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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> again, i am just thinking. >> reporter: senator thurn said general elections are won in the middle and if we want to get a majority, they need a strong showing at the top of the ticket and that translate to down about the success he told me donald trump, i have always been worried, he told me that off-camera. not going that far today but indicated he is not running to embrace the former president. >> here we go again. paul ryan in 2017 said, every morning i wake up and, i go through twitter to see which tweets i would have to pretend i did not see later. that sums up everything you are expecting every day. appreciate it. thank you for the great reporting and thank you for watching "inside politics." cnn new central starts right now. ♪
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donald trump is back in federal court as the woman who won a sexual abuse case against him takes the witness stand. e. jean carroll says donald trump shattered her reputation as we are learning the former president is reacting physically and verbally to her testimony. new details from inside the courtroom. hitting nikki haley with her birth name, a strange attack by the former president with racist dog whistles he is used against other opponents with a critical new hampshire primary and a big step towards the republican nomination just days away. the standoff intensifies between the federal government and taxes over a strip of land along the mexican border one group is calling for people across the country to help stop the "invasion." we are following these major developers were and many more right here on cnn news central .
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♪ thank you for joining us. we are in the nations capital. right now, the woman accusing donald trump of sexual abuse and defamation is testified in front of the former president, e. jean carroll has offered dramatic testimony in federal court, saying, "i am here because i was assaulted by donald trump and, when i wrote about it, he said it never happened, he lied and shattered my reputation." a jury in a previous civil trial agreed and found him liable for sexually abusing and defaming her. >> that trial concerned comments donald trump made after he was present at this route concerns things he said while he was president. the first verdict carries over. this is not a question of whether donald trump defend e. jean carroll a second time, a
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question of whether he will have to pay damages and how much for that additional incidents. we are outside of the courtroom. what else is she saying in her testimony? >> reporter: e. jean carroll has been on the stand since about 10:15 this morning recounting what had happened to her after donald trump made the statements that the other jury found defamatory saying that she was not his type and the rape never happened and she made it up to sell books. we saw the first physical reaction from former president donald trump who is sitting at the defense table two tables away from e. jean carroll in the witness box . he shook his head from side to side suggesting he was saying, no, no. for most of the time he has been whispering to his lawyer and passing notes. mostly, he seems to be focused straight ahead and reacting in real time to things that e. jean carroll is saying to his
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attorney. what carroll testified to, she talked about what happened afterwards, including text messages, it included facebook messages, tweets, and other communications for people where she said it was information they were saying to her, insults them like she was too ugly to go on living, and physical threats which terrified her. one of these encounters was after she went public, she was in a hotel room in new york, 11:30 at night, no curtain on the window and she decided to go on twitter and saw mean tweets about her calling her a liar. she checked her mailbox and said she saw a death threat. she said that she didn't describe it, she said in her reaction, i read it and i ducked. i thought i was going to get shot and didn't sleep that night for the fear going through her body when she
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started to get what became one of hundreds of messages that were threatening violence. she said she also received messages from people saying she hoped she was raped after her allegations were made public that donald trump raped her in the mid-1990s. she took steps to be her security, she got a pitbull and bought bullets from a gun she inherited from her father which he keeps next to her bedside. she said she will continue testifying and we expect the court will break for lunch soon. in the afternoon, the attorney for donald trump will cross- examine her. not clear if the president will stay for the duration of today. he is expected to be in new hampshire but there will be many more moments of e. jean carroll testifying and being cross-examined by the attorneys for donald trump. >> thank you. let's discuss with a
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defense attorney. great to see you and thank you for being with us this afternoon. as carroll testified, we know at different points in the judge noticed the former president was making remarks to his defense team, apparently at one point during her testimony, saying loud enough for people to hear, "it is not true." the judge reprimanded donald trump for that. what do you make of the testimony and his remarks in court? >> this is twofold, as far as his remarks, the prior trial involving e. jean carroll , where he was found liable and the damages were $5 million, he did not attend. this is the first time he is actually in the room watching her testable -- testify. this violates the rule of the quorum of the court to have these overreactions to the testimony. in this case, liability is not
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an issue. therefore, this is all about damages. so, anything relating to the viability component is not going to be brought into the courtroom. the judge rightfully said, you can confer with your attorneys, that is your right, but you have to maintain a level and a demeanor where the jury is not going to be impacted. that could ultimately result in something presidential to the jury. as far as the testimony, e. jean carroll is going through all of the aspects of her life that changed after these defamatory comments were made. these relate to 2019 comments. the factors that will be looked at from a damages perspective are the nature and severity of the defamatory statements, the emotional distress, that is where we hear about these horrific tweets and emails she received that caused her distress. she is testified to that. and loss of business opportunity.
