tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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video coming in of a rogue wave. this wave smashed into a u.s. army base in marshall islands. the man who posted the video says no one was injured. the images are absolutely terrifying. thank you for joining us. "ac-360" begins now. tonight, a two person race, but for how much longer with desantis out and haley behind. the question is will new hampshire's first in the nation primary be the last true kmepg for donald trump until november. john talks to voters he spoke with earlier to see if anything has changed their minds all over the map in new hampshire. and breaking news about a possible new cease-fire deal to bring israel's hostages home. that also could let hamas' senior leaders out of gaza. it could be the last fire break in the republican party to stop the former president. that or perhaps the final confirmation that the party once again belongs only to him.
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four hours from now voters in the tiny northern new hampshire town of dixville notch will cast their first ballots of the first primary in campaign '24. it's not going to take long to count. there are just six people expect today vote there. an hour from now, the former president will hold a final rally in the state. that event which comes a day after ron desantis indoorsed him and dropped out is going to feature three other former rivals who did the same. doug burgum, vivek ramaswamy, and south carolina senator tim scott, who then governor nikki haley appointed to the senate. also endorsing the former president governor haley's om home district congresswoman nancy mace. she is it. in the wake of january 6th, she said things like this. >> their lives would have been endangered to the two most pressures people of my life. we need to hold the president accountable. >> so much for that. governor haley when asked her viability as a candidate, a
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democracy is about giving people options. new hampshire governor and haley supporter chris sununu, joining us. so do you believe ambassador haley needs to win tomorrow? >> no. new hampshire has never been a must win for haley. it's a must win for trump. three things i think we wanted to do, get it down to a two-person race. she wiped everyone else out of the race. a strong second. all but guaranteed. build on the momentum out of iowa. going into her home state, building on that here in new hampshire and going into her home state with -- the election isn't next week. it's three, four weeks away. she has a lot of time to go back and do what she has done before, win. she knows how to win in south carolina. there is a lot of opportunity there. by the way, she could begin nguyen. she is within a stone's throw in some of the polls. all the wind is at her back. if you watch trump's rallies, a few hundred people. she has 1,200 people, energy, all the opportunity to do very,
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very well. >> you were quoted over the weekend as saying, quote i think super tuesday is probably where you actually have to start winning states. is that actually what you believe? >> yeah, of course. the republican nominee shouldn't be picked just because of iowa and new hampshire and south carolina. right? all the other states have to get in here. i mean, the joke is that 56,000 people voted for donald trump in iowa. 56,000. out of a population of 3 million. that's going to choose the republican nominee? i don't think so. you've got to let the process play out. the voters decide. not the media. this isn't a coronation as nikki said. there is letting the voters decide. it's not new hampshire. >> but you are saying -- >> should we give the state to her? >> you're saying she can lose iowa, lose new hampshire, lose her home state of south carolina on february 24th and then go to super tuesday which isn't until march 5th and somehow upend the former president? is that a plausible scenario? >> you've got to remember --
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yes. so again she was in, like, single digits, right, in december. in just six weeks, she went from 2% to 20% in iowa, 20% to 40, 50% maybe a win in new hampshire. carrying that into south carolina. it's all about giving america an option, right, and a lot, five or six candidates, but having a one-on-one race is a real option for to say do we want the future or the past. trump as this disruptor, antiestablishment candidate in 2016 has done a 1890. he is an steak. guy catering up to the u.s. senate and to the congressmen and women and saying, look, whatever you want do is fine. just support me. nikki bucks that trend. she wants term limits. she says they shouldn't get paid unless they do their job. she wants to hold washington accountable. that's a powerful message out of all three of these early states. >> if she can't win in the state she was governor, what is the -- i understand -- i understand the
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momentum argument. at a certain point doesn't that momentum -- i mean, even if she is still gaining momentum, that's not -- doesn't mean she is winning anywhere. >> again, we will have to see how south carolina plays out. that's a month from now, right. all we are focused on is the next 24 hours. if we have a high voter turnout, she will surprise a lot of people here. the polls are around wrong in new hampshire. the same polls that said i would lose by 11 points, i win by two points the next day. so you just can't trust the polls here. it's about the voters and the turnout and the energy. i mean, we will see where that is. i feel good. the secretary of state makes good predictions and he predicted a record turnout. >> the former president has been attacking you saying you are letting democrats vote in the republican primary. that's not true. only republicans and independents can take a gop ballot. it's been that way for decades w hampshire. they would have had to do so three months ago. are you concerned about him spreading disinformation,
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especially if ambassador haley has a strong night tomorrow? >> yeah, look, his entire campaign is on lies. literally this guy's entire campaign is attacking nikki on lies. and look, i think if you have to lie to get there, you don't deserve to get there. so all the disinformation he put out there, we are countering it as much as we can. at the end of the day, the voetsds in new hampshire are smart, they go for the kind of that next generation candidate. we are not here to litigate all that coy os and nonsense for donald trump. we provide solutions for america. and as republicans we want to beat joe biden, right. trump will not be able -- i don't think -- it will be a nail-biter if we beat joe biden. kn nikki would win the general election and swing states and other seats. to the republican voters out there, if you want to win, you've got to get behind nikki. we are tired of losing, tired of losers, tired of losing governor seats because of donald trump. that are for your service, mr.
