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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  February 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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news network. >> jeff dan president biden said as he's considering new sanctions against russia in the wake of aleksey navalny, death, this as navalny's family is getting new word on how long it may take to get his body. >> vice president kamala harris is heading out on the campaign trail this week. sources telling cnn, though, she's pushing for changes within the campaign that she thinks will put the biden harris team on a path to victory >> one dorm room, two people dead, and no answers the investigation now university of colorado, colorado springs, i'm kate bolduan with fredricka whitfield and sara sidner. this is cnn news central >> we begin with, developing news. president biden said just
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moments ago, the white house is considering and additional sanctions on russia after the death of russian opposition leader alexey navalny. while he was imprisoned in russia. let's get straight to cnn's mj lee, who was there listening to these comments. do we have any idea of when this decision was made and when these sanctions might be put into place. >> yes. sara, the president, just returned to the white house after over the weekend saying repeatedly that he believes vladimir putin is directly to blame for alexey navalny's death, and that this is just one more sign of the putin regimes brutality, the news of his death, of course, as you know, has really brighten the spotlight on congress as additional us funding for ukraine remain stalled. and a question that i just asked, the president is whether he would draw that connection between congresses inaction in navalny's death. and this is a part of his response to be just now
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>> we're making a big mistake the way they're walking away greg of record, where the walking away from louisville where we're walking away or obligation >> shocking >> i, hope i don't my second question was a little bit challenging to hear, but i was asking him whether he thinks >> navalny's death will do anything to nudge house republicans to take action. he obviously didn't sound very optimistic. he also told another reporter that the us is considering additional sanctions on russia but no additional details were given by the president when he was speaking to reporters over the weekend. the president also talked about this critical ukrainian town that fell and administration officials have been warning for months and
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months that if us funding runs out, that there are going to be dent from detrimental effects on the battlefield for ukraine and enforces running out of ammunition, running out of important equipment. and that is what ukraine is saying is happening already. and the president over the weekend did say that he was concerned that additional towns could end up falling if congress doesn't take prompt action. but of course the political reality that he is grappling with right now as we just heard him talk about, is that there is a small a faction of house republicans that is not willing to take up this national security supplemental bill that does have some $60 billion in additional aid for ukraine, sara mj lee asking the important questions there and getting some good answers. thank you so much. appreciate it, fred. >> all right, sara, just moments ago, we learned that alexey navalny's body will not be returned to his family for another 14 days. that according to a navalny spokesperson, but alexei navalny's widow is now vowing to pick up his fight to bring change to russia. yulia navalnaya met with several eu
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foreign ministers this morning and before those meetings, she posted a new video online promising to find out how her husband was killed >> to slaver >> and this is just in a cowardly way. they're hiding his body, not showing to his mother, not giving to his mother. they are lying and they're waiting for the traces of another of putin snobby shock to disappear, which is color maybe cnn senior international correspondent frederik pleitgen joining us now fred, the kremlin has said that an investigation is underway. what does that mean? >> yeah. well, they said this investigation is underway and that this investigation is open-ended, that it's unclear what exactly the results of this investigation are going to be, which appears to mean that if you take into account these of navalny's comments, that apparently the body for at least the next 14 days he's going to be under some sort of investigation. they might be some sort of autopsy or other tests that are going to happen,
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obviously, as we've heard there from yulia navalnaya herself, she does not believe in any of that. she does not believe that the russian authorities are telling the truth. she was referring there to novae chalk apparently wearing off that, of course is a reference to the chemical nerve agent that not only only navalny's organization, but also internationally, a lot of countries said that alexei navalny was poisoned with earlier a couple of years ago, where then he ended up in treatment where i am right now in berlin, of course, at this point in time, it's very difficult or impossible to say what exactly happened to alexei navalny. but what we can see there from his, from his widow, from buli on navalnaya is that she does not believe anything that the russian authorities are saying and certainly what we've been seeing over the weekend is alexey navalny's mother trying to get some sort of access. first of all, to the morgue where they thought that the body was and then also to the forensics lab where they believe, but some of these tests are being done so far to no avail. all this happening in the way north of russia above the arctic circle. just to give an impression of how difficult
