tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 7, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST
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should henry return >> cellular your body. >> if ariel henry doesn't step down, if the international community continues to support ariel henry, they will lead us directly into a civil war that will end in genocide at this hour, we know the un security council right here in new york is meeting to discuss this situation, trying to figure out where they go from here as of now, the >> un says they're still dealing with prime minister ariel henry as prime minister. they consider him to be in that position still the us says it to considers him to be prime minister. however they're pushing towards a transitional process. it comes as the miami herald wolf has been reporting that while henry was on that flight headed back to haiti, which has obviously been diverted us officials reportedly told him to resign again, the white house pushing back on that but it shows you just how unstable things are right now as this country is essentially without a leader and folks look at this as even
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being a gang controlled coup that's in place, very dangerous. indeed, david culver, thank you very much into our viewers, thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. i'll see you tomorrow. 11:00 a.m. eastern for cnn news his room. and then of course, 06:00 p.m. eastern right here in the situation the news continues next on cnn tonight on 360. what the campaign looks like from here. now that it's pretty much yes, just the two of them. and how this 2020 rematch could look quite different from four years ago. also tonight, what the president hopes to gain and all he stands to lose at tomorrow's high-stakes reelection year, state of the union address plus with just a few days left to find $83 million in the e. jean carroll case. former president trump says he needs more time, which could speak volumes about the state of his finances. evening, everyone, thanks for joining us, john king here sitting in for anderson. appreciate your time. we begin tonight with what comes next at this big crossroads moments. crossroads
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moment of the 2024 campaign. last night, super tuesday results made a trump-biden rematch. all but certain. and today, several big and quick decisions made clear donald trump's grip on the republican party is all the more tight the first being nikki haley bowing out of the race, not endorsing the former president, but not precluding it either. >> it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him. and i hope he does that meaning presumably, she says open to persuasion as source supporters are not clear though, how open some of them might be. also today, more collapse and what little republican resistance remains iowa, joni ernst became the final member of the senate republican leadership to endorse trump. ernst getting in line shortly after the top senate report public in the minority leader mitch mcconnell, offered his endorsement of trump. yes, that's the same mitch mcconnell who said this after january 6 there's no question.
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none there. president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day no question about it the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president >> that's the man he endorsed today. he's talking about right there. the same man who turned him into a punching bag and his wife, elaine chao, into the target of repeated racist name calling mitch mcconnell's disaster. and as you guys or disaster the old crow, mitch mcconnell, the old crow, the old broken down fro is an old broken down crow. mitch mcconnell and his wife, coco chow. coco. mitch mcconnell has been a disaster for our
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country. and his wife coco chow, who i got to know very well. she you can have her to >> yes. you heard it right there in his own words, the former president really said all that. yet today, the retiring senate leader said it was clear, donald trump header and the support of republican voters and quote, it should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support a short time later, senator mcconnell said this to cnn this model rashi i don't have anything to add. what i just said. i said in february of 2021, shortly after the attack on the capitol that i would support president trump if he were the nominee of our party. and he obviously is going to be the nominee of our party >> so in a single day, mitch mcconnell and joni ernst fell in line. nikki haley remained open to one day, perhaps doing the same last night we learned the two resolution circulating inside the republican national committee hey, are now dead cementing trump's hold on the party. one of those resolutions
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called for the committee to remain neutral in the primaries. the second, this one's way more important would have barred it from paying the former president's legal bills. as for president biden, his path to renomination. also clear, congressman dean phillips ended his long-shot bid today, a longer shot marianne williamson says she's still in the race, but team biden is looking to november last night's results raise general election opportunities and challenges for both candidates in the president's case, a decent number of uncommitted votes in colorado and minnesota make clear he has yes. an on-site happy slice in his base for trump, the loss to haleon vermont and narrower than expected margins in some places may clear he too has problems with voters who could prove critical come november the president's next challenge is tomorrow. tomorrow night's state of the union address. even before questions about his age, he was never known as a great order, yet the opportunities are obvious. a giant stage to make his case case define his opponent and make clear he was, he was ready to take giant border security
