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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 14, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. and recover with oren eva mckend in washington and this
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is cnn new border deal fallout is >> his drafted plans to release thousands of migrants as a way to close its budget gap. what we're learning about the proposal plus claiming victory. ukraine says it has destroyed a russian warship in the black sea. yet another blow to putin's navy. >> see the >> new video is the conflict between ukraine and russia intensifies. >> and as the kansas city chiefs celebrate their super bowl win, one of the team's star players is opening up about an intense moment he had with his head coach on the sideline here with travis kelce is saying about his outburst. as we follow these major developing stories live from kaycee, the championship parade underway. >> as we get to cnn who is central the very
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>> narrow republican majority in the house has just gotten even narrower just hours after house republicans second try at impeaching homeland security secretary hello, honda mayorkas succeeded by a single vote. democrats gained a seat in the house, flipping the vacancy left by expelled republican george santos with urgent issues like immigration and foreign military aid hanging in the balance. house speaker mike johnson is insisting the republican loss changes nothing >> let me be clear here again this morning, the republican-led house will not be jammed or forced into pass in a foreign aid bill that was opposed by most republican senators and does nothing to secure our own border. we have to actually solve the problems and not just take political posturing as has happened we have cnn chief congressional correspondent manu raju on the hill for us. so manu, what else are house republicans saying about the loss and their options with this historically slim majority?
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>> well there's a lot of finger pointing happening this morning and many members giving a different range of reasons, some saying it was just a unique situation, a special election in new york with two different candidates, one democratic, much more experienced in the leg, others saying that there's a problem with some of their own tactics. one of the which kicking out george santos, expelling him altogether, number of republicans so that, that was simply the wrong move. some of them also were concerned about the speaker's handling of the issue of immigration. those talks that deal, that produced a deal in the senate, the speaker for effectively killed that and gave the democrat in that new york special something to campaign on. some democratic republicans believe that was the wrong move. all is a question each other on how to move forward ahead of november >> absolutely. she should have embraced trump. the guy is our nominee, maybe not officially, but officially the mean the majority of americans within this caucus country. i think she could have done a better job on that front. we ought to be >> negotiating between the two
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houses. the president otto exerts some leadership between the two bodies and we already get to a solution to any people around here want to put off a victory and instead achieve defeat. and that's not something the american people, i think we should have. let the people of new york speak on santos so i thought that was wrong. but it played out. people spoke and he was elected >> every now i asked the speaker himself about whether he did. in fact, mishandled the issue of immigration in game hey democrats had an issue to campaign on after he made clear that he would not move forward with that senate immigration gill, he said that it was not a problem at all and he said that was not a reason why democrats won in that race, contending that he had handled this appropriately, they wanted much more aggressive border security measures, but also brianna, he made clear that the house would not move forward with the senate passed 95 billion aid plan to ukraine, to israel and taiwan, saying his chamber would not be jammed by the senate. and that is going to be
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a point of tension among the gop here in the weeks ahead. >> yeah, certainly is manu raju on the hill for us. thank you for that >> boris the bipartisan senate border bill that republicans spikes last week would have provided ice with billions in much needed funding without that money >> incoming, the agency is now drafted contingency plans in the face of a dire budget deficit to the tune of some $700 million cnn has learned that the plan would require cuts to detention capacity and therefore imply the release of thousands of migrants currently in their custody cnn's priscilla alvarez has that story also with us, former is acting director john sandweg priscilla, first to you to tell us about these drafted plans for mice. >> well, ultimately what we're seeing here is that now give me the department of homeland security money has consequences. so in this case, immigration and customs enforcement is staring down the $700 million deficit. some of their priciest items are detention facilities and deportation flights the latter, they don't want to cut because
