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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 13, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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they'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% off shop day >> he always thought he was above the law. he's trying to make that a case. that's it's not what our founders had in mind. >> the strategy here is really delay. >> we ask that you avoid traveling during the storm. plan ahead, us extreme care. if you do need to go out. >> i'm all about growing football and taylor is a great role model of someone who does, is great at her profession and i'm glad that she loves football as much as everybody else now >> live from london. >> this is cnn newsroom with max foster and bianca nobilo hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the
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us and around the world. >> i'm max foster and i'm bianca nobilo. it's tuesday, february 13, 09:00 a.m. here in london at 04:00 a.m. in washington, where donald trump wants the us supreme court to put on hold a lower court ruling, but he does not have a blanket immunity from prosecution. >> it's the >> latest move in his effort to delay his election subversion trial until after this year's presidential vote. >> trump >> says a months-long trial would radically disrupt his campaign and deny voters the chance to hear his message. >> what are trump's former attorneys is predicting the court will take up the case, but former house speaker nancy pelosi is voicing her oh, concerns about some of the justices >> i think the supreme court will end up taking it and i think there'll be very interested in the idea of essentially qualified immunity. i mean, it's absolute immunity, but it's still tempered by the idea of official duties. and i think that's something that they need to rule on prior to him going to trial. hello. i'm either of these cases >> i think that he is on trial
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for certain things. i think the supreme court is on trial as well to see if they were uphold the decision of the dc district court. and and while the four votes to hear it, five votes for a stay, how could they possibly give a stay for justice to proceed? how could they possibly give a stay? so this is really, again, he always thought it was above the law. he's trying to make that a case. that's not what are founders had mine. they knew there could be a rogue president. i don't think they thought there could be a rogue supreme court as well. >> well, more now from cnn's senior legal affairs correspondent, paula reid on monday. the trump legal team asked the supreme court to pause a scathing, unanimous dc appeals court ruling from last week holding that trump does not have immunity that would shield him from the federal election subversion case brought by special counsel,
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jack smith now as part of the brief, they rehashed a lot of the arguments that they've already made, arguments that have already been rejected by for federal judges arguing that their client has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution. but we know in addition to the legal arguments, the strategy here is really delay try to use any thing they possibly can to get this trial pushed until after the 2024 presidential race. and here they're asking the supreme court to pause that appeals court ruling while they exercise some of their options, they said they'd like to go to the supreme court formally and ask for an appeal. they might go back down the appeals court, seek a full panel review down there. anything they can do to push this back a few days, a few weeks in the hopes that jack smith not be able to bring this case before the presidential contest, because if former president trump is reelected, he through his attorney general, could fire jack smith and make this case
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while it it's the mar-a-lago classified documents prosecution go away. now what happens next? well, the supreme court could do pretty much anything they want. they've a lot of options here. what is widely expected that the chief justice will set out a schedule allowing both sides to weigh in. the special counsel expected to weigh in pretty quickly because they're trying to move this along. but legal experts, sources in and around the trump legal team say they would be surprised if the supreme court were to actually take up this case. they're already contemplating a historic case covering ballot eligibility and whether trump can appear on the ballot. they said they'd be surprised if they took up this case too. this is also expected not to be as strong for the former president, not as likely to succeed at the high court. so as the moniteur for 2024, all eyes on the supreme court, not just for how they handle this, but for how quickly they weigh in and move this along. paula reid, cnn, washington >> a brief but
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>> intense storm is expected to bring the most snow new york city has seen in years up to 20 centimeters. that's nearly eight inches. >> the national weather service has placed new >> york under a winter storm warning until 06:00 p.m. tonight because of a nor'easter such a sweep up and down the east coast in preparation, nearly 1,000 us flights have been canceled according to flight tracking website, flightaware, some cities have even preemptively close schools and declared a weather emergency. cnn's emily schmidt i have the details leading up to valentine's day, tuesday's northeast winter storm warnings, watches and alerts. bosa color palette that matches the holiday. the 400 mile must the storm could cause is less rosy. thank you >> for joining us in the final countdown until the the first major snowstorm of this year. and the largest one i think that will have seen in a little while. >> this is not all called as mother nature's call a message to rhode islanders to prepare
