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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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a woman armed with a rifle targets a houston mega church what we know, coming up. and just the second time a super bowl has gone into overtime. we'll have all the highlights live from allegiant stadium in las vegas. live from atlanta, this is d "cnn newsroom" with michael holmes. >> we begin in gaza where two hostages have been rescued during the special operation overnight from rafah. they are at a medical facility in israel where they're said to
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be in good condition. the red kescrescent society say rafah was targeted by dozens of airstrikes that killed dozens of people. tell us more about this operation and rescue and how it went down. >> reporter: yeah, there are two people freed. fernando marmen, who is 60 years old, and a 70-year-old. we just heard from the son-in-law saying that he's already visited with his father-in-law, that he is in bed, that he is sort of shocked by the situation but he's okay. that he's looking pale, understandable the son-in-law has said's been held hostage 128 days. les w he was asking more about how his family is doing.
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so that gives us an assessment of at least one of them. as you say, the idf are saying both are in good medical condition. the idf said this operation had been some time in the planning, that they were waiting for the conditions to be right. that it began at about 1:00 a.m. in the morning in rafah. it was a covert military operation that involved distraction maneuver as the idf calls it, attacking, they say, hamas battalion in that area of rafah. we know from the red crescent that right about that time there were reports of aircraft rocket and bomb strikes. helicopter, gunship strikes in that area. and the local hospital in rafah is reporting 60 people dead and killed, including children in this attack that took place around about the same time as this rescue operation was under way. it's not clear if these two
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events are directly connected. but it does appear at this time, at least, that there's a lot of correlation between these two different events. the idf saying only one of their soldiers was injured in this operation which required putting troops into the second floor of a building. now this is only the second time since october 7th the idf has been able to free, by military operations, any of the hostages. the last one was a young idf serving, female soldier who was released right at the end of october. this is a long time coming. huge news here in israel, that the idf has had a success in bringing out two hostages. absolutely going to be a big moment for these families, directly involved and gives some hope to the other families that this their loved ones can be freed as well. at the moment, we have not yet
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heard directly from medical officials about their specific medical conditions. but we do understand that they're undergoing checks at a hospital on the outskirts of tel aviv, here, michael. >> nic robertson in tel aviv for us. meanwhile, lloyd austin has transferred his dut teaies to h deputy after being hospitalized again. he has symptoms suggesting an emergent bladder issue. biden administration officials were notified quickly, unlike his previous stay at the hospital for prostate cancer treatment. kathleen hicks has assumed his duties. he's taken classified and unclassified systems that are required for work. police in texas trying to figure out why a woman armed with a long rifle entered the
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championship of famed televangelist joel osteen and started firing. authorities responded and killed the woman. she entered the church with a young child who was struck in the exchange of gunfire and is now in critical condition. it's unclear if the child is related to the shooter. one man was also injured. this happened in one of the largest mega churches in the u.s. osteen says it happened in between services, which likely kept more people from being hurt. it was quite the super bowl finish in las vegas. the kansas city chiefs defeating the san francisco 49ers in overtime, with a patrick mahomes touchdown pass to hardman. the halftime show didn't
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disappoint either. r&b singer usher took to the field with a show-stopping spectacle. he was backed with vegas show girls and acrobats, as he sang some of his greatest hits. he was joined by other a-list artists he's collaborated with, including alicia keys, h.e.r. and he ended with a shout out to his hometown. taylor swift cheered kansas city to victory, currently dating travis kelce, in case you haven't heard, and you most certainly have. swift became a staple at chiefs games during the season. notably, female viewership of the nfl went up nearly 10% when she was in attendance. andy scholes is at the stadium. let's talk about the game.
