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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  February 26, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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to 321321. today >> laura coates live tomorrow at 11 eastern on cnn >> you look at those first early states they can say donald trump won. i give him that. but he didn't get 40% of the vote of the primary. >> we're heading to michigan, we're heading cooper tuesday. we've gotten the money, we've got the candidate with the bhalla. >> he's on a pathway to when these other states, when super tuesday and be able to have the nomination clinch by the middle part of march >> to understand it, he succumbed to the front line to see what's going on to speak to the people is our security, its our security in europe our leadership in the world that is making the world a better place >> as the song says, we look jake and jag and loves those. >> he means to me
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>> live from london >> this >> is cnn newsroom with max foster and bianca nobilo >> hello, a warm welcome to our viewers joining us from around the world and the united states, i'm max foster and i'm bianca nobilo. it is monday, february the 26th, 09:00 a.m. here in london, 04:00 a.m. in the us state of maine michigan, where in just over 24 hours, nikki haley will face donald trump once again in the battle for the republican presidential nomination. president joe biden also faces a test there to see whether a crucial voting bloc remains behind him more on that in a moment. >> first, i want the republican side, haley's stop in michigan follows a crushing defeat state of south carolina. she lost by 20 percentage points within a 40% of votes she received was enough for her to remain in the race. >> first thing they can say,
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donald trump won. i get on that but he, as a republican incumbent, did get 40% of the vote of the primary. >> he's >> not going to get the 40% if he is not willing to change and do something that acknowledges the 40% and why should the 40% has to cater in her carolina concession speech, haley vowed to fight on through super tuesday. that's when a third of all republican delegates are up for grabs in primaries and caucuses across the country. wherever she campaigns from now on, it will be without the financial backing of one of the most influential conservative networks in the united states, americans for prosperity is associated with billionaire charles koch in an email to staff obtained by cnn, the group c, you said it will no longer spend money on haley instead focusing on key senate
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and house races. the statement says that while it supports our efforts, quote, given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don't believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory, but not everyone sees this as a knockout blow to haley's campaign >> i am not trouble because i know that grassroots support is still there and she will still have big corporate donors who will still come to her and they will not back away as yet. so i think this is much ado about quite frankly, nothing as yet. >> we picked up our luggage. we're heading to michigan. we're headed to super tuesday. we've gotten the money. we we've got the candidate with the talent and we're excited about it, but it's cautious. but again, there are some real issues with a republican party that is a tad bit dysfunctional at the moment. >> will trump on the other hand, is gaining momentum after his south carolina when the governor of texas, greg abbott,
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says his fellow republicans are lining up behind the former president, like never before. >> you can see the trajectory that president trump is on. and after defeating nikki haley's so badly in south carolina, he's on a pathway to when these other states when super tuesday and be able to have the nomination clinched by the middle part of march and listen, the party has farmed more unified behind president trump at this particular time that has been and any other race that he's had >> the second highest ranking republican in the us senate is also now endorsing trump. just last month, south dakota senator john thune told cnn that he's always been worried about trump's viability. and in general, now, his office tells cnn that he's backing him as well meantime democrats are holding their own primary in michigan on tuesday and is likely to show president biden how deep anger runs over u.s.'s support for israel
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>> the, battleground state is home to one of the largest arab and muslim populations in the us. there has been outrage over the u.s.'s support for israel and its war with hamas and congresswoman rashida tlaib and her other michigan leaders are calling on voters to voice their protest at the ballot box is awesome to create a voting bloc. something that is a bullhorn to say, enough is enough we don't want three that supports warm or the bombs and destruction. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted >> but state governor gretchen whitman tells cnn's dana bash, that's a dangerous strategy any vote that's not pass for joe biden supports a second trump term, a second trump term would be >> devastating, not just on fundamental rights, not just on our democracy but also when it
