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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 14, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PST

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>> i'm ed lavendera along the us southern border. and this is cnn the resolution is adopted this is a terrible impeachment that sets a terrible precedent. >> secretary mayorkas was doing what president biden told him to do we won >> so our message is very clear. either get on board, will get out of the way >> this is heavy, wet snow. it's sticking to the roads. >> we all look forward to a little bit of snow, but we should all be in the caribbean from london. >> this is cnn newsroom with max foster and bianca nobilo >> hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers
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>> joining us from all around the world. i'm max foster and i'm bianca nobilo. it's wednesday, february 14, 09:00 a.m. here in london, 11:00 a.m. in ukraine, where military leaders are celebrating what appears to be a naval hi, i'm what's hold ukrainian drones signed a prominent russian warship in the black sea near occupied crimea. a large landing vessel called the caesar kunichoff. >> photos posted on telegram appears to follow a drone as it approaches the warship. then we see this fiery explosion. ukraine's intelligence agency says, critical holes on a ship sayyed calls it to sink and cnn can't confirm the authenticity of these images, but there's no comment yet from the kremlin. if confirm this could be a significant blow to its black sea fleet melissa bell, tracking this live for us from paris, based on that video, is a triumph, isn't it for the ukrainian side >> it appears to be, of course, we have no way, max, as you
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pointed out, remember to go out of confirming this, but we have been seeing on the russian side, the military bloggers who track the victory is released their own side, appearing to refer to this as well, but certainly something to celebrate from the side of the ukrainians if it does turn out to be correct. and what appears to have happened is that this was a special forces operation in coordination with other parts of ukraine's military forces using drones powered by jetskis that allow them to attack and get a hole into the side of this ship. this warship, the kind of that they use max to carry or support amphibious operations and can carry ms drones but also tanks. the kinds of weaponry they need to land a shore. it is an important ship, an important part of their black sea fleet, which has suffered, as you suggest, it's number of significant defeats, not just the sinking of the event of its ship that was sunk earlier this month. but of course you'll
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remember the black sea fleet flagship was sunk at the very start of this, one of the very early victories of the ukrainians. the moskva, that was some back in april of 22. so this is being closely watched. it is, of course, scenario in which the ukrainians have been trying to make progress using drones to try and live we've allowed the playing field, given that they themselves ever since the occupation of crimea in 2014 and everything that's happened since simply don't have a functioning black sea fleet of their own. so they're opposites these important warships on the russian side and using drones to try and sink them. >> what >> we're hearing from their side as well, max and bianca is that uh, russians were obliged to mount an operation to try and rescue what they could of the crew and the ship. but that that failed again, hearing that from the ukrainian side, but an important victory for them should that be confirmed? and according to those pictures in the black sea and off off the coast there of crimea, max and
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bianca >> melissa, more broadly, how is drone warfare transforming this conflict in ukraine and talk to what extent, if any, do you think there'll be a renewed emphasis on that with the change of leadership from zaluzhny hey, to set escape >> certainly it's been an important part of the ukrainian strategy, again, to try and level the playing field where they've struggled to make progress against frankly, an army that is better equipped has more ammunition and apparently limitless number of men to throw it this conflict and what we've seen them do over the course, lost it's not just used drones along the frontlines of ukraine or in parts of the south of ukraine in the black sea. but of course, significantly well into russian territory. and this has been an important change of tactic, not just because it means tactically about their ability to to strike back at positions that they hadn't been able to strike out before. but of course psychologically, the