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now, the storm heading up the atlantic coast already soaked millions along the gulf coast and southeast over the weekend what was rain there will turn to heavy snowfall late monday into tuesday ranging from a predicted inch or two in philadelphia to eight to 12 inches in boston, in hartford, new york city's five to eight inches would be the most in two years but public school students, there won't get a snow day as learning will be remote we need to minimize how many days i'll children are just sitting at home making snowman like i did, and they need to catch up the >> storms timing may be one of its biggest threats. >> 09:00, the 03:00 is about this bad of a timing as you can get for a storm, rhode island's governor says that state has 250 trucks ready. boston has 38,000 tons of salt. the storm is also expected to bring high winds, low visibility, and heavy surf. >> it is expected to cause hazardous travel conditions, potential power outages, and
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coastal flooding. >> the advice, stay home to wait out the kind of storm people well, here have seen before, but haven't seen for awhile. >> i'm >> emily schmidt reporting the us senate is expected to vote in the coming hours on a $95,000,000,000 foreign aid bill with assistance for ukraine and israel. these are live pictures right now from a senate floor. republican rand paul leading a filibuster to block the vote, claiming he's concerned about the impact on us debt. >> meanwhile, over in the house speaker mike johnson is signaling he will ignore the aid package, citing the lack of us border security measures. last week, the senate voted down the most conservative border deal in decades because donald trump wanted to use this issue in his presidential campaign now it's, israel prepares for an expected ground offensive in the southern gaza city of rafah, us president joe biden says he discussed a potential hostage deal between israel and hamas with jordan's king abdullah at the white house on monday. that deal would include a six-week pause
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in fighting in gaza, not the lasting ceasefire that king abdullah hello, has been pushing for the present. >> biden says that working day and night to get something done. he also expressed concerns about israel's planned military operation major, military operation around rafah should not proceed without a credible plan. a credible plan for ensuring the safety and support more than 1 million people well sheltering there, many people there have been displaced displaced multiple times fleeing the violence to the north. and now they're packed into rafah exposed and vulnerable. they need to be protected >> civilians and rafah are already dealing with the impact of the war, deadly airstrikes hit the city as israeli forces launched a rescue operation to free two hostages, the men were reunited with family members at a hospital in israel after more than four months in hamas captivity, the idea of has released this video showing the hostages with israeli troops
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after they were freed and before they boarded the helicopter, benjamin netanyahu is praising the soldiers involved in this rescue. >> muslim a perfect operation, perfect execution. and i wanted to tell you how proud i am of you i'm proud of you, of the shin bet, the idf. you work together like an oiled machine >> but that operation came as rapper was bombarded, the palestine red crescent society says more than 100 people were killed in those strikes, including children cnn's paula hancocks is following these developments from abu dhabi and they've got is standing by for us here in london. let's begin with you, paula, on this meeting between king abdullah and president joe biden. tell us about the importance of the relationship between the united states and jordan when it comes to the potential for brokering a deal between hamas and israel we'll be anchored king abdullah was
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>> the first arab leader to travel to the white house to meet with us president since the war in gaza began that in itself shows how significant the relationship between the two countries is. but it's worth pointing out that there was a fair gap between what the two leaders was saying we heard from president biden saying that he wanted this potential sixth week pause in fighting to be able to have a hostage deal. what we heard from jordan's president was it was far more saying that he wanted a ceasefire immediately >> we cannot afford an israeli attack on rather, it is certain to produce another humanitarian catastrophe the situation is already unbearable for over 1 million people who had been pushed into russia since the war started we cannot stand by and let this continue. we need
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a lasting cease-fire >> jordan's king abdullah there. i misspoke earlier showing just what a delicate diplomatic balance. there is for president biden at this point. but we have heard from a number of the eu, uk, qatar, jordan, a number of arab countries, all warning israel against this incursion that they have said would come in rafah. now we know that prime minister netanyahu and israel has called for some kind of plan from the military. we understand that hasn't been given yet, but there are serious concerns about what this could do for some 1.3 million palestinians that are currently in rafah, many of them have been moved. a number of times. they have been displaced for months. there are concerns about a lack of of of water also of protection for them. there is a sprawling tent city in this area that is
