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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  February 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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overnight. what we know right now is that x is still really hurting financially last year the company was on trial i can make about $2.5 billion from advertising which is a significant slump from prior years. and elon musk continues to scare away on the geysers. >> can i ask you do though, acknowledge that there are some positive things you think have come from musk's takeover of twitter. now, x, what are those? >> yeah, so it's worth pointing out that prior to elon musk, twitter did have enormous problems from 2006 to 2016, the company failed to turn a profit dorsey was largely an absentee landlord. and what employees told me time and again is that the company was very slow. it was very inefficient, it was hard to ship product and get things done. elon musk has come in. he's made the company extremely top-down, extremely hierarchical, and it's also faster and more efficient congrats on the book, extremely hardcore inside elon musk's twitter is a way. appreciate it. we just want to let you know, we did reach out to elon musk for comment also acts we
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did not hear back cnn this morning continues now today, we witnessed one of the most historic and consequential >> bills to have ever passed. the senate morning everyone so glad you're with us a lot happened probably before you even woke up freaking overnight, the senate passing the 90 $5 billion aid package for ukraine, israel, and taiwan. despite pressure against it from donald trump, house speaker mike johnson basically saying it won't go anywhere in the house. lawmakers plan then is to do with it today and happening now, voters go to the polls to replace expelled congressman george santos, how this house race could play a crucial role nationally 30 million people on alert as a winter storm barrels through the northeast during rush hour or some cities could get their mos, and years. cnn this morning starts now
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>> all right this is where we begin the senators passing a more than $95 billion foreign aid bill with crucial funding for ukraine and israel >> this vote, the are 70, the naser, 29 in the bill as amended, passes >> the bill passed. i should have been 22 republicans voting in favor despite fierce criticism from donald trump, who says you should stop providing foreign aid to anyone unless it's in the form of alone, this bill includes $60 billion to support ukraine's fight against russia. a lot of that, by the way, it would go to us manufacturer more than $14 in security assistance for israel and 9.2 billion in humanitarian aid for civilians in gaza. >> now the house or house republicans are setting up a showdown in vowing potentially kill them, measure as speaker mike johnson considers focusing on a standalone bill with aid only for israel, that bill, of course, already failed. we'll see procedurally what they decide next. also, they're pretty much focused on another vote that also fell last week,
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whether to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. it comes after the efforts suffered that surprising and i would say rather embarrassing defeat last week, trying to give it another run potentially today as cnn's eva mckend live for us on capitol hill, fred pleitgen is live for us in london. ivonne, start with you to the senate. this a big vote. it's a big bipartisan vote. 22 republicans in favor despite donald trump's protestations. do we have any idea what happens next? house? >> you know, phil speaker johnson has made it clear that he has no appetite to take up this foreign aid package in the house. and this really underscores the large divide in the republican party on this issue. you have senator mcconnell's celebrating this passage saying in a statement that history will record heard that the senate did not blink will a much different response from speaker johnson, who says national security begins at our border and he sort of chastised i'm members arguing that
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congress has been silent on the border. those are his words. but listen speaker johnson had the opportunity to take up some of the border priorities that he has long championed. that's the problem with that argument. of course, there was a bipartisan effort the speaker johnson, other republicans in the house could have hopped on if he wanted to address this border issues. so now congress is in a position where some republicans in the house could band together with democrats in a procedural fashion and try to advance this bill. but that is very lengthy and difficult process unknown if they are going to take that route, phil and poppy and fred just minutes after this passes senate, we heard from ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy very grateful for what the chamber did know yeah, absolutely. poppy and i think it really goes to show just how closely the ukrainians are watching all of this. because of course they understand that for them and
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for the soldiers that the ukrainians on the ground, a lot of this is literally about life and death, especially at the, as the russians are pushing right now on many front lines in ukraine and the ukrainians have been suffering from those animal or ammo shortages, which of course have also been exacerbated by the fact that there isn't additional ammo right now coming from the united states, i want to read you some of what a lot of three meters lenski said. he said quote, i'm grateful to senator schumer and leader mcconnell and every us senator who has supported continued assistance to you crane as we fight for freedom, democracy, and the values we hold dear. and then this is probably the most important part for us and ukraine continued us assistance helps to save human lives from russian terror as he calls it. it means that life will continue in our cities. and we'll try him over war, of course, all this as the ukrainians really on the back backfoot on some of those front lines. and i've been traveling to a lot of those frontlines. poppy and phil. and the biggest concern for the ukrainians really is a lack of continued ammo supplies that they need to