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that's part of their consequence mechanism. so that migrants don't cross the border, but the former is going to be slashed under these contingency plans, which means that thousands of migrants could be released into the us. now, we should note here that is detains a race range of migrants. some of them have criminal records, some of them don't, some of them are slated for removal from the united states. but all of this speaks to what homeland security officials have been warning about for months. they're overwhelmed by the number of people at the border. they can't they're not prepared for this volume of people. another definitely not prepared if they don't get the money that they've asked for by congress this congressional inaction is actually having dire consequences for the department of homeland security and the border. now, a statement from a spokesperson said the following, without adequate funding for cbp, ice and uscis, the department will have to reprogram or pool resources from other efforts they've done this before. they pull from coast guard tsa, they tried to shore up funds, but they don't know if they can they're going to have enough to do it this time around and that is raising alarm bells even from the white house and the president who has
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blamed republicans for not giving them him the money he needs to secure the border the way republicans are asking for, yeah, it'll be tough to find $700 million worth of cuts that you can offset. jon to you. this plan again is a draft at this point, what would be the most significant consequences to you if this is followed through on by ice and how long could it take before it's implemented? >> but boris, i mean, look, the problem here is this you just can't have your cake and needed to. so we're at a time where their house republicans are impeaching secretary mayorkas saying, you need to enforce the law. they're not getting the resources necessary sorry to do so. so i think the most dire consequences, quite frankly, one would be concerns that if the funding crisis gets so bad that we're forced ice is forced to decide whether to release individuals who might pose a threat to public safety obviously, i'll tell you, having been involved in situations like this ice will prioritize that population first but that becomes a critical concern. the next
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issue though is this. where do you pull the money from across the department? and what i'd tell you what concerns me the most is you start end up weakening other critical public safety and national security programs by diverting funds that congress originally appropriate for things like human trafficking estimations, counterterrorism operations by tsa, counter narcotics operations by the coast guard, you pull the money from those agencies to pay for the detention beds just because of the political heat that's on the detention issue. congress needs to step up an inappropriate amount here. there are gonna be some very difficult choices for the department >> priscilla, to a point that john made republicans have repeatedly called on president biden to enforce the laws that are in place, but congress holds the purse strings. it's not like you can just conjure money for the agency if he were to implement, say, an emergency action, declaring them urgency, the way that donald trump did, that would get bogged down in the courts, right? well, we've seen that play out. the courts have come in when funds are moved from other departments
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like department of defense, which you're referring to and said, you can't do that. of course, former president donald trump did that for the border wall, but all the same the point remains that congress is the one tasked with giving money to the department of homeland security and also giving additional powers to the executive if they so choose, that's what that was part of those border negotiations that were hammered out in the senate. but house republicans have scoffed at that. they say none of it is enough. and so that puts the administration in this very precarious position where they're having to navigate a situation on the border with very little funds and resources that really right now is at a lower number. they're looking at 4,000 crossings a day in december, we were talking about 11,000. so for now, maybe we don't see it as obvious as it was a month ago, but that's not to say that doesn't doesn't change in the next few months. >> yeah, migration patterns historically or shullman in the spring, it's a time of massive migration. jon, to you. house republicans, as you pointed out repeatedly, have said that if president biden just enforce
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the current laws, we wouldn't have the issues that we're seeing at the border. and in other places of course federal and state agencies are overwhelmed as brazil has pointed out, they are vastly underfunded do you think that this is an enforcement problem a problem with policy or does it simply point to congressional inaction >> boris, look, this is a failing of multiple congresses and into a certain extent, multiple administrations at its heart though it's a resource issue the borders changed, the threat we face at the border is shifted in the last ten years to where lots of stress has been put on the asylum system. we have never funded that element of the system to handle it. we've never given the resources to border patrol and ice to handle the volume of individuals we are seeing. so at the heart of it, it's, a resource issue. now, of course, the senate bill did anticipate streamlining some processes that would reduce the number of resources that are required to secure the border while also providing the funding.
