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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 15, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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there is a lot of information out there. hamas slaughtered more than 1200 innocent people, holds innocent hostages, and raped countless innocent women. and now hamas is trying to hide sexual violence against women. they don't want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them stand with palestinians and israelis for basic human rights. stand for all women.
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good morning. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer with john berman in new york, as well. welcome to our live coverage of the iowa republican caucuses, the first nominating contest of the 2024 presidential race. we're just hours away from the first votes tonight. republican caucusgoers will report to the precincts and voice their support for their chosen candidate. the results of tonight's race could help shape the trajectory of the republican race for the white house. >> over the weekend, the candidates crisscrossed iowa and urging caucusgoers to show up, despite what is going to be the coldest caucus day in history. >> you can't sit home. if you're sick as a dog -- if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it, remember. >> if you bring friends and
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family with you when you do it, i promise youer our best days are yet to come. >> here in iowa, you have the ability to change the trajectory of american politics. >> i would rather speak the truth and lose the election than win by playing a fake game of political snakes and ladders. >> the final poll from "the des moines register" show 48% of caucusgoers have donald trump at their first choice. nikki haley and desantis battling out for second. >> our political analysts are standing by. want to get to kate bolduan and sara sarah seidler. let's talk about what to expect. >> what to expect, a lot of action. a lot of cold weather. icy roads. from the folks i have been
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talking to, far fewer on the ground. we hit a nikki haley event last night. everyone there turned out in frigid temperatures. >> yeah. >> they are motivated to caucus. so, iowa knows cold and iowans can handle it. >> iowa knows cold. this is unusual when you talk to people. they say this is ridiculously cold for the time of year we're in. people are motivated. in talking to some of the younger folks that are here, they really want to try to get to as many events as possible to try to hear from the candidates. also, now, it's caucus time. they understand that it's time to make their decisions and most people know who they are going to caucus for. they are ready and in it. they expect their candidate to do very well. some of the numbers don't say the same. >> i saw in the box.
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they were introing the events. i saw nikki haley. and she asked how many of you are hearing me for the first time in person? there's quite a number of person raising their hands to hear her for the first time. take from that what you will. they are turning out. they are very interested. and the most basic levels. the best part about today is the polls don't matter in tend. try to get more data and real people voting. >> you look at the polls and say this is what happened. i want to ask you a question, john. how did you end up there, slightly warmer at 11 degrees without the windchill here? >> it doesn't look as cold as where ryou are sitting. you look toasty. >> we are spoiled. we're thankful we are indoors. i have heaters in my boots and a
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heated vest. >> oh, nice. nice and cozy where we are for now. >> it's chilly out in new york. i walked over. it was pretty cold. it's nice and warm inside this beautiful studio. stand by. eva is in iowa for us, as well. you've been on the ground. talking to the candidates. talking to advisers. give us an idea of what we should expect today. >> at this minute, they are crisscrossing the state. not wasting an hour. appealing to iowans, leaning on them to get out and caucus tonight. they lost some ground last week. two winter storms and the bitterly cold temperatures forced some of the capped dates to scale back their events. nikki haley telling iowans they have the opportunity to set the tone for the country. governor desantis expressing confidence in his extensive ground operations that he has on the ground here.
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and doing all that he can to turn out caucusgoers. meanwhile, former president donald trump, he is telling his folks not to take anything for granted. though he is way up in the polls, they need to turn out, despite the bitterly cold temperatures. we've seen notable endorsements. marco rubio, who was the brent of relent lless calling when he was running. and larry hogan, who has become an anti-trumper, he gave his endorsement for nikki haley. here's how haley and desantis are responding to those endorsements. >> i don't care as much of
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endorsements as the voters endorsement. it's not something i seek or fight for. >> elected officials encourage me to run and say they're going to vote for me. and have endorsed donald trump. that's the reality of the situation. >> that's the drake diner. getting a sport in the des moines, for the crucial face time. the iowans i feel motivated to come out, if so, they have been caucusing since the '80s and this weather is not going to stop them. >> we'll find out. stay warm over there. thank you very much. nikki haley is gaining momentum. trump has taken notice and they are sharpening attacks on haley.
