tv Laura Coates Live CNN January 22, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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breaking news, we are moments away from a primary, mary day in new hampshire tonight on our special bonus hour, this is democracy in action, six voters about take cast their ballots in the tiny new england town kicking off the first in the nation, new hampshire republican primary. eva is live in dixville notch. walk me through the process, how will this go down? >> reporter: laura, don't link because you might miss it it will be over in a few minutes here, so matcha dissipation for midnight, six residence in this community, four republicans and
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two independents will make their way down here and some officials get up and vote and they sat back down, that is how small this community is, it will go behind these american flags and come out and they will cast their ballots in the box here and when it is said and done, the votes will be written up on that white board and we will know how the first community in new hampshire is feeling about these candidates in the first in the nation primary. it has started right now, the first voter about to cast his ballot, this is an exciting process, this all started because the former owner of the resort here, he wanted a way for the people in the community to be able to participate in this process without having to drive nearly an hour away in the snow in the winter and that is why he made this possible and he pushed for dixville
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notch to be incorporated the people in the community could vote. >> i love that they were able to have the same process you would see in a larger jurisdiction, people going behind the flag to cast their vote, only six people there putting the actual ballot into the box, getting a handshake and moving on. five other people have a chance to cast their ballot and we are seeing democracy at a smaller level but in action, there are six total, what you know about their political backgrounds in general? >> four republicans and two independents. one spoke me that he is a lifelong republican buddy voted for president biden in 2020 and that is reflective of what you hear from these new hampshire voters, many moderates and independents especially the ones who have been turning out to nikki haley rallies. i don't know how instructive he
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is of the rest of the five but at least one person sort of leaning in the moderate laying here, laura. >> standby, we will keep watching this, thank you so much. we will get to kate bedingfield and jamaal simmons and former republican congressman joe walsh is also here with me now. we are watching this very small town, dixville notch, new hampshire, there were only six people, talk about a microcosm of the greater democracy. if you were to scale this experience, i think a huge take away is the benefit of watching democracy in action because we are talking about months and months and years of people challenging this system, doubting the system, wanting to have transparency. >> it is cool, these are the first six people. >> you say it is cool, i had
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this eloquent thing and you were like, right on. >> it is beautiful. >> these are the first six of what will be millions of americans who will vote in primaries and we get to watch the first six vote. i don't know how old they all are but i am hoping this jurisdiction can stay alive for a while. >> the thing about this election, i have been there and we are that far north the new hampshire, it is a long ways away from manchester, which is the population center, in the old days, the candidates would go up there, talk to the voters, get to know them and the trick was, you would win dixville notch and that will get you a spot on the front page of the newspaper the next morning so all the candidates who wanted a little extra juice into election day, they got it by winning dixville notch. it is not quite a big to do
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that it was, but it is still something that is remarkable. >> and another thing that social media has killed. added to the list. >> i read that they have been able to predict every republican primary race from 1968 to 2012. >> dixville notch? >> that is what i am telling you, it is a whole thing. it does stop as you can imagine but it is quite telling. >> nobody predicted donald trump, that is why. >> dixville notch -- let me tell you talking about new hampshire broadly, this is between nikki haley and donald trump. that is what haley wanted, trump does not to be faced by it all. we look at what might happen, what do you see? >> i want to push back a little
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bit because i think trump is phase because originally he was like, i am not putting money into the state, could not care less and in the last minute, he is pumping up the attack ads, he is pouring money in the state, they are in new hampshire campaigning and meeting with these people. social media has not killed that much and i think part of it is not just being concerned about nikki haley, i think he knows he has this wrapped up it is also about how he wins. will it be a large sweeping win? will it be a small win? let's say something about the state of the republican party and one thing that is fascinating about new hampshire it is a different kind of republican party then say iowa or even south carolina or california, these various other states. the voters in new hampshire in the republican primary pride themselves on being independent,
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many are socially liberal and they fall into these republican camps in different ways. for donald trump, this may look like it is wrapped up but there is still work to be done i think one of the things -- as an academic, we would say this is statistically irrelevant, this is all coincidence, it is the same chances groundhogs day, there is something we can pull behind the exercise of democracy is that sometimes, the voters showcase startling surprises, we were talking during the break about how one year michael bloomberg won this contest, bernie sanders coming out first and surprising everyone is sometimes, i think
