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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  January 17, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world. it's wednesday, january 17th. i'm max foster. it's 9:00 a.m. in london. the candidates for the u.s. the presidency are shifting their campaigns into another gear. ron desantis took part in a cnn town hall on tuesday night where he tried to different himself from donald trump. >> think he was the former president of united states. he's one of the most famous people that's ever been involved in american politics. there's obviously a lot of republicans that appreciated his
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policies. you still had roughly half of the iowa caucus goers that made another choice. that tells me that there is an appetite for different leader. if donald trump is the nominee, the election will revolve around all these legal issues, his trials, perhaps convictions, if he goes to trial and loses there, and about things like january 6th. we're going to lose if this is the decision that voters are making based on that. we don't want it to be a referendum on those issues. >> trump is counting on another big win after a landslide victory in the iowa caucuses. the former president came to new hampshire on the attack. >> nikki haley, in particular, is counting on the democrats and liberals to infiltrate your republican primary. that's what's happening. we have these two people, we have to get back on to biden and beating the democrats and not wasting a lot of time with these two.
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>> trump was joined on stage by vivek ramaswamy, who dropped out of the presidential race after iowa and endorsed trump. >> last night i was honored to receive a man who has become a true leader and earned the admiration of so many pate the yachts. he has a big, beautiful, bright future ahead. vivek ramaswamy. >> nikki haley is hoping for a better showing in new hampshire, where recent polls show her gaining ground on trump, but she won't take part in anymore debates unless trump does too. haley is dealing with another involving race and american history. last month she failed to mention slavery when a voter asked her about the cause of the civil war. on tuesday she said this. if. >> are you a racist party? >> no. we're not a racist country. we have never been as racist
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country. our goal is to make sure today is better than yesterday. our goal is to sure we try to be more perfect than we can. >> her campaign tried to clarify her remarks saying america has always had racism, but it's never been a racist country. here's how one commenter responded to that. >> nikki haley is not trying to be a leader in this moment. she's not even really going after donald trump. she hasn't. so she's in new hampshire. maybe if she was taking this tone in iowa i could see, but new hampshire, you have moderates, independents, they understand the history of this country. what she said is factually wrong when we think about the indigenous people, the lineage of slavery. it's offensive, especially coming from south carolina, where she was lowering the confederate flag after nine
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black people were murdered by a white supremacist. >> donald trump will be back in a courtroom today for the defamation case against him by e. jean carroll. in new hampshire the former president blamed all his legal troubles on president biden. >> you know what i call them? they are biden indictments. they weaponized the doj. they go after their political opponent. in this particular case, it didn't work out so well. if they didn't unfairly go after me, i would have won. it would have been much closer. i don't know if i would have made the trade. we're doing very well. >> now on the race, you have jeff zeleny. >> donald trump arriving in new hampshire. >> this is the biggest one. >> following a landslide victory in iowa eyeing a one-two punch
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and what he hopes will be a rematch with president biden. >> this is the first because the big night is going to be in november. when had we take back our country. >> he made a voluntary detour to federal court to watch jury selection in a defamation case against him. the late sign of how the courtroom is a critical piece of his campaign. nikki haley sought to turn a senator row third place feinish on a message on electability. >> our campaign is last best hope of stopping the trump/biden nightmare. >> reporter: that argument rests at the heart of her push to the new hampshire primary hoping to tap into americans exhausted by their leading options. she amplified that call in a new tv ad. >> the two most disliked politicians in america, trump and biden. >> in new hampshire she wore a confident smile as she tried to will the primary into a
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two-person race. >> he's not my concern. i'm going after tr >> reporter: on the heels of a second place showing in iowa, ron desantis began in south carolina hoping to plant a flag outside new hampshire to keep his presidential a aspirations alive. >> nikki haley said only the top two from iago on to beat biden. guess what. >> reporter: desantis and haley intensified their dual over who is the leading alternative to tr trump. if the former president's iowa win suggests most republicans may not be looking for one. trump's unifying tone in iowa -- >> i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having a good time together. we're all having a good time together. and i think they both did very well. >> reporter: belies reality in new hampshire, where his allies have been tearing into haley hoping to blunt any momentum.
