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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 5, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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before, and i think people realize you don't have to accept what somebody says, whether that's a >> government or accompany, you can actually directly look at it, see what it is. and that is completely different than anything we've ever had for greenhouse gases. what i referred to as we're going to have radical transparency and what has been the response from big oil and gas companies that you're doing this warning many of the company's see this as real >> opportunity because they really do believe and i suspected that they're doing a good job, but many of them aren't. it gives countries and companies the tools to select who they buy gas from and where that gas so the first time they'll have the ability to make really informed decisions. and those informed decisions will have enormous positive impact on the climate radical transparency. how's this going to play? i mean, that's a really interesting way to put it exactly. have also often wondered if we could see planet cooking pollution. how would
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humanity behave, right? and this is a great experiment on that as the frack natural gas boom happened around the world, especially in that it's that's it was sold as like a cleaner alternative fuel, but that's only true if it never, ever leaks and it leaks a lot and methane makes up about a third of global warming. so stopping that, especially in the near term, is key to straightening out things yeah, seeing is believing at least we hope we will. bill weir. thank you so much. appreciate it >> it, is not am on the east coast and that means more than a dozen states now have their polls open on this super tuesday and more states will soon be joined morning. what voters are saying and what everyone is watching for. >> just how far some of donald trump's key allies went to illegally overturn the 2020 election and keep donald trump in office after the january 6 capitol attack. we have the
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newly-released text messages that reveal more about that fake electors plot. >> and it's a party on the international space station, a big celebration this morning has a new crew arrived where was our invite? i'm kate bolduan sara sidner, and john berman. this is cnn news central >> right now, nearly every spot on the super tuesday map is open and ready for business and by business, i mean, voting california opens next hour as america collectively clears a gigantic 2024 hurdle today in the presidential race. today, 865 delegates are up for grabs in the republicans, in the proper gun side. and right now, donald trump has 276, meaning tonight, he could get really close, though he cannot secure definitely the nomination which
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requires 1,215 delegates. i'm trump moments ago, he spoke out on the super tuesday projecting confidence about what the end of the evening is going to mean for him. >> a peace deal between, you and nikki haley to move forward as a party well, my focus is >> really at this point is on biden. i should win almost every speak today and we think we're going to be very well unified nikki haley on that unified front. nikki haley definitely will have something to say about that today, but we will see in the voters have the say, john berman is in castle rock, colorado inside it, no less, john the scarf is off. we are now inside an in-person polling location in douglas county, colorado, and there are voters who have now shown up. it's just after 07:00 a.m. local time here, mountain time here. that is when the polls,
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the official in-person polling places open, people have arrived here and they are beginning the voting process here. these are late voters by colorado standards because nearly 1 million people have already cast their ballots either by mail or by the dropbox is where we were all morning long, more than 75% of the people here actually use those drop boxes, just leave their ballots there. and by 07:00 tonight local time, that's 09:00 eastern. they will all be collected and counted very quickly because it was one of the things that happens here in colorado is they count as the ballots come in. so the minute that the voting stops, they have a pretty good sense of where the results are. so we have, should have a good sense tonight where the voting stands here in colorado so unaffiliated voters, by the way, make up the largest voting bloc here. they can vote in either presidential primary, but only one of those presidential primaries, colorado, one of the 15 states that will be voting and we should know those results biden
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in american samoa as well, california the biggest pot of delegates available. and that is where stephanie elam is in santa ana, california, a state that a lot of people are watching for tonight. stephanie that's very much this case here. john, and that's a thing a lot of people just want to write off. california's just being so strictly blue that it doesn't doesn't matter, but you've got to commit remember that there are some down-ballot of voting that has to happen today mainly for that open senator position. and so that is what a lot of people are looking at here today. the polls are not open yet. we're here at this polling place, moles open at 07:00 a.m. at 06:00 a.m. right now. so we still have an hour to go before the polls open, but what people are looking at are the three us representatives that are going after senator dianne feinstein's open seat. that would be adam schiff, katie porter, and barbara lee. and of course, there's also steven garvey, the republican, who is running for the seat that most people only know because he was a baseball great pele playing
