tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN February 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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she told people magazine, quote, i'm absolutely done with shaming from other people and particularly myself the admission revealing a change of heart for oprah. she'd previously said taking weight-loss drugs seemed like quote, the easy way out, but she is emphasizing that it's not the only thing she is now doing. she says she's adhering to a strict diet and exercise regimen, eating her last meal at four in the afternoon and drinking a gallon of water a day and with her exit, she is also letting go of her shares, holdings in weightwatchers, donating more than $6 million worth of those shares to the national museum of african-american history and culture in washington, dc. thanks so much for joining us ac360 starts now >> tonight on 360, the president and former president each visit the southern border, what to make it? there are two different messages and what people in the front lines? prices really want on. also tonight, the two sides requests
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trial dates in the trump documents case. jack smith wants it sooner, the defense later. it says it won't be fair unless it's much later as an after the election. and john king's election year journey all over the map, taking him to pennsylvania tonight to see how seniors view a race between the two oldest presidential candidate it's ever. good evening, thanks for joining us. we begin tonight, keeping them honest with immigration, the issue americans now called their top concern according to recent polling. today, president biden and former president trump made dueling visits. the texas southern border, biden to brownsville, trump to eagle pass to cities about 300 miles apart. two candidates who each in his own way has failed to fix a broken and severely overburdened border security and asylum system. president biden, many believed by omission, by not making the problem enough of a priority until recently, even after a year of increasing numbers of people crossing the border. and rising border encounters which set new records and don't trump by commission. he's actively opposing any action until after he presumably wins the
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election. even though today he painted the problem as an imminent existential threat. >> these are the people that are coming into our country and they're coming from jails and they're coming from prisons and they coming from mental institutions. they're coming from insane asylums. and they are terrorists. they're being let into our country. >> and >> it's horrible. it's honorable. you look at the jails now you take a look at the jails throughout the region, but more importantly throughout the world the emptying out because they're dumping them into the united states >> actually studies have shown the migrants commit fewer crimes as a percentage than us citizens do. but hyperbole aside, it is hard to say his focus on the border is misplaced. it's a problem. it needs to be addressed keeping them honest though the former president has only campaigning on it, not addressing the problem worse than that as you likely know, he's come out against bipartisan senate legislation, which toughens border security titans, the asylum process, and pays for more courts and judges in
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border enforcement he told house republicans to torpedo the bill and they did. but imagine if he didn't, he could have gone to the border today and pointed to the tough new border legislation that he in republican lawmakers force the president to accept could have, but didn't. which left president biden today to attempt to seize the high ground on an issue which fair to say he has hardly taken the lead on here's what i would say to mr. trump. said a plan policy issue set of telling members of congress to block this at his station join me or i'll join you and telling the congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. >> we can do it together >> cnn's kristen holmes is in eagle pass, texas covering the former president is visits priscilla alvarez joins us from brownsville where president biden spoke. let's start with kristen holmes. so kristen, what else did the former president? >> well, anderson, what do you took to the stage? you really repeated what we've heard pulling from a familiar
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playbook that he's been doing since 2015 when he announces first presidential bid and said that mexico was sending over drop bugs and rapists, he stoked fear and he used rhetoric linking immigration and violent crime. and this is something, again, that propelled him to the white house in 20 he's 16 and also really helped build a base that we now see that surrounds and props up donald trump. but today he's really trying to reach people outside of that base. he's hoping that this message is going to help them to the white house again in 2024 take a given that polling that we have seen that you mentioned, that shows that immigration is the number one issue for voters and the biden's approval rating on the issue is very low. hello, much lower than donald trump's was. but one thing he didn't bring up, despite the fact that he continued to say he alone could fix the border or that if you brought voted him into office, he would fix it. he had all the solutions he did not bring up the fact that he turned to that bipartisan border bill and told republicans both privately and publicly, not to vote for it, not to support it but whether or not that message gets through to people who are fearful of immigration, who are
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fearful of what is it's going on at the border that remains unclear because he clearly knows how to tap into that messaging. >> so nobody asked oh, he did anybody ask him about tanking the border bill or he didn't? he certainly didn't bring up on his own. you're saying well, you didn't bring it up on his own and neither did any of the conservative republican texas officials who are within some of whom who had publicly supported the border bill before donald trump came out against it. now, we did not have an opportunity to question trump. we actually didn't even get close enough to him. they had us in a press pen far away. we thought we would be the remarks, but we were not we were told he was going to answer questions. maybe the pool ask some questions, but he did not answer any. it was more billed as a build his remarks, but it actually ended up being a speech. he has not really answered anything on that other than to say that it had nothing to do with politics, that it was a bad deal, and just want to note, he said it was a bad deal despite the fact that it had restrictions in place that republicans have been fighting for, for decades, despite the fact that it was negotiated by one of the most conservative senators in the senate who