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>> nikki haley, too weak to fix the border. >> reporter: while iowa is the first stop on the nominating calendar, it marked the end of the road for two more candidates including form governor asa hutchinson, a fierce trump critic and vivek ramaswamy. jeff zeleny, cnn, new hampshire. the u.s. senate has taken the first step in possibly avoiding a partial government shutdown. senators voted to advance a short-term funding exemption to set up two new deadlines in early march. >> congress has until friday to stop funding from running out of priorities including military construction, veterans affairs, transportation, housing and the energy department. the rest of government is funded until february 2nd. here's more from the major ity leader. >> while most the democrats and republicans want to avoid a shutdown, a small group seem
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dead set is on making a shutdown a reality. with little leverage to enact their agenda, these extremists have tried again and again to bully the speaker, bully their own republican colleagues, and bully the country into accepting their hard right views. >> the u.s. defense secretary was released from the hospital it week after being treated for post surgical complications from his prostate cancer. now we're hearing aids called for an ambulance on new year's day. >> can i ask can an ambulance not show up with lights and sirens. we're trying to remain a little subtle. >> yeah, i understand. usually when they turn into a residential neighborhood, they turn them off. did he pass out? >> no. >> like you said, he's awake and alert and oriented? he's not confused? >> correct. >> lloyd austin's doctors say he was suffering from nausea, pain
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and a urinary tract infection. it's clear why he chose to keep his diagnosis secret. >> the decision caused outrage. the inspector general has launched a review into the incident. sources say the capitol police and fbi are now investigating comments allegedly made by rorge stone. >> in an audio recording, he appears to discuss assassinating two house democrats in the weeks before the 2020 election. take a listen to this. >> stone is referring to democratic congressman eric swalwell and jerry nadler. >> cnn can't independently obtain the recording, but stone denied making comments to mediate and claim they were
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generated by ai. president biden expected to underline america's impact on the battlefield in ukraine when he meets with a bipartisan group of lawmakers today. >> additional u.s. funding for ukraine has been held the up for weeks. they are demanding it be tied to immigration policies. the white house has seen encouraging signs of progress. sources say the plan is for biden to focus on ukraine. white house officials say president biden will lay out setbacks that ukraine could suffer in the fight against russia without additional u.s. aid. >> ukraine's president is urging world leaders to prevent the war from becoming a frozen conflict. >> he delivered a passionate plea in person at the world economic forum. he's called on ukraine's allies to deliver more weapons and resources needed to win the war. he expressed gratitude, but also criticized them. they are not doing enough.
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>> these actions could have force putin to concessions, because time was lost. and the lives of many of our most experienced warriors who fought since 2014 were lost. some opportunities were lost. >> he thanked the white house for its support during a meting with secretary of state antony blinken. the u.s. is determined to see ukraine succeed is. france announced another round of military assistance on tuesday including dozens of cruise missiles and hundreds of bombs. the french president says he olympians to visit ukraine in february to finalize a security agreement. he believes that russian aggression poses the biggest threat to the security of france and europe. meanwhile, switzerland agreed to hold a peace summit in the coming months. a suspect charged with three
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counts of murder near new york has been charged with a murder in the second degree of a fourth victim. >> his attorney says he's innocent, but prosecutors introduced new evidence, which could seal his fate. bianna golodryga . >> nicolette barns speaking publicly for the first time after face ing the man accused killing her mother. >> i remember she read to me every night and now i can no longer remember the sound of her voice. i wish she was here today, but she was taken from us. >> reporter: rex charged with killing her mother, a 25-year-old woman who vanished in 2007 and believed to be the killer's first victim. he's now accused in the murders of all four women.
