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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 1, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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will be my last one, et iowa. i'm excited to be entering the 2024 wnba draft. now clark will more than likely be heading to the indiana fever who have the top pick in april's draft, clark has gotten to play her final regular season home game on sunday against ohio state. she's just 18 points away from breaking into a doublet. is all scoring record held by pistol pete maravich. >> and >> according to tickpick, clark's home finale on sunday, where she is going to break that record is the most expensive ticket in women's college basketball history. the cheapest seat. >> it's going to cost you more >> than 500 bucks clark says she knows sunday, and that's gonna be a big day >> super special closing in on that. and i my first goal is focusing on a hush ohio state and beating them. but it's super special just to be in the same realm of a lot of these really talented players that have done a lot of really great things for not just men's basketball or just women's basketball, but just basketball in general >> clark has certainly raised
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the profile of women's college basketball more than any other player, kate the hawkeye star, she's played in the most watched women's college basketball games ever for sick different networks, six and fox, the lucky winner on sunday, they've got that big ohio state game at 01:00 p.m. eastern. i'm sure a lot of people going to be watching that one as well. >> we've got this big wall graphic, mr. you're wonderful heading andy, that says she's 18 points left to right. that overall record. it's probably going to happen happen nice and quick. little c, it's gonna, it's gonna be great to watch. it's good to see andy. thank you. >> all right >> any minute now, donald trump is expected in a florida court where a critical hearing and will determine if he will be on trial during the republican national convention. >> alexey navalny laid to rest moments ago in moscow. thousands of people packing streets to mourn the loss of the russian opposition leader,
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chance of putin is it's a killer breaking out as they honor navalny. >> emotional testimony in the rust accidental death trial. and assistant director admits he was named i'm john berman with kate baldwin. this is cnn news central we are standing by to see donald trump arrive at federal courthouse in florida. you we're looking at live pictures of that right now. there is a hearing in his classified documents trial, and we will likely weren't possible will you as soon as this morning when this trial might start special counsel jack smith now says he wants to start on july 8 later that he initially asked for it raises a ton of questions about what that means, not only for this case but also the january 6
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case, the federal case against trump. one wonders if jack smith thanks it can even begin this year. cnn, chief legal affairs correspondent is live outside that court in florida, were a lot paula is about to happen a lot, indeed, this is a high-stakes hearing in arguably the most high-stakes case for former president trump. this is a case where he faces 40 criminal charges connected to his alleged mishandling of classified documents. now, right now at this trial is scheduled so for may 20, but it is widely expected that that is going to be pushed back. >> and >> today, the judge overseeing this case, federal judge, a trump appointee, aileen cannon, has asked both sides hi, it's to come here to court today to talk about scheduling at in the past few days, both sides have given an indication of where they might be willing to have this trial on this very crowded calendar. now, as you noted, the special counsel has said they'd like to start this in early july know interestingly, trump's lawyers insist that their client, as he is campaigning for the white
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house, should not be sitting inside that courtroom. they argue that that violates his first but they offered up august 12 as a date when they would like to see this start, if it must. now that's interesting because as we know the trump trial strategy has it's been to delay everything, particularly these federal trials until after the november presidential election. why? >> well, if trump is reelected, he could have as attorney general dismissed so jack smith and both of these cases. so the fact that they're asking that this trial, if it has to start start in early august is notable because it looks like maybe a little bit of gamesmanship, right? take up space on the calendar to make it difficult to schedule other criminal cases. so all eyes today on judge aileen cannon as she weighs in on when this trial will start and former president trump has not arrived yet, and we expect you'll be here any minute >> yeah, some of the pieces this puzzle could be filled in very shortly, paula reid, thank you very much. we'll talk to you again shortly. >> so from florida to georgia and just a few hours closing arguments are set to get
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underway and the effort to disqualify the fulton county da fani willis from the georgia election subversion case against donald trump. defense attorneys have been trying to prove that willis benefited financially from a romantic relationships she had with the lead prosecutor that she appointed in the case. cnn's zach cohen is outside the courthouse and atlanta has got much more on this. >> zach talked about >> what you expect, what is expected with these closing arguments today? >> yeah. kate, look, we're expecting defense attorneys and prosecutors to really make their closing arguments as to why fani really should or should not to be disqualified from the georgia election subversion case has looked the stakes really couldn't be higher if fani willis is disqualified, sources have told me that people inside the da's office the concern the entire case could go away. prosecutors on the other end of said, look, if fani willis survives this, she's asked for an august trial date and things would effectively to be back on track, so we're talking about a very high-stakes moment, the potentially pivotal in this