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growing because people have been moved from other areas in gaza. now, we have heard from the israeli side say that they would be evacuated to a safer area but we've also heard really from the very beginning of this war in gaza that nowhere is safe in gaza were having warnings as well from the united nations. the that one of the human rights chiefs, volta took saying that the offensive risks, quote, atrocity crimes being committed by israel pointing out that the civilian casualties would be devastating specifically for women and children who are sheltering. in this particular area. now, the biden administration saying that they want to make sure that there is a credible plan in place to make sure that they can move civilians away from the area to less dangerous area. but there are serious concerns among many countries around the world that
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the civilian casualties would simply be devastating if this incursion were to take place max bianca >> okay. paula, thank you so much for that. let's bring in elliott then. elliott. looking ahead, what sort of what's, this. mean. in terms of the israeli strategy or they definitely going in, are they still facie on getting hostages out in the way that they did yesterday. and also, i'm seeing that cnn has learned that president biden is growing increasingly frustrated with benjamin netanyahu. and you are getting a sense of that, aren't you from the white house? >> yeah. as far as the frustration goes, max, i mean, this has been bubbling for a while. that the white house we've heard from secretary of state antony blinken. we've heard from president biden himself saying that israel wasn't doing and taking enough care with to avoid civilian casualties. we've had that line from i think it was president biden. you're are decrying israel's that in his words, indiscriminate bombing. israel has pushed back on those and constantly said that it does. its utmost to avoid boy civilian casualties and that these civilian casualties are
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just a product of the fact that hamas embeds itself with the civilian population and uses civilians as human shields. so that's but he's also frustrated, frustration going the other way. would you say or is that it's just sort of clarifying their position? >> prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president biden have long had a friendly relationship on the one hand, but at the same time have had their disagreements and there's this famous photo. i think the biden rate upon saying, i love you, but i don't agree with the downward that you say. they've had their differences of opinion over the years. but president biden has certainly before october the seventh and the hamas terrorist attack described prime minister netanyahu as a friend. but clearly there is a divergence of opinion as to the best way to deal with hamas. now the us is now pushing israel to get back to the negotiating table as far as getting some kind of hostage deal done. and to that end, hebrew media today is reporting that a delegation from israel will be joining senior officials from qatar and from egypt and the united states in cairo to try to see if they can move forward with some kind of compromise. your
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recall, of course, that hamas came back from this framework agreement that had been reached between those mediating parties in paris and came forward with a proposal that would demanded effectively israel released thousands of palestinian prisoners, including many that have been convicted of killing israelis, are being involved in killing of israelis. demand that prime minister netanyahu said was delusional, but israel is now it seems being pressured to go back to negotiations to try to find some kind of compromise. the us pushing for this six-week pause >> israel is >> adamant that it's not going to do anything. it's not going to stop the war. if it means withdrawing from gaza or leaving hamas in place to carry out what it says it will do, which is more and more october the seventh in the future. >> and in terms of frustrations other than the obvious imperative to save as many lives as possible? frustrations there. we know that biden's support of israel is making him take knocks politically in the lead up to the election. it's
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harming his view in key constituencies like among arab americans, for example, of progressive democrats. i'm sure the frustration is also rooted yeah, let's go here >> mouse 16,000 sheep >> and cattle are finally just embarking in australia after spending least six weeks stranded at sea. >> the >> process will take several days. the animals originally set sail from western australia for israel, but were diverted and turn back because of who missile attacks in the red sea for cattle and 60 sheep have died on the ship, according to australia's agricultural ministry, but they say that that's not an extreme number. now the animals will quarantine on shore as the israeli company that owns the livestock considers its options >> it's >> officials sunday's super bowl made television ratings history, 123 million people tuned into watch the kansas city chiefs beat the san francisco 49ers in an overtime thriller. that's the biggest tv audience since the apollo 11
