tv CNN News Central CNN March 6, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST
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behind him because the former president did a very effective job of making the fight against him legally, a fight against conservatives at fight against the party, and a fight against the country. and that's a very difficult message to push back on. weather hits on trillions of dollars in covid, spending not finishing the wall. there were a lot of criticisms against him. but when you veer too closely in that lane, you also found yourself being pitted on the same side, unfortunately, is the new york times and others who criticized him. that's a tough place to be in a primary. all right. well, jeff bakari, david zolan. thank you all for a great impromptu news conversation. this morning because again, nikki haley, again, we expect to exit the presidential race when she speaks to supporters at 10:00 a.m. this morning, don't go anywhere, stick with cnn as we cover this unfolding breaking news
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>> we begin with breaking news. nikki haley will drop out of the presidential race this morning. a huge wave of super tuesday loss is cementing her campaigns fate, while victory for president biden and donald trump made or 2020 rematch, practically a done deal. >> cnn with unprecedented accessing firsthand china's aggressive attempts to dominate one of the world's busiest shipping waterways and the new legislation to protect ivf providers in alabama could be passed today. a direct result of the alabama supreme court ruling, frozen embryos are children i'm sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman. this is cnn news central all
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right, the major breaking news this morning, we're standing by for nikki haley to officially end her presidential run, which will all but solidify a trump-biden rematch. and now with haley sun out it is all about november. and winning over her supporters. the biden campaign now, gunning for haley's voters as they make a new push to take down the man they just called, wounded, dangerous and unpopular right now, trump has over 1,000 delegates as haley announces an hour's that she is exiting the race. john berman is in denver john, what are we hearing? hearing from haley as she's about to make this announcement in just a few hours what are we hearing? for her as far as whether or not she is going to back donald trump, has she said anything on those terms >> well, look, i think that is going to be the most interesting thing. how she frames this, how she frames this day. i'm here in denver
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in front of the colorado state capitol colorado is a state that both donald trump and president biden won on super tuesday. but super tuesday was so yesterday, we're now in this brand new historic boric phase of this campaign the first presidential rematch is dwight eisenhower and stevenson, the first time donald trump hopes to be, to be a president to serve non-consecutive terms since grover cleveland, this is truly historic. and if yesterday was super tuesday, today is sort of haley wednesday, nick he haley dropping out of the race very shortly and both candidates, donald trump and joe biden, who are left trying to win over her voters. joe biden, much more explicitly, the biden campaign putting out a memo even before we learned that haley was dropping out specifically targeting haley voters. so everything about to see today and in the next few days seems to be fighting over that urgent political terrain. let's get
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right to charleston, south carolina. kylie atwood is there. that is where we will hear from nikki haley shortly with this major announcement that doesn't just end her campaign, kiley reshapes the rest of the presidential campaign >> yeah, that's right, john. so we're expecting to hear from nikki haley today. hey, at 10:00 a.m. according to sources, familiar with her plans, she is going to end her presidential campaign today, but as you guys have been talking about those sources say that she does not plan to endorse former president trump, at least not today. what she's going to say is that there needs to be a conversation patient. she is going to say that trump needs to earn the support of her voters. and that's not altogether surprising because we have heard from nikki haley over the course of the last few months saying that trump cannot win a general election if he is losing the faction of the party that is voting for her. so she is now daring him to engage in
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a conversation with those voters. she has said that those voters don't want to be ignored, that they see a different vision for the future of the country. the question is, how does trump engaged with them? how does he engage? with her will have to watch and see how that plays out. at one interesting thing on this conversation topic of endorsing the nominee of the republican party, nikki haley did commit to endure we're seeing that nominee a back last summer that she had to do that in order to get on the debate stage, but she has given indications in the last week or so that she was leaning in this direction because she laid out a few reasons for why she no longer felt bound to endorse the not the eventual nominee, saying that the republican party is it's different now than it was when she made that commitment. also, noting that former president trump never made that commitment so why does she have to uphold that commitment? he is bowing out today, but she is putting herself into a position of power. it is a very deft
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political move for nikki haley. and we should know note that even though she didn't get enough support to keep her campaign alive, there were some states where she had a significant faction of the voters voting for her. and her campaign is trying to use that to their advantage today, as she continues to engage in this conversation surrounding the future of the republican party >> yeah, >> nikki haley, who won vermont, vermont, not enough to get you the nomination, but you can at least leave the race coming off some state victory last night. all right. kylie atwood in charleston, please keep us posted as you hear more from the haley campaign over the next few bowers before this major announcement, let's go to the trump campaign now, or alayna treene is in washington covering that grew and it is interesting, alayna, because while nikki haley's going to say that trump needs to earn her support, he hasn't really been trying to do that at all over the last few months.
