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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 7, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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my colleagues in the united states senate have decided that they don't actually want this solution and don't want to secure the border. >> the only reason the border is not secure is donald trump and his maga republican friends. >> republicans have to decide who they serve. donald trump or the american people. >> we find the defendant guilty of involuntary manslaughter. >> the message here that it's enough to be out and about and the message is the monarchy continues and is relatively strong . hello, everyone. a warm welcome to our viewers
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joining us from all around the world. i'm bianca nobilo. max has the day off. it's wednesday, february 7th, 9:00 a.m. in london, 4:00 a.m. in washington, where a bipartisan deal on immigration reform and funding for ukraine and israel looks all but doomed to fail. there's growing republican opposition to the bill ahead of a key procedural vote today in the senate. if it ever make it is to the lower chamber, the house speaker has already declared the measure dead on arrival. and donald trump has railed against the bipartisan compromise as he seeks to make immigration central campaign issue issue. president biden says it's vital for lawmakers to pass the immigration and foreign aid package. >> we can't walk away now. that's what putin is betting on. supporting this bill is standing up to putin. opposing this bill is playing into his hands. history is watching.
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history is watching. this critical moment will never be forgotten. >> meanwhile on tuesday, the republican-controlled house failed tos pass a number of the bills due in part to chaos within party ranks. first republicans failed toim peach the homeland security secretary after weeks of hyping that issue. republicans were undone by a spate of absences in their party. there was a stand alone funding bill that would have provided nearly $18 billion in aid to israel. law makers on both sides of the aisle opposed the measure, which needed a two-thirds majority to pass. amy kiley takes a look at the next step for congressional lawmakers. >> we need a round two. >> that question could apply to a number of issues before congress. they include two gop plans the house shot down last night. one is a resolution to impeach
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the homeland security secretary. >> the principle is very clear that mayorkas did not commit a high crime or misdemeanor. >> it lowers the fwrounds of impeachment to a point we can expect it to be levelled against every conservative court justice, every future republican president and cabinet member the moments take democrat. >> yesterday's failure is due to the temporary absence of steve scalise. meanwhile -- >> the bill is not passed. >> reporter: a plan to support israel with stand alone legislation faces an uncertain future. it's from the house speaker who met with families of hostages and hisraeli counterpart. today secretary of state antony blinken is in tel aviv to discuss the possible cease-fire and the senate voting on a package aimed at israel, border security and ukraine. although some supporters
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acknowledge -- i'm amy kentiley defeating. >> the defeat is a bitter disappointment for the group of law makers that worked on it. james langford said nothing is the worst case scenario. here's what others had to say. >> everybody knows that immigration is the graveyard where political careers go. and senator langford stepped up. he did his best. you're never going to pass something on a partisan basis through the senate and the house in this point in time. >> i brought republicans and democrats together to form a real solution to address our border crisis. unfortunately today, my colleagues in the united states senate have decided that they don't actually want this solution. and don't want to secure the border. >> president biden says he wants voters to know the republicans
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had a chance to address the border crisis, but refused to act. >> the american people are going to know why it failed. i'll be taking this the issue to the country. the american people are going to know the only reason the border is not secure is dth and his maga republican friends. >> the white house is blasting republican lawmakers attempt to impeach the homeland security can secretary. a spokesman says house republicans ought to realize that extreme political stunts like this are a waste of time and instead join the president, secretary mayorkas for those who want to strengthen border security. a u.s. federal appeals court ruled donald trump cannot use presidential immunity to shield himself from prosecution for the alleged crimes he committed to reverse the 2020 election results. the ruling is a major blow to the former u.s. president's
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defense in the election subversion case brought against him by the special counsel. paula reid has a look at the ruling and the trump team's strategy. >> reporter: in a unanimous, historic rule ing, three judgesn the d.c. circuit court of appeals rejecting former president trump's claim that he has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution. the judges writing, for the purpose of this criminal case, former president trump has become citizen trump with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. special counsel jack smith charged hum with four federal counts related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> it's described in the indictment it was fuelled by lies. lies by the defendant targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the u.s. government. >> reporter: trump repeatedly insisted he was acting within the scope of his duties as president, and therefore, cannot
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be tried. >> a president of the united states has to be free and clear of mind. you can't be worrying about something where you're doing the right thing, but if it doesn't work out, you're going to end up in prison. >> reporter: the judges on tuesday batted down that argument and slammed trump's alleged efforts to stay in power, despite losing the election, as unpresidential and an assault on american institutions. we cannot accept former president trump's claim that a president has unfounded authority to commit crimes. former president trump's stance would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the president beyond the reach of all three branches. in a statement today, the trump campaign argued that without complete immunity, no president could properly perform their duties for fear of retribution. if immunity is not granted to a president, every future president who leaves office will