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fought for these things. and it would have put in place some of the restrictions that again, they have been working towards donald trump himself has it's been calling for, but he said it was a bad deal and he said that only he could fix it. now they're line is that this is executive action that biden should be taking, that he took donald trump took executive action and biden should take it as well. that is how they are spinning his decision to come out against that bill or kristen holmes. thank you. next to cnn's priscilla alvarez, who is with in the room for president biden's remarks. so what else to prison biden say besides those comments directed to the former president? >> well, going into today, the intention by president biden was to place more pressure on congress to pass that failed senate border bill because it was his white house officials and senate negotiators who worked to him i'm route that compromise. so that is what the focus was for president biden today. and it was notable that he actually cited some republican talking points focusing on fentanyl oh cartels, criminals in talking
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about the need for resources for the department of homeland security. so trying to make that direct connection that without that help without that legislation, he can't get what the department needs to enforce. the us border, and he repeatedly said that it was quote, time to act it was notable, of course, that he did reference his predecessor in his remarks because as you heard there from kristen, it was former president donald trump that played a critical role in scuttling this deal. that republicans had worked on hammering and in talking to white house officials and campaign officials, they're hoping that voters can make this connection and that they can see that there was a solution on the table and that republicans walked away from it. so that is why president biden is leaning into this moment and trying to use this as an opportunity. frankly, anderson, it has been a pivotal moment for this white house, which up until this point, i really distanced itself from the us-mexico border. >> so the white house we've raised the idea kind of off for
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the record about possibly an executive action. is there was that just a trial balloon? what is there a plan b in the absence of getting something passed in congress? >> well, sources told me that this is still very much under consideration and being worked through this requires administration attorneys to review and what is being consumed sittard, ease restrictions on the ability for migrants to seek asylum in the us if they cross unlawfully using an authority that former president donald trump also tried to use. he tried to shut down the border. this seems to be a little different though. we still don't have the text of it. so there is a plan b that is being worked through but it's still not the same as enshrining something into law. and that's what white house officials come back to you. they can try to do more on the us mexico border, but none of it will be the same if it's not written in the law, which is exactly what former president donald trump base because everything he did was legally challenged in court and they're anticipating the same could
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happen with any action president biden takes. the pressure sir, is still going to remain on congress. but as you heard from the former president today, there is still a push by republicans for the president to take more executive action on the us-mexico border. >> priscilla alvarez in brownsville. thank you. joining us now, connecticut democratic senator chris murphy wanted go shaders on that bipartisan senate legislation that the former president tank senator murphy. i mean, when you see the foreign president at the southern border today referring to criminals and terrorists and people from mental hospitals. after he effectively killed the bipartisan bill that you worked in, negotiate what, what runs through your mind? >> well, first of all, this invasion rhetoric is just absolutely disgusting and seen a phobic is racist. you go to ukraine you see what an actual invasion looks like. this is somebody who dodge the draft who has no idea what an actual war looks like. but here's the bottom line. president trump does not want to fix the border. he does not want to say fix the border because all he wants is a catholic border
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because he thinks it helps him politically. we had a deal, a bipartisan compromise, a tough set of new restrictions on the border including the ability for the president united states to close portions of the border when crossings get too high. and donald trump instructed his allies in the united states senate to kill that bill. and he's been pretty clear why, because he thought it would help joe biden because it would be good for america. so we still have a chance to come together and pass that i bipartisan border bill that would help us control the border on trump is the primary thing standing in the way. >> you know, it's interesting because the president had tweeted out the former president had tweeted out this is not a perfect border bill. obviously, no, bill is perfect. it's called the compromise and things have to make compromises, but certainly democrats bent over back words in ways they hadn't before and i mean this was as you say, a very tough border bill, kyrsten sinema had said that according to the requirements in this border bill, if they were in
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place, the border would have been shut down pretty much every day of this year that's right. because this bill included an unprecedented ability for the president to stop processing claims in between the ports of entry when crossings are above 5,000 a day and they have been above 5,000 a day since the end of last year. our compromise bill was supported by the pro-trump border patrol union. it was supported by the wall street journal, the chamber of commerce. this is a conservative, tough bill that would have allowed the president to control the border. and because it actually would have been successful in controlling the border, republicans led by tunnel drunk killed it because they just can't imagine a world in which they can't exploit them border for political purposes. >> it also seemed to have pretty sensible requirements on increasing funding for judges to process asylum claims much