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trump. move only. the next generation is coming and we bring winners for this country. >> thank you. >> you bet, buddy. >> with me or cnn david alex rod, scott general rings. obviously -- >> that interview was sponsored i think by red bull. >> he is, you know, trying to be enthusiastic. >> bull something. [ laughter ] >> if the bar were lowered any more, we will need a shovel to find it. to finish a strong second out of a two person race -- >> that's not what he said a few weeks ago. i have to say it's the first time i have ever heard a governor of new hampshire say don't pay that much attention to what new hampshire does. there are all these other states that more important. look -- >> no sign in south carolina that -- >> bludgeoned and crushed in south carolina. i don't know what the optimism is. nikki haley is a fighter. let me say when she won governor
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in 2010, nobody expected her to win governor. she tweet the lieutenant governor, the attorney general, and beat all the boys, right. so she has done this before. she has track record. she probably has some sense that this could be accomplished again. may question to the people smarter than i, which i guess is you on this panel, is -- >> wow, early for that. >> yeah. no, what is -- i mean, what is a win for nikki haley? does she have to beat donald trump or come in the 40s with donald trump and have a successful night? >> i think beat donald trump. i think the bar has been lowered so much that would actually be a surprising enough outcome to keep things interesting. i agree that it does not look like the path goes much further past new hampshire. at this point, one week ago, we were talking about iowa, is she going to come in second. and the air just got so let out of the balloon over the last week. now she actually does pull off a win here, i think people will be surprised. >> a diabolical plan.
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to say she came out of iowa with momentum i think is a little bit of a stretch. everybody saw what happened in iowa. she was playing for second. she didn't get second. the guy who got second has already dropped out. you know, he is right that polling is a little tricky in new hampshire because of this factor, if you don't know which independent voters are going to participate. but there seems to be a unanimity of polling coming at the end here. i'll ask you. but, you know, in she were to win this, i would be stunned. i think the sort of consensus is mid-teens is likely. i think she could lose by more than that. if she does, she has a decision to make. what exactly is the benefit of going to your home state and getting mambo'd there? >> if she wins it would be on the strength of non-republicans. independent, non-republican voters to show up in big numbers. you know, here is a news flash. it's not going to be
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non-republicans who decide who the republican anonymous nominee nominee is going to be. >> i think what yiowa did, also for nikki haley, is give her renewed sense of hope because only 50,000 people voted for the former president of the united states. it wasn't as if he had people just hanging out falling out the polling centers. we see his rallies in new hampshire where in 2016 he had tens of thousands of people or 2020 tens of thousands of people and today it's not that anymore. if you have 50,000 votes of people, you don't even get 50% in a state, that gives people a sense of hope. >> i sort of agree with you on this. i think he -- tomorrow could be sort of the apex of his journey here because once gets outside of the republican party, it gets more difficult. and that's partly why nikki haley has some little gas -- >> i want to -- the cnn poll in new hampshire, republican voters choice without desantis because trump has a sizable lead over haley, who benefits in terms of
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ron desantis' small share? trump? >> it certainly is trump. far more desantis voters have seemed to have gone to him. the other thing that's a challenge for haley is that the types of desantis voters who are more likely to go to trump are ones most fired up, the most die hard, the most likely to participate. just like in iowa, one of the reasons why donald trump overperformed expectations there is his coalition was the diehards. they were going to turn out and the once a decade snowstorm to go to the caucuses. we don't have a once a decade snowstorm happening in new hampshire tomorrow, i don't believe. i will have to check with the weather folks. but it's still a problem that her coalition is the less enthusiastic. >> you talk to people on the ground in iowa, and what you hear despite these preev preeviction -- predictions bay the secretary of state of a record turnout -- you're a politician. you know when things are ginne
