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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  February 14, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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cell wild seen in upstate new york fan storm in accord in syracuse has the orange >> upset sever the right north carolina 80 to 75 there. first when over a top ten team in five years, the ncaa tournament still a month away, but the entire season has been madness top ten men seems have lost 34 games on the road to unwrapped opponents according to espn, that is tied for the second most in any season ever. and take a look at this. you can star page becker's here, a goofing off around before practice draining and no vocab court shot, then absolutely losing your mind the 15th ranked sps hosting george bridgetown on friday, she is incredible. and speaking of incredible iowa superstar caitlin clark needs only eight points to become the nc double lay women's division, one all-time scoring leader tomorrow night against michigan, 08:00 eastern. she's averaging over 30 points per game this season. so there's a good chance, jessica, that fans will see history made here. it's going to be really exciting
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thanks so much, carolyn. thank you for joining us. i'm jessica morning everyone. >> so glad you're with us. i'm poppy harlow with phil mattingly in new york. it was a local election with potentially big national stakes are republicans slim majority in the house just got a little bit thinner after tom suozzi won the seat left open by ousted new york congressman george santos. republicans didn't lose control of the house, but the latest vote to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro, i'll ela mayorkas proved just how big of a loss this race was for the gop, the vote to impeach to 14 to 13 single votes. what happens next as things move to the democratic controlled senate? and a us official says, israeli hostage and ceasefire talks are quote productive and serious. but how close does that mean they are, it's actually ending the
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conflict in gaza. but more, cnn this morning starts right now >> as you just heard from phil, a single vote matters a lot. >> margins >> republicans grip on the house scott, weaker democrats flipping the house seat once held by george santos. this is a major early election. your victory was significant implications on capitol hill. >> well, it's i'm suozzi says his wind, his reflection on americans being sick and tired of republicans bowing to donald trump and refusing to work together on immigration and other urgent problems the nation is facing right now. >> it's time to move beyond the petty partisan bickering and the finger-pointing. it's time to focus on how to solve the problems. >> yeah >> it's time to get to work on immigration let's send a message to our friends running the congress these days stopped running around for trump and start running the country
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>> there was a lot to unpack, but the near term effect is this republicans had a razor thin majority in the house to begin with. now, once was he is seated, speaker mike johnson can only afford to lose to geo hopi votes if he wants to pass anything without democratic support, miguel marquez is live and gluten cove, new york certain at all for us this morning, we've got we've been talking about this over the course of the last seven or eight days. i've been trying to pick your brain for what you're hearing on the ground, how big of a surprise was the final margin here? >> shocker. >> it was not only look, there was a massive snowstorm, so everybody thought turnout would be even lower than they were expecting, but turnout, it appears from my back of the book calculation was about 32%, which really exceeds all expectations for this race. also, the spread suozzi he, we were hearing early in the night that there was confidence in the suozzi camps. so i think that was really shocking, that he wants so handily she she came out and conceded fairly
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early, and then he came out and made his speech look suozzi is a longtime centrist and during his speech to his, to his voters he talked about that >> we addressed the issues and we found a way to bind our divisions. so now we have to carry the message of this campaign to the united states congress and across our entire country, either get on board or get out of the way >> and that was very much the way he ran his campaign. and what he said last night, you'll look, there were even a couple of protesters there protesting his stand on israelis very, very pro israel and from what he shut them down by saying, look, this is america. i love america and just how, how everybody can have a voice shut it all down and people cheered for him. and he just rolled with it. and that's the sort of thing that he says he wants to bring back to congress because
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this will be now his fourth time representing this district >> talking about when he will be sworn in, what the impact will be. obviously, his challenger. so she's going to run again in november yeah. >> he says he'd like to be sworn in today. it is not clear that that vote is going to be certified, and that will be possible. what's today? wednesday, tomorrow is thursday. congress apparently is going on break on friday. so if he doesn't get sworn in in the next couple of days, they'll have to wait till congress gets back in march then it will happen. and then then that razor thin margin, then we'll see the real impact of this, this district may be redistricted by the time november rolls round. he will likely run again and he said he's going to run again and it may be a somewhat easier race for him. at a much more difficult race for republicans in november, but we'll have to see what redistricting in new york looks like then. >> yeah, interesting, miguel, thanks for being on this the whole way through. appreciate
