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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  February 17, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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>> following. he's a cnn special report
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>> december 5, 1989 it was a cold night in dresden, east germany. and it would change the course of vladimir putin's life >> the >> berlin wall had just formed all over east germany, angry crowds roamed the streets lashing out at symbols of communist rule that night in dresden they found a target. >> the local >> kgb headquarters >> a mob surrounded the building >> as the hour grew later, the
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crowd grew larger inside, peering through the curtains, was a young kgb lieutenant colonel named vladimir putin >> he was terrified that they're going to storm the building >> putin was a junior officer but the boss was away. >> he was in charge. >> the berlin wall had come down. police weren't going to help. >> and he called for instructions desperate for help >> putin diouf kgb headquarters in moscow over and over again finally one official told him simply, moscow is silent. >> and i think it felt like a deep betrayal to vladimir putin was on his own >> he went down into the bowels of the building and fired up the furnace. >> he finds himself in the
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basement at a furnace, shoveling documents as he hears demonstrations out on the street. >> they are burning the secret files so fast that the furnace is blowing >> putin torched thousands of pages of kgb documents and secrets as the crowd closed in with the fire still raging, putin went outside and faced the mob by himself there are armed guards inside. he told them they will shoot you >> he's able to bluff his way outfits and tell the crowd, don't try it here. you're going to get hurt >> putin's threat worked the mob dispersed. >> this is the drama that stays with putin all the time the fear of popular uprising
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>> good evening. i'm fareed zakaria we use the think we understood vladimir putin smart but cold ruthless by calculating tough but rational the kgb man who bluffed away that angry mob in dresden. >> the >> leader carefully accumulating power over a country that spans 11 time zones but now we see a different vladimir putin reckless, emotional a gambler. the terrible bloody assault on ukraine despite military failures and massive economic costs he's even made nuclear threats should americans be afraid? 92% do not trust putin. the highest negative rating pew research has ever recorded for a world leader what is putin doing? what is he thinking? >> finding the >> answers could be a matter of life and death the story begins
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at the moment he first rose to power december 31, 1999 minute until the 21st century begins one minute until vladimir putin becomes president of russia it's a moment of high drama russia reeling over putin's sudden ascendance. >> a lot of things happened very quickly outside the halls of the kremlin. many know nothing about him >> it had all >> started just hours earlier suddenly yeltsin appeared on television >> but again, i don't will again bucha now, boris yeltsin, the first president of
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democratic russia, abruptly resigned >> but surprise announcement from boris yeltsin that he is resigning as president and turning over power to as prime minister. vladimir putin. >> it was clear. >> yeltsin had >> been struggling >> drinking and he's barely being propped up and physically propped up, disappears for weeks at a time. he's obviously had heart attacks >> the sudden handover of power left russia and the world with one overwhelming question. who is this guy >> americans and others don't know a great deal about him. and people who predict exactly what type of a president he would make are essentially blowing a lot of smoke could be the person that brings russia out of its decline. >> or he couldn't be the >> leader that makes russia into an authoritarian regime.
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again >> no one had the slightest idea what putin would do he came out of obscurity. >> it >> was it an accident that he was picked by boris yeltsin to be his successor an accident >> because boris yeltsin had already gone through five different prime ministers. >> now that one he'd pretty much cycled through everybody >> they had diverse talents, but had to meet one requirement. >> they have to guarantee you the yotam not be prosecuted after his term was over the corrupt yeltsin needed a get-out-of-jail-free card >> they settled on putin because they knew that putin would be loyal to the yeltsin family that yeltsin could retire and not be put in jail >> vladimir putin delivered the first decree that putin passed was to protect the yeltsin family so the deal was made.
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deal was made >> a lot. amir putin, a virtual political unknown three months ago. now, clearly in charge of russia putin's lightning fast rise was remarkable. but to really understand it we need to go back to the dramatic story of his life. >> st. petersburg, >> founded by peter the great 300 years of history >> the capital of the old russian empire. and the birthplace of vladimir putin >> he grew up >> not among grand monuments, but instead in the city's darkest corners. >> he's a kid from the projects >> this >> scrappy, small kid from the street. >> we lived in a single large room than a communal apartment.
