and hamas, over the fate of those more than 100 hostages who remain in captivity in gaza. and also over broader negotiations about whether or not a cease-fire of sorts can be obtained. and from there, he will head to the united arab emirates and ultimately arrive here in israel. where discussions with israeli leaders will certainly center over the next phase of this war. we saw already this week as the defense minister yoav gallant has laid out his plans for the next phase of the war which will entail raids and hamas infrastructure in northern gaza, continuing to push further in the south with aims of the war. and all of this in planning, discussions and negotiations, about the fate of gaza after the
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war ends. israeli leaders have started to turn their attention to that. and certainly, the united states is going to be a critical part of that conversation as well. >> certainly, no consensus on that at this point in time. but, jeremy, israel has said that part of hamas is being dismantled. as this war enters its fourth month, what exactly does that mean? >> reporter: yeah. israeli defense forces spokesman daniel hagari claiming that hamas has been dismantled in northern gaza. this is the latest attempt by the israraeli military, the e israraeli defensnse e establish toto try to o show the k kind o progress t that theyey belieiev they're making, , trying to set the mileststones down,n, milile markers dodown, in o order t to the israraeli public as s well the amamerican partners in the world that they are, in fact, progreressing and d not remainit a standstitill in their fight i gaza. now exactly what that means in terms of hamas being dismantled in northern gaza. they say the hamas framework in northern gaza, its command
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structure, it's ability to contain the fighters in an organized manner are destroyed. there are still troops engaging troops in gaza but the israeli force claiming they no longer have the command structure in order to fight as they did earlier on in the war. but they're making it very clear that is not the case in central or southern gaza where the israeli military has really focused its offensive over the last couple of weeks. so, certainly, the war is not nearly over in gaza, at this moment, even as they make these claims about the fighting, arriving at a new phase in northern gaza. >> all right, cnn's jeremy diamond in tel aviv. good to have you there. thank you. well, there are about 2 million people living in gaza, and the united nations says about 90% of them have been forced to flee their homes because of the war. those people are living lives where hope has never been more elusive. that's according to the u.n. humanitarian affairs office.
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in the latest report the offices under the secretary-general says gaza is now a, quote, place of death and december mare. with famine around the corner. people are starving, infectious diseases are spreading in shelters. women are giving birth in chaotic situations. and gaza has become, quote, simply unhabitable. well, some of the casualties of israel's war on hamas are historic sites and priceless landmarks in gaza. churches, mosques and other cultural institutions some of which have been around for thousands of years, now just reduced to dust and rubble. nada bashir shows us what's been lost. >> reporter: in a cultural treasurers and hubs of the community in gaza, now they lay in ruins. like palmera and syriaia, , the
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ancient cities in iraq, victims of war. these pictures show the church, one of the oldest in the world, before israel's assault began three months ago. this is what it looks like now. after an an israeli air strike in october. >> watch for israel, to bring the peace in the area, they are here, we are here 2,000 years. and we're not going to leave. we're staying here. we continue our life. >> reporter: the church's father said 17 people died in the strike, in a compound where people were taking shelter. israrael says it was, quote, collateral damage. and wasn't the intended target. but it's not the only historic site to have been been destroyed. the grand mosque in gaza has
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history said to date back to the time of the phil istinephilistis spent time as a temple and church before becoming a mosque. today, all that remains standing is the minaret. its library with historic manuscripts largely lost. >> the mosque itself is ---- yo can see, it's a symbol, of the pepeople. it's the symbol l of cultural le in gaza. so, it's losost. the people in gaza, they have lost a very important symbol of this identity and observe as well the city. >> reporter: and it's not just places of worship, this bathhouse set up and built in the 14th century, has been in the hands of the same family for generations. destroyed in an instant. the israeli military saying it was targeting a hamas terrorist
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group. whenever the war ends and reconstruction begins, one thing is for sure. so much of gaza's history now lies in rubble. nada bashir, cnn in beirut. ukraine's crews have been searching for the rubble destroyed homes and buildings for any survivors after russian missiles hit the donetsk region on saturday. officials say at least one man has been rescued but 11 people were killed including five children, eight others wounds. ukraine's president volodymyr zelenskyy offered condolences to the families who lost loved ones and warned that russia would face consequences for these attacks. well, the russian president attended an orthodox christmas eve service in moscow on saturday. russian state media reports he was joined by families of russian soldiers killed in ukraine. in a video address published by
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the kremlin, putin congratulated troops still on the battlefield calling them the warriors of russia. ukraine recently moved its christmas holiday to december 25th, distancing itself from the russian tradition. and celebrating it on january 7th. ♪ well, voting if under way in bangladesh in the country's general election, but why critics are already calling it a one-sided affair. we'll have a live report ahead. and three years since the january 6th insurrection of the u.s. capitol. there are new arrests and new video of that chaos.