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update our viewers on this part of the story. >> it's interesting to see how donald trump has ramped up. the language he's been using in recent days, some of the most intense attacks we've heard him give about haley, that i've seen on the campaign so far. one of the see messages, was he needs them to turn out in a big way to send a message to new hampshire. that, along with donald trump's teams, plans of ramping up the aggressive schedule and campaign stops, into new hampshire next week. i think it does show how much they see her as a perceived threat. i want you to listen to some of the attacks that donald trump put on nikki haley.
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he argued that she is not tough enough. and tried to paint her being in the pocket of democratic donors. >> she's not right to be president. i know it very well. the wrong policy. she's not tough enough. dealing with people on their game at a level never seen. president xi of china, putin. >> he is saying this because now he knows he is in trouble. now, he knows this is a two-person race. he knows the truth. it doesn't bother me at all. >> you can see, haley saying she welcomes these attacks. she sees them as a sign of doing well. talking to donald trump's advisers has been watching nikki haley rise in the polls and not just here in iowa but sf specifically new hampshire. you see them spending a ton of money attacking nikki haley in
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ads in new hampshire. for comparison, they are sp spending no money going after ron desantis. that's the threat that they see of nikki haley. one other thing i want to add, the conditions here in iowa today. they are concerned here. and they want to have as many caucusgoers turn out for him and have a big enough lead to carry that in the rest of the primary season. >>s this no doubt that the trump team, they are worried that all these polls showed them ahead. not many of the supporters might not necessarily decide to go to the caucuses, to make much of a difference. they want them all to show up and it could make potentially a huge difference. thank you very much. we'll stay in close touch with you. want to go back to john berman right now. he's joining us from the magic wall. >> this is what the iowa
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caucuses look at 9:00 a.m. eastern time. not a single coast has been cast here. this is the caucuses. not primaries. there will be no votes cast after 7:00 p.m. central time and 8:00 p.m. eastern time. if you're looking over here, you may not see asa hutchinson here deep into the night. they are listed alphabetically until votes are cast. what everyone is looking for right now is the final outcome. people talking about the des moines register poll that shows donald trump at 48%. this would be a historic margin of victory. 48%, the top line number and the margin. the highest that anyone has ever had in a caucus, a competitive caucus, george w. bush, 41% in 2000. the greatest margin was bob dole in 1988, who edged out pat robertson by about 12%. one thing you will note is one thing that george w. bush in 2000 and bob dole in 1988 both
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have in common, neither went on to win new hampshire. bob dole didn't win the nomination in 1988. one other thing i will be looking for tonight is the turnout. record caucus turnout was in 2016 for the republicans. it was about 187 thousand. republicans was hoping to get north of 200,000 tonight. they thought they could achieve that easily because so many people register ed as republicans. because of the forecast with some of the temperatures, looking at temperatures of minus 14 in sioux city, minus 14 in des moines. low, low temperatures. it could depress the turnout. if it's a lot lower than 187,000, you might hear team talk about enthusiasm issues with the republican party. maybe it would not be there. how does ron desantis want to do
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in second place? it would be evangelical voters in the northwest here. the darker the county, the higher percentage of evangelical voters. a different map to nikki haley. she wants to appeal to independents and moderates. 99 counties in iowa. joe biden won six of them. these are the counties where nikki haley might have the most fertile ground. they include poke county, and dorrie county where iowa state university is and other college towns here. this is what to look for, wolf, as the night goes on. >> we'll be looking together with you. you'll be busy. still to come, following all of the final pitches by republican candidates in this first big event of the republican race for the white house. ron desantis' showing in iowa potentially could be a turning point in this campaign. his deputy campaign manager will join us. that's coming up next. it's not just iowa.
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dangerously cold temperatures are stretching across much of the eastern and central u.s. several cold records being broken today. who should be on high alert? we'll update you. more breaking news into cnn this hour. two attacks in central israel. at least one 1 person killed, 1 more injured. the latest from israel, coming up this hour.