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it, and joining us this morning to discuss cnn political commentator se cupp, cnn political commentator scott jennings and former democratic congressman from new york, maxouris, former democratic congressman from new york. i am very aware since relocating up appear that staten island and long island, >> thank you >> however, you are in this delegation, you know, this sea of serve with tom suozzi why do you think in eight point margin which i don't think any of the polling was showing if there would be a lot tighter. so that returned back to the margin >> in 2020, the biden margin good, right which is harrowing for the republicans because keep in mind there are two other seats in new york that are currently held by republicans that biden won by more. and there's a very slim margin. but what suozzi did, which was so interesting for the country at large, is he really defied political, traditional political logic normally, what policy? petitions do is when they're hit on a weakness, on a vulnerability and one would say the border is a weakness for democrats, this, you know, i know you are, but what am i or
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they change the subject to something else that steam their strength. suozzi went right to the camera and did multiple commercials that said no, this is a strength because i want to compromise. i want to govern and the republicans do not, at the very same time that the house republican majority was rejecting a senate bipartisan compromise on that very issue. >> i saw that ad so many times, so many iterations fill it was on repeated fills house. i mean, that ad scott, where he played clips from him on fox news i think about immigration. it said something like 18 times tom suozzi broke with democrats on this issue. he leaned in to what we're hearing from more democrats now, chris murphy in the last couple of days called it a real weakness of democrats. essentially, he leaned into it, apparently that was the right play and other factors help to mow. yeah. if you didn't know which party he was, then you >> might have assumed he was a republican good is running as an immigration and border hawk, shows himself on fox news and his tv ads and running on tax cuts for the rich. i mean, this, this guy and never
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mentioned joe biden and never mentioned said don't come to the district. and so, you know, i think it was a smart campaign that they ran also, look, he's a de facto incumbent here. their function children come and i should say outspent the untested republican two-to-one. they had a lot of things going for them i try not to overread these special elections too much, but clearly suburbs, still a little bit of a soft spot. >> and he had that queen's component that >> was the biggest pig chunk of his district is nassau, which he overperformed in based on what you would have imagined and obviously got some votes there that republicans, republicans expected to get and one other issue he did well on the early voting, obviously crushed in the early republicans are still struggling with the concept of turning out your people whenever you can, however you can strange. do we know why you're all you're always just one snowstorm away from a problem and we had a little snow yesterday >> the sarcasm based on a vote
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by mail is something thing that i don't know. the former president, currently republican nominee, was really opposed to for some bizarre reason. the scott makes great points other than we definitely need to override everything that's what we're here for the death, obviously mid guy ran a great campaign. clearly understood the dynamics was district, he served it before. yeah, i think what happened on the hill republican house, republican shooting down a bipartisan compromise certainly didn't help. what should democrats, which of the biden campaign be looking at this suburban district and say, this is our takeaway from this. this is what we're learning. it's not good. >> in fact, as you mentioned, poppy, he told biden not to come and was critical of biden on the trail saying, look as age as a problem and i don't even know if he'll stick it out. i mean, that's sacrilege for democrats in some parts of the country. he said that in new york and he ran as a centrist and he even said, i've been running against my party for a long time. i'm a moderate. we need centrism when democrats swing too far to the left, they get too extreme. we
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run into problems he was pro-israel. he was, as you said, an immigration aki talked about crimea, said democrats need to acknowledge those problems that's how you win with an unpopular president. and that's not great news for biden. that's maybe not great news for some progressives again, special election unique circumstances. but that's a playbook for the republicans. i think mitch mcconnell, mcconnell coined this term a while ago candidate quality matters now a pilip wasn't a kook, but she wasn't a household name. a she had some very confusing policies that you struggled to explain? since she was especially abortion, she was running kind of in defense of trump, but not as much as he would have wanted. not the best candidate. i think you could have picked someone stronger. >> this is crazy that mean, look, this was a tremendous, tremendous win for the democrats. it's great news. keep in mind the republican don't think as he's points are
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valid in terms of saying it was >> this why he thinks he won >> the republicans, the republican party kicked out george santos. they didn't just do that for moral, ethical reasons. they kicked out george santos because they thought they had this seat in the bag. >> and i'm going to get another republican in that could be there over the long >> haul. >> my god, you think that for once any of the bank, you think that you think of suburban seat in new york than just been wondering biden won by eight points. one day he had won by double-digits nearly double digits, they became so he won don't need to spin it in a weird way you take him at his word as to why he was he's saying they want you to take the w i am saying i'll trey, i'm just trying to spike the football a little bit here >> i'm here for this wednesday morning. >> i'm saying here is that this was a monumental shift back from 22. okay. it back to