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>> he grew up basically in the courtyard is really crummy building rats >> he was the only surviving child of a janitor and a factory worker >> his parents were working class. they worked all the time young putin often got into fights. >> he took up judo because he was small. he was short, and he wanted some advantage over the bigger, stronger boys >> the childhood bully putin recalls most vividly was not another boy it was a rat pasta sure would pay the simulations >> and when i saw one he says, i would chase it. >> it was a game. >> he would scare them off with a stick but one day, one rat refused to run and he corners the rat and then the rat lunges at him and all of a sudden he's defending himself in the radish, chasing him rather than
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him chasing the rat >> he escaped the rat. >> but in putin's >> tellings of this stale it has a moral a leucine can viniker. >> remember he >> says, it is better not to corner anyone >> it would be a theme throughout vladimir putin's life trapped in a corner only to fight his way out. remember as a young kgb agent in dresden, he was unarmed, outnumbered, face-to-face with an angry mob. yet he still managed to turn the tables but then in 1990 he encountered a force he could not defeat >> they're shouting freedom, freedom he came home to the soviet union, a country he did not recognize his homeland had been transformed by mikhail
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gorbachev and his policy of openness. >> glasnost this evening, the soviet experiment with glasnost, people aren't talking more freely >> there was a sense things are changing. >> a romance with things western. >> the popular culture >> begins to transform the media, opens up all of it in very rough ways. >> freedom came fast at it exposed the rock at the heart of communism >> all of a sudden, anything was possible. >> three of the most powerful republics now have joined forces and declared the old union dead >> in 1991. the soviet union finally collapsed. >> tonight in moscow at the kremlin, the red flag of the failed soviet union at last came down. and the flag of russia rose 300 years of history, erased >> soviet institutions ceased to exist
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>> among them >> vladimir putin's beloved kgb. >> it wasn't clear who he wasn't him on >> suddenly, russia began to look like the united states. >> we are opening the first mcdonald in moscow like mac is big mac. >> coca cola, coca cola >> almost overnight. >> yeah. i just got the mickey mouse new freedoms, capitalism, western values it all looked great from the west to vladimir putin. >> it was a catastrophe. >> vladimir putin views the break-up of the soviet union, as he said himself. >> to be >> the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century >> but it wasn't just geography to putin the breakup.
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he said for millions of russians away from the country, they loved the country in which they belong >> tens of millions of russians, russian speakers were quote, unquote, abandoned and ripped away from us. it didn't have to be the soviet union was our common past >> the most painful separation for putin of all of the former parts of the soviet union ukraine mattered the most. >> ukraine, the loss putin never got over part, not just of the soviet union, but also the czar's empire >> because it had belonged to russia for 300 years >> putin's brutal assault on ukraine may be the fulfillment of his greatest dream the world
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sees an unprovoked bloodbath putin sees a chance to restore the core of the russian empire i think that down deep in putin there is this sense of >> extraordinary humiliation over the collapse of the soviet union because it wasn't just the soviet union it was the russian empire he has seen the collapse of empire once, i think in his mind, he is rebuilding what was lost in 1991 the man who is fighting for his imperial dreams has cut himself off from the world. putin's isolation began during covid and has worsened while russia wages war putin has really changed in the sense that he has become much more isolated.
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>> his inner circle is set to be very small fewer than a handful of people >> now with the war going badly on a constant barrage of condemnation and sanctions from the west, intentionally killing civilians >> most people will war crime. >> you couldn't frequently lectures on values, gaza, snap, the moral values in the west are rotten, were better than the decadent west, immoral weak soft, comfort-obsessed to boudan some of the most decadent are lgbtq people. >> lgbt people are destroying the christian faith and christian churches he has brought up gender fluidity. >> a >> man as a man and a woman as a woman. the men are in charge in a recently televised conference. he mocked people quote, cannot get by without so-called gender freedoms emerge at the, by this war.
