tv CNN News Central CNN March 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST
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a damage and unpopular damage a candidate, the two women leading the campaign, jen jousting with heckling republicans in the audience and o'malley, dillon, and julie chavez rodriguez laid out their one of the things presidents always have to think about, and i'm sure if you're thinking assessment of the super tuesday results, and in it they noted, about is democratic presidents quote, a significant share of always get a lot of advice. oh, don't, don't brag about the moderate and haley voters economy, don't, don't act across the country are saying that trump cannot count on their votes in a general like things are going well under your watch. you have to election. and that is something feel people's pain. but i do that will be key for the biden think that presidents who tell campaign heading into november, an optimistic and positive trying to peel off support from those nikki haley supporters, story when they're running for reelection actually usually do better and they can sometimes trying to win over more help shape and reshape the moderates, more suburban, especially suburban women. the public sense of what's going on. i think he needs to point campaign has long believed that out where the challenges are, reproductive rights is an issue that will work to their but not be afraid to claim advantage. and one that will credit when things are going well very quickly, you brought damage of the former president in the campaign also believes up the age issue. that they have a lot of money >> how do you address that? du to work with president biden has a significant cash advantage at this time over the explicitly or some other way? >> you know, i think the former president that could certainly narrow as this race performance will be the main answer. he may want to try something with some humor of proceeds as it did back in 2020. but they believe he that course, it's not an entirely they have a lot of runway right
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now, the resources, the time, the money to make the case to sympathetic audience. so i'm sure he has to be careful. but those undecided voters to other presidents, ronald reagan moderate voters. but of course, and others have, have have, president biden is facing have done it with a light challenges of his own. he has to keep together that 2020 touch. he can not, however, be coalition as we've seen, some defensive in any way. he needs narrowing of support in groups for instance, such as black men. there's also its contend to show some some positive energy and momentum michael within the democratic party when it comes to his handling of the conflict in gaza. and waldman, great to get your then those persistent questions about the president's age. but expertise. thanks so much for really, there's this three-day joining us this morning. the next hour of cnn news central starts. now breaking span, super tuesday and then the state of the union address tomorrow that are pivotal for the biden campaign. the president tomorrow, we'll really have his head biggest >> news this morning, nikki platform so far in this campaign to tout his haley is ending her accomplishments and offer his presidential campaign. this morning. we are standing by to vision for a second term as he's trying to convince voters hear from her as this to reelect him to the white effectively marks the beginning house. thing of a general election rematch >> well, that size at the white >> and ai tool is posing a house, yes. super tuesday, haley, wednesday, state of the serious risk to political union, thursday. and kate, it campaigns. a watchdog group finding that misleading ai really is interesting that at least as of now, the haley generated photos can have a big support that's the terrain impact on voters
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where this campaign seems to be >> 217 covid shots. that's how being fought, at least for now. many vaccines one man received >> kate has morphed into sarah, but all things are well here at what researchers learn from his cnn. oh good john, you are very unusual case study. i'm flying blind, doing awesome out kate baldwin with sara sidner there. thank you so much. we're and john berman. this is cnn going to continue this news central and the breaking conversation. former trump administration official, matt mauer is with us and cnn political commentator s e cupp. all right. so nikki haley did news this morning is big. nikki something that's historic. she is the first woman to win a haley will announce shortly that she is dropping out of the presidential primary, but she presidential campaign. she only won one. and that was delivers beach and charleston, vermont. and now we're expected south carolina. we are standing her to say, i'm out i'm done. by to hear what she has to say. the question is what next and this of course, follows super what are you hearing in haley tuesday on the republican side, world? because apparently donald trump won everything you've got how a lot of contexts i've been talking to a except for vermont. nikki haley haley campaign throughout all won there on the democratic of this and i did i talk to side, president biden won everything. but american samoa, them this morning because if you saw on that wall street someone no one's ever heard of? journal article where they talk won there by like eight votes about what she's going to do next. i talked to the campaign. >> this they said yeah, they're going >> is changing the structure of to encourage donald trump to earn her voters this campaign going forward. this now is historic. this is >> and that's important. the first time you've had a she's not encouraging her voters to find their own way or