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florida governor ron desantis is counting on his robust ground operation to make the difference for him tonight, in terms of turnout, of course. in the first nominating contest of the entire cycle. last night and this morning, ron desantis is urging his supporters to brave the temperatures and show up
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tonight. iowa is hugely important. he is visiting all 99 counties of the state to show that dedication. the final message to iowans, desantis said he is the only candidate that can compete against donald trump. he expressed confidence he will beat nikki haley here. >> we're going to do well. i'm the only one that can compete with donald trump in a republican high prayer. primary. she is trying to gain voters of the other party. that's fine in a general. >> joining us now, the campaign manager for the desantis campaign. good to see you. how do you feel? >> it is warm in headquarters
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here. folks making the push to get calls and get our supporters out. we're excited and ready to go. everybody is having fun and ready to push through tonight and into tomorrow, probably to south carolina and on to new hampshire. >> what's the best question for turnout? >> that's the great question. including our own. it will be stuff to gauge that until people show up. a lot of communities where weather conditions, not just temperatures. icy and slick roads in parts of the state. hopefully people are safe. and we hope as many iowans as possible can get out and participate tonight. >> does it reach anywhere near around 186,000, 2016?
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>> it's hard to say. i came into the cycle assuming it would. you know, early on, it might exceed 200,000. given the conditions and the environment, it's really hard to gauge. >> that may work in your favor. but no one is counting any votes until you get everybody out to make it happen tonight. but the fact of the matter is, your campaign, the governor, you have really left it all on the field, here in iowa. from the 99-county tour to the strong pursuit of evangelicals. the big endorsements from governor reynolds, bob vander plat. with all of that, david, why does that not appear to have dented donald trump's support here in iowa throughout the last five months?
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>> i think it has, to be honest. the math shows there's one candidate that can compete with donald trump for the nomination. that's ron desantis. that's why $46 million has been dropped gechbs ron desantis in false negative ads. both from nikki haley and donald trump. and i think we are running to beat donald trump for the nomination. and we're trying to go right through him and directly at him. while nikki haley goes on the outside and has spent most of her money, over $25 million in this state, attacking ron desantis. taking incoming. and we're excited to see where we are at tonight. rely on the ground game and our organization here. this is to outwork the competition.
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we go and participate in a town hall. we have 63 state legislatures that have endorsed ron desantis. that's ten more than donald trump. i don't think nikki haley has more than a handful. we go to south carolina first, and do our stop there tomorrow morning and take the fight to nikki haley on our home turf and a state she has to win, we have exponentially more in ground troops than the former governor herself in her home state. this is culturally who we are. we outwork and outwork the competition. to beat donald trump, that's required. not just in iowa, south carolina and new hampshire, but into march and beyond. >> see if those endorsements pay dividends starting here tonight in iowa. republican megadonor, supporter of the governor, hal lambert. he told politico he has no complaints about how ron desantis has run his campaign here. but that anything less than second here in iowa would be
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grim. here's the quote. i'll be frank, i would say third place is not good. do you agree? >> all i can say is tonight, we're excited and i use that term with a lot of emotion. to be boarding the plane tonight, flying overnight and land in greenville, south carolina, in the morning, and to drive this campaign forward and later tomorrow night, to join you and your network in new hampshire. this is a hollywood battle. to beat donald trump, you're not going to beat him in one swing. you're not going to beat him in one round. you have to be built for the long haul. the only way to do that is to take the punches and throw them when you are given the opportunity. for a campaign when the campaign stream media and the establishment political class in washington has written several rounds on it, we're pretty loose and free.
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we're going to swing in the nights and months ahead. we're ready to go. >> do you have the cash on hand to run the campaign and organization in new hampshire and south carolina, as robust as the one you have in iowa? >> we do. that's why we're getting on a plane tonight and heading to south carolina and then on to new hampshire. we know what we need to do. we also understand what nikki haley needs to do. she's been the biggest spender in iowa. tens of millions of dollars. tonight, nikki haley will be the biggest spender in iowa. she has to go to new hampshire and exceed her lofty expectations. she has to then go to her home state. she's bypassing nevada where she is not competing for delegates. she has to go to her home state and win. she is going to lose significantly in her home state.
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and the next day, she will be forced to drop out of this race. and we'll end up where we said we would be all along. donald trump and ron deseesantin february 25th. it will be go time. >> a long road before any of that, starting all here tonight in iowa. david, thank you for coming on. deputy campaign manager for ron desantis. today, very focused and taking it to nikki haley. back to you, wolf. >> thanks, kate. coming up for all of us, live in iowa, at the mars cafe in des moines. the windchill is a negative 30. let me repeat that. negative 30. the weather is a big deal for beyond iowa. this is a live look from the nashville area. tracking who else should be on alert right now. and the caucuses, like any election, driven by which candidate can rally the greatest
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turnout. which groups are good for nikki haley and which caucusgoers are a long shot. much more of our coverage coming up.
