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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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is it like two white guys
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duking it out. in we have seen four years of trump, we have seen four years of biden, an people don't really see a difference in the presidency. >> hardest thing i had to stomach, is that my child killed other people. >> we have seen the level of violence come down somewhat. not enough. we want to see more. but the interventions we have made we believe have made a difference. live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> hello, a warm welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. >> and it is friday, february 2, 9:00 a.m. in london and 4:00 a.m. in michigan where u.s. president biden has been working to consolidate support from a
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critical bloc in a battleground state. >> he met with the united autoworkers including some who were making calls for his campaign ahead of the state's democratic primary on february 27. powerful union endorsed mr. biden last week. during his remarks emdhe said t current economic strength relies on organized labor. >> we now have in large part because of you and organized labor the strongest economy in the whole damn world. we do. >> as he seek as second term, mr. biden is facing a fraying coalition of voters. jeff zeleny has more. >> it is like two old white guys duking it old. >> reporter: reverend williams is bracing for the rematch. exhausted at the notion at the battle. >> some may feel i don't have any hope in a donald trump or i
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don't have any hope in a joe biden. >> reporter: as pastor of king solomon baptist church, he was on the front lines of soaring turnout among black voters four years ago. he believes biden can't win re-election through fear of trump alone. >> it is almost like your big brother and your big sister saying the boogeyman is under the bed. later you figure is it really a boogeyman. you realize maybe this guy ain't the boog xwboogeyman. >> reporter: one of the biggest test is piecing together a vast coalition particularly in michigan. trump carried the state in 2016 along with wisconsin and pennsylvania. but biden flipped all three in 2020. a blue wall that led to victory. his challenges are complicated by anger among muslims and arab-americans made clear by relentless protests. including as the president visited michigan.
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adam worked as a field organizer for the biden campaign four years ago. he said that he will not vote for the president again. seeing him as complicit in deaths of innocent palestinians. >> by taking this stand, do you wonder if it will help elect donald trump? >> it probably will. we have seen four years of trump, we've seen four years of biden and people don't really see a difference in the presidency. >> reporter: it was nearly four years ago when biden said he was a bridge to the future. >> i view myself as a bridge. there is a an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me, they are the future of this country, they are the people -- >> reporter: and cheers rang out in the gymnasium where these students are now following the presidential race. >> i don't feel like he represents the young voter demographic at all. >> reporter: the first time they can vote, and dante said a vote for biden is hardly guaranteed.
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>> he's been stuck in the system for far too long. maybe we need to go outside of it to make log. >> reporter: the biden campaign says it will draw sharp distinctions from trump and earn vote votes. >> we're happy with biden, but we understand that the other option is nolt an option favorable to us. >> reporter: norman says they are eager to hear what biden would do in a second term, not simply what he's done. >> more worried about people voting for trump or young voters and others not voting at all? >> i'm worried about the protest war. my message to them is that we did that in 2016. we held our vote. folks didn't come out. >> reporter: and biden campaign officials say at the know they must earn votes, not simply ask for them. one of the reasons that the president stayed here in detroit on thursday. a few extra hours meeting with voters. of course the election is in november, but an early test could come on february 27.
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that is the date of the michigan primary. some arab-american supporters are saying that they intend to write "uncommitted" on their ballot as a protest against the president. of course he has a long campaign likely with donald trump for the next nine months. jeff zeleny, cnn, detroit. a new cnn poll is looking closely at the 2024 presidential race, it has former president trump ahead of mr. biden 49% of registered voters in the survey conducted by ssrs backed trump and 45% backed the president. >> trump's lead slightly larger than the margin of error, plus or highminus 3.8%. so essentially unchanged from october/november last year. >> and the poll also found that nikki haley beat mr. biden in a hypothetical match-up. >> registered voters said that they would support her over the president by a 13 point margin, 52% to 39%.