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stay in the fight to keep their troops in the fight, and to keep their troops in the trenches alive as well, guys eva back over to you because i do want to ask about what house republicans are going to be trying to do today. i think this is take two of impeachment festival to 0.0 dhs secretary, mayorkas. do they have the votes today? is this actually going to get over the finish line before it gets killed out and senate it appears as they may the last time that they tried to take up this effort, they had some absences and you know, that they can ill afford that when they're >> trying to do anything with such a thin majority. so they may be able to achieve this today. americans will have to decide if this impeachment effort has merit or if this amounts to a policy dispute what has struck me though, is the response from secretary mayorkas, you know, during the last impeachment vote, he was in california meeting with ai executives about recruiting more ai professionals to the
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department? that's what he told the la times. and so he has really taken this position of being totally unbothered by this no reporting to suggest that he, him or anyone on his team has tried to engage. house republicans to dissuade them from this effort the articles are willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law. the other artery cool is breach of public trust. no indication though that if house republicans are successful in this effort, that the senate is going to take up this impeachment, phil and poppy. >> all right, eva mckend, fred pleitgen for us. thank you. >> we'll also right now, a >> powerful winter storm is blasting the northeast with nearly 50 million people and it's pad this, you're looking at right now, a live look at rocky hill, connecticut northeast of new york, could get up to a foot of snow. now, as we speak, the storm is intensifying and colliding head-on with the morning rush hour. this is a live look at boston but the snow just started to fall. >> new york city expected to get up to eight inches of snow.
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parts of new england could also see a foot of snow more than 1,000 flights this morning already been canceled. york city is bracing for the most snow that we've seen here in years or meteorologist derek van dam is live outside on the streets of new york of morning to you, it would normally be so packed with people trying to go to work there. i don't see anyone behind you >> okay. you just wait because there are >> some hearty new yorkers coming out here running and enjoying central park in the snow. i mean, i think a lot of people waiting for this moment because it's ben 744 days since the last winter storm was issued here in new york city. and we are seeing the city landscape just transform into a real life snow globe right before our eyes, i think it's kind of a welcome sight for some people who were yearning for that snowfall to actually take place. the national weather service this has just recently highlighted an area right over the tri-state region, including the new york
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city metropolitan region of intense snow band as this kind of access and pivots right over new york city, the potential for one to two inch snowfall totals per hour is in the forecast. and if we receive that amount of snow in one hour for that will be the most snow that the city has received in a day's time over the past couple of years. that's really stay in something took up my graphics because this is interesting. some of the first snowfall totals coming in. look at that 10.5 inches in pennsylvania, even some reports over a half a foot upstate new york into the port jervis region but what's interesting to note is what's happening in central park 1.2 inches of snow. and again, we can this is very, very unofficial, but bear with me here. yeah, that's that can be confirmed if we get past that two inch mark, then that'll be the most snow that central park has received in over two years. we've been able to squeeze out the water earlier this morning i think the temperature is cooling down, so things are changing here, but bottom line is this is heavy, wet snow is sticking
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to the roads coinciding with of course, rush hour traffic. this morning. and we expect the heaviest snow bands to continue through about 11 a.m. this morning. it's the city that never sleeps we've gotten new york fashion week this week. and of course, a special elections happening in long island today. so lots of snow impacting big time impactful activities here in new york city in the tri-state region. >> derek, you tell him the overachievers running it's like your producer grace would probably do this later tonight just not that you're making the rest of us look bad and i don't i don't i will be here >> if i didn't have 20 pounds snow boots on right now, i'd be running in the snow as well. >> i have no doubt. i have never job >> derek van dam as always, my friend president biden, joined tiktok despite most government phones banning the app, the security concerns as he >> tries to appeal to certain voters. >> and john serve returning to the daily shown, skewering biden and donald trump in the process >> why am i back you may be