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quicker when people first crossover i mean, the asylum system in this country is insane that people spend can just say that whether they want to claim asylum. and it'll take years for any kind of a hearing into play take place. and meanwhile, they're here and legally they can't work. >> arctic ocean stuck for months and people were in patient to see the product, but it was because we were actually trying to solve the problem we weren't writing a bill that was just going to score political points. senator lankford and i are very different politically, but we are committed to solving the problem. and one of the problems is that when you come into this country to seek asylum, it often takes ten years for your claim to be adjudicated. and so it's an incentive for people to come into the country who have invalid claims because you get ten years of working in the united states, even if you don't qualify for asylum. so what are bill would have done is not just allow the president has shut down the border, but also expedite the asylum we process so that all those claims are heard in six months instead of ten years. and what that would do is provide a tremendous disincentive to
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anybody coming to the united states who is going to lose their claim. so our bill would have fixed a lot of the biggest problems in the immigration system. and again, that's the reason donald trump opposes it because does it actually would've worked >> i mean, do you accept that president biden and his team waited too long because there was an argument that he waited too long to address the gravity of this crisis. i mean, today's trip was only the second time he's actually visited the southern border. you kind of pond off on kamala harris a while back. i mean, this this border deal probably could have gotten done a lot sooner >> well, president biden in his first week or so in office, introduced and immigration and border reform bill and though it didn't get any coverage in the press, he implemented one of the toughest new regulatory regimes at the border in decades regime that was opposed by frankly many progressive immigration groups. so it's just actually not true when
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people say, well, president biden didn't do anything on the border until well, the summer, he actually has what changed is that they're not 10,000 people showing up on a daily basis. and so the crisis is bigger. it's more immediate and what also changed is that finally, republicans we thought were willing to come to the table and get something done, something they were not willing to do for the first three years of president biden's it's term it's also closer. i mean, it's also closer to the election and there's more pressure on the white house to actually do something. i guess the argument is, could if he had been willing to, if democrats had been willing to negotiate in the way that you guys did on this bill now, earlier, would that have do you think it would have had a chance of passing? >> know? i understand now that republicans will not support a bipartisan border fix that they are only interested in this issue remaining mean a political wedge issue like what would republican senators do on the weekends if they couldn't fly down to the border dress up
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like border patrol officers and portray and pretend that they're chasing singh down undocumented immigrants. so i don't think at any point republicans were going to be ready to get a deal. donald trump was never going to let that happen. >> there's murphy murphy thank you so much for your time. more now on what happens in the absence of any agreement on how to address the border problem and who pays the price for continuing, which obviously a broken system ed lavendera has that the edge of buyer john finn's eagle pass wrench stretches along three-and-a-half miles of the border, looking into >> mexico, thousands of migrants have come through here the remnants of discarded clothing are everywhere texas authorities have installed miles of fencing and stretches of razor wire you're on the front line of this crisis here on the rio grande. when you see what it looks like around here, what, what do you make of it when you come out here? >> well i mean, it's it's it's
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it's a bad situation, so horrible situation. >> but what john finn mostly c's is a lot of politicians not willing to work together doesn't understand why lawmakers can't pass legislation to resolve the migrant crisis. >> do you feel like you're kind of helpless as that toxic politics continues to rage in dc over this it's frustrating. >> there's two different politics working against each other, but we have one side saying that they want to do it one way and one side saying they're going to do another. and that's that separation that we have to come together eagle pass. has become the epicenter of the political battle over border security. the stage where the texas republican governor is in a showdown with the biden ministration and federal immigration authorities. >> how long are we going to be going like this? >> rosa ariana worked as a customs and border protection agent for 14 years. she's become a local republican party activists and is frustrated by
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the gridlock. >> if we're still going to be on opposite extremes at the republicans won it my way or the highway and the democrats are the same way. we're not going to get anywhere it's gonna keep getting band-aid fix after band-aid fix. that's just going to happen. >> all right. y'know, says the focus needs to be on cartel human smugglers. she says, they'll continue to outmaneuver authorities at the border until washington ends. the partisan bickering. >> good. does it take a rocket scientists to go ahead and figure this out. gobbles my mind, be like, how can you grow men that have been elected by your constituents? joins not be able to figure out this. you know, how to fix this broken system. >> it's got to stop, it's got to come to an in. >> people like buyer john finn are left waiting for politicians to figure this out while he barely recognizes parts of his own land covered in razor wire and discarded clothing you know, the prominent theme that you hear talking to people on the board over the last few months is just the lack of encouragement in the lack of confidence that
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any of this will be resolved anytime soon. so it was fitting for many people that president biden is in brownsville for president trump is in eagle pass more than 300 miles apart. but the political reality is that this political gap is much, much wider than those 300 miles, but they were separated by today i had lavendera thanks. coming up tonight, breaking news on the trump classified documents case. jack smith wants a summer trial date in the trump team, suggests they could reach agreement on that. meanwhile, meaning that there's potentially could be a trial, even verdict before the election. we'll have more details on that. also, horrific images of gazans killed trying to get food we'll bring you the latest from the region >> dietary supplements from volterra for healthy joints >> my bad reputation is ruined.