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case now today, like i said, defense attorneys are going to have a chance. one more chance to try to convince judge scott mcafee that fani willis either should or should not be disqualified. take a listen to what scott mcafee said earlier this week when he laid out what he wants to see during today's hearing at this point, i need to start hearing the arguments in the law and what we've heard so far. if i think i'm able to reach a ruling based on that, i will. however, if i think that the proffer is going to make a material determinative point. we we can mirror open the evidence at that point but just the bottom line is on friday. i do. the intention is that we're still sticking with argument >> mcafee acknowledging we've heard a lot of testimony and we've seen a lot of evidence be introduced by defense attorneys trying to disqualify fani willis. anybody is also leaving the door open if he doesn't think that he has enough to make it isdigit after what he hears today, he could allow both sides to introduce more evidence dry convince them one way or the other. >> and zach, you have new
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reporting about an effort for prosecutors to try to introduce some evidence at the last minute. can you talk to me more about this? >> you may remember stan brody, he is the winery worker who we found from napa valley who says that he witnessed fani willis paid cash when she had nathan wade, her top prosecutor, visited a winery in california and that's up a key part of fani willis testimony and prosecutors have introduced an affidavit from stan brody proteus statement saying yes, he witnessed fani willis used cash in his way and pay her own way and pay for nathan wade when they visited this winery, he's also offered to testify. he says but the judge doesn't accept the affidavit that he will show up potentially today and testified before the judge. so really a lot going on here, the potential for more evidence, that potential for today to be the closing stages but ultimately we know times of the essence and really the stakes for fani willis and for this case are really laid on the line. >> it's good to see zach. thank you so much. >> john
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>> all right. with us now, cnn senior legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, elie honig, counselor, thank you for being with us. i want to go back to what's happening in florida right now as we wait for donald trump to arrive there, jack smith's team now says they want to july day, donald trump's team says that august day that's actually not very far apart. is it in what is the fact that there are so close tell you about what each side might be thinking right now. >> so don it tells me different things depending on which side we're talking about from jack smith's perspective, what this tells me is he now is accepting the very high likelihood that he's not going to be able to try his other case, the washington, dc case around january 6, at any point before the election, because even if he gets this request, if he gets the florida the case, the documents case moved into july. that's going to effectively block the calendar and make it impossible to try to the dc case from donald trump's perspective, it's interesting to me because trump has been trying to get all these cases moved out past the election. one thing it tells me is donald
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trump's team is less afraid of the florida case. they're less afraid of the documents case then the dc case, the january 6 case, because their position on the january 6 case all along has been this case. these to be tried at one point, they said in 2026 now it seems that there is some willingness by them to try the florida starting in august. so that tells me they're less afraid of that. they also may well see the florida case as a blockade which effectively will prevent the january 6 case from happening before the election. >> do you think you're they're less afraid of the facts of the mar-a-lago documents case, which i think a lot of people see is quite damning toward donald trump, or perhaps something else about the florida case great question. i think it's the jury, not the facts that's driving donald trump's team calculation here. and by the way, rightly, so if you've ever practiced in federal court criminal cases, it's all about the jury. i actually think the facts are stronger against donald trump in the florida case, the documents case, then they are in the january 6 case. but look at the potential jury pool. if
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you're looking at this, are donald trump's perspective, you got 5% of the vote in dc. that means 95% of the voters in dc were against you in 2020. but donald trump won florida. and even if we're limiting it to the southern counties where they're going to draw this jury pool. donald trump gotten made 40% all of the vote there. so if you're thinking about what a florida jury is going to look like, inevitably, you're going to have a good sizable handful of donald trump voters and political supporters on that jury. now, jurors was supposed to put, put aside their political and personal views, but there human beings. take my word for it. they are going to act to some extent based on where they're coming from. >> all right. let's talk about this hearing, these closing arguments. we are going to see and this isn't the georgia election subversion case. these hearings about whether fani willis, the district attorney, and her prosecutors, may be moved off the case. where do you think this stands? elie, what are you watching for >> so there's been so much
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drama john, around this case and these hearings, but let's focus on what the key legal issues are here in order to get fani willis disqualified the defendants, meaning donald trump, mike roman, that people who are challenging or they have to show that she had some financial conflict of interests. now, it doesn't have to be that she had some grand plan to get rich off this case, but their allegation is she hired her boyfriend, nathan wade to run this case. he made a bunch of money and some of it ended up being spent on fani willis vacations and recreational outings. now, the response from the da is, well, it all even now because she would pay for things in cash as we just heard from zach cohen, or she would essentially reimburse nathan wade. and so it all zeroed out. and so there's no conflict of interest. the second big point that we're looking at here though, john, and this has emerged during these hearings, is what was the timing of the start of the romantic relationship between fani willis and nathan wade. and the reason that's become an issue is because fani willis and nathan wade of now testified under oath that the