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fact that it adds an element of uncertainty and their ability of where there'll be able to try next. the other important thing of this is the fact that we know that we've been talking about now that these more than $60,000,000,000 help from the united states has now been unblocked on capitol hill but given the holdup, there had been there given the hold that there had been in brussels about europe's extra trunks of funding. there had been these questions of how ukraine would continue to arm themselves. and so what we've seen over the course of the last few months is also a significant bolstering of their own production abilities and drones, of course, have been important part of that. they've ramped up their ability to make their own, who made drones? i think that's something you're likely to see even more emphasis on as a result of that change of leadership. this has been one of their changes of strategy that has been winning for them, even if it hasn't so far significantly shifted the lines of the war, max and bianca melissa bell for us in paris. thank you >> to washington now where the historic impeachment trial and the homeland security secretary appears unlikely to get
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anywhere in the democratic controlled us senate, the upper chamber will take up the matter up to the republican led house voted to impeach alejandro mayorkas on tuesday. this is only the second time in as history and the first time in nearly 150 years that a member of the president's cabinet has been impeached. >> republicans accused mayorkas of refusing to comply with immigration laws. the vote was largely along party lines, with the exception of three republicans who sided with the democrats it's about against impeachment >> border that matters. not other quarters are border matters and finally, we've held alejandro mayorkas accountable for his willful i'm trail of the american people and breaking federal immigration laws >> i prosecutor for 25 years, i know what a high crime and misdemeanor are, and i know that this doesn't qualify. this is a policy difference you can try to put lipstick on this
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pig. it is still a pig, and this is a terrible impeachment. it sets a terrible precedent >> house republicans first attempt to impeach mayorkas failed last week when a number of gop lawmakers were absent this time, a crucial party leader was on hand to cast the decisive vote to cnn's melanie zanona, has the details from capitol hill >> the house voted tonight to impeach alejandro mayorkas, the homeland security secretary after failing to do so on the house floor last week, the final vote tally was 214 213. so it was a very narrow margin here in the house and three republicans crossed party lines to vote against these articles of impeachment for mayor hurricane, that includes tom mcclintock of california, mike gallagher of wisconsin, and ken buck of colorado. those are the same three republicans who voted against him. seeing maracas last week. but we should note there was one key difference here tonight, and that was steve scalise, the house majority leader. he has been absent from the capital. he has been out battling
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cancer, receiving treatment events but he was back tonight and i got a chance to sit down with him for an exclusive interview ahead of the americans vote, where he talked about how important his vote was. and just how narrow the margins are in the house right now. in terms of the americas impeachment, it's going to head to the senate. but we're being told it's dead on arrival in the senate with senate republicans and democrats collectively saying that they just don't see the support in the appetite in the upper chamber remember to impeach merrick as republicans have accused him of mishandling the situation at the southern border and the flow of migrants that have crossed the southern border. but some republicans saying that that is a policy dispute and it does not rise to the level of impeachment. so the senate has some options. they can vote to just entirely dismissed the trial, or they could have a trial and go through with the process. but either way, very clear that even though alejandro was mayorkas was impeached in the house, he is not going to be convicted in the senate melanie zanona, capitol hill, cnn us president joe biden criticized
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house republicans for their impeachment of mayorcas. the president called it, quote, a blatant act of unconstitutional partisanship even though some of president biden's critics say impeachment is the right way to address immigration issues >> well, it shows the dysfunction of washington, dc, right? it shows the dysfunction of congress. it shows the fact that they care more about peacocking than they do about getting anything done. >> but >> let's first say that number one priority is to secure the border. >> i don't like impeachment proceedings unless the evidence since it's overwhelming, scent, secretary mayorkas was doing what president biden told him to do. so the best way to change policy is in november, fire president biden not to new york's third congressional district, where democrat tom suozzi will win a special election with national implications republican in mazi pilip appellate conceded about 19 minutes after the polls. close, said she called cz to
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congratulate him, knew all of the votes are in and susie wins 54% to 46%. >> his victory cuts and the already razor thin republican majority in the house of representatives. voters said immigration and the border were the top issues, but that's still didn't translate into a win for republicans. this race has also seen as a bellwether for november's presidential election he spoke to support a short time ago >> time the find common ground and start delivering for the people of the united states of america the people are watching >> they want us to start working together. so our message is very clear. either get on board or get out of the way. >> more now from cnn, congressional correspondent, lauren fox >> a major upset for republicans as tom suozzi, the democrat is headed back to
