tv Laura Coates Live CNN February 22, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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get celebrate your milestones accustomed gear get started today at custom-make dot com >> laura coates live next on cnn >> close captioning brought to you by in vet help call 180071 000 20. do you have an >> invention idea but don't know what to do next cohen van helped today. they can help you get started with your idea called now 807100020 >> news tonight on the case that is shaking up hollywood and work hard bring it as no one else can. tonight on laura coates live well it's the case
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to put alec baldwin and a very unwelcome spotlight. the october 2021 death of cinematographer halyna hutchins, who is tragically hit by a live round of ammunition fired from a prop gun held by baldwin during a rehearsal on the set of the movie rust well, they were opening statements today marking the start of the trial of hannah gutierrez reed, who served as the film's armorer. now she has pleaded not guilty to two counts of involuntary manslaughter, and also to tampering with evidence. hutchins death prompting questions as to how live ammunition could have possibly ended up on the movie set? five live round and one spent live round were actually found by investigators according to the probable cause statement. now, if she is convicted of these crimes, she faces up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine for each of the counts baldwin is also in a san trial on a involuntary manslaughter trial and charge in connection with the killing. now he has also pleaded not
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guilty and is previously said that he did not pull the trigger the trigger wasn't pulled and pull the trigger zone. >> you never pulled the trigger? >> no. no, no. >> i would never point a gun anyone and pull a trigger at them. never >> well, tonight we're taking you inside our own virtual courtroom where our court of public opinion will hear it. legal arguments on this question. should hannah gutierrez reed be found? i'm guilty of involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence, and you're gonna hear to extremely top lawyers to do some role-playing today and lay out the arguments on both sides of that question. we have the former federal prosecutor, elliot williams, who argue that she should be found guilty and criminal defense attorney brandy hardened will argue that she he should not be found guilty. then our jurors in this court of public opinion are going to weigh in. they are a diverse group of strangers meeting tonight for the very first time to share their opinions with each other. and of course, you, this is not a court of law. are
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jurors will not be rendering a verdict, but they will tell us what they think of the arguments that they're about to hear tonight. hi, there are new to me. i have not heard from these people before, and i'm very curious to see what they think of the arguments. let's begin. i want to begin with elliot williams. elliot, what is your case for why hannah gutierrez reed committed involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence. make your case to the jury. >> thank you, judge. code so here's the thing. under any metric, any measure, this was a tragic situation and a tragic case all around. no question, but here's the thing. alec baldwin is not on trial here, the producers, other people are on trial here. hannah gutierrez reed is and the defense today in court spent a lot of time trying to point fingers at all these other people who didn't have central role. now, she's on trial. the big one is involuntary manslaughter. and let's look at what the law actually says. involuntary manslaughter as let's pull it up. and the big language is when an individual might cause death without due caution and
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introspection. now there's a big crazy fancy lawyer words, but in plain language that means don't be sloppy and don't be incomplete in your work. now, her job was being an armorer on a movie set. now, when you're an armorer, you're responsible for one thing. you have one job, keep people safe, onset, be responsible for the transport and storage of ammunition and live firearms on set. now let's look at the gun. let's look at the kinds of things that she was responsible for keeping a real gun, a live gun that she failed to keep secure. now, how did that happen? how is she negligent? she violated safety protocols and prosecution laid that all today and failed to perform basic checks on the weapons and ammunition even more than the firearm. now one of the things that came up today quite a bit was this question of what's a dummy round and what's a live round? how do you tell the difference between a dummy round of ammunition and a live round of ammunition. now the prosecution came forward and said today that look that one in the second row over from