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where joe biden was in 20. it is a very good sign for the democrats, taking back the house. but on an even more important note, it is a very important sign for the strength of the biden agenda as it pertains to swing voters, you went out you cannot run away from an incumbent president no matter what you do. >> what she said, and that's a good point. >> you can do once was he >> did in a special election, harder to do. was the presence at the top of the this is something actually i wanted to get into and that's why i'm not gonna let you guys leave if whether you like it or not, we do have a lot more to get to guys stay with us breaking overnight. ukraine says it has taken out a russian warship. there's a breaking news, taken out a russian warship in the black sea. this new video just released by the ukrainian military, shows a sea drone approaching the ship and then we see the explosion. you just saw there. this is the latest and series of drone strikes against the russian navy in recent weeks and as melissa bell is live for us with the latest melissa, what more do we know about how this all happened or what it means for
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russia's black sea fleet >> well, this is a black sea fleet that according to ukrainian authorities, is now lost. a third of its capability, which is an extraordinary figure when you consider it in this, the latest win for ukraine can you enforce this specifically this special forces it to carried out this overnight rate. now, what's interesting about this beyond the fact that they took out this extra russian landing ship is, of course the way they went about it, these are majora sea drones that were used there, basically powered by jetski their ukrainian men aid. and of course that's significant, phil, because we know that ukrainian armed forces have been trying to ramp up their production of their own weapons and using much more effectively than they had before drones, not only along the land, the front lines on land, but of course in the black sea, we saw another big guided missiles ship taken out earlier this month. again and by these very same ukrainian drones, they have this really long capability, about 800
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kilometers, just under 500 miles, and are extremely agile at getting around and in ships and what they did is break a hole in the side of that ship, taking it down now, it's also important because what we've seen is while that front line has been so static over the course, lost two months, ukrainian forces have really been focusing their efforts on the black sea with that degree of success, it's important, not only symbolically, because of course, what crimea represents in terms of the 2014 invasion, but it's important strategically as well, what the ukrainians are working on is the assumption that if they can cut off the russian ability in the black sea to continue bringing troops, their front lines from the crimean peninsula that they'll have a big win. strategically an important hit for them today, the kremlin so far denying or refusing rather to comment on what has happened overnight, the latest in a series of markable successes there with that kind of ingenious technology. melissa bell, thanks so much. well, a fast-moving, but very powerful
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north eastern blanketed several states and snow. how just a few hours of snowfall brought several cities to a halt >> and it took them two tries, but the republican led house has impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, not all republicans though we're on ford >> you can try to put lipstick on this pig. it is still a pig, and this is a terrible impeachment. it sets a terrible precedent united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday, a nine on cnn. >> why settle for one guestimate to see the value of a home when is real estimate gives you up to three independent valuations. >> don't all have to do that not really. >> trust the >> number one app real estate professionals trust, download the app today. >> clog gutters can cause big problems fast until now, call a33 lee filter today for your free gutter inspection, i've had terrible flooding problems on my porch. now i understand
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free night when you book direct eye melanie zanona on capitol hill. >> and this is cnn >> the yeas are two and the nays are 213. the resolution is adopted second i have to charm new overnight the house voted to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas over his handling of the us mexico border border. this is the first time a cabinet secretary has been impeached, nearly 150 years. now, the republican-led house claims mayorkas refused to comply with the law and breached public trust. this was the house is second attempt to each secretary. they fell short by about last week. now the decision on removing mayorkas now moves to the democratic-led senate, which make boat to dismiss the case altogether, joining us now is cnn national politics correspondent, eva mckend. that's kinda where i get stuck on. i'm not totally sure what the point is since we know the sentence not going to vote to convict how our house republicans? planning why they needed to do this >> well, phil, it will have no
