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tv   King Charles  CNN  February 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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newsroom. thank you all so much for joining us. we're continuing to follow major news here in the united states as well as overseas. cnn is projecting that president joe biden has won south carolina's first in the nation democratic primary. it's a major victory in that state which propelled him to the nomination in 2020 after what was a series of really bruising defeats. the sweeping victory comes after he handily beat his opponents in new hampshire's unofficial, unsanctioned primary last month as the president inches closer to securing his party's nomination and what will likely be a rematch against the former president, donald trump. amid's president biden's bid for re-election, he is facing an escalating conflict in the middle east. a u.s.-led coalition carrying ous a strike against houthis in yemen today. it includes the united kingdom and several other countries struck at least 30 targets across more than a dozen locations. senior biden officials say
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president biden approved these strikes earlier this week. the defense secretary lloyd austin is calling it a clear message and says the u.s. will not hesitate to defend the free flow of commerce. in vital waterway. the red sea. but iran is warning the u.s. is fueling further conflict in the region. all of this coming just a day after the u.s. launched other strikes against iran-backed militants in both syria and iraq. those were in response, the administration says, to those deadly drone strikes, the one attack, rather, last weekend on u.s. troops at a base in jordan. we've got a team of reporters tracking all the latest developments here at home and overseas. let's get first to oren lieberman live at the pentagon. what more have we learned? >> reporter: let's talk about the latest strikes here and then we'll try to make a distinction between the u.s. and u.k. strikes in yemen versus what
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happened yesterday in iraq and syria. first this coalition led by the u.s. and the u.k., also canada, the netherlands, bahrain and several other countries supporting, carried out strikes at 13 locations, 36 targets across those locations, according to defense secretary lloyd austin. there on the screen are the countries supporting this operation. central command said they targeted underground storage facilities for weapons, command and control, missile systems, drone storage and operation sites, radars and helicopters. now, this is an ongoing response and we have seen the u.s., the u.k. and the coalition do this twice before as an ongoing response to continued houthi attacks on international shipping lanes in the red sea and in the gulf of aden. if these launches, these drone missile strikes on commercial vessels continue, they warn, so, too, will the u.s. strikes. the goal here is to try the disrupt the ability of the houthis to target international
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shipping lanes and take away much of their weaponry. it is a tall four. they are supplied by iran. they are an iran-backed rebel group. that is the goal here. and defense secretary austin warning this. this is in response to the houthi attacks as opposed to the strikes in iraq and syria yesterday. those we in response to the drone attack that killed three service members and wounded scores more last weekend, although those were an order of magnitude larger than we've seen u.s. strikes in iraq or syria before. there is a warning from austin, the defense secretary, that is just the beginning of the u.s. response. ultimately, although there is a distinction and rationale between these strikes, they link back to iran. certainly from the american perspective and that is who is supposed to be the recipient. >> the pentagon clearly trying to delineate these campaigns. thank you.
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nic robertson in tel aviv, we're hearing the houthis respond to the strikes. they are vowing to escalate as well. to oren's point, today was the third set of these strikes. so this message of deterrence that the u.s. and others are trying to send to the houthis, that doesn't seem to be working very well. >> reporter: it doesn't. that speaks to the reason to go after more targets. of course, in any military campaign where it is airstrikes that you're targeting launches on the ground, ammunition storage, launch facilities, command and control. all of these things. it is quite often a gradual process. because you take out the easier to get ones. tell ones that you know they're using immediately and since these strikes began three weeks ago, we've seen the houthis continue with their attacks. oftentimes daily sending uavs or missiles toward international shipping. of course, all of that is being
