tv CNN This Morning CNN February 28, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST
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ho have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. in gummies. find it at walmart i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn
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>> it's wednesday, february 28, right now on cnn this morning, president biden donald trump, taking home easy wins and the michigan primaries. >> but >> both campaigns do have some cause for concern will dig in a long day ahead for hunter biden testified fine behind closed doors with gop lawmakers pushing ahead to try to impeach his father and breaking news evacuation orders issued in texas as dangerous and fast-moving wildfires spread across hundreds of miles all right. >> 05:00 a.m. here in washington, we've got to live look at the washington monument to get you started this morning. >> good morning to you. i'm kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us voters in michigan have spoken president biden and donald trump easily winning their primaries last night, making a november rematch, more likely than ever. but the outcome did expose weaknesses in both candidates.
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biden captured roughly 81% of the vote, but 13% of democrats checked the uncommitted box their way of protesting the president's support of israel in its war with hamas. president biden did not mention those detractors in a statement that he released last night. instead, he simply thanked the michigan voters. meanwhile, donald trump easily defeating his only remaining republican challenger, nikki haley, in a call to supporters, trump looks ahead to the general election shan telling them, quote, we would michigan, we win the whole thing. but of course, nikki haley's still hanging on. she told cnn's dana bash last night she's going to continue to campaign and is looking forward to super tuesday in just a week we are in, all the super tuesday states. now. that's what this is all about, is making sure that we hit every state and let you know, look, there is a voice out there for you. there is a way out. yes. we are fighting through. yes. >> just getting more and more direct every day and joining us now to talk more about this as congressional reporter for
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axios, stef kight, stuff. good morning to you. thanks so much for being here. i want to start with the uncommitted vote. and if we're able to put the italian where it stands up on our screen. that would be great because it is significantly larger than organizers had even initially set their own bar for. they had said that they wanted to get at least 10,000 votes. that was about the margin. >> there it >> is in michigan back in 2016. but look what they where they landed, that is ten times the goal that was set, that is 101,000 votes it's actually closer to the margin of victory that joe biden had in the general election in michigan in 2020, which was about 150,000 votes. i mean, that is a very strong message there. what does this say right now about the state of the democratic party? and what do you think it says about what may happen in november? >> i mean, this is definitely a very strong message and of course this was even better than organizers anticipated. this was a big moment and it goes to show just how important issue of israel and biden's handling of the situation in
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gaza there, how big an issue that's going to we've seen this divide the democratic party since the attack on israel in october and the fallout of that, we've heard again and again from more progressive and younger voters who are upset with the way biden has whole heartedly backed israel and they want to see a change there. and this just a very practical in real warning that this is to be taken seriously. this is not something to be brushed off. again, this is an issue that is particularly important in michigan. so we are looking at something that this state in particular is going to care about more than potentially other swing states come november, but still, michigan is a very important swing state. biden needs loses in michigan. i mean, that's probably the ball game. exactly. especially when you're looking at a racist going to be so close. we're looking at match between trump and biden. and every single swing state is going to matter. we continue to see these polls coming out that show trump beating biden in a hypothetical race. and most of these swing states. so again,
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this is a very important warning sign. i will caveat that there's a difference between a message vote in a primary and where for these voters actually end up come november when their choice, when they're given the choice of biden versus trump, right? >> and i mean, i think the question then is going to be the >> fight between joe biden and the couch, right? i mean, many of these voters might end up staying home, at least that's, i think the concern, certainly that i hear when i talked to democrats from michigan, let's talk about the republican side one of them the interesting things in david chalian was here with us yesterday, kind of explaining this. nikki haley did not campaign in michigan the way she campaigned in some of these other states, right? she came close to 40% in her home state of south carolina. she had done these major ad buys in many ways, this michigan margin is a little bit more of a pure test of if all else is equal, if, if one candidate is not campaigning more than the other are spending way more money than the other. this is the percentage of the republican party that sticks with nikki haley and it's she she had 26.5% here now she did do better in the suburbs in
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michigan. she had stronger turnouts outside the detroit suburbs, the suburbs of lansing, grand rapids, et cetera. but that's kind of where things landed here. what's your top takeaway from the republican results last night? >> i mean, i think it's very fair to compare the voters who voted for nikki haley on the republican side to the democratic voters who voted on uncommitted, on the, on biden's side, they are voters who are giving warning signs to both of the top candidates on either party, reminding them that there are voters who are not thrilled about them becoming the nominees. and nikki haley did receive hundreds of thousands of voters in michigan who said that they wanted someone other than donald trump and that's something that trump is going to have to contend with. we know that they are very aware of the trump campaign, of their issues with suburban voters. and this is again just another sign that they need to figure that out before november if they're going to have a chance at winning election for the presidency, right? >> and that of course was, was haley's message there and she of course, says she's gone on to super tuesday is we've got
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at least more illegal just a week more of the stef kight. steph. thank you very much for being with us this morning. thanks for having me. >> all right. breaking news just ahead wildfires raging in texas forcing a nuclear facility to shut down. we'll bring you that plot senate republicans preparing to block a bill that would protect in vitro fertilization nationwide and french president macron suggesting the west send troops to ukraine, will give you the biden administration's response. that's ahead >> united states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday a nine on cnn. >> did you know taking xyz all at night, relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake refreshed for more productive day 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade the wise old take xyz all at night >> we're building a better postal service all parts working in sync to move your business poleward. with a.