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relationship, the romantic relationship didn't start until after wade was hired, but the defendants have offered some evidence quite a bit of evidence. i think that it started before the before nathan wade was hired. so that's another important issue. >> how high the bar here though, elie, how high is the bar for this evidence need to be? >> yeah. so the burden of proof here is on the defendant's it is on donald trump, mike roman is on the people who are challenging fani willis. they have to prove their allegations by what we call a preponderance of the evidence, meaning that it's more likely or not, and that's a really important question, john, because ordinarily in a criminal case, the burden is on the prosecution and it's a heavy burden beyond a reasonable doubt. but here the tables are sort of turns so that defendants are trying to disqualify fani willis. they have the burden of proof. >> all right. counselor, you can have a busy day. thank you very much for being with us. >> for sherling visits at the border. president biden, for and former president trump meeting with local officials as when they were there. and now the mayor of breath sounds bill
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texas, where president biden just was he joins us next. also, an emotional day of testimony as the assistant director for the movie rust recalls his final moments with the film's cinematographer halyna hutchins who was my recollection that i might have been the first person to her. she was on the ground what did you say >> are you all right? >> did she respond >> yes. she said i can't feel my legs at least one person has been arrested, 22 others detained for trying to attend the funeral of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. we have more for updates, how this is playing out in moscow today. thousands of people risking their lives and freedom to be there will be back eliot spitzer, crusading governor by day, wanted to be present in the united states. client number nine by night's this guy who is a crusader against human sex trafficking is actually a customer.
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>> mom made this i added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you booked direct. >> i'm evan perez, that federal court in washington. and this is cnn >> quiet this split-screen in texas, president biden meeting with officials at the border in brownsville, while 300 miles away, former president donald trump let's talking about the united states being invaded while visiting eagle pass, texas. joining me now is the mayor of brownsville john kalin junior. he met with president biden yesterday when the president was visiting his city. it's good to see you, mayor. thank you for coming in. what was your what don't you take away from meeting with the president and showing him? what you're doing in brownsville and what you're facing and what you guys are up against right now when it comes to the border and immigration high kaga to me
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was really important to be able to highlight what we're doing to deal with the situation, and also to to ask for more resources. and i think president biden is really trying to push his bipartisan senate bill to provide those resources for personnel, for technology, for better processes at the border. so i think that's something that everyone can embrace do you think that the president, that he understood the urgency that he >> got it, that he understood what you guys need and what you're up against? >> i think so. i think we explained we felt process over 240,000 migrants since 2021, which is more than our population. and i think being that we were able to do it in a humane and organized and in control way. we wanted to show them adl that we use as a city because we're the ones at the city level taking charge in
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that process. and we use our ngos and are non-profits to facilitate so i think we wanted to highlight what we do here and try to make that a model for the rest of the border the biden administration is going to fight pretty directly with some of the moves that are being made by texas >> governor greg abbott with regard to the border and you told cnn back in january that governor abbott's actions at the border you said were justified in that there is an issue at the border? it's not a controlled process on all sides. we need to be better >> what do you want to see happen now >> well, i wanted to seek action from congress and i think, you know, the american people deserve a better process at the border to ensure that things are, you know, people are coming through through legal pathways. and that all the background checks are being done on these people coming across. and i think that's that's a concern and i think
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in the senate, the senate and congress need to get together and get this deal done. >> all along with president biden, donald trump was at the texas border. as well. >> he when he was would he spoke he talked about the united states being invaded and that's the leg that kind of language. do you agree with that kind of language >> i don't agree with it. i think there's, you know, obviously the numbers over the last year were high. i think we're seeing much lower numbers here in brownsville i do think right now over 90% of the people coming through our border are coming through claiming asylum at the bridge, right? they're not going they're not crossing illegally. so i think the shift is happening here towards a more organized and legal process. >> i was talking about kind of like the split screen of the
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two men visiting. the very same time off the top >> and, you know as an elected leader, you know, the importance and are quite aware of the importance of photo-ops and optics. of course. do you feared you have any concern that that split screen know both visiting on the same day that it was not much more than that from one or both of those men i think it's, you know, i appreciate the fact that they were both on the border. i really think it needs to be a focal point for both parties going forward to highlight the resources that we need and the issues that we all face on a day-to-day basis especially with border patrol, with customs and with our local local officials >> mayor. thank you so much. really appreciate your time. john russia blocks cnn's live signal at a moscow this morning has thousands gathered.