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he's pleaded not guilty. >> this indictment marks a change in the investigation. >> reporter: a hair found on a belt used to bound barns matches the dna profile of his estranged wife. it was made using dna analysis. >> nuclear dna is much more discriminate. >> in an indictment, prosecutors lay out more evidence that ties the 60-year-old architect to the killings of the four women, authorities say were sex workers. hair match rex and his wife's advanced dna profile. and the hair found on a.m. br's body matcheser her daughter. evidence his attorney is taking issue with. >> all along we have been told that the evidence is unsuitable for nuclear dna testing. this morning was the first time, and this is 13 plus years, that
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miraculously nuclear dna testing and results have come forward. >> burner phones and computer activity also show communications with some of the victims. a credit card statement found in a storage locker and cell phone records further confirm the family was out of town when the murders took place, which allowed unfettered time to execute his plans for each victim. >> the grand jury investigation of the so-called gilgo four is over. >> reporter: a step forward for family members continuing to seek justice. >> these victims had had families. they were human beings with aspirations and hope for a better future for themselves. >> reporter: that's the younger sister of maurine barns. investigator says the killer called her from her sister's cell phone after her disappearance, so you can imagine how long she's been living with this. finally saying that she feels like justice is coming to be served. as far as what's next in this case, he's expected back in court next month, and the
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district attorney says they hope to use some of the new advanced dna analysis to look into some of the other bodies that were discovered in that same stretch of highway. it's possible we might see more developments in this case. brynn gingras, cnn, new york. happening right now, secretary of state antony blinken is on stage at the world economic forum in da boss answering questions from thomas freedman of t"the new york times." let's listen in. >> faced with what -- this is an inflection point. president biden talks about this often. it's an inflection point in the middle east. and when you get to an inflection point, you have to make hard decisions. >> when we talked about a transformed authority, it seems to me in many ways it's the answer to, now that i hear you, for challenges.
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challenge number one, israel has lost the narrative in this war. that's how it's ended up this way. it went to war without any vision of the morning after or a palestinian partner that could help it govern gaza. number three, we're trying to put together a regional alliance to deal with threats from houthis. and that requires a palestinian component. and so when you think about it, a credible, legitimate palestinian state in peace with israel the becomes the answer to all three of those questions. you have just said that's a challenge this prime minister will have to rise to. do we have the palestinian leadership for that? and when we talk about a transformed palestinian authority, what do we mean? what are we looking for? >> so we don't purport to make these decisions for others. there have to be ways means to
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make these decisions. we're talking about things. you're talking about a governance, a government and a structure of governance that maximizes the ability of the authority to actually deliver what the palestinian people want and need. but it also has to be able to operate in when you might call a permissive environment. with the support of, with the help of israel, not with its active opposition. because even the most effective authority is going to have a lot of trouble if it's got active option in any israeli government. it's also clear from conversations that are going on now that the palestinians are looking very hard at how they can come up with a more effective governance to deliver what they. some is the basic function of government and services. no corruption.
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transparency in the way government is pursued. there are also things that people want this they can't on their own deliver absent of a partnership with israel. a that has pab part of the equation as well. >> when we think of the timeframe -- >> civilians flee a hospital compound in southern gaza. this is coming up next. israeli forces move closer. the latest on the war against hamas that blinken was just referring to in a live report ahead. a japanese tech company admits its onbligation to compensate victims of one of the greatest miscarriages of justices. and a sight in dallas, texas. snow. the cold weather is affecting the u.s. now. we'll tell you how cold it's going to get.
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doctors at the largest hospital say people are fleeing the compound as the israeli military moves closer to the city. >> videos show people carrying personal belongings. some had had taken shelter.
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earlier tuesday, the military claimed hamas carried out a recent launch from within that compound. >> meanwhile, the defense forces tell cnn about 25 rockets were fired into southern israel from gaza on tuesday. most were intercepted and injuries were reported. the military claimed responsibility for that. paula hancockss joins us live from abu dhabi. they are showing they are capable of firing these things off. >> reporter: that's the key this. the fact that despite all the heaviment bombardment and fighting that the military hzer carried out against hamas, they are still capable of launching 25 rockets into southern israel. we understand that most of them were intercepted, but this is the most significant amount that we have seen from hamas for some time.