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left, it's got a box around it. it's got a little silver dot as opposed to the copper dot, right? you know look at it. it's live round of ammunition. the other ones are not they are not copper. now, here's the thing. the defense tried to make the case that while sometimes dummy ones or silver or sometimes live ones are whatever, the one person who can answer that and it's responsible for knowing whether it's a dummy round are live ground is the woman you're about to see right here with ammunition on her lap, her job was to figure out what these things were and secure any firearm that was going pardon me, any ammunition that was going into any firearm that was on the set, this whole notion of well, sometimes things happen on sets and get mixed up. that's sloppy. >> you have one job. she failed in her one job with deadly consequences. that's why what the prosecution are you today is accurate. >> we've now heard from the prosecution's summation of what
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is presented in court today. let's hear from the defense sayyed brandy harden. >> yes. so let me just start i by saying hannah gutierrez reed did not bring live bullets onto that set. she did not put live ammunition into that weapon. she did not fire the gun and she's not the person who should be held responsible for this crime. now, what you heard from the government today mostly is just a theory of the case and it's just that it's a theory. let's be clear. there's no dna on that live round there, no fingerprints. there's no video of her doing it and that's because she did not put that live round into that gun. now, hannah gutierrez reed was 24 years old and she was hired as you've heard to be the armor on that set and that's important because one of the things that she was responsible for doing was obviously bringing guns onto the set but also she had been trained. she she was someone
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who had graduated from school. she had a degree. she went to film school, but she was trained by the best her dad, mr. ray and so she was very much aware of what it was that she needed to do on this set and she did that and she did it well now, one of the things that even though she was the armorer, she was also supposed to be the proper assistance, so she was splitting her time in half, but it was really stressful. so stressful that she sent an email to her boss saying, can i get some help? let's take a look at that >> you're going to hear that ms guterres reed emailed the production manager, gabrielle pickle, who was on to say, you're going to hear debra real pickle and she asked her for more armor days. she said and this email, when i'm not able to focus on my armor duties, this is when mistakes happen and she was she was telling her this now, ms pickle came back and said no, we only
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have eight armor days and that's all you're going to get. >> after she sent that email, did she get any help? >> no >> and now that something has happened, they want hannah gutierrez to be the scapegoat, but hannah gutierrez reed did not load that gun with live round. and just as you heard, dummy rounds and live rounds, they definitely look the same just because it has that little silver hole in the top does not mean that it's a live round. we can take a look at this right here, where the government has that red box that does not mean that that's a live round. in fact, she talked to the police and she told them she loaded the gun with dummy rounds the only keep in mind, hannah gutierrez reed did not load that weapon with a live round. she did not load the gun with anything other than dummies. she did not fire that weapon and she should not be the person held responsible for this crime.
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>> randi elliot. thank you so much for making these arguments. again, they are based on what was presented as evidence in court through testimony. and of course, it will expect it to be shown in the courtroom. i want to now turn to our jury in this court of public opinion i want to hear what your reaction has been to what you are hearing. and most importantly, want to begin with that photograph that we've d now more than once from both sides, that picture of the so-called dummy rounds and the live rounds. what is your reaction to seeing this? of course, it's the red box and the square that's surrounding the one with the silver center i wonder if that's a core with any of you here i think that whether or not that that is a dummy round or a real bullet, i think the fact is, and as the prosecution was saying, >> is this was her job to make sure that even if this was situation where live rounds did come onset, that she was kind of the buffer to make sure that terrible situations like this didn't end up happening do you? i share that opinion. >> yeah. i can understand why the bullets would be kept in that. so close together.