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comes to foreign policy, this was a man who promoted a muslim ban, ban this is, i think a very high-stakes moment. i am encouraged judging people to cast an affirmative vote for president biden. i understand the pain that people are feeling and i'll continue to work to build bridges with folks all of these communities because they're all important to me. they're all important to michigan. and i know they're all important to president biden as well >> we'll do stay with cnn for coverage throughout the day on tuesday when the primaries begin $60 billion that ukraine needs to keep fighting. russia is at stake tomorrow when president biden sits down with congressional leaders and tries to break through the republican resistance that's holding that money up in the house. >> this comes as ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is warning that moscow could attempt a new offensive in a matter of months as the war enters its third year. in a rare admission, zelenskyy said
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31,000 ukrainian soldiers have died in the war against russia, though cnn can't independently verify those numbers. of course, a former us ambassador to >> ukraine explains why usa to ukraine is so important. ukraine can't >> win without this support. they know they have said that this support on the artillery, on the air defense is so crucial to them to be able to hold off the russians. you've already reported that the russians are moving on this thing and why? because the have to scale back already on. their artillery. it's our security, its, our security in europe. it's our leadership in the world that is making a world a better place. and that's what's at stake in the thing i'm sure president biden will make this case and as the white house pushes for actions and then excuse expressing his frustration over the stool that aid in a one-on-one interview with cnn's kaitlan collins senator jd vance, who was in
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munich at the security conference but didn't meet with you he said that even if you got the $60 billion in aid, it is not going to fundamentally change the reality on the battlefield. what's your response to that? >> i'm not trying that he understands what's going on here and we don't need any rhetoric from people who are not deeply in the, you know, in the war so to understand it is to come to the frontline to see what's going on to speak with the people, then to go to civilians to understand what will be with them. and that what will be with them without this support. and he will understand that millions people have been killed will be killed. >> he doesn't understand it because she doesn't understand it. of course, he got the god bless. you, don't have the war on your territory and the national security officials are calling on house speaker mike johnson to bring the sentence ukraine aid package to the
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floor for a vote ceiling white house reporter >> priscilla alvarez, has that the white house is ratcheting up pressure on house republicans to pass $60 in additional aid to ukraine saying that the country faces >> a dire situation he's running low on ammunition national security adviser, jake sullivan taking it a step further on sunday and calling on house speaker mike johnson to take it up and take it up immediately. >> well, the reality is that putin gains every day that ukraine does not get the resources it needs, and ukraine suffers. and there is a strong bipartisan majority in the house, standing ready to pass this bill if it comes to the floor? and that decision rests on the shoulders of one person. and history is watching whether speaker johnson will put that bill on the floor. if he does, it will pass, will get ukraine what it needs for ukraine to succeed if he doesn't, then we will not be able to give ukraine the tools required for it to stand up to russia. and
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putin will be the major beneficiary of that now the white house hours for the $60 billion in additional aid last year. and since then, president biden has repeatedly frame this as not only support for ukraine, but also imperative for us national security. and in recent days, white house officials have linked losses on the battlefield in ukraine to congressional inaction with president biden warning that it is not out of the question for this to continue to happen if that aid isn't given to ukraine. of course, the white house is limited and what it can do meaning that they are going to continue to this pressure for the days to come in the interim though the president and private conversations with us allies, allies are reaffirming us support for ukraine priscilla alvarez, cnn, the white house >> cnn's clare sebastian is following developments and she joins us here live in london. >> clare >> talk to us about the significance right now at this stage in the war of this aid still hanging in the balance, especially as russia's economy is now on a mobilized war
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footing. i think spending levels are around 40% on military, which is like back to late soviet kind of spending. and that's >> only what they're saying openly on paper, but that's if you include their spending on national security, which frankly i think you should given that that's all part of the war effort, this is something that ukraine's defense minister brought up on sunday. he said, not only are we up against this country, that's spending this money that has militarized its entire economy. but 50% of aid deliveries are arriving late. and if you think about sort of war-planning, gaming out a even sort of planning how to defend. that is a significant impact on ukraine on the frontlines, i think the situation speaks for itself overnight. they had another attack involving seven missiles 14 drones, the air force was only able to shoot down three of those missiles nine drones, russia apparently dropped glide bombs, which are dropped from planes on the region of sumy, which is up in the north near the border that killed two people. according to the administration, there glide bombs can evade ukrainian air defenses, so they're up against an evolving russia that's been