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steps until trump told the house speaker who will be right there over biden shoulder, that doing something good for the country just might be bad for the trump campaign whatever is said though, will mark an early beginning, remarkably early beginning for the general election campaigns. so what you make of this moment, first, the take of senator joe manchin, the west virginia democrat, who often angers his party's liberal wing and who has called joe biden a friend for more than three decades, yet has not yet endorsed biden in this campaign, we spoke shortly before airtime is there an imagined thank you for your time. it's a big day and you see now as we move on to the general election, president trump, former president trump calling for unity and the republican party. he even has mitch mcconnell connell now, mitch mcconnell has endorsed donald trump. if trump could get mcconnell, is this the day that biden can get mentioned >> well, i understand what's going on. i understand how it's happening and with that being said, i just want to know i want to joe biden to be the joe biden have known all these
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years always being a centrist center you know, left a little bit, but always center. someone makes a deal and he's made some great things happen. we've been able to work together. >> he's got a giant speech tomorrow night's state of the union is always important for any president there's a reelection year speech for the president united states at a time when his approval rating is underwater, went on the big issues like immigration, the economy donald trump not only beats him a beaten by a ton of points you say you need to hear the old centrist, joe biden again. what one thing could he do tomorrow night to get joe manchin to say that's it. i'll pick up the phone. i'm on team biden. >> well, i would love to see in basically acknowledged, we have more we're producing more energy today. we're more energy secure and we ever been in history of our country. >> you're not running for reelection. your friend and colleague, senator sinema, who changed from democrat to independent, just an out. she's not running for reelection. mitt romney, the republican from utah, who you've worked with on issues of pragmatist, wants to get things done. yes, he's a conservative, he wants to get things that he's not running for reelection. a lot of democrats are gonna get mad at what i'm about to say. but mitch mcconnell stepping aside as republican leader, also
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takes out the dealmakers in the sense that maybe he was co2. you're right but he authorized republicans like senator lankford, like senator romney. i like senator collins to go into the room and try to cut the best deal possible. what is happening to the governing center in what is the danger if my eyes tell me it's disappearing? >> well, john, i've come to conclusion. you're going to fix it. washington so i'm i'm saying enough is enough. i didn't want another six year sentence of setting here, getting nothing accomplished. i'm, working with my daughter americans together. it's a tremendous opportunity for us to help people organize themselves, 55 to 60% of americans, john or center left center all right there, right here. that's where all the decisions and deal making is made. and that's where compromise is. and right now, they extremes are having sucking all the oxygen out of the room. we've got to get people understanding the strength. they have. nobody can win without that independent center-left, center-right, more of the independent thinking people voting for him. they can't win without him. use the strength and we've got to try
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to ms next year or so the long game is to teach them how to do that. >> if president biden wants to win reelection, do you believe he should spend his time now getting nikki haley voters, people who tend to live in the suburbs sent to me more upscale, tend to be more affluent. they're moderates and some of them are republican, some of their independence he or should he be spending time? he's not going to win your state, but it should be spent at time of communities like west virginia talking to blue collar people who work with their hands, who 30 years ago voted democrat and never so trump >> yeah. >> well, he's definitely should go for nikki haley. nikki haley voters. and that's gonna be the centrist voters. there were center-left, center-right democrats are crossed over to vote for that's what i have said. >> the >> extremes or where they are. he's going to have to come back to the middle to get the people that basic were voting for. nikki didn't want to go towards adl now if it's a toss-up, what happened? as well. if they're fairly conservative, it might be very difficult if they think you've gone too far left. that's my concern. that's what i'm hoping to be able to discuss and talk about. >> so i'm going to circle back to where i began in the sense that, you know, joe biden is