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>> statement came after monday's summit in paris where the french president emmanuel macron said sending western troops to ukraine, quote, cannot be rolled, ruled out. >> a nato official and several european leaders also stressed that there are no plans to send in ground forces in a very good debate. and i know it was discussed that what was agreed from the outset among ourselves. and with each other also applies to the future. namely that there will be no ground troops, no soldiers on ukrainian soil sent there by european countries or nato states all right, cnn's max foster joins us now live from london at max, wonderful to see you this is generated significant reaction across europe and over here as well. i
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want to show you what macron actually said in the summit. watch yet, but there's no consensus today to officially send support and to take responsibility for troops on the ground. but as things develop, nothing should be off the table. yeah, we will do everything necessary so that russia cannot win this war. >> begging you said, yeah so i got to tell you, i mean, my initial reaction to hearing this is that this landing in the us debate about trying to get ukraine aid over the finish line in congress, it's not going >> to be helpful for that what, what, what's your read on this? >> it's extraordinary, but he's a bright guy. he is very experienced on the international stage, is very popular on the international stage, much more popular than years back at home at the moment. so it was baffling. he would have known how this would have been seen i do think it was really interesting that just the fact that they were talking about sending troops into battle with russia. i mean, it's absolutely seismic and extremely worrying for a lot of people around the world.
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but just as interesting was that follow up where you had all of these european leaders coming out stating really clearly that they had absolutely no plans to send troops into ukraine. and obviously this all plays massively to putin. all he wants is to create this divisiveness in the west. he wants to see it all breaking down and that's i think from moscow's perspective, perspective, it was this weird sort of self-flagellation across europe helping moscow's narrative ultimately, when i think it was intended to sound as though that this was europe being tough against moscow yeah i mean, it's, it's splashed across the front page of the financial times. berlin lashes out, parish should just supply more arms and that the kremlin, as you point out, is ramping up more warnings if you're vladimir putin himself, i mean, does he see this as well? this
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is something i want, i want to try and the cause, chaos in european and american politics because i mean, i can my reporting and conversations largely over here on this side of the atlantic. this is the thing that, you know, not just when you talk to republican lawmakers, but when you go to republican events and you talk to voters, what they hear, what they will say is and particularly trump's supporters, they'll say, well, we think donald trump is going to prevent world war three. and that message plays right into this conversation about ukraine i think it obviously works in terms of if there's any discord in the west, he capitalizes on it. it also speaks very much to his domestic narrative that nato is the aggressor. so european countries, america are the aggressors and the ones that cause the war in ukraine. obviously, our perspective on it is that he went into ukraine
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illegally and he's the aggressor. but this allows him to suggest that you got this won't be under the banner of nato because i'm sure america wouldn't sign up to it, but it's nato countries in europe going, coming towards the russian border and attacking it. so it works on his, in his favor on the international stage in terms of discord, but on the domestic stage as well. in terms of the fact that nato is on the attack, not him. >> really interesting. max foster for us in london, max always loved to see you tomorrow. >> that's casey. >> all right, up next here, calls for a public health emergency declared as measles spreads in florida. what decade are we in exactly? breaking right now, a disaster declaration in texas, wildfires raging out of control >> sunday, van jones it's home to find out what is driving the divide in tennessee politics there has been a very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate
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>> call now i'm katie bo lillis in washington. and this is cnn >> all right, 20 minutes past the hour look at the atlanta skyline on this wednesday morning, all right, senate republicans signaling that they're going to block democrats from enshrining protections from iq for in vitro fertilization in the federal law. today, they are calling ivf a states rights issue. a federal appeals court refusing to halt the execution of texas that's row inmate ivan cantu. he's scheduled to be executed today for the 2000 murders of his cousin and his fiance and a measles outbreaks spreading in florida, ten cases now reported statewide seven linked to a single elementary school. florida surgeon general appointed by governor ron desantis told parents of another vaccinated children last week that they could choose to send their kids to school. that is contrary to cvc
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quarantine guidelines >> all right. let's get now to the breaking news out of texas where raging wildfires have burned hundreds of thousands of acres, triggering evacuations across several regions officials say gusting winds are fanning the flames with little containment so far. and murriel's nuclear weapons plants says that they're monitoring the fire. they plan to open today and they say they have a well-staffed emergency response team >> all right. >> our weatherman van dam is tracking all of it for us. derek, good morning to you. these pictures this is wow >> yeah, what our viewers are looking at is extreme fire behavior, fed by these strong, strong gusty winds which changed directions also change the direction of the fire spread as well, which i'll show you. but look how quickly the fire, this is a smokehouse creek fire in the texas panhandle crosses this roadway.