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capitol hill, narrowing the republican majority even further and making it even tougher for speaker mike johnson to get legislation across the finish line in his genes republicans blaming the weather, the turnout, and arguing that tom suozzi just had such high name id that it was almost impossible to beat him. but obviously republicans who are watching this race closely especially republicans from vulnerable districts, swing districts in this area. >> they are going to be taking some key lessons. one of the things suozzi was able to do in this race, who's really flipped the script when it came to immigration, republicans have been using that as cudgel against democrats in elections over the last several years, tom suozzi made his case that he would have supported a bipartisan senate immigration bill and that mazi pilip did not have any answers to actually solve that issue. the key question now, if republicans couldn't win on the issue of immigration here in new york? third, where can they
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actually win on that issue for cnn, lauren fox >> the special election was held to fill the seat of disgrace congressman george santos, who was expelled from the house last year. so as he was the only serve will only serve out the remainder of that term with voters going to the polls. again in november. so not a large amount of time to really begs yourself in prison. biden's reelection campaign, hailing the democrats victory in new york. cnn's mj lee has details on that this is actually a new statement that we've just gotten from the biden campaign manager. it doesn't actually mention tom suozzi by name. interestingly, but in terms of what the messages it couldn't be more explicit. it starts with the words, donald trump lost again tonight. it goes on to say when republicans run on trump's extreme agenda even in a republican held seat, voters reject them. it also says trump and the maga extremists in the house are already paying the
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political price for derailing a by deal to secure our borders and fix our broken immigration system. immigration and the border has been such a big issue in this race. and when i was talking to a biden campaign official earlier, they pointed out that suozzi actually didn't even get a chance to run ads on republicans walking away from that border deal and they feel like this is a good sign for democrats at this issue in this criticism has really resonated now, the us is blasting donald trump over his stretcher band and america's nato allies using some of the harshest language that we've >> pretty much heard yet. >> yeah, joe biden said, quote, no other president in our history has bowed down to a russian dictator, unquote, and promised he would never do that. that's after former president trump's at last weekend that he would encourage russia to invade countries that don't meet the nato defense spending guidelines >> can you imagine a former president united states, saying that the whole world heard it
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the worst thing is he means it for god's sake. it's done, it's shameful is dangerous, it's un-american >> wasn't biden also urged the house to immediately vote on the 95 billion foreign aid package that the senate passed on tuesday, which would provide desperately needed assistance ukraine in its defense against russia >> for republicans in congress who think they can oppose funding for ukraine and not be held accountable. history is watching history is watching history is watching failure to support ukraine. this critical moment will never be forgotten >> the bulk of the funding, $60 billion would go to ukraine. and there's about $14 billion in there for israel. the rest would go to the indo-pacific partners and humanitarian foreign aid for civilians in gaza us secretary of state antony blinken says he spoke with paul whelan on monday, who's been detained in russia for more than five years now
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intensive efforts to bring paul home, continue every single day. and they will >> until he and having gershkovich and every other american wrongfully detained back with their loved ones >> this is at least the third time that blinken has spoken with the former marine who was detained in moscow back in 2018 on espionage charges. the us state department says whelan has been wrongfully detained state department also says the us has been trying to secure the release of whelan and evan gershkovich a wall street journal reporter who was also detained in russia >> on spying charges now powerful nor'easter blanketed parts of northern united states in snow as you can see, on tuesday, it was new york's no, yesterday in two years with more than eight centimeters falling in central park, other areas around the city saw even more build up their conditions made travel difficult as well as you might imagine, more than