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that will be the focus of her test as predicted, it will be emotional as she reads through some of the comments that came upon after these defamatory statements. >> he cannot prejudice the jury, he can make an impression on them. he doesn't even have to be there. this is voluntary. does it work in his favor, potentially, that he is in the courtroom? >> it shows he is taking the case seriously. to that extent. we have heard that he may testify. we do not know if you will. the judge put parameters on what he can testify about, so whether or not that impacts his decision to take the stand, we will have to see. however, i do think it was a mistake, i said this when we were covering the original trial, to not attend such a serious subject matter and optically it looks like he is not taking the case seriously. now he is here. however, making comments in the
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galley at the defense table while the other party is testifying is not appropriate and could ultimately be prejudicial. i am not surprised the judge intervened on that front. >> very interesting. we will see how it affects everything. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. with the new hampshire primary less than one week away, things are moving so quickly. donald trump is ramping up the vitriolic against his rival, nikki haley. >> he mocked her by comparing her to hillary clinton and echoed races smears used against others like barack obama. we go to new hampshire where we follow the campaigns of donald trump and nikki haley. walk us through these new attacks by donald trump. >> reporter: it is clear that donald trump use new hampshire as a two-person race and that is why he is ramping up attacks on nikki haley.
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part of this is using tactics, racist dog whistles we have seen him use before. one social media post he wrote, he is attacking her and using her birth name. this is after he amplified a false narrative on social media that she could not be president because she was born to indian immigrants who were not u.s. citizens at the time of her birth. she was born in south carolina and she is a u.s. citizen. this may seem familiar because this is the same tactic he used on barack obama. he emphasized barack obama's middle name was hussein, and he was the primary backer or conspiracy theorist on that birther theory that president obama could not be president because he was not born in the united states. not just of these attacks we are seeing but also the former president talking about nikki haley. last night, he accused her of trying to get democrats to infiltrate the gop primary.
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only republicans and independents can vote in the gop primary and the deadline to change your party affiliation was october 6th. nobody is changing their party affiliation at this time. >> jeff, how is nikki haley responding to these attacks by donald trump? >> reporter: in one respect, it is flattery because she knows that she is his leading rival in new hampshire. has not specifically responded to the item by item by item we were laying out. they are well aware of the fact that the entire kitchen sink is likely to be thrown at them by the time next tuesday comes around and the new hampshire primary. what she had a rally last night in new hampshire and said, she was pointing out some of her same arguments, amplify the argument that she believes it is time to move beyond the former president, donald trump,
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and lumping him in with president biden. she is running television ads saying it is time to move beyond the donald trump and joe biden nightmare. try to make the case to the moderate voters and undeclared voters that she is hoping they will help her win the republican primary. she has an event this evening in rochester, new hampshire with private events this afternoon. not campaigning as aggressively , stop by stop barnstorming the town but more strategically. i am sure we will hear a response from her this evening as for the hillary clinton talk, a similar advertisement was used in the iowa caucus campaign by the ron desantis super pack , saying that she was a replay or morphed into hillary clinton. her team believes that helped her in iowa because it sent the message to some moderates about her foreign policy. in new hampshire, that is an interesting technique. hillary clinton defeated donald trump here in the 2016 general election.
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there are vast differences between hillary clinton and nikki haley. we covered hillary clinton together so you would know that for a modern audience, that may not be the worst comparison in this race. >> interesting point. great to see you on the campaign trail. time is almost up as the department of homeland security demands the state of texas take down the barricades that have been blocking the border patrol access around shelby park. a big meeting with joe biden, mike johnson getting an ear full from his own conference what his house republican colleagues are saying when we come back.
