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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  January 13, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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it's time for closing arguments, only three days away to go in iowa tonight on "laura coates live." can you believe it? we are now they've days away till when iowa republicans turn out to choose their candidates and the forecast is for temperatures to feel like 30 or 40 below zero. what could possibly go wrong? >> fasten your seatbelts. it's going to be a bumpy night. >> oh, my god, a betty davis reference on a friday night? no other show, people, no other show. that might be a bumpy ride if you're a republican presidential candidate and there are a lot fewer these days. it's all eyes on iowa as we speak. the candidates making their closing argument and taking
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some pot shots at each other. >> ron doesn't beat joe biden. trump is head to head. on a good day he might be up by two points. i defeat biden by 17 points. >> donald trump's not willing to show up on the debate stage. has he come to communities and answered questions? has he gone to all 99 counties? heck, has he even gone to nine counties? >> it's an unconstitutional witch hunt, election interference at the highest level. it's a disgrace. it's political interference and it's something that shouldn't be allowed. >> it should be noted frontrunner donald trump making himself pretty scarce on the campaign trail and making his closer during closing arguments in the courtroom for one of his several trials. whose argument will win out? like bette davis said, fashion your seatbelts. gosh, should have done my hair like that, too, using that
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reference. let's talk to host of the white flag podcast joe walsh and democratic strategist maria cardona. there's a lot to go, only three days left. i can't believe we're here. what do you make of the trump iowa strategy because it contrasts significantly to say desantis'? >> it's cold in iowa. >> why, yes, there you go. >> news flash, it's cold. laura, i don't think there are any closing arguments. i campaigned in iowa four years ago hopelessly against trump. at this point it's just getting your people out. trump has a hell of an organization. desantis does, too, but donald trump this time has a great organization. so i expect his people to come out. >> it's funny because we often hear a lot about his absence in iowa. you would think that must mean he doesn't have the ground presence compared to nikki haley or someone you talked about going to all 90. what is his ground game? >> he has a campaign team
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that's been there for months. you can really see the difference how they're approaching this iowa this time than when he first ran. you can also see it in, frankly, the polls. he's 30 points ahead, i think even more than that even if he hasn't been there as much as desantis has and they are paying attention because they are a bit worried. he's actually been visiting iowa more than he said he would. he is also running a ton of ads against haley at the beginning against desantis and so going into this weekend, i think that he's got the advantage because he also has the most dedicated voters, the most dedicated supporters. that is what you need when you have 30-degree below weather. >> 80 degrees below. >> i've done a little comparison. look at the screen about how many times say governor desantis has been to iowa versus say trump and vivek
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ramaswamy, look at those numbers. 306-21 is the spread, nikki haley third place -- second place actually at 72 compared to 127 for governor desantis. that means in my mind that governor from florida is all in on iowa. that means every day he was there he was not say in south carolina, not say in new hampshire. >> he's got an organization, desantis has. he's just a lousy candidate and that's why i think nikki haley has probably surpassed him. laura, this is a battle for second place. trump's going to win iowa. it's just a matter how big and if nikki haley can get a bump heading into new hampshire. >> the problem is because desantis has gone all in on iowa, this is it for him. this will be the hill he dies on or not. if he doesn't come in second -- >> he's out. >> -- he's done. he can't go to new hampshire and alreadied
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already said he's going to south carolina before new hampshire. >> a voter it talking to desantis. >> he tends to unite the democrat party like nobody else. if he's not in the race, half the democrats stay home. >> he's talking about trump, excuse me. the polls do say trump's ahead, but a poll will be only as good as the people who actually respond and show up in these frigid temperatures. if you're trump, you want people not to take for granted. if you're a candidate who is a runaway, people might say well, no need to have me there. they're going to win anyway. that could work against him, right? >> that's why the organization is so crucial. it doesn't matter how many times trump's been there. everybody in the universe knows who he is. >> what does that mean for the
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organization? >> precinct by precinct, the captains and deputy questions they have making calls, emails, knocking on doors getting people out. trump's team is doing this this time and they didn't do it the last time. he didn't win the iowa caucuses in '16. >> yeah. the reason why the organization pace is more important is especially with this weather, they can know who is going to be at these caucuses or not. they have a list of their most avid supporters, caucusgoers. they can call them and say hey, laura, we talked to you last week. you said you were going. you haven't. do you need a ride? what do you need for us to get you in? i think that's going to be really critical as they make their list of calls to figure out who is there, who isn't. >> trump's got that. desantis has that. nikki haley doesn't have that organization. that's crucial. trump has the most dedicated supporters. >> but who is going to win?