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it was a bit sloppy at times and had great moments and was close. what stood out to you? >> reporter: yeah, exactly what you said, michael. a lot of complaints early on, this super bowl's boring, punt, punt, punt. but it really picked up at the end. and what more could you ask for in an overtime game. just the second time ever that it's happened. and patrick mahomes, he got the ball, had to go 75 yards to win his third super bowl of his career. and i'm standing right now in the famous end zone where mahomes on the final play of super bowl 58 found mecole hardman to win the game for the chiefs, 25-22. spent his first four seasons with the kansas city chiefs. left to go to the jets but in the middle of this season came back. they certainly are glad that he
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did. he caught the game-winning touchdown in the super bowl. taylor swift came down on the field and was almost in tears when travis kelce was on the podium accepting the trophy and talking about what the chiefs went through. and here was travis kelce after the game. >> never a doubt in my mind, baby. never a doubt in my mind. we knew when they had to kick a field goal that was all, we have the best offensive mind in the league and the most determination. you saw all of that today, man. >> reporter: yeah, and michael, the chiefs' third super bowl title in the past five years, but this one certainly has to be the sweetest because of the way they got it done. they had a lot of bumps in the road. blown out on national television on christmas. people thought maybe they don't
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have it. but they win on the road, beat the bill, beat the ravens, got back to the super bowl. they were underdogs. patrick mahomes said it, i don't ever feel like an underdog. and what do we get in the end? another mahomes victory. he is 11 and 3 in his career. i don't think the odds makers are are going to do that very often. >> if you're 11 and 3, you're not an underdog. i know you're sticking around for the other shows. appreciate it. thanks. well, u.s. senators have been working through the weekend on a foreign aid bill and are one step closer to a final deal. we'll have details when we come back. hai
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former u.s. president donald trump's controversial comments on nato is facing intense criticism from world leaders. the former u.s. president told his supporters at a campaign rally that we tell russia, quote, to do whatever the hell they want to any nato member that failed to spend enough on
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defense. u.s. president joe biden said trump will, quote, abandon our nato allies. cnn has the details. >> reporter: former president donald trump on saturday said we encourage russia to do, quote, whatever the hell they want, to any nato member country that does not meet its spending obligations. take a listen to how he put it to his supporters in south carolina yesterday. >> one of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, well, sir, if we don't pay, and we're attacked by russia, will you protect us? i said you didn't pay, you're dl delinquent. he said yes. let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you got to pay. >> reporter: he said he would not abide by the clause in that agreement. he has criticized nato and claimed it is a drain on
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american resources by what he calls free loaders. that's really led a lot of european countries to question whether donald trump's potential return to the white house could mean not just the abandonment of the war in ukraine but a broader american retreat from the continent. now i do think it's important to point out the context of these remarks. it comes as many republicans have been pushing back against aid to ukraine, and also as some european countries have raised the alarm about russian aggression. now the white house immediately criticized trump's remarks. a spokesperson for the white house said, quote, encouraging invasions of our closest allies by murderous regimes is appalling and unhinged and endangering national security and our economy at home. jens stoltenberg said donald trump's recent remarks on the alliance puts soldiers at risk. he warned such comments threaten
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security, saying any attack on nato will be met with a united a and forceful response. any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security, including that of the u.s. and puts american and european soldiers at increased risk. the european council president said trump's words are reckless and, quote, serve only putin's interests. now senate meanwhile has taken a step closer to passing a more than $95 billion foreign aid bill with crucial assistance for ukraine and also israel. the senate voted on sunday to advance the critical bill with 18 republicans backing the package, despite opposition from former u.s. president donald trump. it comes after republicans blocked a wider bill that included a bipartisan border deal. if the bill is eventually passed by the senate, it's unclear whether house speaker mike johnson would even allow a vote on it.
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all right, let's bring in ron brownstein, senior political analyst and senior editor at the "atlantic". let's start with trump's comments on nato, which are stunning and perhaps not even getting the attention they deserve. are we just desensitized to the things that he says? because saying he'd tell putin to quote, do whatever the hell he wants with europe seems like a big deal. >> to some extent, yes. to some extent an open question. extraordinary comments in line with what we know about his feelings about nato and for that matter about putin. john bolton said he wanted the u.s. to leave nato. we know he wanted to remove u.s. troops from germany and south korea. there's no question there would be a significant entrenchment of america's allies with destabilizing results all over the world.