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moon landing in 1969. >> tv is not that. it comes on the heels of an already record-breaking season nfl viewership. and of course, adding to all the drama and excitement. but love story between chiefs, tight end, travis kelce and popstar taylor swift, a story that i feel that we've owned pretty much in recent months here's chiefs quarterback patrick mahomes, though, the big star with his thoughts on what they're calling the taylor swift effect >> it's been cool, honestly, i did a extremely cool, i mean, to see the support that comes with the swifties and how that how they really embraced us and ties kingdom and they kinda combine together. i'm all about growing football and taylor is a great role model of someone who does, is great at her profession. and i'm glad that and she loves football as much as everybody else. now, we've brought a new fan base to the chiefs kingdom. >> when we were taylor swift fans aren't we you know, and what she's achieved. but as a sports fan, does it frustrate you that mahomes? you know having such an incredible
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sporting performance. so the defining sporting historic. and he sitting there talking about taylor swift, well as i quipped to you yesterday, i think that frustration, that uniform across both genders should be present. however, as i said to you, this is often how women feel, is that they're always associated with the success of the manno, the man that there with, rather than what they do. so like the way it's turned around. i don't necessarily like >> it, but i think it's an interesting reversal of formula that we've seen played out many times in the other direction. but i mean, ideally people should be recognized appropriately for what they contribute. and patrick mahomes is just a massive superstar. absolutely clearly didn't mind and just saw the positive side of it, which is that she's bringing in a new fan base. yeah. >> she was booed, wasn't she at one point, so there's a splits fan base, i think president biden's campaign posted on tiktok, even though the app banned on many government devices find out why lost a major oil spill in trinidad and tobago is nowhere near contained what the nation's
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leader is asking for as this cleanup continues and while learning more about the woman who opened fire in one of the united states is largest churches on sunday when we come back why choose asleep ever smart bet. >> my neck, my side softer, my side firmer sleep number. does that >> now say 50% on the street number limited edition smart that plus freedom delivery. when you add adjustable base ends monday looking for a smarter way to mop for the swiffer power mom, it's sprays, cleaning solution in all in one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean >> in half the time. i what florida aren't cleaning pad as hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and locked dirt away a bathroom. and it has a 360 degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't you can clean your home faster than ever
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>> odor protection try for under $5 voters, go to the polls today. and one new york district, it's a special election to fill the seat of disgraced former congressman george santos. santos was expelled from congress over personal lives misconduct, and alleged crimes >> you can see the two candidates vying for his seat on the left. republican look messy but it a 44 year-old jewish, ethiopian born israeli american county lawmaker. now on the right, you can see tom suozzi, a former house member, and former maire. the race is wildly widely considered a toss up in a bellwether really for us elections in the fall, santos says he's not going to vote today at least one person was killed and five others injured in a shooting at a subway station in new york. police say that happened after dispute between two groups of teenagers turn violent. they say one person pulled out a gun and began firing at a train
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pulling into a station in the bronx, he will run off the train and more shots were fired on the platform. a source tells cnn that the shooter then fled the scene wearing a red jacket and ski mask ahead of the transit police emphasize that it was not a random crime we do not believe that this was an individual indiscriminately firing into a train or in a train station. this incident today, occurred, which as a result of two groups that started fighting one on a train >> police, have identified the person who opened fire in televangelist, joel osteen, texas mega church on sunday, official said that the shooter was at 36 year-old woman with a history of mental illness and legal troubles. >> let's go to the searching for clues to understand why she targeted the church why she brought her seven-year-old son with her ed lavandera walks us through the thwarted attack >> dog gone
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>> thanksgiving repeat gunfire blast ring out just before a spanish language service was about to begin at joel osteen >> lakewood church in houston sunday afternoon police say a 36 year-old woman entered the prominent mega church with her seven-year-old child she was wearing a trench coat, carrying a bag to rifles, including the ar 15 she used to unleash the barrage of gunfire, that firearm the shooter used in the attack had a sticker with the word palestine written on it. police say she started firing the ar 15 the moment she walked into the lakewood church building, my mom was screaming and my mom said, come come, and we ducked to off-duty officers working security for the church, responded to the gunfire >> people down. >> the suspect was shot and killed at the seen and her child was shot in the head and is in critical condition. >> i want to asked for prayers