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and the exciting part is we already know our candidates drum roll, please. >> guys. >> jon stewart making his long-awaited return to the daily show last night, didn't seem to be rusty at all? >> not at all. still are left in 2015, right before the trump clinton election, he's now back on the desk at the desk once a week, monday night's to resume his role they are with us writer and host of the very serious newsletter and podcast, josh barro, opinion contributor deneb dia, and cnn senior media analyst, sara fischer, sarah, let me start with you because i'm a serious note, if i could hear like 12% of folks got their news from the daily show back in 2015, right before he left so he plays an important service for a lot of folks, as well as giving us many, many laughs. audience changed >> it's changed a lot poppy and it's not just for the daily show, but all late night
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commies have seen their traditional tv audiences weighing in the past few years as more people flocked to streaming, what's also changed though, is that we have a new advent of social media in the form of short form video like tiktok, like reels, which you get on instagram and facebook. and so some of the monologues that used to be posted on youtube, but really mostly just watched on television, are now able to go viral in a way that they can reach young people that they couldn't before. >> so even >> though these tv audiences are small hello, there is actually opportunity for john stuart to have an even bigger impact. this election than he did prior to 2016 when he left in 2015 >> it was interesting. his primary monologue very clearly took some shots at the current president and his team, but also he rose to the press conference pretty good. take a listen >> you didn't mess up. you didn't no. no, no sir. don't know. you killed this take
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allow me to present to you one man show about what joe biden's advisers were doing when he turned around and went back to the podium the show is called >> i mean, it's funny, but i'm also pretty sure it's mostly true. the thing i'm interested in is it's not necessarily who's watching in terms of the broader audience. people at the white house will watch this they, they just will. and i'm interested if they're going to watch it and actually take anything from it >> well, let me just say in the big picture, poppy and phil americans back, jon stewart is back on to be i feel so much better about the country. it's morning in america. >> the taylor swift of comedy. he's going to trigger the right and bring so much joy rest of america, pretty so look, i love jon stewart i'll be honest with people who watch this episode. the first one, if i would like a lot of it jauan isn't even
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handed and the idea of i had to be both sides. he calls out things the voice of reason being what he is. but using comedy. so yes, you can raise a lot of questions on joe biden's memory, but you also raise a lot about donald trump vision when people are talking about so yes, well, the white house, watch it. i believe they will. i understand joe biden, present fine of watches tv a great deal. and i think they're going to watch us. will it affect you can't change, you can't change a person vitamins and that was appointed john stuart. you can't change your donald trump is but these are the choices we have in 2024. god save us >> teen. >> can we also listen to this part about taking the show on the road to the diners of america. listen where are you going to be reporting from this election season? >> jauan, i'm going to be spending the next nine months here in michigan diner, because diners are where real americans eat and all be in the same diner is desi, but the real or part of the dye not the booths section with all the coastal elites, democrats and their
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fancy back support >> i've never requesting a booth again outside of that, josh, your thoughts on his return, you know, it was better than i expected it to be. i didn't care for his apple tv show. i think it may have been the only person who watched his apple tv show. okay, but well, you know, but now he's back on real television. and i thought i thought the monologue, i thought it was very strong. i was little. i was, i liked it a lot better than i expected to i also, it's kind of a funny thing. i mean, he's talking about the two oldest candidates ever for precedent breaking the record they set just four years ago should be call the anti-growth joe, right? exactly. and here he is back hosting the show hopefully it himself about this, having the hammer zoom in close on his wrinkles and then pointing up, he's still 20 years younger than these two people. but it's, you know, i mean, this is a country where frazier is back. it's sort of, it's sort of reflective of our inability to come up with new things. the best person available dose the daily show. it turns out actually is jon stewart and so, among other things, that means we're failing to create the
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new generation of daily show host just as we're doing, we know. >> are you sure this says we can't create new things, trevor noah was great. i >> thought i think jon stewart is better, but i think but i mean, it is a broader thing in our culture where we are living through all of these reboots at the same time that we are getting seemingly unable to move on in our politics to a new generation of leadership. i think that i don't know. i think the american public is seeking something that's daljit or something like that. and even though the polls show people complaining about both of these candidates but that's who the parties nominated. dean phillips tried the theory that maybe america wants generic democrat but younger than joe biden, then there was almost no market for it. so here we are, sarah, to that point, the audience, a daily show. it's older, it's smaller the reach of it, i think as far more you see clips of it to some degree at this point. do we know what the expectations are? well, the goals are for jon stewart and coming back, does he have a sense of what he wants to reach, what he wants to accomplish >> i think he wants to be relevant ahead of 2024 and he