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watched closely. and we're seeing day by day, the u.s. strike and knock down either uav launchers, uavs in the air or missiles just before they're about to be launched in the ones and twos and threes and fours. what the surveillance and spy craft will be doing during that time is looking at where these munitions come from. what are the storage sites? what are the houthis using right now? we're seeing this graduation going after some of the more hard to get targets, if you will. and the houthis fought an eight-year campaign against the saudis and they were trying to get the houthis through airstrikes. and they got good at getting to the mountains. you take that intelligence into the battlefield and try the he at a out more of their equipment. the houthis are saying we will escalate. it sounds like rhetoric but the likelihood is they have
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capability and capacity. there will have to be more follow-on strikes here. when they say they're aiming for, what iran says they're aiming for, is to support the palestinians in gaza. that's what they're saying. what do they actually mean when they say that? and the iranians say, look, if you just get a cease-fire deal in gaza, then, of course, everything will calm down in the region. the houthis included. what they really mean is, make a cease-fire with hamas right now on better terms for hamas, it weakens israel and the u.s. interests in the region. that's what iran is about. that's what the houthis are saying right now. we'll keep going until we get what we want which is a weakened israel. >> all right. thank you both very much. turning back to the united states, joe biden touting his victory in the south carolina democratic primary, telling supporters that the stakes could
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not be higher. jeff zeleny joins us with the details. what are we hearing from the president's campaign since the victory? >> reporter: of course, president biden is accepting and declaring victory here and they are quite happy about this. of course, this is why they changed the democratic nominating calendar in the first place. to start in south carolina. they believe a strong showing here will set the path going forward. in a statement released a few moments ago, the president said this. the people of south carolina have spent on again and i have no doubt that they've set us on a path to winning the presidency and making donald trump a loser. so clearly pointing out his likely rival as well. we are limited in what we'll be able to learn from this largely because most incumbent presidents have not had a situation like this. when barack obama was running for re-election, there was no primary. when bill clinton was running are, there was no primary. so how many people came to the polls today will be studied as a
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measure of enthusiasm. we're not expecting a record turnout. probably a record low turnout. the biden campaign believes there is the beginning of a pathway to invigorating black voters which make up the majority of the democratic electorate in south carolina. the bottom line to all this is, the president is breathing a major sigh of relief that for all the angt and discontent in the party, he has not faced a major challenge in any of the primaries. look at the results. williamson, dean phillips, so far behind. so those presidents challenged in primaries go on to potential defeat. jimmy carter, george h.w. bush, president biden has managed to avoid a serious challenge and that is no small feat. >> the democratic and republican primaries are happening in south carolina at different times so. we have the democrats today. the republican primary in south carolina is three weeks out. nikki haley saying that she is going to stay in the race. and of course, south carolina is
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her home state. what are we expecting there on the republican side? >> you're right. on february 24th, that's when republicans in south carolina will go to the polls and that will perhaps be more competitive. nikki haley, the former governor there who served a couple terms. she's still in this race. she's vowing to stay in the race. and donald trump the overrunning front runner there. this will show us a lot about the strength of the former president going forward and the willingness for republicans to get on board behind him. and the margin will be very important. this will have general election implications as well. nikki haley has been making a general election argument. she's saying she can win joe biden. she has a better chance of doing so than donald trump. the republican contest will be much more important in terms of the race going forward. so it is likely to say if there will be a rematch for sure. yes, both sides, the biden campaign, the trump campaign, are preparing for a rematch.
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that'll certainly looks like what will happen but the south carolina republicans still need to vote. nikki haley is still in this race. there's no doubt by the end of february, that vote in south carolina could likely set it. this happens many sear. democrats vote first and republicans vote a few weeks later. >> both sides agreed that south carolina is an absolutely critical state. jeff zeleny in washington, thank you very much. ahead, we will be speaking with a member of the house intelligence committee about those airstrikes in yemen and what they mean for efforts to minimize a potentially growing conflict in the region. stay with us.