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i mean, you can almost see the flames jump from one side to the other, very telling video coming out of this region and then also just think about the impacts that this has on the agricultural community that houses this area. watch as these farmers and ranchers tried to to save their cattle, take them away from the burning embers that are in the distance. look at the smoke plume behind them in the cattle just running for frankly for their lives. so that is the situation on the ground. in texas. there are several fires ongoing. we're really focusing in on the smokehouse creek fire, which is at 0% containment. we saw it blow up yesterday day. we first saw 50,000 acres than 100,000. now sitting over 300,000 acres with the latest information. and that brings it to the fifth largest wild or brushfire in texas history. and this thing, it has got a long way to go before it is contained. and we know that the satellite imagery was telling because that's the cold front right there. it's difficult to perceive. but if
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that band of clouds and it actually change the direction of the spreading fire, which was originally from north the west, and then it became due out of the north as the wind direction picked up and changed as that cold front move through. so still gusty winds through the course of the day today, there was not the extreme fire behavior that we experienced yesterday, but still a problem across the texas panhandle, the other issue with this wide scale storm system across the country is the tornado outbreak that occurred yesterday. we had tornadoes reported across illinois and an unconfirmed report in the grand blanc, michigan region, southeastern michigan overnight in the dead of night when people are sleeping, there is currently five, count them five states impacted by tornado watches. so the severe weather threat, not yet over this includes southeastern indiana, parts of ohio, into kentucky, and northern sections of tennessee. these are valid through the course of the morning. i want to give a heads-up to columbia
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in this because actually this is just knew for information to us columbus in ohio. now, under a tornado warning with this approaching banned storms, there has been known tornado signatures and the radar just to the west of columbus. so as this advances eastward, we want to be getting two are safe shelter in and around the western suburbs of columbus. this storm system continues to advanced eastward. >> yeah. wow, casey, i mean, from wildfires to blizzards on the west coast to tornadoes across the ohio valley. it is a busy, busy weather day indeed it is. >> and thank you for bringing those warnings to us. our weatherman van dam, derek. thank you very much. i'll see you tomorrow. >> and coming up here, biden and trump both winning big in michigan, how voters exposed weaknesses though in both campaigns plus president, president biden face-to-face with four top congressional leaders. how one senator described the high intensity level of that meeting. that's up next frank sinatra had
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connections with the mafia and all these nightclubs were owned by the mob. >> you didn't want to make those guys. >> he was two vegas the store use ncbi sunday at ten on cnn >> did you know taking xyz all at night, release allergies while you sleep you wake refreshed for more productive day it's 24 hour continuous relief that does not fade. the wise old take xyz off at night >> they'll keep living you keep repairing new dove bond strength with peptide count blakes helps to reverse the signs of three years of damage
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oh, tesla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use her tesla if you're allergic to it, serious he is allergic reactions can happen. oh, tesla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people take new tesla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss up a restaurant the tory tract infection and headache may occur >> clear skin. movie night is a groovy night live in the moment. >> asked your dr. about oh, tesla, king charles, did night at ten on cnn all right. >> we got a live look at the still sleeping white house. it looks like after a late primary night in michigan, they will see them wake up here and the next couple of minutes. good morning to all of you. thank you for waking up with us. i'm kasie hunt voters in michigan, moved to the country one step closer to a biden trump rematch
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last night, delivering president biden and former president trump >> decisive victories and their respective party primaries president biden winning 81% of the vote, but notably losing about 13% to the box called uncommitted it campaign coordinated by the state's large arab american population in an effort to rebuke the president's handling of the war in gaza. the leader of that campaign telling cnn last night, that his votes were coming in, even 30,000 votes was a major win. waking up today, that uncommitted votes stands over 100,000 we are just overwhelmed by the fact that we were able to triple >> our margin of victory of the original 10,000 votes that we were hoping to leverage to send a clear and strong message to president joe biden his administration and the democratic party that we needed a permanent ceasefire now to save as many palestinian lives as possible, we are appealing