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rematch in a presidential maybe even choose joe biden. campaigns since wide eisenhower in adelaide stevenson, this she wants her supporters to go could be the first time that a with donald trump if he earns former president ever serves the vote. now, importantly, non-consecutive terms if donald we're talking about whether trump manages somehow to when she will endorse or not i said he'd be the first president to do that since grover cleveland, does that mean that there's a world in which nikki haley could endorse donald trump. we are now in this historic they said, yeah, yeah, there is territory in add to that, this to end any speculation that she announcement coming in the next will not endorse him. i think few hours from nikki haley, that she is dropping out of the it's inevitable that she campaign and we do not hurt probably will at some point, expect her to endorse anyone. that will be disappointing to a lot of nikki supporters, perhaps moderates and so as of this morning, we are independents who really liked that she was taking on donald in the nikki haley phase of the trump. she is the first, not campaign for both donald trump just woman to win a primary. and president biden or trump? the first republican to beat him anywhere since 2016. hi to reach out to her voters that's big deal. those are explicitly, the biden campaign really good point. yeah but as already out with a memo that you say, she wants him to earn seems to give some ideas of how to do that. let's get right to the votes, which probably means the ground in charleston, south carolina. kylie atwood, is that at 10:00 talk when she's expected to make her there standing by to hear from nikki haley, what have you announcement that she's out. learned so far this morning, she won't immediately endorse kylie? him. what we will wait and see >> that's right, john nikki on that. i want to let you hear haley is expected to announce what senator lindsey graham
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here in her hometown or said to our dana bash just yesterday about where he sees haley delhi i hope she can charleston, south carolina at 10:00 a.m. the ci is getting out of the presidential race that she is ending her campaign. and as you said, support president trump. she can make the case of why she would vote for trump versus according to sources, familiar with her plans she is not biden policy. i think would expected to endorse former resonate with people. i'm president trump. rather, she is pretty confident i'm known or, going to make the case that he you know, most of my political needs to win over her voters. life that that she'll be a team this is not altogether surprising she has repeatedly player that, you know, they'll come a time and i hope sooner said that trump cannot win a rather than later. was she realizes this is not her general election if he doesn't moment. and there's a lot at stake, so i'd find it difficult expand the party. she has to imagine it. nikki haley argued that the republican would not support president party needs to be the party the addition. and so what she is trump when it's all said and done matt, what say you? going to say is that he needs to really talk to those voters >> well, i think senator graham's exactly right. if you who had supported her. look at the fact that obviously, she didn't have ambassador haley, up until she enough support to keep her campaign in a live. she didn't really got to south carolina, have enough support to surpass was really trying hard not to the former president, but in a aliens a trump supporters and handful of states, nikki haley did get a significant portion trump voters. she's both trying to bring in the non-trump of the republican vote voters coalition in the republican party will also maintaining the voting for her. and so now we're going to walk what this potential of future support conversation looks like. she is from more of the maga coalition, so to speak. it can bowing out of her presidential so i would expect you're going to see ambassador haley
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campaign, but she is making an effort to put herself both into endorsed it probably won't be right away it's been pretty a position of power to engage contentious and personal the last few days. i know potentially with former president trump and her voters personally she's very bothered by the comments that former to see what that conversation president trump made about her looks like. i do want to note, however however, that it does husband in particular military service. and so it's going to not appear that she is closing take some time for him to show the door altogether on the that he can or her support. possibility of endorsing trump >> but you can remember. >> do you think donald trump ahead of the general elections because he's been pretty clear in november so, that is that he says he doesn't care. significant. that means that >> i would not expect a full throated apology, but why do this is a space that we will continue to watch. and i also you think you're going to be able to see? and he began you think it's important to note start to see it last night. was that trump's tone when it this was the donald trump about comes to nikki haley's voters has not been altogether policy. you ask republican voters the types who voted for welcoming. we haven't seen him court those voters very much nikki haley, the suburban voters, you go to focus groups over the course of the last few or pulling like are like we do. and what you often hear is we months. and when it came to those republican donors who had like the policy i'll see is we a donated nikki haley just in don't like the personality last night was all about the policies he talked about recent months, he said that those folks would be energy, he talked about crime, he talked about immigration. if permanently barred from maga. he keeps it there between the buoys, he can win, allow those so we'll have to watch and see voters back. and i imagine that what his tone looks like. now that she's ending her campaign that's gonna include ambassador haley i want to listen to some of those voters that voted for nikki haley. these are voters >> all right. kylie atwood in that were in virginia after the south carolina, keep us posted. results were sort of coming in