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>> that's right. he absolutely hasn't. and i think it's interesting because unlike with some of the other former republican rivals that donald trump has fate had faced and then dropped out of the race and became surrogates. i think that's very unlikely at least for now to happen with nikki haley, donald trump and his campaign i've long been very frustrated with haley. they think that she was standing in the way of uniting the republican party behind him by remaining in the race for as long as she had. but we also know that donald trump had long faced nikki haley was skepticism. he argues that she had flip-flopped on a lot of issues. he has questions about her loyalty after she he had announced that she was going to be running for president. so there's not a lot of love between the two, and i don't think that's going to change anytime soon, but of course, we know that anything is possible with donald trump. we know that people have nine lives with him. so what is true today is not always true for the future, and i can tell you from some of my conversations with outside republicans, including he knows
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who are loyal to donald trump and some of donald trump's allies, that some people do actually think nikki haley would be very effective in a future trump administration. but again, if the election were tomorrow and say donald trump were to win, of course, this is just a hypothetical. i'm referring to. >> i don't think that would happen. they are very frustrated with nikki haley and i think it's interesting if you actually compare this to ron desantis. we know that last year the majority of 2023 donald trump had really aimed most of his attacks on the florida governor and part of that is because he had a personal animosity for ron desantis, but because of the way that desantis dropped out and immediately endorsed donald trump he kind of laid off desantis, right? i don't think that's going to happen anytime soon with nikki haley, john >> yeah >> alayna treene in washington again, lynda, keep us posted. what you hear from the trump campaign because as of now, it's the biden campaign making a more explicit play for nikki haley voters amid this news
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that nikki haley please dropping out of the race shortly. obviously, we are watching this very closely as a develops over the next several hours. >> absolutely. i mean, as you as you put it, john, this is the this is the first this is the first day of the major next chapter in this presidential race. it all reforms even though donald trump has won all of these races and the republican primary with the official exit of his only competitor is, does the game does change? rare to get back to john, he's in colorado watching all of it from there from the top of the ticket to critical down ballot races, the balance of power in congress is also on the ballot. in november, the important senate matchups that are now coming into clearer focus this morning. we'll show you those and democratic senator bob menendez hit with a new indictment and a dozen new criminal charges. new moves in alabama when it comes to access to ivf treatments facing tons of public pressure after that state supreme court ruling, state lawmaker first are moving
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fast now to take action >> here, headliner was vegas that's what i wanna do. vegas >> the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn >> sometimes the lows of bipolar depression field darkest before dawn with cap later, there's a chance to lead in the light capital later is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlikely some medicines that only treat bipolar one kept lighter treats both bipolar 1.2 depression and in clinical trials, movement disorders in weight gain, were not common. >> call your dr. about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts, antidepressants be increased these risks and young adults, elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke report fever, confusions before uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life-threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects kept
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call. could or just stopped by granger for the ones who get it done president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election, with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case? let's go four more years in the white house, join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at eight times cnn >> the breaking news this morning, sources telling cnn, nikki haley is ending her presidential bid today. her announcement expected around 10:00 a.m. eastern. you'll be sure we will be bringing that to you her departure from the race comes after donald trump dominated the super tuesday contests, he won all but one of the republican primaries last night. this morning. the new exit polling data coming in is
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really revealing it, showing what donald trump's remake of the republican party looks like right now, let's go through this right now is cnn's harry brianna you've been taking a look at these exit polls as we're coming in last night, as they kind of update throughout the region that refresh button. >> exactly. let's start with one question that we >> have. that's been asked over and over throughout for quite some time now, republican primary voters, and their take on, if joe biden won the 2020 hey election, one of these exit poll, what are these numbers showing? >> i think there's no question that sort of gets at how the party has been remade in donald trump's image than this particular question, we all know that donald trump legitimately won that 2020 election or gop primary voters didn't yesterday, take a look at the states we have exit poll data from california, north carolina, virginia the majority in each of these states said that joe biden did not legitimately win the 2020 elections. look at that 57% in california, 62% in north carolina, 50% in virginia,