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to joe biden as our president to act now, before he risks losing his core constituency come november biden isn't the only one though, who has cause for concern in the results. nikki, excuse me, trump, who defeated nikki haley by 41 point margin, continues his vote. his march toward the gop nomination. but as michigan victory still showcases, the former president's vulnerabilities are made some key vote voting blocs, namely suburban college, educated voters who will likely determine which way the state will lean or they will help determine which way the state leans in november, let's bring in some of our reporter shelby talcott and senior congressional reporter for punchbowl news. andrew desiderio. good morning to you both. thank you for being here. >> shelby, let me start with you. this is a bit number 100,000. i mean, they had originally set i mean, i think we can put the margins for 2,016.20 20 up on the screen in michigan president trump, then
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former president trump, beat hillary clinton by 10,000 votes, right? like that's the margin this campaign was looking at to try to make it demonstrate, hey, we could actually sway a general election look at it. they're closer to the margin in 2020 when biden won with 154,000 vote margin. i mean, it's, this is not a small thing. yeah. no, it's certainly isn't a small thing. and i think the big thing here when you talk to democrats, it's sort of split the thinking in terms of these results. >> you have a >> number of democrats who argue, well, this was a coordinated effort in a primary. and so when general election time comes and it is most likely donald trump versus joe biden. people will inevitably vote for joe biden, especially given why this movement, like the core of this movement, at the same time it is a problem because the question is do these voters stay home in a general election? and the other question is, how does this movement go forward? what are we going to see in some of these other states in the next few days and weeks, is it going
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to also are we going to see a large number of uncommitted voters? i think the last thing on this is young voters. if you look at the results from last night and some of these college towns, the uncommitted vote was fairly high. i think 19% in 1.16%. and another major college town. and so that's a red flag for team biden when it comes to young voters where he's been struggling with, it's also worth noting both michigan and in michigan state, those to be cauldrons were actually on break. so we may not even have the full look at where young voters will land andrew, let's talk briefly about the republican side. i want to show you what nikki haley had a pretty sharp warning. she's honestly sharpening her messaging all the way through here, right. even as her campaign heads towards it, what seems to be it's inevitable end. here she was talking about the republican party going down with the ship that is donald trump. watch >> we are telling you for all the republican party, we're in
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a ship with a hole in it you can either ignore the hole and go down with the ship or you can acknowledge that we've got to look for a life raft >> so andrew, i mean, this has been a message that there were some republicans delivering on capitol hill regularly. now, nikki haley's seems to be basically the only one that's out there saying it there is some truth in those words. >> she definitely is the only one at this point. and you see how many of her boosters and congress, even people who didn't cross the line to endorse her in the first place, have now since endorsed donald trump in the presidential contest. i'm thinking, first and foremost of senate minority whip john thune, the number two senate republican, who has been a long time time critic of donald trump, has openly said he worries about donald trump's viability in a general election versus joe biden now coming out and endorsing the former president. again, this is someone who said after january 6, that the party needs to move on from donald trump. i think it's just another example of how the party is really coalescing around him
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and how donald trump is, is able to consolidate support even among those who have been holding out for so long for really years at this point, ever since he left the white house trying to say, hey, we need to move on that's not the case. and this is an example of people like john thune, other senate republican leaders acknowledging the reality of which is is that voters want him to be their nominee. yeah. >> all right. guys, standby for me for a second. we've got this other big story that we're also following here in washington. and that is the countdown to the government shutdown. congress has its back against the wall again time is running out to prevent this partial shutdown and top congressional leaders met at the white house on tuesday to talk about that and about of course, aid to ukraine, which has wrapped up in all of this. i think it's fair to say this morning that yesterday was not a laid back a fair >> we made it so clear that we can have the shutdown because it hurts so many people in so many different ways, even for a short period of time was very apparent in the room. and the