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d-up. that's not the feel on the ground there. if it's just the diehards who come out, those diehards are more trump than haley. >> that's counter to south carolina. and i think nikki haley knows that because people have had trump signs up in south carolina since 2016. they literally have not taken them down. five out of the seven united states congressmen, jim clyburn being one, have not endorsed nikki haley -- i mean, donald trump for president of the united states and nikki haley was the former governor. i am interested to see -- she flew all -- he flew all of these former -- or current elected officials up. the governor of south carolina, tim scott, speaker of its house, the treasurer, flew them to new hampshire to show the race is over. >> he is tying to put a depressant view on this, which is this is a foregone conclusion and he doesn't want to have another contested state. he is trying to close the door tomorrow night. that is the closing message to republicans. close the door for me and we will get on to joe biden. >> next, john king all over the
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new hampshire voters start casting ballots four hours from now, many will have met the candidates person and that goes double for political reporters like cnn's john king whose journey over the map is a reintroduction to some of the new hampshire residents he visited earlier in the campaign. take a look. >> reporter: late morning off the dock. gone maybe one day, maybe two or more. andrew's job depends on the water and the weather. >> yeah, it's a little colder, definitely colder. but, yeah, you get used to it. >> reporter: he drops these nets overnight, pulled them out in the morning. he was likely trump but lacking alt ron desantis. >> i have to look into it more. >> reporter: now time to choose. >> i am with trump because he supports fishermen. obviously, this is my livelihood. >> reporter: loyal to trump despite stuff that ofrds him. >> i don't think the way that he speaks sometimes. it could be a little ignorant
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and rude. >> reporter: loyal to trump despite a wife who backs nikki haley. when you hang your trump flag, what does she say? >> she said i ruined christmas and wanted me to take it down. she took it down and i put it back up. >> reporter: pete's haley sign is surrounded by snow. same spot we visited in september. haley was a long shot then. perhaps the only shot to stop trump now. >> she has trump's attention. >> she certainly does. i think there is a very real opportunity for nikki to squeak out a percentage point on top of trump. and wouldn't that shake the rafters? >> reporter: to burdette, a no-brainer. >> who can beat biden? who lost to biden last time? trump did. >> reporter: the possibility is obvious, but so are the challenges. winning over chris christie voters because she said she would pardon trump. independents like stanley. he told us in september his disgust with both parties makes
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him a likely third-party voter in november. he could still help haley tuesday. but took a break from trivia night to make clear he won't. >> i know you are not a trump fan, fair? >> fair. >> if you came off the sidelines you could help nikki haley. >> i could. i could. >> reporter: but you don't see it as worth it why? >> because i don't really -- i don't feel like i trust her enough yet. to be able to give her my sloat. >> reporter: trump's resilience infuriates his critics. many supporters imitate his crude tactics and repeat his lies. but it's not that simple. who onwon the 2020 election. >> biden. >> reporter: debbie svoted for bill clinton twice. is a trump republican now. what are the one or two things you want the federal government to do asap. >>? >> close the border. get the economy going. >> reporter: not a joe biden fan. >> he has been caught in a lot of lies. i didn't like him as a
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politician. >> reporter: caught in a lot of lies? >> yes. >> reporter: trump is not known as the world's greatest truth teller. >> why. >> reporter: why okay? >> i don't like politicians. i don't think one term made him a politician. i don't think he plays the game. >> reporter: that is the code trump critics have yet to crack. his support among those who don't deny election results. those who don't like the drama but like the policy. >> i know he'll fix the border. he will work on the economy. with trump i was able to save more. >> reporter: the more north, the more new hampshire voters on the trump rain. devin works construction. >> this is all the prep work before the busy season. >> reporter: it in 2008, an obama voter. a trump supporter since the 2016 primary here. >> if he gets convicted of mishandling classified documents, he can go to jail. >> then he goes to jail. i guess he won't be president. >> reporter: yeah, so trump voter but with eyes wide open. >> he is definitely different.