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which was the lowest percentage. the yes. the correct answer, 41%. still a minority there. here's the thing to keep in mind case how did these folks vote? how did they vote come the 20 for the 2024 gop primary, if you legitimately believe that joe biden won, are legitimately believe that biden legitimately won the 2020 election nikki haley won these voters by 34 points across california, north carolina, and virginia but that was a minority of voters. the lion's share believed that the 2020 election was illegitimate. look at donald trump's margin among this group, 88 percentage points. it was this question over and over again. we've seen in the exit polls correlated so highly with support for trump. and it worked for him in california, north carolina, and virginia. >> he's the one who pushed it from the beginning. and then that's one of the reasons voters are sticking with it. i mean, we know that's one of the, one of the ways he has reshaped the republican party in large part. okay, so what about the number say about how republicans feel about donald, about trump right now in the
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context of the criminal charges, he's facing. >> yeah. so here's i think the real real sort of bongo bonanza sort of question here. does that mean, it means that at seven in the morning that i'm trying to come up with new phrases that say crazy. >> it's a little bit well, even a little bit that we're talking about dance moves. okay, keep going. no, no, don't to trump fit for the presidency if convicted of a crime, look get these numbers and virginia, north carolina, and california, look at this. the majority, again in all these states said yes, 68% in california, 65% of virginia 55% in virginia to 65% north carolina. and i think that this really gets at the strength that donald trump has within the gop because this isn't just asking whether or not he can. in fact committed a crime. it's if he was convicted of a crime which is still, in fact think he was the presidency and overwhelmingly and all these states, they said, yes, he was. and again, look here, how they vote in the gop primary. think trump is fit for the
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presidency. if convicted, look at this across california, north carolina, virginia, and 85 point margin for donald trump. if you don't think he was fit, you've voted for nikki haley, but it was just a 47% margin. so the fact that trump had the majority of voters on these questions, and they overwhelmingly voted for. >> this also does one of many ways we're saying in the exit polls that donald trump has some work to do to win over these, these people. they, all of these people who voted for nikki haley as inappropriately marked her face with my paper. >> i think we can get rid of it very much. >> thank you so much. sara hall right. coming up a cnn exclusive. our reporters live on his ship in the south china sea as a battle broke out with chinese vessels trying to dominate the waterways there, the video. and we're following the latest from of course, nikki haley and the donald trump campaigns. what we're learning ahead of haley's plan to and exit from the presidential race this morning
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>> dianne not guilty. i am resigning administration officials destroyed my cover. >> politics. we're great power meets questionable decision-making. >> and then on faceless yoy, backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution. >> as someone who lives that's for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to there's so much >> more to the store in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn >> feeling from a backed up god mere lax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber, try new mirror fiber gamete he is t-mobile, build a 5g network so powerful, it goes beyond the expected. and now t-mobile 5g internet for homes and businesses is here. also here, here. here,
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furniture for whenever you're working on no. >> the lead with jake tapper today at four on cnn a confrontation on the high seas between china and the philippines. our ivan watson was there to witness coast guard vessels from each country as they clash in the disputed waters of the south china sea. on tuesday, the philippines has accused china of executing dangerous maneuvers. here's a look at what ivan saw >> it. he's just after sunrise. and as you may see, there is a large chinese coast guard ship directly in front of this philippines coast guard vessel and we've been watching this over the course of the
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last hour. these are supposed to be an international waterways with free passage. i'm aboard this philippines coast guard ship that was part of a convoy of four vessels that were headed towards a place called the second thomas shoal. and before dawn all of sudden these philippine ships were swarmed by much larger and many more chinese ships that are more off to our port bow. these are not marked like the chinese coast guard ships, but they're clearly operating with them. and operating in very close proximity to this philippines coast guard ship. in fact, i've seen them in the past, cutting this off and what they've succeeded in doing it's not only pretty much stopping our ship in its tracks, but it has separated this ship from the other boats in the philippines. convoy coy, which included too small resupply vessels that were