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the reason he say ii say it's s open question, because to me, his attitude toward nato is indicative of the much wider race of 2024. donald trump's agenda for a second term has really not been part of the discussion almost at all. and if you go to his website and look at his agenda, 47 videos, he is putting forward a much more specific and much more militant agenda on a lot of issues than he ran on in 2016 or 2020, and to me, it is a critical question the extent to which all of these ideas. mass deportation, internment camps, repealing the aca. any of these ideas, 10% tariffs, are going to be part of the debate between now and november. it's a critical question. >> yeah, i'll see if we can get
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to that. i want to ask but the whole deportation thing. i know you've been writing about that. the big turmoil this week has been the extraordinary situation where you have the candidates from both parties having this mental acuity, memory and so on questioned. both men routinely making gaffes, confusing names and so on. it's worrying, but what does it say about the state of american politics? >> yeah, we're ossified. and people have pointed out that one of the reasons this is happening is because we are so polarized. trump's hold on the republican party is real. you know, i would say 75% of the republican party is comfortable with him as a leader. but what haley is showing is that there's roughly a quarter, maybe a third at the most that is uneasy about that and what they do in november, that minority of republicans who are responding to her arguments that
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trump, you know u, what do they do? on the other side, you have enormous concerns among democrats, many of whom think joe biden has been a good president but worry that either he is not capable of executing the job a second term or even if they don't worry about that, they worry that the country won't view him as capable. we in the situation, as i said to you before, where i think it is highly unlikely that by election day there will be a majority of americans who go into the booth affirmatively excited about giving joe biden four more years. but that doesn't mean there might not be a winning plurality or majority that does not want to give donald trump four more year, and how the voters are uneasy about both of them sort out had out will probably determine how the election itself sorts out. >> i've been talking about republican plans on immigration, including mass deportation, potential use of the national
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guard, even across borders, why are these plans so concerning? >> well, look, again, this is indicative of this larger truth. there's a lot out there that donald trump is saying that he would do in a second term that hasn't been part of our dialog yet. speaking to the national rifle association in pennsylvania, he said within moments of taking office he will pursue the largest deportation program in american history. steven miller has put out extraordinary detail about how they plan to do this. he says they will pursue mass roundups of undocumented migrants in big cities, transfer them to internment camps in texas and then have constant flights out of the u.s. to do this, a former chief of staff of i.c.e. told me would take $100,100,000 to 150,000
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personnel. miller has said trump will obtain this manpower by transferring people from other federal law enforcement agencies, deputizing sheriffs and police officers and most explosively, by wreck which is igsing national gallardi red states to send into blue states that don't want to cooperate. and that is a recipe for a level of conflict we have rarely sign in american politics. imagine a scene in chicago or l.a. where a massive deportation program is going through a heavily-hispanic neighborhood. people flock to a church to seek safety. the local democratic mayor orders the police to ring the church. and on the other side are national guard from arkansas or texas. what happens next? i don't know, you know. and there are some americans who will support this vision. but it's not clear to me at all that this is a majority vision. it's not clear to me at all how much this is going to be part of the discussion between now and
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november. >> yeah, which is worrying. because as you say, this is being openly discussed and written about and the words coming from his mouth really sound like they're coming from steven miller's pen. biden and netanyahu spoke again this weekend. how problematic is what's seen as biden's inability to rein in israel's actions in gaza given the staggering toll of death, damage. there is blow back in the u.s. on that score and not just among arab americans. >> no, that's right. overall, most americans, you know, more americans support israel than the palestinians in this conflict. certainly, what hamas did was horrific and barbaric, but the extent to which biden has bound himself to netanyahu and not really effectively constrained him or even moved him in the direction of, you know, post
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conflict diplomacy that he is looking for is a problem. it is a problem with arab americans in michigan. it is not easy for biden to replace michigan if he can't win t i it. it's a problem with young people. and he has bound himself to a partner who probably wants him to lose. netanyahu has identified with the republican party more closely than any leader in my lifetime from a foreign country to identify with one of our parties. and i think it's clear he would rather be dealing with trump in the white house. his main concern are his own politics and the security of israel. but at the margin, he is not looking to do biden any favors, and if anything, i think he is looking to create a situation that makes it more likely that donald trump is the next president, and i think that is a situation that biden has put himself in that he may sooner than later have to find a way to extricate himself from. >> great to talk to you, my friend. >> thanks, michael. the big contest sunday
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wasn't the presidential race, of course. it was the super bowl. more on the game's fantastic finish in overtime, unless you' you're a 49ers fan, coming up after the break.