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you talk about the second place. i think desantis' next place is south carolina. does that mean nikki haley is the foregone maybe closer second in new hampshire at least, if not iowa? >> i think that's what that means. i think desantis is going to -- let's say he gets a close second or second or close third. he's going to focus on south carolina. he wants to embarrass nikki haley in her own homestate because donald trump is so far ahead of both of them if he can get second place in south carolina, that's a huge embarrassment for nikki haley. >> if desantis can get second in iowa, that would be defying expectations. >> right. i also think it means he thinks he does not have that big of a chance. in new hampshire he hasn't made a big investment. >> but, laura, it's really cold in iowa. >> i was like yeah. >> so we don't know what's going to happen. it's cold. >> i'm from minnesota. we almost pride ourselves on
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being like it was negative 10 and i went out. i wonder if it will have the same effect here. >> i talked to my friend who is the chair in iowa and he said it has not been this cold during an iowa caucus. so i think people like to say oh, iowans are used to this. they have four wheel drive, all of that. this cold, it's life threatening weather. i think it could be different. >> thank you so much, joe, maria. >> thanks. so the iowa caucuses are essentially meetings that run by political parties. they get underway monday night 7:00 p.m. local time with caucusgoers gathering in high school gyms, community buildings, and churches across the state. voters will cast a ballot for their preferred candidate. those votes will be tallied, but iowans are bracing for an arctic blast, raising questions about turnout. let's turn to senior political
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writer and analyst at the magic wall. you have a coat on? >> i'm freezing. just talking about the cold temperatures freezes me, laura, my goodness gracious. >> it's going to be bone chilling in iowa. what's the impact going to be? >> i want to sort of take a look here. i'm going to take my jacket off. >> oh, i like the coat effect. laura coates loves a coat. >> what a great turn of phrase that is. i want to look at the windchills at 7:00 p.m. in iowa caucuses. these are all the republican caucuses since 1980. the warmest was 30 degrees, the coldest 14 degrees. the forecast for monday, the windchill, get this, laura, minus 28 degrees. it is on a completely different planet. that was why i was wearing the coat and ian tossed me this hat. that is why i might have to wear one of these as well.
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it's freezing. >> republicans were expecting a flurry -- see what i did there? -- a flurry of activity in the coming days. it is iowa. they do know what it feels like to be cold. >> yeah. you're exactly right. if you look at the highest turnout for iowa gop caucuses, the highest was the warmest in 2016, but the second highest was the coldest in 1988 in terms of turnout. granted we haven't had anything like what we're expecting monday, but generally speaking, iowans have turned out even when it gets cold. >> who might benefit the most now from all this? >> yeah. let's take a look here. this is the choice for the gop nominee in iowa by likeliness to attend the caucus. overall donald trump was at 52% in a fox business poll last month. among those who say they definitely will attend, 52%, so not much change in trump support. desantis did see a rise up to 22% from 18% while haley saw a
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drop. maybe desantis might benefit a little bit from the cold weather because his folks are more likely to turn out, but i'll note the fact is they're just driving to the caucus and there are a lot of cars in iowa and in new hampshire. the fact is i'm not exactly concerned this cold weather is really going to impact turnout all that much. >> wear the hat anyway, harry enten, thank you so much. i can't wait to spend iowa caucuses with you at the wall monday night. thank you. >> see you then. up next, how donald trump has used the legal system to his benefit the last 50 years, but now it seems to be do or die. will he get what he wants again?