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be immediately indicted by the opposing party. but the court also rejected any suggestion that prosecuting trump in this case would have a chilling effect on future leaders. past presidents have understood themselves to be subject to impeachment and criminal liability. at least under certain circumstances, so the possibility of chilling executive action is already in effect. trump is vowing to appeal and the supreme court will likely have the final say. the justices were already said to hear arguments on thursday in another case with huge implications for trump on whether his actions after the 2020 election disqualify him from the 2024 ballot. with trump expected to appeal, the issue really becomes now one of timing because the longer the supreme court sits with this case, the less likely it can go to trial before the 2024 presidential election. and trump's strategy here, while they are litigating some valid
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constitutional questions, really his number one priority is to try to delay, delay, delay and push both of his federal criminal cases back until after the election. paula reid,en cnn, washington. now to the latest results in the race for the white house. cnn projects president biden will win nevada's presidential primary and collect all of the state's delegates. but on the republican side, nikki haley will suffer a somewhat embarrassing defeat losing to, quote, none of these candidates. it's an option that nevada voters have to express their dissatisfaction with everyone on the ballot. former president trump was not on the primary ballot, and it really doesn't carry much weight because the gop opted to award its delegates to other del delegates.
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trump is planning to stay away from the supreme court on thursday when it takes up the question of his ballot eligibility. the justices will hear arguments in trump's appeal of a colorado supreme court decision that bans him from the ballot under the 14th amendment ban on insurrectionists holding public office. his legal team appears to be treading carefully. whether had trump is immune from criminal prosecution for his actions after losing the 2020 election. here's kristen holmes on that. >> reporter: we have seen trump turn these courtroom appearances into campaign events, an opportunity to cry election interference, so just the idea that he's not showing up on thursday or isn't expected to is really a marked change. it's an indication of how carefully his team and he is handling these arguments before the highest court in the land. a court in which he's appointed one-third of the justices on the bench. we were told by sources that
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dthth did knows how high the stakes are. there's no upside in him attending the arguments. i was told by one source close to the inner circle there were some people who thought his antics in the courtroom, his storming out, his muttering were no not help ful in those cases. now they do insist this is purely logistical. we know nevada caucuses are thursday night. he's going to be out there probably visiting a caucus site and give ing a victory speech because he is expected to win there, but logistically had speaking, it's three hours behind and has a private plane and the arguments are are in the morning, so there's some questions outside of the realm of possibility he could make both. >> cnn learned the chair of the rnc is offering to step down after the primary in south carolina later this month. two party advisers say that move would allow donald trump to
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install his own leaders of the party. but mcdaniel discussed these plans with trump. in a statement the rnc spokesperson said, quote, nothing has changed. it will be decided after south carolina. for the first time in the united states, parent of a school shooter has been held directly responsible for the crimes their child committed. jennifer crumbley was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter more than two years after her son killed four students. whitney wild has more on this unprecedented case. >> we find the defendant guilty. >> reporter: 45-year-old jennifer crumbley found guilty, becoming the first parent in u.s. history to be held criminally responsible for a mass shooting committed by their child. crumbley's son already serving life in prison for murdering four students. and wounding seven other people in michigan in 2021 when he was
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15. >> it was a long time coming, but it's definitely a step toward accountability. it's been our goal the whole time. >> reporter: over the trial, prosecutors argued that crumbley ignored warning signs her son was a threat and failed lock up a firearm and ammunition he used to kill his classmates. prosecutors pointed out that hours before the rampage, crumbley's school administrators and the shooter had a meeting over this violent drawing on his math work sheet. crumbley didn't pull her son classes despite being told he needed help. >> you didn'tell them you had g that it for christmas. >> reporter: prosecutors argued crumbley could have prevented the killings, but instead, did nothing. >> she walked out of that school when just the smallest of things could have saved four students,
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and not only did she not do it, she doesn't even regret it. >> reporter: defense attorneys argued krumly didn't know about her son's deteriorating mental health and had no way of predicting the shooting. >> i look back after this happened and asked myself if i had done anything differently, and i wouldn't have. >> did the crumbley's son was a skilled manipulator and didn't realize it. >> reporter: but prosecutors grilled crumbley on the warning signs she ignored, including a phrase her son wrote in the drawing found by his teach the morning of the shooter. >> the thoughts won't stop. help me. >> reporter: the jury foreperson described the evidence that sealed the guilty verdict. >> the thing that realliment hammered it home is that she was the last adult with the gun. >> you cannot choose to take your own interest over your child, especially when it comes to mental health.
