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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 9, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PST

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i know me and i know what the hell i'm doing. i put this country back on its feet. >> in watching the supreme court, i thought it was a very beautiful process. we win this state, we easily win the election in november. we have to win the election. >> conduct of the response in the gaza strip has been over the top. live from london, this is "cnn newsroom" with max foster and bianca nobilo. >> hello and a very warm welcome
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to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm bianca nobilo. max has the day off. it is february 9, 9:00 a.m. in london, 4:00 a.m. in washington where concerns about whether the u.s. president is too old for office are getting new life from an unexpected source. a searing report on joe biden's mishandling of classified documents. the special counsel did not recommend criminal charges which is a win of course for the president, but the prosecutor said that was partly because a jury could potentially see him as a, quote, well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. and that assessment will likely cause some political damage. in a hastily called news conference, president biden insisted his memory is fine and angrily pushed back on part of the report that said he had trouble remembering when his son beau had died. >> in addition i know there is some attention to the language about my recollection of the events, even a reference that i
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don't remember when my son died. how in the hell dare he raise that. frankly, when i was asked the question, i thought to myself wasn't any of their damn business. >> when mj lee pointed out that many voters also have concerned about his age and his mental acuity, president biden became advisably annoyed. >> mr. president, for months you've been asked about your age and you would respond with the words watch me. and then the american people have been watching and they have expressed concerns about your age -- >> that is your judgment. that is your judgment. that is not the judgment of the press. >> they express concerns about your mental acuity, they say you are too old. in december you told me you believed there are many other democrats who could defeat democrat. so why does it have to be you now, what is your answer -- >> because i'm the most qualified person in this country to be president and finish the job i started. >> towards the end of the news conference, mr. biden was asked
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about the war in gaza and misspoke confusing the presidents of egypt and mexico. >> president of mexico, al sisi, did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. i talked to him, i convinced him to open the gate. >> cnn's senior justice corespondent evan perez has moor on the report and the president's response. >> reporter: special counsel ro robert hur released a report saying that president biden willfully detained and disclosed classified information, but he also found there wasn't enough evidence to bring criminal charges against the president. the 15 month long investigation found biden knew about classified documents in his home as far back as 2017 when he was a private citizen and no longer vice president. and robert hur found he shared some of that information with a ghost writer for his memoir that
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was published that year and said it included marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in afghanistan and notebooks containing mr. biden's handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy, implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods. president biden responded to the report noting that he cooperated with the investigation. >> special counsel acknowledged thatcoulcooperated completely, went forward with a five hour interview over two days even though israel had just been attacked. i was pleased to see special counsel make clear the stark differences between this case and donald trump. special counsel in my case decided against moving forward with any charges. this matter is now closed. >> reporter: we long expected no criminal charges from this investigation, but the report poses major political problems for the president's re-election
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campaign. the hur report points out a number of reasons to not recommend charges against the president, among those said joe biden believed that he was entitled to keep these notes with classified information. and that if prosecutors tried to bring charges, biden would be able to present himself to a jury as, quote, a sympathetic well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. the report notes in an interview last october with investigators, the president couldn't remember key things such as when his vice presidency ended and when his son beau died. and noted key differences between how president biden dealt with this investigation and how donald trump handled the investigation of classified documents that were found at his florida home. biden cooperated with investigators and he invited the fbi to come and search his homes and office. trump not only refused to comply with a subpoena to return documents, but he also allegedly obstructed the investigation by trying to hide documents from
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the fbi and telling witnesses to lie. evan perez, cnn, washington. meantime the former u.s. president appears poised for a big win at the u.s. supreme court. the official ruling is likely weeks away, but based on their questioning, the justices seem inclined to overturn the colorado supreme court's decision to disqualify trump from running for office due to his role in the insurrection. despite spending very little time analyzing trump's actions on january 6. paula reid explains. >> reporter: in one of the most anticipated supreme court cases of the year, the justices signaling they will side with donald trump on the question of whether he is eligible for the 2024 ballot. the former president did not attend thursday's arguments. most justices didn't address his role in the january 6 insurrection. instead focusing on legal arguments around the 14th amendment. trump's lawyer, jonathan mitchell, an experienced supreme
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court advocate, argued trump isn't covered by the so-called insurrectionist ban. >> a ruling from this court that of a affirms the decision below would not only violate term limits but take away votes from tens of millions americans. >> reporter: and argued january 6 was not even an insurrection. only one justice asked about whether it was. >> so the point is that chaotic effort to overthrow the government is not an insurrection? >> this was a riot, it was not an insurrection. >> reporter: jason murray argued for colorado voters who won their case at the lower court. >> by engaging in insurrection against the constitution, president trump disqualified himself from public office. states have the power to ensure that their citizens' electorate votes are not constitutionally barred from holding office. >> reporter: but the justices appeared much more skeptical. in an ominous sign chief justice said the arguments were at war with history.