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pre-puberty percent over real stuff? and even more during our winter sale >> this source with kaitlan collins tonight at nine >> breaking news now, on the former president's trial for mishandling classified documents and a new filings. special counsel, jack smith proposes moving the trial date for may 20th to july 8, the former president's attorneys who repeatedly pressed to delay the timeline of the trial, had filed their own motion. they again demanded the trial happened after the presidential election, but and this is a surprising new development. they say, if it can't wait until after the election than they propose august 12 of this
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year for the former president and a codefendant and a september 9 and september 9, for another co-defendant judge aileen cannon, is expected to address the trial date during a hearing tomorrow. that comes the same day that we learned that jack smith wants to be able to ask prospective jurors whether they believed the 2020 election was stolen. want to get some perspective now on all this from former federal prosecutor elie honig and former nixon white house counsel, john dean. what do you make of this july hey, eighth day? >> well, so that's a really interesting development that there could be some agreement here between the parties to do a trial in july or august. and if that's the deal, i think i see why each side might be interested in that. it tells me, first of all that jack smith has now concluded that it's very unlikely he's going to get his january 6 trial and we just saw the supreme court take that case yesterday. i think he's done the math and seeing that that's essentially a done deal in terms of trying it before the election, this would allow jack smith to at least try the mar-a-lago case before the election and from trump's team perspective, they get the win of moving the january 6 trial until after trial until after the election
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and it allows them they would go ahead with the florida trial, the mar-a-lago trial, but you're going to have a good jury there. if you're donald trump, you're going to have half that jury is going to be trump's supporters, trump voters. so there's also questions about the judge that the judge has been good for trump's. so i think if you're trump's lawyers and we've had reporting on this, you're feeling pretty good about your chances in florida. the august 12 date? >> which they say that could be a fallback option to turn team >> i mean, how long a >> trial are we looking at this feels to me and i know the parties put in different requests and estimates. i think trump's team said eight to ten weeks, i think doj said six to eight weeks. i think you're looking at a six to eight week trial. i think that's a good estimate, but that what we're doing the math here that would take you from august into september, into october. that's we can have a verdict in that scenario really close to election day. >> john, what do you think is at play here? i mean, do you think the trump team sees the judge as being more favorable to him? they'd rather deal with her this summer than judge chutkan i think that's a real possibility that they think that there is still outstanding
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possibility she could be removed from this case there are some motions in front of her that they're going to be dealt with tomorrow and if if she rules the wrong way, jack smith might seek to remove her. there's a motion to reconsider evidence that would be made available on witnesses and jurors that is pretty sensitive. and particularly in a case of high profile. so that hasn't been resolved yet, will possibly be resolved tomorrow. but i also think anderson that they have undoubtedly poll this case vis-a-vis the washington, dc january 6 case, and found probably that there were their base. this is less severe, less interest. what have you than the election interference case? >> elie, what are you expecting from this hearing tomorrow? me do you think we'll have an actual answer on the i do think so. it's about time that the judge set a specific trial date. we're far enough out. the other thing i'm watching for is the parties are now negotiating
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and disagreeing about what should they ask the prospective jurors, the people who are potentially going to decide this case. and what each side is trying to do. if you look at their proposed questions, is essentially identify jurors who are going to be hostile to them so that the parties can eliminate those jurors and that jack smith wanted to ask about if they believe in the documents case, they believe the 2020 election, which has nothing to do with the documents case, but it's almost a perfect proxy for whether someone support trump or not. and the idea from either side is you want to get rid of those jurors being they'll be allowed to asked that question. it's a weird one to me because it has nothing to do with the case. and there will be other ways that the parties can learn about where the where the perspective jurors said they can ask them, are you registered as a republican or democrat? do you have strong feelings about any of the parties so that one seems at a leftfield for me, but they're going to be trying to suss out basically, what does this person think about? donald trump, john, is that appropriate for them to do >> i think they would certainly can get to the bottom of who
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these jurors are about want-to. it's not an inappropriate question. is does as it's really just a weird question. as the litmus test, it might be because it shows their respect for the rule of law in many ways it could be a disqualifier for the government would cost that juror if they could not run out of pre-amps to remove them. so i think i think that the government is and trump have been doing a lot of research on what kind of jury they want for this case. it's a sophisticated case in some regards, it's a laid down case and others because it's very document-heavy and it's pretty clear, it's a pretty simple case, but it's also politically very going to be very embarrassing for donald trump. >> john dean, elie honig, thanks so much coming up next. everything we're learning at this hour about the chaos and loss of life are under a convoy of aid trucks in gaza we're