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and addressing concerns. >> reporter: jennifer crumbley faces up to 15 years in prison. meanwhile, the shooter's father is also charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter. he's set to go to trial march 5th. now to israel, where america's top diplomat will be holding high stakes talks with top israeli officials today, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. u.s. secretary of state antony blinken plans to press for humanitarian pause in gaza, but also discuss hamas' response to a proposal meant to secure the release of the remaining hostages. israel is blinken's fourth stop on his latest trip to the middle east. on tuesday he was in qatar where he discussed a humanitarian pause with with officials as well as the ongoing efforts to free the hostages. qatar has served as a key
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immemediator in negotiations wi hamas and describes the group's reply to the proposal as a positive development. >> translator: we have received a reply from hamas with regards to the hostages. the reply includes some comments, but in general, it's positive. >> u.s. president biden offered his own assess is the of the counterproposal saying this. >> there's been a response from the opposition, but it seems to be a little over the top. >> the israel defense forces and palestinian journalists in gaza are both reporting heavy fire and raids across multiple parts of gaza over the last two days. the idf says its operations in and around the south are
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continuing, where it says more militants in civilian clothing were killed tuesday after preparing to attack israeli forces. the hamas-run health ministry is accusing the military of tightening the siege of a medical complex where thousands of displaced civilians are staying. cnn has asked the defense forces for comment on its operations around that hospital. in northern gaza, we're getting a look at the scale of destruction left by months of war. this drone video from the u.n. relief and work agency shows dozens of buildings raised to the ground. lots to discuss. let's focus on this deal that is being discussed. it sounds like there's a sense of renewed optimism. >> we have been talking about this for so long we don't want to get people's home hopes up that some kind of deal would get done, and also a pause in the
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fighting to help some of those palestinians in the gaza strip. where we are now is you remember we were talking about this framework that was agreed upon in paris by the united states. the egyptians, the qatars to get the broad parameters of what a hostage deal would look like. hamas has given its proposal to the egyptians, who are key mediators in this whole discussion. now it's with the israelis. they say they are analyzing it and we would expect some kind of counteroffer at some point. the precise nature of hamas' proposal, we're seeing various reports. what we heard from a source familiar with the discussions is that it would require a humanitarian pause, a temporary pause, this widely publicized demand for israel's withdraw from the strip completely and also to bring about an end to
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the war isn't actually among the core demands of hamas. this is just a source familiar with the discussions. things maybe moving around somewhat. they maybe slightly different in terms of the actual proposal. we know from the past few weeks we hear from one source that things are looking in one particular way and others in another way. we have to ate wait until we get the official confirmation. >> notwithstanding, the details are vague and exact, as you were just outlining. what does the fact that they have been brought closer to a potential agreement here suggest both the mentalities and the forces acting on them. >> israel would say it's very much focused on its four objectives to destroy hamas and any other entity threatening israel and to get the hostages home. hamas for its part is going to leverage the bargaining chips
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that it has to get as much out of israel as it possibly can in terms of prisoners being freed. including some of those being held for life sentences who have blood on their hands and also to get humanitarian aid in, to get reconstruction and other thing it is would want. and one imagines to somehow cling to power in the gaza strip in some shape or form. both sides for the israelis saying they won't do a deal. although we have been talking about this nonstop, there now is some hope we are indeed closer to getting some kind of deal and if perhaps israel can meet hamas in the middle or if hamas can back down on some of its demands, then they could reach a deal that would see the hostages freed, prisoners released and humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. >> thank you.