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we continue with our coverage of breaking news. vowing to retaliate after a new series of airstrikes led by the united states, but a coalition taking part. joining me now to discuss this, cnn global affairs analyst, aaron david miller, lieutenant general mark hertling and general clark. general clark, let me start with
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you. when you look at the fact that this was more than 30 different targets across 13 different areas, i believe, what does that tell you about the u.s. efforts that appear to so far have failed to deter the houthis from carrying out these strikes in the red sea? >> it says we're getting better targeting information. we're really focusing on collecting intelligence so we can target, and we are ramping up the coercion and the destruction of assets that are there, that the houthis are using. it doesn't say what the end state will be. you're going against a pretty tough enemy with that. but it's clearly a ramp up. >> general, i want to go to the other series of strikes that we saw last night. 85 targets. seven different facilities in both iraq and syria. the biden administration had made clear they don't want to
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escalate the conflict with iran. but again, they are looking to deter these iran-backed proxies. when you look at the targeting that they did last night and how they carried it out, that they are walking that line in the way that they intend to? >> i believe they are. i'm going to jump on what general clark said. i admire his comments about the end state. what we're seeing right now are the ways that the administration is conducting their operation, and the means they're using to do it. those are two elements of strategy. but the key aspect of all that is, what are they trying to achieve? i believe they're trying to achieve deterrence. but it will be very difficult in this area. you're dealing with not only enemies in iran but their proxies in different locations, as well as the connections that iran has to other nations like russia, china, north korea. general clark addressed that a couple hours ago on your show
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and that's a critical element of this. we can't just look at this as a tactical battle and what the administration is attempting to do. they are attempting to deter tactical effects from the houts and the pms. but that will be very challenging to run that fine thread between deterrence and stumbling into warfare. so far they've done a good job of that but we'll see what happens over the next couple nights as the strikes continue. >> aaron david miller, the administration has been keen to separate out these different fronts and essentially say what we saw last night and syria. that was about retaliation for the strike in jordan a week ago. what we're seeing today in yemen, that is to do with commercial shipping. in your mind, how much of this is tied back to the israel-hamas war in gaza and how much, how important is it to get that
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conflict to a truce, essentially, to avoid inflaming the rest of the region? >> thanks for having me. look, i think in fact you can get some sort of de-escalation in gaza, trade hostages for prisoners. and some measure of stability in gaza. it will be extremely difficult. hamas and the israelis, hamas will survive this. the israelis will likely be operating in some level in gaza for months to come. there is no palestinian authority to take over. no sense that they're willing to commit their groups on the ground. look, alex, i think we have a strategic problem here. it's, as general hertling said, i think the best tactics that can be deployed under the current circumstances. we have a strategic problem and we don't have a strategic solution. everything we do with the iranians and transactional. whether it is diplomatic, time, the iran nuclear agreement, or what we're doing now.
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and i think we may achieve some measure of deterrence and degrading of these proxy forces but by and large, it's their neighborhood. the middle east is literally littered with the remains of great powers, including ours. believing that somehow they could impose their will on smaller ones. this region will remain. it will not be a land of opportunity for the united states. we'll have to continue to manage. the end state here is critically important and frankly, watching this under democratic and republican presidents for 30 years, i'm not sure there is a state. >> even if iran has indicated they don't want to escalate, have they given an indication they intend to scale back their own activity or want to see their proxies scale back their activity? >> not at all. they've even said things like
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something will be forthcoming saying they will not be bullied and parts of their factions have said they'll meet threats with threats. look, in iran's long strategic game, it wants to damage the u.s. reputation. this is payback for u.s. sanctions. this is payback for the u.s. just making lives for iranians difficult with all of the diplomatic measures it has taken to try to discipline the regime. so every time there's something like what is happening in gaza right now, it gives tehran a pretext to put all of those proxy forces in motion. that's what you're seeing right now. if this results in iraq, for instance, expelling u.s. troops, right now, the iraq government is very angry. they summoned the u.s., they complained more than a dozen people from the iraq population
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forces were killed in the u.s. strikes on friday. and if they kick the americans out, that means iran has more influence, more freedom to operate throughout iraq and the rest of the region. >> general clark, you understand the importance of coalitions perhaps better than anybody. why do you think it is so important for the u.s. to emphasize the need to gather other countries? >> a coalition provides legitimacy. we're using force. it's not a declared war. we're striking. we're killing people. what is the basis for it? we're talking about international law in the case of the houthis and the inte interference -- [ inaudible ] that coalition adds legitimacy for what the united states is doing. and legitimacy is one of the really important elements of a strategy moving forward.
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but another important element that we don't have under control is the social media and the outreach to the people in the region. we're way behind on that. it may not be possible to make it up. the iranians and the palestinians are way, way ahead of us. we know the leaders in the region. they don't want iran to be dominant. we've got to do everything we can to provide legitimacy for everything we're doing so they can echo that legitimacy and work their own, let's call it, the arab street. >> can you talk to me about the netanyahu of this all? of course, iran is the boogey man to him. do you think they are taking the fight to some of the more prominent proxy groups? >> the longer this conflict goes on, both in the region and between israelis and palestinians, it carries some risk for israel. you're dealing with the longest governing prime minister in the history of the state of israel.