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learning from the he's two years of war and the diminishing, frankly of western weapons. i spoke to a ukrainian mp last week, you're handles the deliveries of aid into the country's. she said a few months ago, ukraine was firing some 56000 artillery shells. russia, by the way, 30 to 40,000. now, they're down to, she said less than 2000 a day. and in many cases these are not even 155 millimeter artillery shells, which are the nato standard. but mortars that are going up against this barrage coming from russia so ukraine is digging in on the front lines. it's having to sort of plan to defend rather than attack. as you said, zelenskyy is now warning of a new russian offensive coming. he said sometime in late may, so it's a really critical moment that's why you you see, i think this sort of stepped up rhetoric coming from the ukrainian president zelenskyy has chosen this moment to publicly share his tally of ukrainian casualties of soldiers at 31,000 usually that's a very closely guarded secret to the extent that that can ever really be measured in time of war. why would he do that now,
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it sounds it's very callous to put it like this, but what would be the advantage or disadvantage of him sharing that information? >> i think it's probably a message both to the ukrainian people and obviously to congress to the ukrainian people the situation now in the country is that you just can't ignore it. he did this sort of on paper the way he presented it was accounted to russian disinformation. he said, you know, it's 31,000, not what russia said. 300,000 or 150,000. but i think if if ukraine doesn't get real with its people, if the president doesn't sort of start to be honest about this, then he's going to be the one accused of disinformation. the graveyards are filling up everyone knows someone, and ukraine. so i think it's partly that, but also again, a message to congress that ukraine isn't invincible. there are the narrative for a long time was that ukraine has so much bravery, so much grit, so much ingenuity that it's managed to push back the second biggest army in the world. we're not seeing that's not the situation. we're in anymore. and i think he's balancing that
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message with the continuing message of resilience for ukraine. >> clare sebastian. thank you. >> russians in london having markings saturday's two-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion of ukraine by denouncing vladimir putin around 250 >> people marched outside the moscow embassy on sunday demanding russian troops leave ukraine and calling the russian president's war a genocide. >> it was a bold display of free speech against a leader who was ruthless in crushing dissent. one protester explains why they march i can see many, many people behind me who joined us today. most of them are russians who oppose the putin's regime, who have and opposing ad for a long time. some of them have been personnel are repressed in russia. i myself voice so i think that's really important thing to do. a really important thing to continue speaking up against the war
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>> purchases also honored alexey navalny, the russian opposition leader who died in an arctic prison ten days go now it's still winter in the us, but much of the country show it feel like it in the days ahead. >> yeah, nearly 400 heat records, both high and low temperatures, could be tied or broken across the central and eastern us today through to wednesday. cnn meteorologist allies are rafi has a look at the forecast >> our winter less spring, like winter continues as we start out the work week, look at the high temperatures forecasted for monday, '70s from kansas city down to atlanta, '80s across oklahoma, even high temperatures climbing into the low '90s across parts of texas. this is so a warm for february that we're looking at more than 300 records getting tied or broken over the next couple of days that's for daytime highs and overnight lows that in dallas, texas, you be could be looking at a high temperature of 91 degrees on monday, which would break a record set back
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in 1970 teen and sits well above average, 30 to 35 degrees above average. we keep that warm air in place in the central plains on monday, temperatures 25 to 30 degrees of average, that warm air continues to slide east by tuesday, it's eversion as well above average, even from dc up towards boston, we do find some colder air coming in behind this i wednesday that's behind a front. i mean, look at the drop-off in temperatures st. louis has high as in the '80s on tuesday, you drop 40 degrees with highs in the fourth he's by wednesday, oklahoma city, another huge drop-off to with your highs in the '50s by the middle of the week, here's a look at the showers and storms that could come with this front that he could fuel a severe threat where looking at some damaging winds, a few tornadoes, and large hail possible mainly tuesday, evening and overnight. and that red shaded area over parts in the midwest that front than slides east bringing that rain for much of the east coast by wednesday and then exiting on thursday, a lot of these rain totals will be locally heavy
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depending on where some of those stronger storms setup. so we'll have to watch out for that. notice the whites on the backside of this, that's where we can have some snow showers in the great lakes still to come. >> we'll have the latest on negotiators trying to secure the release of more hostages from gaza and bring about a pause in fighting. >> what's an american couple disappears during a sailing ship through the caribbean. their boat was found, but they were not on it. >> and weeks after a non-binary teenager dies in oklahoma, one of the state's republican lawmakers has harsh words for the lgbtq community. details ahead >> over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud today's identity thieves can use your information in ways that are easy to ms by just monitoring accounts and credit like opening loans, transferring home titles, even committing crimes well, i got
