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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  January 19, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. -- captions by vitac -- join the millions of people taking back their privacy ♪ the time is of the essence. in an exclusive one on one with cnn, attorney general merrick garland says it's imperative that donald trump gets a speedy trial in his federal election subversion case. the new hampshire campaign blitz. nikki haley says she's a stone's throw from overtaking donald
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trump there. but how strong does her arm need to be to make up the distance now? and on the brink of an historic lunar landing. that is if they can get past the 20 minutes of terror. i'm john berman, very scared right now, with sara sidner and kate bolduan. this is "cnn news central." ♪ before we get to john's lunar landing, we're going to start here. a consequential message at a time when americans unprecedented, political, legal 2024 collision predicament is rapidly approaching. back-to-back state primaries. cnn's exclusive one-on-one with attorney general merrick garland just days before the new hampshire vote. now, the chief law enforcement officer of the federal government saying not only does he agree with special counsel jack smith's call for a speedy trial of donald trump, he says
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the public interest requires it. cnn's evan perez had the exclusive sitdown with him, evan dissecting what garland did and did not say in the interview is hugely important, especially at this time, as we go into the first primary, where voters are actually going to speak their piece. what more did he reveal to you about what is going on in his mind? >> reporter: sara, look, it's very rare for us to get the attorney general to engage on the specifics of these cases. but, look, the fact is that this is a collision course between these two cases, the two trials of donald trump, and the political calendar, which, as you pointed out, is well underway. i asked the attorney general not only about the independence of these investigations but also about the idea of bringing these cases and going forward with these trials during this year. listen to what he had to say. >> is there a date in your mind where it might be too late to
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bring these trials to fruition, again, to stay out of the way of the elections as the department policies? >> i just say, you know, what i said, which is that the cases were brought last year. the prosecutor has urged speedy trials, with which i agree. and it's now in the hands of the judicial system, not in our hands. >> looking back now, do you think that the department took too long to bring these cases maybe? >> special prosecutors followed the facts and the law. they brought cases when they thought they were ready. >> reporter: and look, sara, so you have now obviously the fact that these are going to go forward. the way the justice department would like it to go forward with this year. but the fact remains that donald trump himself is part of the reason why these trials got delayed, because he has been fighting the justice department over evidence.
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and so some of this -- some of the timing here is a result of donald trump's own doing. and now he's claiming that this is election interference. that's where we're at now this year. sara? >> yeah, there's just so many things going on. but it is remarkable to get that interview, you know, with merrick garland at this particular time. clearly he has things that he feels like he needs to say to the american public. and evan, you got him to say them. thank you so much. i appreciate you and your team. >> great work there. senior analyst, andrew mccabe, former fbi deputy director. andy, what jumped out to you from what the attorney general said? anything surprising? >> john, nothing surprising. well, beyond the fact that it's always surprising that the attorney general sits down with any reporter. and kudos to evan for creating this opportunity for us. a couple of things that he mentioned that i thought were particularly important, the
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reference, the question about whether or not the justice department is essentially violating its policy of taking any action in the run-up to an election i thought was a really good one. i think people misunderstand the purpose of that. that policy actually prohibits the department or the fbi from taking any overt step that would indicate or reveal the existence of an investigation in the immediate run-up to an election. in this case, it doesn't apply because these investigations have been going on for quite some time. they've been public for a long time. so, to continue with the already-public judicial process is not a conflict with doj policy. but i also thought it was notable that the attorney general went out of his way to point out that there is a public need and an imperative to resolve some of these cases before the election. it's something that doj has been very cognizant about from the very beginning of the jack smith
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investigations. i think it was good of him to say that. >> help me, andy. i've been on social media the last few minutes trying to see if there was any public outrage or at least social media outrage to the idea of the attorney general saying there should be a speedy trial. i didn't find it. i didn't look hard yet. do you think anything he said crossed a line? should the attorney general be weighing in on how fast or slow a trial is? >> well, i'm surprised you weren't able to find outrage. it's usually pretty available on social media. but, no. he hasn't stepped over a line here. i think the attorney general did a good job of communicating that doj's first responsibility is not managing public perception or public opinions. but rather their first responsibility is to do justice. and that is to take appropriate action, make good decisions based on the facts in the law. one of the legal requirements involved here that doj is obligated to protect is the speedy trial right.