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sometimes he is not his own best friend. he is different. >> reporter: i was asking but the price of admission. yeah, there is a lot of extra that comes with it. >> it's a show. >> reporter: that doesn't bother you? >> no, no, because we have other branches of government to deal with it. they can keep him in line. he can't have everything he wants. >> reporter: he makes $40,000 a year, just enough, he says, to take care of his family and save a little. another trump tax cut for his boss would be worth all the trump chaos. >> if the business climate is better towards people like him, i do better. if you hit him harder with taxes, it takes away from me. >> reporter: andrew shares that same blue collar bottom line. you think it's over if he wins here? >> yeah, oh, yeah. >> reporter: trump he believes will win the primary, win in november and save his job. >> he is kind of a bully.
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i'll give you that. >> reporter: you think he fights for you? >> i do. >> reporter: so it's worth all the drama if it keeps him on the water. >> john, fascinating to hear those voters how they were and where they are now, and a lot as you said have their eyes wide open on trump. you hear some say they want trump to fix the economy. what is the economic reality generally in snums? >> this is the frustration for the biden campaign they can't break through. still look at the numbers. the new hampshire unemployment rate below the national average. it wasn't bad a year ago. better now. 2.3%. that's an historically low unemployment rate. a stronger economy, right? what's the price of gas? think about new england. a year ago it was 3.30 a gallon you now 3.03. this is worth watching. this is what aches in the heart of these voters.
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yes, if you look at the year to year inflation, right now things are getting better. 2.6% in the last year prices have risen. this sticks with the voters. if you were making 30, 40, 50 or $60,000 a year and you were paying 6% inflation or more a year ago, that means you have your old car, didn't go to disneyland, started dipping in safes to pay for groceries and fuel. so that a hangover effect. can joe biden by the general election convince voters to focus on that number? maybe. but at the moment, they think the economy needs work. i know it's cyclical. he inherited the economy and all that. that's their life. that's hair hangover and their experience. >> john, appreciate it. an israel ceasefire proposal and the controversial part of it. hamas leaders might get to leave gaza. a best look at the network of tunnels beneath the territory and grim accommodations as israeli forces found inside some of them for holding humans captive.
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that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. breaking news on the israel/hamas war. israel has offered a two month pause in fighting in exchange for the release of all hostages held in gaza. israel believes 132 people are there with 104 thought to be alive. >> this would be the longest break in fighting israel has offered hamas. a short time ago we got exclusive reporting on a proposal involving freedom for senior hamas leaders.
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alex has the details. what have you learned about this proposal? >> this an extraordinary proposal from israel which of course has vowed to completely destroyed hamas. what i have been told by two officials who are aware of the discussions going on about a broader ceasefire which would see israeli hostages released as well is that israel has proposed that senior leaders of hamas leave the gaza strip. now, that would be just incredible to think that israel would essentially allow the orchestraters, architects of october 7th, the deadliest attack in israeli history to simply walk away. i am told this was raised by the head had of israeli zwrens when he met with his american counterpart as well as the qatari prime minister last month. it raised again when secretary of state antony blinken was in do that this month. this is something that is almost certainly not going to happen. at the same time, it really
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highlights the fact that israel has made relatively little inroads when it comes to dismantling and destroying hamas. you have the most senior leadership of hamas that is still alive, still believed to be in those tunnels. you have around 70% of the hamas fighting force by israel's open estimation still on the battlefield. of course, this could benefit israel if these hamas leaders were to leave. it would weaken hamas in the gaza strip. it would take away their leadership and allow israel to target hamas leaders wherever they go. israel has said they intend to go around the world and killing -- kill hamas leaders because of october 7th. >> is there a sense of how likely it is that hamas would accept those terms? >> well r from the american and international officials i have spoken with, extremely unlike i, they say. secretary blinken was told by the qatari prime minister that
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something like this is never going to happen. the leaders talking about are the head of hamas in gaza. there is mohammed day, the head of the military wing. these men are true believers. they are religious zellis, idea logs. so officials believe they want to die fighting against their sworn enemy. there is a situation that aaron david miller raised that sinwar two leave if israel agreed to release all of the palestinian prisoners, some of the toughest and deadliest prisoners in israeli prisons. then miller said sinwar might consider it. but that is -- that possibility is a long way off and essentially netanyahu rejected it yesterday. >> how much pressure is there on netanyahu to find a resolution? >> extraordinary amount of pressure and growing by the day.