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250 car accidents were reported in new jersey according to the state's governor. and more than 1,000 flights were canceled across the united states. states with the majority out of airports in new york, boston, and new jersey. that's according to flightaware, are thousands of customers in connecticut, new jersey, and beyond lost power and schools in multiple states canceled classes due to the snow. here's how residents in massachusetts described the storm we all look forward to a little bit of snow, but we should all be in the caribbean. >> we heard a branch break and then it looked like a lightning bolt as the transformer blew on top of the power lines right behind our house we should all be in the caribbean, shouldn't we have we definitely should with her a stubborn inflation report has rattled wall street. the dow fell more than 500 points on tuesday over fears that the us federal reserve might have to wait a while longer before it can lower interest rates. the selloff comes just a day after the dow closed at a record high. >> yeah, the consumer price index, the first real measure of inflation this year, came in
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at 3.1% for the 12 months ended in january. a slight drop from december, but still hotter than expected as cnn's richard quest now explains the market is unusually sensitive. at the moment, very feeble out to any suggestion that are ray cut might be pushed off further into the future. and that's essentially what this inflation number suggested. by being higher than expected, although not out of the ballpark by any means. it's sort of solidified the view that the fed won't change rates, won't begin cutting at its next meeting. and it might be until may or beyond before they get round to it. because the fact is inflation is still running hot. and the fed chair said again and again, until they see a sustained fall in inflation, one that does not look like it's going to rig night if they start cutting rates and
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they're going to keep holding rates where they are. now, we shouldn't put too much store by today's sharp fall. the market has rallied dramatically on the prospect of future rate cuts. and at the very best, we are talking about a delay of merely a few months rate cuts as the direction of the future. it's now only a question of when richard quest cnn, dubai hostage talks are held in egypt as international concerns grow over what could come next in the southern gaza city of rafah we'll dive into all of that just to have for you. >> wasn't india's prime minister in all grades, the first hindu temple in abu dhabi, wyhe, the eu ease and bracing narendra modi, right now and later, a car crashes since the emergency room of a texas hospital. what we know about the incident, and many more stories as well still to come
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official, he says that negotiations will press on cia director bill burns traveled to cairo for those talks. he does gaza situation in gaza with egypt's president, who also met with qatar's prime minister. and it gotkine is following these developments. he's with us here onset. and it was other main obstacles at the moment. and the reasons why these talks keep breaking down >> so i should say the talks haven't broken down. yeah. there's been no breakthrough, but no break down. so i guess it's glass half full glass? last half empty. >> from a us official. we understand that the main sticking points still seems to be hamas has demands for the release of palestinian prisoners. now you'll recall that the original proposal, which was the us, the qatari's, the egyptians, which was this framework that came out of paris provided for a six-week pause and then a phased release of the israeli hostages. your abducted during the terrorist attacks of october the seventh, in exchange for the fraying of palestinian prisoners. and we talked about the ratios of three palestinian prisoners for every israeli who was going to be freed. and then a higher ratio for israeli soldiers and
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bodies. and those would come in subsequent phases. but you recall, of course, premise netanyahu's response to hamas's demands, which included not just women, miners, elderly, sick people, but then in subsequent phases, some 1,500 palestinian prisoners, including 500 who they would pick, who were serving life sentences many of whom would have been found convicted of killing. israelis are taking part in attacks that killed israelis. and that seems to be the part that next and you are who was most irked by and you'll call. he said that these demands were delusional but these talks are continuing. we know that the that the israeli government is coming under pressure from the biden administration to take these talks seriously. and we've also heard from hamas, i think it was just last week talking about how if israel does go in on the ground in rougher than that word, a chi bosch. these talks at the same time, we're hearing some reports, for example, in the wall street journal saying that israel is almost using the prospect of a rougher ground incursion to try to pressure hamas to temper its