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the defendant has a right to a speedy trial, and the public has a related right to have criminal matters resolved quickly, conclusively, and publicly. and they are doing their best to preserve and protect those rights. that's the right decision in this case, especially with the fact that the person who's being investigated is a former and potentially future president. so, no, i don't think they've done anything wrong, shouldn't provoke outrage. but sometimes even right things do. >> evan was dogged but very diplomatic, and he did press the attorney general on basically why it took so long to get the special counsel to begin this process. the attorney general really didn't even acknowledge it. >> he didn't because i think there are very legitimate questions about that. again, you know, our justice system essentially wasn't really made for this. it's a system that prizes
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patience and deliberation and good decisions and collecting evidence in ways that are solid, not necessarily quick. so, the system isn't really built for this sort of test. and there are some good questions about whether or not a special counsel should have been appointed earlier on, whether or not the fbi and doj should have been more aggressive in their pursuit of these cases. but nevertheless, that's water under the bridge now. what they have to do is move these cases forward at an appropriate pace, and they seem to be taking all efforts to do that. >> a country built on norms, sometimes it's hard to adjust when all those norms are blown up. andrew mccabe, great to have you on this morning. thank you. kate? right now we're going to show you live pictures of nikki haley at her third campaign event already this morning in new hampshire. haley, ron desantis, donald trump, all hitting the trail hard there today, literally no time to waste at this point. just four days until voters are going to be heading to the polls. will donald trump lock up the race with another landslide win
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there? will nikki haley finally make the break to the front of the pack that she's been fighting so hard for? and what are voters there saying about all of the attacks going back and forth? kylie atwood is in hampton, new hampshire, this morning. kylie, tell me what you are hearing from voters? we are hearing the campaign pitches, but what are you hearing from voters now just days out? >> reporter: listen, i was able to speak with a number of voters here at nikki haley's event. what they said was that they do think she could do quite well here in new hampshire. one of the things her campaign has been doing is going after independent voters here in new hampshire. and that's a critical piece of the electorate because they make up almost 40% of voters in this state. that is unique here in new hampshire that those voters can partake in the republican primary on tuesday. and voters who are independent say they are looking to nikki haley. now, of course the question is, how many of those will go for
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haley over former president trump? because it really effectively is a two-person race here in new hampshire. ron desantis is here in the state today, but he hasn't been aggressively campaigning in new hampshire. he really put all of his eggs in the iowa basket. he travelled to south carolina this week. he was also in florida. nikki haley has put a lot of effort into the state of new hampshire. and another aspect of her strategy that we've seen in recent days is going more aggressively after former president trump, saying that he is going after her because he feels threatened, also lumping him in with president biden, saying, why would voters want two folks in their 80s running for president. and she responded to his racist dog whistles going after her earlier this week, last night in the cnn town hall, saying this. >> look, the name calling, i know president trump well. that's what he does when he feels threatened. that's what he does when he feels insecure.
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i don't take these things personally. it doesn't bother me. i know him very well. and this is what he does. i know that i am a threat. i know that's why he's doing that. so, it's not going to waste any energy from me. i'm going to continue to focus on the things that people want to talk about and not get into the name calling back with him. >> now, in terms of expectations for the primary here on tuesday, kate, nikki haley said that she wants to do better than she did in iowa, where of course she came in third place, more than 30 points behind former president trump. so, that would mean coming in first or second here. and folks close to the campaign quietly say she really needs to pull off a victory in this state. you talk to voters, and they say she at least needs to come close to trump in order to gain momentum and head into the rest of the republican primary process here. but her campaign clearly trying to get every voter they can, with six events across the state today and a packed schedule through tuesday. kate? >> absolutely.
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kylie, thank you so much. kylie's going to be following every step of the way. new hampshire is also holding its democratic primary next week, but president joe biden will not be on the ballot and no delegates will be up for grabs. it's all because of a dispute between state election officials and the dmc. despite that, biden supporters and top supporters are asking voters to show their support by simply writing in the president's name. isaac, what's at stake here for biden? he's not on the ballot. could that cause some real problems? >> it's a really weird situation. the president, like you said, is not on the ballot because of this dnc dispute about what the first primary should be. the biden campaign is going to ignore the new hampshire primary results no matter what happens. but biden supporters would like to see the president not have a loss in new hampshire.