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what you hear the trump last night. these are exit poll campaign, not yet, reaching out to those new nikki haley voters. let's let you hear what voters, you know, who is they had to say. president biden in his campaign >> their support to make you think she's great. i think with a memo that came out even she's a sandy candidate. before the announcement than nikki haley haley was officially dropping out of the >> if it ends up being a trump race. let's get right to the versus biden rematch duda, who white house. arlette saenz, is you'd vote for it? there to report on this >> yeah. >> hold my nose and vote for strategy memo from the biden biden again. campaign, which almost seems >> i really like her i like her a lot. pression arlette yeah john and >> i think she's just got a good record and i think she's biden campaign campaign got the best chance of winning officials, i've spoken with in november. have long believed that super tuesday would be the moment that this >> she just seems real and honest and not. boom, boom, >> race crystallizes in the minds of voters between joe biden and donald trump. and the latest proof point they got in boom, boom. that argument is the fact that >> all right. the question is to you se where do these voters nikki haley is expected to go? withdraw from the gop race this >> that is the question. let's morning. and one task let's go listen. a lot of them. we have ahead and for the biden campaign is trying to tap into exit polling showing a lot of them are not going to vote for those haley voters who have donald trump. a lot of nikki's been turned off by donald trump voters are not going to vote for donald trump. they might also, those donors who may not stay home, they might even vote for joe biden, as you heard. and that's a big warning sign, want to donate to trump and they believe there could be a a big problem for donald trump universe of donors that could start to give to biden as well. losing 40% of the republican and senior campaign officials vote in numerous states. it's a big deal if joe biden were
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are really spoke to that in a memo last evening, as they losing 40%, dean phillips or painted the former president as rfk junior, they'd be freaking out, rightfully so trump has to earn those voters. the question is, does he want to, does he care? he was just bragging king about purifying the republican party to 100% maga. he's been calling her birdbrain. he's been insulting her voters. let's bring that up because >> the truth social that he put out this was earlier on as i think this was even before the primary started, if i'm not mistaken, but here's what he said. he calls her a bird brain. and basically this week, we don't want if you've done to her campaign, we don't want you. that's to voters. to voters. that's right voters. and this this purity project that has been existing in the republican party for the last almost ten years now, is so wild to shrink the tent intentionally it's not just mind blowing from the point of republicans was big tent was always sort of a fetish of ours now, to shrink it and actively kick conservatives out, not just in congress but voters know it's such a dumb strategy,
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but this is when he seems comeback. i'm sure you have somebody say it that works. no one thing though. yeah. so not only today does donald trump essentially become the republican nominee, but it sorts as the front runner for president united states right now. and that has less to do with his striker's ability to reach across the island, bringing these moderate voters joe biden's weakness right now, his political weakness, whether it's with his own base and you saw that in hennepin county, minnesota last night where yohan omar's representative he was underperforming with his base. you saw it in some results on the texas border where he's underperforming with voters who are overwhelmingly concerned about the lack of border security and immigration challenges. joe biden has this two had hydro he's got to face right now from now through november in order to get himself not just a win, but potentially be competitive. and i've seen some recent polling and some pretty blue states that shows that donald trump is competitive with joe biden, not because donald trump's getting 49, 50% of vote, because joe biden's in the 30s and some of these. >> but the good news now, >> taking haley's out, we're gonna get an unworkable president matter. what congrats america
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>> the polls do say >> that this is the match-up. they did not want, right? but when the rubber hits the road, we will then see how people decide because you can talk about it and you can say you're not going to do things, but when it actually comes down to fruition we need to remember this is just a moment in time. 2024 is coming. november is coming. >> we >> are we're in sort of the hinterland as we watch all this happened. thank you both for being here. i see cup and matt mowers. and this is going to be kate's turn finally and we will bring you nikki haley's remarks live when she speaks from south carolina at 10:00 a.m. eastern. >> also, this the house is scrambling right now pass 1 billion-dollar spending package called a mega minibus, doesn't sound like they're doing this to avoid a partial government shutdown that could set it on friday? yes, we have been here again no. you're not watching the show on rewind. we will