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that is for alexey navalny's organization and also for his family to get any sort of access. these are of course, extremely remote parts of russia were even communication can be quite difficult from those areas. so we heard there from alexey navalny's widow that they want to find out what exactly happened. but i think one of the other things fredricka that you also said is also very telling and very important. and that is the fact that she is already meeting with eu leaders, with eu foreign ministers, trying to continue his work, which is what she has vowed to do, guys all right. >> fred pleitgen. thank you so much, kate >> joining me now to talk much more about this, is juliya founding partner washington correspondent for puck julie. it's good to see you. you were there at the munich conference when the news came out of that news came out and alexei's why yulia, made that remarkable appearance just after learning that her husband was dead. what do you make of what we're now hearing today from yulia? she does. she believes is that
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alexei was poisoned once again do you think the world will get a clear answer? i don't think the world will get a clear answer. in fact, i, alexei navalny spoke about this in an interview after he he had made a long way on his recovery from the first time he was poisoned with novichok. and the interviewer asked him, if you die if if something happens to you, will we ever get an answer? well, we know what killed you and he actually said, this is what will happen if i die the kremlin is going to say was he died of some kind of cardiac failure everybody else is going to say this is very suspicious. they'll have rallies for me with people holding photographs and posters of my face on them, but we will never know what killed me. it will always be known as a suspicious death. he seemed to foretell it because frankly he knew the system so well. and i think he's right the family
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being blocked from accessing his body. putin spokesperson telling journalists this morning in a call, we are not involved in this matter and that means in returning his body, this is not the responsibility of the presidential administration and now we're learning just in the last few minutes that they've said the kremlin has said they will not be releasing his body for 14 days there's always a mind game element when it comes to a lot of what vladimir putin says at least. and i'm starting to wonder if there's a mind game element to this i think it's a pretty simple mine game >> and i can give your viewers the key to it right now. basically, whatever the kremlin says via dmitry peskov, putin's spokesperson. putin, or any representative of the kremlin all the way down to the prison authorities of the prison where alexei navalny was killed whatever they say, it's the opposite of the truth. that's it. >> so the other thing i would
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say is that when they say the body won't be released for another 14 days, it doesn't mean that the body will be released in 14 days, nor does it mean it will be released in any kind of state in which the family can use it to conduct an independent investigation? i would not be surprised if after a month or two the the relatives get a box of what is said to be nobody in his ashes and whether they are not, we won't know. but i think what's clearly happening is the state is trying to cover up what happened at trying to hide all evidence of this and make sure that we never know what happened. in fact, we saw this when navalny was poisoned, when the michoacan august of 2020, he investigated this himself with his team of investigators, as well as with christo grozev. it was on a cnn documentary, navalny >> the when he called the fsb
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>> agent, who was one of the people responsible for poisoning him. he explained how what they did to cover up, what they did. so i'm sure that that's exactly what's happening right now. >> just some context. your deep knowledge and expertise in this area, you know, alexei navalny, you reminded everyone you posted and i took was looking at it. you posted a photo of you and alexei navalny from back in 2012 when you were i believe it was right before you were leaving? russia, yulia said this morning, i will continue the work of alexei navalny and also she urged in her words, were i asked you to share with me in rage you said this weekend that there's a feeling that hope has died this weekend for the opposition movement in russia. can yulia carry this on >> well the other feeling that was voiced a lot this weekend,
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both at the munich security conference and among our positionally minded russians, was can the opposition live, survive without navalny? he was such a clear leader even when boris nemtsov was alive he organized a really impressive organization nationwide before it was shut down and raised to the ground by the kremlin. now that he is gone, i think the only person who could potentially carry on his legacy is his wife what is so striking about her announcement this morning, in addition to the fact that it's only been three days since her since she learned of her husband's death, you can see in the video that she's clearly been crying for most of those three days >> and >> what's remarkable is the whole time navalny was entering politics for last 15 or so years. yulia was always at his side, but always staying out of the limelight. she was his supporter. she was his adviser, but she never wanted to steal the spotlight from him. he was