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doesn't really have a platform to do it anymore. so he had a show on apple tv plus the problem with john stuart, and it got canceled after i think it was just like 20 episodes. he tried to do a project with hbo that didn't go anywhere. so for him, this is a pretty good platform where he gets his old show back. he gets the audience back, and he doesn't have that much room for failure. unlike the other streaming ventures, this is something that he has leveraging because they need him for ratings more than he needs them. he also, by the way, gets to be the executive producer on in the show monday through thursday. and so that's something i think he's excited about just as much as being in front of the camera hosting on monday nights, one of the things i have loved of the many things i think jon stewart great at is speaking out for people without a voice or a platform. and what he has done in washington to advocate for people. dean, you're nodding to advocate for our veterans for those who helped save this country after 911. i just wonder if we'll see a little more of that mixed into the show this time around
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>> i think you will. and i wrote about for cnn opinion that only the nine years he left, he did more than just joking about things are raising an apple tv. he was out there in the trenches on capital i feel lobbying for first responders and then for the military veterans with the pact act. so i think his audience, on some level is broader that you're going to have people who are in the center and even some on the right. a lot of that was covered in the military time. so i know that my article that they played like john now and they might tune it and i sure if they watch this first episode, i think they get a lot of laws think what john does so well, let's see, let's have an honest conversation about issues. let's not to shut things down with all you can't tell about president biden's age, where you can't do about donald trump or you can't talk about the issues in gaza because you raise it slightly during this, i think we'll see more in the future. i this font and using common to do it is a great way to reach people. it's funny, it's entertaining, it's not speech that's why i think it's a broader reach than serious conversations on certain issues >> yeah, it'd be fascinating to watch over the course of the next nine months. nine months,
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literally nine, he was right about that. we have a long way to go. sara fischer deal with josh brown. thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> well, this morning, we have new video of people hiding during that shooting. joel osteen is mega church police revealing what they found on the shooter's rifle and people braved the snow to vote in the special election today to replace george santos so what's at stake in what could be a crucial house election >> i've done a lot wrong, criminal, none. i don't want people the thing that i was taking cash lots went back there. >> governor rod blagojevich went down in a blaze of infamy. charged with plotting to sell barack obama's former senate let's see what corruption lies. prison. you acknowledge he lied to the fbi? >> no. really? yeah, one. >> they will determine to get me no matter what let me offer an alternate theory. united states of >> scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back premieres sunday at nine on his bad debt,
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it gets lucky here, i'm going to be really happy that you have this on i'm arlette saenz at the white house and this is cnn >> we are extremely thankful for the quick response of the two officers work in security at the church at the time? i'm that engaged the shooter. i think all of us here would agree that if it weren't for them, the number of casualties and victims would have been much higher it is the fbi praising the swift actions of a security guard who shot the woman who opened fire sunday inside of joel osteen lakewood church in >> houston. there's new video this morning of the moments that people duck for cover as the shots rang out he's not the
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>> shooting started just before a spanish language service began. officials say 36, 36 year-old genesee moreno walked in with her young son and open fire before she was killed. the child and another man were injured please say they found anti-semitic writings connected degeneracy on in her home, as well as a quote, palestine sticker on the butter for ar 15 rifle joining us now cnn, chief law enforcement intelligence analyst john miller >> excuse me. >> we're starting to get threads but there's still so many unanswered questions. what dots have been connected at this point >> well, from the law enforcement perspective, that team you saw the press conference, their first goal was to make was to determine did she act alone or are we looking for someone else? was this part of a larger plan? there are all but certain that she acted alone, but they're still going through material from the search warrant. and then the second was to determine what is the motive here? why is that important? because sometimes at the end when we hear the motive, we're like, it doesn't even make sense, but they had to determine because of the sticker on the gun, because of the anti-semitic writings. is