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we've heard it time and time again. in fact, didn't we just hear this yesterday? the former president donald trump claiming in a new york courtroom that there was a witch hunt at play. he has repeatedly tried to take his legal entanglements to what he says is a political persecution. my next guest argues trump himself has used the legal system for his own benefit more than five decades. i want to bring in politico senior writer, staff writer michael cruz. thank you for being here. his latest piece is called "this to him is the grand finale, donald trump's 50-year mission to discredit the justice system." michael, this is a fascinating read. it takes such a step back and
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dive into the psychology at play, to the tactics and strategy. you go through a heap of cases involving trump back to 1973 when the federal government sued him and his father for alleged racist rental practices. most people won't necessarily think of trump as a legal mastermind. so big picture, what did trump learn in those early days that really seems to have shaped how he has been attacking and grinding down the legal system? >> right. so what we saw yesterday in the courtroom in new york, a brief version of certainly what we saw in the same courtroom in november in new york. it's really an extension of something donald trump has been doing and quite effectively really in many ways since 1973. october of 1973 the federal government, the department of justice, sued donald trump and
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his father for racist rental practices. donald trump went out and hired roy cohen, the notorious attorney at the time, most notorious because of his status as former aide and attorney to senator joe mccarthy in the '50s. by that time he was known as sort of this legal executioner in new york and that's what a young 27-year-old donald trump wanted in this case. during that case is really when roy cohen became with the possible exception of his father, donald trump's most lasting influence because of the lessons that cohen was able to impart throughout the course of that case which lasted for years in the mid-'70s, attack, deny, most importantly perhaps delay, but all of those things that are in the roy cohen
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playbook donald trump learned greedily in the '70s and to some extent has been employing them ever since as i point out in the piece. first he learned from roy cohen. then he searched for notice roy cohen after roy cohen died in 1986 after complications of aids and now in many cases he's become his own roy cohen. >> those words you said are sticking in my brain, attack, deny, delay. those are three words that, frankly, are very characteristic of the strategy trump has employed perhaps as a businessman, but certainly we've seen in recent days as a politician, candidate, defendant in all these matters. that strikes me as so fascinating, the idea of replacing one's roy cohen. remember that famous line where's my roy cohen? you're saying he found one in himself when he couldn't find one externally? >> it is him. it is not michael cohen. it is not rudy giuliani.
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it's not anybody, any of the many, many attorneys who have represented donald trump the last 50 years. it is donald trump himself who is his own roy cohen. he was perhaps roy cohen's best pupil, learned those lessons well starting in '73, certainly throughout the decade of the '70s into the early '80s. roy cohen is in his corner and at his side. >> that's really fascinating, the student outdoing the teacher. does it reveal a flaw, though, more broadly in our legal system that someone could so easily master a way to muddy the waters, to gum up the works by bringing not only at times frivolous litigation he's been accused of, and also spinning things. one of the biggest rules in politics certainly is to define your opponent before they can define themselves. it seems like his opponent is the justice system himself and he has been defining it time
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and time again as relates to him as political persecution, as a witch hunt. what do you make of that? >> it's important i think for people to understand at this point as we watch what's happening now in various courtrooms, going into the coming months that this is something donald trump has been preparing for for 50 years. he's more prepared for this than anybody else involved on either side. it is true that he faces more legal jeopardy right now than he ever has, without question, four criminal cases. he's fighting for his freedom in some sense, but he also is very, very savvy and effective in how he has used and abused the legal system for 50 years. he's used it on defense. he's used it on offense. he has identified, in some ways accurately, that the very
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integrity of the system sits is its variability. the rules that the attorneys have to follow, norms, shared good faith. if that stuff doesn't mean as much to you or maybe it doesn't mean anything to you, it does give you an advantage, time in particular. we are seeing a situation develop here where the calendar is of the essence. >> what a fascinating article you've written, what a deep dive, how very terrifying to think about what did you say, the integrity being its very vulnerability, certainly being exploited to some degree this moment in time. michael kruse, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. next, new u.s. strikes against iran-backed militants in yemen tonight and now there is anger and it's building across t the region,n, includin