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it can be a bellwether of these different or a microcosm of these different emotions and ideas and values that voters are feeling on the ground. >> i think for nikki haley, she will have a practical problem tomorrow unless she over performs in a way that blows everyone away. this is kind of her last stand to say to people, i am a viable trump alternative and she doesn't blow the doors off it tomorrow night, it will be hard for her to keep raising money. >> the door is coming off the ballot box, locke was taken off, it's go back to eva mckend, what are you seeing? >> reporter: everyone is -- >> what you seeing? >> reporter: everyone is starting the tally here, and this should be over within a matter of minutes, laura. from 1968 to 2012, this community has picked primary winners and so everyone sort of looks to see what dixville notch is going to do, and earlier tonight, one of the residents told me, don't spend so much time focusing on the fact they pick primary winners and more the fact they trek
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through the wilderness to be able to vote and they want to send a message to other new hampshire residents to get out and vote too and send that message to voters across the country as well. >> are you able to hear them right now? let's hear it for a second. >> this is a vote for nikki haley. two votes for nikki haley. >> reporter: two votes for nikki haley. >> five to six, nikki haley. >> reporter: half of the votes so far for nikki haley. >> four for nikki haley. >> and a vote for nikki haley.
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>> reporter: another vote for nikki haley. five of six for nikki haley. >> nikki haley. >> reporter: nikki haley captured all six votes here in dixville notch, i know from the residence she reached out to the residence in this community and met with them privately, every resident in this community supported nikki haley. those are the results from the first community in the first in the nation primary, laura. >> i want to bring back up that graphic, the yearbook photo of all the people who had that predict the value when you are talking about years of dixville notch , they predicted the republican nominee. i am seeing some presidents in
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there, and some who did not ultimately win the presidency as well, i wonder, joe, when you look at this, of course, it is just six people, but she is small but she is mighty, what do you think? >> i want zeba leave -- you know what i think about trump, i think it is too late. new hampshire is her best chance to win a state, i think trump will win by more than people think. it is just too late. i would love a surprise. >> i think this is a bigger impact of what is going to happen in the fall. this is a vote of no- confidence. these are moderates. they are more libertarians than rebels -- liberals. i think that is a problem for donald trump, he lost the state last time. >> absolutely, this type of performance that she will need tomorrow to continue to have a
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viable campaign, unfortunately, for those of us who love democracy and do not want to see donald trump be the republican nominee. i agree, as we look towards what seems like the inability of him becoming nominee, he has significant election vulnerabilities, he is not appealing to the moderate swing voters. that will be a problem for him. >> we are looking at the actual official votes, very rare that you will have a candidate get 100% of anything, but while we are talking about this -- i wonder about the path forward, we have 50 states and a piecemeal approach, eating an elephant one bite at a time might be conceptually okay but when it becomes to be about delegates, you have to have a path forward two or three steps down the road.
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when you look at the path, if this were to pretend the future, is there a path? >> kate made the most interesting point of any political campaign, you don't stop campaigning when you lose, you stop campaigning and you lose out of money. she will have to raise money to keep this going so the question is, will she do well enough for her donors to put more money in? everyone is scared of donald trump and a lot of people who might be interested in finding someone else to take him on have decided that this is already cooked, that we get out and get on board so i don't get punished by the guy who is the authoritarian try to take over the country. >> i agree with what everyone said but i have to put in the hail mary perspective and more of the things we have seen over the past couple of weeks is a number of republican donors and moderate donors,
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independent donors, who have been willing to contribute have gone up for nikki haley because they see some sliver of possibility or pathway for her, and i think it is fair? no, but a lot of that rests on trump being disqualified or his legal troubles catching up with them. i think, again, this is part of this inconceivable probably, most likely won't happen, but it is, i think, valuable that the donors are putting some value in this but ultimately, it comes down to when does the money run out? >> what i like about this, not coming from the new york's, washington, d.c., chicago, l.a., everyone wants to focus on the biggest cities in the country and then you have smaller jurisdictions, minnesota is not as small as dixville notch, but the emphasis is that candidates have to go around the entire
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team of the state , it makes me wonder how that is playing with those candidates who say, i am far enough ahead or maybe, i am the incumbent president i don't have the same luxury of time to do so, does this tell you that there should still be an emphasis on what is quote on quote flyover country? >> this is what is charming, it is charming to be able to go there and do it, the problem is the predictive nature of new hampshire is not what it used to be. particularly in the democratic party, which is a much more diverse party -- those people aren't as much in a state like new hampshire. democrats decided, let's go to a state where we have more representative voters who represent our coalition which is why you will see a real contest in south carolina. >> stick around, don't worry -- i liked it.