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>> but among republicans and republican leaning voters, haley trails duonald trump by 51%. >> but haley is vowing to stay in the race. the former south carolina governor is courting voters in her home state with a little more than 3 weeks until the primary. >> we'll be all over south carolina. we've had thousands of people show up at our rallies. our events have been strong. so we'll remind them what we did as governor and show that we can do the same thing as president. >> haley is also ramping up her attacks on trump in the bid to close that gap. in an interview with cnn, she went after trump and his allies for spending more than $50 million of campaign donations on paying his legal bills. >> it is unconscionable to me that candidate would spend $50 million in legal fees. it explains why he is not doing many rallies. he doesn't have the money to do
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it. it explains why he doesn't want to get on the debate stage. it explains why he had a temper tantrum election night of new hampshire, because he wants me out of the race and he wants to be the presumptive nominee so that all that cash starts going to him and he doesn't have to spend anymore. after weeks of pressuring israel to scale back the tactics in gaza, they are turning to the west bank. the biden administration is announcing sanzs against four israeli settlers for their violent acts against palestinians. >> one man initiated a riot with cars and buildings set on fire and a palestinian civilian killed. another was part of a group that attacked palestinian farmers and israeli activists with stones and clubs. >> we have seen the level of extremist settler violence come down somewhat, not come down enough. we want to see more. but the interventions that we've made we believe have made a difference, but we want to see it continue to come down which
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is why we've taken the actions today. >> israeli prime minister netanyahu's office disputed the need for sanctions saying israel acts against all lawmakers everywhere, so no room for exceptional measures in this regard. the absolute majority of the settlers are law abiding citizens. >> u.s. officials say new intelligence indicates iran leaders may have been caught off guard by the deadly attack on american soldiers in jordan. >> and may be nervous about iranian proxy groups raising the risk of direct confrontation with the united states. the u.s. has yet to respond to the killing of its troops. >> but the pentagon chief has confirmed that a multi teaiered response is coming. >> this is a dangerous moment in the middle east. we will continue to work to avoid a wider conflict in the
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region, but we'll take all necessary actions to defend the united states, our interests and our people. >> elliott gotkine is standing by here, but first paula hancocks is live in abu dhabi. what more do we know about this intelligence suggesting iran was caught off guard and how much control does iran have over its proxies in the region? >> reporter: that is really the key question, and it really depends which proxy you are talking about. but it is interesting what we've heard from multiple people familiar with this u.s. intelligence saying that tehran has been caught by surprise by the attack last sunday which killed three u.s. service members and injured dozens more just on the jor sdjordanian/syr border. also suggesting that it was not expecting this to happen and is concerned about the repercussions. of course the u.s. is not
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specifying what details they h have. in the past they have had intel from human intel and also eavesdropping on iranian communications. but they also suggest there are concerns with tehran that they may not have control over the houthi rebels and what they are doing with targeting commercial vessels in the red sea. there are concerns that iran's ally, notably china and india, are being targeted as well. ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson saying it is an international trading route and it has to be -- the fact these attacks stopped. and so we've seen key allies are concerned by what is happening. interestingly though, the same people that cnn spoke to also say that they don't expect tehran to change its tactics in any shape or form because they
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are potentially very pleased with the distraction that is happening for the u.s. and its coalition forces. there have been more than 160 attacks whether rocket, missile or drone against u.s. troops in iraq and syria since october. so there have been concerns that loss of life on the u.s. side would be just a matter of time. >> paula hancocks for us, thank you. elliott, these sanctions against four israeli settlers for violence acts against palestinians, wondering what impact that will have or is it just a symbolic move? >> practically i don't think that it will make much of a difference. first of all, they are always be processed by the israeli judicial system. and so netanyahu he's 's comment israel can deal with this on their own. and at the same time, they are israeli settlers and the u.s.
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has said that it won't be i imposing sanctions on israeli settlers who also hold u.s. citizenship, although there are more settle letters who are likely to come under sanction in the future. so it is hard to see what impact there will beletters who are likely to come under sanction in the future. so it is hard to see what impact there will be on the settlers or others who may be pre-disposed to violent acts. and since the hamas-led massacre of october 7, violent acts by settlers just under 500 recorded in the israeli occupied west bank against palestinians. but as you say and as jeff said, perhaps another reason for this happening now, president biden is in michigan right now where air ran american voters are an important part of the voters there. this is also to show them that despite american support for israel's war against hamas, that it is still trying to be even
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handed in the region and to take actions where it feels it can follow suit. now, this is an unpr pprecedent move by the u.s. government and it goes much further than the dozens of visa bans that it imposed back in december. but although there are more to come, practically it is hard to see what impact this is going to have. and israeli settlers let's not forget, they now have two of their own, finance minister and the national security minister, both are settlers. they have two of their own now in the governing coalition. and in a way that has kind of emboldened some of them to carry out violent acts because they feel they have a measure of cover by having two of their own in the higher echelons of government. >> elliott, thank you so much. just ahead, hear from the mother of the michigan high school shooter as she defends herself as trial. and plus trump's former money man talking to prosecutors in the civil fraud
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investigation. and after flooding and breaking rain record, california braces for a send stcond storm week.