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to lose to dean phillips, a congressman that's running, or one of the other mostly paren yell candidates who are up on the ballot. that requires them to, in this very low key way, convince a lot of new hampshire voters to go into the voting booth and write in joe biden's name. it won't be there. there are 21 names on the ballot. joe biden's is not one of them. that's a tricky situation. on the other hand, those 21 candidates are not very well known, any of them. so, they are going to have a hard time getting any level support. where the voters land, we don't know. all sorts of other factors here, including the independents that might have been crossing over to the democratic primary to vote for joe biden. seem like they might be more inclined to go vote for nikki haley. it's a situation that has never been seen in new hampshire before, and we're all trying to figure out what's going to happen. >> i'm curious actually, historically have we seen this happen elsewhere or in new hampshire before -- not new
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hampshire, but elsewhere before? >> i think the best example would be in the alaska senate race a couple of years ago, when lisa murkowski lost the republican primary and she ran as a write-in candidate and won. in new hampshire, there has never been anything like this on this scale. and it really comes down to on tuesday night counting the votes, how that's going to happen. people don't know. >> this will be actually really interesting and different from what we're used to seeing. isaac debeer, thank you so much for running through that with us. these are interesting times, john. the state of texas in a tense standoff with federal officials. the latest on the situation developing at the border. we're minutes away from an historic moment in space exploration. look up to the lunar surface, l-u-n-a-r, kate bald win. we will tetell you whahat to wa for.
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. prepare for landing, lunar landing. the so-called 20 minutes of terror are nearly over for japan, hoping to complete its first ever landing of a robotic explorer on the moon. it just started its vertical decent. there's just 328 feet of wiggle room for a safe landing. that's smaller than the size of a football field. so, let's hope the craft nicknamed the moon sniper lives up to its name. cnn's kristen fisher is keeping an eye on that landing, along with us right here. what does this mission hene for the future of space? it's particularly for japan. i know everyone's very excited. >> yeah. well, for japan, i mean, just think about it. up until this point, only four
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countries have successfully been able to land a spacecraft on the moon. and only two so far this century. china and india. so, for japan to enter that rank of countries would be just a huge deal for that country, especially since there have been so many recent failures. i mean, what japan is trying to do right now -- and sara, they are just, as you said, a few feet away from either success or failure. we should know momentarily. right now we're just being told that it's looking for a safe place to land. but there have been so many recent failures. i mean, russia crashed on the moon back in august. astrobotic, a private u.s. space company, their mission to the moon failed just last week. and there was another japanese private company that tried to do this back in april. it too failed. if japan, japan's space agency, the government space agency, is able to do this, it will be a huge win for that country and
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for all of humanity as well. what this spacecraft is trying to demonstrate, sara, is some pinpoint technology. we have just gotten word actually that the spacecraft has landed. i think it might be too soon to say safely, if it's landed successfully, sara, because we don't have live pictures or video. we're going strictly off data and telemetry on a screen. but it has apparently, according to the japanese space agency, touched down on the surface of the moon. so, now the big question, sara, is just how successful was that pinpoint technology? because previous lunar missions, the target landing site spanned several kilometers, i mean, huge, huge distances. what the moon sniper, this spacecraft, is trying to do is land basically in an area the size of a football field, which is a very small distance when you're talking about landing a spacecraft on the surface of the moon. and they're trying to do it in a very dangerous location
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actually. if you think about where previous spacecraft have landed on the moon, like, the eagle, apollo 11 back in 1969. they landed just south of the sea of tranquility in an area that tried to be pretty free of big craters and boulders. but what this spacecraft is trying to do is just land south of there in a place called the sea of nectar. it's a more hazardous landing spot. japan believes they have the technology on this spacecraft to be able to safely do it because it has these things, sara, called smart eyes. i'm going to read you the description because it's pretty technical. it's an image matching based navigation technology. and basically what it does is it just rapidly photographs the surface of the moon and transmits that to a computer on board the spacecraft. and then in real time, they use those photographs to find a safe landing spot. so, too soon to say if it's a success or a failure.