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i can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources when we don't have a clear path to victory, i am suspending my campaign, it is clear to me that majority of republican voters want to give donald trump another chance. >> ron desantis valley out of the campaign days after vowing to remain in the 2024 race. >> you helped us get a ticket punched out of the hawkeye state, we have a lot of work to do but i can tell you this, as
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the next president of the united states, i will get the job done for this country. >> what exactly happened? my panel is back with me, you look at maybe a year or year and a half ago, all of the potential trajectory of this man's career potentially as being president of the united states, he was an early front- runner and it seemed to go downhill from there, what happened? >> he had two big problems illustrated by that video, dropping out. one, he never made a compelling case differentiating himself from donald trump, he spent the bulk of the campaign saying, donald trump is kinda great but i am also pretty good, you should maybe vote for me, he never made it clear caser took on trump in a meaningful way and two, he was lacking in charm and ability to connect. typically, when a candidate drops out of the race, and is one of the most human and relatable moments and it is
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perfectly emblematic of the problems he had connecting with voters, he dropped out with this incredibly sanitized in personal video. >> unlikable video. where he basically said, donald trump is great and you should vote for him. >> what happened is desantis happened. for those of us who know him, he is an unlikable guy who does not like to be around people but the other thing that happened is my former party became a cult. trump is the cult leader, i don't think anybody could have beaten him for this nomination and kate is right, desantis made no case to try to beat him. >> but he has been a let it twice as governor of florida and a member of congress. there is some pole or draw and he has proven that, maybe not at the presidential level but is there something about,
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obviously that next step out of the statewide office that makes it such, what qualities he project are not viable to the general public? is it really trump? >> the other thing is hubris, it reminds me of jeb bush was also a florida governor who ran for president -- and hubris never works, you really do have to campaign, yet to get out there and push and push and one of the things we saw from desantis, he talked about himself, he tried to prove that he was the moral maga person out there and he never had a message that spoke to the rest of the country of where he wanted to take this. i think he paid the price for that. >> it was the coke or diet coke thing people were talking about. and why choose desantis when you have donald trump right
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there. and that is true to donald trump being the front runner because everyone forgets two years ago, donald trump was not in this race. is he going to fade off into oblivion? start his own network? there was this resurgence that happen over the course of the last 18, 12 months that really centers around the indictments, the various indictments he is facing but even before that, ron desantis is a cheap imitation of donald trump and so i think the republican base that once donald trump or once trumpism, they might not want donald trump but they may want trumpism, they don't want an imitation, they don't want someone coming in in cost of pretending to be donald trump because the only person who can be donald trump is donald trump. it looks very poor when someone steps in and tries to act like
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that is their demeanor. the other thing deeply problematic is as desantis started slipping in the polls, he has all this money, he starts mismanaging it and there was a real implosion within the campaign but what to do with that money, how to spend it, where to go, what to do and the fact there is not a vision tells us a lot more about his fitness, right? irrespective of the policy. he was not ready in 2024 and he will not be ready in 2028. >> and the most malpractice moment, i said it before and i will state again, i do not understand why they spent any time debating gavin newsom. gavin newsom was not running for president. i am on television talking about desantis, it did not make any sense. >> may be a preview of 2028? everyone stick around, the town manager for dixville notch
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tom, are you able to hear me? >> she is young -- yes, i am, can you hear me? >> i can hear you, thank you. >> i think the most important point of the results were the two independence that voted for her and new hampshire is in a situation, like a lot of the country that does not want to see a biden and trump rematch where the independence who represent 40% of the voting in the state overall have been told for months that they do not count because it will be trump and biden. i think the most important take away from our leaning towards nikki haley is that it doesn't necessarily have to be the way
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it needs to be in the voters will be getting to bed around the time -- if there's any doubt about whether to go and vote, please -- we got up at midnight to vote and did our part, it is time for the other 40% of the voters in new hampshire to get up and do their part. i was just going to say in this divided country, the people in the middle -- their voices need to be heard and in our system, that is the ballot box, that is the most important take away from what happened here in dixville notch tonight . >> well, dixville notch making
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a big impression, tom tillotson, thank you so much, very important part about independent voters not taking anyone's vote for granted, thank you so much. >> you are welcome, have a good evening. >> you too, or good morning. more from my exclusive interview with vice president kamala harris. her candidid reaction n that of vote for presidentnt biden is actualally a vote e for her.r.