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get over here kids. time for today's lesson. wow. -whoa. what are those? these are humans. they rely on something called the internet to survive.
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huh, powers out. [ gasp ] are they gonna to die? worse, they are gonna get bored. [ gasp ] wait look! they figured out a way to keep the internet on. yeah! -nature finds a way. [ grunt ] stay connected when the power goes out, with storm ready wifi from xfinity. and see migration in theaters now. looking at live pictures from des moines in iowa, where it is cold. how cold? i think it's minus 4 degrees. i'm going minus 4 degrees in des moines, iowa, right now. oh, no. i'm told it's minus 8. it dropped four tdegrees while was speaking to you. minus 8 degrees, which is balmy. tonight, some of the forecast temperatures i have on the screen are for minus 14 in des
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moines. minus 16 in davenport and minus 18 in cedar rapids. let's get to alice chinchar at the weather center. >> that's the temperatures. that's not going to take into account what the wind will make it feel like. you're talking 20 or 30 degrees below for the windchill. some of the areas can look at windchills as low as 45 degrees below zero. the windchill alerts stretch from the canadian border all the way to mexico. it's impacting a lot of different people with not only temperatures below normal, but windchills down to frigid conditions. because that cold air is in place, all of the moisture that will make its way to the eastern half of the country is going to turn into snow or ice. ice is the concern for areas of east texas, all the way to alabama. but for areas of arkansas, tennessee, and into the mid-atlantic by the time we get to this evening, the main
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concern is going to be snow. by tomorrow morning, all of that snow pushes into the northeast. now, you're talking about the concern for some slick spots across boston. yes, even new york. this could be the system that breaks the snow drought for cities like washington, d.c., philadelphia, and new york, which have gone an incredibly long period of time without having an inch of snow in a day. 700-consecutive days at least for the city of new york. this could end up getting broken, however, as this next round of snow begins to come into the area in the next 24 hours. the candidates are trying to get voters to show up, despite the cold. we've been talking about the battle between nikki haley and ron desantis, seen as a battle for second place. how does nikki haley have a successful night? she has been reaching out to independent and moderate voters. can the voters actually vote in a republican caucus? the answer is yes.
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"the des moines register" poll asked caucusgoers what party they were in. 5% say democrats and 3% independents. they can vote as long as they register as republicans at the caucus site. this is not an insignificant amount. where are they in iowa? to figure that out, let's go to the counties in iowa. joe biden, the democrat. he won six of them. but they are populous counties. they include where des moines is. they include university towns like ames where iowa state is, iowa city, where the university of iowa is. these have the highest level of education, by and large, these counties do. i can put up this filter right here. and you can see, the darker areas have the greatest percentage of noncollege educated voters. lighter, college educated. you can see, all these light
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areas in places where joe biden did well. does this matter in a republican caucus? the answer is yes. yes, it can. i want to go back to 2016. it's hard to tell. both donald trump and marco rubio are red. but marco rubio is a right red. and you can see, the counties that marco rubio won are in these areas, the college towns, the capital des moines. and marco rubio finished third. it was a strong third, pretty close to first place. this is the type of finish that nikki haley would very much like to see on caucus night tonight. and marco rubio did campaign in that path. one group that thinks that nikki haley is some kind of threat, donald trump and his supporters. why do i say that? if you look at the ad spending in the closing weeks in iowa, you can see here, the political
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track. donald trump and his super pac spent $4.5 million targeting nikki haley and zero targeting ron desantis. the trump campaign sees haley as the biggest threat here. wolf? >> interesting, indeed. thanks, john. joinings now, cnn political commentator, the strategist, former trump adviser, david irvin. and s.c. kupp. specifically not completely but with republican voters. can he get 50%? >> i think he will outperform tonight, wolf. they have been on the ground. they have an incredible operation. the team has been doing well there. you look at the numbers, look at the desantis numbers and the haley numbers in the des moines poll, add them together and they don't come close to donald trump's numbers. he's going to outperform the ramaswamy voters.