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welcome back to our viewers all around the world. i'm michael holmes. you're watching "cnn newsroom." the kansas city chiefs are back-to-back super bowl champions. they beat the san francisco 49ers, 25-22, in super bowl lviii, in las vegas. for those counting, that's three titles in the last five seasons for the chiefs. all of them with star quarterback patrick mahomes. obvious, there's plenty of other stars in attendance on and off
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the field. probably none bigger than chiefs superfan, taylor swift, who was there cheering on her boyfriend, kansas city tight end travis kelce. she had to share the spotlight with paul mccartney who popped into her box to watch the game. it's no wonder it's the event of the year for advertisers. a 30-second ad cost $7 million, with big brands shelling out $15 million to $50 million on a commercial, including the cost of the talent. and speaking of talent, some of the year's big names off the field, included jennifer aniston, "aquaman" star, jason ma mo mamoa. i wanted to ask you, about the best of the best in terms of the
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ads, with state farm and ben affleck and damon with dunkin' donuts. let's have a look at that one. ♪ >> i don't think you should do this. >> last year, she came to my work. now, i have to show her what i can do. >> he's here. >> affleck on the track. >> what up? for your consideration -- >> you have affleck, and j. lo. you watch it long enough, there's tom brady, matt damon. and it was funny. what did you make of it? i think they won last year. impacted their bottom line business-wise. >> it did. and a lot of the spots will impact your bottom line, if they're well received like the dunkin' donuts spot was. j. lo, jennifer lopez is timeless and beloved. ben affleck is, too. i love the fact he made fun of himself a little bit there.
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that's something that plays into who he usually plays into. it was a terrific spot. and something that will do well for the dunkin' donuts brand. >> i wanted to ask you about bud light. it had sales tank after a ridiculous conservative backlash for a transinfluencer. it's relaunched with a new super bowl ad. let's listen to part of that. >> yes. >> filthy rich. >> so filthy. >> invisible. >> predictable. >> giant bicep. >> big one. >> a sweet ride. >> it goes on. it's pretty funny. i wanted to ask you about that one, too. does it show that advertising an event like the super bowl can rehabilitate a brand? >> yeah. you can do that. i think everybody knows the story that happened for bud light. they are shifting the spotlight over to a big production and get
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the attention away from what happened previously. sales dropped 30% based off of that. they did a really good job. again, they got that emotion involved. it was funny. it was charming. it moved at a very fast pace. it kind of got the focus back on bud light as a brand, instead of the issue that came up six, nine months ago for them. >> seemed pretty clever. a lot of the ads, correct me if i'm wrong. seem to be named at women. girls sports was one that was excellent. taylor swift effect, didn't think that that you're watching? it's good for the nfl brand and they did a terrific job we positioning their brand for the nfl. day they said, let's have more
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fun and levity and leverage the taylor swift effect for the brand and for the viewer. it worked out well for everybody involved. it came down to the very end of the game. they had $7 million for a 30-second spot. why are companies willing to pay that. what are the roy, return on investment ? assuming the profit margin where it should be, you're printing money in a lot of ways. there aren't brands that can afford to spend that much money. those that can, we put in a dollar and generate $4.06 in revenue.