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for the los angeles dodgers and the san diego padres. so that is what setup this battle here. and we see a lot of people have been putting their money behind adam schiff. he's raised the most money by far. he enjoys the support of most of the california democratic party be here as well. keep in mind, california is democratic two-to-one over republican. so he has been a lot of money going after garvey trying to raise his profile and the reason why he's doing that is because california takes the top two winners of today's contests and they automatically go to november, does not matter. out of which party they come from. so he's figuring if he can knock out the two other democrats and just go head-to-head against the republican. those would better his odds here in the state also worth noting too, that here in california, people have to vote for two questions when it comes to the senator, one to fill the end of feinstein's term, and then one for another. full term, six-year term beginning in january 2025. john
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>> so a lot at stake well beyond just the presidential contest that people are watching so closely. stephanie elam in santa ana, california, waiting for the polls open there for two more hours here in castle rock, they are open now and people are starting to arrive i have here to begin to cast their ballots in-person. sara, it's >> pretty quiet there so far, but we've got a full house here, john, right in the studio joining me now, cnn senior political commentator and former special assistant to president george w bush, scott jennings the president of the manhattan institute, reihan salam, and cnn political commentator and former obama administration official, van jones. all right, gentlemen. full house loves seeing you all here in person to be nice you're welcome for the standing. it's good to your legs. it is super tuesday surprise pollsters have pretty much forgotten saying, okay, this is going to be trump and biden at the end of this, they're going to go head-to-head. they're going to
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come out on top. but there are lessons that can be learned beyond who wins, what warning signs i'll start with you, scott, will will you be looking for when it comes namely to nikki haley and whether she pulled fulsome big numbers here. >> well, obviously, if you see a persistent number of republicans in these primaries that are voting for her and then telling exit pollsters, i'm not going to vote for trump or i would be dissatisfied if he were the nominee, you get to keep an eye on that. now, some of the national polling we saw over the weekend indicates a lot of the people who say that already voted for biden in 2020 anyway. but still if you're donald trump and you're looking at where you're going to win the election. you don't want to be leaking any of your own party. i think his group is actually pretty solid right now, but this race may be won or lost on the margin. so a few thousand people in a few swing states who just can't quite do it would be one for biden. it's honest, honestly, just the uncommitted do you see people in blue areas going in and casting an uncommitted protest vote because they're upset with him for one reason. >> i wouldn't ask you, van, do you think that some of those voters who say i want nikki
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haley, if she does not make it, can biden pull those to his. >> it'll get some he'll get some will have to he's leaking support and parts of his college that he needs somebody younger voters are still upset about what's happening in gaza some of the working class men of color now beginning to fall. some of the white working class guys out of the party. so he's got to make that up someplace. probably makes it up with women on abortion, probably mix it up with some suburban voters who just can't pull it for trump. but you're seeing some real readjustments here and who they can count on going forward. >> i wouldn't ask you re hang the vice president. vice president harris came out in for the first time, said, there has to be an immediate ceasefire. she did it publicly. we have not heard the same words from joe biden. you have this issue of the uncommitted vote. what do you think happens there? >> my ultimate view is that when you look at those voters who are under motivated for joe biden, they're not gaza voters. they're mostly moderate voters were very skeptical about the president and his record. and so my view is that if he's going to pull this
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out, if he's going to win in november, it's going to be on the strength of appealing to those moderate voters who might otherwise be to unenthusiastic about his record and i think that that's one very good reason. in addition to the larger strategic reason for him to be circumspect about pivoting too far in that hard left direction on gaza, it'll be interesting to watch this. there were 100,000 votes cast in michigan uncommitted. i think that really got the administration's attention. scott americans have spoken, we've looked at these polls. you've seen them over and over again. the immigration is a huge issue now, one of the top issues beyond the economy, for example who's going to get blamed for this? of course, the president who was in place, it always gets the. most heat. but the republicans in the house tanked a bill that was bipartisan, that the senate came up with. so who gets blamed at the ballot box or does anyone to people just stay in their lanes? >> well, i think political blame has already been assigned. it's pretty obvious in the polling that joe biden a frame on this issue mightily,