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the desantis voters will caucus for trump. you get in that room and people twist your arm. trump will leave here with a big momentum going into new hampshire. >> how do you see it? >> that's going to be the really interesting first tell of this entire primary season. are the polls overindexing trump or under indexing him? we made a pretty big deal, rightfully, over the giant gap between trump and his nearest competitors in iowa. it might be bigger at the end of this. we'll see if the field shrinks and the gap narrows, that will tell us a little about the primaries and caucuses going forward, that it's not as close as trump wants people to believe. that's going to be an important first lesson. >> look at this poll. you're sitting on the fence. don't know if you're desantis, ramaswamy, trump. >> haley. >> if you're looking there,
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you're thinking -- most haley voters aren't trump voters to begin with. am i going to vote for desantis or ramaswamy or trump. you think, i'm not going to waste my vote. i'm going to vote for trump. people want to be with a winner. they suck along that vote, as well. >> that momentum coming out tonight is going to be so important. >> you know, the trump team is worried that the horrible weather could deter people from showing up. and if trump supporters think that trump has it locked up, they might say, what's the point? >> trump has made that mistake a number of times. in you look at the number of the turnout. he's more worried about nikki haley than the weather. and the ad spending shows that. nikki haley is turning her team on fire, too. i talked to the campaign this
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morning. they are moving towards trump. they said yesterday, it's you versus me now. their mindset is past ron desantis in south carolina. >> trump said this. it was stark. he said at one point, even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it. >> shocking he would say something that was like, you know, got people's hackles up. the weathers -- i heard that. i grew up in pittsburgh. it's cold. it's not minus, minus, minus cold. and cars don't start when it gets that cold. you can't get the car door won't unlock. you have problems. even if you want to vote. even if the trump campaign and the desantis campaigns. these guys have done a great job on the knock and drag. they get out there at 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. you turn your key, you can't get your car going. there's a lot of problems with the cold. it will make it interesting. >> it's not as quick as going to vote. the caucuses, you vote. and the caucus whips, they are trying to get your vote and get
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you from this corner of a gym to this corner of a gym. it's a commitment. they are used to it and the cold doesn't help. >> you heard earlier, they have knocked on almost 1 1 1 million doors. i don't know if haley has invested in the ground game. if desantis comes in second, his team did all you need to do, knock and follow up and et cetera. >> trump leading with 48%. haley in second place. desantis in 16%. what tone would have aekd place finish set? >> in new hampshire, she will do well. i think ron desantis all-in iowa strategy didn't work or wasn't enough. and going door-to-door and dumping all of the money and all
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of his resources, if you can't make a good finish here. if nikki haley who didn't do as well in iowa, does better than ron desantis, that says we don't have the right strat yegy to finish this race or we lost it before we began. >> you heard in the previous clip, talking about how -- we're going to south carolina. we're looking past new hampshire. we're going to go to south carolina. we are really strong there. they are not thinking about tonight even. they are looking past new hampshire. they're on to south carolina. today. that's pretty telling. >> youty think that desantis finishes third, it's over? >> he looks at south carolina. >> he's not going to do that great in new hampshire. >> he's going to do terribly in new hampshire. he's going to do our town hall. he's going to do a meeting there. and on to south carolina, where he has a strong foothold. it's a more republican state. >> that's funny.
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desantis is better positioned for the long haul. he appeals in more states than nikki haley does. he has set the expectations. this might upsend trump's polling. will people give the candidates money if they have a terrible showing? >> money talks, as they say. still ahead, we are closely watching the caucuses. what iowa could tell joe biden about the road ahead. we have the information.