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there's really not necessary they should be separated better. the dummy and live rounds. and i would think if i were the armor that would be a concern of mine. and to make sure that they were definitely separated where everybody knew what was what you're nodding during and before? yes. yeah. they are definitely levels of negligence throughout this case. and the evidence apparently shows that there were live ammunition just on set and that as you amara, she misread, did not check the actual ammunition that was in the gun in question because it matter it didn't strike anyone. you heard from the defense presentation that she felt that she was stretched too thin, had sent an email, asked me for help saying, listen mistakes could get made. oh, you're rolling your eyes. yeah. well, as somebody that is responsible for for such as an armor or for something. so potentially dangerous as that ended up she could have said,
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let's stop we can't continue until i get some more help. that was her decision to make to continue, even though she said she was spread too thin. >> turn number three, i think going back to the first part of the segment when we saw the bullets in the picture, i think right now if you look at it, there should have been a clear differentiation of before it happened and when they're alive, because i think it's pretty obvious to when it was loaded and stuff that if we already knew about it, how come like, no one prevented that from happening. and if someone already knew that something would happen like that and why it didn't, no one prevented. so i think there's a whole theme of accountability and then i agree with the whole team of negligence as well because i don't think that was there and that was a major lacking part of it because it was clear that an intimidating a picture like that. and if you know that it was already loaded and it was about to load into the fire. i think we clearly know that there should have been a major way to prevent that step. so i would say the word scapegoat is circling
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around in my head. it was raised as a potential defense. did you see that as persuasive at all? >> not really, especially just considering this is her responsibility. there's always a risk that when there's weapons on a set that something might happen tragic like this. and that's why they have an armor on set. and that was her job. so now that's not going to nothing to me even though she didn't load she didn't there's no evidence of her loading and she did not fire. did that strike record? >> not really because for me the safety piece still come in question for her job responsibility that clearly safety was the main factor and there were definitely issues around the procedures and policies these as well as protocols and keeping the set safe. >> one of the key questions is how the bullets actually got onto the set. this came up in the courtroom. listen to this the armorer is responsible for is sourcing and purchasing blank and dummy ammunition. >> sara zachary was the prompts
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head so as the head of props department, she was ms gutierrez reed, boss. in that role. sara zachary had to source the ammunition and had the source to firearms >> how important is it to each of you who brought the bullets to set down the line der one, is it important to who brought the blood so set to decide whether she is liable not to decide whether she's liable. know during umber to know, she should have she should have checked them no matter what. >> number three i mean, i would have to figure i feel like before that there should have been a major pre-step to how things set up, because obviously when you're going live and when you can make that quick transition, it can become very detrimental as you can see right now. so i will say that there has been a major lacking part of how they didn't they weren't vision gentlemen about it and they didn't take extra precautions during that before? >> no. but i do see where the supervisor has a role in supervising the ama were to keep the set safe?
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>> each hear the word. >> they at one point in time. but there's only one person who is the defendant in this particular case. is that suggests that you think that more than one person could be held responsible. you're shaking your head. >> i do because of the level of negligence. i just don't see it pinpoint just towards misread. i see levels of negligence. >> does that impact her guilt or let's at that there were levels. juror what know, i think >> even if other people were negligent it doesn't change the fact that she was or was not in this case. >> juror to pursue >> no, it doesn't change it. i do believe that she's negligent, but i don't know that she should shoulder the entire burden. >> three well, i mean, i will say that everyone at the end, i guess we know she's going to have, you know, the main heat, i guess, right. in terms of the headline, but i think overall there needs to be accountability for the whole team because obviously, since you're working together universally and have one person like screws up as in this particular case then yes, the accountability should be pretty equivalent, but obviously, she might have a little, more of the tension compared to other since she was mainly in that same present.
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>> i am very intrigued about the accountability discussion and the layers and how you see it in terms of the chain of custody of the bullets and beyond, stick around where to come back to you and pick your rent a little more. it'll be your turn to ask the questions >> next. >> united states of scans with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn we have a garage door that doesn't lift. >> so i went on angie, it took me just a handful of minutes. so vendors >> who were knowledgeable, they higher quality work, they wanted us to be happy with the work then as well. it is a beautiful ghraieb. >> say, get started today at row now offers glp-ones, the revolutionary weight-loss medications. everyone is talking about with roe, get the care you need to lose 15 to 20% of your body weight with one shot get started at slash. who's 20? >> i've always been fraud to the hair thinning is getting older. >> i was under law stress. >> i started taking neutrophil