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first of all, immigration is the number one issue in the country which you pointed out, and it is the worst issue in the gallup poll for joe biden. he has a net negative job approval on this issue of 39 points. i think the gambit to try to blame this on republicans has obviously failed because i think americans say, well, you've been president for three years, you reversed all of trump's policies. this has gotten worse and worse and worse on your watch. and all of a sudden we come around to an election year and you want to change her tune. i just don't think people are buying it and it's showing up in the polling, then what should my demonstration du about this issue of immigration because it's not just being seen on the border one of the things that republicans made sure of is busing people no matter how bad humanitarianly that is, is dropping people off in places like new york in martha's vineyard, so that it's in the faces of people who don't normally see it will look republicans had a strategy when it came to immigration, spring fire then spread the fire to blue states and then stop the fire trucks when it was time >> for congress to act. and so it's going to take time for
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people to understand that they're getting scammed on this. but everybody has a breaking point when it comes to immigration. how many people can and come here without papers isn't one is it too? is it 1 billion? while now everybody including democrats and republicans have hit the breaking point number. but democrats will in the ac, republicans weren't. well, that's going to be and you say, we can't win that argument. well, we just want it in the new york congressional race. a couple of weeks ago, democrats again went on immigration. it's just, it's an uphill for us. >> well, democrats are real going to say jump on their winning on the issue by actually pivoting against the biden administration position, senator john fetterman has come out and said, i can get behind the house republicans, hr to measure on immigration that is not something the biden administration has said. number one, number two, when you're looking at those busing operations basically, the governor of texas, state officials and arizona and elsewhere have asked migrants, where would you like to go? where do you see more opportunity for you? family networks and other resources? new york city, chicago, other cities initially declared, we
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are open for business. come on in. we're going to provide you with the assistance that you need. in new york city. there's a right to shelter that has been something that's come under intense strain when you look at tom suozzi in the suburbs of long island, he's been saying, hey guys, i've been very critical of the hard left on immigration for a long time, and he actually has a case to make he ran as a primary candidate against governor kathy hochul, saying, i'm going to be tougher on this issue than other democrats. so fetterman and suozzi have a case to make. it's a heck of a lot tougher for president biden to make that same case >> well, that's tricky and make it your favorite word is hard level. if anything's. so it's it's not it's not a hard left position to say that we've gone too far, interpret what's happening in gaza. that's a mainstream american position and i think that biden, you will see, will adopt a mainstream american position to support israel, but to also want more humanitarian support for, for what's going on gaza. that's not hard left it's also when it comes to immigration, you are correct
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that the that the existing position is no longer popular in either party and you're going to see biden take the mainstream position there as well. >> fan, i'm sorry to say that actually a large majority of americans believed that israel has a right to defend itself and also they believe that hamas should do actually god of surrender. and that's how we're going to move forward in the majority of americans also are concerned about humanitarian crisis. i'm just, i'm just saying you that is created by hamas indeed. and let's have the vitamin attrition sticks it's weird posture, recognizing that hamas represents the biden administration doing two things. you've heard this from kamala harris on the one hand, she said hamas must be eliminated. >> absolutely. >> israel has the right to defend itself. on the other hand, justice because of the humanitarian crisis we are seeing with thousands of people killed we cannot do the mainstream america position, but the trouble with the word ceasefire is that for a lot of people in the democratic party, ceasefire means israel ceases firing. >> it's supposed to help us does not. bilateral ceasefire and i think that i think it's
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important that it's a bilateral ceasefire, which i agree. >> yeah, but but the language here matters and i think i think it's a buzzword, but they don't they don't want israel to be able to defend itself. >> that's not true. >> that's not what they say. and certainly the policy is still weighing. >> what do you think >> of us who were chasing >> around aoc around new york city plaza. >> those are the actors what do you think there is that? i'll say those three people, i have no idea what their view is and some of those people needs to need some serious therapy. but i think what you got to see from what you can see from joe biden is someone who cares about israel, who stood for israel, who wants the best for israel, and who also cares about the palestinians, which is most people. and i think that for people tried to box him in and say, he says anything that makes any pivot toward the humanitarian palestine's. now he's moving to the hard left. that's not >> this is not voting issue when super tuesday, it's not a big issue driving its biggest it is it is a big issue is not as big as what's happening on the border and is not as big,