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this an act of terrorism or is this the act of an unhinged person who has their own thoughts and something that might not make sense to us. and it appears to be more of the ladder. yeah. >> the fact that she had her seven year-old with her and shot do we have any update on their condition this morning? >> so the seven-year-old boy is an extremely critical condition. the hospital is not giving out a lot of details on that for normal privacy reasons. and the fact that it's a minor but what we do know from police was he sustained a gunshot wound to the head, which in any case, whether you're seven or 70, is going to be a very high risk situations. so all we can do for him, his prey. >> we know next steps in terms of the investigation so there's a few questions that are going to need to be answered here. i mean, what we know about genesee moreno is she's a 36 year-old woman. she had a string of minor arrests between 2,005.2009, but then she emerges into a self-run,
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self founded real estate business that seems to be doing well it involved in everything from condos to strip malls. and she's very positive on life. and this is going backwards, peeling back the layers over social media. but the subplot is that there is a bitter custody battle between her and her mother-in-law, who is a rabbi in colorado, and that seems to be the source of the animus, the anti-semitic writings, the the, the, the impetus between this and at the same time, she's talking, this is her in her own writings, talking about mental illness talking about needing help, talking about needing to tell her story. so among the many things that don't make sense as poppy points out, who would bring their child when an event where they're both likely to be killed as an active shooter. and who within anti-semitic, pro-palestine agenda is going
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to attack a church that they apparently once out in association with because she donated money. >> right still somewhat answered questions, but great reporting. as always, john miller. thank you. >> donald trump faces global outrage after saying he would encourage russia to attack our allies that don't meet their spending goals in terms of supporting nato will speak to the top us official at nato. but how this could impact the alliance. >> and we're just getting the first inflation report of 2024. what the numbers show, what it means for interest straight since axis can reva's support your brain health? >> mary janet, hey, eddy know, fraser, frank, >> frank bred. how are you? >> fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health everyone sees >> meanwhile, at a vrbo when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one, you'll actually like at bob's discount
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now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. kaitlan polantz in washington. and >> this is cnn >> i think we ever responsibly do. i'll pull up those alliances. us credibility is at stake for each alliances and us leadership is still needed
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wanted, and watch >> i was chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general cq brown responding to donald trump saying he'd encourage russia to attack nato partners that didn't meet spending guidelines on defense trump standing by what he said, posting on truth social quote, when i told the 20 countries that weren't paying their fair share that they had to pay up. the money came rolling in. nato has to equalize, if not america first, a nato military official told cnn that trump is quote, not completely wrong and saying that certain members should up their defense spending trump's national, former national security adviser, john bolton this morning that his old boss will pull out of nato if he wins a second term >> i was there with a menn the spring of 2018 at the nato summit in brussels, where he near did get out of nato. he is serious about it and whether you're a trump supporter, a trump proponent don't don't think he's kidding about this one. >> of trump's >> criticism of nato stretches back decades. he actually made some of the same claims during
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an appearance on larry king live in 1987 i've always felt that nato and west germany, i mean, we have all those troops over there. i feel that they should pay their way. >> i agree with you on nato. i agree with you on other countries. if you look at the payments they were making to nato, they're totally disproportionate with everybody else's. and it's ridiculous. >> got to love the archives, >> his comments, past and present have driven palpable concern on capitol hill so much so that lawmakers late last year passed legislation that would prevent any president from withdrawing from nato without senate approval joining us now to discuss as us permanent representative to nato, ambassador julianne smith, ambassador, i appreciate your time this morning to ask just a basic question upfront. are there any nato members who currently delinquent and payments to the united states well, thank you. i think what we need to be clear about is no one is delinquent. this is not a country club. there are no do's here at nato. instead,
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what we have all committed to do is to invest in our own national defense. all allies and years ago said that they would take steps to move to the 2% target to spend 2% of their gdp on defense. and over the last ten years, the large majority of allies inside the nato alliance have moved out an inch closer to 2%. we're going to hear later this week, the secretary general amount with a number that is considerably higher from where we've been. so we've seen nine years of consecutive increases in the defense spending among our allies. and we're going to be celebrating that at the summit this summer in washington. >> that's exactly where i wanted you to go with this because i think we actually have the chart of the better part of the last ten years, 2014 was a big moment when the 2% of gdp was agreed upon. and we have seen a steady progression upward across the alliance. still though, i think currently 11 of the alliance's