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>> breaking news into cnn, another from the courtroom where the judge overseeing the
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defamation case is donald trump from e. jean carroll has threatened to kick the former president out of the room based on his behavior. this is coming from our team inside the courtroom. the judge warning donald trump previously i get disruptions in court. as e. jean carroll was testifying about her sexual assault and the damage they caused her reputation. donald trump was heard repeatedly saying things like, "it is not true." and this is a total con job. the judge stopped the proceedings and warned the former president he would kick him out. >> her lawyer was complaining to the judge about hearing him say these things and the judge says, mr. trump has the right to be present, that right can be forfeited and it can be forfeited if he is disruptive, which what has been reported to me consist of him if he disregards court order, donald trump, i don't have too! -- i hope i do not have to exclude you.
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donald trump threw his hands up in response and the judge says, i understand you're probably eager for me to do that and it is pretty amazing what donald trump replied. >> the reply from donald trump to the judge threatening him, to kick him out of the room, donald trump saying, i would love it. the judge saying, i know you would, you cannot control yourself in the circumstance. the parties left the courtroom for lunch. >> that spring back in misty marris. drama playing out in the courtroom. they are taking lunch, maybe cooler heads will prevail, maybe they won't what you think of this moment in court? >> i thought the judge had done the light tap on the wrist, fall short of an admonishment as we discussed, reacting and the over-the-top way, that is far from the courtroom in the
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courtroom and the judge controls the courtroom. he has the ability to do what he needs to have the trial go smoothly and so the jury is not prejudiced. this took it to the next level in the reporting, excellent reporting indicates you could hear him saying, this is a witchhunt, that is obviously audible to the jury. the antics continue. what we have seen a lot with these cases with donald trump, the court -- the courthouse steps is where everything explodes and we hear this inflammatory speech. now, we are hearing it in the courtroom from the defense table. no surprise, full disclosure, i have been before the judge many , many times, no nonsense in that courtroom. not surprised to see, take a break, go to lunch, if this conduct continues, you are out of here. i think that will be the case. >> we have seen donald trump
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get hit with gag orders before. could you see one being placed on the former president here? could it go beyond him getting kicked out of the courtroom if he continues these kinds of characterizations of e. jean carroll? >> it absolutely could. however, because of the first amendment right, we have seen the gag orders, they are generally limited to the types of statements that would be potentially harmful or threatening to those in the courtroom. there could be something narrow like that but it would not be a blanket gag order, i don't believe that would be the case. but there could be some limitations outside the courtroom as well, depending on how this continues. look, his lawyers are not able to control him. i want to make a point. i wish we were in the courtroom to actually see this unfold. but i did hear, in the reporting , the judge said, if this continues, i will kick you out,
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donald trump said, "i would love it." we have seen this before with especially the civil cases come in the fraud trial we were covering a week or two ago. is there setting up a appellate argument? he has a right to be there. is this part of a broader strategy as far as how these will be attacked after the trial but the damages portion has concluded and it is on appeal. i don't know. but i do think that was a bit telling with that statement on the record with the judge did something to think about as this case continues. >> standby for us. was the jury present for the entirety of this incident? clearly, if it was audible enough, they could have heard the part where you are saying,
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it is a witchhunt, a con job, did the judge dismissed the jury before he admonished donald trump, or did they witness this? >> reporter: no, the jury was out of the courtroom when the judge had this interaction. this is the second time the attorneys of e. jean carroll had raised concerns today before the judge that donald trump was saying things audible to them. i am sitting two rows behind donald trump and he is facing forward. i see him speaking to his attorney but none of us can hear what he is saying because he is facing forward. her lawyer is sitting in front of him and said she could hear what he was saying, such as, witchhunt, it is a con job, and she said to the judge that these statements could potentially be heard by the jury. the judge did not take corrective action. she brought it up again at the break for lunch and when the jury was excused. she brought it up to the judge who had an exchange with donald trump in which he said that donald trump has a right to be present, that right can be
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forfeited and forfeited if he is disruptive, which is what has been reported to me. if he disregards court orders, donald trump, i hope i don't have to consider excluding you from the trial. at that point, donald trump threw his hands up in the air and appeared to say something but no one could make out what it was that he said. the judge says, i understand you're probably eager for me to do that. he said, i know you would. at that point, they broke for lunch and everyone left the courtroom. it is not clear if donald trump is coming back after the lunch break or will proceed to his building to give public remarks. but that is where things were left today after e. jean carroll had been testifying on the stand for several hours and describing the statements donald trump had made that the other jury found defamatory , including threats to her life, people wishing she would be raped and how much it scared her and threatened her physical statements -- safety.