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agree with you, but it's definitely addition rayhan salaam. thank you so much, van jones. always good to have a proper argument at the table. i like it. scott jennings as well. i appreciate it. thank you. good. thanks very much. >> a super. just a reminder, super tuesdays, 16 races, one consequential day special coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. right here on cnn and of course, streaming on cnn max >> new text >> messages shedding new light on the scope of the fake electors plot after the 2020 election, we will bring those two you. there's also something that they released and secretary of state tony blinken is hosting two very important meetings this morning that could prove consequential in israel's war against hamas. and cracking down on price hikes. president biden today launching what the white house is calling a strike force targeting corporate reports will be back tonight. eight super tuesday, 16 races, one
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consequential day. i know what do you like cnn and the best political team in the business. super tuesday special coverage begins tonight at 06:00 p.m. on cnn and streaming on max. >> are you embarrassed by your bathroom? >> well >> it's time to stop hiding your bathroom jacuzzi bathroom model can install a beautiful new bath or shower that you can be proud of in one day. and they'll do it at a price. you can afford. in fact, there's never been a better time to call. we're giving you 50% off installation and postponing all payments for up to one year, having someone uses bad shower is definitely an embarrassment. i am so excited and proud of my home but not letting someone go in there. >> it's so pretty in new and the tub is so deep and they can't wait to just like a climate and just lay there. >> i did not like my bathroom before and was embarrassed by it. >> yeah >> this is unbelievable. is stunning. i can't believe it. >> i love the way that the
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>> she got an implant? do you >> relax its inspire. inspire sleep apnea, innovation, learn more and view important safety information at inspire >> bob manu raju on capitol hill and this is cnn this happened just moments ago, secretary of state anthony blinken spoke ahead of his meeting with the qatari prime minister's as >> negotiations to get a ceasefire in gaza is ongoing. listen this is getting into palestinians who so desperately needed and can also set the conditions for an enduring resolution. and it is on hamas to make decisions about whether it is prepared to engage in that ceasefire. but throughout including the original ceasefire class here to what hostages home created or weeks quiet, humanitarian assistance, doubling during that time >> qatar played along egypt the critical role in getting us to
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that point. and it continues to do so now and i'm grateful for that on behalf of the united states. >> it's also >> urgent irrespective ceasefire to dramatically increase the humanitarian assistance that's getting two people inside of gaza the situation for children, for women, for men we're caught in this crossfire. hamas is making inside of gaza is unacceptable and unsustainable israel has to maximize every possible means, every possible method of getting assistance to people who needed the united states will continue to strongly support those efforts, along with many other countries around the world but it requires more crossings. it requires more aid getting in. and once that aid is in, it requires making sure it can get to the people who need it. so we will continue to press that every single day because the situation as it stands, is simply unacceptable. we have a lot to talk about. but again, i
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just want to emphasize that for the united states qatar has been an exceptional partner. we're grateful for that partnership and for the vital work that we're doing together every single day >> my friend >> thank you >> heard anthony blinken there talking about the situation in gaza being unacceptable. chief national security correspondent alex marquardt is joining me now. what sort of things, what else do you hear from him? we heard the word ceasefire a lot as they're trying to push that through yes, secretary blinken, sara standing there with prime minister thani from qatar. this is an annual meeting between the qatari's and the us in which they discuss a whole range of issues. but of course there is no bigger topic of conversation between these countries. then the ongoing war in gaza, the us and qatar i've been at the very center of the conversations about how to get to a ceasefire. and there in those comments by blinken, you could hear the two main things that they are going to be discussing today when it comes to gaza the ceasefire, the
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efforts to get those discussions across the finish line, and then independent of that, even if a ceasefire doesn't work the dire need to get more aid into gaza. >> the >> us has been stepping up its arguments and is criticism frankly, of israel, that not enough aid is being allowed to get in, not enough aid is getting to where it needs to be. we saw that horrible incident last week, sara, in which more than one 100 palestinians were killed as they mobbed that aid convoy. that is just evidence of the fact that there isn't isn't enough aid in gaza and it's not getting to where it needs to be. so that's what those two men are really going to be discussing today among several other issues, there is a ticking clock of ramadan, the muslim holy month that is set to start next week, us officials and others have said that a ceasefire needs to be in place by then and the goals of a ceasefire, of course, would be to get those israeli hostages released who have been