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is up to almost 30,000 people according to gaza's ministry of health with at least 86 palestinians killed in israeli military operations over the weekend, those figures don't distinguish between combatants and civilians new video in the aftermath of those operations. once prosperous neighborhood in gaza city now reduced to rubble. the idf says two soldiers were killed in the fighting on saturday, bringing the total number of israeli troops killed in gaza to 239 the idf has also confirmed the death of another israeli hostage. the military says 19 year-old soldier was daniel, was killed on october the seventh, the day hamas attacked israel and his body was taken into gaza until >> now, he had been listed among the hostages thought to be alive. the idf has posed to mostly promoted daniel from corporal to sgt his death brings the total number of dead hostages now to 30. >> these >> really military has also presented a plan for evacuating
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civilians from the areas of fighting in gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu's office as the idf presented the war cabinet with an upcoming operational plan but it doesn't specifically mentioned the southern gaza city of rafah where israel has been planning a potential a ground offensive. this comes as talks are expected to resuming cata today to try to secure the release of more hostages in gaza in exchange for a pause in the fighting, jonas elliott gotkine joins us let's start with this. hostage talks then because you're describing how does appear still to be some momentum behind them. >> there does we have these talks in paris on friday and saturday, and we had jake sullivan of the national security council that coming out after saying there's an understanding on the contours of a potential deal. had been reached. so now it seems that in doha, they're going to be trying trying to deal with the thornier issues to try to deal with those details and come to some kind of compromise. now, up until these talks, the sticking point, at least so far as israel was concerned, was hamas's demands that there'll be a complete cessation of hostilities and the release of
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thousands of palestinian prisoners demands that prime minister netanyahu described as delusional. so the hope now is that perhaps they are inching towards some kind of compromise, which as you say, would lead to the freeing of some, but probably not all of those israeli hostages, more than just over rant about 100 believed to still be alive and being held in captivity in the gaza strip after being kidnapped on october the seventh, in exchange for the freeing of palestinian prisoners. and of course, the all important humanitarian pause of around about six weeks. and of course, at the same time as that a surge in humanitarian aid to go where it's desperately needed. >> in terms of the palestinian authority. what's latest situation? >> there >> in terms of leadership? >> so we heard just this morning that the prime minister mohammed shtayyeh submitted his resignation. along with that of his entire government to mahmoud abbas, the president of the palestinian authority. now he's still needs to offer his resignation in person. that still needs to be accepted. but this is seen to be perhaps one step towards the revitalization, the
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reconstitution of the palestinian authority to enable it to be palatable to the americans behind perhaps less unpalatable to the israelis for taking control of the gaza strip that they, after this war, now he will probably be asked to stay on as a caretaker prime minister. and there's no indication that whoever replaces him will be any different. of course the real change for the palestinian authority, least it won't be seen as changing to any serious degree until such time as much what a bus is no longer president. he of course is in now what the 19th year of a four-year term, he's widely reviled among palestinians. he is widely seen as being corrupt as well. so i think for the palestinian authority to be seen to be really changing that mcmurdo bus would would probably be expected to go as well. >> okay. >> thank you so much. now, suppose come outrage grows over the killing of a university student in the us state of georgia as we hear from your strange wife of the murder suspect the streets of sao paulo turn into a sea of yellow in a show support for the former brazilian president
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cnn newsroom if you're just joining us, here are some of today's top stories nikki haley faces off against all trump tomorrow in michigan, just a few days after losing the republican primary in her home state of south carolina, haley insists she will stay in the race through super tuesday, and that is just eight days the way now, hungarian lawmakers are expected to ratify sweden's bid to join nato later today, this will remove the final obstacle for the nation to enter the military alliance hungarian prime minister viktor orban has signaled his support for sweden's membership after the two nations signed an arms deal on friday my brazilian president jair bolsonaro led a massive rally of supporters in sao paulo on sunday. he's continuing to deny allegations that he took part in a coup to try and stay in power last year's brazilian highest electoral court barred bolsonaro from running for political office until so 2030
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>> an american couple feared dead after what investigators think was a boat hijacking in the caribbean, one of their longtime friend says the two basically lived on their boat and they made friends easily it was. amazing they managed lose on that boat and something i could never have done that pull it off in every place as the tide up or anchors and, you know, are in a marina or, you know, in the channels in place they gave me people were just delightful couple and over blessing in my life and in the lives of so many other people investigators haven't found the bodies of kathy brandel and ralph hendry, but they did find the couple's. but cnn's polo sandoval has the story virginia married couple of kathy brandel