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tell you what they're up against and what this means now, for the republican house speaker and jury deliberations could begin today in the trial of the armor on the rust movie set, closing arguments start this morning >> president biden's blast, either before the 2024 election with challenges at home and abroad, can he make the case for four more years in the white house joint for special live coverage of this the union address tomorrow at times, cnn came to riva support your brain health >> mary janet, hey eddie, know fraser, franck. frank bred. how are you? >> brad fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the new riva brain health challenge with fast sides, create factory great visual solutions to perfect your process that's sides, make your statement
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your case now called bunny hundred 8149977 i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn >> biden trump. sound familiar. this morning, donald trump has a clear path to the republican nomination with nikki haley set to bow out of the race in just a couple of hours now, the announcement expected cnn's harry enten is here i'm harry, how do the polls look ahead of what is everyone sees is going to be a biden trump rematch. >> yeah, we're on track for the perhaps one of the longest
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general elections in the modern primary era. and let me tell you, sara, the polls now look so much different than they did four years ago at this point. so look at these polls came out over the weekend, right? there were four of them. the new york times, sienna college poll got the most press, had trump up for, but it was matched by a cbs news yougov poll that also had trump up for fox news, trump up to wall street journal, trump up to. and as i mentioned, when we started the polls right now, look so much different than they did in 2020. because keep in mind, trump led in not a single, there were zero count them zero general election polls nationally that trump lead. and during the 2020 campaign here we have four right here. and i want to bring this to your attention because i think this is so interesting, okay? >> has >> trump committed serious federal crimes? this is among likely voters overall, the majority say yes, yes, he has yet, trump was leading in that poll by four points. as you see that new york times sienna college poll up there why is
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that? because take a look at 20:24. trump's supporters even among them, 18% say he committed serious federal crimes. and yet there's voting form. if you're joe biden, i just have to ask the question, what you're supposed to do with polling like this, right? >> right. what are you supposed to do? a look? >> this is probably going to be decided by the swing states and the electoral college in the end. what is going on in the all-important electoral college? >> yeah. so let's have a fun little game here. all right, we're gonna go race to, to 70 and if we bring it up here, take a look at where we were in the 2020 election, right joe biden won with 306 electoral votes. donald trump got 232. but look at where our cnn race ratings are right now. look donald trump at 270 to joe biden, it just 225. what what the heck is going on here? well, there are few things that are going on here. number one, georgia, which joe biden won last time around, leaning in
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trump's direction nevada, which trump won last time around i'm sorry, biden won last time around, leading and binds direction, leading in trump's direction. arizona, a toss-up that biden won. and here's the key nugget. look up here in the upper midwest, the great lake battleground states michigan. look here, leaning in trump's direction, despite the fact that biden nearly won that state by three percentage points back in 2000 so we're just seeing a very, very different pathway in this journal. general election and keep in mind, even if joe biden wins all these yellow toss-up states. so let's say we give them pennsylvania. let's say we give them arizona. that gets him to 255. let's say we give them wisconsin. he's only up to 265 and let's see if i can do that right there. well, i couldn't yeah >> and even there, wow, joe biden, the 266 electoral votes. so something needs to change going forward. the pathway right now for donald trump is very clear to 270 electoral votes. it's far, far less clear for joe biden. it's
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interesting >> the polling taken to before nikki haley made her announcement that's expected to happen in just a couple of hours. we will see it's a snapshot in time and we have to mention that every single time it is a snapshot in time over the last few election cycles polls have stayed fairly steady over the course of the campaign, but the sample size is only really to write and write what let's see what happens in 2024 where things can be even crazier, obviously with the trump trial, we don't know what's gonna happen. they're still early days yet. and what is shaping up to be one of the longest general election campaigns on record, harry enten in the poll of polls, everyone gets excited about it exponentially you, i know, i think you so much heat. >> can i just also say, i'm just now realizing watching you in this angle, the elbow patches on your jacket? yeah. >> yeah. that's part of my poll of polls did not have done that. i'm sorry. hold who i like that that's nice. i got to get those >> and so do elbow patches on all right. >> coming up still for us. i'm gonna get back to the news closing arguments are set to
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begin this morning and the rust shooting trial. but first, the defense wants to call final witnesses. we will take you there on this day. one man deliberately got 217 covid-19 vaccine shots in the span of 29 months 217. >> what >> happened is the focus of a new study >> to. >> be a headliner was vegas gets shot. i'm wanna do they. >> had the biggest entertainers in america >> vegas is always marketed itself on its naughtiness. >> and the only way you find that what you can't do is if you do it's unlike anywhere else in the world's >> vegas, the story of sin city next sunday and on cnn >> kinda riva support your brain health.