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held for the past five months to get palestinian prisoners released from israeli prisons to get a break in the fighting for those to play us million gazans who so desperately needed and for that aid to get into the gaza strip, they have been making progress, but clearly the mediators and foremost among them, the qatari's in the americans are still struggling to get that deal across the finish line, sara, right? >> it's not just the bombings, it is the starvation that is making this such a desperate, desperate situation. i do want to ask you about ceasefire talks because they've been happening in the past few days in cairo. do we have an idea of where those 60 at this part? point? >> well, what's interesting about these, sara is that all the parties accept israel showed up this time. so hamas, which has been going to cairo, they were there, the us, the qatari's, and of course the egyptians, the israeli said, we're not going because hamas is not yet given us a list of the hostages who they have who are alive and who is dead. now,
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the us has said that israel has essentially agreed to the framework of a deal. so what we've seen in the past few days are these conversations that egyptian state tv said today are still facing difficulties. so they're still trying to get that ceasefire done. it is not yet a done deal. sara alex marquardt with the latest reporting on what is going on with ceasefire talks. thank you so much. appreciate it. okay. >> coming up for us, new text messages, shedding new light on the scope of the fake electors plot after the 2020 election and a new crew arrives at the international space station. the joyful team meeting and welcome the plan is now that for all up there will be back >> that night out on the ice, he saw something someone in this towns, heidi, some could
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more crimes. allow public safety cameras that other bay area police departments have to discourage crime, catch criminals, and increase prosecutions. prop e is a smart step our city can take right now to keep san francisco moving in the right direction. please join me in voting yes on prop e. lived about investing >> is there water in this thing when your family into the financial future, eva mckend in vermont and this is cnn all right. we are getting new emails that reveal just what people were doing surrounding trump trying to make sure that he remains president even after the january 6 capital attack. let's go ahead and go to our marshall cohen, who has some of the details of this newly released information of it sort of goes down the gambit of what exactly happened with that fake electors scheme. what are the details you're hearing? >> hey sara there was a lawsuit
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in wisconsin, the real electors from 2020 sued the fake electors and as part of the settlement to that lawsuit, a whole bunch of new materials became public yesterday. i want to break down three big revelations for you about ken chesebro, who was the architect of the fake electors plot? first of all, in december 2020, he wrote a memo spelling out step-by-step how to pull this off, how to organize slates of republican electors in states that biden actually won. we knew that he made that memo, but we didn't know this. look at this text message that he sent to donald trump's top attorney in wisconsin, jim troupis. he said that to jim, jim, can you ascend my december 6 memo to trump lawyer justin clark, messaging on january 6, being the real date is key, focusing on january 6 then jim troupis, the trump attorney responded, i have sent it to the white house this afternoon. they are the real
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decision-makers. we didn't know that they had sent these materials to the white house. very notable there, although to be totally transparent, they did not say who exactly at the white house got these materials? but it's important to sarah because just a few weeks later, the trump campaign carry that plan out in seven states across the country. the fake electors voted and they hoped that on january 6, mike pence would recognize the republican electors and throw out joe biden's real electors. january 6, who is in the crowd outside of the capital, none other than ken cheseboro himself we've known this before, but we've never seen these pictures. selfies that he took that day. there's one of him outside of the washington monument, which you're seeing there. and this one here where chesebro in the red hat, that's alex jones behind him, the far right? conspiracy theorist so he was outside the capitol that day, breached, restricted grounds, even texted someone saying that he smelled a width of the tear gas that
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day. but even after all that, sarah, he kept pushing to overturn the election. here's a text message from two days after the insurrection, january a 2021, where he texted that trump lawyer, jim troupis saying that the events of the last two days open up legal options in the states for winning rulings favorable to trump. he thought that somehow they could capitalize on what happened to still push to their efforts to overturn the election even after january 6, sarah marshall cohen, thank you for those details. >> let's talk about this. joining us here is former manhattan prosecutor, jeremy saland marshall cohen lays out, lays it out really well broadly before you jump into one so these text messages that you find most interesting, what do you think of this added all together? i mean, it was like 1,400 pages of text messages released. >> you know what we've heard before, it's a speaking indictment and some of these jackson has had this indictment is laying out this narrative and you could follow these