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it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. of the flavor the future of soda is now and it's called poppy >> there's still four more questions and answers about what happened exactly during and around an aid delivery this morning in northern gaza. gaza is hamas-run health ministry says at least 112 people were killed. the palestinian ambassador to the un put, now puts the death toll 122 people
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cnn can't confirm either figure. cnn's alex marquardt has more details >> pandemonium as desperate palestinians, russia, convoy of aid trucks in the northern part of gaza, where aid, which has already scarce, is in painfully short supply in this drone video released by the israeli military, the trucks are surrounded, people climbing on top of the trucks, chaos and panic >> this >> is before dawn in gaza city, the biggest city in the enclave. israeli troops are nearby. you can see here israeli tanks alongside the convoy then gunshots there are conflicting accounts of what happened. eye witnesses say israeli troops fired into the crowd, fueling the chaos. a journalist hotter aza noon, who was on the scene, said that idf soldiers killed about 20 people when the crowd, cnn cannot corroborate that claim. the idf has changed its account throughout the day, most recently saying that israeli tanks were issuing warning
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shots to disperse a crowd after seeing people were being trampled. and earlier account from the idf said there were two separate incidents. one where crowds rush the trucks and cause them too run over other civilians and a subsequent event where idf soldiers fired on a group of palestinians who approached their military outpost and posed a threat panic appears to have spread. the idf says, consuming the truck drivers who tried to speed away. and in the process killing dozens, ramming and running them over. there >> was no idea strike on this aid >> israel says its military was helping with a humanitarian operation. >> the tanks that were there to secure the convoy sees the gazan being trampled and cautiously tries to disperse. the mob with a few warning shots. >> the death toll more than 100 palestinians killed today, according to the palestinian ministry of health, and more than 700 injured. which cnn cannot verify but i had you
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been able to edge just like holding a body >> this man says, he went to get a bit of bread, a bag of flour for his family. what is clear, however, is that today's deaths are the result of the dire humanitarian situation resulting from the israel hamas war that has driven so many of gaza's population of more than 2 million to despair and hunger. today's horrors coming the same day, the death toll in gaza since the war began crossed 30,000 according to the palestinian health ministry most of them women and children. >> let me start by addressing the tragic incident in northern gaza today, the us state department said they are urgently seeking more information on what happened. >> people need more food they need more water they need medicine and other humanitarian goods. and they need it now, >> alex marquardt joins us now. so prison biden said today that this will complicate the ceasefire talks. what else did he say? yeah, anderson, he acknowledged that these that
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this would make the talks more difficult. quality also walked back the timeframe. remember a couple of days ago, he had said that a ceasefire could be in place by monday today. he acknowledged that that was probably unlikely though he added hope springs eternal. we also know that the president spoke with his egyptian and qatari counterparts. these three countries, of course, are the main mediators trying to get israel and hamas to a ceasefire. now, sources that i've been speaking with throughout the day say that more than anything, this incident today shows that there is an urgency to get to the ceasefire, to be able to provide more humanitarian aid. it is unclear according to the sources, to what extent this instead, it will derail the talks. that is something that hamas has said could happen. or to what extent it could actually help accelerate the talks. but anderson, i think the bottom line here, when you look at those scenes it is clear that not nearly enough aid is getting into gaza and is not getting to the places where it needs to be. and if there were a ceasefire, it would not only be a piece. however,
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temporary a break in the fighting. it would not only see israeli hostages released after almost five months, but it would certainly help alleviate a lot of that desperation. >> and marquardt, thanks very much joining us from tel aviv. now, idf spokesman lieutenant colonel peter lerner lieutenant colonel lerner, a local reporter on the scene, says that shots fired by the idf led to panic, buy the truck drivers and people desperate for supplies, people were run over. then according to the director of one hospital in gaza city, who spoke to new york times that person said about 100 patients were brought in with gunshot wounds. we can't verify those numbers. i know you said earlier clearer on air that the idf fired warning shots. if that's all they did, how did so many people get gunshot wound >> anderson. thank you. i'm not aware of so many if people receiving any gunshot wounds. and i would say we need to be very, very cautious at accepting anything that comes out of the hamas ministry of health as we would be cautious of accepting anything coming out over the i-system ministry of health or the al-qaeda ministry of health. the reality
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is, is this in humanitarian operation in the early hours of yesterday good morning for the fourth consecutive day, we are conducting an operation to get humanitarian aid. and food supplies into northern gaza. as the food supplies proceeded into the northern gaza strip masses of people stormed the convoy of over 30 trucks as you can see in the footage, the amount of people that just went to the trucks, it was immense and an extensive and what we understand is that throughout the case of these actions, many people trampled, beaten, and in some cases, even run over. we understand that dozens of people were actually we run over and killed in this incident. indeed, the idf, we're securing the area and we had a threat to one of our tanks where people were advancing towards the tank the