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donald trump was passing notes to his lawyer, he glanced to the jury at one point but we could not hear behind him, anything he was saying. the attorneys for e. jean carroll saying those words were honorable to them and they were worried the jury could hear them. >> we want to point out, there was a different point earlier in the day where the judge had to reprimand the attorney of donald trump, on more than one occasion, what happened? >> reporter: there has been tension since yesterday involving the attorney for donald trump, yesterday and today she asked the judge if they could not have court on thursday because donald trump has his mother-in-law's funeral in florida and the judge has previously ruled on that before the trial started, she brought it up yesterday and today saying it was unseemly and fair but the judge saying nothing is stopping donald trump from attending the funeral and nothing is stopping him from
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coming to court. it is his choice. habba pressed again and the judge said to sit down, i have already ruled . there have been several times where she has objected and she started to argue in court that the judge would cut her off. he has also agreed with some of her objections and told e. jean carroll to answer the questions and not just meander and give a story. not as though she had been leaning against her but there has been a lot more sparring between donald trump's attorney and the judge donald trump having these reactions, which the judge is facing donald trump and he can see what he is doing and see his facial expressions better than the reporter sitting behind him. this is a judge, he truly is no- nonsense, he runs a tight courtroom and we will see what more the judge does about this if donald trump continues to attend the court hearings.
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>> very clear boundaries thank you so much. the judge threatening to kick donald trump out for commenting during testimony which donald trump is attending voluntarily. a very dramatic day in court as they have broken for lunch. we will see what happens this afternoon if this continues >> a surprising response from the former president, saying to the judge, in response to the threat of kicking him out, "i would love it." we will bring you the latest when they get back in court. back in just a moment.
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today, and about-face for the biden administration in the middle east as the white house is redesignated the houthis as a global terrorist entity from keeping them from watching more attacks in the red sea after the u.s. led several nations in striking houthi targets in yemen. we have the white house and national security correspondent for the new york times. david, on a technical point, what does the redesignation mean and how does it impact security in the red sea? >> thank you for having me. the fact of the matter is, the houthis have proven themselves
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in the past few weeks to be a classic terror organization, they have been shooting missiles at ships, taking over ships, holding people hostage, that is what it is to be a terrorist. they deserve to be on the list. but let's not confuse that with the reality that being on the list is not going to change a lot for the houthis, they don't sit around thinking about opening up a bank account in the new york fed or even in switzerland. this has some effects in the ability to crack down on countries that may be found to be moving goods to the houthis , or banks and other operations that may be financing supplies to them. it will probably not make a big difference. the evidence is, russia in the past
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two years have not stopped them from being able to conduct a war. >> the u..s-led coalition is now engaging with the houthis, their main backer, i ran , is more directly involved with strikes in the region, including in iraq and pakistan. you have written a lot about iran being more aggressive, why do you think tehran is now emboldened? >> i think there are internal reasons for the iranians to be doing this and external reasons . the internal reasons is there a power struggle in iran that is already happening about who will succeed the supreme leader who is 84 years old. not in great health. has always been a struggle and always had the iranian revolutionary guard core.
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they are the ones pushing on the missile program and nuclear program, and the drone program. this is a moment for them to step out and flex their muscles. it is also a bit of a warning to the united states and other potential adversaries to iran, to say, they may not have the nuclear weapon yet but a more sophisticated arsenal than they did three or four years ago. we see that in ukraine because of the effect of this of the drones they are selling. we believe they are negotiating with the russians on missiles. >> you detailed a secret u.s. agreement with iran that was brokered by a top joe biden administration official which would keep iran with its proxies quiein exchange for a
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new pathway to a new jcpoa, a new nuclear agreement, that has obviously fallen apart, does the u.s. have many options to contain iran? >> we don't. i think that that is part of why the iranians have been acting out. they are being careful not to go after americans or american targets. i don't think they want to be in a direct habitation with the united states war with israel. they are happy to have proxies do that. hezbollah, the houthis , and others. the fact of the matter is, at this point, any discussion of a revived nuclear deal is bad. you could not bring back the 2015 deal, because parts of it expire in 2030, that looks different than it did when this
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was signed in the obama administration. iranians have given up on the nuclear deal, americans have largely given up on the nuclear deal, and i think the iranians are thinking the u.s. has his hands full in the region and, because it does not want to see the fighting expand, it will not push back that hard. that is their bet. they may overstep. thank you. >> thank you. joe biden will not be on the ballot in new hampshire, but, could he still win the primary? we will talk to a challenger about that and more when we come back.