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sometimes it doesn't work out because it can backfire. in most cases you're getting a positive roi from this. >> we're watching the e-trade with the babies. that's good. before we let you go, what stood out to you. what was your favorite? >> i loved the jesus gets us campaign. that had a lot of emotion to it. one of the earlier spots in the telecast. it just really tapped into emotions. brought a good message to a lot of people. the nfl did a great job. that was the new a.i. that worked out well. >> yeah. jamie turner, great to talk to you. thanks for walking us through some of that. >> awesome. take care. >> you, too. you're watching cnn newsroom. we'll be right back.
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well, the chiefs celebrated on the field, winning super bowl lviii in las vegas. patrick mahomes and travis kelce stress the win was a team effort. >> i'm just proud of the guys that kept believing and proud of the coaches that called up the plays and got us touchdowns at the end. >> and i love these guys right here, the men that we just won this thing with, family forever, baby. i couldn't be more proud of you. we get a chance to do it three times in a row. >> mahomes won most valuable player of the game award for the third time by the way. kristine brennan told our andy scholes that mahomes is one of the few quarterbacks ever who could have pulled off this comeback. >> we know that these games have an ebb and flow to them. and this was one of those defensive struggles. lots of mistakes. i mean, the 49ers, awaiting to
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have our conversation, and the 49ers had that golden opportunity to start the second half after mahomes threw the interception, and, as you are talking about patrick mahomes, there are many quarterbacks that would just say, wow, i'm, you know, this is a tough day for me or whatever. not mahomes. there's magic there. is he a magician. he is a houdini. he is, throw all the clichés there. this is a guy who, when he must do it, he does it over and over again. and kelce the same thing of course, and the magic of that story, and taylor swift. if you and i got together with coy and decided we going to write something like this at the begin of the year, we would have been laughed out of the room. and yet there are champions who can pull this off. and we're seeing someone who is a once-in-a-generation player in patrick mahomes. as you say, he's 28, and there could be many more super bowls yet to come for him.
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some sad news. the current marathon world record holder kelvin kipton and his coach are dead after they lost control of their vehicle and hilt a tree. he set the world record in chicago, a record that was ratified just days ago. he was just 24 years old. in england, king charles went on his first public outing nearly a week after buckingham palace announced he'd been diagnosed with cancer. he attended church with his wife camila on his estate in sandringham. he is stepping back from his duties while undergoing treatment. he has expressed gratitude to the public for this support. thanks for watching.
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spending part of your day with me. i'm michael holmes. if you haven't had enough of the super bowl, "world sport" is coming up next.
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we were told to come. we are, we asked. sir. sir. we asked, and they said go. hello, and welcome to "world sport," live from las vegas where we just witnessed one of
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the greatest super bowl finishes ever. you could even say it was the best super bowl finish ever, as the chiefs beat the san francisco 49ers, 25-22, to win their third super bowl title in the past five years. patrick mahomes just once again getting it done. they were down by ten in this game, just like they were to the niners four years ago, but he found a way to bring back the chiefs to win this super bowl. let's take a look at how it all went down. taylor swift in the house for this one to watch her boyfriend, travis kelce. she even chugged her drink when she was shown on the jumbotron during the game. pacheco here losing the ball. the chiefs with on the verge of scoring and that led to kelce being furious at andy reid that he was not in the game. he almost knocked reid over. and the drama continued with a heartbreaking injury for drake greenlaw.