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remember russian opposition leader alexey navalny vegas the story of sin city, sunday at ten on cnn >> is to being a young man cowboy or against against as alice down i've got back to my roots. we've come from a long ladder, calvin my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aren't being rode horses. when i see all of us that hill on his ranch i see how far our legacy can go >> when it comes to hair supplements. you just never know, >> see things online, just don't know if you're going to work this can be powerful enough. am i actually going to see substantial results from it by dermatologist recommended neutrophil. and it's 100% drug-free. and clinically tested within three months, my hair is fuller, longer it's
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yes on prop e. golf, but need 775383882 or visit home there's the big dam time cain, who that do >> all right. breaking this morning, alexey navalny has now been laid to rest in a moscow cemetary. his coffin was lowered in the ground. well in the background, you could hear frank sinatra singing my way thousands of defiance and courageous mourners showed solidarity and risked their freedom and lives paying respects to the fallen russian opposition leader. we know at least one person was arrested while at the funeral. that is, according to a monitoring group. now, our matthew chance has been reporting all morning
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long from moscow periodically, his signal has been jammed or blocked. that appears to be the case, right right now, we want to play you something that matthew filed a short time ago >> i'm right outside the cemetery where alexey navalny is now being buried with his family and his relatives of some of his family in his relatives around him and with thousands of people as well who have gathered outside the cemetery gates, mourners who've come here to pay their last respects. they're carrying flowers, they're carrying messages. they're chanting slogans as well. periodically but they have not been allowed access into the cemetary itself. the gate to close, it's a big security operation is underway here you can see the riot police are making sure that nobody steps out of line. from the from the route. there. people just chanting a slogan. now, what does it, what does it say >> maybe
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>> we women naga, they're saying we are many, we are many. and >> you hear and that is, a really poignant message coming from these thousands of people that have come out today >> to pay their respects to alexey, nevada because it's not just a funeral. >> of >> course, it is a an act of mass defiance on a very rare one in a country which does not tolerate sort of any kind of dissent in his increasingly less tolerance of any kinds of sensitive for people to come out and to voice those kinds of slogans. it's an enormous risk. they're taking. we know that over the course of the past couple of weeks people have been detained by the russian authority it is simply laying flowers at the makeshift memorials that were set up for alexey navalny since he jumped to two weeks ago after say so far, the police have not moved in as far as i'm aware, at least, and made any detentions
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yet. but again, there are riot police lining the entire route of the funeral procession and outside the gates here of the cemetary. and obviously we're watching very closely to see if police action changes over the course of the hours ahead >> i that was matthew chance outside of the cemetary, a remarkable to hear that chanting we are many even more rollout markable to see matthew reporting just feet away from where that line of security, heavily armed security watching every move they're joined now by cnn anchor and chief national security analyst jim sciutto, author of the upcoming book, return of great powers, russia and china. and the next world war, which i can't wait to get my hands on jim, that chanting that we heard during matthew's report as he was filing it from those people who really are risking so much to be there. how do you explain it? >> it's a true act of courage in that country. you know what struck me watching that video, john, is that they're faces