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and her husband, ralph henry, each have sons. >> this weekend, i had an opportunity to speak to both of them by phone. they tell me that they are absolutely devastated without words, but not without faith as they are still praying. their mother and father will be safely found somewhere in the caribbean the head but at the same time, they've also been told to prepare to confirm their worst fears, and that is that their mother and father possibly became victims to three fugitives who police say had recently escaped from the island of grenada from police custody. those three individuals, according to investigators, likely hijacked the couple of board there catamaran during their vacation and possibly may have injured or killed them. and that is a working theory right now by investigators. and what nic buro, the son of kathy brandel, tells me telling me that his mother and her husband had sold their home in the united states and had poured all of their efforts into this catamaran preparing not only it, but also
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themselves for the journey from virginia to the caribbean that was when last week they reportedly when missing. that catamaran found a few days later on wednesday, along with those three individuals that are suspected, possibly in this disappearance investigators are speaking to them currently. however, still no sign of kathy brandel or ralph hendry? investigators believe that they likely were hijacked by this trio, the family of this missing couple of telling me that they have been told to prepare for the worst for multiple reasons. not only that they find blood in the cabin of that that vessel, but also the cabin had been ransacked and also according to brandel's son, some of the items some items were taken from the cabin and located on those three individuals that investigators, again, are still speaking to. cnn has reached out to the us state department, they confirm that they are aware of these reports and they're gathering
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as much information as they can. but in terms of the family of kathy brandel and ralph hendry again, they are still holding onto hope. they say until their bodies are located, they will still continue to pray that their parents are found safely polo sandoval, cnn, new york >> there's outrage and oklahoma after state senator referred to the lgbtq community was filled, the comments came during a question related to the death of non binary high school student nex benedict benedict died earlier this month, a day after telling her family they were in a fight with other students in a school bathroom at a public forum on friday, oklahoma state senator tom woods was asked why state lawmakers were quite obsessed with the lgbtq community what's said that his heart goes out to people over the teen's death, but then he lashed out
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>> we're republican today, supermajority. >> my house and sin. >> i represented constituency does it want that field >> we are religious state. >> we're going to be are going to spy >> a bill at the state i don't want because we're cnn has reached out to woods for comment and is >> awaiting a response, but he told one oklahoma newspaper that he stands by his remarks we're now hearing from the estranged wife of the murder suspect accused of killing a university student in the us of georgia and comes as republican leaders have seized on the suspect's immigration status to demand tougher policies of the us border cnns, isabel rosalas reports i spoke with leyland, franco. she is the wife of the suspect. >> she saw me. she's had no connection to him for months that they've been separated. she says she was shocked to hear of his arrest. she says that when she lived with him,
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he treated her well, but he was a con man but she ultimately, he just wants to hear from him directly what he says happened, but she also wants to make it very clear that she's in support of and wants justice for the victim here, laken riley. when i asked her about the documentation status of wholesale battle are taking a focal point in the story. here's what she told me we can't put a nationality on a criminal. they're criminals all over the world. now, governor brian kemp, the governor of georgia, he posted on x the letter that he sent over to president biden criticizing his administration's immigration policies and also requesting more immigration information on jose mandala. here's what he he said in part, laken riley is tragic deaths struck the hearts of georgians everywhere and has sparked national outrage. joe biden's failed policies have turned every state into a border state. and i'm demanding information from him so we can protect our people when the federal government won't now
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suspect we'll see, but i was a resident of athens, georgia, but again, not a us citizen according to us immigrations and customs enforcement, he is a venezuelan national back in 2022. if he was arrested after crossing illegally, according to ice, into the us mirror and fossil, but then he was paroled and relief he's for further processing. he now faces a litany of charges in connection to the death of laken riley. and here are some of the charges, malice, murder, or felony murder, false imprisonment, kidnapping, aggravated assault concealing the death of another and more the victim, laken riley, was a junior part of the dean's list at augusta university college of nursing. her friend called authorities initially when she failed to come back home after going out for a jog and authorities found her body near lake where she was jogging. an examination found that she died from blunt force trauma. the police chief for of campus police, jeff clark says that this was a crime of