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resonate with the court of public opinion. were you surprised by i want surprised. i think it's the government's burden to prove that actually she's the person who was negligent with respect to this gun. and i think, you know, if there's no evidence that she did that, that's something that the government fails in terms of their burden. and i would hope that that would be something that resonates with a jury. i think one of the other thing this is that it was important for the defense lawyer in court today to say hannah gutierrez reed was not the person who was responsible for bringing these boxes of bullets there. that was sara zachary, and qvc and so, you know, if there are other people responsible that seems to me to indicate that there's no proof that she's it's the one that actually put any live round into a gun. >> any questions from the jurors on that point? >> what's the standard for the industry of who should be the determining person of when the gun is safe or not? not who brought the bullets then somebody is going to put the
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bullets in the gun he said that she didn't. but nonetheless, does she not have to check that? i mean, is that not part of the part of the job description and what's expected shows you think, well, you could be arguing the case from here because you just perfectly laid out the definition of negligence in effect, which is that you are held to to the same standard as a reasonable person in the same position. it wasn't an accident that i've put the law up their first to note that regardless of what you think about who put bullets, where or whatever, one person whose job literally had the title of armorer, whose job was safety onset was negligent in a major aspect of that. now, look and i think it's a great job of a defense attorney to sort of muddle some of that up and think, well, maybe other people might have been responsible and so on. but, but in terms of the negligence or carelessness, sloppiness standard, it really just comes down to how would someone else who should have had your position? how should they have behaved and the argument at
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least being but forward here is that yeah. you just didn't meet that. >> by the way, there is another criminal defendant in a separate action who's not a part of this. his name is alec baldwin, a very prominent actor who is the person who they will allege in the defense broke the quote, unquote golden rule of firing the weapon. i wonder when you think about this case in relation to perspective, other layers of accountability what strikes you in terms of him >> well, and i'm curious what you guys would say to this. is there an argument for the fact that if that bullet never got into that gun, that that kind of breaks a chain of causation where then him firing the gun and actually being the person that did that doesn't matter, you know, a couple things and so on the who's at fault for firing the gun, which is also a good sort of defense strategy >> for, well, let's get away from the defendant here. think of it this way the person who drives the getaway car in a homicide may not have pulled the trigger, but there's still equally culpable well, at least
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under the how america crafts its laws, equally culpable in that murder. now, you can quibble about whether that's a good thing or a bad thing or not. one need not, particularly in these even accidental homicide cases, one need not necessarily be the trigger person if the law says that now, if you were negligent, you actually could be held responsible. so maybe alec baldwin is two, but and i just think in terms of negligence is a little bit different from aiding and abetting. right. and so the negligence standard is whether or not she was actually negligent and one of the things that's going to come out in the trial is that right before she gave the gun? been to halls? she did do a safety check. so it's not that she didn't check it. she then left and halls and alec baldwin did whatever they did in terms of handling the weapon and ultimately, she wasn't present for that. but again, she did do the safety check initially before the gun was given to alec baldwin. and so i do think that negligence is a little but different and i don't think that the government can meet the standard here of showing actual negligence. >> know what words you're not
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hearing, intent to one of you want to explain why you're not hearing the word intent? >> i don't have the statute right in front of me in terms of whether it would need to be willful or knowing in this. >> and he's to be reckless. standard is gonna be right recklessness, carelessness, and that's going to be the standard. and i think it's still a high standard. it's not quite intentional, but in order to show reckless, it needs to be a certain amount of conduct that the government can establish. and i think here where hannah gutierrez reed actually did a safety check before she gave the gun to mr. hall's they can't meet the standard of negligence. did do >> in contrast, me say this still on the sort of negligence, recklessness, whichever bar they have to hit. think about how many films you see every day, week, month, year that involve firearms getting shot how often is someone killed on a movie set? it's so rare. and why? hi because the only time it happens is when somebody is grossly negligent on a movie set, right? it's not a common occurrence. not since i think brandon lee and i'm like 2004
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or something like that. so, yeah. i mean, look, there are holes in this case with the prosecution has convicting this individual might be tough, but just look at back to this question of being compared against others in similar roles. it's happened before, but people don't really get killed on movie sets. >> let me take a quick poll from each of you right now, did hearing what you heard today change your mind about this case? yes or no? >> no. >> no? >> absolutely not. >> no. >> we got an >> absolutely not among that as well. i want to thank brandi hardened and elliot williams, and of course a special thanks to our jurors in the court of public opinion. i was eager to hear what you had to say and how you thought about the case in real time. if you want to be a juror on our next court of public opinion, get in touch with us by filling out the formula you can access by scanning the qr quote on the screen or email. laura coates, jury at the family of the dual russian american citizen being held in russia on
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treason charges, is now breaking their silence, will speak to casenia, carolina's former mother-in-law about what she fears could happen next >> that night out on the ice, he saw something. >> i saw nothing either with so much charming man, you are ever going to meet or he was your worst night? >> he was bad, man. >> you've adopted a kid and now they're trying to kill you. >> want people to pay for what they've done >> you have to dig to get to the truth >> this is going to bad for everybody i kept the cabin for three days. could it be sweet >> what i'm trova are short have on weekends was that mr. sir?