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i was in israel last month speaking with hostage families. they are protesting all the time. they are heessentially saying t netanyahu, you have to do whatever you can to bring them home. >> this is pressure that is only growing by the day. netanyahu knows he has do something. at the same time, anderson, he vowed this war will continue for many months to come. >> alex marquardt, thank you. to gaza. the i.d. says hostages were held in tunnels. nic robertson is there. >> reporter: dreams of her lost life carefully remembered in red crayon. a house, flowers, and the sun peeking between mountains. discovered 60 feet below the gaza city consumer electronics show khan younis in a half-mile long maze of tunnels used to imprison hostages. >> translator: in this space, we found evidence that indicate the state of hostages, including the paintings drawn boy the
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5-year-old girl amelia, along with other hostages. >> reporter: images of the tunnel complex newly released by the idf amid growing pressure to saved hostages reveels the hell they are enduring beyond the cage door, a soiled mattress strewn on the floor. further inside the cell a toilet. one of five underground hostage dungeons, the idf say, that held about 20 hostages at different times. amale yeah and her mother danielle are released late november, long before these latest tunnels were discovered. this tunnel we are going in here is one where some of the hostages were held. a week before the new video release, the idf took us in a similar tunnel complex, close to where they say amelia and danielle were held. we came down a metal ladder. we have come down one flight of stairs. we are going down a second flight of stairs here, a double
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flight it looks like, and down here command and control was running all the way down, the wires. it's a deep, deep system. how deep are we underground? >> at the moment, more or less between 10 to 15 meters underground. >> reporter: and now we are going down another level. down more steps. what are we lacking at here? >> a small room. >> reporter: some kind of air ventilation system? >> yes. this goes up. >> reporter: metal frame around the door. >> these metal frames, as much as this a small room, this is how the different cages that they put the kidnapped -- >> reporter: they were held in cages? >> yeah. >> reporter: hidden and utterly cut off. just to give you an idea of how humid it is down here, the camera lens is fogging up. it's hard to imagine the life of a hostage stuck down here day after day, week after week. it is hot.
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it is humid. these latest images released by the idf capture the conditions, but not the claustrophobia they induce. the tunnel now beyond use, blown up by the idf, eliminated from the ongoing search for the remaining hostages. >> nic robertson joins us from tel aviv. is there a sense how much longer the military offensive in the south and in khan yunis is expected to last? >> reporter: yeah, i think the military's assessment is that the tunnels and complexity has made it much harder and will take longer. that was general gold who took us down the tunnels there. he is a division commander, the biggest division that ever existed in the israeli military. he said trying to fight hamas in this environment is like trying to play tetris because you move one piece, but things are happening on the other side of
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the cube underground, in essence. in the tunnels, you can't easily know where the enemy is. that's slowing things down. the idf just announced their major military operations ongoing in khan younis are expected to last stefrl more days. bad weather is on the way. the fighting is partly focused it appears around two hospital in the west of khan younis. a doctor described the situation there was dire, that people couldn't get out of the area. so the military operations continue, and the fighting bridge gads of hamas say that they are engaging with the idf. so it's potentially very deadly as well there right now. >> thank you. coming up, vice president kamala harris with laura coates about the campaign ahead. james carvell, a veteran of new hampshire and the white house campaign, joins us with his thoughts on what the race is going to look like for democrats.