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forces opened fire with light arms machine gun with warning shots. those warning shots as the people continued to move forward a continuing what two of the perceived threat needed continued to a limited control burst of fire. and this is the images that we've seen come out and then the forces then retreated. so it was a very limited contained engagement on the ground. and most of the casualties and fatalities are absolutely from the initial incident of storming the convoy. this is the tragedy. this is a tragedy of this event. and indeed, another desperate situation as a result of this war >> see idp disrupts the idp derails >> let's be honest >> socks but living to see idp
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apologize. we had some technical problems where i could no longer here, lieutenant colonel peter lerner from the idf speaking, that's why we cut to commercial break he is kind enough to stick around. so again, joining us from tel-aviv, idf spokesman, attend colonel peter lerner you were saying. essentially that there were two separate issues. i know earlier in the day that's what you had said, that there were two separate issues. there were people swarming over the food convoy and then there were also people who approached a position that was somewhat close. is that still what you're saying happened? >> yeah, absolutely. that's the reality. we understand his what we know. that people were swarming the trucks. indeed some of those got crushed and killed by the vehicles, the trucks that were moving forward and at a second incident, adjacent, a short distance away approaching one of our tanks and putting soldiers at risk. of course, in the nature of the
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combat that we are facing with the 360 degree risk of terrorists that are not wearing uniform that will attach an explosive device to our tanks and our armed vehicles. there is a distinct threat and that is why they opened fire with warning shots to begin with. and when the people continue to move towards the tank for less than five meters away and as when the forces opened fire towards those that continued their probe to breck progress forward. so it was a challenge. so do you know how many people idf forces killed in that incident in the who you say we're approaching the tank? >> we understand it is around probably less than ten people that were injured and wounded and perhaps killed in this incident unfortunate reality, i don't know who they are, and i can't identify that at this at this stage. obviously it does not relate and even if i saw that airing the al jazeera
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footage there. and i've watched that extensively also throughout the day it's clear that they're very short bursts, very contains that would not explain the magnitude of the numbers that hamas had been reporting. either. their numbers are inaccurate, which makes sense but they definitely have nothing to do with the idf fighter >> earlier in the day, you would also said that that there was gunfire from palestinians at the around the food convoys. are you still saying that? because there we have an eyewitness on the ground who had said that the gunfire he said by israeli forces panic i've lost your audio. anderson think it's nauta flip on my side. i don't know if you can hear me and i got the beginning of the question. i understand that there was an exchange or fire towards the trucks after
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they progressed even further going north. and we understand that one of their drivers one of the palestinian drivers, was actually killed as a result of this. this is a report we've received. >> i would say that the incident is still being investigated and there may be some more information that comes out that we will of course, make public. we understand the severity of the situation in northern gaza we understand that there is a dire humanitarian situation, and this is precisely the reason why we've been putting an effort to get food supplies up into the north over the last few days extensively. the reality is a reality that is challenging. it is a reality where they're in the north of gaza. there is still combat and attacks that are taking place and now we are seeking out the hamas terrorists are trying to regroup in order to conduct more attacks against israel. and we completely understand that the humanitarian effort goes hand in hand with the operational efforts. it's an important component of the war effort we need to get rid of
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hamas. and the only way to do that is to distinguish between the terrorists themselves and hamas and the people of gaza. we should differentiate, distinguish between nodes. >> i'm sorry. again, i was having ifb problems. i couldn't hear some of what you said, but but um, that i can now hear you again, you have operational control over northern gaza mean colin powell famously told george w bush about invading iraq. if you break it, you bought it. you were overseeing this distribution site. in fact, earlier in the interview, you call this this was an operation you guys were coordinating. isn't the idf now responsible for how aid is distributed given you've taken over this territory you've effectively destroyed the hamas-run police force. so shouldn't you be responsible for, as you said, you were securing this area, it doesn't look like the idf did a very good job. >> anderson, we worst securing, we don't have effective control over all of the northern gaza strip or the southern gaza strip for that
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matter either, right. but as i said, there were some delivery convoy to a place, shouldn't you have control over that area? >> there, are still combat taking place, there are still attacks being conducted and jeopardizing the operations as we go forward. the idea of maintaining a flow of humanitarian aid is to get it to the people that are actually in dire need. of course, there is a challenge. of course we understand that. and if that is precisely why we facility let's say i didn't coordinate it. that just this morning airdrops into northern gaza, that were conducted by the jordanians continued airdrops continued to access. but as you >> know, rafah, as you know, though airdrops can airdrops can bring in maybe one or two truck worth of supplies to actually bring in kinda number of supplies you all need according to aid agencies, you need a large flow of trucks israel could allow other vehicles to come. and right now, and my understanding is there's two entrance points. there's rafah and then there's one also in the south. these