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he's on trial for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust in jerusalem court three years and running. he's due to testify next month. he is the worst conceivable leader during a time of crisis. he's conflated his political future and his freedom. others went to jail indicted for breach of trust for 16 months, the previous israeli prime minister. so what is at stake for mr. netanyahu is his freedom, his political future, and his legacy. and frankly, it will be extremely difficult for him to preserve and navigate out of the fix that he's in. the longer this goes on, the more likely there could be some israeli military success, to kill the military leader of hamas. he's conflated his own politics with the interests of his country and that's not what you want at this time. >> important to note how all of
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these different fronts are connected. thanks to you all for your time and your thoughts. still ahead, what we're learning about when president biden ordered the strikes in yemen that took place today. plus, what is next for the biden campaign after his easy win in south carolina? here in the cnn newsroom.
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we're going to get back to the breaking news story in the middle east. a u.s.-led coalition. the president touched down in los angeles a short time ago. he's on his way to a fund-raiser following his projected primary victory in south carolina. cnn's priscilla alvarez is with the president in los angeles. so priscilla, he's focusing on campaigning and raising money. but at the same time, he's got a lot going on in the middle east. >> yeah, the campaign and the situation in the middle east are colliding today. we saw the strikes happening earlier today. when those strikes did happen, president biden was visiting campaign headquarters, again underscoring, as the president hits the trail, he's still having to grapple with this
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ongoing situation. in terms the strike that happened in yemen, two senior administration officials tell me that president biden gave the green light for those strikes to occur earlier in the week. the reason for the time difference between monday and today was because it just takes times sometimes for this to be carried out. and this is all part of a coalition of countries that have been hitting back against these actions by the houthis in the red sea. they've all warned that these actions, which are targeting u.s. and commercial vessels could really threaten the global economy. so the u.s. along with its partner countries striking back today in this message of deterrence. also in an attempt to try to degrade and diminish some of the houthi capabilities. the two senior administration officials also stressing that these strikes are separate from the retaliatory measure that's we saw happen on friday when the u.s. hit targets in syria and
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iraq in response to the death of those three service members in jordan. but of course, alex, all of this really comes as the biden administration tries to avoid escalating tensions in the middle east, getting pulled into a wider war in that region. all of this, they say, is a message of deterrence and not one of escalation. >> separate but at least connected as far as iran is concerned. on the campaign front, priscilla, what is the president saying about his projected victory in south carolina? >> reporter: well, the president is saying that the state is going to help launch him into 2024. remember, south carolina is a state that really turned the tide for president biden in 2020 and won that he says helped him notch that victory in 2020. and leading up to this primary, the president and vice president having frequent trims to the state including last saturday when president biden addressed south carolina democrats and made clear that it is voters in that state that have helped him get to the presidency.
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that his hope is that they would do it again. what campaign officials were looking at was black voter turnout. we heard earlier in an interview that you had with michael tyler, they did see increased turnout among black voters in this primary. that's a positive sign. they can't afford to lose that going into november of 2024. until now, polls have shown that there was waning enthusiasm among black voters. so the campaign really touting these results. it was not a competitive primary but it was a show of the support that the president has among black voters and one that they aim to keep going into november. >> all right. thank you very much. let's get straight to the contractic strategist chuck rocca and republican congressman joe walsh of illinois. thank you both for joining me tonight. let me start with you and what we're seeing in south carolina tonight. what are you looking for in the numbers? because we knew that president
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biden was expected to win. but then as priscilla was just saying, i had the communications director for the campaign michael tyler telling me there was increased black voter turnout. >> what i was looking at was some of it was turnout. it's hard to measure turnout when you have an incumbent president. normally in south carolina and two other elections they've had at this time when there was an incumbent. they didn't even have an election. you hear all the people saying, or folks on tv saying, or folks in the field saying that biden has got a little weakness within the democratic party. so i wanted to see what these other two, i accept they're lesser candidates. i get that they wouldn't have a job or a shot. but did they get 5%? did they get up to 10%? was there really this angst out there? my answers got to me and they didn't even get 1% or 2%. turnout will only tell you so much in a primary like this. what did get to happen as a
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strategist is the biden campaign got to test a few apparatuses that they will need in place in the general election where the black vote will be crucial in places like philadelphia, milwaukee, and detroit. and they got to kick the tires on that truck tonight. >> joe, what do you make of the inroads that trump is making with black voters in south carolina and elsewhere? is that really a voter bloc that he can count on? >> i think they think so, alex. and i think they could make some head way here. to me, the story today is less south carolina and it's more game on, general election on. look, these election number between trump and biden right now are close because democrats haven't been engaged and the american people haven't been engaged at all on the notion of a general election. biden-trump, here we go again. but alex, look what you've been talking about all night.