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unfortunately, that of course it does not appear that it's going to become law. but as i said at the outset, the house republican akins can't say to the administration, hey, you need to detain everybody who crosses that border without providing the funding necessary to pay the jails and the private detention centers that actually do the detention, you really just can't hold the administration accountable without giving them the funds necessary to enforce the laws they would like to see it done >> john sandweg, priscilla alvarez. thank you both so much. appreciate it brianna to enter its third year. and today, ukraine says it destroyed this russian warship, the caesar kunichoff, releasing video from the vantage of a muggeridge drone that helped carry out the attack from the water. you see a bright circle of light and then you see a fireball on the water surface there. ukraine says its forces and now disabled one-third of russia's black sea fleet, including the kunichoff the kremlin is not commenting on today's incident however, and
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cnn cannot verify ukraine's claim. we do have cnn chief national security correspondent, alex marquardt to talk with us a little bit more about this. of course, ukrainian forces have not been faring so well when it comes to the battleground, things have been stalled for months, but then you look at something like this, quite a success. they're seeing with these sea drones, you're right, they haven't been doing all that well in the southern and eastern fronts. but when it comes to crimea and the black sea, brianna, they've actually done a pretty good job at effectively neutralizing russia's formidable black sea fleet forcing the russian ships to say farther away from ukraine's coastline, if they leave their ports at all because of attacks like this one we've seen russian ships it's forced to stay in their ports. we've seen these ukrainian sea drones as they're called attack the black sea home of sebastopol and crimea attack their flagship chip inside that port. ukraine, despite the threat from these russian ships has managed to come can exporting grain from its southern ports through the
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black sea. so the drones, like the megara that we have seen, that attack the seas are kunichoff i have been extremely effective now, ukraine is claiming that a third of russia's ships have been disabled, that the kunichoff would be the 25th russian ship to be essentially taken out of service. i've seen these drones up close. i was in ukraine last summer when these ukrainian sea drones attacked the kerch bridge, which is that long bridge that connects russia with crimea. and i spent here it's small, it's small, it's it's probably about 09:10 feet long. it's like a jetski, a stealthy jetski that is unmanned of course. it can go 500 miles or 800 kilometers, so you can reach crimea from a port like odesa, which is where russia suspects these are being put in the water that can go 50 miles an hour. they can carry payloads of 600 pounds of explosive. so while there is a
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bit of stagnation on that front, on the southern eastern fronts, these sea drones are giving the russians a very hard time and to great effect in the red seat. >> yeah, those big worships, i mean, they just looked so impotent up against a handful of these. something is going to get through packs because some are taken out, but some do get through like that one. >> yeah, it's really amazing. alex. thank you so much for that report coming up hostage negotiations now, at an impasse as the israeli prime minister's office it's called hamas's latest proposal. >> delusional. >> why mediators say they're still encouraged though, plus three dc police officers were shot this morning serving an arrest warrant for animal cruelty will have the latest on their condition. and this investigation that is ongoing here. and later, a rare case of the buh-bye baunach plague. yes. you heard me correctly? just diagnosed in oregon. what doctors are saying about the risk to the community >> the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday on cnn
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clinic. first one's free >> i'm evan perez at the federal court in washington. and this is cnn >> families of israeli hostages are slamming prime minister benjamin netanyahu, calling his decision to stay away from negotiations, a death sentence for their loved ones. that is after talks in cairo, hidden impasse, netanyahu saying they can only continue and hamas quote, changes its position now the families are taking matters hunters into their own hands. they're filing a war crimes complaint against hamas at the international criminal court earlier today. and demanding the world take action. >> the people of the western world wake up. >> we cannot normalize hunger fear loneliness and sexual abuse this is the daily reality of those digests was held captive by hamas the laws need to open its eyes to look as
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saying the eyes and the acknowledging what we went through. >> what would >> you do if come as there always enter you holmes, ripe young woman groans, young babies mattered and k1 abdel parents rather sisters and children bring them home. now >> joining us now is dan o'shea is a former navy seal commander and coordinator for the hostage working group at the us its embassy in iraq and dan yesterday, us official said talks were making progress, but you heard what netanyahu is saying here. us officials saying one of the main sticking points is the release of palestinian prisoners israel saying hamas has to to change its position. how do you see things right now >> well, this is this a terror of terrible news for these families who were obviously desperate for their hostages and loved ones are still being held in gaza it just goes to two sides, are completely on