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for a seven year-old kid who's fighting for his life, the second victim was a 57 year-old man who was hit in the leg by gunfire. he's been released from the hospital one of the off-duty officers who shot and killed the shooter is an agent with the texas alcoholic beverage commission who had just recently finished training in active shooter response. >> these two officers held their ground they held their ground in the face of rifle fire at point-blank range >> police say after she was shot, the suspect said she had a bomb, though no explosives were found in her backpack or the car she drove to the church investigators also carried out an extensive search of the shooter's home in the city of conroe, about 40 miles north of the lakewood church. as they continue to dig into a more clear motive of this shooting attack, the shooter has used multiple aliases, including both male and female names, has a criminal history and has been previously convicted of assault
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and unlawful carrying of a weapon, among other charges, police say they found anti-semitic writings connected to the shooter. >> we're all still pretty shook up and we're pretty scared. but i mean, like we're not going to allow that, you know, this sphere to be in s because this is our church and this is place of prayer and worship. and we still want to come back and we still want to pray and worship here >> investigators say moreno has a history of mental health issues that have been documented by the police department and that they also discovered anti-semitic writings belonging to her police. also say moreno has been involved in a dispute with their exit husband's family. some of those relatives investigators say are jewish. ed lavandera, cnn, houston >> now ahead. trump takes aim at a familiar target, why his newest comments about nato allies? when he's on edge plus indonesia's president candidate fighting for the youth vote will take a look at e stands the greatest chance of winning wednesday's election when we come back
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available in gummies. find it at walmart >> welcome back to cnn newsroom. if you're just joining us, here are some of today's top stories right now city is under a winter storm warning that will remain in
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effect until this evening. the strong nor'easter is expected to bring the biggest snowfall to the city in more than two years. and russia is denying it's using the starlink service in ukraine, the network of satellites provide broadband internet access and plays a key role in battlefield communications for ukrainian forces, starlink is made by elon musk's spacex company, as you might know, he denies selling starlink terminals directly or indirectly to russia indian, police fired tear gas to disperse thousands of farmers who are marching toward new delhi amid heightened security measures. >> the >> farmers are protesting to demand better prices for their crops mid proposed laws to deregulate india's agricultural sector that rage over donald trump's threat to abandon america's nato allies isn't dying down. the us chairman of joint chiefs of staff has denounced the former president's controversial remarks, saying us credibility is at stake, and have a responsibility to uphold those alliances over the weekend,
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trump encouraged russia to attack european allies. they don't meet defense spending guidelines, regardless of whether that was bombastic swagger into pumping up his conservative base, the threat was heard loudly in europe and beyond nato cannot be a military alliance >> of course, we want all countries like us to spend 2%, but i think what was said was not a sensible approach. >> frankly, i think this is exactly what putin loves to hear. >> now, trump's stance on nato is also been condemned on the campaign trail. cnn's kristen holmes explains fresh fallout to donald trump's claims. he told allies he would encourage russia to attack if they didn't spend more on defense that's somebody who's gotten who's going to get us in a war. and that kind of rhetoric was unhinged. >> the comments by the former president came during a weekend campaign stop in south carolina, sparking new fears
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about his commitment to defending nato allies from russian aggression. >> the presidents of a big country who stood up said well, sir, if we don't pay and were attacked by russia, will you protect us? i said you didn't pay. you're delinquent. he said, yes, let's say that happened. no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do what? david i held a while you got to pay president joe biden condemning trump's comments as quote, appalling and dangerous, trump's former un ambassador and current republican rival nikki haley, also calling out his remarks why would you go and put our allies and our military in harm's way by saying something so careless it's what happens when he gets off the teleprompter for two minutes, he becomes unhinged. he becomes undisciplined, and he goes in, he starts to say these wacky things that's what scares everybody about him. >> the former president has >> long insisted european countries should spend more on their defense this is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the united states.