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in the coming hours the prosecution is expected to cross-examine jennifer crumbley, mother of the oxford, michigan high school shooter. >> she is facing manslaughter charges in the deaths of four students. prosecutors accuse her of gross negligence for disregarding the risks when she and her husband bought their son a gun days before shooting. jean casarez has the latest. >> that was the hardest thing i had to stomach is that my child had harmed and killed other people. >> reporter: the mother of the oxford, michigan shooter who killed four high school students in 2021, for the first time defending herself in court. >> i've asked myself if i would have done anything differently. and i wouldn't have. >> if you could change what happened, would you? >> oh, absolutely. i wish he would have killed us instead. >> reporter: jennifer crumbley charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter after
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she and her husband got a gun for their 15-year-old son days before the massacre. she has pleaded not guilty. and appears to be shifting blame to her husband in her testimony. >> who is responsible for storinging the gun? >> my husband is. >> explain why you say he is responsible for that role. >> i just didn't feel comfortable being in charge of that. it was more his thing. so i let him handle that. >> crumbly maintains she had no reason to believe her son was a danger to anyone else. >> as a parent, you spend your whole life trying to protect your child from other dangers. you never would think that you have to protect your child from harming somebody else. that is what blew my mind. >> she recounted the moment her husband called telling her the gun was missing. >> instantly it just -- i went oh, my gosh, he's got the gun.
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i didn't actually think that he was at the school shooting it, i thought maybe he walked home and got the gun and was in the field by the school. i didn't imagine my son actually going to the school and shooting. and then when we got more updates, it was like oh, my gosh, he's a school shooter, he's going to kill himself because it in my mind that is what school shooters have done after. and so in my text, i said don't do it because i thought he was going to reveal himself. >> reporter: and there were journal entries of the student just days before he opened fire. he writes i have zero help for my mental problems and it is causing me to shoot up the fing school. my parents won't listen to me about help or a therapist. the journal seen here was found in the shooter's backpack that he brought with him that morning, spilled out on the school's bathroom floor. however jennifer crumbley testified her son never asked her to get help for mental health issues.
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>> do you recall there ever being a time where he asked you to go to a doctor or get help and you said no? >> no. there was a couple times where ethan expressed anxiety over taking tests, anxiety about what he was going to do after high school. but not to a level where i felt he needed to go see a s psychiatrist or mental health professional, no. >> reporter: crumbley described threats she said she and her husband received after the shooting. >> i was feeling pretty scared. >> scared of what? >> scared had somebody might hurt us. >> reporter: the defense also attempted to portray jennifer as a normal mother. >> every year around thanksgiving, i always cook thanksgiving dinner. the day after, we'd go cut the christmas tree down. he was a big history buff. he could play trivial pursuit and get me at history every single time. >> reporter: jean casarez, cnn, new york. former chief financial
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officer of the trump organization is in talks to potentially plead guilty to a perjury choornlg rarge related civil investigation related to the company's finances. allen weisselberg negotiating but no deal has been finalized. he pleaded guilty to 15 criminal charges related to tax fraud and spent 100 days in prison. and greta thunberg is in a magi magistrate's court over public disorder charges. she was arrested in october along with other protestors who were blocking the entrance to an oil and gas conference. she addressed the charges by raising the concerns of needing to protect the environment and human rights. >> even though we are the ones standing here and climate and human activists are being prosecuted and given legal penalties for acting if line with science, we must remember
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who the real enemy is. what are we defending. >> she and her four co-defendants have pleaded not guilty. they face maximum fine of more than $3,000 each if convicted. california will get relatively calm weather today and saturday before the second storm in a week hits the state on sunday. national weather service says the new storm is expected to dump what it describes as unprecedented amounts of rain across a widespread area. >> that comes on the heels of another storm that caused flooding and broke several rainfall records. the los angeles airport got more than 2 inches of rain on thursday where it usually gets about 3 inches for the entire month of february. residents weren't taking any chances with the flooded streets. >> this is normally about a 6 or 7 foot wide sidewalk with the drainage system right here. and it usually drains into a major drain right here.