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members have hit that 2% threshold, but it has been a steady increase there are signs that the others will get there soon that they're moving forward beyond just inching up to use your words. >> your words. >> well, let me give you a little bit more detail. so in 2014, we had three allies here inside the alliance that we're spending 2% of gdp on their national defense this year the summit, we think we're going to be close to two thirds of the alliance spending 2% of their gdp on defense. so that is leaps and bounds from where we started. and thanks to the efforts of president obama, president trump, and now president biden, we are now seeing allies step up and do more for their own defense. this is really producing real results here, were able to take those resources and do more to enhance our deterrence and defense across the alliance
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were able to do more to protect ourselves from cyber attacks, were able well to do more to work with our allies to protect critical infrastructure and do more to build resilience. so each and every day here in the alliance, we're working with our allies together to protect our shared security. >> this >> alliance serves us interests. it protects americans and it serves the interests of our allies as well. so we're happy to see the increases will continue to push those that aren't quite there yet, right? but the goal is to have all allies hit the 2% either this year or in the next few years. >> ambassador, the president often tells the story of his first g7 summit, where he kept saying america was back and i think it was french president macron who said, for how long that was 2021 the progression i think people assumed in american politics is not necessarily gone as maybe some of the administration would
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have planned. when you talk to your colleagues in brussels, when you talk to other ministers what are they saying about what they're hearing right now from the i've never seen jens stoltenberg put out a more forceful statement that i saw yesterday how does that reflect in your conversations that you're having? >> well, first and foremost, i would say that the allies really appreciated president biden coming in and making alliances kind of a key feature of his foreign policy agenda in fact, we've seen seven decades of democratic and republican presidents making alliances. the cornerstone of each and every three part of our national security policy. why do we do that? because alliances ultimately make a stronger, they serve our interests and allow us to work together with other countries around the world to protect our own security. alliances are always a good investment. there's been no denying that over the last as 75 years in terms of what comes in the
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months ahead in the years ahead there what i say to my european and canadian counterparts is ic strong biden partisan support among the american public for this alliance? i see democrats and republicans largely on the hill coming together to support nato. each and every delegation that comes through here from congress, whether they're from one side of the aisle or the other, always expresses strong bipartisan support in this alliance, americans know that this is a good value for america and that it brings this is security to us and to our allies. so i put my faith in the american people. i put my faith in congress where i see deep bipartisan support for this alliance. yeah, it's very true. and a lot of this bipartisan codel is come back and make clear that when they talk to foreign officials, their biggest question is about, is donald trump going to be president again we will obviously have to wait and see over the course of the next time on, say ambassador julianne smith, we always appreciate your time. thanks so
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much. >> so much. thank you. >> and this just in the labor department releasing its monthly inflation report shows an annual inflation number in terms of they're slowing 3.1% in january, it's down so that's good from 3.4% in december, the fed, of course, looking very closely at this, trying to get it near their two target rate. our vanessa yurkevich joins us this morning. great to have you. >> good. but it was a bus. good cooling back to levels we saw before some burned december, we saw a little bit of hotter prices probably because of holiday shopping and spending. so inflation cooling back down and not exactly where analysts wanted it. they really wanted to get it below 3%, but that's not what we're seeing in january. we're seeing prices rising year over year 3.1% month over month, 0.3%. and where we are seeing sort of the biggest increases month over month and year over year are still in shelter costs, rent costs, housing people paying a
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lot for housing still. and month over month, you're seeing shelter rising by 0.6%. that accounted for two-thirds of the overall monthly increase. and then you're seeing food prices up 0.4% in the month of january up 2.6% year over year. but energy that's we're going to get the savings down 0.9% so energy prices continuing coming to cool. that's really good for people who were filling up their pumps, heating their homes this winter. and while we're seeing a cooling of inflation, still hotter than that 2% target. the good news, at least for some americans, wages continuing to outpace inflation, hopefully that's helping to offset some of these it's higher prices, but still some work to do there for sure, especially we are talking about someone's home. >> yeah. critical. thank you. thank you very much >> right now, polls are open in the special election to replace