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democratic presidential candidate dean phillips claims to be gaining momentum in new hampshire even as polls show the minnesota congressman in the single digits. president biden will not appear on the primary ballot in new hampshire next week as he did not file because of a change in the party, and that made south carolina the first democratic contest on february 3rd new hampshire did not want to give up the early content status and did not accept the change so voters casting ballots for joe but it will have to write his name in. the university of new hampshire and cnn poll shows 69% of democratic primary voters plan to do just that. 7% say they will support dean phillips, 6% are behind an author. poll showing joe biden trailing donald trump nationally in hypothetical matchups, but
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still within the margin of error in the latest cbs news survey, showing no clear winner. congressman dean phillips joining us from new hampshire. thank you for being with us. >> great to be with you. >> you said you would be thrilled if you got 20% in the new hampshire primary. you had a campaign advisor citing a very specific 42% goal and why have you downgraded? >> not a downgrade, 42% is what senator jean mccarthy achieved in 1968 against a very weak democrat incumbent who left the race weeks later. there is an analogy today and the american research group poll , a tracking poll every week or so, has me going from 0% when i first started on october 27th to 28% as of yesterday. yes, if i am in the 20s, that would be a great achievement and it will demonstrate where people are at the polls are not
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lying, president joe biden is a good man and a man i respect, but he will lose to donald trump . if it is nikki haley, it will be a wipeout and that is why democrats should be fostering a competition and not a coronation. i am excited for the granite stators to demonstrate that. i would like to over deliver and we will see that in less than a week. >> you mentioned the 20%, there is one poll, there is an outlay or, i want to talk about policy. the border is obviously -- you hear this -- concerning so many voters what you have said that joe biden is making a disaster of the border right now and messing this up. he is, to the right of his party, considering actual changes to asylum and border policy, criticism coming from progressives on that where specifically would you go with
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this issue that he is not? >> let me be forthright, joe biden did not mess it up, he does not do enough to clean it up, nor has congress, this has been a massive failure of democrats and republicans for decades. i have been to the southern border twice and time for democrats to recognize that it is a strategy, a human tragedy, economic tragedy, and a reputation tragedy. it is not obligated. we need barriers, we need technology, we need to work with mexican authorities to make sure we have better border security on both sides. most importantly, it is time for america to wake up and understand it is our very policy, our asylum law that is creating this wave of migration that forces people to come across the border. they have to say $10,000, pay mexican cartels, enriching them to the tune of billions of dollars per year, and they are brought to the border, processed
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, dumped in the streets, maybe in el paso with no money and no ability to work, they are putting on buses going to cities with no federal resources to accommodate them we should force the adjudication and filing of asylum cases in countries of origin, keep people safe locally, adjudicate their cases, if they qualify, we americans should bring them to the united states and they will have their own $10,000 in their pocket to start a life here. it is not rocket science. i am appalled by the generations of democrats and republicans who have simply failed to solve the problem i will. that is why i am running for president. >> how is it different from asylum changes that he is considering? which is extraordinary that he is at that position, considering where we have seen immigration reform be. >> what i know is this, getting anything done, any democracy like ours, requires relationship building.