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now when it comes to that hospital that you mentioned in gaza, it is an area with significant amount of internally displaced would have moved to as they were moved from northern gaza and many were sheltering in the compound and in the grounds of the hospital believing they would be safer there than anywhere else. so what we have been seeing images of people fleeing on foot. they are carry whag they can whether it's mattresses or blankets or carrying their children trying to get away from what we can hear in the background explosions, potentially from israeli airstrikes and arms fire. israel did say that hamas had launched one of those rockets from the compound earlier in the day. that is why they were targeting that area. we heard from one american doctor speaking to us who was in that area saying, quote, the hospital is shaking and there is
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panic. now we have heard from israel's defense minister that the intensity of the bomb birdiement is going to lessen. the intensive stage will end soob. we're not seeing any indication of that at this point. we do know that one division has left gaza. we have been told that by the israeli military. there's still intense fighting between israel and hamas within gaza, which is putting civilians in mortal danger. the latest figures we have from the hamas-run ministry of health in gaza is that 10,600 children have been killed so far. more than 24,000 killed overall. >> thank you for joining us. the third round of strike against houthi mill about its a hasn't stopped them from attacking vessels in the red sea. american forces destroyed
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several antiship missiles on tuesday. the iran-backed militants were preparing to launch. >> just a few hours after the strikes, the houthis carried out a direct hit on another carrier, which was bringing missiles to israel. here's oren liebermann. >> reporter: for the third time in the past several days, the u.s. carried out strikes in yemen targeting the houthis. this time they went after antiship ballistic missiles that were preparing to be launched and posed a an eminent threat to sbshl ship lanes. the u.s. tried to limit and disrupt the houthis ability to target shipping lanes because of the effect it's had on international shipping forcing many to go around africa adding thousands to international shipping routes. the u.s. is trying to degrade the ability of the houthis to launch the missiles that they
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have used to target shipping. but they have not completely destroyed that ability. several hours after the u.s. strike, the houthis launched an antiship ballistic missile at a carrier. they struck that carrier doing minor damage. the ship was able to continue on its way, but it shows the threat the houthis still pose. that's on top of a missile on monday that damaged a u.s.-owned and operated vessel. that vessel suffered minor damage, no injuries and was able to continue on its way. it's because of this ongoing threat that the transportation department recommended that u.s.-owned ships for now avoid the red sea. thiss an upgrade of a warning or a recommendation they made last week, which was supposed to have an end date on it. now that recommendation to avoid the critical waterway is at least as of right now, indefinite. although the u.s. with the strikes that it conducted with the the uk was trying to restore safety and security to the red sea, you can see the turbulence there. you can see the threat still posed to international shipping
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and the fallout from the houthi attacks on one of the world's most critical waterways. oren liebermann, cnn, the pentagon. meanwhile, iran is ramping up attacks against regional enem enemies. it killed two children according to authorities. >> foreign affairs ministry condemned the strikes as an unprovoked violation by iran and warned the retaliation this attack comes a day after they launched missiles into northern iraq. still ahead, the republican race for the white house shifts. donald trump hoping to maintain his rock-solid lead in the granite state.
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing
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the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. welcome back to cnn newsroom. i'm max foster. the top presidential candidates are stopping for votes in new hampshire. ron desantis and nikki haley are hoping to slow donald trump's moment after his resounding win in iowa following the caucus. in da boss this hour, secretary of state antony blinken speaking at the world economic forum.
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after that, the secretary general expected to give a speech to world leaders. >> the political landscape in new hampshire is much different than iowa. cnn spoke to voters about the upcoming primary. >> reporter: from a cold iowa to a snowy new hampshire, where voters here are in the final frigid stretch to their primary. >> how long have you been voting in new hampshire? >> all my loif. >> do you think what happened in iowa is going to happen in new hampshire? >> i think that it's a strong possibility of yes. >> reporter: former president trump swept 98 out of 99 counties in iowa. some feel it's going to be more of the same in the granite state. >> why do you feel that way? >> there's a lot of people who won't come out and say they are going to vote for him, but will vote for him. >> reporter: the question is how that dynamic will play against nikki haley, who has jump ed in
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recent polls. some that show her within single digits of the former president in new hampshire. despite her third place iowa finish, she polled well with moderates, which new hampshire has a lot of. but she's now trying to position new hampshire's primary as a two-person race to voters. voters like gary, who says he's done with trump, for now. >> i believe in honesty. i watch all these things that are going on with him right now. i have to believe that a lot of it is kind of true. i'm looking for an alternate republican to run against joe biden. i'm leaning towards nikki haley. >> he painted a crucial bottom line with the form er president. >> i ruled him out in the primary, but if he were to win the nomination, then he'd be ruled back in. >> you were surprise d by the
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results in iowa. why is that? >> i didn't think he would have the clear momentum. >> reporter: kevin clark voted for trump in 2016 wanting a change. >> we got a bigger change than any of us expected. >> you think it will be different here in new hampshire? >> i certainly hope so. i think new hampshire people judge things on their own. they don't go by polls. they don't decide important elections by anything other than what they think is best for the country. >> reporter: some trump voters are confident. >> you can feel the it. there's no doubt in my mind. >> reporter: other independents are still making up their minds. >> everyone here is different. i'm not sure who is going to feel which way. it will be interesting to see. >> reporter: to see whether it's more of the same or a legitimate challenge to the former president, the countdown is on. rain, shine, or snow. >> even with weather like this? >> oh yes, we are new hampshire people.