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>> and he has condemned gay marriage every family's says must have a mom and dad yet his own family is not exactly leave it to beaver. >> the woman who is rumored to be vladimir putin's girlfriend is a new target in the latest round of eu sanctions against russia he has two adult daughters, but since his 2014 divorce, he's said to have fathered several younger children with his girlfriend, a >> former olympic gymnast houden denies all of it. his private life is never talked about on russian television. >> there's absolutely no critical words about vladimir putin on the russian airways. none, not one word >> the propaganda, the isolation, the bizarre behavior. all of it worries those who study him closely he's extremely dangerous. he's backed into a corner. he is more >> dangerous than he has ever been
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>> mikhail khodorkovsky was once russia's richest command when he became a putin critic. he ended up in prison for ten years. >> door now, routinely kharkiv and if stage when he was not greeted with flowers it drove him literally insane. more scary. he has a mission to show the whole world. he is great erratic, obsessed and raged is putin now that cornered rat, he once encountered up next when vladimir >> met hollywood, you do you the putin-america bromance
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>> we're gonna have a very good meeting that goes downhill fast >> my game >> corruption lies prison. governor rod blagojevich went down in a blaze of information. >> i've done a lot wrong. criminal night. okay. well, it's one back there united states of scandal with jake tapper back-to-back premieres tomorrow at nine on cnn >> if you tried vaping the quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with three times more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes, apes increased cravings trapping you in, in and i was cravining loop new
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>> 11, 2001 >> as a >> horrific attack unfolded in new york russia's new president vladimir putin, turned to a top adviser and asked, what can we do to help the americans? >> he was the first world >> leader to call the white house that day >> i would like to say, we are in a heartfelt speech he >> told americans we feel your pain soon putin visited ground zero provided weapons and crucial intelligence to fight the taliban and declared
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emphatically to the word that kaltura click is for by the cold war is over there were glimmers of hope early on that putin could be america's friend those hopes are now long forgotten >> how did the man who once felt america's pain become the man >> who hey, the west
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>> in his first year as president >> the >> world saw very different. vladimir putin man shakes and more handshakes fled the british prime minister, >> canada don't quite the end he charmed world leaders everywhere >> visiting 18 countries around the globe he made a dramatic speech to the german parliament in german thosands is staying point lead historic patients promising that russia was friendly european nation who don't >> what i here >> at the chest. euripides could, could do based on what i've seen so far, i think that the united states can do business with this man. >> putin started out making
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gestures towards wanting to join nato most famously >> we had a great dinner last night. we have a little texas barbecue >> won the heart of president bush what we're. talking about as a new relationship, so that we can work together to make the world more peaceful >> convincing him that he was a fellow christian. >> i looked the man in the eye. i found it be very straightforward and trustworthy, was able to get a sense of his soul but there was more in putin's soul beneath those kind words for the west a manipulative former spy, well-trained in the art of deception. >> there was a kgb agent and a bitterly humiliated russian patriot >> hell bent >> on making russia great again
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biding his time >> empty stomachs and empty wallets while his nation was still weak, food shortages deteriorating living conditions >> after the collateral is told me, tenia, the economic crisis in the beginning of nine is, was really terrible. >> but in the 2000s oil prices skyrocketed. >> russians have never had so much money to spend and they're spending it like there's no tomorrow russia got rich. >> money is flooding into russia. >> and putin grew bolder and our freedom >> he berated america for invading iraq blasted the expansion of nato and in 2007 i
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still been sure he unleashed a tirade, chuck newell is leena tell the united states has overstepped its national borders every way in a startling speech in munich that marked a turning point, it leads to a situation where nobody feels secure tough russian rhetoric during criticism of american fourth house has been heard since the cold war >> he spent almost an hour excoriating the united states and blaming us for everything he's has now we were living in a world of unchecked american power. you say you're bringing democracy and freedom, but you're bringing bloodshed and chaos in retrospect, it's clear that it really was a poor tenth. what was to come >> fierce battle broke out today on the fringe of the former soviet union wooden began to strike back russian planes. again, bombing georgian
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targets invading a former soviet republic, georgia occupies 20% of the country in the course of five days. >> there was no potential reaction to that war from the west what we told the president, war has started today was forgotten and neglected. and nord within the month. >> the only question now, where will the russians go next >> in 2014 putin struck again, armed man who may be tied to the russian military to a dozen trucks full of russian to violate sovereignty but another country, and that is ukrai. >> he sees crimea with its nearly 2 million russian speakers. >> that's just one thing that adult hitler did in the 1930s. we thought those days were gone mystery government admitted to have been removed. >> all identifying marks from a uniform unidentified soldiers. >> when we asked you guys where you're from, russia's little
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green men, 30 cells in russia had crossed the border secretly they are known by their nickname, the little green men. >> just like russian special forces or ukrainian troops >> putin made bold-faced denials to western leaders will lead >> genius but soon he was celebrating russia's new land that is public year kareem is about topolia >> in a gala at the kremlin, you've got to see was having stoked the fires of nationalism his approval rating, which had been sagging shot up putin has given them their pride back. >> it wouldn't be bad to get along with russia, right? wouldn't be bad. >> boudan also found a great admirer in america >> donald trump wins the