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trying to get to the second thomas shoal. now, part of what is at play here is a territorial dispute that shoal the philippines claims is part of its economic exclusion zone chart hi now, though it is much further geographically from this area claims it for itself and clearly tries to stop philippines ships from getting to it were completely encircled by a fleet of chinese shifts, at least 14 that i've counted. and moments ago the chinese coast guard ships were blasting a philippines resupply vessel with water cannons. it is clearly by swarming this ship, a show of force and a show of intimidation. and it is physically stopping vessels from another country from being able to move forward through
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this international waterway >> i didn't. those are incredible pictures and that you were able to witness and sort of be a part of as you're watching this, what looks like real aggression on the part of china in the south china sea what is china saying? how they explaining this >> well, they're accusing the philippines of acting illegally by going into this area that china claims for itself. they've accused the philippines is being dishonest and of trying to stir up trouble. the philippines accusing china of acting illegally in this area. and a top security official today has said that if china thinks that this is going to weaken the philippines, resolve, they're going to be really disappointed. there's going to continue trying to assert what they say are their legal rights and the number of years ago there was an intranet national arbitration court that ruled in favor of the philippines in
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this territorial dispute. this isn't the first time that they're then these confrontations at sea. they've happened over months in the past. one of the difference thing that happened here, we're that filipinos, servicemen were lightly injured then there was some damage to some of the vessels. also, we were the first among the first foreign journalists in decades to be on board. one of these philippine coast guard ships, as it was trying to run the gauntlet, pass this much larger chinese fleet. and i might add the philippines is a mutual defense treaty. of the us. if things escalate, the us will be beholden to come to the philippines. defense potentially against china, which commands the world's largest navy. >> sara >> these are really dangerous times. thank you so much. ivan watson for that exclusive reporting so as the 2024 presidential race now moves much closer to looking like a
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2020 rematch the biden campaign out this morning with now it's plans, its new plans, new strategy to take on donald trump in november. we'll be back this is the big dam >> it's time to that dough feeling from a backed up god mirror lacks work naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber, try new mirror fiber gummies realtor dot com's real view maps show you precise wildfire, flood, and noise ratings on every homeless. they don't all have to do that. >> not really. trust the number one real estate professionals trust, download the
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>> president biden's last state of the union before the 2024 election with challenges at home made abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house join cnn for special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times, cnn >> new developments for you this morning on our radar, israel is targeting a hezbollah stronghold in southern lebanon. the idf released this video yeah, you're seeing behind me it says, this is in retaliation
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for a recent attack hezbollah claimed responsibility for that attack, but it said that missile launch was in response to when earlier israeli airstrike the iron dome defense system intercepted some of the missiles that had targeted israel this morning louisiana now the fourth state in the united states to allow executions using nitrogen gas. the governor signed it into law before this only lethal injection could be used. this is all happening after alabama carried out the very first execution using nitrogen gas. last month you wanna talk >> in a way. only he could reup >> paul is saying sashay away to book bans by sending this rainbow school school bus across the country to distribute banned books. he has an online bookstore as well. rupaul partnered with an lgbtq
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advocate and a fellow drag performer launched a site called all store. they plan to erode underrepresented authors and give writers a bigger cut of the profits than other booksellers tend to do. >> okay >> one good looking boss, i will just say that today is a huge day for the presidential race. super tuesday was also a huge day for key down-ballot races too closely watched senate matchup. they are now officially set for november. each one of them in every senate race matters. democrats hold a slim 51 seat majority in the senate even mckend is following these down-ballot races from the senate to the house, to all of the above. eva, even we're talking about calif. when we're talking about the senate, we're talking about california and texas. walk us through you know, kate, these down ballot races they are so important to the balance of power here in washington the california's senate primary, that was a particularly
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exciting one because you had three house members, congressman adam schiff, katie porter, and barbara lee, all competing against each other. but ultimately it was schiff and republican steve garvey, who are the top vote getters. and so that means they will be the ones to advance to the general election under california's open primary system, all candidates run on the same valid and then the top two, regardless of party, move on to the general election. in a state where democrats outnumber republicans nearly two to one, that seat heavily favorite to stay blue in the fall, but shift could not escape even in his victory speech last night, one of the issues that will continue to confront democrats, and that is a deep divide in the party over how to address the war in gaza. let's listen it looks like we're going to the general so lucky