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demands. in other words, if you don't do a deal, this ground operation will take place. we've not firm that up ourselves, but that's certainly some of the reports that are going out there right now. so as i say, no breakthrough yet may break down yet the talks continue, still optimism and indeed the families that the main group representing the families of have hostages still held captive in gaza were telling the israeli delhi before these talks, don't come back, they return until you bring everyone home. the living and the dead is, is there any related precedent or evidence to suggest that if israel were trying to exert pressure on hamas with the specter of this ground offensive and rafah that would actually have a meaningful impact on hamas this again well, they're all premised netanyahu and israeli government's position from the start has been that it is the military operations that are pressuring >> hamas to do the first hostage deal that we saw and will continue to pressure hamas to do a deal now. so that is
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the position of israel. of course, they will have failed, felt a little bit more emboldened hold end off to the rescue of those two argentina israelis from captivity. just the other night. but as we've seen this is, was what, now, three hostages out of the original more than 250 that were kidnapped, that have been rescued. there are still more than 100 in captivity it seems unlikely that israel is going to be able to rescue all of them, or many more, we know that they've tried on many occasions and only successfully carried out the female israeli soldier who was who was rescued. and these two argentina israelis were rescued the other night. so it's all continued to try whether they'll succeed or not. it seems the best way to get all of those hostages back is a deal. what that will look like, we don't know. >> yeah. thank you >> talks and qarara come as international concern and opposition grows over israel's expected ground offensive into the southern gaza city of rafah. paula hancocks is following developments for us they're really gathering all of those comments we've had about the specter of this is the anchor was describing it and
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they're pretty damning >> they're very damning max and we are seeing more and more world leaders saying publicly that they do not believe that this is the way that israel should go. we heard from the islands leader in factor, leo varadkar, saying that it doesn't, he doesn't believe that that israel is listening to any of the warnings or any country at this point, including the united states, also saying accusing israel of being quote, blinded by rage. now we have had numerous comments within the united nations, the set terry general, calling for this not to happen. and also the un, a chief martin griffiths who gave a statement saying, quote, today, i'm sounding the alarm. once again, military operations and rafah could lead to a slaughter in gaza they could also leave an already fragile humanitarian operation at death's door. so there are some very dire warnings coming from a number
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of different areas. the uk foreign minister david cameron also saying that that is is at risk of violating international law if it does not allow the humanitarian aid to get into gaza where it is needed. now we know on the egyptian side of the border as well with gaza, that according to european security officials, there's a buildup of security. we understand in the northern sinai as well, there is more of a security he presence as egypt is very concerned, that there could be a significant invasion into rafah, there were 1.3 million palestinians in this small area. at this point, the vast majority of them about 1 million of them in a sprawling tent city, many of them have been moved on a number of times before all they have fled violence in the northern gaza, central gaza. can newness all the areas where israel has told them to move from saying that they would be safe in rather
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many now wondering where they should go next, max, bianca okay, paula in abu dhabi. thank you so much. >> still to come. polls are close and ballots are being counted in indonesia. and early numbers show one kind of a leaving by a very wide margin. we'll have details in a live report >> back room deals, cia secrets, affairs bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the
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guarantee gets your news favorite pair of jeans today. i'm taylor available on the apple app store or android welcome back to cnn newsroom. >> if you're just joining us, here are some of today's top stories. ukrainian defense official says, it's drones sank a prominent russian warship in the black sea, were told that the drones damaged. the large landing vessel beyond repaired so far, there's been no word on casualties. this footage posted on telegram follows and which missile as it approaches the warship, then we see if fiery explosion and cnn can't confirm the claims and there hasn't been a comment from the kremlin yet, but we'll keep you updated. us defense secretary lloyd austin is now out of the hospital and working from home he was admitted for a bladder issue on sunday and treated without surgery. so he's expected to return to the pentagon later this week. and one person was killed and at least five others injured after a car slammed into the