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speaker did not reject that he said he wants to avoid a government shutdown. so that was very heartening. >> the meeting on ukraine was one of the most intense. i've ever encountered in my many meetings in the oval office >> wow, he's been in a lot of them addressing ukraine is gonna be another story. but when it comes to preventing the shutdown, the speaker mike johnson, tried to sound glass half full we have been working in good faith around the clock every single day for months and weeks and over the last several days, >> quite literally around the clock to get that job done, we're very optimistic. hope that the other leaders came out here and told you the same we believe that we can get to agreement on these issues and prevent a government shutdown >> so that's johnson by himself. the microphones because he was held back, but the president stayed late at the meeting went, talked to reporters by himself, walked out, walked off by himself that says a lot about kind of where the speaker is. i mean andrew, how would you talk a little bit
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about the job that mike johnson has been doing and what that means for all of these stories that we are seeing swirl right now, the big criticism of mike johnson right now, if you hear from republicans, even those who are traditional allies of his and leadership is that he did there here's when it comes to big decisions. every single speaker in history has made strategically flood decisions, but they've had to embrace them and they've had to lean in. that's the way you do this job. and mike johnson seems either unwilling or unable to do that. you look at the government shutdown deadline coming up into days. he hasn't decided officially what path they're going to take. we reported last night that they might go for a stop gap to punt this for another two weeks. but again, we're running up to the deadline and then on ukraine aid, for example, a lot of people are frustrated both supporters and opponents of ukraine aid that he has yet to actually make a decision and spell out how he is going to specifically handle the senate passed bill that provides all of this money to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. and what
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you're seeing is mitch mcconnell, especially getting, get frustrated with his posture here and mitch mcconnell has been through a lot of these processes. he sat through a lot of these oval office meetings over the years. he knows how this works and what we've reported yesterday is that he schumer and hakeem jeffries, the house minority leader, where essentially ganging up on johnson when it comes to the issue of ukraine aid, because again, it goes back to this central point. the central point of contention with johnson, which is just make a decision, right? obviously, mcconnell wants him to make the decision of taking up the senate senate bill and passing it and passing this much needed money for ukraine but again, this is something that frustrates mike, mike johnson's allies and detractors on this issue at like, i mean, it's the fundamental definition of leadership. you have to be able to make a hard decision and then move forward with it. it's so interesting how you put it that the main criticism is that he can't >> i want to show >> everyone you mentioned mitch mcconnell. he talked talked a little bit too yesterday about all this. watch him >> i think we're getting close
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on the first four bills. hopefully that won't require another short term cr and hope springs eternal >> that's ultimately the old mcconnell shelby. i mean, here he is like and hope springs eternal by the way, that sort of, that sort of rightness underneath there is it's very telling. >> yeah. yes, certainly. and again, i think it just underscores how divided republicans are on this issue, particularly when it comes to speaker johnson sort of in a way, holding things up because as you said, he just can't make a decision, right. and you have a number of lawmakers who are pressuring him to do exactly that so i think mcconnell's comments here just represent people, just want him to decide something either way and they're hopeful that he's going to decide and semaphore has been told that it is likely that they're working towards passing something, but it could result in a short shutdown. you
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know, the mean, but it's very it's a very tumultuous situation that seems like it could go either way and change at the, at the you know, in a second. right. well, andrew, i mean, when when mcconnell says hope springs eternal, i think he's really saying i have no hope to get this together. >> nobody hates shutdowns more then mitch mcconnell, he is his line over the years has been this is bad policy and bad politics because he knows that republicans always get blamed for them in this, in this situation, if there were to be a shutdown, republicans would obviously get the blame for that, and mcconnell recognizes, and that's a really big thing too, is republicans have taken the heat for so many of these failed policies that they have not been able to pass over the past several months. and so this sort of just adds onto that in a presidential election year that matters. >> yeah. >> andrew on ukraine aid specifically, i mean, there's this push in the house to create another bill from congressman fitzpatrick you get that out with a discharge
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petition, then of course, you had mentioned that the mcconnell wants them to pass the senate bill. how do you think this plays out ultimately? >> well, look, i mean, that's the million-dollar question right? at this point. what seems to be the best way to get ukraine aid out the door is to have a discharge petition shan, which is a very sad state of affairs because a discharge petition, of course, is extremely rare and has not been successful historically next to impossible over the years, exactly. so if you're saying that that is the best best way to do this, you're saying the chances are pretty dim for passage. and i think that that message was also related to foreign leaders here's what the munich security conference i traveled with a group of lawmakers there who basically said that they were being asked about the discharge petition. so many times because even foreign leaders recognize that, hey, this might be the extreme lever at the break glass of emergency type of move that might need to be taken in the united states with regard to ukraine aid, given this pick dysfunction. we're seeing in congress, specifically in the house of representatives. and lawmakers that they talk about