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joe biden right now defending american interests in the middle east, defending commercial shipping, defending israel, the contrast of that with donald trump sitting on his, in courtroom after courtroom, defending himself, attacking taylor swift, look, i think the contrast now between these two is going to get in front of the american people because now the general election is upon us. >> and chuck, we saw the president in michigan earlier this week. that's where he's facing real anger from arab american voters, muslim voters over the administration support for israel in the war in gaza. how significant a problem is that going to be for him in the general election? >> look, i'm not going to sugar coat it. in michigan, he only won by a small, small number in the last presidential election.
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and there are a lot of muslim americans in michigan, in dearborn, around there. he needs to sit down with them and have conversations like he's doing. i give him credit. it is an impossible situation. he won't make everybody happy. if he sat down with folks and you let them know you care and you're trying to fix it. it may not be perfect for everybody but you're working for a workable solution that is humane and right for everyone. i think that's what they want to hear. the good news for democrats and joe biden is he has enough time to fix it. >> we did hear from the president at his campaign headquarters. here's a little of what he had to say. >> this is not just a campaign. this is more of a mission. we cannot, we cannot, we cannot lose this campaign for the good of the country. it's not about me. it goes well beyond me. it is about the country. i think everybody knows it. and i think it is beginning to dawn on people. the american people get it.
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they understand what's going on. we'll be able to say god willing that this generation helped save democracy. >> joe, do you think that argument is gaining traction? is it a compelling argument that trump is a threat to democracy? >> absolutely, alex. that's it. again, this worked in 2022. this election has to be about donald trump. joe biden rightly believes that trump is an existential threat to our democracy, period. nothing is more important. i love what biden said there. it's not about me. it's about defending this democracy. biden should say that every single day for the next nine months. when the american people focus on that, that will help get biden reelected. >> all right, thank you both for your thoughts this evening. appreciate your time. and we are continuing to follow the escalating conflict
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in the middle east after a u.s.-led coalition carried out a series of strikes against the houthi rebels in yemen earlier today. let's continue to discuss. we have a mental of the house committee, congressman, thank you so much for joining us this evening. i want to ask you first about these strikes in yemen. this is the third round of strikes led by the u.s. with an international coalition. we know that the brits took part as well earlier today. this message of deterrence appears to not be getting through. the houthis continue to carry out these strikes against commercial shipping in the red sea. they are continuing to fire missiles, to fire drones. have why these strikes not been effective? what more does this coalition need to do, do you think? >> i think that they probably will need to continue to be vigilant with the coalition in making sure that the houthis get the message, not just through
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these missile attacks, but also, from others who might have connections to the houthis in the region. whether it is iran or others. at the end of the day, however, the central issue the biden administration is working on now is dealing with a prolonged pause and the hostilities in gaza, the release of the hostages, and bringing a little more calm to the region. so whatever they can do to deal with the houthis and other militias while not disrupting those negotiations, sparking a regional war, is paramount right now. >> we are going to see secretary blinken going back the region including stopping in israel. how critical do you think it is for the u.s. to help israel and hamas get to a point in the fighting where there is a pause in order to see the other fl flair-ups calm down? >> extremely important.