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emergency room of a hospital in austin, texas? this you can see people running to escape as smoke filled the room and tires continue to spin. and screech, please say it was not an intentional act ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is welcoming the passage of a $95,000,000,000 aid package by the us senate and not all of the money would go to ukraine. some votes for israel's military and other funding. this for humanitarian assistance in gaza and the west bank, or the bill still has to pass the house where it's not clear if speaker mike johnson will even bring it up for a vote. but zelenskyy is urging us lawmakers to do the right thing >> called portion >> i thank each of the 70 senators who voted in the affirmative. ukraine appreciate it very much. this was the first step. next step is the house of representatives and the vote what are the congressman there? we expect a positive decision. could you via we hope for a principled support and we believe that america will continue to be a
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leader yeah the us supreme court wants to hear from special counsel jack smith regarding donald trump's claim that he's immune from criminal prosecution chief justice john roberts has asked smith for a response by next week to trump's appeal of a lower court ruling denying him immunity. the former president is hoping to delay his election subversion trial until after november's presidential vote. >> smith is eager to speed up the proceedings and will likely file his response before the february 20 deadline. the high court could decide to take up the immunity issue. let the lower court ruling stand or send it back to the full appeals court right now. that's all >> being counted in indonesia in what's being billed as the world's biggest single day election. more than 200 million voters cast their ballots today to elect a new president. and more than 20,000 national provincial lawmakers the presidential race was a three-way battle between the current defense minister, two former governors. and according
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to state media, early unofficial results show one of them already leading by wide margin, anna coren joining us with hong kong with more when we say a wide margin, we're talking tens of millions of people. that's an epical action, isn't it? >> yeah, overwhelming majority umax, that would be a prabowo subianto according to quick count, which is unofficial vote's vote ruling yet he has won an overwhelming number of votes, more than 60% of votes countered shows that he's won almost 60% of the vote. now, in the last hour, there are reports that provo arrived at the presidential palace and look if he has, in fact one more than 50% of the vote, he will be indonesia's next president. now, prabowo, a former general who ruled under this hot a dictatorship. he's accused of human rights abuses. and at one point wasn't allowed to enter the united states or australia. he's running the past two elections and lost to president joko
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widodo. and at the time falsely claimed that the vote had been stolen. will perhaps third time is a charm. 70 we'll promote. has had a dramatic image make-over. thanks in part two a slip per in social media campaign and look, just as important to this perceived transformation is the endorsement by president jacoby, whose eldest son, 36, gib rum rakabuming raka is a prabowo it was running mate now jacoby had a two term limits and therefore cannot run again prabowo is rivals and knees, baswedan he was a former governor of jakarta and again, john pro-no, wu, the former governor of central java. look, they both credible candidates, but clearly not as popular. the main issues of this election the economy, jobs, education, and eradicating corruption and look, half of indonesia's voters, they're under the age
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of 40. so this is a very young electorate and conducting this election, as you mentioned before, a colossal and massive task. we have to remember, indonesia is an archipelago made up of 17,000 islands of which 7,000 are inhabited. so officials had to go on horseback, helicopter, boats. they even had to trek to some of the remote places to deliver ballots. now, this election was seen as a referendum and the legacy of zhukova, whose popularity is very much based on the country's solid economic record under his tenure, rain and per prabowo should say, he has campaigned as a continuity candidate but. some analysts in indonesia believed that a deal in fact has been done between prabowo jacoby that would allow dakota wield influence behind the scenes. once his term ends in october, max and beyond good stuff, anna in hong kong. thank you so much. now the indian prime minister, narendra modi,
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is in the united arab emirates right now for the integration of abu dhabi's first hindu temple, the prime minister was greeted with a hug by the uae's president, mr. modi, is hoping to boost his credentials as a global statesman months before he heads to the polls where he's seeking a rare the term in power. but back home, muslims in india say they feel marginalized and threatened by the hindu nationalist policies of his ruling party, the bjp. cnn's vedika sud joins us now, live from new delhi vertical. why is the ua embracing modi right now? what do they both have to gain from this relationship? >> well, i think they've been warming up to him for a while now, bianca, remember this is his seventh visit to the uae since the year 2015. he was he gave me to power in the year 2040. and this is his third visit to the uae in the last eight months itself. that too, in an election year, in about two months from now in this expected to hold its national elections, you see very few leaders moving around outside the country, just ahead of a general election and more these