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are not covered. those people who came out to show support to navalny in that country, russian authorities will take note. they will, they will take names and faces. they have the ability to do do so through facial recognition that's an enormous risks that show of support many thousands of people coming out chanting his name, whose face were covered, as we saw in matthew's report there, the covers of the security services. what does that show you about courage in that country, those people are taking the risk and those security services, they're covering their face and we've seen that oftentimes when security forces, their attack, peaceful protesters arrest people, their faces are covered, not the faces of the people making that show of strength. and that's a remarkable thing given the price of that in putin's russia, of course, alexey navalny attempted murder. his supporters say by the russian authorities and then being sent to that penal colony where he died. but many other thousands of russians, they spent a lot of time in prison for doing
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exactly what we saw this morning. there. >> i'm so glad you pointed to that, jim, that had not occurred to me. the faces of the security or cover the faces of the mourners or not? including two who spoke to matthew live on the air. kate and i were watching. i think our hearts post skipped a beat when those people had the courage to speak to matthew in english about why they were there and what they were doing. >> matthew signal was blocked >> for over an hour. and right now, what appears to be jammed or blocked as well, how do you explain that? >> listen, putin and putin's russia does not tolerate dissent and they deliberately try to stifle it any number of ways. and one being that they don't want the russian people large numbers of the russian people who have satellite dishes to be able to see this event that they did allow those protesters to go there, though supporters to go there, but they don't want that that image seen by many hundreds of thousands, millions of russians. and let's remember this. this is something that we see in a whole host of steps that putin has taken over the last 20 years. anyone who challenges him and think of the
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names alexey navalny died in a russian penal colony you have geny prigozhin died quite a mysterious plane crash for leading that coup. you have other russians who challenged putin elections. garry kasparov, mikhail khodorkovsky, who was seen as a political threat, either jailed or exiled. and then you even have those outside of russia who dared to challenge putin's candidates think of like a viktor yushchenko ukraine who was poisoned all those years ago for challenging the pro russian candidate there, or an alexander litvinenko who died in london from radia, radiation poisoning. again, someone who challenged putin, putin does not tolerate opposition, political opposition protests. and many of those who are brave enough to stand up to him, pay with their lives. it's a fact and the signal is one piece of that strategy of keeping the russian people from being able to see these shows of courage and the show's of opposition in the question going forward will
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be for what i mean, martyred, for what to achieve, watch him one of the reasons excited to read your book is, what do you think the future is? do you think putin is at risk and russia? >> so the prigozhin brief uprising showed that there were some willing to challenge him, even those close to him and prigozhin wouldn't have challenged him if he didn't sense weakness, obviously, not enough weakness because that that uprising failed, it stopped and prigozhin ended up dead and the wagner group, somewhat exiled in its own right. so he still has strength. but it's not clear that it's forever lasting. we just don't know. i mean, it's it's a brutal regime because it needs forced to rule, right? and it's proven very lasting to date. but when you speak to folks in us and western intelligence, they don't view that as endless. the thing is folks from the outside don't have a very good track record of guessing or assessing how
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long regimes like this can survive criminology not. an accurate science. jim sciutto, great to have you on this morning. thank you very much. okay. thanks. >> today, friends and family are gathering for the funeral of laken riley, the nursing student murdered while out jogging at the university she of jordan, and becoming emotional on the stand as he recounted that horrible day that rusted and matog refer halyna hutchins was killed on set why the assistant director admitted it he was negligent when he is not the one on trial here headliner las vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere else in the world >> vegas, the story of sin city sunday it ten on cnn >> hi, my name is damian clark and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear.