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expel congressman george santos. the candidates are vying for the third congressional district, a heavily suburban region just outside new york city. democrat tom suozzi and republican mazi pilip aren't talking about santos, are they trying not to immigration is top of mind in that race a victory for democrats could chip away at the very narrow to 19 to 212 majority republicans have in the house cnn's athena jones is live at a polling place in glencoe of new york. just as the snow starts to pick evidence, i think that's honestly just ask the obvious question. are the campaigns worried about the weather here, turnout is huge and a special hyphen when the campaigns are somewhat worried, it certainly the snow is coming down hard outside first, big snow we've seen in a couple of years. and so the campaigns are off referring voters rise to the polls. i just spoke with some of the poll workers behind me and they said that usually this location, it's a boys and girls club, it's usually pretty active by now, but they think that because of the snow and because a lot of high a lot of people voted early that they don't necessarily expect to see. they haven't been seeing
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the same numbers that they usually say i will say that both of these campaigns have been working up until the very last minute. tom suozzi has activity today. his campaign workers for tom suozzi were out on the long island railroad yesterday, handing out flyers. and as you mentioned, this is one of this has been a hugely expensive race because all eyes are on this looking to whether it will be a bellwether, will it tell us clues about which parties messaging is going to prevail in november, as you mentioned, some of the real topics of conversation had been immigration, the migrant crisis is something that is affected this district which encompasses nassau county, parts of nassau county no one here on long island, but also parts of queens. this is something that maasie philip. the republican candidate, has really been hitting hard all of her ads in recent days have hit suozzi on immigration, painting him as soft on immigration. suozzi has talked about, uh, mazi phillips meet put maasie pelham being unclear about her views and pro pro pro life, and someone who would support an abortion ban, neither of these candidates, interestingly enough, has really glommed onto the
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standard bearer of their party. so maasie pelops spent weeks avoiding questions about whether she had even voted for donald trump in the last election. and tom suozzi has slammed biden on the border. president biden on border issues, much as many democrats have done in cities like new york and around new york and has said he doesn't want to ask for the president's help in campaigning. i can tell you this, whatever happens here today, both of these candidates, a plan. it's any plan to run again in november, just a few months away, but we will see if this suburban district will be the bellwether to provide clues about which party's message is, is winning out. this is exactly the kind of suburban district that observers say. will decide the next big national election in november. >> yeah, for sure thena. thank you. and your team for braving the weather if he in there to report throughout the day. also, cnn will have special coverage of the race to replace santos, that special coverage starts 08:00 p.m. eastern tonight will come. >> we have the super bowl set, a new viewership record. the likes of which hasn't been seen
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since the moon landing. is it all because of taylor? all because it's definitely oscars, abs and disastrous abs. >> oh, gosh >> look at this next they were this united states of scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn, dry skin is sensitive skin too. and it's natural treated that way with the vino daily moisture formulated with nourishing prebiotic owed it's clinically proven to moisturized dry skin for 24 hours. aveeno >> from need the dot didn't need it. now so many ways to save life ready wallet, happy that's 365 by whole foods market. >> feeling from a backed up god we are life's works naturally with the water in your body to help you go. through your gut and your mood will follow for
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audi q4 e-tron can the riva support your brain health? >> marie janet, hey eddy, know, fraser, frank, frank bred. how are you? >> fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joining the nouripour, brain health challenge i'm elizabeth wagmeister in los angeles in this is cnn >> last game was over four hours long. fans were like who directed this martin scorsese but by the end of overtime, both teams were exhausted while everyone at home was like, hey, we're the ones we've got to get up for work tomorrow. you guys as well as vacation the game was so long that people were drunk in the first quarter and hung over by the trophy presentation >> will give me been long, but the ratings were huge for the super bowl, staggering 123 million viewers watched the big game breaking super bowl records. and becoming the most