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doing that, that itself should indicate how important the uae is to modi now coming to your point in the 2022 in the uae signed a free-trade agreement. the bilateral ties at the bilateral trade ties rather between the two countries stand at about 90 billion. so that itself again goes to prove why they've been warming up to each other for a while. uae is the fourth biggest investor in india as well. and what's really important here to note also as often 9 million people who live in the uae, 3.5 million are indian expats they are the biggest group within the uae including the emirati is. so those are some stats that prove how important and significant this relationship between the two countries has been. but while islam is the official religion in the uae back home, the indian prime minister narendra modi has been heavily criticized for further
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marginalizing the minority community, the muslim community, which constitute about 14% of india's 1.4 billion population through the hindu nationalist policies that you were talking about in the last 16 days itself to mosques have been demolished. and according to authorities, they've been demolished because these were illegal encroachments but when you speak to the muslims on the ground, they say they feel like second-class citizens. so while the indian prime minister today will be inaugurating that temple, the first hindu temple in abu dhabi. what's going to happen is also a lot of criticism back home will continue over why these incidents have been taking facing in fact, last wednesday, amnesty international also called on the modi government to stop what it called. and i quote them here, widespread unlawful demolitions of muslims, homes, businesses, places of worship through bulldozers. and other machinery, not coming back to the temple. that will be inaugurated in a couple of hours from now. it's built on a sprawling 27 acres of land.
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this is the first traditional hindu temple that we are seeing in abu dhabi. like you pointed out, that's made of things, stones a pink sandstone rather, and column stopped by seven spires representing the number of shakes that rule each of the emirates. so from about two hours from now, we're going to see the temple being inaugurated by indian prime minister narendra modi. like you said, he got a warm welcome in the uae, a guard of honor and also did address the summit. the world government summit, some minutes back back to you. >> vedika sud in new delhi. thank you so much. >> extreme winds and australia's >> victoria state have knocked out power for some 22,000 customers. the powerful gusts have down transmission lines and trees, smashing homes and cars as well. one man was killed in southern victoria by flying debris in the western part of the state, crews are struggling to contain three bush fires sparked by lightning on tuesday, five firefighters been injured. karma weather is
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in the forecast, but authorities one of. risk the fire risk at least isn't over yet, more fallout for boeing in the wake of that door plug blowing out of a 737 max nine jet, whilst it was in the earlier this month. now the airplane manufacturer says one customer ordered 3737 max planes in january but three other orders were canceled, adding up to zero net orders for that period. that makes it the company's worst month for new plane orders since the height of the pandemic. >> meantime, citing the boeing door plug issues, safety investigators are urging the federal aviation administration to require all planes to expand the length a voice cockpit recorders from just two hours to 25 hours i hope at least this axis an additional incentive to prioritize safety above all else, because it has such a devastating economic impact on all the companies involved. >> yeah. i mean the bolts work done up probably effectively, it's very simple issue, but
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one should be obvious. >> just days after the super bowl broke ratings and advertising records, paramount global is announcing layoffs. the media giant owns the us broadcast network, cbs, and the streaming service paramount plus sources say around 800 employees please, or 3% of the company's workforce will be impacted. paramount joins a number of media companies making major starting cuts this year, including the los angeles times business insider and time as well. now, still to calm, it's been a week since an oil spill in trinidad and tobago, and authorities still have no idea of who's responsible all his ship, it was what we know about investigation so far >> mysterious to be a headline or las vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world >> vegas, the story of sensitive premiere sunday, february 25, day ten on cnn.