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new tonight, a second set of airstrikes on iranian-backed houthi targets in yemen, this
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coming a day after the u.s. and uk with the support of at least four other countries bombed more than 60 targets in about 30 iranian-backed houthi militant locations across yemen. some republicans on capitol hill applauding president biden for the strikes while some democrats are upset the president didn't ask congress for authorization for the use of that force. now to discuss, retired colonel cedric layton. we continue to lean on your expertise in these matters. there's more strikes happening even today hitting dozens of locations. where are these locations? >> one of the key things, laura, is that most of these locations are really going to be concentrated first start out in the north and they've also moved into the western part of the country. this is the same area that the houthis control the territory. they've got this area -- it's mountainous in these parts here, on the coastal area, the
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coastal mountain ranges. they've got access to overlook the red sea. so there are strategic and tactical reasons to attack these areas, plus we've got a lot of air bases and installations for the launching of missiles as well as drowns from all these areas and all the ranges they have here of those weapons can really cover areas like right in through here and that affects all of the shipping in the red sea. >> the international commerce coming from the indian ocean to the red sea. what are the weapons uses? >> there are a lot of different weapons being used. what's interesting is all the weapons listed in this part are basically ballistic missiles provided by iran to the houthis. then you also have some weapons which are cruise missiles and then you've got loiter munitions and uavs, so all these different munitions are part of the iranian arsenal and
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these are just a small sample of the ones that have made it from iran over the last few years or decades into the hands of the houthis. >> what could retaliation look like? >> when you talk about retaliation, you need a lot of intelligence in order to do that. if the houthis are going to go after us, we're going to have to look at them through various means that we have. those means include things like the global hawk, satellite and, of course, the predator drones. these two drones cover tactical and strategic targets, more strategic targets through satellite imagery, signals intelligence, those kinds of things basically the bread and butter of the intelligence picture we'll need for this area. it's very hard to get human intelligence resources in there because it's, frankly, a denied area to us for the most part, but these technical means will allow us to intercept communications and take images of all the different things we'll need to see before we go
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in there. >> this sends a shiver down the spine thinking about what actual could be at stake and what the commander in chief has to do and work with next. colonel, thank you so much for your time as always. ahead, she rose to fame in the '90s sitcom "living single" and now she's starring in the new movie "american fiction." i'll go behind the scenes with actress erica alexander next.
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that was a clip from the new comedy drama "american fiction," the story of an african american novelist who is tired of his books not selling while books with racial stereotypes are flying off the shelves. what happens when he decides to do something about it? "american fiction" is in theaters now and it stars jeffrey wright, jolene kay brown, esa ray and erika alexander, who is getting some serious oscar buzz for her brilliant performance. i do mean brilliant. you may know erika as the iconic maxine shaw from the '90s sitcom "living single." we're talking about my generation, my time. i want to go behind the scenes with "american fiction"
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actress, erika alexander. i'm so excited you are here. let me give you all the love and all the flowers because there should be many. >> thanks for this invitation. i appreciate it. i love you so much. >> i love you, too. thank you for coming. when i saw the preview for this movie, i was immediatelycan i g looking on fandango when is it coming out? i bought the ticket. i wanted the whole row. i was so excited and then when you look at what the message is, this message, this movie, it uses satire to challenge the way that black people and their stories are portrayed in mainstream entertainment. >> yes. >> why did it resonate so much with you? >> because it's true, laura. i think black people talking about narrative and talking about the identity crisis that we've been locked in since we