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from just moments ago as donald trump arrived at a florida courthouse, that is his motorcade at the federal several court, where there will be a hearing today, a crucial hearing in the mar-a-lago documents case. 11, we could learn when this case will be scheduled as of now, it's on the docket for me, but it's going to be pushed back. jack smith's team wants it to begin in july. donald trump's team has counted for august, but neither case, it could begin as early as this summer and we could get that date etched at least a little bit in stone shortly. in the meantime, today, a georgia community will gather to say goodbye to a 22 year-old nursing student, laken riley. riley was killed last week while jogging near a lake on the university of georgia campus. the man suspected in her death has been charged with murder in his currently behind bars. he entered the us illegally which has sparked a national debate about border curie. just in elon musk sued open ai and its ceo for breach of contract must says that
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openai, which runs cheche tbt, diverge from his mission to develop artificial intelligence for the benefit of humanity by cutting a $10 billion deal with microsoft and keeping new coding secret musk cofounded openai in 2015, but left in 2018 is set up his own ai company, openai has not responded to cnn's request for comment. >> so it is lights out for the lunar lander, odysseus, the one that fell but couldn't get up, has now run out of battery and will not be able to power backup for at least a couple of weeks it did send back one more picture from the moon's surface with the earth shining in the background one of the world's most dangerous and expensive climbs just got a little pricier. hikers who want to summit mount everest this upcoming season will have to rent in where tracking chips, officials from nepal's say the trackers will help improve search and rescue efforts if anything goes wrong, that's sort of reassuring.
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>> the kate. >> can i go back to this is what does as felony can't get up >> i call it and you make me back or you will have like that what what does this mean? like iliad odyssey, what comparison can we make here? >> i don't know. i know that 50 years ago we landed men on the moon and brought them back home. home. but now we said small model airplane up to fall over. >> robots are not as good as humans. that's what i said, yeah, exactly. all right. >> let's move to this. >> they are back in court >> today with more testimony in the trial against hundred tear israel. she's the armorer you'll remember on the set of the movie rust know yesterday, jurors heard some very emotional time testimony from the film's first assistant director, david halls. >> and he >> said from the stand that he was negligent, checking the gun that was then used by alec baldwin and killed halyna hutchins. cnn's josh campbell has much more. he's been following this trial for us and he's joining us now, josh, it was emotional in that courtroom yesterday. what's expected to happen today? >> yeah. very emotional. we'd
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be hearing from various witnesses various experts to trial will resume today. and if it's anything like yesterday, we will expect to hear more striking testimony then testimony from halls specifically, as you mentioned, he was the first assistant director on the film, could be seen as potentially beneficial for both the prosecution and defense. again, all of this comes down to negligence being accused by hannah gutierrez reed. and what are the first assistant director said? is that just prior to alec baldwin being handed that gun, both halls and gutierrez reed did what's called a weapon safety check. this was a vintage revolver that was being used in the film. elements. so that would, would actually require opening up the gun and looking to see what type of rounds were actually in the gun. and this is really striking to hear, knowing that what happened later, the film cinematographer was actually killed almost testifying that they only partially looked at what was inside that gun. have a listen i was negligent. checking the gun properly. i don't recall a
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full rotation at my recollection is seeing three to four rounds so if she had done a full rotation you would have seen every cylinder in that, right? >> in retrospect i would like to think i would've i did in proper check of that firearm >> now holds himself had previously pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor weapons charge. but again, there's been this accusation that there was this culture of unsafe practices on that said all is testifying in court. yes. charday, that he didn't do a full check of that gun. of course. you just have to think. we know based on earlier testimony, the live round of ammunition looked much different than a dummy round had they just turned that revolver a little further that could have possibly prevented this entire fatal mistake. >> that's just sad fact of just how easy it would have been to stop this from happening. we were showing video of david halls is getting so emotional on the stand. what
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was happening? >> yeah. so he was actually asked about the chaotic moments in the aftermath of that shot ringing out. i mean, you can imagine you're on a movie set were live rounds of ammunition or not supposed to be. and you have a gun that goes off during a rehearsal when it wasn't even called for the gun to be fired. and then to have someone go down to people. in fact, we know that the cinematographer was killed another man was injured. he also testified about what happened just after that shot. listen it was my recollection that i might have been the first person to her. she was on the ground. >> but what did you say >> are you all right? >> did she respond >> yes. she said i can't feel my legs >> yeah. just really emotional testimony if finally it's worth pointing out there was some potentially beneficial testimony and alec baldwin's favor yesterday, halls