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the face of the movement. she in the very few interview she gave, she was very press shy. she said, i don't want to be a politician myself because when alexei navalny was poisoned in august of 2020, people said, could yulia navalny be the new leader of the opposition? she said absolutely not. i want no part in this and so the fact that she has now affirmatively picked up the mantle and called then everybody to join her in the fight against the kremlin. is there a remarkable turnaround from where she has stood for the last 15 years >> yeah. >> it's great to see you, juliette, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all right. kate the us military says houthi rebels are using unmanned underwater vessels in the red sea right now, details on the us strikes take one out, and what it means for the escalating tensions. plus new cnn reporting about the active role kamala harris is taking to reshape breach
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lower your ability to fight infections including tb, serious infections and blood clots. some fatal cancers including lymphoma and skin part attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death, serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your dr. if you are or may become pregnant, >> dan saddling, ask you rheumatologists for renzo and take back what's yours and v could help you >> save once retired mark is decided, i will never again work for another man or woman i abandoned my corporate phone plan and i'll get a new plan. with consumers cellular for behalf. the cost, less coburn. when freedom calls, we're here to answer candidate john edwards cheated on his cancer-stricken wife, had a baby with his girlfriend and then try to pass it off as a >> we're here to get your side of the story >> in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper, new episodes sunday a nine on cnn vice president kamala harris is gearing up to head to
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pittsburgh tomorrow as new cnn reporting this morning is highlighting her effort to get >> more involved in the reelection pitch in a political version of put me in coach more than two dozen sources are telling cnn harris has been gathering information to help her peers what she sometimes refers to as the bubble of biden campaign thinking. cnn senior reporter isaac dovere joins me now, isaac is harris saying she's worried about where biden is and losing to donald trump. and that is why she is talking about this bubble well, what she says in these meetings is she's not worried about biden losing to donald trump. she's worried about him losing to the couch. what she means by that is that it does not seem like people are as enthusiastic and supportive of joe biden as they would need to be to turn out november, give them the votes to be where they need to be to beat trump in the quest for a second term here, what she's been doing in meetings and conversations which has been
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having on the side of events are inviting people over to her residence at the naval observatory is trying to get some information from the ground that goes for a group of governors that she had at the naval observatory last weekend for a session there, or she's ted meetings with several groups of black men leaders, people like dl hooghly and don cheadle, who were there for a black entertainment celebrity meeting in december or another one in january that was about political and finance leaders, people like hakeem jeffries he's the democratic leader of the house, trying to say to them, what is not breaking through, what can we do to get better? how do we talk about things so that people feel more connected to the work of the biden-harris administration. and there to turn out, when it comes to election time yes. >> there are some big names there on that roster and there were some numbers showing in 2020 that the number of black men, although, albeit small, went up for donald trump's. so maybe that is also part of what she is looking at. thank you so much, isaac, for your reporting
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there, fred. >> all right, sara, thank you. while kamala harris sets her sights on michigan this week, nikki haley he's going beast mode in south carolina. this as she continues her self dubbed beast of the southeast bus tour, she just got off the stage in sumter, south carolina just moments ago, and earlier, she was on fox news with this prediction about how she'll match up against donald trump in her state i think it's going to be close. i think it's going to be competitive and we can't wait to go to michigan the day after >> all right, with us now cnn political commentators, se cupp and republican strategist rina shah. good to see you both, ladies. all right. marina, you for six days to go to the south carolina primary. nikki haley is really a native. a win if she doesn't pull off south carolina is michigan. even a factor >> it absolutely is a factor because south carolina, while it is her home state, is a
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place where it would be a huge, huge morale boost that would give her that momentum that we often talk about. but it's not necessary. i am concerned about the delegate math and i'm concerned about super tuesday. so i'm one of the people saying that she should stay through super tuesday because as we know, coast-to-coast, lots of races, some are winner-takes-al l. but after that date, the way i see it, it becomes mathematically impossible for her to win the nomination in very conventional way. of course. >> but here we are in >> this moment where it is looking dicey and her campaign recognizes that. so i'm not surprised to hear her sort of really peel back the vinny or sometimes have heard of this very fancy traditional, conservative. she is starting to go for the jugular more. it remains yet to be seen whether that is going to be impactful. but again, there is a strong camp of folks, including former congresswoman liz cheney that believes like me she should stay in through south carolina, pass carolina and into super tuesday to see what happens there