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presidency. >> trump's victory in 2016 might be underground brad eclipse you virtually prompted wild >> celebrations in moscow number one, nato was obsolete, obsolete, obsolete >> now had a president wanted america to withdraw from nato, great to be an admirer of putin, president putin denied having anything to do with the election interference in 2016. who believed him? >> who do you believe president putin? he just said it's not russia >> over his own intelligence agencies. >> he breached a historic moment in this election >> newton's friend would end up losing the white house the people this nation have spoken. >> his successor was firmly anti-russian >> outside of kabul international airport hey sally
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band said we are going to burn you and your families a lot desperately trying to hold onto but he also >> presided over a fiasco in afghanistan meanwhile, oil prices were once again going through the roof and europe was deepening its addiction to russian energy opening oh, pretty good. spitzer, ally of >> the moment felt right >> for putin >> to take back the jewel and, russia's imperial crown up to 150 >> civilians might be buried here. execution chamber calls for war crimes trial but when putin became the butcher of ukraine, undeniable truths about the brutality of russia. >> the west had an awakening >> billion dollars worth of nato weapons flooding into you crane. >> goal here, victory for
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ukraine, weapons provided by nato constantly >> europe began arming ukraine to the teeth is getting exactly opposite what he intended to be. broccoli. >> nato wouldn't respond. >> i'm >> authorizing the distal strong sanctions >> the biden administration rallied the world western brands have suspended the royal finds nearly 30 really land on the iron curtain around what are went down this piece to do? she may >> and ukraine gave the world a new churchill. >> much of the world is unite, has been his ukraine's president. >> years of putin's efforts to divide the west >> really good >> were undone in a matter of days >> but >> putin has not given up not by any means.
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absolutely free. so 231231. no >> i'm lauren fox on capitol hill and this is cnn. closed captioning is brought to you. my csl, but creosote sweeping log helps clean your chimney. >> you've >> probably been meaning to clean your chimney with csl. it's so easy. verne, just once every 60 fires csl, the log with a chimney sweep on the box >> in late 2011, rebellion arrived in moscow chants of
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russia without putin rang out tens of thousands gathered blocks from the kremlin as the winter went longer and longer and got colder and colder, the protest got bigger and bigger >> jim. >> russia's largest since the fall of the soviet union all >> of us were very optimistic we were absolutely sure that we are witnessing the last, if not days, but okay. months of president putin >> who didn't have long feared being ousted by the west. but now he saw something even worse. his own people trying to throw him out >> popular rappers. >> if there's anything that animates vladimir putin's political moves, it's to stave off popular uprising.
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>> so putin turned the tables blaming the protests on the united states of america. the strategy worked in >> 2012. >> putin >> was reelected president in a landslide it was a rare moment of raw emotion for the strongmen >> gazelle >> he'll leave >> right >> back in control. putin looked to strike at the heart of the opposition. those behind the protests. >> it will give he realized that he needs to do something >> that protests >> of 2,011.12 were the turing >> a cold winter night in 2015? a man and woman walk across the bolshoi moscow gretzky bridge, right next to the kremlin inside the circle are the final
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moments of boris nemtsov nemtsov was a well-known opposition leader an he figure during the 2011 protests. but on this night, breaking news coming in from russia boris nemtsov shot and killed in moscow for the shots hit him in the back. >> the assassination was extremely professional. there were four or five people working. there was a spotter, there was a guy driving a snowplow to block the camera themselves girlfriend who he was walking with didn't realize he had been shot until the car was already driving off >> the kremlin has denied any involvement in nemtsov's murder but death has come often for putin's opponents during the president's reign, dozens of his critics have met a similar fate, but not every voice has been silenced alexei navalny
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electrified crowds during the two it hasn't. and 11 protests >> alexei navalny was probably the brightest star of those protests >> and his. popular youtube videos exposed the regimes corruption, dilute, summer standards 1 million near me, emily, are there amid the short curb, say in 2020, russia's only independent pollster asked who is the most inspiring person? in the country that president putin came in first up, new mayor >> but surprisingly, >> navalny showed up second august 2020. >> alexei navalny's cries fill an airplane he tells a flight attendant i'm going to die
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>> he has been poisoned. >> his underwear laced with a cold war era nerve agent. >> if the plane hadn't landed, navalny would certainly maybe dad. >> he spent the next five months in germany recovering and investigating who poisoned him >> is it your contention that vladimir putin must have been aware of this? >> of course, 100% >> putin laughed at the accusation it's who needs him. he said to putin, navalny represents the threat of a popular uprising at home >> and >> years earlier, putin was rattled by the the color revolutions abroad in georgia ukraine, and kyrgyzstan >> three popular uprisings led
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by people. >> he >> still saw as lashin each ending with a toppled strongman >> all of it moved bouton to form his own personal army >> in 2016. he created a >> national guard separate from the armed forces and under the direct control of his ministry of internal affairs precisely for these kinds of threats it's commanding general is victor zolotov. once putin's personal bodyguard it's now a massive force with almost unlimited powers it can arrest anyone, disband any group even fire on russians without any need for judicial edicts or papers >> it has recruited >> among its ranks thousands of chechen fighters, legendary for their brutality when protests
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did come tens of thousands of russians took to the streets like early last year. >> the biggest show of opposition to vladimir putin in years national guard troops and riot police were used to stomp them up >> what can i last rounds? couple of symptom will any since through mountain last year. so when you're i see even with putin controlling what russians see in the news his war on ukraine sparked more unrest and more crackdowns 15,000 were detained in the weeks after russia invaded three times more than in all of 2020 well that roof, that no protest is tolerated and no protest would be tolerated.