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opposite ends from netanyahu's perspective objective making a deal with the devil and releasing more prisoners, potential former terrorists who are in israeli jails for a reason is that it would just bring another october 7 in the future, which is why he's taking such a hard line, but that doesn't give any solace to the current families in israel that are obviously yet at, the end of the end of the rope for that, for many of these families now, four plus months into this conflict. with each day, with each week that passes and with israel planning and offensive on rafah, where we know that two hostages were just rescued from what are the developing risks to the remaining hostages in gaza? >> well, the reality is, gaza amongst all of gaza has been subdued. so we can presume that if the hostages are held there, held remaining hostages are still in rafah in the area. with airstrikes with idf forces
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going in and makes it very challenging. hostage rescue it was always the last resort on, generally speaking, you want to have a negotiated settlement and get the hostages out through backdoor negotiations. but in this case, their lives or it's only on the attempt of israeli special operations force to go in and find these hostages. and that is proven to be very challenging five-plus months almost into this conflict. we've had only two to three successful hostage rescue missions. which goes to the level, how challenging it is to pull up a hostage rescue. so that's why idf going into finish what they've done through rest of gaza in rafah. it doesn't pretend for safety for the remaining hostages. their lives will certainly be it risk because we know hamas uses not only their own civilians, but are showing using these hostages as human shields in the interim, is there anything more that can be done to ensure the safety of these hostages, to ensure their survival i will while they're
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in captivity >> well, if negotiations have ended, which it sounds like they have again, we've had multiple starts and stops and these negotiations going back to the getting the first ceasefire i thought set a blueprint for success for future hostage release, but that just hasn't proven over the last two months since the first hostage release. so right now that the only option is probably for hostage rescue force to go in and find these hostages in the tunneling systems. but again these are very challenging, trying to rescue, rescue people in the middle of a conflict zone. and the middle of a firefight it's very challenging and very risky not only to the hostage rescue force, but to the hostages themselves. >> yeah. i mean, this last rescue is we're aware they were not in the tunnels. right? which speaks to why it may have been possible to get to them you hear netanyahu he's continuing to lose domestic support internationally. he's
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losing support. we're seeing this growing pressure on him in the last few days especially the german foreign minister saying that she's gravely concerned about a military operation or rafah, french president emmanuel macron telling netanyahu on the phone that frame france is firmly opposed. there's a dutch court prohibiting the netherlands from exporting fighter jet parts to israel because of how they are being used and concerns that international law is being broken at a certain point. does all of that force him to make a deal or can he withstand that? >> well, i mean, look at the last five months. now yahoo has been undeterred. the hardliners and hit administration has stated the goal they are going to wipe out hamas completely to prevent another october 7. and those two goals with the return of all hostages they, don't go side side inside. they're not in alignment that's that is the challenge. >> to date. netanyahu has had
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tremendous pressure on him almost from day one. and especially from the us government. but they're seemingly landing on deaf ears. netanyahu was fixing his position and until there's a leadership change in israel, you can expected a different strategy because the idf is going forward undeterred at this point, despite tremendous backlash, which in large part, why all these hostages were taken the first place is because hamas knew, i do not think hamas predicted the level of what netanyahu's response was going to be. but they held onto these hostages for for reasons. so that's why they will be held to the bitter end. as their last remaining car that they can play in the deck of hands and i have today, dan, it has always helpful to get your insight on this. thank you so much. much, dan o'shea >> my pleasure >> coming up. we'll special counsel, robert hur, testify about his report on president didn't biden's handling of classified documents before he was president wyhe, a lawmaker
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counsel who testified before your committee in public always chasing him down the halls to get those answers. we love that. but in deciding not to charge president biden with any crimes he wrote in his report last week that in a potential trial, quote, mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury as he did during our interview of him as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. we have cnn's annie grayer on capitol hill for us. annie, what more are you hearing >> well, boris and brianna, the two sides i'm hearing are still talking and no date has been set yet, but this could happen quickly and hurricane becoming to testify on capitol hill as soon as the end of this this month, on top of that, republicans have issued a number of document requests for her, including transcripts of his interview with the president and the audio recordings of those interviews. now that is that has a document