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>> that seems to be a position that is at war with the whole thrust of the 14th amendment and very ahistorical. the whole point of the 14th amendment was to restrict state power. >> reporter: and question the consequences of a ruling in favor of colorado and other states then following suit. >> it will come down to just a handful of states that will decide the presidential election. that is a pretty daunting consequence. >> reporter: even liberal justice elena kagan oig asked this -- >> i think that the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the united states. >> reporter: it was murray's first time arguing before the high court and he engaged in several contentious exchanges with the justices. and even got a scolding from justice gorsuch who he once clerked for. >> do you remember the last -- >> no, no, we're talking about section three. please don't change the hypothetical. >> reporter: even though the argument seemed to go well for
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trump, he still wanted the last word addressing supporters outside mar-a-lago. >> you can take the person that is leading everywhere and say hey, we won't let you run? i think that is pretty tough to do, but i'm leaving it up to the supreme court. >> reporter: it is unclear when the justices will issue their opinion. they may want to provide voters with some confidence ahead of super tuesday on march 5. they will know whoever they vote for will be on the ballot in the general election. but really it is probably going to take as long as it takes chief justice john roberts to build consensus, to come up with a compromise that can garner bipartisan support. this is a court that is under scrutiny for ethics and part is an ship, so this is as man a test for the chief justice as it is for donald a test for the chief justice as it is for donald an ship, so this is asman a test for the chief justice as it is for donald trump. paula reid, cnn, washington. trump meanwhile is also another step closer to securing
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the republican nomination. cnn is projecting he will win the nevada caucuses taking all 26 delegates. little known texas pastor ryan binkley was his only opponent. nikki haley refused to take part. trump told supporters in las vegas he is expecting the supreme court to rule in his favor in the colorado ballot ban case. >> i think that they had a very interesting day and very beautiful day perhaps. i think that it was really beautiful sight to watch. it is the way it is supposed to be. and hopefully the decision will be a very important decision, but there has never been anything like it in the polls. we're leading everybody. we are right now -- is there anyway that we can call the election for next tuesday? that is all i want. >> more now on trump's win in nevada from ellana alayna
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treene. >> reporter: he declared victory after it was announced he won nevada caucuses. that doesn't as a surprise. they had gone in as a very strong position rngs r, really y player in nevada because nikki haley was not on the balance the lot, she instead participated in the state's primary earlier in the week. but still a great opportunity for donald trump to tout miss victory and also try to use more of his general election rhetoric. the win in nevada capped off a great day for the former president, one, his campaign advisers argued his best day of the year so far. we saw earlier on thursday the supreme court make arguments that seemed that they were likely to side with donald trump's lawyers in the case regarding whether he is allowed to remain on colorado's presidential ballot.