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texts are sort of a speaker indictment of all the backstory and how we got to where we are really demonstrates that chesebro is not some guy on the periphery. he is really embedded in this and it starts to bring other people. it doesn't directly have a comment with donald trump or message with donald trump saying, i know this, i should do x and y hi, but it's pretty damning >> you point to. i don't read the message. you point to one of these messages from chest that cheseboro centered troupis that marshall cohen introduced, introduced us to in november of 2020. at a minimum with such a cloud of confusion, no votes from wisconsin and perhaps also michigan and pennsylvania yeah, should be counted perhaps enough to throw the election to the house. why does this one stand out to you? >> because he uses a term that cloud of confusion. it's more like a fog of the seat. he has this real intention of saying we're going to throw a wrench and not sort of we in fact are going to try to orange into the system. we in fact are going to try to make this confusion so we can seize control and overturn that election, not
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because it's based on the merits, because it's based on what we want to do. >> interesting, leanne, again, on your manhattan your manhattan prosecutor bonafede is happening in new york city. donald trump's lawyers, they sent a letter to manhattan, da, accusing the office of prosecutorial misconduct because they pursued perjury charges against the former cfo of trump org. allen weisselberg. we talked about this on the show yesterday but then not going after trump's former fixer, michael cohen for they say the same conduct perjury. here's what they write. the da the district attorney's conscious choice to ignore obvious and admitted criminal conduct by cohen and to instead deploy on ethical strong arm tactic, tactics against an innocent man in his late '70s this underscores the irresponsibility of your conduct in office. >> what's going on here? >> it's very poetic. i think that it's a great job to try to lay out some story line that
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may not exist. i can appreciate it. i'm a defense attorney. i'm saying you're going after my client, for what appears to be similar conduct of some guy who might arguably be worse and you're using him as your actual witness at trial. there's going to be issues with colin at trial, but that doesn't mean because cohen may have done something wrong. and by the way, and go on, said he was still credible. by the way, if if cohen had done something wrong in the federal case and he's purging himself and he has some issue with supervised release. that's a federal matter. no matter. it's not it's not da bragg's issue. so da bragg definitely is going to have issues with coleman. he gets up there and testifies because he has done things and he has committed crimes, but don't conflate because one guy may have done something bad. another guy could not have done something equally we're worse. so i think it holds some water, but it's absolutely an exaggeration of what really is happening. that's not let it take its own path and >> this adds to the big lead up to what is going to be this first criminal trial for donald trump. that's going to kick off. and what we're at two
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weeks this might look like in the calendar, it's good to see jeremy. thank you so much. >> so happy. super tuesday. everyone, for all who celebrate it this day of the 2024 calendar election, election calendar. so far, voters in 16 states, one territory, having their say today. and if you were thinking about heading to miami beach spring break, you may need to think again, the city says that it's breaking up with spring-breakers this room with wolf blitzer tomorrow with six on cnn. >> lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now than like enjoying the coal one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend. we are ready to ask me. >> one second. i got to finish my laundry >> one second. i used the company that will pick up wash
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>> want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? you >> gotta go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episodes next sunday at nine on cnn all right >> this just in taylor swift is urging people to vote on this super tuesday, as everyone knows, taylor swift was born in west reading, pennsylvania in 1989, but she was raised in tennessee, which is a super tuesday state and is voting today. and taylor swift wait, what she sent out to her tens of billions of followers suggest that people do go out and vote on this super tuesday very much part, if not the biggest part of the primary season, the major candidates though, beginning to look forward to the general election just a short time ago, donald trump didn't interview where he said he's not focused on nikki haley kelly at all anymore. he's focused exclusively on joe biden and you get the sense that president biden to is focused very much on donald trump. that is what you get if you read
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this stunning new profile of president biden that just came out in new yorker, written by our friend evan osnos called the last campaign and joining us let's now is evan osnos. evan great to see you. thank you so much for being with us. a very revealing profile in what's interesting in that axios this morning says that president biden is engaged in this new trigger donald trump strategy. you picked up on something like that as well. explain yeah it really struck me, john, in the course of our interview, he described donald trump over and over >> four times as a loser. he said losers, who are losers are never graceful. i mean, it was a very specific word choice. i think we know donald trump has had this agonizing relations kinship to the reality of having lost the 2020 election. and that gets into his head in a way that very few issues do and joe biden is going straight