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your friend more than 30 years. i know you have to have some concerns with him at the moment. he needs all the help he can get right now if the election were today or tomorrow trump would win a difference for you. it was today or tomorrow? >> so you'd be ready if you're wet, you're >> weight, your where are you waiting for your moment? you're going to be on team biden the edge, awaiting for your moment or you need a few more things from him? >> no, no. we could use to help right now. he could use to help right now center that's right. and he has to show that he wants that help from that centrist center, left center, right. that doesn't have anybody talking to him right now. now, how do we get basically the border? the border basically, joe biden should give him a cooper there and just say, listen, i made a mistake through the sake of humanity, i was trying to help people. there have been displaced around the world to the pandemic. i never thought they take advantage and come in the droves. they've come in. and we should have shut it down sooner. i'm trying to shut it down now, but he calls the politics. i have president trump's stepped in and says, oh, don't sign onto this. and i watched that happen. i
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watched my republican friends john, that were there that says we're not going to give one penny of aid until we secure our borders. i said, i agree with my republicans and told the democrats i'm going to vote with republicans to secure the border first. >> while trump is holding, trump held that hostage, it's done. you're not i couldn't get anything through the congress. i don't think he could get a bill saying tuesday comes after monday through the congress right now >> you know what? >> so what should the present do? should he take any negative vaccination >> ask the lawsuit? >> border down secure that border. we shouldn't be releasing anybody. we don't know who they are this dangerous. we've got to stop that. john we can never, ever shut our doors down to legal immigration, but we have an absolute right and responsibility to shut the border down to illegal immigration that's what has to be done >> so let me close it here. if the president talks energy tomorrow night in a way that makes you happy, president takes strong executive action to try to do something about the flood of migrants across the border illegally. joe
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manchin, boudreau, ready to join team biden as a lot next to me a lot happier seeing in the message. >> we'll see if that message comes in the days is it had or appreciate your time. >> thanks, john, for xi h. i give some perspective now on this moment joining us for cnn, chief national affairs correspondent jeff zeleny, are cnn political commentator van jones, and our cnn special correspondent, jamie gangel, circle back to a little bit. senator manchin in a minute, but i want to talk about some other, another prominent voice today at this interesting moment. jamie, this is what former congressman liz cheney said today about trump in this moment, quote, the gop has chosen, they will nominate a man who attempted to overturn an election and seize power. we have eight months to save our republican ensure donald trump is never anywhere near the oval office again, join me in the fight for our nation's freedom and quote tough words. what does she planning? >> you're not surprised. this is game on. this is what liz cheney has been waiting for. and the reality is, she now knows he hasn't gotten all the
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delegates, but he is the presumptive nominee. i expect that she will be out there calling out trump at every turn. she will do whatever she can to stop him. i think she will also be doing events in battleground states, and i wouldn't be surprised to see her out campaigning for democrats for congressional seats, house and senate, because she believes it is critical that congress is controlled by democrats. imagine this, liz cheney will be campaigning for democrats. >> she left iliac a little piece out there that's remarkable in its own right. but she said, she said of trump was the nominee. she would no longer considered first off, a republican. does she make a clean break or does she say like in remission until he's still around? does she make a clean break and you didn't mention president biden does she see a world in which president biden would be smarter, especially in some of the battleground states to have her standing right, have her introduce him on stage. i'm a
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republican for biden. would she do that right? >> liz cheney doesn't say what she doesn't mean. so when she says she will do everything, i believe we will see her at some point formerly say she is no longer a republican. she did not say that by accident two years ago. i think that just speaks as you would know, to the complete takeover of the bop by donald trump. this is the upside down world she has left open the door for running, but there is one thing liz cheney doesn't want to be, and that's a spoiler. if she feels that she would take votes away from joe biden? and that would lead to donald trump winning. she's not going to go down that path. the biden endorsement. i leave that for her to say when and where more acts to follow. i guess. >> what is a pretty important sub drama of a fabric? if you jeff to you, look, mitch mcconnell is hardly the first one. marco rubio data ted cruz