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>> where we all want the rent so you. >> hear >> protesters challenging him there. meanwhile, in texas, another congressman was victorious. colin allred, he won the democratic nomination in the state to take on republican senator ted cruz, already defeated state senator roland gutierrez and seven others in that crowded democratic primary now, democrats, they often suffer a lot of heartbreak in texas six years ago, then congressman beto o'rourke, he shattered fundraising records. but he still failed to unseat crews and we might see similar dynamics in this matchup because cruz is also i'm sorry, i'll read rather it's also a prolific, funny unreserved democrats face a difficult map in the senate because the party is defending a slew of seats in states, trump is likely to win in the presidential race, including montana, ohio, and west virginia. kate >> absolutely. these are very
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important races to watch eva. it's great to see you. thanks for wrapping it up for us. sara all right ahead. donald trump's campaign. it's looking for a boost in funds as he sails towards clinching the republican nomination, he's now having conversations with the world's second richest man, elon musk, they met over the weekend is trump's campaign tries to keep costs low while dealing with storing legal expenses and fund raising concerns. also new this this morning after major super tuesday wins for both trump and president biden, the biden campaign is making a case why the former president is quote wounded, dangerous, and unpopular in a new memo the campaign says biden has a clear path to victory in november cnn's arlette seinz, is that the white house with more what else is biden? saying in his campaign strategy? >> well, sara biden, campaign officials have long felt that super tuesday would be the moment that this race crystallizes for voters between president biden and former president donald trump. and perhaps the latest proof point
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in that argument is the expectation that this morning nikki haley will drop out of there republican presidential primary contest. one thing that the biden campaign will be working towards in the coming months is trying to potentially peel off some of those haley voters who have been turned off by trump, not just voters, but i've told also donors that they could also target as well, senior campaign and fish officials spoke to that in a memo last evening as they painted the former president has damaged an unpopular in their super tuesday assessments that two women leading the campaign, jen o'malley, dillon, and julie chavez rodriguez wrote that quote, a significant share of moderate and haley voters across the country are saying that trump cannot count on their votes in a general election, and that will be key for president biden going forward, the campaign will try to tap into those haley voters tried to tap into moderate suburban voters as well. the campaign really believes that the issue of reproductive rights is a huge vulnerability
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for the former president. and one that could work to their advantage come november, and they acknowledged that they anticipate this contest will be incredibly close. it comes as polling has shown cnn's average of the poll of polls has found that there's no clear leader in this contest. i think that averages about 48% for trump and 46% for president biden. now president biden certainly faces a host of challenges in his own reelection bid, trying to keep the coalition that elected him in 2020 together this time around, also trying to address some of the growing discontent within the democratic party over his approach. to the war. the conflict in gaza. and then there are the questions that he has faced about his age and ability to serve in a second term. but the white house and the biden campaign clearly believed that super tuesday and tomorrow's state of the union address will be key for voters as they're trying to make their arguments for a second, second term in office arlette seinz. >> thank you so much. all
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right. joining us right now to talk much more about this as cnn senior political commentator, former republican congressman adam kinzinger, and the senior campaign adviser to donald trump's 2020 campaign >> marc lotter. it's good to see you guys were just handed some new reporting from jeff zeleny. let's let's go through this together. >> nikki haley, reach decision to suspend her presidential campaign late tuesday an adviser said an adviser said that going into the big day of voting, the haley team had set a loose threshold of winning about 40% of the vote in several states to credibly stay in the race. and the decision to get out of the grace, is that a benchmark for staying and that one benchmark wasn't set. what do you think of them? >> it makes sense. i mean, yeah, 40% i think, i think there was very few kind of pass for nikki to stay in after super tuesday, not necessarily because she didn't want to, but because the donor money is going to dry up. i mean, obviously nobody, wants to chase. >> sure. hadn't to this point that no, it hadn't. and i