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>> reporter: with the snow part of this weather, we have already seen a little bit of a similar dynamic to what we saw in iowa. some have had to cancel at least one event due to treacherous road conditions because of this snow. that said, seven days is going to count down pretty quickly in this final stretch to the primary. and remember, the voting population in new hampshire is much different than iowa. for one, many more moderates here in the state, which is a dynamic that at the very least nikki haley is hoping to take advantage of. omar jimenez, cnn, new hampshire. donald trump picking up the endorsement of key senator. ted cruz says he's backing the former president. cruz tells fox news had believes the race for the republican nominee is over. he's proud to endorse trump. but two bitter rivals with trump launching personal attacks on cruz's wife and father. cruz supported trump. illinois is the latest u.s. state to consider whether donald trump should be on the ballot in
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this year's presidential race. the board of elections will meet in the day ahead to start that process.s. no decisision is expxpected unt after r a heararing. >> advocacacy groupup claims trump's role in the january 6th insurrection disqualifies him for office under the 14th amendment. the u.s. supreme court has agreed to hear an appeal of trump's ballot ban in colorado. the british government has approve d a controversial $2.5 billion the plan to create a carbon negative power plant. some experts say the technology may not be so green. the idea is to capture carbon emissions from generators that burn bio mass is and then store that carbon under the north sea. >> burning biomass is considered carbon neutral because the emissions offset by the group of new trees. critics say it takes decades for
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those missions to be reabsorbed by the trees and plants. more than 100 million people are under windchill alerts across the u.s. with freezing temperatures set to linger throughout the day. some places could see windchills as low as minus 25 degrees fahrenheit. >> it comes after multiple the low temperatures were hit record levels as cross the southern u.s. on tuesday. the cold is in arkansas, which hit minus 4 degrees fahrenheit. that breaks a previous record, which was set in 1977. >> the winter weather brought snow to washington, d.c., where a snowball fight broke out on the national mall thanks to the district's own snowball fight association. >> wow, how often are they active in the year? >> the winter months, one would imagine. but now is their time. >> here in the uk, we're we're waking up to a snowy landscape
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as well. >> this also disruptions in traffic and travel and shops and stores delayed opening. they expect temperatures will remain by itterly cold, but the will be accompanies by plenty of sunshine, which could spell a dangerous time for that snowman. >> it's nice when it's light and bright. >> i just absolutely loathe the cold weather. it was arctic yesterday. i breathed in hurt. >> the british do complain about the weather, but now it's legit. >> ahead, major turbulence for low-cost carrier spirit airlines after after a judge rejects plans for a merger. >> plus china's population falls for the second year in a row. we're live with the latest on the country's economy. the u.s.