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>> all right. and essay you just heard, isaac dovere is reporting vice president kamala harris. she's not worried about louis i think to trump instead, she's worried about losing to the couch a similar sentiment shared by a radio host. charlemagne, listen the crops that are republicans. the cowards that the democrats because they don't fight hard enough on anything. and you know the couches, voter apathy. and you know, that's that's what everybody is up with. deeds in 2024. and right now, right now, it feels like the couch is going when >> all right, so s.c. perhaps this isn't just a democratic problem. do you think the couches a big problem for the republicans as well? >> i mean, if we're looking at the two primary states that have voted, iowa, new hampshire, that's not a factor. we've had really high turnout in both of those states. and i think while a lot of people are coming out to support trump because his base is pretty active. i mean, 40 plus percent
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of the republican party is coming out in support of someone other than donald trump in iowa was 49% voted for someone other than donald trump and new hampshire was 40% voted for nikki haley. i talked to her campaign this morning and they made that exact point that the republican party is divided. it is not coalesced around trump despite sort of a media narrative that it is and that he is inevitable. rena's right. i think she's looking to stay in for the long haul and as long as she is reaching that sort of 40% threshold, there are buyers for nikki haley. there are buyers and voters. there are buyers and donors. people want an alternative to donald trump and she is giving them that alternative. and i think she's looking past south carolina. i know that she's already in camping in michigan. i thanks. she wants to be sort of the last man standing here. >> okay. and this morning, donald trump, i mean, he posted
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about alexei navalny's depp, but he has yet to condemn navalny's death or be critical of putin. but trump did compare navalny's death to his own political troubles. what's your reaction to that? rina >> i find it nonsensical. it's another page out of trump's playbook that looks to make himself the victim. this is a republican party that again, sort of tropics fear and what he's doing by picking up the navalny note is saying be fearful of what they're going to do to you if you're a dissident from somehow the biden administration look, he doesn't understand the communicating this way is it is entirely anti-american. frankly, i'm let's just call it what it is. this is a former president who is now hopkins sneakers for money. you do just got to look at the situation on its face. he's doing everything to save themselves. so that means taking a tip bit of news from over and russia, even though he frequently calls people commies it just doesn't add up. and most thinking
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americans believed this, they know the former president is trying to save himself and he will pick up this narrative and continue forth with it for so long as he continues to get praise in places like south carolina from sitting electeds, liked senator tim scott and congresswoman nancy mace, who know better. but again, this is a former president in trouble in peril. and so you're gonna see him again use the messaging that everybody thinks it's fine to do these days in the republican party, which is cry victim hood, there's a very small segment that is still out here saying we're not victims were americans and donald trump needs to recognize that and sas, speaking of those sneakers i mean, he did launch these gold sneakers and they reportedly sold out within hours >> after he was hawking them your thoughts, i mean, is this about just appealing to people? i mean, he's all about branding. i mean, certainly that's not the kind of money
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it's going to that's going to help in his penalties court 355 court penalty the and, that's just one, right? >> look >> donald trump has been grifting off of the backs of his own supporters for years and years, lying to them. remember, the fundraising to stop the steal. he was asking his own supporters to give him money so he could stop the steal of his own election. >> we use that >> money to line his own pockets. some of it went to melania's makeup artists. i mean, he is always using his supporters, many of whom have gone to jail for donald trump because of january 6. he doesn't care about his voters and his supporters. he just wants their money. he'll take the rnc's money to pay off his own legal bills. i mean, it's crass, it's gross but it's a grift and you have to wonder when trump's supporters are
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going to realize that they're being used in this manipulative way. >> all right, we'll leave it there for now. se cupp rina shah. great to see about. thank you. kate >> us drone has crashed in yemen and we have new reporting coming in now about the investigation underway to find out exactly why that for britain >> the greatest stage they told >> about lifetime to champion men, tell us when they use just for men to eliminate gray, there's a great before-and-after >> then. there's the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men chew just for men were building a better postal service. all parts working in sync to move your business bulwark for more value over liability and more
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they are the oldest people to run for president breaking by only four years the record that >> in the news hosts comedy central's the daily show, tonight, love company central. >> if you lived or worked at camp lejeune, north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 through december 1987, and have been diagnosed with cancer, neural behavioral affects, fertility issues, or more, you may qualify for financial compensation. a new law passed by congress now allows veterans and survivors to seek damages for harm from exposure to contaminated water at camp lejeune, coal settle at camp lejeune, coal settle rock legal group to discuss