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i'm lynda kincade. and this is "cnn newsroom." the white house says that president biden and u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin shared a warm conversation saturday, after mr. biden was caught unaware that austin had spent days in the hospital. a source says mr. biden was informed thursday of austin's hospitalization by his national security adviser. three days after he was admitted. austin sought treatment on new year's day following applicant indications from an elective surgery. saturday, he released a statement addressing the lack of transparency. austin say, quote, i recognize i could have done a better job insuring the public was informed. u.s. secretary of defense explains why communication between the president and defense secretary is critical. >> it's the president and secretary of defense. and those are the only two people who can deploy u.s. forces. it's very important that person is in that job, healthy, confident and able to do it. so, i think somebody dropped the
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ball on secretary austin for that one. well, three years after the u.s. capitol was stormed, we have dramatic new footage of rioters confronting members of the congress during the january 6 insurrection. >> what's wrong with you! >> hey, hey! >> you better watch out, boy. >> in the alarming footage released by the justice department, you see rioters are harassing two republican lawmakers through cracks in the entrance to the house chamber. this video is notable as the targets of this hostility are republican. however many republican members of congress continue to downplay the riot. well, the fbi has arrested three people in florida who are now facing charges for allegedly assault police officers that the riot. two men and a woman evaded authorities in saturday and are expected to appear in federal court on monday. the justice department says
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almost 900 people have been found guilty of federal crimes related to the insurrection. but those rioters still have an ally in donald trump. >> if the hostages, the j-6 hostages, i call them, nobody has been treated so badly in history as those people. but those j-6 hostages going to jail for 20 year, 18 years, and it is wrote down as one of the saddest things in the history of our country. by the way there was antifa and there was fbi, there were a lot of other people there, too, leading the charge. >> and that, of course, is not true. well, voting is well under way in bangladesh, and the country's general election, that many critics say is one sided. prime minister sheikh hasina's ruling party is expected to win a full straight term. the main bangladesh nationalist party is boycotting the polls as
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they asked for rez anythinany resignation. cnn's vedika sud is here. >> reporter: absolutely, in democracy, usually, you have the incumbent fighting against the main opposition party, a party. but in this case why this is different and, hence, controversial is because there is no main opposition party that is fighting against the government at this point. and sheikh hasina is all set to win a fourth term as prime minister of bangladesh. the government is all set to continue. and it will be the fifth for her in office and fourth consecutive term she could win. and the prime minister again taking over very soon. before i go ahead, there is an update from the bangladesh election commission's office. polling has just closed for the day. and counting in some of these
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polling booths has just been started. while we're not expecting the results to be out anytime soon. this will come out monday morning. so expect the final word to come out perhaps on monday. the main opposition party, the dmv, as you mentioned at the top has boycotted the election. and the leadup in the election there has been violence to the two political parties. they went ahead and demanded that sheikh hasina step aside and let a caretaker government come in place of her, to supervisor the polls. it's a demand that she rightly rejected after the opposition leaders took to the streets of bangladesh. that led to a massive crackdown from the sheikh hasina government. it led to a lot of arrests and leaders also leaving the country. according to the main opposition party, thousands of supporters and leaders have been arrested in the runup to the election. sheikh hasina did cast her vote
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this morning. she went on to say that the credibility of her government is something that she needs to prove to the people of the country, and not the main opposition party. however, on the eve of this election, there was another protest taken out by opposition leaders. here's what one of them had to say about the selection. >> it was absolutely a farce election. snatching the people's rights, voting rights. it's not an election at all. we want voting rights. we want democracy. >> reporter: it's a sham, it's a farce, that's what's repeatedly said by opposition leaders about the selection. however, you have to give the woman credit where it's due. in the last 15 years, she did initially turn around the economy. she got the garment industry to center stage. but ever since, there has been a lot of issues that she's facing. a lot of criticism when it comes to her alleged authoritarianism
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in the country as well as free speech. now, the economy is also witnessing a downturn after covid and ukraine war, because the imf had to bail them out last year. but the big we is, are these voters happy in a situation like this where they have one main party. back to you. >> vedika sud, good to have you on the story for us. thanks so much. in japan, an elderly woman in her 90s was miraculously pulled out of devastating rubble after an earthquake hit the coast. from a broadcaster in nhk, the woman was stuck in a space between the first and second floor of the house. it took hours to free her. she was immediately taken to the hospital and the doctors say she's swell enough to have a conversation. at least 126 people were killed when the 7.5 magnitude quake struck japan on monday. still to come, more than 50
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years after apollolo, nasa has t its sights back on the moon. coming up the boundary-pushing technology it's using to get there. ♪ it is the best day ever! "barbie" could take home nine golden globe awards tonight. but it's up against the competition. we'll have a preview of that show coming up. ♪
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♪ welcome back. in the u.s., monday could be a landmark day, nasa's long-term mission to return to the lunar surface. the vulcan rocket is set to take off loaded with equipment that will gather data for future moon missions as cnn's christian fisher reports not all payloads are scientific. >> oh! >> reporter: apollo 17, 1972. the last time the u.s. made a
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soft lunar landing. now, 50 years later, nasa technology is returning to the surface of the m moon. the peregrine mission 1 is nasa collaboration with private space companies. pittsburgh-based astrobotics spearheaded the design of the lunar lander which you can see here being landed on to the vulcan rocket. the rocket itself was created by the united launch alalliance, a joint venturure bebetween boeind lockheed martin. and this will be its inaugural flight. nasa is taking a back seat on the mission from its own ground control in pittsburgh. peregrine is expected to lanandn the moon february 3, touching down after the astronomer. peregrine marks the start of the clips which allows the space agency to outsource the launch and transport of its lunar cargo
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to private companies. that cargo is key to nasa's artemis program which aims to put the first woman and first person of the color on the moon. the peregrine lander is a boxy 2 1/2 meters long and just under 2 meters tall. on board, pieces of nasa cargo some of which will gather data for future moon missions. also on board, an assortment of payloads from several different countries including a bitcoin from the seychelles, a lunarar rorover built t by stutudents a carnrnegie mellolon n universit even humuman remains thanks to elysium space. captions that create a portion of a lune nal memorial for friends and relatives to look at in the night sky. hot on the heels of peregrine will be nasa second mission, intuitive missions nova sea lander will launch on the space
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rockets early as february delivering five more payloads to the moon's south pole. with around a dozen coununtries bidding for r the nasa contract peregrine marks the start of a brand-new moon shot and the entire space agency. christian fisher, cnn. well, one nfl team is celebrating a huge win and now returning to the playoffs for the first time in five years. we'll have a live report, next.