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about a host of issues including the narrative that a vote for president biden is actually a vote for her, here is what she told me. >> you hear candidates suggesting that a vote for president biden, because of his age, is somehow a vote for you and that is hurled as an insult, it is intended to demonstrate a negative viewpoint towards you. >> what is your reaction to this thought that with your background in particular, with your career, that there is thought that you are incapable? >> well, i think most women who have risen in their profession, who are leaders in their profession have similar experiences, i was the first woman to be elected district attorney, i was the first woman to be elected attorney general in the state of california and
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the first woman to be vice president. and i love my job. >> back with my panel, what is your reaction to the intonation that this is really focusing on a woman in power? >> she is right, can you remember another campaign in modern history where the attack was so directly focused on the vice president and the vice president was singled out in this way? she is right. i would argue that doesn't mean the response is just it is sexism and that is it -- i think the way she handled it was great, a lot of people have experienced this but i love my job and she can go, here are all of the things i've done in the way i'm getting things done for you. the way that she has touched upon it and knowledged it and talked about in a way that resonates with women across the country, which is a very important voting block that they need to win the election,
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i thought it was smart, taking it from her and making it about the collective experience of women who have experienced sexism, i thought that was smart but the answer can't stop there and as she did, she needs to go to -- i love the substance of my job and here's what i'm doing every day. >> odyssey, i was the vice president's communication director, everywhere we went, i was with her, i saw women from young girls who looked at her like she was wonder women to older women would grab her hand and say, i never thought i would see the day, even some republicans. i never thought i would see the day where women would be in the white house and i think there is something about this attack on her that is not going to ring well or true for a lot of women in the country, even if they may not like the policies, they feel a certain amount of pride to were able to get through this last barrier and she was able to do it.
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>> is a fair criticism towards her? >> i think it is fair to point out that vice president harris has low favorability ratings, but it is not a smart tried -- strategy, because people do not elect presidents by the vice presidents. they never have. we have always had debate on who the vice president is going to be and when people going to the voting booth, they vote for president of the united states. >> i don't want to cut you off but they are arguing that his age becomes relevant for a new reason. >> it is a new strategy but built on the old one that doesn't necessarily work. the other thing to point out is how it may backfire. we know that women will rally around this particularly feeling like women in professional settings have often heard about on likability or likability and things of that nature, but it
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is also true that one of the things that has been happening is that black women have been rallying around kamala harris in a way that is really important for mobilizing and organizing democratic voters who have been less enthusiastic. the last thing you want to do if you are a republican is excite the other side around something that should be a non- issue. why stick it to the first black and asian woman vice president and use that as a strategy when effectively, it may incur a large backlash? why, joe? >> it is an attack on her, you mentioned, it is an attack on biden hand his age and team biden and harris could go a long way if the president embraced the age issue. it is the elephant in the room, i wish he would have fun with it, i wish he would acknowledge
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it because it is also an attack on him. he should defuse it here >> i heard that he makes more jokes about this. he seems to be leaning into -- >> i agree, he has started to lean into it more and joke about it and make self- deprecating jokes, to help take it off the table, it puts people at ease. he started to do that more. >> is one thing to talk about it but if you are seeing -- this is a congressional issue, this is a government issue, it is not a biden specific issue, people are wondering what and who is the issue of their parties, i wonder by mentioning it does it fuse it? >> he has a heck of a record but everybody is wondering about this. i wish you would come out and say -- >> and say what? i am old? >> i am going to mess up some
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names, make mistakes, i take two naps a day but look at what we have done. run with it, everyone has a grandparent like this but he is doing a lot. >> the other thing he is doing and the other way they take this on is talking about the wisdom. that is the other way to attack this, there is the self- deprecating piece, it puts people at ease and it is helpful, the other way to take this on is to say, have i been at this a long time? yes, because of that, i know how to do it, how to get work done, look at what we have done. that is the other way to wrap around and hear the president do that. it is also true the american public says, we want young presidents and then they are given the option, they rarely choose the young president. there are a few notable exceptions, bill clinton, barack obama, by and large