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it is also after special counsel robert hur released a report on president biden saying he had willfully retained classified documents and mishandled those documents. donald trump notably did not bring up that report during his remarks on thursday. but something that he had really talked about all day leading up to his appearance in nevada. and then of course the big win on thursday. both in nevada but also winning the virgin islands caucuses as well. he really did use his remarks on thursday to pivot to a more of a general election strategy. and as part of that, he talked about winning in november. he said that if they can win this state, if they can win nevada, they can easily win the general election. take a listen to what he said. >> if we win this state, we easily win the election in november. we have to win the election. is there any way we can call the election for next tuesday? that is all i want. >> reporter: now, just want to point out one thing there, that
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donald trump did not win nevada in 2016 or in 2020. but his campaign is confident that it could be better for him this year in a potential general election. and also as you heard, he also mocked nikki haley for not performing well in the primary earlier this week where it was declared that she had lost to none of these candidates. alayna treene, cnn, las vegas. next up on the political calendar, trump and haley will go head to head in the south carolina republican primary on february 24. haley was the state's governor for six years but recent polling has trump ahead by 26 points. just ahead, tucker carlson goes one-on-one with russia's vladimir putin. what did they discuss? we'll get in to that in just a moment. plus a major shakeup in ukraine's war effort as the country's president fires his top military commander. also ahead, president biden offers one of his sharpest public criticisms of israel's
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military campaign in gaza. that and much more after the quick break. ukraine's war effort as the
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the interview of russian president vladimir putin conducted by right wing media personality tucker carlson is out. during the one-on-one, the two discussed among other things russia's detainment of american journalist evan gershovich. he was arrested almost a year ago and charged with espionage. a russian court continues to extend his pretrial detention but putin says a deal could be made for the reporter's release. >> translator: we are willing to discuss it, but certain terms are being discussed. i believe an agreement can be reached. >> melissa bell is joining us live from paris. you and i have been covering this war, you to a much more greater extent now for over two years, and what struck me is tucker carlson seemed lacking an understanding of the history of this conflict in part, but
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nevertheless this interview has already received over 64 million views on social media. what impact is it having? >> reporter: if you want to consider whose interests it serves, you need only look at the way it has been amplified by russian state propaganda outlets ever since it was released on tucker carlson's twitter feed. this was an interview remarkably lacking in any tough questions, remarkably lacking in any pushback at all. for instance, when vladimir putin claimed that it was unelected officials that ran the united states, this was repeated by tucker carlson for clarity, but never pushed back upon. of all the millions of questions that vladimir putin might have been asked from the issue of war crimes being committed in ukraine, children being detained and deported, the internal repression of political opponents and independent journalists, all of that was left aside and essentially a very free ride given to vladimir putin in a two hour interview
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that served very little else other than the russian leader's interests. and this just over a month before the election. have a listen for instance to one of the exchanges on domestic american politics. >> when was the last time you spoke to joe biden? >> translator: i cannot remember when i talked to him. i do not remember. we can look it up. >> you don't remember? >> translator: no. why? do i have to remember everything? i have my own things to do. we have domestic political affairs. >> he's funding the war that you are fighting, so i would think that would be memorable. >> repor . >> translator: well, yes, he funds but i talked to him before the special military operation of course, and i said to him then by the way i will not go into details, i never do, but i said to him then i believe that you are making a huge mistake of historic proceed poergsportions
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supporting everything that is happening there in ukraine by pushing russia away. >> in fact the interview began with a question about vladimir putin's justification for invading ukraine and he had about half an hour's free reign to go over some of the historical inaccuracieses, traditional grieve nls as that he's aired over and over again about how he justified crossing the border nearly two years ago now. but perhaps the only real headline as you suggested, bianca, is the fate of evan gershovich. the fact that some deal must be struck i think a glint of hope, a glints of hope for his family and friends at least. >> that would be a tremendous outcome. melissa bell, thank you so much for joining us. a new commander is taking charge of ukraine's war effort after volodymyr zelenskyy sacked
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his top general. zaluzhnyi oigwas fired. he is extremely popular in ukraine, but he disagreed with mr. zelenskyy over mobilization plans and other issues. he is replaced by syoleksandr sy syrsky. some front linene troops say th are not thrilled by this decision. dozens of ukrainian troops who fought in the battllttle mariup are finally going home. kyiv says most of the returning troops held out at the besieged steel plant for weeks before surrendering in may 2022. president zelenskyy says ukraine is working to get every captured soldier back home. two hospitals in gaza have reportedly come under attack by israeli forces.