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deadline of february 19th, which is fast approaching. so we'll see what happens there. this is all part of republicans folk court press, trying to hold the president accountable and hurt him politically. as a result of hers final report, of course, there were no charges against the president, but republicans have seized on the parts of the report that question his age and his memory. we should expect that to be a big part of their questioning when her eventually does come and testify any, greater live from capitol hill. thank you so much. any we want to now get to a developing story regarding national security. the house intelligence chairman mike turner says there is a quote serious national security threat. and he's requesting the president declassify all known information about it to sources and a us official telling cnn the threat is related to russia. we have cnn's kevin liptak following this, he joins us now on this story. kevin,
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what is the white house saying, if anything about this at this point? >> well they're not saying much about this very cryptic statement from the chairman of the house intelligence committee, mike turner reviewing this serious national security threat and telling all congressional lawmakers that they are to be briefed on it on capitol hill. now, in a letter to lawmakers that was obtained by cnn, turner said describes this threat as a de-stabilizing foreign military capability. and he didn't specify from where it originated, but sources are telling cnn that it is very sensitive information related to russia. and he is calling on the biden administration to fully declassify that information so there can be a fuller debate about what exactly is going on. now, we did hear from the national security adviser, jake sullivan, who was briefing at the white house just within the last hour. he expressed some surprise that turner came out with this it's information sullivan saying that he had
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offered an n fact plans to go to capitol hill tomorrow to brief members of the so-called gang of eight. that's congressional leaders, as well as leaders of the national security committees about what exactly this intelligence is. and he expressed some surprise that turner essentially preempted that briefing before he was able to go over to capitol hill but sullivan also not revealing exactly what this threat is or from where it originates. and in fact, when he was asked specifically whether this is cause for americans to worry, he said he wasn't able to answer that with a straight yes, but he did emphasize that certainly president biden will be you making decisions that would place the safety and security of americans have the forefront. and he also emphasized the biden administration's record in declassifying certain information in the past and you'll remember particularly when it comes to russia, that is something that they have not hesitated to do if it doesn't compromise the so-called sources of methods of gathering
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that intelligence. so it's certainly a developing situation patient, and a lot of questions still to be answered about what exactly this threat looks like. >> yeah, it sounds like something that could indeed be very worrisome. kevin liptak, thank you for that. we appreciate that report from the white house. a newly discovered virus has turned deadly ahead. what you should know about alaskapox plus one state is reporting its first case of the bubonic plague in years where officials say it likely came from, we'll have those stories and more on cnn news central to be a headliner las vegas that's what want to do. >> it. so unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin city premiere sunday, february 25, day ten on cnn, my money should work as hard as that do. that's why i use my freedom unlimited card every time i get yes >> a little slack all pumped through our bid with chase
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installed. >> so your standards for installers are pretty high, right >> yeah, brian, you can have the best window or door in the world than if it's not installed correctly, it's going to fail so we don't hire these jack of all trades installers that do gutters inciting on the side our window installation teams do our windows year-in, year-out, and have done thousands of them anytime a homeowner has to deal with multiple home improvement companies stuck in the blame game? >> yeah. with other companies, if there's an issue, the manufacturer blames the installer. the installer blames the manufacturer with us. there's no finger-pointing are blaming each other. we're both the installer and the manufacturer said, is it easy for a homeowner to get a price? >> very easy. >> we will come out to your house, will assess your current patio door windows, and then we'll give you an exact price. that's good for an entire year. >> so that's great information. thank you. >> this month only saved 20% on windows, saved 20% on patio doors, and saved 20% on entry door plus take $150 off your
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entire purchase with zero money down, zero monthly payments, and zero interest for one year this offer ends february 29 for a free appointment with renewal by anderson call 1805011400. that's 1800 5011400. >> when these business owners need cash fast, they turned to viz to credit to fund what's next from fitness studios to medical offices and every small business in between. we've got you covered whether you need new equipment, funds to expand or need money to cover unforeseen business expenses, bus to credit is the trusted partner for your small business funding needs scan the code on your screen now or go too busy to the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness.