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should be buried. it is illegal >> she says that she is being threatened if she does not agree to that secret funeral meanwhile, navalny's widow and daughter meeting with president biden today just after he called putin, a quote, crazy sob the kremlin responding saying that after that statement relations won't be resolved, quote with simple apologies. >> and they >> likely won't be because president biden is expected to announce the on more than 500 russian targets tomorrow, some of which are directly on putin and there's the other factor. >> thirty-three-year-old >> dual russian, american citizen, because anya karelina still in custody in russia tonight facing the possibility of up to 20 years in prison. >> why >> for donating $51.80 to a ukrainian charity in the us? united states >> i want to bring in elliott,
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nora cerebral ski. she is the former mother-in-law of casenia, a. karelina leonora. thank you so much for being here every time i hear the number that she donated to a charity and think about what she is facing now in russia, i'm just so sorry for what is happening. think to your family you are very close with casenia. what did you think when you heard that she had been arrested, accused of treason? >> we weren't shock all of my family when we heard the news. we was so devastated. and of course, the first minute we heard about that, we started worrying about her because she's just such a gentle lady, just such a delicate human being and been in jail in russia. it's not easy for the big man. and she is just a child who is very, very delicate. so of course we are
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trying to help her out somehow, but it has been a difficult couple of days since we heard the news. i know she she has been taken into custody at the end of january but we just learned about that two days ago. >> do you have any idea why? because anya was going to russia, did she express any fears about going to russia? >> not at all >> immediate family is inversion for mom or dad. her grandparents and her younger sister and scene is the one who loves russia so she was all always always proud to be russian and she never had any fears of going back. and in fact, that she donated something to somebody is just showing what kind of person she is i mean, we are all here and our friends or hear from former soviet union and we have friends from ukraine, story neolithic, et cetera. if somebody from her ukrainian
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friends asked for help and xi and she did show some help. so this is just who she is. >> there is so much upheaval to say the least right now in russia, we learned about alexey navalny's death just a few days ago how concerned are you for casenia safety knowing of course, the amount of time that she may be facing based on these charges it's frankly around the amount of time that alexei navalny was facing in prison >> right. and i also was reading about the change and they're trying to implement she may face the lifetime imprisonment instead of 20 years. so needless to say, we're extremely concerned about that, not only about the period of time, but also about her physical being, and about her mental been as well because it's extremely difficult to
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face the circumstances that she is in. >> i wonder if you've thought but given that the tension between the united states and russia right now, obviously the relationship or really lack thereof between putin and biden. are you worried that that tension might make it even harder to get casenia back home to the united states yes, definitely. so an actually, i am trying to talk to you right now and i'm trying not to say anything extra because i do not want to harm her in any way. i just want to tell you how wonderful she is. she's just exquisite human being, extremely kind, extremely honest, extremely sweet. so i want to concentrate on that rather than discussing something else just in order not to harm her. >> eleni ora. i certainly understand that. and just the difficulty of this circumstance and wanting to share this story
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and bring a lot of attention to someone you obviously love. very much. leonora sweep roski, thank you so much for joining us this evening. >> you are welcome and thank you for the wonderful coverage >> we have. breaking news tonight from donald trump's legal team, the former president's lawyers have filed several motions in the mar-a-lago classified documents case. they want to dismiss the case, perhaps unsurprisingly, but why is the issue there citing, among other things presidential immunity, they're also arguing special counsel jack smith was unlawfully appointed in the first place, and that comes after trump co-defendant carlos olivera, asked to judge dismissed charges against him because he says he had, quote, no clue what was in the boxes that he moved around around. mar-a-lago up next should a school be able to punish the young man on your screen over his hairstyle will tell you what a judge decided next
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>> in-school suspension after a judge ruled his houston area school district can can restrict the length of male students natural hair. darryl george sued after his school to the length of his hair, violated its dress code. the argued his twisted locks, which she wears on top of his head, violates its policy because it would fall beneath his shirt collar >> when let down it means a lot to me it's my roots, you know, is how ai is how i feel closer to my people have feel closer to that, to the answer to my ancestors. you know? i started my dress for a reason. and that's just a field close to my people for his argument against this cool senator around the crown act for place that took effect in september and prohibits race-based hair discrimination. but the judge agreed with the school who argued that law doesn't cover the length of hair. >> let's >> bring in cnn's victor blackwell, who has been following this story. and first of all, i'm so glad that you are here because i've always