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think she actually thinks she overperformed yesterday compared to what a lot of people thought, particularly winning vermont, not bad, right there. but yeah, i mean, for her, i think to go on passes didn't make much sense. 40% made sense as a threshold. i don't think there was anybody that realistically thought she'd get there. and so yeah just a two-person race now going forward, what do you think donald trump is happier about this morning? how he performed across the board or the simple fact that nikki haley will be exiting the race. >> i think the simple fact that she's out now and no one has to talk about the primary any longer they can shift all of the focus to the general election, which he was trying to do anyway, was definitely trying, but you can, write. so now you can officially do it. it's over with and you can move all of your focus to november. >> what counterintuitive what do you do? were you impressed with donald trump's performance last night? >> no no. you mean like it a speech? >> sure. either one. i was like how we perform on the actual election results. sure. it's impressive. i hate to normalize
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because, you know, after an insurrection it's tough for me to just talk about this horse race as normal, but regardless, it was an impressive victory. he won all these states. he won i live in texas now, yali, 80% in texas. >> his speech was, okay, i >> guess if you have a low bar for him, which we do. but my issue was when he called america third one country, like what kind of in what world is the inspirational leadership of a former president? >> there isn't one of his inaugural speech in 2016. >> why do i was there? yeah. >> when he called everything, he said like, you know, carnage, american carnage, this is what we're going to be at again. so yes, i also am glad the primaries over because now we can go forward and talk about this, but it was it was an impressive political victory. i wasn't impressed. what do you >> think joe biden should be most happy about this morning after in part to say, well, i guess the races aren't i mean, he he now has one singular target. i think he probably knew that for a long time as well. but now, i mean, it's going to be a clear choice and the differences and having
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worked on that 2020 campaign, the big difference is joe biden didn't have a record in 2020. he was hypothetical, so he can he talks about ending the ending the pandemic, not mean tweeting and basically getting elected. >> do you think the quote unquote, distance between his record, donald trump's record in terms of time, do you think that helps him people hoping that people have short memories? yeah. i mean, they remember that we didn't have the illegal immigration crisis. they remember that gas was $2.39 cents a gallon that but you did have a pandemic and before the pandemic, i think we had all of these things and that's that's that's the point he's going to donald trump's going to make joe biden is going to have to try to explain away on that point, congressman the biden campaign put out this member this morning. arlette was talking about it saying, after last night, they have a clear path to victory is what the memo pointing to nikki haley's moderate voters and them saying an exit polls that donald trump might not be able to count on their vote. republican voters saying donald trump might not be we'll to count on their vote. come november 1. big haley donor and
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fundraiser was on with us last night when we were sitting there. i want to play for everyone, his take on this. >> listen here's the struggle. >> joe biden is a cognitively impaired octogenarian whose policies i disagree with in the extreme i think is distance he's putting between the united states and israel now is disgraceful. i think the way he's handled ukraine is just simply not doing enough. he's always a day late and $1 short. and he hasn't been forceful enough in dealing with china. the border of course, is a crisis. he even, he now admits that so i can't vote democratic. so can i vote republican? can i vote for donald trump >> it's tough. >> he says he doesn't want, he doesn't want your support >> and how does he win? >> and how does he win? what do you think of that in terms of this now, is part of the biden strategy they want to pull over those. >> so this is how a lot of us feel. i mean, i feel i feel politically homeless and there's no way i'll vote for donald trump period, so he can't win me over. but there are a lot of people that he could and i think that's that's the challenge of the
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biden team right now. look, we have been so pre-programmed in this country to default to. i have to support a party, so i either have to. and so that's where people are at right now. joe biden is fighting with his left as got the every gaza interruption that happens every screen that kind of pushes the middle of way but he has a real opportunity. he's the guy that can do it if he can make his staff allow him to be joe biden if they're going to drag him to the left, he's going to have a harder time, but he has to win people like me over. he'll win me over. but people like me over two when the president lindsey graham was on cnn last night, mark and he said the path forward for donald trump in the general is to talk policy and >> contrast policy between him and joe biden. i think it contrast and policy is the key to getting these people, nikki haley, voters back on board do you think that's it? i mean, asked another way. do you think donald trump's sticks with policy discussions? we know what what what his base reacts to is not necessarily on