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material impact. you are correct. it's symbolically significant. this is the first cabinet secretary to be impeached in almost 150 years. alejandro mayorkas, also the first latino to run homeland security. but republicans achieve this only one vote with congressman steve scalise returning to the capital after receiving cancer treatment to give republicans the numbers necessary to achieve this, the resolution itself, though non binding, and you have three republican congressmen actually join with democrats, mike gallagher of wisconsin, ken buck of colorado, tom mcclintock talk of california opposing the a pitchman impeachment arguing a polity policy dispute over immigration doesn't amount to an impeachable offense like public corruption. because house republicans, they're arguing that he has not done his job, that he isn't adequately enforcing immigration law. but those opposed to this say he's
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didn't abuse the power of his office for personal gain in any way. he didn't engage in corruption and that's really what impeachment should be reserved for. but i'll let you hear for yourself how lawmakers are explaining how they voted this guy essentially subverted the laws passed by this body. and that can't stand >> cabinet secretary doesn't get to pick and choose which laws they're going to force. >> this is a policy difference. >> you can tried to put lipstick on this pig. it is still a pig, and this is a terrible impeachment. it sets a terrible precedent if there's a republican president in next, congress, you better expect huge fan of a cabinet official >> so senate sources tell us that they don't expect to spend much time on this trial and dhs is out defending mayorcas. they're saying house republicans, they will be remembered by history for trampling on the constitution, for political gain, rather than
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working to solve the serious challenges at our border, fill, all right, eva mckend with the latest from hell. thank you >> and it is the morning after the nation's airports and for much of the northeast, it was rough going in the airports. i'll tell you yesterday, the region is digging out from some of its heaviest snow and years knocking out power and starlink travel. there are reports of at least 15 inches of snow on parts of connecticut, new jersey, and pennsylvania right here in new york city, the highest daily snowfall in over two years. our meteorologist derek van dam is in from the snow shocker usually see him in tough weather and with us so nice to have you in studio or in here, much warmer. was it? that is without it was gonna be, you know, i feel bad saying this for the people who were the thousands of flights that were canceled yesterday. but of course, some people got more snow than others here in new york city, the most snow in two years. but yes, some areas top to foot, check out what this nor'easter brought to the east coast a nor'easter hammers the east coast on tuesday,
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providing the largest single day snowfall in new york city in two years, central park recorded 3.2 inches of snow. >> what do you think about all the snow anymore? >> the winter wonderland allowed new yorkers to build snowmen, sled, and even cross-country ski through the park. >> this beautiful is so, it's so peaceful and everybody looks very happy and walking around having a blast. >> sadly, there was one death. cnn affiliate, wabc reports, a 74 year-old woman was killed after a loose brick fell from a brownstone while she was shoveling. the national weather service reports that parts of connecticut and new jersey received 15 inches of snow he's crazy. i hear from massachusetts to rhode island, many were left shoveling throughout the day trying to dig out from the biggest snowstorm in recent memory. >> its heart attack snow, so be careful, everybody because
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it's just wet. >> parts of pennsylvania saw the highest snow totals in three years i'll 71 years so this i'm about my end of my seven days. it's like shoveling water >> it's very heavy. >> and in boston, a heavy wet snow left some without power. >> we heard a brand break and then look like a lightning bolt as the transformer blew on top of the power lines right behind our house despite the nor'easter snow totals for the season are well below average throughout much of the northeast with places like >> syracuse and new york and erie, pennsylvania running upwards of 50 inches behind their averages i think i'd be remiss if i didn't mention the fact that today is valentine's day, so we've got a custom valentine's day forecast along the west coast, stay indoors. it's cuddle weather today, but along the east coast, things are getting a lot better. and, you know, poppy, i'm never on set with you. thought maybe it is valentine's >> acute adorable. >> for your
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>> really, really nice to be here with you. feel sorry, leave >> why you >> made me look bad. maybe. >> so happy to see you. >> van dam, so sorry >> live in person and now you just made by man in my life, you know, my husband and phil so gave me chocolate or >> chocolates, you see, i gotta bucher box or raga >> we're good now. >> that's >> 24 hours of negotiations, critical more on all that ahead >> sunday laura coates examines the federal criminal charges against former president trump. is it going to be difficult to meet >> this burden of proof? how strong is the government's case? the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn. >> skin craving next level
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bestsellers. >> joey >> bird, design your world differently >> the lead with jake tapper, cnn to date for welcome back. >> so this morning talks between key negotiators in cairo over a potential cease and hostage release in gaza are being described as serious and productive. still though without a breakthrough, this is according to a us official, the discussions include the release of imprisoned palestinians in exchange for hostages being held by hamas in gaza, israel's prime minister has dismissed hamas's demands meantime, the idf says it is