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still to come, violence grips pakistan ahead of of its general election thursday. vowhat voters are saying as the country remines deeply divided. plus prince harry arrives to visit his father as king charles steps out publicly for the first time since his cancer diagnosis was announced. and later, taylor swift fans take over tokyo. we'll go live to japan for the first night of the singer's record-breaking concert.
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they expect to cancel 90% of its scheduled flights out of germany buzz of its ground crews being on strike. about a thousand flights were planned for today and the cancellations will reportedly impact around 100,000 passes engineers. the strikes over negotiations are happening at major aurpts in berlin, frankfurt, and munich. they are urging passengers to avoid going to airports to rebook trips. britain's king charles iii
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are spending time at his country estate north of london. the 75-year-old monarch was seen in public on tuesday, a day after his cancer diagnosis. his son arrived in london flying in from california. more now from our royal correspondent max foster. >> this is the first glimpse of king charles since his cancer diagnosis was made public. as he appeared well enough to leave london for his country side estate. buckingham palace revealing on monday that the 75-year-old monarch is postponing his public-facing duties while he undergoes treatment. the palace says he will carry on with state business and official paperwork. cnn ubss the king's weekly audience with the british prime minister will continue. but if the illness worsens, royal commentators say appointed
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counsel rs of state can be called upon to step in, most likely queen camilla and prince william. >> these are members of the royal family who can deputize him if he's incapacitated or if he's overseas on other duties. and it's been made very clear there's no plan to bring any of these people into play. >> the number of working royals has dwindle d. harry and meghan stepped back from royal duties in 2020 while prince andrew was forced out amid controversy over his relationship with a convicted ped file jeffrey epshteyn. the royal family is putting its very public differences aside. prince harry arriving back in britain from his home in the u.s. believed to be the first time he's seeing his father since the coronation in may. a royal source telling cnn there are currently no plans for prince harry to meet with his
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brother prince william. the two still estranged. but as with any family, the illness of a loved one may encourage the royals for their differences aside. max foster, cnn, buckingham palace, london. >> we have been telling you about all the well wishes pouring in from around the dploeb for king charles. now a man in india is expressing his support in a unique tribute. he's create d a sand sculpture n a beach in the coastal sea. it stands seven feet or two meters high depicting the king in a red military uniform with a green sash. the message says get well soon, his majesty. just ahead, the rapid rise of germany's far right party stoking fears among mainstream politicians with key elections only months away.
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xfinity rewards presents: '1st and 10gs.' xfinity is giving away ten grand to a new lucky winner for every first and ten during the big game. enter daily through february 9th for a chance to win 10gs. with the ultimate speed, power, and reliability the xfinity 10g network is made for streaming live sports. because it's only live once. join xfinity rewards on the xfinity app or go to for your chance to win. welcome back to cnn newsroom. i'm bianca nobilo. is and here are some of today's top stories for you. u.s. investigators believe alaska air flight 1282 was missing four bolts to secure the door plug when it took off last
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month. this is a photo that boeing 737 max 9's door plug more than a month before the plane was delivered to alaska air. the ntsb says it shows the bolt was missing during work on the aircraft where the circles are. argentina's president is in on his first overseas trip as president. he visited the western war in jerusalem on tuesday. and chile is mourning the loss of former president sebastian kill ed in a helicoptr crash at the ageover 74. the state funeral will be held for the late leader, and three days of national mourning have been declared. germany is grapple the ing with the sudden rise of the country's major far right party ahead of key elections later on this year. opinion polls show the alternative for germany party is