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testifying that he never saw alec baldwin but when russian crew members to hurry and film the shooting scenes, that was of course part of video that we previously reported where we actually saw baldwin saying, let's go, let's go, let's go all testifying that he's thought that that was just the actor in his moment telling the crew, i'm ready, not creating this unsafe practice that prosecutors have alleged josh campbell. thank you so much. that trial continues. >> john donald trump just arrived at court where we could learn very shortly when the trial over it so his handling of classified documents will begin. stay with us this situation wolf blitzer night at six point cnn, growing up in fiji, carrying isn't sometimes it's just the smile other times you can taste it enough food in the way that we are generous without time. >> boy in the wall that most people is for the closest some
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find out what is driving the divide in tennessee the politics, there has been a very active 20 to 30 year effort to separate us. >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> on this week's episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, cnn political commentator van jones. he returns to his home state of tennessee ahead of super tuesday to take a deeper her look at how the state's politics has changed dramatically. >> here's a preview >> when we were little you, i'm telling you now, i wasn't always telling you. you're bigger than me and my protector. >> i just morgan rimmer and that must do. okay? >> dealer, we thank you for this food. then at about you thank you for lynn anthony angela, have a safe trip over
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here and let now i have a safe trip going back let's a man >> so when i when i lived here, democrats ran the state, i come back as i completely by republicans. what difference is that mate just living here in tennessee, having the republicans in charge with memphis, democrat run memphis the state republican trying to stay >> values are a >> little different like now. a gun issues. anybody who's just go get ago that's how i govern made it. so you don't have to have a license, anything you just go get a gun. and that's the most ridiculous thing i have ever for and it affects big time because you always hear about shooting every day >> and johns is here with us now. then you also as part of this, you went to the state capital building which what was it like being? back nearly 40
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years after he worked as an intern there, how does it fit into this whole conversation of what you were looking into >> well, it's just it's amazing. it's still beautiful, majestic building on the outside, but it's a lot uglier on the inside. and, you know, when i when i was there, the house majority leader then became speaker. the house was an arab american, lebanese christian know by many big deal about that, jimmy navy, sir there's no that wasn't the identity, politics, are foreign to say that that wasn't what was going on in that building. now, it is just one party control the republicans and they don't even really give the democrats right to speak. that's one of the reasons why those two young justin's just walked up to the front and just started speaking they had been silenced and muscle. it's night and day. it's night and day. and it was amazing to go back to a place at launched me into my career, which was really, you know, i tried to bring everybody together. that's a tennessee way. that's out the door now. >> you know, the fact that he
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was an intern there 40 years ago. i'm trying to do the math in my head. so you were an intern karen, where you were like four. he's been there >> understand how the math there >> so you brought up you brought up what we all just watch over this last year in tennessee with the two young justin's as you called them, what some of the backstory there? >> well, as my cousin k-pop kirkendoll was talking about in his mom's home >> there have been >> horrific shooting it's not just mass shootings, but also a daily individual shootings in places like memphis. and a movement came together by partisan multiracial to get the state to do something simple like passing red flag laws. and they were just gunned down and gunned down, but they were stopped from being able to move that forward. and just out of frustration, they they spoke out attorney and got expelled and so that that put this whole thing on the global radar anyway, yeah. >> talk to it. yeah, and talk to us about the kind of the whole hour what going back,
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kicking a deep dive was what surprised you >> yeah. like it was i hope people tune in 08:00 on sunday. we go deep. we talked to a red-state voters, blue state voters. we talked to rising stars on both sides. we talked to the justins. and you get a sense of what happens in a state when one party takes it over and it's going hard, right? or you could you could go hard lebanon, tennessee. it's hard right? the most surprising thing to me was at the grassroots level everybody's the same. people are decent people, they're honest people. they just want their communities to be better off. but somehow by the time it gets up to the state the legislature, it has been so weaponize that people cannot even speak to each other. and we think we do a good job of showing that process of weaponization of issues and the division of a state, a state that was frankly a much more moderate, bipartisan state and is now an extreme right-wing state in the way that it governs, but not necessarily in
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the way that the people on the ground interact and operates will be interesting to see in the history of it. so fascinating because i remember what al gore, jim sasser, they were the democratic senators from tennessee remember what a big deal it was when al gore lost his home state in 2000 and everyone said, hey, there's something going on here. now, you can find out what exactly what happened here. van jones. thank you so much. the all new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper, one whole hour, one whole story airs this sunday at 08:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only on cnn thank you all so much for joining us today. we have made it through the week, at least to some of this is cnn newsroom with jim acosta. don't go anywhere a very weekend >> bills are crazy >> she's no idea. she sitting on a goldmine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can sell all were part of it to
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