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new video footage. this is from october. it shows hamas leader yahya sinwar inside a tunnel in gaza in khan yunis with his wife, children, and also with an unidentified man. cnn has not yet been able to verify the authenticity of this video. cnn has live team coverage with nada bashir in cairo, nic robertson in tel-aviv. not let me begin with you to have a us official described these talks in that way is it your sense that it is different than before when things have fallen apart or not gotten as far as was hoped >> looked at it certainly the hope for many of the international community we heard yesterday from a us official saying that those discussions nudging food, but that they aren't still difficult. and of course, as we saw in those talks yesterday, according to us officials, no major breakthroughs that would result in any sort of agreement at this stage aren't yet to have been reached according to us officials, we know that negotiations are still on going and of course, we heard from a hamas official telling cnn if
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there is indeed progress in these talks and negotiations that there would be prepared to send a delegation back to kara for further discussions at this stage to hamas officials. i've told cnn that they have no immediate plans to send a delegation back to cars. of course, those talks are still very much ongoing. and as we know one us official at one of the key sticking points in key areas of disagreement remains the ratio of israeli hostages to palestinian prisoners that would be exchanged as part of disagreement, as you mentioned, poppy, we did see last week, at least israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissing that counter proposal put forward by hamas, which would see a prolonged truce. i mean, gradual release of israeli hostages held captive by hamas in exchange for palestinian prisoners held in israeli jails prone isn't, isn't you? describe this as delusional when of course that hamas is calling for all palestinian prisoners to be released. the palestinian prisoners commission says, there are around 8,000 palestinians held in israeli jails, many of them
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are believed to be held under administrative detention, meaning nuclear charges laid against them. hamas has said the next 24 hours will be critical that we may have a clearer picture where these negotiations stand over the next day. but of course, mounting pressure from the international community, particularly as we continue to hear warnings of a looming ground offensive in the southern city of rafah and fears of that ground offensive could put those talks in jeopardy. >> okay. nada bashir reporting in cairo. thank you. >> know, tell me if nick what more are we learning about the hamas leaders? where about it was striking to watch this video is unrwa yesterday that was released by these rallies. he's been kind of public enemy number one, everyone has been looking for him, but it also was from october. what more do we know? >> yeah, it was taken from cctv footage that the idf say that they recovered quite recently in hanunis. they say they've been developing intelligence about where ya-ya's sinwar is, those movements from hamas captives, particularly hamas
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officials, that they say if they're detaining, they say they've captured or killed or injured about ten or 20,000 hamas operatives so far. so from those intelligence investigations, interrogations that the idf are performing, they believe that they're building up a better picture of where sinwar is and they're presenting this material as an indication of that. they also showed material that day said the idf said we can't stand up. what the idf is putting forward, but they showed video of what they describe as millions of shekels and dollars in room that they set a bunker room, a deepen our tunnel system but they said sinwar was using i think this is indicative of where the conflict has at the moment for months in the idf said that its direction, political direction, that it was given, and what it intends to do, which was crushed, her but taped down as leadership as well. and i think this is indicative of the fact that for months and they have
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not been able to capture or kill ya-ya's sinwar. and i think by offering this material publicly at this stage, kind of keeps alive the narrative that the runners trail. it's not clear to us at a moment from what we know how this video really advances that surge. >> it's such a great point on the timing. nic robertson, as always. thank you. >> well, history is watching up next here, >> president biden's latest plea for house republicans to act on providing funding for israel and ukraine, plus a driver has died at least five people hurt after a car crashed into the lobby of an emergency room? look at that. this happened in austin, texas police say they don't believe the crash was intentional for victims were taken to other hospitals, including an adult and child were both in critical condition. officials say the child has life-threatening injuries back in a moment i'm a guy lost the bet. my dignity >> as of watching my team looms wasn't punishment enough. you
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beginning and teammates begin
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>> i'm ed lavendera along the us southern border >> and this is cnn close captioning brought to you by that hell call 180071 000, 20 dealer, an invention idea, but don't know what to do next. cohen van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now and read 7100020 >> but i call the speaker to let the full house speaker's mind and not allow minority of most extreme voices in the house to block this bill, even from being voted on. this is a critical act for the house to move for republicans in congress who think they can oppose funding for ukraine and not be held accountable. history is watching at is president biden. he was urging the house speaker to praying this bill to the floor and hold a vote on the night and if i billion dollars foreign aid bill passed by the senate this