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we just don't know what kind of shape the spacecraft is in. is it all in one piece? did it crash land? we just don't know. but it has safely landed on the moon, according to the data that's coming in. >> that is the breaking news that you just brought to us, that this aircraft or spacecraft, has landed on the moon. we don't know what exactly shape it's in. we've been looking at images as to how they wanted it to land. where did you say it's landing, in the sea of -- >> the sea of nectar. and i believe we have a map that, kind of, shows you all the different landing sites of spacecrafts in the past. but it's -- there you go, right there. the sea of tranquility. that's right by where the apollo 11, neil armstrong and buzz aldrin, landed, the first crewed lunar landing of the moon back in 1969. number three, that's the slim lander target, the sea of nectar. we should be finding out very
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soon. they're checking the status on the spacecraft right now, sara. >> i'm sure we'll get an update before we end the show, right? but first i want to talk to kate about the sea of nectar. that sounds like a place i would like to go. >> i was going to ask if there's all inclusive there or is it something that we need to -- >> i think we need to build it up. we can -- >> if you're going to -- >> i'll also reserve a sea of tranquility and we'll just go out. >> glamping on the moon, let's be the first. >> i'll say just reading body language, the people -- on this giant wall, they seem nonplussed about this landing. if i'm reading everything, everything's gone well. on to politics, i don't know how after that, but we shall. coming up, nikki haley trying to thread an electoral needle in new hampshire. what history tell us about how and if she can pull it off. and several rounds of air strikes that president biden now says are not working.
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why, then, is the united states conducting them? we'll be back.
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then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. all right. donald trump obviously the overwhelming front runner right now in the republican presidential campaign, but nikki haley running hard in new hampshire. why? because of the presence of so many undeclared voters.
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undeclared voters, think probably independents, make up the largest -- what harry enten and i want to talk about right now is how candidates who run in this lane before, like nikki haley, have done. let's look back at 2016, harry. >> if we look back at 2016, what do we see? who is a candidate who ran like nikki haley back in 2016? it was john kasich, who came in second place, but a distant second place behind donald trump, got 16% of the vote. where did john kasich run particularly well? he ran quite well in what i would call the connecticut river valley, right in here, right in around hanover. that's of course dartmouth college, where i in fact went to school. john kasich easily won in hanover, with 42% of the vote. but the key nugget to see here, very few votes in hanover. he won there with just 688 votes. it's not good enough just to carry hanover. >> that is 2016. 2012 a little bit of a similar
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story. >> huntsman, best state by far. he dropped out of the race after new hampshire. he came in third place with about 17% of the vote. but, again, where do you see the huntsman yellow on the screen? you see it in hanover. again, very well educated hanover, new hampshire. he only got 531 votes there. it's simply put not good enough to win the state. >> no. you want to win in new hampshire, manchester is the biggest city. the votes there are in the thousands. harry, we do have similar data -- john mccain. people think about john mccain. john mccain won big in new hampshire after barely competing in iowa. this is how he did among independents here. you can see. >> that's exactly right. he overwhelmingly won among independents. this is the type of margin that nikki haley is going to have to do among those undeclareds or
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independent voters. among republican voters, it was a tight race, mccain barely won. he ran strong throughout the entire state, not just in hampshire. >> one thing i want to talk about, not about any candidate specifically, is about turnout. i think it's a story that we haven't really told that much from iowa. i want to talk about the new hampshire turnout numbers as well to talk about what we're talking about here. what did we see in iowa? >> we saw every caucus go up, 187 in 216. look at that massive dropoff in 2024. just 110,000. in new hampshire, that's a similar trend. up, up, up, up -- if it goes down -- we don't know if what happened in iowa because of the freezing cold temperatures. maybe it was. if it wasn't, if we see a drop in new hampshire as well, might be something going on here. and that is something we'll have to discuss going forward.
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>> that's exactly right. is there this lack of enthusiasm on the republican side going into the fall? if we see a drop in turnout again, i'm not sure if republicans will like it. >> thank you, very much. >> great stuff, guys. joining me now to talk more about all this is the chair of the board of commissioners for hillsborough county, which includes manchester, the state's largest city. thank you so much for giving us some time today. you were an important backer of chris christie for president. now that he is out, you are -- you are now going to support nikki haley. what got you there? was it an easy decision for you? >> no, it was a very difficult decision because i like ambassador haley, but i don't agree with many of her policies. however, governor sununu's endorsement means a lot to me. and i have a great deal of respect for what he thinks. so, therefore, i guess he was
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the major factor in making a decision to support her. >> that's interesting. you also told -- i saw that you told "the l.a. times," i think it was last week, that you do not think donald trump is fit for office and you didn't know if you would vote for him if he ends up being the party's nominee. talk to me about what you're struggling with here. >> i am struggling with -- i won't share my vote, of course. but i am really concerned about his fitness to be president of the united states. i've watched him for a long time. i lived in new york city for quite a while while he was working at building his developments. and i have never particularly thought that he was a great leader. so, i'm extremely worried about his becoming our nominee. so, therefore, i'm supporting nikki haley. i think she has the strength and the stamina, and she has a
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wonderful work ethic to go through the process, do the best she can, to stop him from becoming our nominee. >> my colleagues john and harry were just, kind of, talking about some of the data that we know from new hampshire primaries in the past and, kind of, the lane that nikki haley is trying -- is finding herself in. how tall is the task, do you think, what you're hearing on the ground for nikki haley in new hampshire? do you think she can pull off a win there from everyone you're talking to? >> i'm not sure if she can pull off a win, but i think she can come in very close to trump, in second place. you're absolutely right. the independents are going to make the difference. >> we might be having -- >> -- people turn out -- [ inaudible ]. >> all right.