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did a lot of people that donald trump has heaped a ton of tough scorn and worse on, have eventually gotten in line. but that's this is a big one, not just for what he said about mcconnell, but i would say even more so about what the racist attacks on secretary chao and yet mitch mcconnell donald says, let's do it. why would i mean that's a takeover? >> look, the train is leaving the station and mcconnell's about the last or onboard you mentioned senator joni erns. she also in leadership does not view donald trump as someone who should be leading the republican party, but this is where they are talking to one mcconnell ally earlier today. any said, look, he wanted to get on with it. he doesn't want to be asked these questions. he doesn't want his sort of neutrality to dog senate candidates who he's going to be raising money for, who he's going to try and rebuild the majority. so they point us to that that speech where he also said, whoever becomes the nominee of the party, he will support. so that is where we are now at this, but i was thinking back to the speech he
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gave just last week on the senate floor. he said, i have a lot of faults, misunderstanding, the politics of my party is not one of them. and that was pretty clear. today's so that's why he did it. but the reality here is neither liz cheney nor mitch mcconnell are going to solve what is actually a challenge here for trump or biden in rebuilding their individual coalitions. they are on the outside of both do you do see van welcome to the conversation. this is not new. republicans are and to be quicker to put aside their grievances, their grudges and whatever, and get in line at the moment of consolidation, you heard senator manchin not yet. not yet. he wants to hear the president say, hey, look at all the coal we're producing, look at all the oil we're pumping. he says the president's afraid to say that because it angers progressives like you he's not wrong. there's an ecological left that was actually came at senator manchin, i think in a very unfair and very dangerous way that is frustrated with some of the things. but joe
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biden himself is presiding over a remarkable energy renaissance. i were producing more fossil fuel and more clean energy than any other country. and so he could be proud of that. i do want to say we talk about the politics of this stuff. this is a sad day for me if you're, if you're ukrainian soldier looking at a wall of russians coming at you and you having to ration your bullets your road guy, little bit tougher today as a great champion in nikki haley for america being that arsenal for democracy was just wiped off the stage. this is a more dangerous world, not just a more dangerous america, but more dangerous world. because this complete takeover now this is not a conservative party. this is an anti-liberal party. is not conservative there's not, it's not remotely conservative. and yet a top to bottom takeover and remaking of an american political party in the image of one person. that is completely willing to
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abandon our allies. and we're just moving on. i'm glad that liz cheney is sticking to her guns. i'm glad that so far, at least nikki haley sick and her guns, but there are people who need guns to defend democracy and won't have them if this man wins, and they are one step closer to having their country run over by russian tanks because of what's happening here >> if you look at the battleground map from 2020 and you look at we're haley got support in the primaries, so pretty smart for president biden to go after those voters as aggressively as possible. do you think that's the entree there? is it ukraine? is it the old essentially the old republican than liz cheney, republican foreign policy. let's stand with the nato alliance. let stand with ukraine against putin. >> and russia. is it that is it economics. what do you think that i think i think it's i think hopefully tomorrow night, biden points out, if you are supporting someone like nikki haley get on this train because if you don't you're going to wake up someday next year and you're going to cut on tv and you're going to see russian tanks rushing through europe
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and now we're not going to be able to send money. we've got to send our actual soldiers over there to defend our allies because the american people won't stand for that. this is a very serious moment on the economy. i think biden has to be proud that gas prices are down the stock market is up unemployment is down. student loans have been cut, but food prices are too high, and rent is too high. and he can do something about that by going after these corporate chains are ripping people off. he's got a task force for that and then pushing on the fed to cut interest rates. but he's got to be a fighter when it comes to the american pocketbook issues and a stand for american democracy abroad. tomorrow on day one of this battle for haley voters, president biden said, nice things. donald trump heap scorn on her. so you give biden, i guess, a head start. but it's a longer path and most of them are republicans. so observations from both on sort of how you do this and who's got the upper hand. >> and then nikki haley's supporters, i've talked to in recent weeks and months they are mostly republicans, so most people will put their jerseys on the republican jerseys on.