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given a choice between someone really young and someone who is really old, they choose the one who is experienced because american say time after time they want experience, wisdom, and they value that as opposed to when al gore first entered into the primary they said, we will have a boy president? he is too young. it was 100% because of his age. >> the vice president has been a key ally, partner to the president. she is in meetings in the oval office, she is in meetings in the situation room, she has been traveling to and from europe. she has gone to ukraine. what we have seen over the course of her time is someone who is more comfortable in the role and has started to have a substantive impact, there are stories about the president feeling like he could turn
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heard to certain questions and know where she is headed. this attack on her is probably built on something from your and a half ago or a couple years ago when people had a sense about her. over the last year and a half i think you've seen this vice president come in her own as a leader in the white house. >> president reagan made that comment that he was not going to make a shot at his opponents age, although, he was older too. >> thank you so much for joining us. thank you for being here. the district attorney in the georgia elections brought a case against trump bringing conflict of interest questions about an alleged affair with the lead prosecutor she hired. now, a judge is unsealing that prosecutors records. >> the 2024 new hampmpshire prprimary, covered starts totomorrow at 4:00. .
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tonight a judge is overseen court proceedings. the judge says he wants to hear nathan wade's testimony first, also announcing that documents related to wade's divorce will be unsealed. joining me now is norma, i'm so glad you are here. it's not a matter of criminal conduct, it's in the umbrella of ethical violations. what do you see?>> i see a
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situation where some unwise decisions appeared to have been made, but when you look at georgia law, over the weekend i read all the disqualifications, and the pattern here including a consensual relationship between prosecutors has never been a basis for disqualification under georgia law. i know no case where that has led to his qualification. the key test is what prejudice there is to defend it. when you have a prosecutor who has a relationship with a witness, that is different, it goes to the evidence in the case. i don't think they will be disqualified, that doesn't mean it is smart. >> what about the money aspect? how funding was used and paid for, was that important to
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you?>> mr. wade has been paid the standard rate for special councils, $250 per hour. there is another one of the special councils paid that rate. there is no cause for suspicion there. he has done a great job up until now, laura. he has defeated some of the most prestigious lawyers in the country, him and the team he has led. he has secured guilty pleas from hard-core former trump followers, he has been worth every penny. there is no issue of quality, nevertheless this has become a gigantic distraction from what is one of the most important criminal prosecutions and alleged wrongdoing in american history. i think mr. wade should follow that record of success by saying hey, i've become a
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distraction, time to step away. >> not a violation based on criminal conduct, it goes to the heart of the facts in this case. if it were a judge, there would be a hint of impropriety. is that a hit for you?>> you have to distinguish between mr. wade and miss willis. she was democratically elected. i believe they've done a very competent job in this case. the evidence is powerful. there's no question about the basis for filing charges, but we live in the real world, not in the ivory tower of these abstract principles where there will be no disqualification according to the law. it has become a massive distraction. in the interest of justice he should follow his other
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successes by saying the time has come. you have to know when to hold them and when to fold them, it is time for him to fold them. having an evidentiary hearing, get all of the evidence out. the divorce records were unsealed. there is nothing new in those records. if mr. wade is able to step away, that will help us get back to the evidence that is so strong.>> who knew i would hear kenny rogers at almost 1 a.m. before we leave tonight, here is a classic moment from the west wing with a fictional version of dixville notch. >> they all gather at once at a gas station. >> it is not a gas station, it's nice. the names are called in
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alphabetical order. they put a folded piece of paper into a box. this is the difference between you and me. those 42 people are teaching us something about ourselves, that freedom is the glory of god that democracy is its birth weight, and our vote matters. >> did you get enough pizza? >> i should call ahead.>> enjoy your pizza, everyone. i will be live on n ininstagram just a c couple minutes, be sur to tune e in. our coveragege contitinues. [ music ]
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