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opportunity, a solo act of quote, an individual who woke up with bad intentions and he says that there is no evidence that the two knew each other riley's funeral is 70 for friday and classes at uga resume on monday. isabel rosales, cnn, atlanta >> and study confirms what many young people have been saying that they've experienced poor mental health during and after the covid-19 pandemic, the research shows the rate of prescribing antidepressants to young people in the us between the ages of 12.25 spikes during that time? period, according to the study just published in the journal pediatrics, the dispensing rate shot up nearly 65%, 65% faster than normal during covid and the dispensing rate increase 130% fast if it girls aged 12 to 17 the biden administration, considering easing vehicle emissions rules, it proposed just last year. there's rules would have required electric vehicles to
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account for up to two thirds of new cars sold in the us by 2032. sources tell cnn the move would give legacy automakers more time to adapt to competition from tesla and chinese ev makers, environmental advocates say it would be a setback in the fight against climate change. but the united auto workers, which endorsed president biden, is concerned about how uv mandates would impact their members mexico city residents struggling amid severe water shortages with experts warning the region could run out of drinking water in the coming months. >> those details ahead and later, a college basketball superstar caitlin clark is within reach of breaking a record held by men's players for more than 50 years now, she could make history coming up >> frank sinatra had connections with and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys >> he was vegas, the story of
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ah, they'll be like this for hours. hello dad, hello dad, hello da. uh-oh. good bunnies. ahh! i'm taylor available now on the apple app store, android and m. >> mexico city, one of latin america's largest cities, is facing a severe water crisis
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that says he's struggling to cope after years of low rainfall blamed on climate change, chaos pick up and growth and outdated infrastructure. >> now authorities have introduced significant restrictions on water pumps from reservoirs. gustavo valdes has the details let's night in a cruz knows she's breaking the law every time she pulls water from these underground reservoir >> just me. >> she says it is a miracle. the city tank has water and without it, the whole neighborhood would suffer because they've got no running water for over a month and the city she says still wants them to pay for the service. lorena and her neighbors are not the only ones struggling to find water for their basic needs. old 21 million residents in mexico city's metropolitan area are experiencing shortages in part because of a severe drought mexico's capital gets its water from two sources. he
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system of reservoirs known as could tamala and underground aquifers. >> and if it will mentor human familiar that they seem >> rodriguez, marketing director of the conceptual consultive would allow a civic organization promoting water conservation says, there reservoirs are at historic low levels, well below 40% capacity. and the aquifers are over extracted part of the problem has been drier than normal rain season. that typically run from may to august an experts say the situation can worse and for the city built over a lakebed before the spaniards arrived five centuries ago, some experts warn the city could run out of water this summer. what it's been cold day, zero mexico's president andres manuel lopez obrador this means those claims calling them an attempt from the opposition to influence the presidential
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election in june. and said, his government is working to get more water to the city, is tagger >> anti sadow, the >> city's mayor assured residents that the water supply is guaranteed but first traded residents have taken to the streets in protest. and many neighborhoods depend on water delivered by trucks some paid by the government. many paid by local residents at others middle, scala, media or media colin says, each drug costs about $200 and it's just it's enough for 20 days of water for a handful of families if they use it wisely and recycle like using water from washing dishes to flush toilets. but the lack of rain is not the only reason experts say mexico city is suffering from water shortages. it's sturdy by university that out tournament but the mexico shows that 40% of the water supply is lost due to leaks. some big cuff breakage of pipes during the frequent earthquakes
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some because the series still relies on pipes over 100 years old. >> i see. do you read that rodriguez martha says that instead of investing to improve the infrastructure, the money spent on water project has decreased for many years. >> we >> contacted kanazawa mexico's national water management agency and they declined our request for an interview. they also declined to answer the written questions we submitted about the water supply levels and this state of the infrastructure. for now, the government will continue to ration distribution and continues to call need citizens to conserve the precious liquid, forcing residents to patiently wait for water to come their way or get what they need whatever they can was stabbed over the cnn atlanta liberal manager jurgen klopp's farewell tour has taken him to wembley where his team, just one being asleep ahead, look at the other top trophies within