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we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. >> jewelry. >> visit us in store or online >> king charles denied it ten on cnn >> health officials are emphasizing that the recently discovered virus, alaskapox, is
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extremely rare in people after one case turned fatal the infected person who passed away is described as an elderly man with a weakened immune system the virus is often seen in small mammals. officials say the man may have been infected after caring for a stray cat that frequently scratched him alaskapox was first discovered back in 2015, and since then six other cases have been identified, mostly in the area of fairbanks, alaska. the virus has not been found anywhere else fortunately, let's discuss with dr. megan ranney. she's the dean of yields public school. yields of public health, yale, not a public school. dr. alaska pox what exactly is it so >> alaska pox is an orthopox virus similar to smallpox or mpox. we'll all remember that monkeypox or mpox outbreak of the last couple of years, it's the same general kind of virus it's usually found, as you
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said, in wild animals. and this is the seventh known case in humans. the first one to cause death. i will tell you as both an emergency physician and as a public health professional, i see this not as cause for alarm amongst alaskans or americans, or the globe but rather as a shot across the bow. a reminder that if we are not careful, we are facing another potential huge animal to human transmission event like what many of us think caused covid. and this is a moment for us to shore up our interdependence between health care and public health so that we can detect these quickly and respond appropriately. >> we do want to let our viewers know if you're squeamish, we're about to show some pictures of lesions that are associated as symptoms with alaskapox aside from these kinds of lesions what are the symptoms >> so it is usually this type of a pox-like lesions, so it might look like what you think of as chickenpox or surrounding
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cellulite cellulitis or redness and warmth of your skin, we can sometimes find infected lymph nodes as well. in this man, as you reported, he was immunocompromised for mice. so it spread much further and faster. it caused fevers and muscle breakdown. and eventually, unfortunately, full body shutdown and death. but in most people to date, it's not as serious. it's just one or two of these little blisters on your skin that then go away? i wouldn't worry too much if you're not out there in contact with wild animals in the kenai peninsula or surrounding regions. but it is a reminder to get checked if you have strange skin lesions. and particularly if you are someone who's handling wild animals to let your dr. notes that they can test for alaska pox for m-pox or for other things that are often carried by animals. it's a chance for us to take better care review, potentially get checked for the bubonic plague as well. we want to ask you about that because there was a case just confirmed in oregon, the cdc says there's an average of seven plague cases
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reported every year. the bubonic plague in 2024, dr. i mean, bubonic plague, anthrax, mpox again, alaska pox. these are all diseases that are carried by animals and can be transmitted to humans unfortunately, with climate change frequent air travel, mass migration, thanks to both climate change and war and political instability, we're going to see more and more of these incidents going forward. so why it matters so much for us to have good public health monitoring systems, a stable supply of medications and protective equipment for physicians and other health professionals. and most of all functioning public health system that can partner with those frontline clinicians to help keep americans safe. >> so just in, in typical cases of bubonic plague spread, how does it get moved from animal to person or person to person?
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>> so it's often through flea bites, actually, so fleas on rats or other rodents that will carry bubonic plague. you can also get exposed by direct touching. if you're skinning animals or things like that. again, not something for the average american tory a lot about. but if you are in a place where you're working a lot with wild animals are exposed to flea bites that can be of risk. >> that'd be aware of the flea bites, dr. megan ranney. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> of course. brown. >> now, to some of the other headlines that we are watching this hour, security cameras captured the terrifying moments when a car plowed into a hospital emergency room and austin, people inside scrambling to escape as smoke filled the area many initially thought that this was an explosion. five people were hurt, including a child who has life-threatening injuries. the driver died at the scene and police say the crash does not appear to be intentional. also,
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an active barricade situation is happening right now here in washington, dc after three metropolitan police officers were shot while they were trying to serve an arrest warrant. d.c.'s police chief said the warrant was obtained by the humane society for cruelty to animals. officers tried to enter the home where the man was located after he refused to come outside. and that's when police say he opened fire. the suspect continues to periodically fire at officers on scene even now, a source telling cnn that there are nearly a dozen pit bulls inside of this home. the three officers injuries are non-life-threatening. we have learned a fourth officer was also injured, but not shot. >> and >> nasa's second attempt to soft-land its first us spacecraft on the moon since 19 between 72, did not take off today as planned, spacex scrubbing this morning scheduled rocket launch due to sub-optimal methane temperatures. the spacecraft named odysseus will be headed toward the moon south pole looking for signs of water ice that could possibly be made