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at that issue. i thought axios had it right today when they called it a trigger, trump's strategy go for the jugular because that will resonate with it. >> and you say, you can't get into joe biden's thinking and state of mind without getting to the issue of donald trump's so what space does donald trump occupy in joe biden's thinking right now >> i think that for a long time, john, there was a piece of joe biden had felt like donald trump as a person, as a political fact, was so offensive to biden's notion of american politics that it was almost impossible for him to process does he thought this is a guy who i'm going to contend with in 2020. but then normalcy will be restored. that was kind of at the core of his thinking about this country. he's come to terms with the fact that actually trump represents a phase in american life. and it is completely entwined with joe biden's life in a way he never could've imagined after all well, he's been in politics 51
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years then in washington, and it never occurred to him that his legacy, his biggest bet on himself, would be intwined with this man. and i think for that reason, john, it's very personal for him to show that in fact, his vision of the country is the right vision, the dominant vision, and that trump's is an average variation. it's a strange detour from who we are as people. he said this line in a speech that i attended not long ago where he said the question is not who is donald trump? we know who he is. he said the question is who are we? and i think that's going to be the theme that you will hear many, many times between now and november how does that shape his thinking in terms of how he views the republican party? because that seems to have changed as well. >> yeah, that's a big change. i was really caught my attention four years ago when i interviewed biden during the 2020 campaign at his home, he said, look, i really do think
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there will be a kind of epiphany among republicans if donald trump is driven out of the white house, republicans will come to their senses didn't use that expression. but what he meant was that they will meet with me and make deals. and he said to me this time, and this is a big idea. he said, the republican party is gone. he said it's no longer just that donald trump has taken over the party, the republican party is gone. that is a big strategic decision about whether or not you think you can work with them to make deals in a second term? i didn't hear much from him. the joe biden of four years ago thinking, i'll find my spots. he had his moments in the first term when he could do that. he has no illusions that that is possible now, with a speaker, mike johnson that can't even bring his own caucus around on a border deal that republicans and selves were authors of. >> the state of the union address obviously is thursday 90 huge moment for president biden were a lot of people think he needs to accomplish quite a bit as they really kick off this next stage of the
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campaign. >> who, behind the >> scenes and you spent a lot of time not just for the president, but with people behind the scenes, evan, who can tell president biden the blunt truth. who does he listen to, if anybody? >> yeah, he has a core group of advisers, a few of whom have said to him over the years at very decisive moments, things that moved history and important ways take somebody like mike donilon, a really influential and important figure in the white house. in many ways, he's his, his, his message, mike mr. the one who figures out how do we take bidenism as a concept and put it into language mcdonald's had been a huge supporter of joe biden running for president in 2016. really believed it was a good idea back when it was the end of the vice presidency at the end though after the death of his son beau, it was mike who said, look, i can see it on your face. this is not a good idea. and of course, joe biden did not run that year. there are some people around him who he does. he really listened to and right now in this moment before the state of the union,
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one of the things that they are deciding how much can we hit the republicans on issues like the economy? and that is an area where they see tremendous opportunity. and i think you're going to hear a lot about that on thursday night >> evan osnos, always great to speak with you. i have to tell you everyone in the office, the last 24 hours, just pouring over every word in this profile. because as i said, it was so revealing. thank you so much for being with us this morning and sara from colorado where people are voting here in-person and in the dropbox which we showed you all morning. i'm going to throw it back to you, sara. >> thank you, john. >> in zero gravity, gravity where you don't get visitors often, this is the kind of welcome you get. apparently i happy entanglement on the international space station, even as their astronauts countries are enemies on the ground. plus it's a part of television history and it's just been sold on ebay. so how