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journalist at al s-shifa hospit said at least five were killed. doctors at kahn yunis say one of their colleagues were seriously wounded while in the operating room. idf says it does not target medical facilities but will attack fighters wherever they are. and lebanese state media is reporting that at least three people were killed thursday in an israeli drone strike on a car in southern lebanon. the israel defense forces tell cnn it was targeting a hezbollah xh commander believed to be involved in a number of rocket launches earlier in the day. hezbollah has not said whether one of its commanders was killed in that israeli strike. hufr however the militant group announced that it had conducted more rocket launches on an air base in response. and u.s. president biden on thursday gave his sharpest public rebuke to date of
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israel's military conduct in gaza. for more on that, let's chat with elliott. what did the president say and how much of a shift does this mark in the tone of america. >> it marks a slightly more aggressive tone let's say on the war. i suppose president biden is facing pressure on a number of different fronts. certainly from within his own democratic party, there are elements within that that want the u.s. to be less supportive of israel, for example by cutting off the supply of weapons, he has also been hemorrhaging arab-american voters. and at the same time he is frustrated with benjamin netanyahu and israel 's conduct in the war and for not always paying attention to demands of the u.s. to get more humanitarian aid in the gaza strip. so in this news conference
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yesterday, president biden did seemingly harden his rhetoric towards israel with his comments. >> i'm of the view as you know that the conduct of the response in gaza -- in the gaza strip has been over the top. >> there seems to be a new catch phrase for biden. he used that exact same phrase, over the top, to describe some of hamas' demands in the ongoing negotiations in the hostage deal. but i think the u.s. is also concerned about what is to come with israel saying it is setting its sights on rafah whose population has ballooned some four-fold. and egypt is also concerned. it is just the other side of the border there. it is concerned that big ground operation by israel could in
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some way lead to, you know, hundreds maybe thousands of palestinians streaming over the border on to its territory. so a lot of concerns and i think comments from biden express the frustration and also the pressure that he is under from many different sides. >> elliott, thank you. iraq will hold a second round of talks with the u.s. on sunday about the future of america's military presence in the country. iraqi officials say the talks about focus on next steps for the anti-isis coalition led by the united states. the statement comes amid growing calls for the departure of some 2500 u.s. forces who remain in iraq in an advisory capacity. those calls are getting louder after a u.s. drone strike wednesday killed the commander of a pro iranian militia in baghdad. iraq military slammed the strike as a blatant assassination and said coalition is threatening to pull iraq into a cycle of
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conflict. five agents of a paramilitary group were killed with n. a shoot-out with police wednesday. the group says they want the henry to step down, this as they say elections wouldn't be held until the security situation improved. the country has been plagued by violence. in the last quarter, 2023, more than 2300 people were killed, injured or kidnapped. henry took office shortly after the assassination of the country's last president in 2021. ahead, no charges for president biden over his mishandling of classified documents. but a new report definitely hit a nerve and could become if it hasn't already a political liability. and a bill with military aid for ukraine and israel has a new lease on life in the senate, but still faces an uphill battle even though it cleared one hurdle in the chamber.
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when you buy one unlimited line. and for a limited time, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm bianca nobilo. if you are just joining us, let me bring you up-to-date with the
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top stories. donald trump is another step closer to securing the republican nomination for the presidency. cnn is projecting that trump will win the nevada caucuses taking all 26 delegates. meanwhile trump appears poised for a big win at the u.s. supreme court based on their questioning, justices seem in kind to overturn the colorado supreme court decision to disqualify him from running for office due to his role in the insurrection. plus no charges for the u.s. president over his mishandling of classified documents during an abruptly scheduled news conference at the white house, a fired up joe biden praised the special counsel for deciding not to pursue charges, but it also tore into him for including remarks in the report about his age and mental acuity. more now on the special counsel decision and president biden's reaction from kevin liptak. >> reporter: president biden making one of the angriest public appearances to date as president forcefully rebutting
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some of the claims contained in special counsel rob perth hur's report specifically relating to his memory. those allegations suggesting that the president was having trouble remembering certain dates and details, president biden saying those were extraneous, that the special counsel and his team didn't know what he was talking about an angrily rebutting some of the allegations specifically when it comes to one particular suggestion hur makes that president biden had forgotten the date of his son beau's death. listen to a bit of what he said. >> in addition, i know there is some attention paid to some language in the report about my recollection of events. there is even reference that i don't remember when my son died. how the hell dare he raise that. frankly when i was asked the question, it wasn't any of their damn business. let me tell you something, some of you have commented, i'm aware