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racing against the clock to avoid a partial government shutdown at the end of the week, they have you have we all have unfortunately been here before today. the house will vote on a funding package of six annual spending bills mashed up into one. it's been described as a mega minibus >> and republican house speaker mike >> johnson, he is going to need the help of democrats to get this over the finish line and do so in time. and what does that mean for his speakership and future? cnn's lauren fox is looking at all of it for us from washington, what is the reality of what's happening here? lauren >> well, this was really inevitable. all along kate, when the deal was struck last summer and that debt ceiling proposal and passed in the house and senate. it really did set out the course of this spending negotiation over the last several months. it just took them almost a year to get to this grand finale. so here's what's going to happen. the house of representatives is going to vote today on this package of six spending bills,
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then they're going to kick it over to the senate. it's going to be up to lawmakers to decide how quickly they want to process it over there. they need to get agreement all 100 senators to move expeditiously. the hope is that they might be able to get this done before the president has the state of the union tomorrow night. if for some reason they can't get a time agreement then you could see this kick into friday or over the weekend. but senators are optimistic, they're going to be able to nail down some kind of agreement among their meds members once this happens, you still have another six spending bills that have to be passed by march 22. that's second tranche of spending bills is even more difficult to get across the finish line because it includes programs that are much more controversial. now, for johnson and his future, you already have members of the house freedom caucus saying they don't like these bills. they're not supporting these bills. but ultimately, while many of them are grumbling, you haven't heard them saying this is the end of johnson's speakership, in part because they do believe
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that when mccarthy set the course last summer with that debt ceiling deal, it became very difficult for any future speaker to get off the tracks that were already set for him to continue with the analogy. let's see if this train remains on the tracks. in the next couple days. >> laura, it's great to see you. thank you so much. >> all right, thank you, kate. today closing arguments are expected to begin in the trial against hannah guttierez reed, the armorer on the set of the movie rust that left cinematographer halyna hutchins shot dead while she was filming a scene. cnn's josh campbell has more on the trial. josh, the armorer is responsible for firearm safety on the set at what's the latest you're hearing in this case >> well, so we could be wrapping up very shortly with this trial. this is a trial that has been watched from coast-to-coast, particularly by the entertainment industry, because of the precedent that it might set hannah gutierrez reed didn't shoot anyone. she wasn't holding the gun when it went off. prosecutors don't even no. how live rounds of
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ammunition made their way onto the set, but there's hinges on whether the jury believes that she and her role as the armor was negligent in the death of cinematographer halyna hutchins. now if this trial is going on for over nine days now, the jury hearing from over 35 witnesses that prosecutors have really focused on that negligence. and in one particular moment, i mean, i'll play this for you, the prosecutor got up and said, look, we went through the scene taking pictures of everything we saw, and we actually saw what appear to be live rounds of ammunition commingled into what are called dummy rounds. this was across the movie set and he played this video for the jurors and actually showing them some of these photos, including one photo where hannah guttierez reed is allegedly sitting there with a live round of ammunition in the shot. have a watch, have a look >> we were able to identify of cartridges with a silver primer and a shiny brass cartridge ended up being spotted inside of the gun belts and bound to
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lear's. that the cast members were wearing on the set. there was one occasion we're a live round was sitting right on mr. guterres is loud and she fell to identify it >> now, reed has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. her attorney claims that his client is being scapegoated. they are focusing their attention on the rust movie production itself, saying that there was is this culture of unsafe practices saying that they were rushing to get this thing finished in order to cut costs, the attorney even pointing the finger and alec baldwin himself, watch do you not the primary thing was here, rush, get this done so we can get the money and that's all on production. and mr. baldwin, the violated some of the most basic gun safety rules you can ever learn from a young age. we all learned you don't point a gun at somebody ever unless you
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want to shoot him >> now there was one particular strong moment yesterday where the defense called a witness who was with the occupational safety health administration. they conducted their own investigation of this movie, said that witness testifying that they found workplace hazards involving firearms and although the movie put in place safety practices, this witness said that the movie production totally failed to enforce them. of course, we'll see what the jury ends up deciding, hear closing arguments expected to begin today, and then the jury will get the case. sara there's so much there. it's really hard to understand why there were live rounds mixed in with dummy rounds. man, josh campbell. thank you so much for following this trial for us. okay? >> as we learned this morning that nikki haley will be leaving the race, cnn spoke to some voters in battleground wisconsin who say that they plan on voting for even if she's not on the ballot, will bring that to you and florida governor ron desantis. he launched his short-lived presidential run on a promise