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as the former president prepares for a potential strong night in new hampshire and he and president biden size up a possible rematch of 2020, laura coates has a rare one-on-one interview with vice president kamala harris. it airs tonight at 11:00 p.m. here is a preview how the vice president says they will handle the former president's repeated lie that the 2020 election was stolen. >> there is someone right now,
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if the polling is correct, has 91 counts, four different jurisdictions with different indictments and different cases against him, who could very well be the republican nominee. and yet, he is attacking you and president biden for election interference. he believes the justice department, what they are doing is attributed it to you and also is election interference. what is your reaction to those who believe his statements? >> okay. let's start with the facts you just outlined. actually, i don't need to repeat them. in terms of what has -- have been the allegations about the former president, and i do believe that the american people care about rule of law and care about speaking truth and acknowledging truth. i do believe, in my travels around our country, that, for example, a statement that suggests that insurrectionists who attacked our capitol and committed acts of violence
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should not be called patriots as the former president has done. >> should they be called candidates? >> well, the people who attacked on january 6th should not be called patriots. they attacked our capitol, committed acts of violence and they need to be taken into account and held accountable for those acts. these are just facts. and we are going to see what happens in terms of any cases that are being litigate inside a court of law. >> that airs tonight at 11:00 p.m. i will be joined by strategist james carville to talk about president biden's strategy in the campaign. in tomorrow night's new hampshire primary as well. bill clinton's 1992 campaign proved second place in some cases in new hampshire can be a springboard to the nomination and victory, particularly when you give a now famous speech like he did six days before the primary. the elks club in cover, new hampshire. >> on the road because other people have questioned my life
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after years of public service. i'll tell you something. i'm going to give new election back and if you give to me, i won't be like george bush. i will be there for you until the last dog dies. >> joined by james carville, senior strategist on the 1992 clinton campaign. did he come one that line, by the way? do you recall? >> 100%. so he called me today. it was 32 years ago today the 1992 new hampshire primary. and he was at that -- i was at that meeting. and the last dog died, i thought i that was pretty good. the kind of southern statements. that's the first him time i heard that one. you see the political skill being exhibited up there. if you think about, you know, all the stuff that was going on and him involving the audience and making about them as much as about him. i just wish people could play
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the game like this, still play the game like this. he was the best that ever was. >> you heard a little bit of kamala harris there. do you think the biden team knows how to run this particular race? assuming it's president trump? >> one of the things, the biden team is very, very experienced. mike donlan is one of the most experienced and best hands in this business i have known. i have known him since the mid '60s. you know, it's not -- i don't think it's strategy. it's the economy's got to keep kicking in for these guys. stay focused. they might talk a lot about infrastructure, a lot of infrastructure events. but there is nothing wrong with the people around the president or his tv people or pollsters, anything like that. it's just a tough slog coming up, and we all got to get onboard and get behind this thing. >> how concerned are you about,
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you know, robert kennedy jr., other candidates? >> very. if you look at this, there is a real market for these third-party candidates. and strategically, one of the things that the biden campaign is going to have to try to pull off post-labor day is to get people focused on what really is going to matter to a large extent in stopping trump. right now you can't look at current polling and not conclude that there is a substantial markets for candidates other than the two presumptive nominees. it's impossible. >> i want to play a clip of the former president speaking to a new hampshire crowd this past friday. he appears to confuse house speaker nancy pelosi with ambassador haley. >> and the press never reports the crowds, you know. by the way, they never report the crowd on january 6th. you know, nikki haley -- nikki haley -- nikki haley -- they destroyed all the information, all of the evidence, everything. deleted and destroyed all of it.
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all tv. because of lots of things, like nikki haley is in charge of the security. we offered her 10,000 people. soldiers. national guard. whatever they wanted. they turned it down. they don't want to talk about that. these are very dishonest people. >> i am wondering what you make of the -- i mean, not only what he said, but in general the campaign he is running right now. >> well, to some extent he is actually -- his campaign, from what i hear, is actually more professional than it was in 2016. they have an operation in iowa. they have an operation in new hampshire. look, i am older than president trump and sometimes i get names a little confused. i am startled by i see that again, how many sometimes he said nikki haley. you understand somebody saying, you know, confusing anderson cooper and wolf blitzer one time. but if you confused it seven or eight times, that is pretty