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got here, talking about 1619 and after reconstruction we've been fighting that narrative. that's been keeping us in the cheap seats, spectators in our own life. i think our reality is more complicated and complex than the shallow pond we've been playing in. we're also victims of our own success. we had to be certain things to be successful in a market that's driven by narrative that's comfortable for other people but doesn't really say the true authenticity who we are as full black people and certainly human beings on this earth. >> that's such an important point because we see the pigeon holes and hear the stereotype and think somehow everyone else can have stories that demonstrate all facets of the human experience, but our little zone is this teeny tiny pigeon hole and you play coraline who is a girl friend to jeffrey wright's character
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munk. i want people to see part of it here. >> okay. >> coraline, why don't you sit across. okay. >> i'm happy you're not white. >> me, too. >> the way you all built up that scene, i'm sorry, that was a little brilliant. your screen presence is so divine. i was leaning in to figure out what you would say next. you have said this movie has been healing for you. what was the phrase you used? an act of resistance. what do you hope people take away from this film? >> well, i'm hoping it's compelling overall because it's not afraid to have this
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conversation of it lays at the feet of people who promote a community that's affected by it but don't know much about it, don't see how we have to deal with it and what's the i guess results. i don't know why we want to see black people in this stereotype. i think we need to talk about that, but it's also funny. that's theugga. let's give props to her. she's been in this business 60 years. last year american cinema celebrated its 100th anniversary. she's been in it three-quarters of it and has a lot to tell. i think we're looking for more durable self-sustaining universe definitely and reject what has come heretofor, but not so much we don't recognize some of the -- there's been some complicitness. there's so many things, but overall i want people to laugh.
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it's generational. it's not made for black people. it's made for americans. it's called "american fiction" and people should enjoy it and they have been. >> they absolutely have been. when you hold a mirror up to society of, you'll find it can be very disarming for people to laugh at what is true and what they see. some people just seeing it in that reflection through this safe space in many respects of cinema, it makes it more of an indelible mark for them to know wait. the relatability shocks you. you talked about somebody else being in this game for decades. >> yes. >> it was 30 years ago you stepped in the role of maxine shaw in the iconic '90s sitcom "living single." you were one of the leading ladies of the '90s. you poured a lot of compassion into the courtroom. on that show you had a stock broker, a lawyer, entrepreneur, magazine head, comedy, everything. >> that's right. >> let's watch a little bit and
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remember. >> oh, lord, okay. >> that's it right there, that panther. >> it's sleek, black, poised, ready to attack. >> why don't you get a heart or a rose, something more feminine. >> you're right. how about a big old uterus right here on my shoulder. is that feminine enough for you? >> you were strong, funny. that character has inspired the likes of ayanna pressley, stacey abrams to pursue careers in law and politics and leadership. how does that people, erika? >> it's an extraordinary feeling. obviously i'm in a fictional world and they are all real nonfiction. i got to give props to ebony bowser who created the way, the first african american woman to get a chance to create a show on prime time. i think latifa and kim fields
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and tc and john hinton for making it real. the truth is we stand on other people's shoulders from a different world to i worked with whoopie goldberg, cosby show, many people who came and created that way, especially in sitcom. i'm very proud these women grew up and saw it and they saw themselves in her, the braids. those are called new locks from deborah in brooklyn doing my hair now in yarn. we have all these things to create ourselves, but i think what really happened is they saw the strength and power in her and it was also unapologetic. a lot of people have talked about martin luther king and malcolm x, but she embodies that. in the same way cora jefferson, the writer and director of our film now is extraordinary for this debut and is also getting
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his material from personal effort and make it concentrated and tell the story he wanted to tell. we are really happy he's recruited such genius performers and other collaborators and things like that. i'm glad to be there with jeffrey wright and sterling k. brown and isa ray. obviously there's people we don't talk about, lucretia taylor. so it takes a village and this definitely proves it. >> you are so humble and giving in your artistry and accolades you are spreading with great justification. i have to tell you, genius, irreverent, the idea of thinking about being intellectual, creative, energetic. erika alexander, everyone. >> thank you, my darling. up next, girl power in st. paul, minnesota, swearing in an all women city council for the
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very first time in the city's history. they're going to join me next.