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but obviously there has been so much rain that the drain can't keep up with it. so the city i see has closed the street. as far as electric avenue. because i'm sure it is very unsafe to drive on that. >> weather officials say the upcoming storm is expected to stall as it moves onshore bringing rain for a much long period of time causing flash flooding and mudslides. just ahead, an apology and warning from the u.s. defense secretary in his first news conference since leaving hospital. and plus ukraine's top general writes an op-ed amid reports that he is about to be fired. what he believes ukraine needs to do to turn the tide in the war against russia.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." if you are just joining us, here are some of the top stories. president biden got an enthusiastic reception at united auto workers training center in michigan thursday. he met with union members ahead of the state's democratic primary on february 27. plus the mother of high school shooter ethan crumbley took the stand in her own defense on thiursday in an historic case that tests the
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limits of criminal liability for a mass shooting. jennifer crumbley told the court her husband was responsible for storing guns in the house. and the biden administration announced sanctions against four israeli settlers for violence and ats against acts against pa. one man caused a riot and one palestinian was killed. more on the top stories for you in the coming hours. lloyd austin apologizing for not disclosesing closing his recent hospitalization sooner. he is receiving treatment for prostate cancer. oren lieberman has the details. >> reporter: lloyd austin walked into the briefing room and moved slowly, advisably limping. he took full responsibility for the lack of transparency around his process state cancer diagno and hospitalization. >> we did not handle this right and i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis.
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i should have also told my team and the american public. and i take full responsibility. i apologize to my teammates and to the american people. >> reporter: austin last took questions from the media on board the uss gerald r. ford more than a month ago. two days before he first went to the hospital. he said his diagnosis shook him and he didn't want to burden others with his problems. >> it was a gut punch. and frankly, my first instinct was to keep it private. >> reporter: austin was admitted to walter reed medical center on new year's day for complications from the procedure on december 22. an aide asked for discretion. >> can i ask that the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens? we're trying to remain a little settled. >> reporter: austin said there was no order begin it on keep the hospitalization secret. >> to to answer your question on whether or not i directed my staff to conceal my hospitalization from anyone else, the answer is no.
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>> reporter: austin said he apologized directly to president biden for not telling him about the diagnosis but he says he didn't consider resigning. so january 8 austin's chief of staff ordered a 30 day review of notification procedures. >> the 30 day review is due in a matter of days now, i think less than a week. do you commit to making that review public? >> i commit to being as transparent as possible. there will be elements of this that are classified. but we're committed to sharing as much as possible as soon as possible. >> reporter: austin's press conference comes as the administration promises to respond to a drone attack sunday that killed three u.s. service members in jordan as well as 165 other attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east. the white house says it holds iran ultimately responsible for arming and supplying the militias that have launched the attacks. the u.s. promised a multiphased response, one that officials say will be more powerful than previous strikes in iraq and syria. >> i don't think the adversaries
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are a one and done mindset. and so they have a lot of capability. i have a lot more. >> reporter: defense secretary lloyd austin made it clear that u.s. response is coming against the iranian backed militias that carried out strikes on u.s. forces in the region including the attack on sunday that killed three u.s. service members and wounded scores more, though he wouldn't say exactly what that tae att attack would look like, he did say they have taken away capabilities and now time to take away more. oren lieberman, cnn, the pentagon. european union leaders say the ball is now in washington's court after brussels unlocked more than $50 billion in aid for ukraine. >> thursday eu leaders managed to bring hungary on board whose prime minister has been stonewalling the funding for weeks. next week the u.s. senate is set to vote on a separate $60 billion package for ukraine which is held up in congress and washington now faces new calls to act.
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>> i think we have proven today by these 50 billion euros that we stand by ukraine. and i think it will be an encouragement for the united states also to do their fair share. >> europe today sends a signal across the world all over that the international rules based order will withstand all challenges. europe sets the tone for global affairs with its unity. >> bearing in mind of course that the eu has said that this 50 billion is not to help ooublg figh ukraine fight off russia, but just stabilize its economy. >> so it won't change the fight. >> not according to what they said. it is sustain their productive base, but having that fresh momentum to push russia back, not necessarily a huge impact.