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since the day he got every single day. every memorial day we hold a service remembering him attended by friends and family and the people who loved him. i don't need anyone, i don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away. >> reporter: you hear there president biden forcefully rebutting some of these claims about his memory. and we should say the special counsel robert hur declined to bring criminal charges and actually made a favorable comparison between biden and donald trump's own handling of classified documents. but clearly the political ramifications i think will reverberate for days to come particularly when it comes to the question of president biden's him other and his mental acuity. and that is of course occurring against the backdrop of an election in which the president's age is a central issue. majority of voters and polls suggesting that that could be a
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deterrent for them as they head to the balance lot in november. and president biden in this press conference tonight certainly flashing a lot of anger, but not necessarily doing a whole lot to dispel some of the concerns that voters have. and in fact in that press conference when he was talking about the conflict in the middle east when he meant to refer to egypt, he referred to mexico instead one of the defenses that the president and his aides have made when it comes to the questions about his mental recall during his interview with the special counsel is that it occurred in the days immediately after israel's terror attack that occurred by hamas on october 7. and one of the things they have said is that the president was wholly preoccupied by international events at the time and that he was focused on calling foreign leaders and talking with his national security team. that is something that he mentioned in his remarks tonight. but certainly this report i think will only buttress some of
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those concerns that voters have about the president's memory and his mental acuity. and it is something that the president i think will still have to work to rebut going for forward into the election. kevin lip tantak, cnn, the whit house. and a bill would send money to ukraine and it also contained a bipartisan border bill that hit a road block. the new legislation could still be days away from a final vote and it still faces an uncertain future in the house. meanwhile the biden administration is spelling out what standards foreign countries have to meet to get u.s. military aid. it includes abiding by international humanitarian and human rights law. a senior administration official says the announcement is not motivated by israel's operations
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in gaza. five u.s. marines are confirmed dead after their helicopter crashed on tuesday. a military official says the focus is now on recovering their remains. the crash occurred in a remote area in southern california. and early attempts to access the site were hindered by heavy snow and high winds. the helicopter went down during a training flight but the cause of the crash still is under investigation. the federal aviation administration and jetblue airlines are both investigating a collision between two planes at logan international airport. the faa says the left wing of one airbus a-321 hit the right horizontal stabilizer of a similar plane while they were on the tarmac. they were in a deicing area controlled by the airline, not air traffic controllers. jetblue says no one was hurt but both aircraft suffered minor damage. a passenger posted these pibtss of the damage and a piece of
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debris on the ground that he said came from one of the jets. there it is. and if the very thought of weighing your checked bags at the airport gives you anxiety, this may not be for you. european carrier weighing volunteer passengers and their carry-on bags at their departure gates, an effort to better term weight for planes before they take off. it is not uncommon in the industry. volcanic eruptions in iceland appear to be slowing down. just ahead, scientists say the lava lava flow may be decreasing slightly. and winter is fading fast across parts of the u.s. chad. >> a few showers out west, a little bit of mountain snow and big changes in the forecast, that coming right up.
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national weather service says there were at least three
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tornados reported in the illinois and wisconsin region thursday night, including the one captured in this video in every vevansville. first ever reported in february in wisconsin. and no injuries reported thankfully, but power was knocked out in the area. and there were also reports of large hail and high wind gusts across the midwest. survey teams will be out to assess the number, strength and path of the tornadoes. and after that rough weather, the forecast across most of the u.s. appears to be a lot smoother as we head into the weekend. chad myers has the forecast for you. >> some showers out west still in the lower elevations and some mountain snow. rain in the deep south. and very mild air makes its way into the great lakes. so mild that we likely will even break some records. by saturday afternoon, there is the rain across parts of the pl
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needed it a couple weeks ago but have seen so much now that we really don't need this big stripe of 2 to 4 inch worth of rainfall across places that have almost seen some flooding. it has been close. rivers are rising, but not out of their banks because it has been so very dry there, the drought very much entrenched across the south, the water will soak in at least a little bit here. but we could still see some rising rivers once again. back out to the west, yes, that is snow across snow and texas, 6 to 8 inches of snow by the end of the weekend. and then it will eventually melt and quite rapidly in 134 some ps because much above normal temperatures will sit over the eastern half of the u.s. as we get into the forecast saturday and into sunday. 150 record highs may be broken across the east just by today and tomorrow alone. only 22% of the u.s. is covered in snow because you can't get snow when it will be in the 40s in omaha, 47 there.