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>> is on track to have a record-breaking final season, the iowa phenom scored 24 points in sunday's win over illinois, making her 50 points shy of legends to pete maravich's nc doublet record of nearly 3,700 career beth clark is already college basketball's all-time leading women score, breaking that record earlier this season now, she has two more opportunities for the regular season to break maravich's record as well. good luck to undefeated boxing champion claressa shields has made history in another sport, defeating mixed martial arts fighter kelsey de santis in the first professional mma match held in saudi arabia, featuring two women. shields, one saturday's contest in a split decision and was visibly emotional when her victory was confirmed. and that's very interesting is in saudi arabia. yeah >> i think if you're doing that professionally, that you're probably not emotionally professionally until became a tv anchor? not quite professionally, but yes. now, i can't be missing teeth
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or really puffy and swollen even though i'm excellent covering black eyes and bruises, you just need the right color correcting there are a little anchor tip, but it's the beginning of the end for manager you in klopp's time at liverpool and his team is sending him out with a celebration as well. >> liverpool beat chelsea one nil and extra time to win the english league cup on sunday or darren lewis has a look at the excitement from wembley and the celebrations that could come in the future. >> one down, three to go phase one of mission impossible is complete. liverpool are the league cup champions for a tenth time. i'm the captain, virgil van dijk has dragged the club's youngsters over the line. chelsea have been left by the red spilling blue, and the quadrupole for what you're going to klopp already, a legend with the liverpool fans is all. >> you can glob his god. >> he brought us back, not just the club below, also the cd as well. so everyone who's behind here, i mean, he personifies liverpool. so he is live with
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mr. liverpool. >> one thing about yugeni, never be forgotten, at least delivered exactly what he said you know, as the song says, we love jagan and yangon loves us to me, they still do lead the premier league table. they are into the knockout stages of the europa league, and they have a very winnable fa count fifth round home tie against southampton in mid-week and yes, they do have 11 senior players out injured, but the experience of winter paying for the academy graduates, james mcconnell, jayden danns, kind of bradley bobby clark, and giro kwanzaa here at wembley has left a real feeling that forward timer can be done as for chelsea, there are american owners have spent 1 billion pounds on their squad, but they missed the chance to get a quick return on their investment, they are finding out to their cost that while money can buy you most things, colored by that invincible team
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spirit at anfield darren lewis, cnn, london >> i even watch that, which i think shows the cut through. >> do you agree with down and i always do >> love darren. good. get out. >> and the stories in the spotlight for you this hour, india's prime minister visited an underwater holy site on sunday, narendra modi dawned scuba suit and dive in theory b and c to pray and meditate at a site where an ancient holy city is believed to have existed. >> no pressure on the diving team. this comes after the prime minister inaugurated the controversial hindu temple last month, fulfilling a longstanding promise. in an election year. >> i mean, that would be really cool to do because when you have you been diving to be talked about this, i'm not proper dying like that. it really, because it's very meditative and you feel like it's sort of board lions virtual experience to, to actually go to a sigh and ought to be amazing royal mint honoring one of england's most famous sons, is issuing a new coin monday featuring singer
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george michael. it features michael's trademark sunglasses from the 1980s, michael had massive hits, which bianca wouldn't remember. >> they >> are sons like a, you'll know one of them. sounds like faith father figure out plus many others as part of the duo wham as well in december ones last christmas became the uk's christmas number one for the first time. 39 years after it's released. that's a trend that we're seeing every now and again now, the new coin would be a nice holiday gift, perhaps of course, it's too late for last christmas, but maybe next year, you can give it to someone special to get all these police. i did not, but i have told they were banned. >> yes >> finally, you have to be a gnarly skateboarder to do this and you can't be afraid of heights. a group of orders showed off their skills are top the view at the palm tower in dubai. the tower it's nearly 300 meters tall. the world skateboarding event at dubai harbor starts today, playing it
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safe. i would say there could be going higher. >> would that bother you that level of height? absolutely. i'm scary just looking at the pictures >> have you seen becky anderson's promo where she's really >> to i don't think i got it done that just like i feel ill thinking about got it yeah. >> thank you for joining us >> here on the ground newsroom. >> i'm max foster and i'm bianca nobilo. early start is next right here on cnn. we'll see you tomorrow. >> we're here to get your side of the store. >> why do we keep ending up here? you can't write this stuff. united states of >> scandal with jake tapper sunday at nine on cnn he was only 47
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