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week, speaker mike johnson says, he does not plan to bring it to the floor, s. e. cupp, scott jennings, max rose back with us, max, starting with you, we had a long talk about this in the makeup room. i applied a little bit more makeup than you did, but we had a long conversation about this. you have an interesting take on what it's going to happen here. sure. i mean, there's a few options here for the speaker. one, he could split the votes into three separate packages, put them all individually on the floor. ukraine, israel, taiwan in addition, though they could pare back, particularly to ukraine bill, one of the principal criticisms from folks like jd vance it's has been that the ukraine aid actually would extend nine months into the next presidency and which they purport will be the trump presidency. i of course disagree, but they think that this would handcuff donald trump. so potentially speaker johnson could pare that back. of course, the worst thing he could do is not put anything on the floor for because that once again, just talking strictly
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politics would put his moderates in such a disadvantage to say that once again, the republican party is on the side of extremism and authoritarianism, both at home and abroad. that's a, that's disastrous politics. i really thought we were this close to talking about and ask questions and and discharge petitions, and instead, you've tried legislative options that i'm very disappointed. i just want to make that clear >> the split between senate republicans and house republicans on this, no one personifies it like the leader, like leader mcconnell. he made this the cornerstone, a legacy issue to some degree that he's leaving anytime soon, though if he is feel free to flag he put it on the line when his conference was moving away from him on this, the idea that house republicans, after a 70 vote 70 total votes in the senate wouldn't do anything with it. >> well, also, there are a lot of house republicans that want to help ukraine. i mean, i think there's put this on the floor now. it gets to 8,300 votes, period. absolutely. and so, you know, splitting it.
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>> i mean, >> they did they just try this with israel and it didn't go anywhere. i think mcconnell said yesterday you know, i don't know where everybody is, maybe the best way to find out is just a vote and see what happens. i don't know what speaker johnson is going to do, but there is a constituency for all of this. there are probably 300 votes for all of this and maybe they could tinker with it and find a way to modify it to help people. but remember, the bulk of this money? goes right back to american companies in american states that have american workers that are making these munitions and weapons for ukrainian. so i think there's a misperception that we just basically write a check and fedex at over it or whatever ukraine that's not the way this works. and my hope is, is that cooler heads prevail and we realize it's not a good idea to let the russians run all over europe. i mean, that's our traditional view as republicans and we ought to keep it. >> well to that exact point, if you had told me ten years ago, the democrats would be begging republicans to do something to stand up against russia and china and help out israel
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against republican desires. i would not have believed you that's that shows just how completely the republican party has changed and it's not just about intransigents because it's a lot about intransigents and just not doing something think that democrats want it's more than that. it's not doing stuff that republicans generally one and the border bill that they said no to as a perfect example, more stuff than they could ever have imagined, more stuff than democrats have ever offered on the border. and they still said no listen to what president biden said about all of this >> no other president. our history is ever bowed down to a russian dictator well, let me say this as clearly as i can. i never will for god's sake, it's dumb is shameful, is dangerous, it's un-american when america gives us word, it means something. when we make a commitment, we keep it. and nato is a sacred commitment
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>> referring to the president's comments, scott and remind anyone, would he said everyone's seen it over the weekend with sort of an invitation to russia for anyone who doesn't pay out. >> yeah, the word was encouraged. >> yeah i'm going to encourage you to do whatever they want >> joe biden, last week, last few weeks have been doing everything he can do to hand this election of donald trump and his reaction to that was to say what we should encourage the russians to attack our friends. really not a great posture. and again, i think there's a misperception about where the party there's a belief that all republicans have just become of this world. that's not true. >> there are a lot of >> republicans in congress and just in the middle of the country to think, oh, wait a minute here maybe, maybe we ought to keep up our traditional role in the world of countering these dictators and countering our enemy, the russians, i mean, remember we're degrading them in this fight without a single millet us service member being in harm's way. >> and that's a good thing