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to fight so-called woke it the ology. he then dropped it when that message didn't work. and now he seems to be back at it, has new plans after a federal court locked what he calls the state's stop, woke up >> what happened to the golden boy of new jersey >> i engaged in affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper gonna get a therapist have to having an interview with jake tapper. >> you episodes next sunday at nine on cnn >> this is our night >> singles, doesn't care but she reads plug tax only she works has proven over 90% effective shunning weeks is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older, she thinks does not protect everyone and it's not for those the severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose and increased risk of dion bar a syndrome was observed after getting shingles 19th and also happen the most common side
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i sound like you call your cardiologist and ask about attr cm, cracked windshield schedule would say flight will come to you to fix this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted scenario when we were on our way, she can track us and see exactly when we derive a few more minutes. >> let's >> ago, we came to her with service that fit her schedule let's be pascal. >> nice to meet you. we got right to work with a replacement. she could trust. >> we're all set. >> wow, that looks great. >> scheduled now at safelite okay. tom, c-flat, we see flag, we place special live coverage of the state of the union address tomorrow at times cnn >> and just over an hour, nikki haley is going to be making the final remarks of her 2024 campaign as she is exiting the race. president biden and former president trump, they showed up with big wins last night, both claiming the overwhelming majority of party delegates at stake on super
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tuesday. so cnn's gary tuchman, he talked to voters in battleground wisconsin as they're still preparing to cast their vote one, ask all of you. we have some biden supporters. here are some trump supporters, some haley's supporters. the election were today. how many of you will be voting for donald trump? 1234. how many of you will be voting for joe biden 1234 is anybody still ready to vote for nikki haley? 123. so at least to my next question, do any of you think that nikki nikki haley still has a shot but you're still going to write her in if the election were held today, both of you feel that way and you feel that way also? you, dr. who would you vote for? >> i would vote for >> trump, would vote for trump. so let my people who are voting for donald trump raise your hand again for a second. i'll start with you because you said you're running for trump. why why do you think of vote for donald trump? >> i would vote for him, just his strong stance and american patriotism. it's got the backbone that american needs
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desperately. so he has my vote and do not think joe biden is a patriot? not certain. >> not certain. ok. what about you? why are you going to vote for donald trump? >> i think he's the man for the country right now. i don't like him personally, but i know that you don't like what person his personality i can see past that towards like policy. so i think his policy is for economic growth? i'm concerned about border security and economic independence question we've been asking in poland, in polling today, is he fit to be president if he's convicted of a felony? what do you think? who is another one of our trump supporters wants to answer the question, what do you think >> i do >> and why do you wouldn't bother you if he's convicted of a felony, been president, it would bother me, but it would bother me more to vote for biden and why is that? >> i just >> i think when the press is saying things about him in what i see too, that he's incapable of speaking that he probably
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has alzheimer's so well that that's speculation, but yes, he does make mistakes speaking to so does donald trump right? >> right. >> that doesn't bother you though. >> it's not in the same way. okay. but are biden supporters raise your hand why joe biden >> because i'm not worried that he's not going to leave office what does that mean? i think that trump may want to stay in the office or may make changes that precludes his leaving. early but that regarding both of you who are saying that you're still you're going to write in nikki haley at this point because she doesn't have a chance to be president. why would you do that >> well i think like many in this country, i feel like we have to vote between the lesser of two bad choices. i mean, really bad choices and i just feel like i'm in my conscience while i do think that president trump did some good things that
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i am very concerned about what a second term would mean. >> and our thanks to gary tuchman for that the sun is rising over the state capital here in denver the state capital of colorado. metaphorically, the sun is rising. it is the dawn of this new phase of this presidential campaign and historic phase where we are seeing a rematch between president biden and donald trump with nikki haley announcing she is going to drop out of the race. that will happen very shortly. we'll of course, standby to bring that to you live in the meantime, how does the biden campaign, how does the white house tried to reach these nikki haley voters? it's got a bigger the opportunity tomorrow night is the state of the union address with me now is cnn contributor and former white house communications director kate bedingfield. kate great to see you so there's this big speech tomorrow night. i do have to tell you every voter i talked to you coming out of the polls here in colorado, they were well aware that joe biden was