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their meetings with foreign leaders all the time. one thing that almost never comes up is the minutiae of congressional procedure. >> i try not to even see on tv because american kittens like i just purchased discharge petition, what i can it's over there. so we're >> in a position right now where a discharge petition is actually probably the best out of many bad options in terms of getting this aid done. super fan, i mean, look, i >> were joking about it, but the complete dysfunction of one major branch of the us government is it really is having a really significant and impacts. then honestly, you're going to sort of i forget exactly who it was, who put it this way, but it could bend history, right? mike johnson has a chance to bend history for one way or the other. yeah. shelby talcott, andrew desiderio. thank you, guys both very much for being with us this morning. >> up next here are the star witness >> fizzles in the attempt to get fulton county da fani willis kicked off of the trump case. we'll bring you that. plus shohei ohtani making a memorable string spring training debut with the dodgers
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>> call now, rahel solomon in new york is cnn closed captioning brought to you by in vet help call 18071000 to o. do you have an invention idea, but don't know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called now 807 ones 0020 >> welcome back. what was supposed to be a big day for team trump in the georgia election subversion case, didn't quite live up to the hype. the lawyer who was billed as a star witness in the effort to disqualify fulton county district attorney fani willis did not seem to deliver the damaging testimony that the defense was hoping for. instead of spilling it all on willis's romantic relationship with prosecutor nathan wade, terrence bradley said that he didn't recall when asked a number of key questions i do not have knowledge of it starting or when it started. i
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don't recall any specific dates that he doesn't remember much of anything right now. and so i'm trying to create a timeline to hopefully piece this together. >> this was however many years ago, i may not, i don't recall, but no, i don't >> all right. joining me now to discuss this, cnn political commentator, former georgia lieutenant governor geoff duncan. geoff, thank you very much for being here. it's always good >> so what did you make of this yesterday? i mean, just to kind of i'll remind everyone, this guy comes to the stand because he maybe has knowledge about the timeline of when the relationship between fani willis, the da, and a prosecutor, she hired nathan wade started the idea being that if it started before she hired wade to be the prosecutor in this case there is potentially a conflict of interest if it didn't happen until after it's less likely that that would be proven >> what did you >> see unfold yesterday with this guy saying, all remember
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>> yeah. there was a lot of anticipation that this was going to be the big aha moment that was going to prove that the testimony that had been given by fani willis and nathan wade was not accurate and certainly felt like they were walking around the edges of that of that answer, but never actually got to it. they were very technical answers that he gave response to it and the big takeaway for me is it just continues to just cast doubt and i think at the end of the day, that's a big problem here with trump in his cast of characters, you give them an inch, they take a mile. and so even if this doesn't prove to be a technical default or disqualify her or nathan wade. it just continues to cast out in the process what do you think fani willis should have done differently here >> why don't think she should have had a relationship with somebody like nathan wade throughout this entire process. i mean, whenever you run for elected office, you know, you're held to a higher standard and she she ran for elected office and then in addition to that, when you take on a former president and put a number of indictments on the table. you raise it to an even
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higher bar so that would have simplified the case and surely made it easier. i mean, this whole things playing out a lot like two teenagers that were running around and getting caught by their parents and being asked uncomfortable questions. i mean, to hear her dad had in the courtroom answering some questions and nathan wade having to talk about the last time they had sex. i mean, this is just hard, difficult stuff and it's just a sideshow as to what we should be talking about. and that is a group of individuals that tried to usurp democracy and attack the actual validity of the election. >> i mean, i also think it's worth noting that we're sitting here in 2020 for this is four years after all this unfolded, we've got another election kind of staring us in the face. how much of this is just about delaying it until we get to that point. >> yeah, certainly. i'm sure donald trump's team wants to delay this as long as possible. i mean, none of these facts or figures or helpful to him right? i mean, the reality is the election wasn't rigged in georgia and that's going to be seen. the reality is there was a group of fake electors that showed up that did the wrong