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i am afraid the president does not have those relationships with a new generation on the right and the left. i do. i have been working with my republican colleagues on the problem solvers caucus and thoughtful solutions there is a bipartisan dignity act pending in congress with getting no attention. i am afraid both parties are led in a way that prevents the solving of problems because of the nonsensical, every two year battle to win. as a result, we fight each other instead of fighting for each other. i think the president, who has been in washington for 50 years , 50 years, and all of these challenges, whether racial, wealth gap, homelessness, the fact that our healthcare system is broken at our southern border. >> i have a question i want to get in with limited time. it would be a miscarriage if i don't get this in, you have gotten a lot of attention for race, the di language on your website has changed -- the dei language on the website has
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changed, you change the drop down to equity and restorative justice. why and explain the difference? >> absolutely. we did not change the language, we change the drop down because i believe in diversity, i believe in equity, i believe in inclusion. what has inclusion done for the black community in this country? what have both parties done to close the racial wealth gap? i made the change to restorative justice and by the way, nobody buys me, i am the only member of congress who takes notepad money, corporate or otherwise, no lobbyist money, nothing from members of congress and i don't have a leadership pack, the only one of 535 people that does not play that nauseating game, nobody purchases the come if a donor tells me to do something, i would tell the donor to go pound sand. >> bill ackman has insinuated
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he has done that to you, maybe what you are speaking to? >> i have been learning from so many people over the last two months, he is one of them, one of thousands of people who have shared perspective but he has not asked me, told me, informed me to do anything at all i want to make it clear. let me get to the point, we are litigating slogans instead of talking about solutions. >> is he lying? >> he is not lying who is live in is the media, this is a false portrayal of the truth. >> he tweeted it. he said it that you were getting educated as we speak. that is not immediate, that is bill ackman himself, he is putting it out there. that is not the media. >> what a shame, if the media's
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portrayal of being educated as a problem, listen to everybody. that is my point. let me explain, i am being educated. the most important education i have received is how the black community has been suffering because of the long tail of slavery that we have never rectified and never repaired. we have generations of democrats and republicans making promises that have never been kept and it is time to do something that is why i am running for president this is about repair. this is about creating american dream account at the birth of a child in america i want to see the federal government come up with $1000 to create the quality from the very beginning of life so that every young person has an investment account invested in u.s. markets and they will study investment in high school and elementary school, and track investments, when they graduate, as an incentive, they get the money. i want to establish housing for all. we need to build 7 million housing units in america to stop homelessness and make it easier for first-generation
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homebuyers to succeed. i want to ensure that we have pre-k education, through college education, that is tuition free, >> i want to make sure that we have healthcare for everyone so you can start your life and injure life with healthcare like every other developed nation provides. social security, i want to pilot ubi programs for the most disadvantaged, underserved, senseless tracks in this country and we have to make repairs. in my being educated on both sides of this issue x yes. likely, i wish more members of congress would get out of washington, stop the nonsense, and start listening to everyday americans who are saying that costs and chaos and the racial, wealth gap is intolerable and they are sick and tired of the promises that are never kept. that is why i am doing this. by the way, for democrats, we cannot do anything unless we
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win the election. joe biden is going to lose to donald trump. that is the truth and he will be slaughtered by nikki haley. that's starts here in new sh primary election. >> i am sorry, sir, we're out of time. i just mentioned that because of the media, he is giving that impression very clearly. we do have to leave it there. >> let me use your words, educated. >> that's bill ackman's word. thank you so much congressman dean phillips. >> body camera footage showing ohio police officers using flash bangs during the raid of a home with a small child on a ventilator inside. now the family wants answers.
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newly released police body
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camera video shows the moment officers in ohio deployed exploding flash bangs inside a home where there was a toddler on a ventilator. we are going to play some of that video now, we should warn you some may find this disturbing. we have been tracking this story. first, the condition of the baby, how is he doing? what are you learning about how this transpired? >> reporter: i spoke with the hospital a short while ago, he is in stable condition, of
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course still hospitalized. this incident happened a week ago. he is hospitalized because the mother of the child, he sought into that clip, the body camera footage, she said that he was injured and harmed by the flash bangs that the officers used when they arrived. you do not see that here, but when they arrived they set up two flash bangs, one near a window and one near the driveway and the one by the window blew out the window where the baby was sitting. the mother said the child was diagnosed with chemical pneumonitis which is a form of lung irritation and this came about from the child inhaling chemicals released by the flash bangs. the police department says that the flash bangs do not produce continuous burn and they do not deploy or contain pepper gas or chemical agents. this young mother said her child was harmed and he is still hospitalized. they said
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they will bring legal action. any allegations suggesting that the child was exposed to chemical agents or lack of attention is not true. the mayor released this video footage from these eight body worn camera's. he said while the footage captured it did not show what occurred when the search warrant was executed. he has asked for investigation by the sheriff's and the police department will not respond to that investigation until it is complete. >> the allegation is that the person they were looking for was not even there and had not been there for a while. >> or the new year. >> we look forward to more details thank you. donald trump is back in court facing e. jean carroll calling him a liar. the judges threatening to kick the former president out of the courtroom. all of that coming up.
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