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as eu approves more aid, ukraine's top general says his military must learn to operate with less of it. >> and in an opinion piece he wrote ukraine must be less dependent on foreign aid and focus on new technologies. but brian todd reports that he is about to lose his job. >> reporter: ukraine's charismatic president apparently engages in palace intrigue. two sources familiar with the matter tell cnn volodymyr zelenskyy is pushing out his popular army chief after he was scheduled to a meeting at the president's office on monday. zelenskyy's spokesman denies that he is being fired, but sources say a presidential decree could come within days. it would be the biggest military shakeup by zelenskyy since the full-scale invasion almost two years ago. analysts say it could be a political move. >> the possibility that he could
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be a presidential candidate sometime in the future and he is the only person in ukraine right now that potentially rivals zelenskyy in public trust ratings. >> reporter: why is the 50-year-old so popular? >> he was military leader when ukraine rebuffed russia's all-out invasion of ukraine back in february of 2022. he was able not only to save kyiv and mobilize the national defense, but also to push back on a lot of russian military advances. >> reporter: aside from the politics, experts also say zelenskyy could be simply holding him accountable for the fact that the counteroffensive has not gones on well as many had hoped. >> this is a way for zelenskyy not to take the blame for the lack of progress in the war over the last year. >> reporter: and he described the war as a stalemate in a november essay in the economist magazine which was said to have displeased zelenskyy and his circle. in a new opinion piece for cnn,
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he wrote ukraine has to adapt to getting less military aid and rely more on technology in the war. who could replace him as army chief? two candidates are mentioned, the land forces commander and also the young ambitious head of the defense intelligence directorate who spoke to fred pleitgen. >> translator: i believe the plan includes all major critical infrastructure facilities and military infrastructure facilities of the russian federation. >> reporter: according to the "post," his plans made u.s. officials nervous. ukrainian officials say russians have tried to assassinate him at least ten times and wife and bodyguard became ill from what ukrainian officials said was a poisoning. >> i think russians see him as a capable military leader, as a threat, and they have tried to take him out. >> reporter: one of the biggest most immediate concerns for the
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next army chief, analysts we spoke to say he will have to make crucial decisions regarding the upcoming springtime phase of the war. he will have to inspire confidence among the ukrainian people and he will have to not be seen as a political plant of volodymyr zelenskyy's. brian todd, cnn, washington. coming up, wall street shakes off the mid week blues. we'll see what investors are expecting today from the january jobs report. also ahead, unions in france are calling for farmers to end their road blocks now that relief is in sight. next we'll have the government's plan to address their grievances.
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with qualifying internet. . new trading day getting under way in the u.s. in less than five hours. here is where stock futures stand right now, the dow down but marginally. investors are waiting really for the first jobs report of the year from the bureau of labor statistics due out in a few hours as well. it is expected to underscore the
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strength of the u.s. economy despite 11 rate hikes from the federal reserve. meanwhile european markets are open and positive on that news as well. looking at asia, a mixed bag. wall street seems to have recovered from the federal reserve's decision to leave interest rates unchanged for the near future. the markets are hoping the fast start to february will continue. the dow added nearly a full percent, s&p 500 gained 1.25%. >> and protestors and police clash outside argentina's congress as lawmakers debated the president's controversial and wide ranging reforms package. security forces used tear gas and water cannon to clean out protestors thursday. workers unions, 450u7human righ
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groups are among those opposed to the bill known as the omnibus. measures include economic prosperity, privatization of public institutions, weakening labor protections and increasing the president's power. the president says it is all necessary to tackle the economic crisis and while controversial, a recent poll shows 42% of the population supports the reforms while 51% opposes them. crowds of farmers and their practical tore tractors were blocking roads in paris as they extend the protest over economic hardship. >> two of the major unions are calling for the members to end the blockades in the wake of new government proposals to support the industry. >> farmers have been protesting across several eu countries against the agricultural rules, taxes and low wages, demonstrators rolled in to brussels on thursday where eu leaders had gathered to discuss ukraine.
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>> president macron is calling for an eu wide policy to support the farmers. melissa bell has the latest from paris. >> reporter: from italy to greece, portugal and france, anger of farmers has grown and spread. reaching now all the way to the heart of the eu. 00 restrictive they say in terms of regulations but with little to protect them from unfair competition especially ukrainian meat. calls for action forcing themselves to the agenda of leaders gathered in brussels to discuss aid for ukraine. >> translator: we're asking the leaders to review their laws. they talk about being greener, but if that happens, there will be land which isn't worked anymore and it is difficult enough as it is. >> reporter: concerns echoed by farmers in france who reached the edge of paris where police have drawn a line.
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>> translator: we can't earn a living. we're subject to enormous constraints and there are products coming in from outside europe that competes with us without applying the same rules we're obligated to in order to produce. >> reporter: scenes like these have been across the european union. and while the grievances are fairly distinct stiff country to country, what unites the farmers is in the end frustration with brussels, red tape and bureaucracy, regulations that it imposes, and the facts say the farmers that it doesn't protect them sufficiently from competition from outside the eu. >> translator: why is it that we tell a european farmer that he cannot produce like this but we allow food products to enter the european market which cost less? they have to produce food and increasingly they have to offer bioenergy and bio economy. they have to keep in mind the environment, landscape and sometimes regulations and standards. not all measures are compatible or convergent.