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into drinking water or even rocket fuel. the next launch attempt set for early tomorrow morning and coming up, it's the emotional moment off the field that had people talking about travis kelce at the super bowl. now the kansas city thyden says his behavior was quote, definitely unacceptable in his new podcast, we'll have more on this ahead >> we're here to get your side of the store >> a fares bribery, prostitution. why do we keep ending up >> you can't write this stop. >> united states have scandal with jake tapper, back-to-back premiere sunday at nine on cnn >> remember space. >> and leg room that's. more like three role alexis dx >> if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with
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month golf, but need 775383882 or visit home the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> closed captioning brought to you by meso book we've offered a free book about missile filial mahfud over ten years call
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>> 1808724901, or go to meso new today, travis kelce opening up about this tense moment that we all saw during the super bowl, right? when he got in the face of his coach, andy reid and it gets bumped him on the sidelines, yelling out in space? yeah. yeah. the kansas city chiefs star now admitting that that outburst was unacceptable. he says his emotions got the best of him as we take a live look at the parade downtown in kansas city, missouri cnn's don riddell joins us. don travis added some important context to what we all saw on the sideline on sunday >> yes. so obviously he had a great weekend. do you want a third super bowl? his girlfriend flew from tokyo back to see him and everybody by all accounts, a doors taylor swift except perhaps for one or two people on the extreme right of the political spectrum, but kind of hanging over the whole thing this weekend was this exchange between his coach. he clearly was in his face. he bumped into him and knocked him off balance and travis kelce
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has now been talking about that with his brother, jason, who's also a former nfl player on their new heights cast. and this is how travis explain what went down and how he feels about it >> sometimes those emotions get away from me, man, and i've that's been the battle of my career. but everybody else, i don't i don't give him what anybody else says. i talked to coach read about it today and we kind of chuckled about it. it's definitely unacceptable. and i i immediately we wish i took a backhoe treat actually came right up to me after that and didn't didn't even have harsh words for me >> for a bit of context, guys, travis kelce did not have a great first half. he had one catch in one touchdown. that's why he was pulled off the field. that's why he was so upset. different story after the halftime show by hi asher, nine catches 93 yards and he played a key role in leading the kansas city chiefs to a third super bowl in just five years. a lot of other players have been weighing in on this as well. tom brady says that he's been in similar situations and he says, you are
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definitely not in a meditative state during games like this where the emotions are running so high. >> like you said, they turned it around after the that's your halftime show. i think that's what inspire them clearly, the roller skating, the sequence that really is just what brought it round. right now though, don, it's, it's celebration can central in kansas city as the parade is making its way through the city right >> yeah. look at that and having a great time, the weather is great as well the city seems to have just shut down for this. there was some talk that the schools couldn't afford to take another day off because they've had so many snow days recently. but in the end, it was just decided they just had have to shut the city down and allow this parade to happen. of course. they are no strangers to this, right? third time in five years, they've celebrated, they're going to try and do it again, going for a three-peat next yeah the weather is great. everybody is clearly having a good time. i would imagine the bus driver doesn't need to use sat nav anymore. they know the parade route because they're now doing it seemingly every single oh, and everybody absolutely loving
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every minute of the success of this too. >> yeah, very, very fun. all right, don. thank you so much for that. we appreciate it. >> good context to have there. >> so >> coming up, we're getting new >> details from brian laundrie's parents about what happened after he told them his fiance how the petito was quote, gone, and whether they thought he'd killed her will have that ahead >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn called >> it's. really been a gift having mom live with us. but as a nurse, my training told me she needed more help than i could provide so i connected with the place for mom my senior living advisor. understood are unique situation. she quickly
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rahel solomon in new york is cnn a razor thin >> republican majority in the house getting even thinner as democrats pick up a seat from new york special election. what that razor thin republican majority 40 just voted to impeach the first cabinet secretary in almost all hundred and 50 years. so what happens next in the senate? plus, he's back former president donald trump returning to south carolina to meet voters for the first time since going after the diploid husband of his rival, former governor nikki haley and when can an engagement ring mean more than marriage? maybe when it's part of an alleged bribery scheme involving a us senator, we're following these major developing stories many more, all coming in right here to cnn news central
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>> today, house speaker mike johnson shot go to work with a smaller republican majority than the already slim one he had yesterday. it now stands at a mere six seats after democrats flipped the vacancy he left behind by disgraced former republican congressman george santos. so how tight are these margins and what are the implications yesterday, the republicans historic impeachment of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas passed by he is single vote. >> today. those speaker johnson and other republicans downplayed the consequences of this democratic pickup, making it clear they still will not play ball on that latest bipartisan senate bill that they have the option to look at. cnn's lauren fox is tracking all of us from capitol hill. lauren, what are you hearing today from republicans? >> yeah. essentially, they're casting blame on a series of different factors related to this new york special election


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