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a little bit of a connection issue, toni. >> i think the momentum is built -- >> i'm so sorry. we're having a little bit of a connection issue. i'm going to try to get one more question in and see if we can continue. let me know if the connection breaks up again. one thing we have heard from donald trump, toni, repeatedly is a false statement that democrats going to vote in new hampshire's republican primary. i want to play for you what he said about this just last night. >> democrats are allowed to vote, which they're going to vote for her because they don't want to run against me. they want to run against her. >> new hampshire law does not allow that. independents, undeclareds, they can poll on whatever ballot they like. the undeclareds and independents are going to be critical in this. does that concern you when you hear that from donald trump? what do you think he's trying to do? >> i think he's trying to paint a picture that's false. the democrats cannot vote for
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the republican candidates. so, the filing period ended in october. only independents can pick a democratic or a republican ballot. so, she has to depend on the republican and independent votes, not the democrats. and also the democrats are working very hard in new hampshire to have write-in votes for biden. so, that's going to play into all of this as well. >> four days left and there is so much that is going to happen between now and then. tony pappas, it's great to have you on. sara? still ahead, the biden administration is touting a recent drop in the migrants at the southern border. but the battle between the white house and the texas attorney general is only getting more tough. a live report from eagle pass on the showdown over the border. our rosa flores and her team have been there for a very long time showing us what's going on. we'll have all of that.
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apprehensions at the u.s. border are ticking up again, now topping 4,000 people a day. that is up from earlier this month, when it was 3,000 a day. this is still a significant drop from mid december whrks daily encounters were around 10,000 people per day. the biden administration says that dip is due to enhanced enforcement in mexico, something they say is a result of their
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continued conversation with mexican authorities. and today those talks with continue in washington, d.c. cnn's rosa flores joins us now. this is happening as texas authorities have repeatedly begun arresting migrants at a park in eagle pass, where you have been. can you walk us through all this? and i see that you're in the back of what looks like a truck. who are you with, and what are you seeing? >> reporter: well, ride with me, sara, as we show you the takeover by the state of texas. shelby park is just behind me. but as we've been reporting, the state of texas also took over about 2.5 miles of the rio grande. and this is the area that we're driving by. now, you can see that there is new fencing that has gone up, and then you will see several layers of razor wire before you see the rio grande. now, despite all of these barriers, migrants are still crossing. you can see that there are some items on the razor wire,
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sometimes clothes or other items that migrants use to get through the razor wire. we were here earlier when a group of ten migrants were arrested by texas authorities. now, you can see that video. it includes men and women. and according to texas authorities, only single men and women are being arrested. and families are being turned over to u.s. border patrol. but if you look around here, you don't see border patrol. and that's the point. you can see a humvee over here from the texas military department. but this gives you a sense of the takeover. you don't see border patrol. now, normally what we would see on the border, we would see members of the u.s. border patrol because the international crossing, the international line between the u.s. and mexico, is in the middle of this river, in the middle of the rio grande. and as soon as migrants get on the u.s. side of the border, under u.s. law and policy -- and normally, sara, that would be border patrol enforcing immigration law. well, here in this zone, you
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don't see that happening because texas has taken over. sara? >> this is such a wild scene not seeing border patrol in that area. and you've been showing us all of these pictures throughout when there was border patrol. and now that it is just open basically with a few folks from texas looking over. that battle, i'm assuming, is going to go on and on and on, although the supreme court has often times said this is a federal job, a job for the f federal authorities. we will see how this all pans out. pretty extraordinary pictures you're showing us. thank you to you and your team and your very steady photographer taking you through the area on the back of a pickup. >> it was a great report and a unique perspective. this morning new reaction to comments made by president biden about the continues u.s. air strikes on houthi sites in yemen. listen. >> are the air strikes in yemen
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working? >> well, when you say working, are they stopping the houthis? no. are they going to continue? yes. >> retired u.s. major mike lions is with me now. these air strikes, the u.s. have been hitting strikes all in yemen. are they working to stop them, president biden said, no. will they continue, yes. what's your reaction to that? >> i think the president is being honest. that's a lot to do with the fact that our response has been response to what they've done. so, it's not been escalated whatsoever. i think for us to restore any kind of deterrence, we've got to go on an offensive campaign for the next 30 to 35 days, make it crystal clear that we're going to take as much military capability away from the houthis. >> how do you do that? when we talk about has it stopped the houthis, these are the attacks in november and december inside the red sea. how could you stop them from doing this? >> thousands of military weapons and capability, especially the antiship missiles.