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he injured his achilles when preparing to go back into the game. he had to be carted off and would not return. the 49ers would get something to cheer about. a trick play, juwan jennings gets and fires it across the field to mccaffrey who would score the team's first touchdown. we go into halftime with the niners leading 10-3. and san francisco would make a big mistake in this one. chiefs punting, and it would go off a niners' player's foot. chiefs get the ball. very next play, mahomes to marquez valdez. chiefs take their first lead in this game, 13-10 after getting a big fourth down conversion. purdy would find jennings again for a touchdown. jennings joining nick foles as the only players in super bowl history to throw and catch a touchdown in the game. niners' extra point, though would get blocked. 16-13 niners, chiefs would tie it on a field goal. taylor can't help but bite her
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nails watching. chiefs would get a big stop. niner nine would take the lead and mahomes would get the ball back with a chance to win his third super bowl. under 20 seconds here. mahomes to kelce, a 22-yard pickup. chiefs would have to settle for a field goal. we would go to overtime in the super bowl for just the second time ever. niners get the ball first. they drive down the field but could not convert in the red zone. they would take a three-point lead on a field goal. mahomes with the ball. chance to go win the super bowl. and this time he would come through, leading the chiefs on an epic 75-yard drive. mahomes hitting mecole hardman on the final play to win the super bowl. final score, chiefs win, 25-22. t their third super bowl title in five years. and mecole played his first four seasons with the chiefs. he started this year with the
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new york jets but mid season came back to kansas city to rejoin his chiefs teammates, and i'm sure they're glad did he as he caught one of the most iconic touchdown catches, winning with that touchdown in overtime. and once the celebration started, taylor swift made her way down to the field and shared a very special moment with her boyfriend, travis kelce. what a, you know, the nfl couldn't have scripted this anybetter. ta any better. travis kelce lifting the trophy with taylor swift after hustling from tokyo where she was having a performance there. just an incredible story line and finish to the super bowl. let's take a listen to what the chiefs had to say about winning yet again. >> i can't even explain what was going through my mind. just extreme joy. didn't even know where to go.
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but, i mean, just so excited. i'm so proud of the team. so proud of the guys. to battle to the very end. that's microcosm of our season. everybody came together and we were able to get the win. >> never a doubt in my mind, baby. never a doubt if my mind. we knew when they had to kick a field goal that it was on us. we got the best quarterback in the league. the best offensive mind in the league, the most determination out of any team in the nfl. you saw all of that today, baby. >> i'm going to celebrate tonight, i'm going to celebrate at the parade and do whatever i can to be back next year, it's an ongoing thing in the nfl. once you have that championship and you win and have those rings, i learn from guys like that. they've been the greatest of all time at the top of the level. and so that's my mind-set. i'm going to celebrate with my guys because of how we done this, then we're going to work our way to get back to this game
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next year. >> i don't care what people call us. i know i'm back to back and i won three in whatever years. you can call us a dynasty, you can call us whatever you want. what we got is more special than really what you see in the nfl, because of the guys in this locker room and the head coach. >> reporter: and joining me, coy, we standing in the famous end zone where mecole hardman just caught that touchdown to win the super bowl. what's your take away? >> third super bowl in five years. this is incredible. i don't think people understand how difficult it is just to get to the super bowl. i played nine years in the nfl. my former teammate, tony gonzalez played 14 years in the nfl and never made it to this big stage. and for them to come back from ten points down, to persevere, they have cemented themselves as this current day's dynasty,
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first back to back the way this game worked, it was almost how their season went about, right? the chiefs got blown out christmas day against the raiders and everyone was like they don't have enough weapons. first half of this game three points, one of their worst offensive performance in years in the first half, but they found a way in the end. >> yeah. patrick mahomes said it himself when he received that super bowl trophy. he said the chiefs are never underdogs. they were underdogs in this game. imagine that. you're the defending champs. you have all your weapons back, andy reid with three super bowl wins. it's phenomenal. i talked to coach reid afterwards. he said it was the perseverance and defense who really stood up tonight against the 49ers offense and he said the celebratory meal was going to be a cheeseburger. >> of course. >> and then he punched me in the gut and took the wind out of me, but i'm all for it. >> getting punched by the
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winning coach, great story to tell your grandkids one day. let's talk about mahomes, third super bowl now, 28 years old. he could potentially catch tom brady one day who has seven. >> he's only 28 and he has more physical tools than brady ever had, but he has that mindset, the sacrifice, discipline, lack of ego. when you have that in the biggest star on your team, when they see you outworking everyone, studying more film than everyone, if he has to do it, then i have to do it, too. so they have the makings of something really special here to continue on this dynastic journey. they're in their super bowl eras tour, shall we say. >> speaking of taylor swift, she was here on the field right back there celebrating almost in tears listening to her boyfriend travis kelce when he
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had the crowd going, what a fairytale ending. >> i was right there when they were hugging and kissing and travis was sweating all over her, not a hair out of place, didn't even melt her makeup or anything. yes, this is just how the nfl scripted it, the swifties, the kansas city swifties, are your super bowl champions. >> i'm sure taylor would make her way to the parade, if she could. what a super bowl. thanks for joining us. >> awesome. >> taylor, what do you make of this journey? how do you describe this journey?