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time for our friday night high five. for the first time in history, all of the seats on the st. paul, minnesota, my hometown, city council are filled by women and most of them are women of color. they were sworn in on tuesday and this is their first official week at work and they are facing issues like housing, homelessness, economic development, a wide wealth gap, climate change, really you name
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it. they are on the front lines of the local issues and joining me now, the seven council members. ladies, hello! nice to see all of you. congratulations. >> hi! >> you've all made history and i have to say i'm very proud to see that it's in st. paul, minnesota, in particular. i think you represent so beautifully and well and cannot wait for you to accomplish the work that is ahead of all of you. let me begin with the president of this new group and for the next four years the seven of you will make some of the most important decisions in minnesota's capital city. what does it mean to work together in this way as a group of diverse phenomenal women? >> what i really feel excited about is the chance to really
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meet our community's needs in this critical time. we have a more young community than ever, more diverse community than ever. what i really hope is this council that reflects our community more than ever keeps that relationship over the next four years together. >> people have to see you and to have the idea they're all having a seat at the table as well. council member bowie, the first woman was elected to the st. paul council in the 1950s. before that it was entirely male. now it's entirely female. what has the reaction been from the locals in st. paul? >> it's been so energizing and it's not anything new. each and every one of us have been in the coalition building for women. i get the chance to be the second african american woman on this council in this state.
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it's been very energizing and a beautiful opportunity to show the world how women can work together. >> i know rondo so well. this is not just about being all women, but also in an age when we're talking about the age of politicians, you are also under the age of 40 years old. i am no longer. i feel akinship nonetheless. you consider yourself the senior stateswoman. what kind of learning curve do you expect for the new members? >> my birthday is february 1st. so i'm sneaking in under 40. i can acknowledge that openly on national tv. i think there's a huge learning curve. they're coming into office. campaigning is one thing. you talk about the things you hope to do. you come into government and realize the reality of getting things done, the challenges, constraints, tensions we
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balance. i'm looking forward to helping my new colleagues, all of them who are so talented and competent. >> what do you say to critics who say there are no men and it's all democrats on your council? >> i think this past election cycle there were so many folks running for these seats and people of all genders and races, but the people of st. paul chose to elect us because of the expertise we bring and work we've done and will continue to do. >> give the people what they want. council member johnson, what is your message to women across the country who are hoping to break down their own barriers in their respective states and local communities? >> i would just say never be satisfied with just one. as we're going to build this coalition and movement, it took
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quite a few of us to work together, not only in this space, but the movements we carry outside when we go back home to our wards. there's a lot of comfort sometimes of the status quo. >> council member kim, when people think about the importance of having a seat at the table, there is an important part and that is feeling as though they can elect a candidate of their choosing, one who is qualified and who will represent what they see in themselves. how important is this diverse group of women in particular? >> we have a diverse set of experiences. we have organizers across the board, executives. we have a civil engineer on the city council. what we bring to the table in terms of our representation really reflects the whole of the city and that allows us to push forward policy that's much more reflective of the constituents that live here in
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st. paul. >> every time we zoom in and speak to each of you, we see a different part of st. paul, a different representation in terms of different demographics and areas as well and the people who obviously have chosen each of you to really steer the ship. councilwoman yang, let me end with you. what is your message to people who are feeling politics is something to opt out of, to throw up their hands and no longer want to engage because they think maybe it's a fool's errand? what's your message to people to stay engaged however the outcome in terms of who they vote for and who ends up in office? how do you keep them motivated to participate? >> i think that's such a great question. for me as i reflect on my lived experiences as a daughter of refugees, that feeling of feeling like our voice is so install or not knowing how to stay engaged or even get
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started or not even being politically involved is a story i know so well and feel so many of us on the council now know very well. we know that's something that has to stop because policies and politics is very personal and that is actually what has inspired so many of us to start taking action and getting involved and we continue bringing people along in this work doing the best that we can and fighting for justice and equity for all people. >> i love the confidence. i love the fact you present so well. each of you council members, congratulations! thank you all so much. i'm glad it's my hometown that shows us all politics local. thank you for watching. our coverage continues.
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