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much does one pay for the famous boot from the sopranos final episode? but we'll have it coming up dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and >> feet called tardive dyskinesia or td. so his dr. prescribed us dead oh, xr a once daily tv treatment for adults barstow xr significantly reduced danns td movements. some people saw response as early as two weeks with us that oh xr, dann kann today on his mental health meds. cool air, estado xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts or actions in patients with huntington's disease pay close attention to and call your dr. if you become depressed sudden changes in mood, or if suicidal thoughts don't take, if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetro benzene, or valdez e1, aceto xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat or abnormal movements seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems, thinking or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in changer, try it today, go pretty >> i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn on our radar. this is crazy video investigators in nashville looking into a tragic plane crash that killed five people. the small aircraft had alerted john seats soon, airports control tower to an engine and power malfunction. >> urgently >> requesting clear here it's for an emergency landing. the airport granted permission for a runway landing, but the pilot set this one final message >> my agent arm, it's 1,000 upwards of you what? charlie
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foxtrot robber width you tell declaring emergencies to the airport side, straight interim y2 straight into my tuesday johnson india, the airport. >> yes, i have >> now remember five sangal runway. runway to cleared to land on to what a way i want to make it that's, hard to listen and to eyewitnesses say the plane simply exploded on impact. fire crews managed to put out the fire the national transportation safety board will investigate the crash this is just in at least one person has died now in michigan after that massive industrial fire outside of detroit, while the investigation is still preliminary official so suspect that the 19 year-old was hit by debris from the explosions that carried out a mile the facility house more than a hunt hundred thousand vape pens. and while officials now say air quality is no longer a big concern, additional explosions on the
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site are still possible thoracic people to stay away. the legendary booth from the sopranos finale just snagged more than 18 $2,000 on ebay both seats the table and even the sign that says reserved for the soprano family were included. they should be for $82,000, but the infamous jukebox though, who's not part of the package, the iconic booth was put up for auction by owners of holsteins ice cream in bloomfield, new jersey. they're currently renovating the ice cream shop. okay. that's good way to kinda pay for some of those renovations, don't use it. >> sure. is. i still have trouble with that last episode of the sopranos still to this day. okay, friends. we now have exclusive new >> video of how john and sarah welcome me to the studio every morning that's right. this love fast is >> accurately a >> party at the international space station. almost is unbelievable is what i just said as a new career, his new crew members arrived to the iss. this now means with this
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joyous party that there'll be 11 people of the international space station for a bit, see as close to fisher has much more on this just want to be this loved when i arrive at work >> kate, you would be this excited to if you were up at the international space station and you never got to see any new humans. i mean, i new crew arrival up there is a big deal and i should also note that three of the four members of this new crew that arrived very early this morning called crew eight. >> they >> were rookies, so they'd never really flown in space before they were quite literally getting their sea legs as they were wrapping them around some of the other members that were already on board the space station bullock, they're excited to see each other. they work hard to get there. and, you know, this crew, crew late, they launched from the kennedy space center on a falcon nine rocket about a little over 24 hours ago now, and they've actually earned the nickname, the official name is crew eight. their nickname is
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crew late because they the first launch scrubbed due to weather. so they made it to the international space station. one piece they're going to spend about six months up there conducting scientific experiments, whatnot and kate, i'll leave you with this. there's also a russian cosmonaut onboard that crew. and he'll be joining three other russian cosmonauts up there as well. so just reminder that the space station continues to function despite all the conflict happening here on earth. in regards to ukraine >> it's amazing you guys are still giggling about that. i should have been you can, we can learn from space so many level, it's so beautiful. okay >> you don't run jump and leave still recovering exactly how we are normally that that was just totally normal everyday activities is why john wants to colorado he ran away.
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now and she wanted none of this time never done. but thank you for joining us. >> this is cnn news >> central newsroom with jim acosta up next i was like a headliner las vegas. >> that's what i want to do. >> vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn. >> this is a futurama, go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes. >> ai, ai, like it. >> who wants to come see the future get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow when you shop wayfair, you get big deals for your home every day >> so big >> what am i a big deal >> you are because it's a big deal when you get a big deal, wayfair deals so big that you might get big head because what savings, so real, you can get your dream sofa for half the phrase >> wait there, it's always a
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