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weird. anderson, there are so many things about trump that voters don't know. they don't know a jury found him, in the words of the judge, that he raped a woman in the common parlance of the word rape. rape is not a good thing. another court of competent jurisdiction determined he was a business fraud. i think until we it get that to wear 90, 95% of the people in the country understand exactly who donald trump is, exactly what he has done, not allegations, finding -- i think got a lot of upside to greg that information is out there. it's baked in. it isn't just a lot of people think the court system is rigged against him, you know, unfair juries. democratic juries. >> i think we think it's out there. i think we think if we say something, that people know it. it is not understood until it's said a thousand times and
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repeated a thousand times. i would be stunned if half the people in that country understand that a jury in the words of judge kaplan, who is a 30-year-old, one of the most experienced and respected federal judges in the united states said in the common parlance of the word, the jury found that he raped this woman. i don't think people know that. i think, oh, it's kind of back and forth and they say this and some democrat says that and some republican says this. no, i don't think that at all. i think that's a failure on the communications part of the party, fall you're sometimes of the press that thinks, well, we already reported that. that's not any -- that's not any news. people don't know that. they think it's just a political back and forth. and that's not what the case is here. and people have to be made aware of that and made aware of it repeatedly. >> james carville, thank you. latest on the former president's legal sagas, including fulton
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i'm free to explore. i'm free to learn. i'm free to forge my own path. contra costa college is free for full-time students, which makes you free to explore all the incredible opportunities unleashed by higher learning. start your future and apply today at two key developments in the legal trials involving the former president. he's scheduled to head to a new york courtroom the day after the new hampshire primary. his expected testimony involving
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e. jean carroll was pushed back two days because a juror was sick. also tonight, new information on the embattled georgia prosecutor behind the rico indictment against donald trump and others. her relationship with the man she appointed to lead the case now under scrutiny. nick valencia has more. >> i will issue a stay. >> reporter: fulton county district attorney fani willis giving a pass for now, in a case that threatens to derail her criminal case against former president donald trump. on monday, a georgia judge put on hold the d.a.'s testimony in the divorce proceedings of her lead prosecutor, nathan wade. the testimony sought by wade's estranged wife jocelyn after allegations of a romantic affair surfaced between willis and her husband. do you think that fani willis is the cause of this divorce? >> i can't say that right now. >> reporter: willis still in the spotlights after court filings show nathan wade's credit card filings for willis to accompany him on at least two out of state
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trips. >> the main concern is we're county funds being misused or converted to personal gain. >> fulton county commissioner bob ellis, a republican who chairs the county audit committee opening an inquiry and asking the fulton d.a. to turn over contracts with special prosecutors including invoices and payment. >> it's inappropriate for an elected official to be in a romantic relationship with a contractor who they selected. >> now wade's estranged wife said in a filing she wants to hear from willis directly, and in the trump election interference case, a fulton county judge has ordered willis to respond to the allegations of a conflict of interest by next week and said he will hold a hearing on the issue february 15th. the controversy prompting republicans to circulate comments willis made as she campaigned for the d. aflt's office in 2020. >> i will not be choosing people to date that work under me. >> so far, willis has not directly addressed the affair,
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but recently defended her decision to name wade as the prosecutor. >> some will never see a black man as qualified no matter his achievements. >> jocelyn's attorney saying willis is trying to hide behind the shield of her position. >> i have reason to believe there is a relationship going on or else i wouldn't be pursuing this line of discovery. that would be inappropriate. >> nick joins us from outside the fulton county courthouse in atlanta. what's the latest in the prosecutor's divorce records being unsealed? >> we're still waiting for the cobb county clerk's office to release those records and among those are financial records. the delay could have to do with redacting some of the lines in the financial records. there's a lot of anticipation about what details are in these records and if it could further prove this alleged romance between wade and willis. it is clear, though, at the very least, this is a huge distraction from the facts of the case, and as i mentioned in the piece, the judge overseeing the criminal probe in georgia has set next week as a deadline
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for fani willis to respond in writing to the allegations and february 15th for a hearing to focus on these claims. anderson. >> nick, thanks very much. next, the u.s. navy identifies two navy s.e.a.l.s lost at sea during a mission that according to u.s. command was to seize missisile c compon. details s ahead.
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the defense department has released the names of two navy s.e.a.l.s lost in a nighttime raid on a ship in the arabian sea. they said it was traveling with iranian missile parts bound for yemen. nathan ingram was killed along with 37-year-old first class christopher chambers. the s.e.a.l.s were boarding the ship in eight-foot swells when one fell in the water. the other following protocol jumped in to attempt a rescue. sunday after ten days unsuccessfully searching for both men, the navy declared them dead. a warfare commander called both s.e.a.l.s exceptional warriors, cherished teammates and dear friends to many. our thoughts are with our families and friends tonight. the news continues. the source with kaitlan collins starts now.
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