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the biden campaign is closely watching the iowa caucuses. the campaigns communication director telling cnn they are gearing up to make the election a fight about the future of american democracy. and it comes as we're learning president biden raised $97 million for his re-election campaign and for the democratic party in the fourth fund-raising quarter of last year. a huge amount of money. tonight, it's about the gop and the iowa caucuses. our coverage continues with sasara sidner in des moines. >> we're here at the mars cafe. it's negative 11 degrees and we're a bit warm here. that's a good thing. hours away from the first contest for the 2024 presidential election. the tradition of going first gives iowa, of course, an outsized role in american politics. just 40 delegates up for grabs in tonight's caucuses. that's less than 2% of the delegates awarded in the
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process. why does iowa matter so much now? cnn politics report for public radio, clay masters. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> want to talk, trump, desantis, haley, all of them making a final pitch, as well. >> people are rewarded for going to 99 counties. ron desantis has done that. he has endorsements of the governor of iowa. that hasn't happened since bob dole. terry brandstad endorsed dole. ron desantis are playing by the rules that have rewarded candidates in the past. the trump factor, another factor this time around like it was eight years ago. now, we've seen him as president, impeached and all of the criminal charges. he's just looming over this really questioning the traditions of iowa caucus
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campaigning in the past and whether that test holds up today. >> over and over donald trump has been seen far out of the traditions of what people expect. and yet, what is it about the voters that support him as well as the other caucus goers for the candidates? what is the special sauce in iowa? >> eight years ago, they were questioning him because there was outsized role that christians played in the state. and ted cruz won the caucuses eight years ago. and this time around, trump has that support baked in. he's been president. people live in the echo chambers. they don't believe the results of the last election. there's a lot of questions about what that will do on caucus night with the weather the way it is. trump has strong support in
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iowa. >> i want to ask you about the weather. it is bitter cold here. iowans are tough folk. they are used to cold. this is unusually cold. and one of the big factors here are the roads. in des moines, you're okay. but you have smaller cities, smaller towns, that are not okay. you look at the map and all of the roads frozen over. this could be an issue, could it not? >> you think about outstate iowa in the rural communities. people have to be there at 7:00 on caucus night, that is finally here. but people will be traversing all over the counties. people live away from the p pre precincts. people may want to stay home. and people that support the former president may think he has it in the bag so why show up? again, i think we're questioning what the weather factor is going to be. we don't know >> can you give me a sense of what you have been hearing from people going 0 the caucuses
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around the level of excitement? it's a very exciting time for people. they make an outside play in the country because this is the first and the first can dictate what goes ongoing forward. >> this is my third iowa caucus cycle i've covered. i remember talking to a lot of people who were still making up their minds the weekend before the caucuses. i was at a desantis event a couple days ago and a haley event yesterday and i found a couple people still tyrying to make up their mind. there are people that are still weighing their options. the former president has done a lot to, you know, explain to people how to caucus. there are videos that play ahead of his caucus rallies. we'll see how that holds up. >> clay masters, thank you for
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coming on in these frigid temperatures. you made it. >> that's right. >> you should be rewarded for that. >> thank you. >> back to you wolf. we're following breaking news. deadly attacks in a city in central israel. at least one person killed, 17 more injured. we're live in israel next.
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. there is a lot of information out there. hamas is a terrorist group oppressing the palestinian people. hamas refused a continued ceasefire, a continued pause in fighting and more aid from israelis in exchange for just freeing more hostages. instead, hamas resumed attacks. not to protect the palestinian people or obtain peace, only to destroy israel. we must stand against hamas and stand with palestinians
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and israelis for basic human rights. much more of our special coverage of the iowa caucuses coming up. we're following breaking news out of israel. officials now say at least one person was killed, 17 injured in a pair of attacks. cnn's nick robertson is on the scene in central israel. nick, you're there. what are you learning? >> reporter: wolf the person that was killed, an elderly lady in her 70s. 17 other people injured. this is the site of one of the points of attack. let's take a closer look at it here. we'll step out of the road here. we'll take a look. you can see the wheel on the vehicle, it's smashed over.
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we'll going to the front of the other car here. just to give you the details, wolf, the police are describing there were two attackers, a twin attack, simultaneously coming from different areas in this town. they ran three different locations. one of those locations appears to be where most of the people were injured. it's a bus stop. come around the front of the vehicle here. you can see how smashed up it was. police are saying two palestinian attackers from about 100 miles away, they stole cars. they planned to attack together coming in from different areas into this middle class town here in central israel and attacking at different places, but at the same time. for about a half hour to an hour there was a lot of confusion. no one could tell what was happening. pretty quickly the police came out and gave clear information.
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17 casualties, one fatality. two attackers have been apprehended and the police an operation, a sweep operation going on in the area to make sure there are no other threats. wolf? >> very disturbing. nick, thank you. stay with us. we're live in iowa where the subzero temperatures aren't keeping candidates from making their final pitches as the first day of the republican primary ararrives. itit's iowa a caucuses d day.. muchch more e of our spepecial cocoverage c coming up..
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