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>> i won't let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms to find emerge. as you with trump via most people sunday 90% clear skin. eye for months. and the majority stayed clearer at five years. >> cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability tell your dr. if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge treme phi, it, ask your dr. about trump via what is circle surplus of fuel you need to take flight circle is the energy that gets you to the next level circle is which hope for right tosses limits away. circle available at walmart and drinks, the edge and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control, but now i have revoke run voc is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps
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leaking oil into the ocean and surrounding area in watching dad and two biggest prime minister has classified as a national emergency. i'm max, you've been following the story. it is deeply mysterious because essentially we don't know who the ship belong to. we don't know where it came from or what it contained completely. so what do we know? >> also? we don't know. there was no alert signals that no signs of life onboard i mean, it's a difficult one for journalism because we're not getting the information as a result you know online you're seeing all of these theories blowing up about this ghost ship and what it might have contained and what it was doing, who's running it? i think it's a really unusual example. obviously, we've got these images as well of the damage that was caused by the government is now saying that's pretty much in control that everyone really wondering what on earth happened. because it's upside down, there's even less information. >> i'll be hearing anything from the government, any bread
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crumbs of information. and who is doing this investigation? >> so the prime minister has done press conferences and saying focus on the cleanup, but admitting they just don't know who's responsible for the ship or what it was doing, which is extraordinary because it's relatively close to land. yeah, i think it is probably when those situations where they've just been caught out. but there's a lot of suspicion out there. i mean, there's also this annoying accusation that comes up in these situations that mainstream media haven't been covering it. and we've been covering it from the start and actually found out from it from us. but apart from that is who might be covering up if there is kind of wrap, but we just haven't found any evidence. >> and that's always the difficulty, isn't it? with the absence of information, we can able to rule on it because we actually have nothing verified to contribute. but we whenever we do get anything done it. now and iranian athlete meanwhile on it for a lifetime of dedication to a sport. and despite his age he's not slowing down. >> and it's about myself. yes
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told myself i was okay with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms but just okay. isn't okay. >> and i was done to settling. >> if you still have symptoms after a team enough blocker like humeyra or enbrel, greene's auc is different and may help were invoke is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa relieved fatigue for some and stop joint damage and in psa can leave skin clear or almost clear revoke can lower your ability to fight infections, including tv, serious infections and blood clots. some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin part attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur tell your dr. if you are or may become pregnant. >> dan saddling, ask you rheumatologist four rings out and take back what's yours?
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front. >> yes. any sign front of you you could say anything he front of me. >> that is true >> that's good story. >> they say age is nothing but a number and they might be right because take a look at this iranian diver he unbelievably is 100 years old, the oldest competitor in the world aquatics masters championship in doha, qatar. after his exhibition dive into the pool and friday, he became a bit emotional as he was presented with a special metal he's been diving since he was a teenager winning silver and bronze medals at the first ever asian games in new delhi in 1951. and he's won nine iranian national titles overall, earning the last one when he was 41, that's so inspiring what me >> why you don't know? >> well as on how you like them, tracksuits you can now
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score the boy band, look at the dunkings, ben affleck, matt damon and tom brady and the dunkin' super bowl commercial. the boston based donor and coffee chain is selling the sweatpants and jacket for $60 each on top, the pink fuzzy hat from the ad is also going for $40, but some of the items inexplicably have already sold out they say money can't buy love, but at least on valentine's day, a lot of people are still trying a new survey finds that americans plan to spend just over $14 billion on their spouse or significant other. this valentine's day, which is a record high, much of that spending will come from those in their '20s and '30s. >> candy the list for valentine's guess, followed by greeting cards, flowers, and then evening out and jewelry. i have obviously had fail of a year today. >> yeah. tell us i got everything. but in my bag went home with it rediscovered it still in my bag on the way to work today. so this is your >> valentine's card for your wife that you just had in your
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work bag? >> i sent her a photo to prove provide evidence. i guess what i discovered, the car from her in my bag. >> she's just a few steps >> that have failed miserably. this is why you complete each other happy valentine's day, ana >> thanks for joining us here on cnn newsroom. i'm max foster and i'm bianca nobilo. early start is up next right here on cnn >> we're here to get your side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up here? >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper premieres sunday at nine on cnn. my
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