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loving your show. thanks for joining me tonight, but tell us how we got here. victor well, thank you for having me first. let's just reiterate. we're talking about hairstyle here. that is kept darryl george out of his regular classroom since august of 2023 is either been in in-school suspension, as you mentioned, but for a period he was at an alternative school because he won't cut his hair. and as you said, it's not that his hair comes below his eyebrows here lobes, and the top of his collar. it's that even in an ap style that would its let down, it's a violation. how we got here today, the barbers hill school district has asked for this declaratory judgment to determine is this a violation our school rule of violence one of the crown act, which prohibits discrimination based on texture and style of hair commonly associated with race or culture. now, the judge determined that because length
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is not specifically mentioned, it is not a violation. there is a parallel federal law a suit that darryl george has family has filed against the governor of texas, the state attorney general, and the school district says this is a violation of his civil rights. they will also appeal that federal case is still on track >> the idea that if it were to be let down, that it could possibly be too long. i mean i have natural hair. if i were to have my hair blow dried straight versus actually having it up in a tight curl or something else. are you suggesting that the length if somebody were to press out and afro suddenly that that is a different story that just seems pretty nonsensical to me. but you had darryl as attorney on your show a few weeks ago. i want to play a part of what he told you. listen to this >> they don't pick on nobody else. but me. they don't pick on no. no. none of the white people don't pick up matter. the mexican people don't pick on nobody else but me. that
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rule i feel like that rule is is just there to attack people with dreze, people people were a braised because, you know, you know, if you go into as if you go embrace, if you grow and lox they they grow, they grow, they don't, you don't grow on the codon i mean, it's just so sad looking at this, the teenage boy who wants to go to school, and this is what stopping him. >> he wants to be in the classroom. and as you made the point, i mean, beyond the initial stages of locs when you're just starting to twist, tell me how anybody can have locs, hairstyles and it not be so go beyond the top of their shirt collar what i got from darryl george when i interviewed him for my show. first of all, is that he's exhausted by all of this having cool and continue the fight. and i'll point out, he's not the first student to have to fight the barbers hill school district and the superintendent, greg poole on the issue of locks and other student former student deandre
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arnold was told that if he didn't cut his locs, he wouldn't be able to cross the state graduation. he decided to just go so to another school district, but the george family says that they are going to continue to fight. as you heard from darryl george himself, his hair connects him to his ancestors and he says that's worth fighting for. viktor in january, the school superintendent, greg poole actually placed a full-page ad. at are saying the houston chronicle i call him. here's what he argued, quote, being an american requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity. i had never heard, nor do i believe that being an american requires conformity what do you think >> well, a couple of things here when he equates invokes being an american in this conversation, he opens up a lot of questions because i want to know conformity based on which standard created by whom the benefit of whom and then
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superintendent here is either misunderstanding or intentionally misconstruing what this country says or celebrates is the purpose of its founding and it is not conformity. i'll add to that is that he seemingly is opposed to the crown act because he told cnn a couple of months back that the affirmative action application to college admissions was deemed unconstitutional and a violation of the 14th amendment he believes that the crack face the same reasoning that a law that's been created to prevent discrimination based on cultural hairstyles is a violation of equal protection. one more thing in this op-ed that i think people need to hear. i have it here. he said that the problem with relaxing standards without any regard to academic implications is the precedent it creates. he is not drawn a straight line to the hairstyle you see on darryl george's head? >> in any academic
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>> implications. but what we've learned from the pandemic and the year since is that there is an absolutely a straight line between keeping a student out of the classroom for extended periods and negative academic implications and that's what daryl georgia he's facing >> that's your blackwell. i'm so glad that you have stayed on this story and have illuminated so many things tonight. thank you so much. my friend. >> sure. because it'd be with you. >> do not ms victor, show first of all, saturday is at 08:00 a.m. beloved daytime tv star wendy williams, revealing a heartbreaking diagnosis will have all the details for you next vegas. >> the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn >> i love to compete give me a challenge and watch me prove