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>> pull that thread back to what we are talking about the end when max was trying to spike the football on the first panel, which is what happened in the last ten years. well, nine years ago down trump started running from the right. you did. trump is gonna be that high state donald trump will be running against joe biden. joe biden has defeated donald trump over the course of the last two-and-a-half years, every single special election, every single ballot initiative, democrats it's of overperformed how in the house, state, special status, special election yesterday, they overperformed, kept the majority in the pennsylvania state house. why is this such a toss-up? why is this race? not necessarily invited hands? what actually could very well lose the general, i mean, it's clear week we scale the special elections, right? that's what we that's what we do have careful >> i don't even care. >> he's getting guys. >> so look, here's the deal. i think we democrats have to be cognizant of donald trump's unique strengths, right? and there is a unique political strength to draw out non
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traditional voters. you can't ignore that, but with that being said, though, we've had seven or so elections, right. and you've had consistent democratic victories or overperformance. we also shouldn't overestimate the power of this maga extremism at the ballot box. it is constantly rejected by these moderate swing voters, particularly in suburban areas. and there's no reason to suspect that 2024, if democrats stay disciplined, would be any different thank you all. thanks, guys. >> i says he rebels in yemen, launch attacks on international shipping in the red sea. the us navy has been fighting a stop them. and cnn went on board a us warship. >> so to >> crew members at the forefront of this fight alive on the ground with the latest next united states of scans with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn t-mobile build the 5g network so powerful, it goes
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on cnn welcome back. >> the us navy has been maintaining a visible and active presence in the red sea to protect international shipping from the constant threat of missiles and drones being launched by the iran-backed houthi rebels in yemen, seen as a bertrand was on board a us warship on the frontlines of this fight in the red sea, capturing just how quickly the crews who's on the ships need to react in order to successfully shoot down an incoming missile. and cnn national security correspondent josh bertrand joins us now from an animal bahrain, which is the headquarters of us naval forces central command. natasha, it's fascinating that you had this opportunity. tell us what you saw when you were embedded here well, phil, we were really on the front lines here of the us navy's fight against the houthis, who >> as you know, have been launching relentless missiles and drones out of yemen targeting commercial ships in the red sea, targeting us and coalition forces were also in the red siege to try to protect that shipping lane. it's really hard to overstate just how intense and frenetic the paces
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onboard the uss eisenhower, which is the aircraft carrier that is given the jets, flying jets over the skies at a constant rate up to 50 fighter jets per day taking off from this aircraft carrier to patrol the skies over the red sea. and of course, to strike targets inside yemen when necessary. now we also had the chance to go onboard a us destroyer, us destroyer called the us has gravely, which has been again on the frontlines, the tip of the you're of the attacks against the houthis intercepting missiles and drones on a regular basis as they are launched from inside yemen. here's just a quick look at what the crew onboard this destroyer has to deal with when they detect a missile and respond new track age, sex, iss as anti-ship cruise missile, mbape gravely killed track, >> gave 0306 with missiles visit right? mss could attract a i'm so sorry, mrs. away at 0306
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>> last check now, the radars on that warship, they can quickly detect an incoming missile and the crew on board >> that ship, they really only have a matter of seconds to respond by shooting a missile of their own. there's very sophisticated set of missile systems on board the uss gravely, but sometimes those systems don't work and we actually saw one of the last lines of defense that the gravely was forced to use just a few weeks ago, called the phalanx system when one of the houthi missiles that was coming inbound towards that very ship that destroyer managed to fall through some of the cracks, ultimately, they were able to shoot it down, but it was a very close call. >> there is first of all, it's amazing that you're there and i can't wait to see more of your reporting, natasha, one of the big questions is how long can us forces sustain this as they keep taking incoming, did you get a sense of that? >> well, it is a very high tempo of operations. as i said, you know, these jets have been taking off at a frenetic pace really hour by hour on this ship. and these sailors, they
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have not gotten a break. they have been out there for months and months without a port call, without being able to go to port and get on land and without a break really, but we spoke to the commander of carrier strike group to which is in charge of this eisenhower aircraft carrier. and he said that the us is going to stay there. and complete this mission and be there really for as long as it takes to defeat the houthis. here's what he said. >> the sustainability we can go for a long time. we've got our logistics train already mapped out to stay here as long as the president needs us to stay here. >> now the houthis have said for their part that they're not going to stop in the us, doesn't have a great idea of just how much of their capabilities remain. so remains to be seen just how long the us is going to be stationed and there could be a very long time. >> it's a remarkable window into an ongoing conflict. i can't wait to see more. just like popping in touch brochure and thank you will donald trump's business empire on the line with the judge expected to issue a ruling and this hit in
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