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>> reporter: the anger has spread across the eu. and beyond the disruption now represents a political threat with european elections just a few months away and leaders rushing to announce concessions. >> translator: our livestock farmers need specific support. that is why i'm announcing that we're allocating 150 million euros to them in tax and social support starting this year and continuing on a permanent basis. >> reporter: yet so far little has calmed the farmers, united in their anger against brussels which they say is killing their livelihoods. melissa bell, cnn, paris. in kenya, a huge fireball engulfed several houses and vehicles and businesses ignited. at least three people were killed and at last count 271 people are hospitalized. the command center has been set up at the scene to coordinate the rescue.
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>> authorities warning people to stay away from the area to avoid disrupting rescue operations. not clear what kind of gas the truck was carrying that erupted. lewis hamilton is leaving mercedes for a new team. find out which one after the break.
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big news in the racing world. seven time formula 1 champion lewis hamilton will be joining ferrari on a multiyear contract. part of mercedes team, he said the shock move was one of the hardest decisions he's ever had to make. the british driver will leave
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mercedes following the 2024 season. >> and it is messi mania in hong kong. inter miami is in hong kong as part of the first ever international tour rocking the pink. a welcome ceremony and photo-opes were held at the hong kong international airport. they will play a friendly match with a specially invited hong kong team on sunday. >> los angeles chargers are showing off their new head coach, jim harbaugh says his main goal is to win a super bowl which will come from teamwork and not some magic formula. just last month harbaugh led michigan to the college football championship. and in washington the commanders have hired dan quinn as their new head coach. he has been the dallas cowboys defensive coordinator since 2021 and led the falcons to the super bowl in their 2016 season. and to say ray pen ina is a
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one eyed 49ers fan is literally true. his nickname is eye of the logo. after a childhood issue, he battled health problems until he was diagnosed with cancer when he was 30. >> i had to remove my eye within six months or it would spread to both my eyes. i asked him if he could make me a 49 eye because that is how h die hard of a fan i am. my first game was when i was five. >> he was selected as the 49ers fan of the year. >> i should hope so. >> and says he has enough memorabilia to fill his three car garage. he will also be watching as the 49ers take on the kansas city chiefs in the super bowl february 11. not long now. snotories in the spotlight,
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police in australia were called to help bust a toddler out of the claw machine. he was able to crawl into it. he wanted to win. authorities say the 3-year-old climbed through the dispenser to get his hands on a prize. they will all be doing it now. >> it all goes well for the future of this kid's life. >> so does that mean he gets it? >> does he crawl in through that little cat flap thing? police asked him to move to the back of the bin so they could break the glass. no word on whether or not he was able to get the prize. like they have to give him something. >> at least a soft landing in there. a frightening moment for another australian family who was caught on video. tell us more. >> oh, yes, i was. a 12-year-old girl saved her pet guinea pig from the jaws of a snake by picking up the reptile
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and swinging it apart. >> i'm not feeling confident about the jeksnext generation. they will go in the toy thing, swing a snake around. >> the snake wasn't letting go though until dad stepped in. it dropped the guinea pig. >> and the dad threw the snake across the garden while the guinea pig scurried off to safety. they say there is hard ly a scratch on him. >> and everybody knows the beaver is the national animal of can canada. >> but a troublesome raccoon made contact with an electrical equipment at a downtown station cutting power to about 7,000 homes and businesses for about three hours. firefighters responded to elevator rescues in about seven buildings. no word on the raccoon's fate. but it doesn't sound good. >> the environment strikes back.
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tracy chapman is heading back to the grammy stage 5 years after she won best female pop vocal for this monster hit -- ♪ ♪ i want a ticket to anywhere, maybe we make a deal, maybe together we can get somewhere ♪ >> fast car heartbreaking tale of a woman dreaming of driving her way out of hard times was also nominated for song of the year. >> i think it is brilliant how we started and ended this segment on cars. it is now nominated for best country solo performance after it was redone last year. chapman says she's grateful new fans have embraced fast car. and this is part of the whole thing, where songs -- this is an age thing. songs i listened to, kids are listening to now. >> they become new again. >> and they think they are new.
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thanks for joining us. i'm max foster. >> and i'm bianca i go on. "early start" is up next. have a wonderful weekend. ♪
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right now on "early start,


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