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>> while his latest comments set off alarms overseas, political allies of the former president brushed off concerns about trump's approach to nato in a potential second term is zero concern because he's been president before i know exactly what he has done and will do with the nato alliance it's but there has to be an alliance. it's not america's defense with a bunch of small junior partners have 100% behind him and have been he started this years ago due even want i know to their face and said, listen, american taxpayers can afford to keep paying your bills after two days of pushback, not just from president joe biden, but from world leaders across the globe. donald trump is now defending his behavior towards nato in a truth social post, saying that he, while in office, made nato strong, me people pay their bills again, that is not the problem. the problem of what donald trump sat and the concern that he raised was when he said that he would allow russia to attack or invade any country, even encourage russia to do so if
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these countries had not paid their bills. kristen holmes, cnn, west palm beach, florida >> meanwhile, trump appears to be hand picking the new leadership at the republican national committee. he's nominated north carolina republican party chairman, michael whatley, as rnc chair and going to show nepotism. he's endorsed as coacher his daughter-in-law, lara trump, the wife of his son, eric. these nominees haven't been officially installed. committee members, muscle vote, but trump's endorsements will carry substantial weight. of course more than 200 million people are expected to vote in indonesia's general election on wednesday. what's been dubbed the world's biggest election day, will decide the country's new president, mao. >> the race is down to just three contenders. the former army general and two former governors. cnn's anna coren explains how the country's young voters could decide who wins military hub ban, or
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cuddly grandfather. 72 year-old provost to be ontos is shaking the stigma of alleged human rights abuses in an effort to win indonesia's general election at his third time of trial of course, it is a concern for human rights. defenders like me but at the end of the day, it depends on the folders >> prabowo accused of the kidnap and disappearance of democracy activists in the 1990s, as well as abuses against ethnic minorities in east timo and was pump work all while he served as a special forces commander and a former dictator, suharto, a prabowo deniers. those accusations >> few would deny the effectiveness for these cartoon oh bit sophisticated image making we're pr companies influencers, and of >> course, both muscle and the most important is the backing of president joko.
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>> he it keeps on moving. he is not the front runner >> a prabowo is hoping to score 50% of the vote on wednesday when indonesians go to the polls that would avoid a runoff and make him indonesia's next president after losing to the country's outgoing leader, joko widodo, known as jacoby at the past two elections. this time may well be different thanks in part to a slick social media campaign targeting indonesia's useful >> the good boy dance is quite viral because it was introduced and even done by mercer for bow himself. and it turns out the public loves it as it seems nowadays, people through for a happy campaign model, which includes dancing >> over half of the country's huge electorate of 200 million registered voters are either millennials or gen z but that means prabowo isn't the only
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candidate focused on youth. his rivals in the 300 race or ganjar pranowo and a in these baswedan also made big plays at younger voters it's so pfk-1 it doesn't feel like a presidential election. i'm also a k-pop fans. so events like this are great for me a knees, a former governor of jakarta has leaned into the k-pop craze. will gangel has the most tiktok followers perhaps more importantly, prabowo is being seen by many indonesian voters as the continuity candidate joko ease, eldest son, 36, gib reca, booming russia, is running for vice president on prabowo ticket his presidential election has often seen style over substance whoever does win must immediately begin to tackle the issues voters care about. from cost of living to
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the environment >> max and bianca, this is one of the world's most complex single day elections where as we know, more than 200 million people across thousands of islands that make up the archipelago of indonesia will vote in tomorrow's general election and look by the end of tomorrow, we should good know who will be the next president of indonesia. this election is also seen as a referendum on the legacy of jacoby, who's popularity is really based on the country's solid economic record under his ten year rain. but some analysts believe that a deal has been done between the front runner for bow and president jacoby that would allow for jacoby to wield influence behind the scenes once his term ends in october and bianca okay, anna in hong kong. thank you so much now the prime minister, trinidad and tobago says an oil spill from last week has become a national