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subscriptions in one place, see something you no longer what you can cancel it straight from the app. download rocket money today the south carolina republican presidential primary saturday had six on cnn >> a devastating diagnosis for former talk show host wendy williams. her abs revealed today that she is suffering from aphasia and a form of dementia. now her diagnosis comes just days before a documentary about her life and career is set to air this very weekend on lifetime >> let's just have a quick conversation about this don't you feel like maybe this is a bit excessive, but i don't know if you need this right now. >> why a lot? because we have a lot of business i never said he was drunk, but i just don't know if this is a good idea. >> you >> so you think it perfectly fine? >> having as many drinks. do you want >> perfectly. >> okay. >> but i'm just gonna put it downstairs to keep cool, keep it there. okay >> there williams has publicly
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shared some of her other health challenges, including graves disease being one of them. let's bring in someone who has been on wendy williams is show so goon ota low, who is the host of boston globe today. so go ahead and like i'm a big fan of wendy williams. i used to watch your show every day you to listen to our on the radio as well. there had been a lot of speculation about her health in recent years, frankly. and now this news comes a few days before hurt controversial documentary. why do you think they're being so openly revealing now? >> i honestly don't know laura and it's so it said i think it's because the only idea is because what we're going to see in the documentary is going to shock and sadness. she was a queen of daytime and just like you are looking, wrinkle in purple, she was the queen of that purple thrown with her catchphrase, how you doing. right now, it looks like she's not doing well and we're going to see it in the documentary. >> i mean, just thinking about
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the how you doing, right? that phrase to me was always a quintessential wendy. i wanted the finger at the hands of the end of it, but just thinking that the decline that this trailer has shown mental physical decline, wendy's family has been making the media rounds saying that they are not taking advantage of the star she was private and a lot of respects when she was on air, wanted to talk about other people's lives with private, about her own do you think she's being exploited here >> absolutely. i think she's being exploited whenever you put the terms dementia and aphasia, which affects cognitive ability. this is the same malady that is affecting bruce willis. and we haven't seen bruce willis. he's actually retreated from public now, we're doing documentaries on wednesday and the producers themselves say, when we started the documentary, we were going in one way than the truth made us show what you're going to see. so i do think she's being exploited. she has had battles
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with alcohol. this is sad to see and it's unfair because what she was as a he may even of of of daytime and with just with her talking and the way she was so quick and witty. now, to see her diminished as a fan, as someone who has followed and loved her. i don't want to see this you've been on the show. >> i understand several times while you've been beside that purple >> thrown or that purple chair that we knew that was she was so loved. she wanted to make a comeback at some point in time as well >> this >> looks to me as being difficult shall we say >> oh, absolutely difficult you know, she was going to come back with a podcast and i think her health has declined to the point where that's not possible. but all of these podcasts that you see now from the joe button podcast to all of the different ones out there that talk in the space that she created. she was the one who was talking about hip hop and black entertainers and gossip. and that's what a lot of people are making a fortune mining in.
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they are standing on the shoulders of wendy williams. so to see her now diminished and vultures kind of certainly to watch her. her fall from grace for me, it's nasty business and i wish it weren't so because what she built was so impressive, she went ahead up with elon in her heyday and beat her in rating. so often i mean, segun, i'll be rooting for her. this is a mother as well. we all knew watching her growing up and watching her son. he's understand of hard or make some appearances as well. segun. thank you so much. really, really difficult to watch always a pleasure, laura, thank you for having me. >> thanks. segun die. >> it's a moon lander the idc is lunar lander is on the surface of the moon tonight, if the first time in more than 50 years ever since apollo said
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17, that a us made spacecraft has landed on the moon, then the last time that happened, the poseidon adventure was actually in theaters helen ready song, i am woman was number one. and guess what was the number one television show? all in the family >> congratulations and decius, enjoy your visit to the moon. and hey, thank you all for watching. i'll be on instagram live on the laura coates in just a couple of minutes. be sure to tune in because our coverage continues
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