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we'll see them fighting tankers now. that is now -- you're going to potentially create disasters within the red sea that will last forever. 50 nations are being affected right now because of what's going on here. two things, number one, you have to increase the level of attacks. they have to be constant, almost 24/7. again, an air campaign, number one. and number two, to continue what we were doing by cutting off the resupply. we lost two navy seals last week in that mission. we've done missions like that before also in the past. but we've got to stop their capability to eventually resupply those military operations. >> if you look at yemen, you can see where the houthis are in control over here. for them to be resupplied, it largely needs to be done by sea by iran? >> that's right. it's largely coming from the persian gulf. if you do both of those things together, it might make an impact. i still think it's going to take 30, 35, 40 days in order for this to happen. overall, the increase of air stri
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strikes -- we are not stopping until you stop. >> as someone who has served before, when you hear a leader say, what we're doing isn't working but we're going to keep doing it, if you were serving right now in the red sea, how would that make you feel? >> well, i think the commanders there are going back to the president and the pentagon with different options. this administration is going to try to thread the needle with regard to what their relationship is with iran. and they're not trying to escalate. yemen is a very poor country. it's not a good look for the united states and great britain to be bombing and creating the kind of chaos within this country that's one of the poorest in the entire middle east. i think they're trying to thread that needle to make sure that the strikes are precise. >> great to have you. thank you very much. kate? coming up for us, it was a wild scene in the skies over miami. a cargo plane on fire, and the planes, the sparks you could see from the ground. the new details that are coming in now about what happened here. that's next.
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now...have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend? this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing.
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now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. oh, my god, it's on fire. oh, my god. i'm sorry. it's on fire. mom! >> that is a cargo plane flying over miami. the engine malfunctioned about three minutes in, and it resulted in emergency landing. we're learning new details about what really happened. pete, tell us more. what are you picking up? >> reporter: the national transportation safety board investigating and here is new info.
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it says an inspection was done after this successful emergency landing. good job to the crew. faa says it found a softball-sized hole above the number two engine. four engines on a boeing 747. the number two engine is on the left wing closest to the fuselage, an early clue as to what may have caused this apparent engine fire and failure over miami last night. was it a bird strike or debris from the engine fire itself? the video taken about 10:40 last night. this is only about three minutes after this flight took off from miami international. flights still climbing about 3,000 feet, which is pretty low. want you to listen now to the very calm radio transmissions from the flight crew to air traffic control, in which they declared an emergency. >> mayday, mayday. engine fire. request return to the airport.
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we have five soles on board and -- >> air traffic control told the crew to turn back to the south, made a successful landing back on runway nine at miami international. this flight operated by atlas air, a big cargo carrier, flies everywhere from alaska to africa to asia, the most 747s of any airline in the world. the queen of skies. the airplane only about eight years old, built in 2015, although seems not likely a boeing or airplane problem, even though boeing says it is going to assist in this investigation. these engines were built by general electric. likely it will be part of the investigation as well. >> fascinating, five people on board, i think he said five hours of fuel on that plane. and they made a successful emergency landing. and thank god for that. pete, it's good to see you. thank you. >> terrifying. all right. the top three republican candidates are all over new hampshire today, as you might
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imagine, fighting for every vote just four days out from the primary there. we'll look at where the candidates are trying to rally up last-minute support in the granite state. that is ahead. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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