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emergency and needs appropriate government funding to get it cleaned up. the spill was caused by an overturned ship but it's still unclear who it belongs to. or where it came from and attempts to plug the leak of worked at all. >> the spill has black and the coastline and residents say there's a concern, constant stench, raising health concerns as well despite long-standing security concerns over the security risks of using tiktok, the us president joe biden made his debut on social media. on that platform. in particular, during the super bowl on sunday jason kelce, your travis kelce, mama, come sooner, stationary. great >> chocolate chip cookies. >> seriously plotting to rig the seasons of the chiefs would make the super bowl or that chief just being a good football. >> you can trouble dropper biden. you can find biden's tiktok appearance is an effort by his campaign to quote younger voters, but us officials say the ban on the platform is used on government devices remains and there's been no change in that policy,
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just isn't there. it >> felt like he was just telling people he was biden pardon? >> yeah. >> but, you know, a lot of young voters to get confused and they between the main players, tiktok is owned by the chinese firm bytedance, and there are concerns that china could use its national security laws to access personal information. tiktok collects from its users. you can't deny how many people use it >> no. and that's why it's so thorny because obviously if the government's raised security concerns about it to then employ it for your own election campaign. could look complicated, but as you say, you can't avoid it. you can't ignore it because that's how a lot of people get their nowadays. yeah. >> more than eight years after he stepped away from the daily show, john stewart was back in his old seat as host of the late night comedy program am i back? >> you may be asking yourselves, it's a very reasonable question >> i have committed a lot of crimes to understand talk show hosts are granted immunity. so
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doesn't make a lot of sense, but take it up with the founders. i don't know we're gonna have so much. we're going to talk about this year. obviously, elections are able to talk about china. maybe we'll talk about ai, maybe something a little lighter. israel-palestine >> nine months to action people and the exciting part is we already know our candidates. it's drumroll, please hi guys. >> there is a bit of days, obviously, the studio audience welcomed his return with an extended standing ovation on monday, stewart will serve as hosts one day a week, vote only and he'll also produce the show the duke and duchess of sussex are launching a new website, one that could introduce some controversy and it could can say
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>> is if that's not well, we'll talk about that next. >> plus a triumphant homecoming for the super bowl champion kansas city chiefs what we know about the victory parade still ahead this hour tonight. >> the election to replace disgraced former congressman george santos, will republicans, razor thin house majority shrink even further? and what clues will results provide about november's election. join cnn for special live coverage tonight, starting at 08:00 p.m. eastern >> parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode adding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness causing bacteria detergents leave behind. plaintiffs good sanitized is better hi mornings, congestion. >> i'm feeling better all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart >> better now here's the next kickstart gives all in one and done relief now morning, jolt have cooling sensation, come back season. >> how far would you go to
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control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way, dry air wake vibrant with two times more natural essential oils for up to 120 days of amazing fragrance her dual pack. now, >> that's a breath of fresh air wake >> how far would you go? it is that the ambiance of your space? try the air wigwe with airwaves essential missed, infused with natural essential oils to fill your low bit with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days now, that's a breath of fresh air introducing finish, ultimate engineered for the toughest condition >> dr.. tons stains dishwashers, hard water finish ultimate with second sick technology helps deliver the help it's clean >> throat, got your dog, mucinex institutes or throat medicated drop uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts get mucinex instance. it's come back season >> can the riva support your brain health?
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when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. maybe not because when you cancel to the apple, even try to get you a refund down rocket money today >> welcome back. something happened last night on the way in, i noticed a new website from prince harry and meghan, which we weren't warned about. and it just appeared tell us more. well, i think it's interesting, so this is the main page and then you learn a bit more about the couple. then it links out to their other websites. there's just all been closed down and been given new names. so prince harry i can't remember the exact working wording now he describes himself. his military career, that work is done with mental health, things like that meghan, meanwhile, it's just have a look at that. these would have been written by them. so this is quite interesting. this is about how they view their future, i think in a way but meghan describes
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herself as a feminist, a champion of human rights and gender equality. one of the world's most influential women, citing the time magazine piece and the like i think let's see how people react. but front and center is really their royal heritage. so they got her crust on there, which he got before the wedding. they've got the titles, the sussexes there's a purple background, you'll notice which is the royal color, which i'm also sporting today >> inside scoop, you get from cnn's royal correspondent >> i think that the issue here is one of the reason they left the royal family was they wanted to make a private income there were told they shouldn't be able to use their titles in order to do that, which is why they're not his or her royal highness anymore. but that title, chicken duchess of sussex, was given by the monarch of the time, who was elizabeth and the protocol is you can't commercialize anything in terms of branding