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delivering the state of the union address tomorrow night. how does he read? nikki haley voter >> well, that's great. that's a great opportunity for joe biden so, you know, tomorrow night i think he really has a big moment to lay out the contrast. he can talk about his vision for the economic future of this country, can talk a lot about what he's done for the middle-class, but also critically how he will continue to fight for the middle-class is his task tomorrow is really to lay out a vision for the next four years. what it looks like under joe biden, who would thrive, who he's fighting for, whose side he's on critically versus what the world would look like under donald trump. i think four to reach these, these haley voters. and we saw this in the results last night. i mean, we saw suburban voters who are going to be so critical to determining the outcome of this election. they didn't come out for donald trump. they came out for nikki haley. they told exit poehler's that they couldn't they couldn't stomach voting for donald trump even if he's the republican nominee. so there is a path for joe biden through the suburbs. in particular and so he's really
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got to make this race about issues that we know motivate those voters. this question of who's going to protect your right to choose this on this question of democracy and freedom. and under, under donald trump or joe biden, under which presidency you're going to have more rights. are you going to be able to live your life the way you want to live it. so he hasn't an
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opportunity tomorrow night when people are going to be paying attention in a way that at this stage of the game they're not really paying attention to presidential politics. most nights. so it will be a big moment for him. no question. >> i will tell you the democratic voters that i spoke to yesterday, many of them told me they were listening to what the president was going to say about gaza. these are democratic voters who have some concerns about us support for israel in the war against hamas in gaza. how do you think the president handles that particular? with a not insignificant number of people in minnesota in some other states voting for in committed or none of the above in these
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primaries. >> well, i think he'll probably use the opportunity tomorrow night to explain what he's doing to get humanitarian assistance into gaza to continue to push the israeli government to push hamas to course all parties to come to a table to get to a ceasefire, to get hostages out, and to get to a point where we're moving past the most brutal phase of this conflict and into, into the next phase. obviously, his administration has been doing an enormous amount of work on this. now, the challenge with work like this is that it's often behind the scenes, sometimes necessarily so so he has an opportunity tomorrow tomorrow night to explain to voters what he's pushing for, y and his own personal values behind it too, which i do think is an important piece of this conversation that doesn't always, doesn't always show up. so they'll have a chance to do that. but i think the other thing to think about is for voters who are frustrated with his polish let's see if you look at the choice in november, it's going to be a choice between donald trump and joe biden. donald trump went on fox two days ago and was asked what
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the idf should do and he said they should go into gaza and finish the problem. so as the race, as the race crystallizes, as the choice becomes not just joe biden and well, i'm frustrated with some elements of his policy and in theory, i'd like to see another option. the choice is going to be joe biden or donald trump. and i just i think for voters who are concerned about the loss of life in gaza and what they're seeing, what they're witnessing there donald trump isn't the answer to alleviate that suffering >> so kaitlan whale manuel miranda tells me you've been in the room where it happens for a state of the unit address, you've been there as the preparation goes on, what is happening right now to get ready for this speech, who's talking to him? how willing to criticize president biden are the people behind the scenes >> sure. >> very willing. it is a candidate, is a very candid discussion. the president rehearses a lot for the state of the union. that's one thing that sort of separates the state of the union from a lot
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of other business. the president does. you don't there aren't that many moments just given how much man there is on the president's time all the time, there aren't that many moments where the president really has an opportunity to rehearse, to take time to go through the speech many, many times to deliver it, to think about how he wants the key sections of the speech to land and how he wants to deliver them. so there's a lot of rehearsal that goes on in the last couple of days leading up to the status the union. there, a lot of discussion about what are going to be the big key takeaways, what are going to be the moments that are going to provoke a response in the room. how is, how things land in the room there in the well of the congress versus for the average viewer who's watching on television. and how do you ensure that you're underscoring the things that you want the average viewer to take away from what is actually play ultimately a very long speech. but yes, i mean, there is a lot of candid discussion of this. the president well, i can tell you somebody who's been there many times. the president welcomes feedback. he wants to debate these points with his advisers. he wants to hear competing viewpoints and then ultimately zero in on a speech