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but we need more than most people, the candidates in more than most people, there are plenty independence out there who say they simply cannot go. i'm thinking back to a woman in charlotte on friday night. she told me, i will vote for trump with vomited my mouth her friends said, i cannot vote for donald trump on voting. joe biden and she's a republican, so it is split. but by enlarge overall shed republican crouch is a republican candidate, a tea party candidate in this trump era. >> i have a phone full of text messages from so-called never trump republicans who really have said each and every one, they'll stay home. they won't vote. and that's anecdotal. it doesn't mean i can find where they live that can matter. it absolutely will watch eight months ago. i appreciate everyone coming at jeff, jamie ban, as well up next to state of the union tomorrow speech could shape the biden trump raised political pros david axelrod and james carville join me in later some breaking news while your next visit to new york at this might include a subway ride with national guard troops guarding the platforms
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night, president biden will go before a joint session of congress to deliver a reelection year state of the union address yes, it could well be his largest audience of this campaign. you a chance to frame a >> contrast with donald trump and with republicans in congress. yes. but also a challenge to address some profound political problems that leave the president's reelection in doubt. let's bring the conversation in here. this of course, is the 2020 biden versus trump. matt matt map. were on a path toward a reelection. so here's the problem for the president heading into a state of the union. number one, an incumbent president often judged in reelection year by their job approval rating, look how much this president has dropped. this first speech to congress is not a state of the union. your first year in office, it's just a speech to congress, but joe biden was at 57% in april 2021, shortly after being elected, down to 42 for his first official state of the union, still at 42 last year for state of the union gallup has the president now near his all-time low at 38%. look at that as he delivers critical state of the union speech. so a low number you can tell that anyway, let's put it in historical context. of other
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presidents seeking reelection. most recent presidents look at bill clinton at 46% in 1996, he won george bush 2004, 53%. he won brock obama, 45% in 2012, he won donald trump was at 48% at this moment in 2020 and he lost. look at that joe biden is ten points below, ten points below where donald trump was on state of the union night in his reelection campaign. let's start the conversation now with two democrats who have won presidential campaigns and also who have advised presidents at this moment with us david axelrod, of course, the senior adviser to the obama campaigns and cnn political commentator and james carville, who was the architect of bill clinton's winning campaign. gentlemen, you've both won the white house, which is difficult to both want help the president when reelection to the white house, which is extraordinarily difficult, you've also been around a president heading into reelection when times haven't been so great. david axelrod to you first, when you look at that number and how far below he is historically challenge one tomorrow night is what? >> well, i think he has to tell
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a narrative. he has to share a narrative that gives people a sense of where he's been, what he's done, and why, what are the values that motivates him at the economic values that motivate him. and where he wants to go. and he has to set that in in cassidy and the contrast with the alternative joe biden, he has a tendency to want to grab credit. this is not a environment in which voters are fatty, eager to give credit, but you have to tell a story about why you're doing what you're doing, and you're the kind of economy you're trying to build then you have to make the point that donald trump is not focused on the american people. he's focused, i mean, how you do it in a state of the union is tricky. but he's focused on themselves. so two contrasting views. let me just make one point, john, there's a lot of talk from the president and others about the soul of the nation in the future democracy, i care deeply about it. james
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carville cares deeply about it. you care deeply about it. but if you're sitting around your kitchen table and talking about the future of democracy, you probably don't, you're not paying a lot of attention or don't need to. the cost of the food on your table and most americans have more immediate concerns. biden has to address those tomorrow night and explain how he's fighting for them. >> so james, i want you to commit and follow up on david as i do so do i just want to give it a different perspective. here's the map of the 2020 campaign. if you look at the polling right now, if you talk to smart people in the states and you're both been through this at this moment in time. there's public polling that shows donald trump would win michigan there's been recent public polling that shows donald trump leading in georgia. if he takes those two states, it only takes one more. i've been out in nevada recently and talking to voters out there in recent days. and there you get that would only take three states. i'm not saying that's easy, but it would only take three states for donald trump to win. so your big political guy, you're also a sports fan. you're supposed to study the opposition, right? if you're joe biden and you're speaking to the country tomorrow night.