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you don't get snow very much in minneapolis even at 36. you can. but it is usually heavy, wet and doesn't last very long. temperatures will be that warm for the rest of the week. even for louisville, 66 degrees later on this afternoon. and for the deep south, atlanta will make a run at 70. normal high for this time of year is 57. so that is 13 degrees above normal. all of these cities are well above where they should be. st. louis 71. you should be 43. enjoy it, i guess. have a great day. weather forecasters will be keeping an eye out to see if el nino becomes la nina in the coming months. current el nino is one of the strongest on record bringing warmer than normal conditions that would dramatically flip if la nina develops. this is characterized by cooler than average temperatures and
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more active hurricane system. historically strong el ninos are followed by la nina conditions about 60% of the time. eruption from a volcano in southern iceland appears to be sub siding but it is not over. the atlantic meteorological office says there is every indication that the eruption is starting to slow down, but difficult to say whether it was ending technically. and while the pictures are impressive, the danger is very real. air travel appears to be largely unaffected, but nearby schools and other facilities are set to close today due to a lack of water following thursday's eruption. scientists are calling it excellent and ominous detective work, they say a 2,000 foot long ice core reveals the ice sheet seems to have shrunk by about 8,000 years ago. compared to about 8,000 years ago. the study indicates if similar melting happens again, the ice there now contains enough water
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where sea levels could rise by 16 feet or 5 meters and cause devastating flooding in coastal towns and cities around the world. the study's authors say this is the first direct evidence of such rapid loss of ice anywhere on the continent and the melting could happen to other sheets as well. lights will be shining bright at allegiant stadium in las vegas this weekend as the chiefs take on the 49ers in the super bowl. you probably know that, but you might not know that those lights will be powered by 100% clean energy. in fact the stadium gets all of its energy from renewable sources according to the las vegas raiders who play their home games there. a big chunk of it comes from a nevada based solar farm. still ahead for you, 30 years of music in 13 minutes. that is the challenge for usher as he prepares for his super bowl halftime performance.
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usher says he is proud to be the first independent artist to headline a super bowl halftime show. back in 2011, he appeared as a special guest with the black eyed peas but he will hit as headlinieing act on sunday. he tez isays it will be a chall to squeeze 30 years of music into just 13 minutes. he recently completed a succsuc successful residency in las vegas. >> las vegas has been amazing for me, having 100 sold out shows in a residency and to haves next one be the crescendo which is the super bowl with apple, this has really, really given my time here in las vegas an incredible button at the end.
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>> in the leadup to the big night, taylor swift's possible presence has been politicized and scrutinized. ♪ >> if she does attend and scheer cheer on her boyfriend, swift would be the latest in a long line of off field super bowl spectacles for those who aren't that interested in football itself. there are the famous commercials and halftime performances like michael jackson's epic show back in 1993. which i don't remember but i'm told it is epic. so i'm sure it was. some argue the super bowl has evolved in to a national holiday and is bigger than any one star. we're getting a look at some of the commercials for the first time which are going for $7 million for 30 second ad. take a look. >> sorry, party is canceled.
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waiting on the cable internet guy. >> jason momoa joining the guys from scrubs in a new ad. >> we're going to be in a little commercial. >> be honest. >> i am. >> be honest. >> uber eats is pulling out all the stops. this ad for the food there i havery delivery service features victoria and david beckham. >> you know what they say, in order to remember something, you got to forget something else. >> that is also a friends star in another commercial for uber eats. advertisers are expecting 110 million people to watch the game and commercials. hence the high price tag. now to some stories in the spotlight. disney says it will make a sequel to its multimillion dollar hit movie "moana" after
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all. the entertainment giant says that it will hit theaters in november as a epic animated moous 34 musical. the main character will head out on a new voyage. she is a strong willed daughter of a polynesian chief. there is an exciting discovery, a super earth was found which is a mere 137 light years away. the e xcht o planet is larger than the earth, where there could be liquid water on the surface and cooler and smaller than our sun. a second planet similar to our size may also be orbiting the star. such planets could receive enough warmth to potentially sustain life. nice to have options. nasa's new mission designed to observe the earth's oceans and skies is also under way.
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>> five, four, three, two, one. booster ignition. >> this spacex falcon 9 rocket lifted off early thursday morning from cape canaveral, it carried a satellite that will look down and zero in on what nasa calls the invisible universe of microscopic marine life and tiny at mmospheric particles. the mission will last three years to provide more insight into how the planet is changing. and before we go, an emotional bitter sweet moment in los angeles thursday where have a necevanessa bryant helped unv the first of three statues honoring the late lakers legend. >> kobe picked the pose you are about to see. so if anyone has any issues with it, [ bleep ]. >> known as the black mumbment
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a, he is the seventh to be commemorated with the statue. a the number two represents his -- the number that his daughter wore as well. and they were of course among the group of nine people who died in a helicopter crash four years ago. that does it here on "cnn newsroom." i'm bianca nobilo. "early start" is coming up for you next.
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