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>> he, may have insulated himself from a popular uprising. >> but >> what about a rebellion among a select few >> right? in his own house >> talk of a code to overthrow vladimir putin that's less of a fantasy, but still had to say, because putin hands out money, hands out. >> he >> controls everything russian elites are dependent on putin, 100%. >> so i guess he's, he's pretty safe >> for now >> vladimir putin now lives like roman emperor housed in a massive dacha outside of moscow protected by his praetorian guard and impervious to pressures of any kind like gmail which putin but one is reminded of the line about
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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raw to 369369. today this is cnn, >> the world's news network >> and now my final thoughts i met vladimir putin for the first time when he came to the world economic forum in january 2009, i was with a small group of editors who were granted an hour of time i'm off the record with the russian president he was almost an hour-and-a-half, which is very unusual at davos, because things usually run with swiss punctuality but i'd read somewhere that this was one of putin's power moves to establish the difference between him and the other person putin is not tall or imposing he's shortish of medium build and with fairly non-descript features >> he >> seemed slightly annoyed to be then began by mocking an editor whose magazine had published some tough articles on putin over the size of his ring, the man was wearing one of those large college rings.
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again, putin seem to enjoy putting others in discomfort at some kind of disadvantage. the meeting began and putin came across as intelligent extremely well-briefed, and deeply aggrieved. he began a litany of complaints against the west and american particular nato, kosovo arms control iraq later at davos when michael dell offered to build out russia's digital infrastructure, putin snapped at him saying russia was not an invalid, a developing country, it would build its own stuff. >> he seemed highly nationalistic and yet highly rational that was my impression of putin in our subsequent meetings, including one interview is this a new putin? we are now witnessing? reckless, emotional >> i don't know >> but we do know that the russian president has not stayed the same over his extraordinary reign. it is first years he courted the west
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seductively, convincing president george bush that he was so spiritual man telling the german bundestag that russia's destiny lay in the west. a speech he made in germany, deutschland, but in those early days putin desperately needed help from the west. russia had big debts and its economy had crashed then came almost a decade of high oil prices the russian economy rebounded with vigor. who does petro state was rich and with that change came greater confidence, ambition, and even expand putin began to do what perhaps he'd always wanted to do retrieve those russian-speaking lands that were part, not of the soviet union. but the older russian empire wouldn't sees himself not as a soviet commissar, but as a russian tsar in the tradition of his hero, peter the great. perhaps what changed was not putin, but the circumstances when he could, he was aggressive. this year, he
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acted because again oil and gas prices were sky high. the west seemed internally divided and weak. and europe in particular had become dependent on russian energy when you thought he had power. >> we can see what he wanted >> total control over all of ukraine >> and when he >> couldn't get that, we see the viciousness with which he has waged war on ordinary ukrainian even women and children. whatever the provocation, what leader would be that merciless is he this way due to isolation, because of covid, 22 long years in office some even wonder about an illness or mental condition. >> perhaps >> but i would rather not pathologize his behavior this is an occasion not for clinical analysis but moral judgment who may not be sick he may be evil, which is worse >> i'm fareed zakaria
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