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happened to an unmanned us drone, us officials are saying it crashed in yemen. the iran-backed houthis claimed to have shot it down we've also just learned a crew aboard a commercial ship and the gulf of aden, yemen has been forced to abandon ship. this is after it was attacked last night by the houthis cnn's natasha bertrand has more on all of this from the pentagon, jaja, there's a lot going on. what are you hearing about these latest attacks? >> yeah, kate, so we're learning that the vessel that was attacked today in the gulf of aden, the crew actually had to abandon that because of an attack by the houthis, which the houthi said was carried out because this ship was linked to the uk. now, in fact, it as a vessel that was registered to the uk. but this it's really goes to show that the houthis have been targeting really any and all vessels in that commercial waterway that they believe has any links whatsoever to the us, to israel, to the west, because they say that they're launching these attacks and retaliation for israel's war inside gaza. and we know this also comes
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just a few days after the us hit a number of houthi anti-christ anti-ship ballistic missiles that were preparing to launch according to us central command, as well as a new capability that houthis have not employed before, which is essentially an underwater drone, a sea drone, that of course is very dangerous and capable of inflicting a lot of damage on these ships transiting this waterway. now i can tell you that last week when i was on board these ships that are responding to these houthi attacks packs the personnel onboard. there there were very concerned about these ongoing attacks and it has all the more concerning because the us does not have a great understanding of just how much of the houthis capabilities actually remains. they been carrying out these strikes on houthi targets inside yemen repeatedly over the last few months. but the houthis still have quite a bit stockpiled, including getting a lot of weaponry that is underground at this point. so it's a very dangerous environment for the us military that they're operating in there. and they don't have a good sense of just how much longer they're going to have to keep up this fight. >> and to that point, i mean, putting putting those capability is now on display
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with is underwater drone. it's great to see you thank you so much for the reporting sir. >> all right. joining us now, former nato supreme allied commander and founder of renew america together, general wesley clark, general, thank you so much for being here. i wanted to start with a washington post headline which talks about what is happening with iran and iran according to their reporting, is telling its proxies to basically knock it off to try to lessen these attacks. worried that this will start an actual fight between the us and iran. what are your thoughts? >> on hearing that >> well, i think it's a tactical pause by the iranian government if it's, if it's, if it's correct. in the sense that they've got assets, they don't want to lose inside iran. they're getting very close to a nuclear capability and they don't want to give the united states or israel a pretext for going after that capability. so maybe we're
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going to pause and in the action. but that remains to be seen. israel remains convinced that it has an existential threat to the north end of the south and so this is a long way from being played out, no matter what iran says. >> i do want to ask you about what is happening in ukraine and russia we have been gotten word today that the russian authorities will not be releasing alexey navalny, the opposition to lead opposition shen, most famous opposition to putin. his body. he died in prison for the next couple of weeks. there has been some response in russia. do you think this will be enough of a distraction to have some impact on russia's war in ukraine? or do you think this is something that they can complete lately keep separate basically >> watching, can shard russia. it may not have very much impact, but i think it will have an impact in the west because it's very clear that navalny was poisoned or some
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other some other means which used to kill him. and this is why the body is being held. they want to prevent the autopsy and more adverse publicity so this is a kind of event that stirs up, especially our european allies i'm confront the reality of who vladimir putin is, what is regime is, and the serious nature of the and so in that respect, it will have an impact. will it change the voting? will people come out and up tens of thousands and demonstrate know what i do have to commend the courage of his widow who's speaking out now and says she's going to pick up the mantle. and i hope that it will continue to mobilize opinion in the west because we're the ones who have to help the people in russia. they can't open cells. >> we have certainly seen this before with other opposition leaders being poisoned, people falling out of windows at hospitals. i do want to ask you about abdivka in ukraine, which the russia now claims to have full control of the last time i