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thing. and continues on and on and on. same with the other cases that are out there. of course, they want to delay. but the reality is america needs to hear these verdicts now. guilty, not guilty, whatever they end up being we need to hear them now so that we can walk into this, jump into this general election in 24 and make, make a decision. >> yeah, for sure. all right. jeff >> we all know you as >> the former lieutenant governor of georgia, but you're also i just realized this morning, a former minor league ballplayer. can we talk about shohei ohtani for a second? >> as andy with us yet shohei ohtani is given dodgers handy. so he's getting dodgers fans huge hope for this season after this first spring training game. you've got the bleacher report. what would you see from him? >> well, this is first time we got to see that new one-two-three punch that the dodgers have at the top of that line up with mooky beds, shohei ohtani, and freddie freeman, arguably the best one to three now in all of baseball and everyone is waiting to see shohei ohtani and that dodger blue for the very first time yesterday as he made his debut against the white sox. and i
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tell you what casey he did not disappoint after signing that record ten year $700 million deal, he gave fans something to cheer about right away and you could tell he was trying to make a good impression from the start. it is first at bat swung so hard, his helmet flew off. check this right here. >> he was definitely >> swinging for the fences on that one. and then in the fifth ending, though, he would come up to the plate and he would find the fences. shohei a launching a two run home run here, given those fans in blue, lots to cheer about now, thani not going to be able to pay until next season after undergoing elbow surgery. he's going to be focusing solely on hitting this season, which as you can see, it's also quite good he's a basketball. oh, go ahead. casey. >> i'm no, i'm sorry. i just jeff, you've played this game. i mean, the level that shohei ohtani can play baseball, it's just it's astonishing. >> well, first of all, just seeing scenes of spring training are just glorious, right? that's the greatest time of the ears of baseball, which isn't catchers report. you thani i mean, technically break
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this down. i mean, first game of the year, he lets the ball traveling so it goes the other way. he hits a monstrous home run. i mean, this guy's in game, game shape right out of the gates >> garcia is all right, jeff, thank you. you're coming back in the hour, andy, what else you got for us while we add some exciting finishes? in the basketball world last night, guys, i mean, i know i'm not sure there's anything more exciting than a half-court game-winning buzzer-beater in the bands and cleveland, they got a good one last night, pick it up eight seconds left against the mads, the cavs were up by one luka doncic is going to get the ball here. he's going to drive the lane and get it to pj washington. he lays it out with two seconds left to give the mavs at one one-point lead. max strus is then going to inbound the ball, gets it right back and the nails of 59 foot are nothing but net to win it at the buzzer calves all run to tackle strus. this was his seventh three of the game fit in the final four minutes. all the fans is going nuts. calves one that was 121 what one night we also had a fantastic finishing college basketball colorado state's isaiah stevens. he ties the game
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against the bad. i was just two seconds left on the clock at the rams, they call time-out, set up a nice little play, and jared lucas comes through banking. this one home from half-court to win it. lucas coming through after mr. 33 throws in the final 20 seconds, the vata. win in the thriller there, 77, 74, i'm finally tempers were flaring in lubbock, texas last night hi, between texas and texas tech. second half, longhorns up big players, going to go for the loose ball here after this rebound. and brock cunningham just going to check darien williams ended announcers table players had to be separated after that, cunningham was injected for a flagrant two. well, in the red raiders, students started getting out of control, throwing things onto the floor, head coach grit, greg makatla actually had to get on the mic, tell him to stop every the floor we're going to get attention because
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it's got to stop >> carried out by security during that stoppage this game extra heated because it was texas his last game and loving before heading to the sec. next season and kasie tell you what i worked in, love it for three years. i can tell you what does texas tech students are quite rowdy and that was example all right, well, let's, let's focus on those half-court shots wow, amazing. i'll i will say to our college, our kallikak hit your free throws man three, and there is are four >> shot. >> all right. andy, thank you very much. it will see you tomorrow. next hour here inside the numbers biden and trump are both winning big in michigan, but you can see cracks in the armor. and this breaking story from the texas panhandle evacuations underway as wildfires there's in texas earn out of control
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