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polling in second place nationwide, and now the mainstream party's fear afd could sweep the polls in the coming months. >> reporter: it's boots on the ground for the alternative for deutsche land, the afd. in this tiny village, germany's far right party are doing what many say their government aren't, talking to them. as night falls, protesters spring with a message. germany has been down this path before. never again means now. the afd's plans only reveals the xenophobia, hatred and bigotry that exists in this country. views that are not hard to find across the road in the visitage. >> i'm glad someone is taking care of all this scum that has
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spread in our country, in our beautiful germany. >> reporter: pro and afd-curious supporters have gathered to hear from party officials the message has trumpian undertones. our country first, posters say. some of what's being discussed in this room is warped. questioning things like the covid pandemic and whether climate change is real. >> reporter: as the meeting concludes, many leave content with what they have heard. >> the afd is finally standing up for the justices and is slowly doing what we want and what we want is to be part of the government. >> reporter: amid that government, he acknowledges that public image is partly to blame for their ailing the poll numbers. >> we know we have to improve a lot of things, especially
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performance of the the coalition or keeping the impression that we are not. but the feeling is there. we have to improve it. >> reporter: following an explosive investigation from the news outlet, afd lawmaker hailed the so-called remigration plan discussed as a promise. at this hotel far right leaders suggested mass deportations, including for german citizens of foreign origin. it is necessary to think about migration. since 2015 more than 10 million foreigners have entered the country and a large proportion are not willing to integrate and live in german society, but are building parallel worlds. the federal government is not putting the interest of the indigenous population first. >> reporter: in the real world, the report sparked waves of protests, the response is to shout conspiracy. >> translator: without the government campaign, people
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wouldn't be out in the street. i'm very positive. >> reporter: cnn, germany. the afd has since distanced itself from the secret meetings saying it was not an official party event. ukraine's interior minister says six parts of the country were targeted in a massive russian missile attack. officials are reporting strikes in the capital kyiv and areas analyze part apart. one person was reportedly killed in the region and several have been injured as cross the country. meantime, the european union foreign policy chief is visiting to discuss the military and financial aid for ukraine. the suddenen strikes highlight the daily reality of the brave ukrainian people who have been enduring two full years of this war. nearly two dozen people have been killed and several others
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injured in two separate blasts in pakistan's district. officials say thes first, ploegs took place at the independent candidate's office killing at least 12 people. they say the second explosion occurred at an election office. violence has escalated across pakistan ahead of thursday's general election, and many local candidates have been shot or killed so far. but people in pakistan are not just facing frequent terror attacks and economic uncertainty as they head to the polls. the country's former prime minister and popular leader still in prison and barred from contesting, they are left with a difficult choice on who to vote for. >> reporter: the explosion in southern pakistan, just one of a string of attacks targeting political candidates across the country. as the nation of more than 230 million people prepares to go to the polls, there's an air of
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unease. pakistan's widely popular former prime minister is behind bars. charged with corruption and revealing state secrets and is banned from running in the election. he denies any wrong doing. he was arrested by pair military police in may last year. his supporters took to the streets, some of them aren't. it was an extensive crackdown by led by the powerful military, a claim it denied. protesters were detained, journalists secensored. social media activists, a supporter of khan's party. the 36-year-old mother of two is facing terrorism charges accuse ed of inciting her thousands of followers to commit arson on the day khan was arrested. she denies the charges.
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her father says her incarceration is an example of silencing voices. >> i know all this is fake and being done to victimize the political party of khan. this is a lit call case. >> reporter: pakistan's information minister denied those claims saying, law enforcement and prosecutors had evidence against her. with a fall of khan has come the return and rise of popularity of his predecessor. sharif is back in pakistan after corruption charges led to years of self-imposed exile. he's now widely expected to win an historic fourth term. >> the good news is he builds a coalition, which includes starting to run the country pragmatically.