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♪ welcome back. the golden globes are gearing up for a star-studded award ceremony tonight honoring film and television. cnn has a preview. >> reporter: from big stars -- >> what are you doing here? >> i'm coming with you. >> reporter: to big blockbuster nominees. >> it's a weapon. >> reporter: it's the most star-studded golden globes in years. >> it's going to be calls the eras tour, see you there. >> reporter: even taylor swift is nominated in the new category honoring box office achievement. >> it's really representing what
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people are there to see, not just what the industry is selecting. i think that's really important. >> reporter: who's not as big a star yet? >> i need more legs. >> reporter: the show's hubs, comedian joe coy. >> that's my nickname. >> reporter: coy is known for his netflix specials and comied tour. you're the first filipino host? >> i think i'm the first solo asian overall. >> reporter: last year's host leaned into controversy surrounding the globe's governing body. but he will stick to what he knows best. >> get rid of the curse words vand fun, do me. >> reporter: they hope to shed the past scandals of the hollywood press forum association which previously ran the globes, and lacked a single black member in it was exposed in the press. it's been disbanded and the globes are under new membership
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with a voting body of mostly paid staffers. >> so, there's greater control, certainly have added black members and i think they know there's scrutiny. anything that looks a little hinkey is probably going to be hut down quickly. but we just don't know yet. >> reporter: the globes are the first major awards show since the writers and actors strikes ended. it's never been more welcome, with a-list stars back on the red carpet and champagne once again flowing. >> people at the end of the day do want to invest in seeing celebrities not acting and being themselves. this is the one room where, boy, are they themselves. >> reporter: now, of course, the big question is will anyone even be watching? lately viewers have been tuning out of the globes but they have a big lead and massive star power. they're hoping that brings them back. cnn, beverly hills, california.
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for the first time since 2019, the houston texans are going to the nfl playoffs. my friend coy wire joins me now. good morning, coy. good to yhave you with us. this is a remarkable turnaround in history. >> good morning. i haven't seen you yesterday, good morning, lynda, there is a saying for what cannot go wrong. the texans lost three games and had the second pick, c.j. stroud, he's been one of the driving forces of an incredible turnaround. yesterday against the colt, it was winners in and losers out, stroud delivering on the first play of the game. perfect pass, 75 yards to nico collins for the touchdown. indy would claw back. game is tied in the fourth. watch it again, finding collins,
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the big game. setting up, motor, devin singletary, giving houston the lead. gardne gardner menchew's pass, and they won 23-19, 10-7 on the season, clinching their playoff spot. listen. >> proud of the determination. you talk about determination, true grit, everybody fights for their last place. that's what it's about, man. pittsburgh close to punching their playoff ticket. still alive, third string quarterback mason rudolph, diontae johnson and the steelers doing just enough to beat the ravens.
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17-10, it was cold and rainy in baltimore. a lot of players were resting in the first round bye, top seed in the afc. but those steelers need the bills or jaguars to lose today if they want to sneak in the playoffs. in the nfc, the eagles could have been a division champ with a loss. the bucs can be a division win. 14 games today, season finale, lynda, playoffs on the line. breaking news just in, rafael nadal will miss the australian open, suffering an unspecified injury during a tuneup match on friday. he hasn't played since being knocked out in melbourne last year. rafa posting he's not ready to compete in five-set matches just yet. he's going to be going back for treatment. nadal has said 2024 might be his last year on tour.
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now, it's worth wondering if we'll ever see him play in top form and competitive settings again. >> hopefully, hopefully, he can make a recovery and a comeback. he is a good age, though. but still, though, i'm sure everyone in australia wants so see him play again in melbourne. good to see you. thanks so much. that wraps this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm lynda kincade. for viewers in north, cnn america is coming up next. for the rest of the world, it's "vital signs." have a great rest of the weekend. ♪
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