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relates to the crown. this is a public body. i think there will be people in the palace looking at that, saying they are commercializing their titles. and potentially the crest as well. so i wonder what the reaction will be, but also we'll charles really stripped them their titles and create another row >> it's also just not very british because it certainly isn't understated. mean there are people that we both interviewed that have been involved in advocacy and charity. all of their lives that probably wouldn't refer to themselves in the same terms. >> but yeah >> you can visit and make up your mind fuel cell that us know so it's kind of money grow is >> here. we'll take a look around the world to see how countries are celebrating the end of carnival
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morning jolted to link sensation. combat season. >> how do i love thee? let me count the ways >> love can get a little messy good thing. there's resolved. >> love the love resolve the mess. >> every parent knows when it's time to go into protect mode >> adding lysol laundry >> sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness causing bacteria curia detergents leave behind. >> plaintiffs >> good sanitized is better >> wyhe choose asleep ever smart bad >> my neck, my side softer >> i like my side firmer sleep number. does that now say 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart that plus freedom delivery. when you add adjustable base ends monday introducing finish ultimate engineered for the toughest conditions >> dr. >> burned tons, stains, oh, dishwashers, hard water, new finish, ultimate with let's take a technology helps deliver the open
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sales at up to 70% shop today mark as cushioning her laptop this morning. >> oh, yes, i am. well, you have the ipad. >> so i have a laptop >> the newly crowned nfl champions are back at home in kansas city with a major celebration scheduled for this week deservedly. so the chiefs plane touched down on monday carrying the team home from this super bowl win over their san francisco 49ers, the city will hold a victory parade in downtown kansas city on wednesday. imagine turnout playing was doused with water, food after landing to kansas city area school districts have canceled classes on wednesday for the braid. they planned to make up what they're calling the red no day in april sufficiently manly grow and most of the world right now, the final day of carnival celebrations and the day before the christian fasting, season of lent, it wouldn't be mardi gras in new orleans without beads of course, will see them
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the city's become one of the most popular years destinations for mardi gras, carnival for aids are known for outlandish floats and dancers and intricate costumes moving to undoing live music. >> so maybe it's in colombia flores are working overtime. >> all my scripts today >> that was like this man, i'll raise it now. i don't want it to fester. >> i'm going to carry on >> flowers. valentine's day, us tomorrow yeah. have you got a sweetheart in american, you need to run, but i have very funny valentine's day plans, which i'll tell you about later in the lead up to last year's holiday, colombian exports say they ship 52,000 tons of cut flowers. >> in fact, many farmers actually begin there for our production six months ahead of valentine's day, so they can keep up with the demand. >> goodness me. i mean, i just so the commercial nature of all i think putrid is it may well, apparently, it's linked to pagan festivals that were
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revolved around fertility. and it's mutated throughout the years and obviously being commercialized. yeah. >> medal haul marquee. >> meanwhile, we've got some jaw dropping cycling stance, some of the world's best and most daring mountain bikers gathered in south africa for 2024, dark fastest calls let me come into work. >> well, i could call my valentine's day sunday, leaving the >> country coming into london. i mean, quite amusing. can you know the tragic, sorry, what was that? i said that that's why should call my mouth sometimes. >> the way you sort of segue from valentine's day story will be totally have to go, but good biking >> biking and goodbye >> i will see you >> to be a headliner, was vegas. that's what i want to do >> vegas, the story of sin city premieres sunday, february 25, day ten on cnn, or a parent
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knows when it's time to go into protect mode >> adding lysol laundry >> sanitizer kills 99.9% of illness causing bacteria detergent sleep behind. plaintiffs good sanitized is better how far would you go to set the ambiance of your space? try the air wick way with air wake essential myth infused with natural sent to oils to fill your moment with immersive fragrance for up to 45 days. now, that's a breath of fresh air >> even the most chilling parents know when it's time to go into protect mode nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces, than lysol disinfectant spray >> only the sleep number smart bad. let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort your sleep number setting, and actively cools or warrants up to 13 in degrees on either side. now, say 50% on the street number limited edition smart that plus free home delivery. when you add adjustable base ends monday. oh me, it sleep number. >> have mornings coffee,
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