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that's going to tell the story that he wants to tell. so that's the, that's what goes on in the last couple of days leading up to the state of the union, a lot of preparation >> thank you for that. inside look, kate bedingfield, great to talk to you. appreciate it. sara all right. thank you, john. still ahead. this man deliberately got 217 vaccine shots for covid-19 why and what happened to it? that's coming up next also in minutes, georgia state senate panel is launching its investigation into fulton county. da fani willis, and the misconduct allegations against her. all at's ahead >> calling the. trap any couldn't get out >> vegas was having an identity crisis that was the beginning of the downfall, but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive. next sunday at ten on cnn
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>> want people to pay for what they've done to have to dig, to get to the truth >> this is going to bad air everybody >> a federal appeals court hits the brakes on the florida governor's anti woke agenda for his state will now ron desantis is preparing to make his next moves after a lower court says that some of his it's anti woke push violates employers free speech, seen as color suarez is what is watching this following this from miami, what happens now, carlos well, okay. to the florida governor will have to decide whether he is going to appeal this decision at the 11th circuit court of appeals really did not mince words denouncing the law as committing, quote, first amendment sin. the ruling, as you noted, upheld a lower court's decision that found that the stop woke act violates
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the us constitution. the act signed into law by florida governor ron desantis in 2022 was challenged by two florida-based employers who wanted to require diversity and inclusion training for workers. desantis championed the law throughout his failed run for president. and it was a key part of his war on quote woke ideology, the law banned at teachings or mandatory workplace activities that suggest a person is privileged or oppressed based on their race, color, sex, or national origin. now the state of florida argued that the legislation regulated the conduct of requiring employees to attend meetings. the court, however, they disagreed and said that the law targets speech. court of appeals, judge, a britt grant, who was appointed by former president trump, issued the opinion writing in part, quote, even if we presumed that the act served the interest of combating discrimination in some way, its breadth and scope would doom it, banning speech on it a wide
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variety of political topics is bad. banning speech on a wide variety of political viewpoints is worse. the governor's office pushed back on the ruling saying that the court quote, held that companies have a right to indoctrinate their employees with racist and discriminatory ideologies. we are reviewing all options it's going forward. monday's ruling focused on the workplace related provision of the law, a lawsuit challenging how race is taught in classrooms is still playing out in federal courts >> kate, carlos suarez, thank you so much, sir. >> all right. a tech watchdog is warning of the serious implications that top ai generators could have on the presidential election. the texts watchdog group center for countering digital hate found despite some guardrails that they can pick photos can be manipulated into producing fake election-related images, despite some of those safeguards that are in place, the tech watchdog center for countering digital hate researchers entered prompts to
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see what photos they could create with ai. some of the fakes included a photo of president biden sick in a hospital bed, a photo of boxes of ballots and a dumpster, and a picture of former president donald trump getting arrested. cnn's clare duffy is joining us now. you're looking at these generations and we have seen the how ai can work. >> young >> folks get on there. there's easy to create some of this, but there weren't guardrails in place. what is being done to try to deal with this potential impact on a presidential election yes, sir. i mean, that's what's really >> alarming about this. is that all of these platforms say they technically don't allow people to create potentially misleading ai generated images. in some cases, going so far as to say they don't allow political misinformation. but as with many tech platforms, putting the policies in place is often much harder than actually enforcing sam. and i think that's what you're seeing here. these researchers tested for top ai generators, midjourney stability, ai's dream studio, openai's chatgpt
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plus, and microsoft's image crater. and they tested them using these prompts related to the presidential election to see if they could get them to create potentially misleading images related to the candidate it's or election fraud and what they found is that in 41% of their tests, these ai tools we're creating potentially misleading, photorealistic images and i think it's just really speaks to just how real these concerns are that these new ai tools could create misinformation that could cause harm and confusion ahead of not just the us election in 2024, but elections around the world already just this week, we've seen separate reports that internet users were creating ai generated images of black people supporting former president donald trump and an effort to sway voters so very real concerns here what these researchers say needs to happen is that these ai companies need to get better at proactively detecting when users are trying to create these misleading images, especially when users are using these
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