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they briefed our intelligence committee a couple days ago and the cia director has been playing a big role as well along with antony blinken. it's extremely important there's a cease-fire, a truce, a pause in the fighting so there can be a release of hostages. a massive inflow of aid to help people in the gaza strip and then a chance at getting to the light at the end of the tunnel. a two-state solution. that has to be in my humble opinion on the table as part of the talks, if not part of the current talks, at least in parallel. because we can't go through this endless cycle of violence at this point. that is very important. >> you just mentioned that you've been briefed by the senior most members of the u.s. intelligence community. help us understand what the u.s. believes iran's intentions to be. we kind of decipher their signals and the general understanding is they don't want
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a conflict either. but at the same time, they're happy to continue stirring the pot. so what is the intelligence community believe that tehran actually wants to accomplish here? >> well, as you know, iran repeatedly provides money, training, and weapons to various militias throughout the middle east to conduct nefarious activities. one very interesting thing is that a lot of times, they know in advance but sometimes they don't know in advance what these militias will do. so the question is, whether the iranians are going to actually exercise their leverage and get these militias and proxies to stop this nonsense. this nonsense will spark a much wider conflag rags that will come back to hurt the iranians and they need to realize that. so we need to calm the situation. allow for the israelis and the
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other parties to have these negotiations for a prolonged pause in hostilities and get to a better place. >> do you think the strikes we saw last night in iraq and syria against the seven different facilities will get to that area where essentially, iran will tell its proxies to dial things back? is that going to be effective? >> published reports suggest yes. but we don't know exactly. but let me bring up one other issue which is very important. you know, i think that it is very important that the president do everything in his power to defend our forces, and he has that right. he has that inherent right under the constitution. but any kind of extensive, offensive operations beyond this, would then require that congress get involved. some kind of authorization of military forceful so it's very, very important right now that we also observe that particular issue and not cross a boundary
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there either. >> iraq has been a vital partner for the u.s. military in terms of combatting isis in iraq and syria. now we're hearing a lot of anger from the iraqi government. many have been saying the u.s. military has to leave iraq because of the strikes we've seen by the u.s. in iraq. are you concerned that iraq may essentially kick the u.s. out? >> i'm always concerned when a country says that. on the other hand, they have vital security links with the united states, and at the end of the day, you know, if militias are operating from western anbar province, attacking american service members, we have the rate to defend ourselves. >> all right. thank you. so for joining us this evening. appreciate it. >> thank you so much. the mayor of long beach says his city could see more rain this weekend than they do in a
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typical year. ahead, the potentially life-threatening flooding bearing down on almost all of california. you can see it right there. stay with us.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. in california, water rescue teams are on standby as a dangerous atmospheric river bears down on the southern part of the state. evacuation orders have now been issued for ventura county and part of santa barbara county as the storm is expected to bring, quote, life-threatening flooding
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as well as widespread power outages when it makes landfall. that's expected tomorrow. camilla, this is a huge storm. are people taking the warning seriously? >> reporter: hey, alex, yeah, a lot of people definitely are. there are areas where they have the evacuation orders in place and some people are deciding whether or not they'll leave their homes. here we saw a lot of people. this is a local fire station. a lot of people throughout the day coming to get sandbags because they already know that water either gets into their homes or into their garages. so people are taking that seriously. authorities saying don't travel if you don't have to. try to have information available. try to have an emergency kit in place. and they say that they, too, are ready. take a listen to the fire chief and what she had to say. >> we've got our swift water rescue apparatus boats. we also have our teams that will be fully staffed, ready to respond to any water-related emergency. now, these teams are highly
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trained in swift water technical rescues. they stand ready to respond on a moment's notice. we've also bolstered our air apparatus, our helicopters, our air resources, adding skilled pilots and rescue team to our helicopter fleet. >> reporter: there are also teams ready in case of power outages and downed trees. there are also people out right now telling the homeless population to go to a shelter because of the possible dangers of flooding, and everybody overall being told not to drive or walk through flooded areas, because the currents can really be unpredictable. and again, authorities saying take it seriously. it can be dangerous. alex? >> hopefully people are leading those warnings. thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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i want to recap our top story. an escalating situation in the middle east. a u.s.-led coalition carried out a series of strikes of at least 30 targets tied to hout rebels in yemen today. lloyd austin is calling it a clear message and saying the u.s. will not hesitate to defend the free flow of commerce in that vital waterway, the red sea. iran is warning the u.s. is fueling further conflict in the region.
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all of this coming a day after the u.s. launched strikes against iran-backed militants in both iraq and syria. it left some three u.s. service members dead. thank you for joining me this evening. have a good night.
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i'm daniel lurie and i've spent my career fighting poverty, helping people right here in san francisco. i'm also a father raising two kids in the city. deeply concerned that city hall is allowing crime and lawlessness to spread. now we can do something about it by voting yes on prop e. a common sense solution that ensures we use community safety cameras to catch repeat offenders and hold them accountable.
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vote yes on e. playing]


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