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what have you learned from donald trump's primary campaign, his march, despite all of the baggage that you need to tell the american people, think again first of all, the numbers are not good. i mean, i can said polls are looking at your grandma or neck. it's just can't unsee it as bad as you want to. but there was an interesting thing today in a tom matzo column. and there are thought was encouraging 50% of people in this country. no, nothing or very little about trump's legal problems. and so that tells me that there's some other information out there and building up with david said tomorrow night, if i just give free advice for what it's worth, i would not talk about inflation. i will talk about cost of living okay. because that's the way that people talk about costs living as it. that's why we put a cap on diabetes drugs because a lot of families in the united states are struggling with health care costs and diabetes costs. that's why we released strategic petroleum reserve to try to help families deal with high gasoline prices. and what
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we're going to do is we're going to go after these companies instead of fixing prices that are using these issues to gouge consumers because that would people think you just, you don't tell them how well they do and i know you have initiative live in. i've done something, but i'm going to do more because there's a lot of price gouging, price fixing gone out and people know that he's got to show people on top of it >> and david, our switch maps for a second as i get to the next question because behind the president united states, when he speaks tomorrow night, will be the republican speaker of the house. and they had a deal on border security joe biden was about to sign something that included a lot of things. he doesn't like and democrats don't like to give border security. donald trump has done this in the republican primaries and caucuses. he has marched. and because of this march, he has full control over the party and he essentially told speaker johnson, no, no, it might be good for the country, but i might not be good for my campaign. so don't do it. how does the president handle that moment? drawing a contrast with trump, he likes to say, maga republicans, is
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that the term you want to hear from a president on state of the union? >> well, they've that's the decision that they've made that they want to separate regular republicans from maga republicans. but on the issue of immigration, i was sort of be wilderness as to why the instant that trump did that, that they didn't just flood the zone, why weren't their tv ads on? why didn't the president go down to the border? then? and why weren't the surrogates out there pummeling trump for this? i mean, it was just such an act of hypocrisy, but it is absolutely imperative that he addressed this issue. i live in chicago, john and i've seen this issue as the migrants have come sent by governor abbott, the issue as mine i grade as well. this is truly a national issue president has to address it and he needs to, he needs to go hard after the sponsor of the move to scuttle the immigration law, and that's donald trump. he has to go after them tomorrow night on this, and he has to say what he's going to do in the
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absence. since of action by them, but he's got to demand that they take action. they're probably 300 votes on the floor of that congress for this. and the speaker of the house at the instance of donald trump, won't bring it up. the senate, that negotiated it won't bring it up. so this is this is a big one here and i gotta believe he's going to devote a lot of time and energy to that. >> james, i'm going to ask this question and we'll know an eight months whether it's a smart question or a stupid question but you are the architect of bill clinton cans campaign in 1992. the unique part of that was ross perot got 19% of the vote got nearly 20 million votes. i don't there's not a third-party candidate out there now that's going to do anything like that. but i would pause it on this day that the number of third-party candidates who actually make ballot access in which states they get ballot access could well determine this campaign because trump has a problem getting above 47 to 48 biden right now is i'm ballot test mostly in the low voter mid '40s. can you do something in
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a state of the union to address the prospect? tell people, don't go to jill stein, don't go to bobby kennedy, don't go to cornell west or is that a fight for another day in the state of the union has to be about something else well, the one thing that we do know and david knows this and you notice we have very weak numbers against with >> under 30 and we're very weak number of black, okay? >> and that >> tells me, i think david had both been a little more concerned about cornel west and then most people and you're 100% right? it's not going to be biden the trunk it's going to be biden versus trump. and two or three other people. and right now, the third party share without no labels is clocking in at 20%. that's high in march of an election year. that's real high. and that is what put out a no labels candidate. so it's absolutely a problem and we absolutely have a problem. what more predictable democratic voters
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right now and he's got to address out, i don't think he needs to address cornel west or third parties, but he's got to show what he's doing. it that's our districts it's a big gaping hole when a democratic coalition right now. >> so deal with the issues to keep them from going away. james and david, he's going to some nine color down the road, but i probably should continue this conversation in a diner or a bar at the first possible opportunity. and let's great to see you both appreciate it very much coming up for us, some breaking news as president trump celebrates his big victory, he also faces a legal deadline in one of his many trials, the deadline that may define his candidacy and his net worth. the details next good morning >> good >> try del collect chewy fruit bites for fast and gentle constipation relief. in as little as 30 minutes making your good morning even better