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watched tv broadcast in a generation. it can only be fair to classify those numbers as out of this world, its most watched tv broadcast since 1969 when an estimated 125 to 150 million viewers once the apollo 11 moon landing, the moon landing, when i read that this morning, by the way, if you're serious, linear tv is doing great >> super bowl mvp patrick mahomes in kansas city gap out there super bowl celebrations with a parade on wednesday with us. now cnn contributor and host of the cari champion show, care all right, champion. good morning. beautiful. you were there. you got to be there. yeah >> i had a great time. i'm poppy, i'm laughing because you're like are you serious? everyone would squat watching the super bowl. the ratings were insane. >> i will say though >> phil, i don't know if you felt the way i felt it was little slow but anything and he gave us everything that we needed. i was inside of the stadium with that magnetic performance while everyone was
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trying to see if they can, they put taylor up, taylor swift up more in the the actual arena then on television, and it was such a sight to see you guys so much excitement outside of the game because we're all paying attention to taylor swift. >> yeah, it was this little guy was a defensive struggle for the first half. it took a while yet going on that front, we still need to talk by the way. some point, not on live television about your private audience with usher. before the performance that your friend got, like you thought i've got to let that one go. when you said it earlier in the week, like i've been thinking but they've literally everyday sense. but i do ask you, there's also bad, it's not just in the game, it's not just been like all the atmospherics around it after the game, like the clips from the postgame parties from the clubs like taylor swift posting. i think we have it where she's at the club with their parents, ludicrous is playing odd in the background right there. that's travis kelce. i think we all know there's bottle service. this is like kari champion every night. >> and both were shot right now. >> and there's terrorists rest
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we're like the vibe right out, like it's just fun. >> it seems feel it was really a good time. i i it's five-thirty in the morning here in los angeles. trust me, i'm still recovering. as you can hear, a little from so much excitement, any la in my boys, i love that you point out the panel's surface of it all. >> the usher the asha concert to me was really truly spectacular. he was able to do a lot in terms of being an entertainer and an ncg and still dancing. justin bieber said something to the effect of he's one of the greatest who can ever actually do is sing and dance. wardrobe changes the whole night. it was really fantastic. and then we're was all said and done and we we require i ended our minds to talk about this game. we turn our attention toward patrick mahomes and you hear the brady comparisons. i want to take something back that i said on television with you guys here. i'm not ready to call him tom brady yet because guess what, he reminded us all of
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yesterday. he goes tom brady beat me in a super bowl so i can't call my itself the goat or the new goat. he will always have that over me. so out of respect, i'm still giving it to tom brady, so i'll do the same. >> i love i mean, that just speaks to his character. you pointed it out >> the best in the same thing when i saw that corner like you gotta be kidding me. that's so good. that's a >> good, good guy. totally shapes him. i'm not letting you get away from russia yet. because not only did he do as you mentioned, he did it on roller skates at one point, what would you talk to him right before this? right. what was his mindset going into all of this? >> i knew exactly what he felt he was very relaxed, he was very at ease, but he felt like this was really a moment to showcase what he calls home, which is atlanta. and i don't know if we were able to get an idea of what he was trying to give you that atlanta, that southern style, that entertainment roller skating is big there, which is why he was roller skating. it's a huge thing that they do. he brought
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up three single person that has been on his actual in terms of his rise, been a part of that. that's ludicrous. who's also from atlanta little john jermaine dupri, who was the producer. i mean, it was very much guess what? i want you all to understand what brought me raise me, gave me my style, my swagger, and that is the city of atlanta. i thought that was beautiful and he goes, we bought the world to the a, at the very end. he was saying that you bought the world to atlanta >> yeah. that was the best part at the very end for people who didn't understand the roller skater didn't understand the connective tissue to the past. the other performers, them saying that repeatedly at the end. and that was the best clothes. >> cary >> champion. we still got to talk about the private con concert off television >> we appreciate you as always, my friend before i let you go feel i heard you say something about his abs, i believe that's why the ratings were up. it was the ask champion. we
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love you. thank you. >> settle on that note. sorry note after this break the us court just heard arguments on whether or not donald trump can be taken off the ballot. >> can you take the person that's leading? everywhere and say, hey, we're not going to let you run. i'm leaving it up to >> the supreme court, special counsel finding that president biden willfully retained classified documents. >> i was pretty easy to see reached confirm conclusion, but no charges should be brought against me. >> they have expressed concerns about your judgment, the >> report clears him legally book could damage him, obviously politically, i'm a parking gate and amo out of whack is going to take a lot more than a little ticket to get out a year and, if you have cut red car insurance, this could leave you all been at a
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nutrition. or strength and energy >> ensure with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.


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