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think we saw this happen was bakhmut in 2023. can you give us some sense of what this particular area means and how bad it is for ukraine role of defka was protecting series of road junctions that >> held a eastern front together for the ukrainians. and so when it falls and there's no easily defensible ground to the west of our deep guy. it opens a whole and the ukrainian defenses. now they have been putting in defenses in depth, whether they've been sufficient, whether they're in this location or not, we don't know. we're just going to have to see there's some confusion in the battlefield. the russians are saying they captured a lot. it was disorganized. the ukrainians are saying most of their people were brought out. it wasn't disorganized. if the russians had the strength, they would blow through and try to go all the way to the dnieper river. if they could at this point apparently that's not happening. they probably
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expended and culminated their offensive with abdivka, at least for now. but that's a very important issue that we have to continue to watch her because this could open a hole in eastern flank of the defense. and if the russians had the strength and now they've got, they're using their airpower much more effectively in the adieva battle and they have in the past they could initiate a war of movement east of the nipper river. there could move many, many miles and seriously dislocate the defenses that are protecting kharkiv and even kyiv itself so and a very dangerous time in the war >> general wesley clark always great to have you on with your analysis there. thank you so much, fred. >> all right, thanks, sara, still ahead to people fatally shot inside a dorm room at the university of colorado police say it doesn't appear to be a
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murder suicide. what we know about the victims and the investigation vegas. >> the story of sin city. sunday at ten on cnn, liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. >> that's great. >> i know i've been telling everyone how many people did you tell? >> only >> pay for what you need >> lucky. >> fair. the oldest people to run for president breaking by only four years, the record that the news hosts comedy central's daily show. tonight love it. company central >> i'm getting vaccinated and pfizer's pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine tell him because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia >> already gotten pneumonia vaccine. but i'm asking you about the added protection of
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help find any ambition you're hungry to achieve, like investing in everyone's dinner table. thank was so far hi to earn a higher apy and an epic welcome bonus. so phi, get your money right >> close captioning, bronchi by meso mesothelial mom. it's all we do with >> local offices throughout the country or does hope you get the compensation you deserve 800 to eight to 44, 44 police in colorado springs are investigating a double homicide after two people were found, shot in a dorm at the university >> of colorado on friday. the official cause of death is still under investigation, but police discovered each victim with at least one gunshot wound cnn's lucy kavanov is in denver for so lucy, what can you tell us about the investigation >> fred unfortunately, still more questions than answers police are certainly keeping
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their cards close to their chest. we do you know that this is a double homicide. the identities of the two young victims now revealed and we also know according to police that while the suspect has not been arrested, are identified, they don't believe there's a threat to the public in fact, they say in a statement issued last night, quote, this was an isolated incident between parties that were known to one another and not a random attack against a school or other students at the university. now, asked for these victims, there was 26 year-old sealy rain montgomery of pueblo, colorado. she was not a student at this university, but she was found dead in that dorm room. the young man who was killed twenty-four-year-old, sam knob of parker, colorado. now, he was a registered student at uccs, the school describing sam as a senior who was studying music, i believe if we actually have footage from uccs music program showing sam performing at one of the conference concerts there he played guitar. the school also saying
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that he was a beloved member of the visual and performing arts department and accomplished guitar player and an extremely talented music addition, friends who were obviously shocked by this, describe him as an outgoing, bubbly person who can talk for anyone and everyone for hours. they are grieving the sudden unexplained loss and death it's basically what we have so far. classes remain closed, but the university is open for people to process their grief. there are counselors onsite, there's gonna be a march today as well as therapy dogs fred sara we have i can just a moment, but first, here's dr. sanjay gupta with this week's chasing life i'm dr. sanjay gupta host of cnn's chasing life podcast. these days, it feels like multitasking is a mandatory way of modern life. we're in the middle of one thing and then a text and you pivot to another
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to actor michael j. fox at last night hi, it's british film awards boxes michael j. fox, >> who surprised presenter for the best film category and the audiences you can see gave him a very long ovation, bringing people the tears the entered the stage and a real in a wheelchair and he walked the final few steps to the podium. as you well know, fox is bravely has britain previously battled and live as parkinson's since 1991, his life, his journey captured in a winning documentary. still denominator 30 years, he's had parkinson's and he's still i saw him at a game at a basketball and he's put so much money into trying to fight targets. >> it's actually a beautiful thing beautiful, thank you for being here heart do now yeah, there and everybody was never we can all cry together and i'm glad to see you. thank
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