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>> yeah, everyone trying to get a word from taylor swift on the field here at the super bowl. she did enjoy the celebration with travis kelce for a few minutes, but once he started going off to do interviews, she made sure to get off the field because everyone in the media wanted to see what she thought about watching her boyfriend travis kelce win the super bowl. i'm sure they'll party all night long in las vegas, what a great city to win the super bowl in, and the party started already in kansas city. this is what the scenes were like right after the chiefs beat the 49ers in overtime 25- 22. they will certainly have a parade later on this week. patrick mahomes told me after the last super bowl win he drank about 500 coors lights. he might top that this time around. let's listen to that final play, the radio call when
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mahomes found mecole hardman to win super bowl lviii. >> in the shotgun mahomes, four- man front, low snap. he runs and he throws, caught, touchdown. it's caught. hardman caught the ball. the chiefs have won. the chiefs have won. the entire bench empties chasing mahomes in the end zone, their third super bowl in five years! the chiefs have back-to-back super bowl championships. it is a dynasty. the chiefs have won super bowl lviii, 25-22, in overtime. >> certainly a moment that every chiefs fan will remember for the rest of their lives. it's a moment these players will remember the rest of their lives as well. patrick mahomes joining some very rare company with this
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super bowl championship. he's now just the fifth quarterback ever, starting quarterback, to win three super bowl titles, some big names on that list he's with. will he eventually catch tom brady at seven? he's 28 years old and on pace to do just that. the chiefs are joining rare company winning back-to-back titles. we hadn't seen it since 2005 when the patriots did it. that's the list of all the teams that have done it in nfl history. andy reid used to have the reputation of the best coach that just couldn't win the big one when he was with the philadelphia eagles. even in his early days with the kansas city chiefs, but ever since he's partnered with patrick mahomes they've been the best coach/quarterback duo in the nfl. he now has three super bowl titles, tied for third all time on that list. my colleague, coy wire, was with me running around talking to the team about winning back-
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to-back titles. >> those guys are my heart, like i said. it's sacrifice. >> what does this win say about your boy, patrick mahomes? >> hey, it says we're the best in the nation. don't ever bet against us. >> what made this one special? >> the guys persevered, played defense, heck of a job. >> what's going to be your celebratory meal, coach? >> you know it, cheeseburgers. >> describe the heart and determination of this team. >> i would say it's not one word, but i would just say we bought into everything and i mean there's confetti on the floor. i got a nice hat. >> what's this win say about your boy, patrick mahomes. >> rookie of the year right here. >> it says everything about pat. he's great, man. he don't know how to lose and i got the right people around me to be able to continue to
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improve my game. we'll continue to get great. >> last one. please describe coach andy reid and his leadership. >> that's different. coach reid,. coach reid, that's my man. i'm blessed to be coached by him. he's coached so many great athletes throughout his career and for him to see me as one of the great players he's coached wants to make me work even harder and get better. >> you got to love coach andy reid, always just wants to enjoy a cheeseburger after he wins the super bowl. i'm guessing he'll find a nice one in las vegas. that will do it for this edition of world sports. we have more news coming your way after the break.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.


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