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policy. it's on feeling well, but i >> think you can do both at the same time. i mean, you can't talk about low gas prices. you can talk about the immigration crisis as both an emotional reaction and a policy prescription and i think the challenge is that like if you go with the exit polling last night, that i've seen from cnn and others at five to 90% of nikki haley's voters. so were satisfied with joe biden's leadership. that means they were probably not donald trump voters to begin with, even if they did vote for nikki haley. meanwhile, if you go by the new york times sienna poll, 10% of joe biden's 2020 support is now have buyer's remorse flipping back to trump. that's why i think when we look ahead to these battleground states and the national polls, i mean, remember, i think it was what, four points, three points that joe biden beat donald trump in 2020 nationally to eke out 45,000 vote women, three states. it's now up five point swing where donald trump is leading by two points according to the rcp average, we got a
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long dead head of us. we have now just realized this morning, this next chapter, kicking off in full swing with nikki haley and her remarks starting at 10:00 a.m. it's great to see you guys. thank you. thank you for coming back. yeah. great >> all right. democratic senator bob menendez. as hit with a new indictment what's in the dozen new criminal charges will be back do you know why i selected you to crush what makes you weak? >> anyone who dares insult me or my country can feel my good regime >> streaming exclusively on max with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. >> my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back don't let symptoms define you emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear skin at for months. and the majority stayed clear eyed
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>> never >> can you say on >> how many people did you tell? >> only pay for what you need >> lucky, transform your skin in one simple step, introducing polish choice men delic and lactic acid ha liquid exfoliate resurface texture and tone without irritation, 100% saw smoother, softer, brighter skin available at polish choice and sephora >> so i can take all these trips because priceline has all these amazing deals and that's when i said deal on your right is our infinity deal >> deals the deals are bernier, heavy price >> i'm paula reid in washington and this is cnn this morning, charges piling up for senator bob menendez, the new jersey democrat, and his wife face a >> slew of new criminal charges related to an alleged years-long bribery scheme
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involving egypt, qatar, and several businessmen in the new federal indictment, prosecutors accused menendez and his wife of lying to their own lawyers to cover up the alleged bribery. this comes just days after an accused coconspirator pled guilty and agreed to cooperate in the investigation. senator menendez is denying any wrongdoing cnn's kara scannell is joining us now live. can you give us a significance of these new charges? they were bunch of them before and now they piled on more, right. >> i mean, anytime there are new charges that is not good. right. as a defendant, you don't want to see that he was facing four counts before of all conspiracy related charges. now, they filed new obstruction of justice charges, and then also what's known as the substantive counts. so he was charged with conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud but now he's charged with honest services wire fraud. he is also charged with bribery, with extortion, as well as acting as a foreign agent. that was a key one for the government of egypt. so what
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these new charges are, i mean, it's now, there's a total of 16 charges that he's facing. and this new allegation of obstruction of justice it's where according to the indictment he told his attorneys who was meeting with prosecutors. so his attorney, according to the night and misled the prosecutors based on what menendez told him that these were in bribes, but instead they were loans and that menendez had signed checks that we're handwritten notes and then both he and his wife saying that it was repayment for alone, and prosecutors say that that is not true, that menendez had been well aware of these payments and that they were actually bribe payments and not repayment of alone. so he he has different attorneys now, which we saw take place but didn't really know why now let's shed some light on that. but he though remains defiant as ever. he is not resigned to see to senator, even though democrats in his own party has been asking him to step down, he is not. he issued a new statement after these charges came out saying these prosecutors are trying to get me to give in simply by making
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wild allegations. again and again. and without actually proving anything, i am innocent and will prove it no matter how many charges they continue to pile on. now, he is set to go to trial in may. wait to see what these new charges, if that date sticks, but now they have one of these co-defendants. now cooperating in the investigation. so that is another very serious, insignificant step in this case. and you >> have to imagine that may have been used for these new charges. there is a lot to unpack there. thank you so much. i appreciate it. kara >> today, state lawmakers and alabama will vote on legislation to protect ivf patients and providers. and this move is that really the direct response to the backlash that the state faced when the alabama supreme court threw it all through ivf treatments really into question, ruling that frozen embryos are quote, unquote children under state law. three alabama fertility clinics have since pause treatment because of the ruling. so let's get to the latest and that's isabel rosales is outside the alabama