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its rocky start to the new year with all thee major indexes ending in the red. >> the dow the fell more than 200 points. those stocks ended the day off the session's lows. this comes as treasury yields have climbed above 4%. we're now just hours away from a new trading day on wall street. heere's how the futures are clearing this hour. glomy weather. >> shares of the low cost airlines spirit tanked on tuesday. 47% after a federal judge blocked uts $3.8 billion merger. >> the justice department to hold the deal making marking the first time in more than 20 years that the government has tried to block a u.s. airline merger. it argued that the deal would increase air fares for travelers and then reduce competition in
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the market. >> spirit and jetblue say they disagree with the ruling. jetblue shares rose. >> and more two planes are damaged after clipping wings at an airport in japan. it happened on tuesday when a korean air passenger jet was taxiing made contact with a plane. >> no one on board was injured and the jet was empty at the time. >> china has said that its population has fallen for a second year in a row. that's sparking concerns about a deepening crisis that could have major imcomplications for the economy. >> china's economy grew at 5.2% last year beat ing expectations but it's one of the worst performances in more than three decades. mark stewart is lye for us in beijing. i was surprised to learn it was only in 2021 that the chinese government relaxed the limit on the amount of children that couples could have to three children. they knew this demographic crisis would come. what policies does the
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government intend to pursue to encourage people to ward off this deepening economic issue? >> well, it's tried to offer people money, but that's still not necessarily working. this is all about productivity. in order to have a strong economy, you need to have a strong workforce. and if people aren't having children, that can be a problem. if we look at the economic data just released, sure, it has to do with the real estate crisis, the high youth unemployment, but also this ageing population. for a lot of young people, they don't want the expense of raising a child. it's something they discuss. there's a singles event almost a match making event recently where a lot of young people talked a about these concerns. let's take a listen to what one attendee had to say. >> translator: i'm actually
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paying attention to these marriage and childbearing policies myself, but many policies treat the symptoms rather than the root causes and don't care about the real needs of young people. real life pressures like housing prices, work, and academic qualifications, which are improving, but also the delay the age of marriage and childbearing. >> we have talked about before. china for decades had this policy where families could only have one child. eventually it was relaxed because of these population concerns. and the government has pushed all of these different incentives, including financial insentives, yet it appears not to be working because we still have this declining birth rate. as we saw in 2023, loss of 2 million people. this is the decline we saw. >> just quick follow-up. was that a mask raid singles party? >> yes, you need to explain.
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>> we were just asking if it it was a mass er aid singles party. >> you're catching me off guard. it was a social event. so that's what it was. >> intriguing. mark, always entertaining. >> thank you. japanese tech company at the center of the post office says it has a moshl obligation to kben sate. hundreds of postal workers are being falsely accused of fraud. speaking at a hearing on tuesday, the company's said he was sorry. >> i think there is an obligation for the company to krubt. think the one thing to determine that is our responsibility is very clear.
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there are many parties involved in this travesty. >> it's between 199 and 2015 is considered one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in british history. 700 people were falsely convicted of criminal offenses. we have been speaking about this a lot. it's amazing that a drama made by itv has been able to make the political changes and get the justice for these people that politicians haven't been able. >> we have been aware and it's been an incremental development. it was all about numbers. the number of people and the accounting system and this drama brought it altogether and brought characters out. but to say it's sort of inaccurate. because in this hearing yesterday, they were saying only three people had been fully compensated out of hundreds. their lives are still ruped.
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it's been a real underdog story. >> absolutely. just ahead for you, we'll show you the new official portrait of the king. stay with us.
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american coco gauff is headed to the next round of the uaustralian open. the number four seed will play another american in round three. and the 16-year-old upset the heavily favored. in the men's game the american
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is battling it out right now against the fifth seed. and top ranked novak djokovic is also playing today. >> you should say it in your accent. >> now to the nfl. multiple reports say philadelphia eagles center jason kelce is retiring. the 36-year-old veteran spent husband entire career with the eagle thes. he was selected to play in the pro soul seven times and is likely heading to the hall of fame. his younger brother travis kelce plays for the chiefs. he's famously dating taylor swift. the brothers played against each other in last year's super bowl, which kansas city won.
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>> that was good rivalry. stories in the spotlight. king charges has a new official portrait. it will ng in buildings across the country. it was taken wearing a royal navy admiral. the government says schools can request free copies. >> do you get a free copy of this? >> they get anything free. >> it did you want look like that. but he's smiling a bit. >> iceberg. largest iceberg in the world at the moment. 4,000 square kilometers. incredible forces of nature. it can change your environment. this goes on and on and on.
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>> that is a nature photograph er who captured this stunning image during a trip to the antarctic ocean. this iceberg is the largest in the world, roughly three times the size of new york city. ♪ hard to believe it's been nearly 30 years since no doubt's "i'm just a girl ts" was released. they. >> maybe you should do a show. >> i'll do a jshow. >> do you want to do a show? >> i got to think about it. >> they posted that video online announcing they will be one of four headline acts. thank you for joining us here. i'm max foster. i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is next.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.


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