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trucks have to come up from the south all the way up to the north which makes it even more likely that people are going to swarm them. couldn't you also open up other avenues from the north of israel into northern gaza? >> we are currently looking into the possibility to creating another access point. indeed, it is definitely on the plate. i would say though that the amounts of foods, stuff that is coming in from israel into gaza, whether it's through the rafah crossing from egypt or after it's being screened by israel, or through israeli side at kerem shalom in the south. as you rightly pointed out, there's no limit from the israeli's perspective, the foodstuff. shalom. >> and as you point out, israeli citizens are blocked, often blocking aid from getting in on the israeli side. no >> it has happened, but the flow continues. there are still till today. food supplies on the palestinian side waiting to be picked up by the un organizations. so it's the
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bottleneck is actually on the logistics. chain. supply is actually on the palestinian side i do not on the israeli side, there's no limit on our side, but we're supplementing that today with the airdrops. and absolutely we are looking into an access point from the north. it's been discussed and we are conducting our assessment in order to do it in a way which will enable the supplies to reach the people that are most in need. >> the tendon colonel lerner, i apologize for the repeated audio problems. have no idea what's going on, but i very much appreciate your patients. we have more breaking news tonight. house lawmakers have released the transcript of hunter biden, closed-door deposition wednesday before the republican-led house oversight and judiciary cheri committees covered more than six hours. the deposition is part of the ongoing republican impeachment inquiry into allegations that president biden benefited financially from hunter biden's overseas the business ventures, according to newly released transcript, hunter biden told lawmakers, quote, all i know is this. my father was never involved in any of my business, ever never received a cent from anybody or never
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benefited in any way. never took any actions on behalf in any way. and i can absolutely 100% state that this is just not just in my case, but in every family members case, seen as evan perez joins us now with more. so understand that hunter biden and congressman matt gaetz clash during the deposition. what more do you know? >> yeah, there were a lot of tense exchanges with matt gaetz in particular anderson and the theme was what you just underlined, which is 100 pushing back on the idea that his father, bennett benefited from any of his business dealings overseas in ukraine or in china? i'll read you just a part of one of his exchanges where he he tries to turn the tables on the republicans, saying, have you not been interested in another president and his son-in-law, jared kushner donald trump's son-in-law and his dealings in saudi arabia. what he says i'll read you just a part of what he says here. he says when jared kushner flies over from flood, flies over to saudi arabia,
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picks up $2 billion, comes back and puts it in his pocket, okay. and trump is running for president united states. you guys have any problem with that? matt, gaetz responds, the clock has stopped, and then he responds, know the clock has not stopped. do you guys have any problem with that? >> i'm >> asking it's unbelievable to me. in part of this, anderson was a hunter biden pushing back again on the idea that his father was involved in any thing and he also explained some of the text messages that republicans have been using in this, in this impeachment inquiry. for instance, one where they refer to the big guy sitting next to me. you're right. his father sitting next to me. what his 100 biden says. is that his father was not sitting next day but he also says that he was on drugs and doesn't actually remember that instance. so we have a lot of exchanges here. it looks it's like anderson that republicans are still pursuing their effort
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to impeach the president. they haven't gotten any of the evidence that they say shows the reason for them but that's where we are at the end of all in how many times and how many different ways did hunter biden argue that his father had no involvement in his business dealings? >> he did that repeatedly over the course of six hours. or read you one quick part of this where he says, i appreciate appreciate the job that you have. i truly do. i appreciate the job now that you all have, i am telling you this, that if you can show me there were any money that i've had to my father other than the instance of the repayment of $1,300 as for a loan for a truck, what he's pointing out to is that there is no there's no evidence, no financial records to show that money flowed from hunter biden father of impressed. >> thanks so much election news. now specifically the age question, particularly so for president biden, even vast numbers of democrats expressing concerns about an impulse results of his physical i'll release yesterday, paint a picture of a healthy president
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with quote, no new concerns. but as you know, did not include a cognitive test, scene to john king has been asking seniors in pennsylvania about the issue for his ongoing election series all over the map hello >> not down, everything has to be in order. >> mahjong is complicated and these seniors six dots say it helps keep them sharp, >> nine, dam last wall. >> darrell ann murphy is the instructor. rule number one, has nothing to do with the tiles we're all here to learn. we're all here for one reason and we're never going to talk religion or politics >> five dot books come up, new shows. >> children and grandchildren. >> i hardly talk paul well, it takes anybody because you just don't know what the other person believes. >> so why does that matter? >> feelings or so much stronger now let me ask a visitor, decides to break the rule. >> who >> wishes we had younger candidates who think donald trump and joe biden are both