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state house with more what our state lawmakers going to do today. and what does that mean for how quickly people could see these clinic starting back up? >> good morning, kate. i spoke with dr. mamie mclean over at alabama fertility in birmingham, who tells me that they her clinic could restart ivf treatments as early as tomorrow or friday. of course, this is contingent on lawmakers being able to get this bill, this legislation, according cross the finish line. dr. mclean tells me that 13 days sensor clinic pause ivf treatments, at least 35 frozen embryo transfers were canceled. so that right there means 35 women in that clinic alone impacted not to mention many other women that had their ivf journey interrupted through various other stages. then there's a university of alabama at birmingham um, which became the first in the state to announce it was pausing ivf treatments. the school telling cnn in a statement that it
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plans to continue to follow the alabama supreme court ruling unless one of two things happen, unless the court were which typically doesn't happen, or unless a bill is signed in to law. now it's important to mention here that the state supreme court ruling did not tell clinics to shut down, did not order ivf treatment and to be on pause or anything like that, it just simply stated that frozen embryos are children. but as you said, k to put ivf treatments into question here, clinics like uab clinics like alabama fertility, the center for reproductive medicine saying, we can't operate like that, were in fear of legal reprisal. very quickly here i want to mention that the senate and the house are voting today on each other's bills if that goes through, they're going to have to reconcile the differences in language. once again, approve that soul piece of legislation. then it goes to the governor's desk for signature. >> thanks. >> isabel rosales. thank you so
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much. john >> all right. yesterday was super tuesday. today is nikki haley wednesday tomorrow is stated a union thursday in all three are completely melded together. nikki haley dropping out of the race this morning. we're standing by to watch that. why? because if we're performance on super tuesday, the biden campaign out with a memo looking ahead targeting nikki haley voters saying, quote, a significant share of moderate and haley voters across the country are saying that trump cannot count on their votes in a general election tomorrow. and the state of the union address, president biden you can try to reach out to those very voters. so how with me this morning is michael waldman? he ran speech writing for former president bill clinton and is now the executive director of the brennan center, michael great to have you. okay. you're writing his speech for joe biden. how do you reach that nikki haley voter? >> well, the state of the union address, of course, is an important governmental speech, but especially in a campaign year especially in a reelection
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year, it's a political speech to the white house, is betting on the idea that there is an anti maga majority in the country. so while you don't, i don't think you'll hear donald trump's name. i imagine they will draw lines and try to pull in those haley voters and pull in the independence and soft republicans who actually gave the democrats are very strong midterm in 2022 what do you give them? >> what do you talk about to reach those voters >> well, i think a few things i wouldn't be surprised if you hear the president saying that he wants congress to pass the bipartisan immigration bill that donald trump next few weeks ago so i think you'll hear him and should hear him talk about the state of american democracy that's a theme he's talked about a lot, a lot of pundits kind of rolled their eyes, but a lot of voters really feel democracy is threatened. they remember january 6. and so he can talk
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about voting rights. he can talk about the need to have the rule of law. and that's actually something that doesn't sound partisan and has wide appeal >> one of the great strategies of politics is to under-promise in overperformed, set low expectations. it doesn't seem like the white house is setting low expectations for this state of the union address. it seems as if anyone connected to the white house or the biden campaign is acknowledging it's a big deal. so how do you measure up to those expectations >> look, it's this speech, believe it or not, is in the constitution that the president has to report on the state of the union it's the biggest audience by far that he's likely to get this year, unless there's a debate in the fall but we're all going to be watching given all the chatter about his age to see if he has vigor and command and is sort of enjoying himself as the happy warrior. if you remember
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last year he did very well jousting with heckling republicans in the audience and one of the things presidents always have to think about, and i'm sure if you're thinking about is democratic presidents always get a lot of advice. oh, don't, don't brag about the economy, don't, don't act like things are going well under your watch. you have to feel people's pain. but i do think that presidents who tell an optimistic and positive story when they're running for reelection actually usually do better and they can sometimes help shape and reshape the public sense of what's going on. i think he needs to point out where the challenges are, but not be afraid to claim credit when things are going well very quickly, you brought up the age issue. >> how do you address that? du explicitly or some other way? >> you know, i think the performance will be the main answer. he may want to try something with some humor of
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