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and starts to balance relations between u.s. and china, the get the economy back on track. >> reporter: standing between sharif and the top job is a 35-year-old, descended from one of pakistan's political dynasties. yet even with his useful appeal, many young voters have been left disallusioned by the recent political disorder. >> translator: the whole country knows the decision has already been made. >> translator: i don't think stability will come, because after the elections, a lot of problems will be created. >> even if a certain governmentment comes into play, all governments disappointed us at most levels. >> reporter: pakistan faces mounting challenges from economic issues to climate catastrophes and militant attacks. just last month, pakistan and iran carried out strikes against alleged targets in each other
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easter toir, citing the threat of terrorist attacks. for pakistan and its people, u unified government after years of uncertainty will be a must to avoid tensions spilling beyond the country's borders. anna corin, cnn. three of the biggest names in broadcasting are teaming up to create a superstreaming service. espn, fox and cnn's parent company warner brothers discovery are taking part. the service will include nfl, nba, major league baseball, nhl and fifa world cup games. no word on price, but it's the latest move away from television to streaming services. meta is working to identify and label images made use ing ai an shared on its platforms. that would include images created by tools from google, microsoft, open ai, mid-journey and shutter stock. meta hopes to implement new
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standards like adding invisible metadata or water marks to images made by ai so they can be easily identified. taylor swift's legal team is threatening action against a college student who tracks the private jets of celebrities and public figure. the program uses publicly available realtime flight data to track some of the world's elite, including elon musk, who famous ly tried to pay him off n 2022 to get him to stop. then shut down sweeney's twitter account calling it a security risk. but now it's taylor swift fighting back against sweeney with her lawyers issuing a cease and desist letter to stop his stalking and harassing behavior. right now, taylor swift does have other things on her mind. we'll be live in tokyo where taylor swift is set to play four concerts give ing a boost to japan's economy. more details, when we come back.
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♪ taylor swift fans in japan are likely to hear that hit when she's on stage there. we are near the tokyo dome where the eras tour has final ly arrived. tell us a about the excitement and also the impact this is happening not just on the people, but the local economy there. >> there's so much excitement the right now in tokyo because taylor swift is finally here for her eras tour. we have been here since 2:00 p.m. local time, 4 hours before her concert began, and thousands of people were coming through in their different colorful-themed costumes, representing each different era in taylor swift's
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music. there's the friendship bracelets that swifties exchange. i got a few myself. very kind for swifties to do. and there's the dancing, the singing, the cheering. i don't know if you can hear a little bit, but taylor swift's concert is happening now. some singing can maybe be heard. so much excitement. she is a very famous person in the united states, but her fame transcends international borders. all the way on the other side of the world, people are so excited to see taylor swift. her concert is completely sold out. all four nights. organizers say the tickets sold out within the first 30 minutings that they went on sale. now she's also the first female artist in tokyo dome to play four consecutive nights. that's how in demand she is. that's how much people want to see her. we have to remember adding to this hype is the fact that the last time taylor swift performed in tokyo was back in 2018 for her reputation tour.
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so fans are swift deprived. they want to see taylor swift. they are eager to see this international superstar on that stage. we spoke to a superfan just earlier, who has taken fandom to the next level. >> i am taking a two-year break for going to her concert. i quit my job when she announced this eras tour. >> you quit your job? >> i did. >> can i ask why? >> because last time i went th there. >> reporter: taylor swift is bringing the fans and the big bucks as well. experts tell cnn that her concert for four days is expected to generate over $230 million. making this the biggest musical event for japan. the next is fuji rock, which is
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held every year and generates $200 million. so again, taylor swift is a superstar. she's bringing so many fans excitement and joy as she sings the sound track for many of these fans' lives. >> hannah in tokyo, enjoy all the excitement. we'll check in soon. thank you. taylor swift is isn't the only mega star in japan. lionel messi is there too. will he play or disappoint his legion of fans?
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minutes from now, we could know whether football legend whether lionel messi will take
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to the pitch and play after breaking the hearts of tens of thousands of fans in hong kong over the weekend. he staid on the bench for the preseason friendly citing an injury. he and his club are set is to face the japan national stadium at the top of the hour. and this next story will bug some of you, but insect lovers are chirping in excitement. scientists expect a rare double breed of cicadas and by some estimates, we're talking more than 8 trillion of them. two different broeds will align for the first time since 1803. that appears every 17 years. and another which appears every 13 years. as an added bonuses, etc. perts say these bugs give off an unforgettable smell as they decay. something to look forward to. it's anyone's guess who will win the super bowl this sunday, but two otters at the state
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texas aquarium have already made their picks. arthur swam to the ice cake while fisher checked out the 49ers cake. thought better of it and also pick ed the chiefs. both otters are 4-year-old rescues and are big football fans. psychics. that does it here on cnn newsroom. i'm bianca nobilo in london. "early start" is next. i'll see you tomorrow.
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