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too old to be precedent. >> i think there should be a limit, an age limit at the top a lot of older people now are pretty darn sharp >> this board man is not capable, in my opinion. and i think in the opinion of a lot of people but said it, well, then the counter argument, donald trump can't know the difference between nancy pelosi and nancy haley? >> nikki haley. nikki haley, i can't even know that yes >> even those living the challenge of aging are divided on the age debate this is north hampton county, pennsylvania a place with a history of picking presents is it actual winners? >> it's either him or trump. murphy shrugs it off when a conservative says biden is too old. but some conversations worry her when i start talking about joe and how i admire and respect him. i get plenty of blowback plenty of blowback. he's too old kamala harris, forget her blowback. now, these
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are people who do not necessarily love trump but they talk about wanting a better choice. >> it's a passive margin. why larry malinconico is 71, teaches geology an independent, but he almost always votes for the democrat. >> a >> biden fan, and forgiving when the president says he recently spoke to a foreign leader who died years ago i don't think he's gotten appropriate credit for the things he has done. he has a history of gaffes, but i also think that as we age we do tend to mix things up a little bit off. >> i add college is in eastern a deep blue piece of a purple county. but conversations with friends and students have malinconico wishing the president's settled for just one >> i think there are people who will not vote for him or sit it out because they perceive his age as a potential problem. >> mickey brown is west point class of 1966. >> we tried to stay as active as possible plays tennis, pickleball, and senior softball to stay sharp, my wife, his
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wife though, has dementia and lives in a care home nearby, i believe in jesus and god i think it keeps me strong and i'll be fine. >> brown is a conservative and two-time trump voter. insist though this view of president biden is born of experience, not politics, carrying for my wife, i see certain things and the way his mannerisms that make me wonder if he is really in fact the president trump several years younger than biden, but people have raised the same question. you raised some concerns that you see him biden that you say, well, i've lived that do you see any of that trump? well, >> i was just at on january 31, at times, i forget something that comes back. but i'm fit. i have confidence in myself i just think the difference between the two are enough me to be more concerned about mr. biden going forward than mr. trump. >> shoulders opening, chest
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opening. pat levin is 94. yes. 94. and that pilates >> it's important for to keep me vertical my age, i need all the help i can get aid. >> she says it's not the dominant issue among most of her friends. >> they're terrified about what might happen if joe biden doesn't >> terrified why >> what will happen to democracy as someone who is older than him pays attention to politics what do you see? >> i don't think age should be a determinant of competence. i don't think they go together in any way, shape, or form know a lot of younger people who are quite incompetent. i know a lot of older people very competent. and joe biden falls into that category for me, she knows northampton's history of razor thin margins and of picking the winner. >> that always surprises me because we tend to spend time with people who think the way we do so i think everybody it is for joe biden until november
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comes that surprises me. >> levin will be 95 when this november comes down towards your waist. great. every crunch. >> her way of saying it's just a number. >> right >> first of all, john, pat isn't it shape. it looks great for 94. wow so who has the upper hand among these older voters, even the democrats there we met, who? support biden thing trump does at the moment, and trump has historically anderson, let me just pull up these numbers and look, forgive me for turning my back just so i can stretch them out. in 2016, donald trump beat hillary clinton among voters over 65. you see it there by seven points, right? it was smaller in 2020 and that's the difference. joe biden, five-point thing keep it within the margins in pennsylvania, trump b. clinton by ten, trump only beat biden by seven. so you don't necessarily have to win this constituency. but if you keep the margins tied to joe biden has to at least keep the margins tight and the voters we talked to said it's a bit of a challenge right now. >> what about older voters and other battleground state that's why this is so interesting. let me get this one off the screen here. come
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out to the national map and give you a show oh, here, this just look at this. if you look at let me bring it all the way out. you see pennsylvania in the key battleground states the darker areas here are where you have a higher percentage of 65 plus voters. look, it's the day the most reliable voters they will vote almost always and so for president biden, he has to answer the age question, anderson, among those who understand this issue better than anybody, of course, they're going through it every day and they talk about it. they have their own memory lapses. they can't move as fast as they could. again, it splits mostly along partisan lines. it's mostly democrats who say the president's fine and republicans would say they don't. but what was most interesting, we saw it in pennsylvania and it will matter in these other states is the democrats. you're hurting the piece there, saying that they're still what the president they think he's okay. but when they talk to peers, some of them have doubts and so that's an issue as we go forward here. >> all right. john king. thanks. we apologize again for the technical difficulties tonight. there's nothing worse than doing an interview with somebody and you can't here. everything that they are saying. so apologies for that. the news continues. the source with kaitlan. collins starts now
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