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trying to reduce that song. the money is due monday kara scannell joins us now with more on that. kara tell us more about this filing and what does it suggest about donald trump's ability to pay? >> well, it sounds like he needs more time to try to get this finances in order. he had initially asked the judge last month to if he could post a bond of 24.4 $4 million. that's a fraction of the 83.3 million dollar award. and that amount is due on monday, but he had asked for a 30-day break from after the judge decided these post-trial motions and said that he needed that the judge hasn't ruled on that yet, and that was the filing today where them saying can we have three days after you issued your decision on this? perhaps a nod that they think they're going to lose wanting additional time to come up with this money. they sitting needed to finalize a ban, so it does suggest that maybe they don't have this locked up just yet, even though the deadline of monday has been known for weeks and that's one pretty big chunk of change there. what about the deadline for the former president to pay the even bigger judgment in the new
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york civil fraud case. >> yeah, that $454,000,000 bill is due by march 25th. and in that case, trump, again, had offered to post about $100 million, a fraction of that, an appellate judge had denied that and said that he needed to come up with the money by that deadline. now they are appealing this to the appeals court panel and all who will receive briefs on this. now sources tell us that they will issue a decision by the end of the month, but in both of these cases, it's really coming down to the wire. john kara stay with us as we continue the conversation. let's bring in former federal prosecutor, jeffrey toobin. so jeff what do you make of this? it's a legal question is also a financial question? is this a flashing red light in terms of trump's abilities to pay if he can't, then what if he can't the plaintiffs both the state of new york and >> e jean carroll can move to collect the money that day. this is a finding judgment that is that exists in the world. and if there's no stay, they get to say to barbara jones,
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who is the independent monitor give us this money. and if you have to sell assets, you have to sell assets. so i mean the stakes are enormous. now, if judge kaplan is asked for three days, i'm sure he'll give them three days, but it sure doesn't look like trump is anywhere near collecting the close to $600 million. he's going to need to post these two bonds >> what's the history here? do you think he has any shot actually of getting the $83.3 million dollar e jean carroll verdict reduced does that happen? >> it does happen, but >> i don't think he's going to get it from judge kaplan. judge kaplan has passed on this case so far. i think he's done the issue that he might win on appeal. is that the punitive damage award is so much bigger than the compensatory damage award that the ratio of 5 million to 80 million is too far out of whack most judges, most appeals court's approve
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that, but some, some judges will have at least questions about that. but i don't think he's going to win it in front of judge kaplan. his only hope is really going to the appeals courts kara to jeff's point about, you could go to the person overseeing the trump organization right now. but is it clear what options he might have the former president might have his disposal? could he get alone? what he's what he actually sell real estate. what are you have to do that? >> i mean, his lawyers told the appeals court that they needed cash basically, and that's why this appellate judge had lifted one of the band's that way because imposed by the judge overseeing the new york civil fraud case. so he can go to a bank to try to get on alone. he can try to refinance one of his properties. he could also try to sell one of them pretty quickly one thing that trump's lawyers said is that even to get a bond to post this amount, a lot of the bond underwriters want cash to back it up so they need to access the markets and left let's trump is able to come up with the money, some other way that could be a property sale, but that's a pretty tight turnaround to try to do that in 30 days, john.
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>> well, jeff on the issue of some other way, elon musk said today that despite a recent meeting with trump at mar-a-lago, he will not be donating money to either candidate. put aside conventional campaign donate is there anything that would legally prevent a very rich friend of donald trump from saying here, i'm going to cut you a check to help you with these court judgments. and what do you have to publicly disclose that >> i think it would i don't know. it would depend on the structure, but i think the most interesting question about that is what if he goes to foreign? sources? >> what if he goes to azerbaijan? he has a lot of business overseas. what if he goes to russia? what if he goes and gets hundreds of millions of dollars from overseas? what does that mean? if a candidate for president is on the hook for multiple, multiple millions of dollars to a foreign source because that it seems to me is the most likely source banks at this point don't want anything to do with him. deutsche bank has lived a nightmare for
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decades now because they've been associated with trump. so i think foran is his only option, and that raises an a very big can of worms obviously, keep our eyes on it with the two of you in the days ahead, kara scannell, jeff toobin. thank you very much. up next two big breaking items for us. a verdict in the involuntary manslaughter trial of the rust film armorer. also ahead, why the national guard and state police are being deployed to the new york city subway system victims or mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to receive a cash award >> from the estimated $30 billion and asbestos trust funds with over $50 billion awarded, we have over 30 years of experience and have successfully recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for thousands of clock clients, even if a family member has passed due to mesothelioma or lung cancer, you may still be entitled to a cash award if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call 1-800 to 081721. now i use
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entertainment industry because of the precedent that it might set. hannah guttierez reed didn't shoot anyone. she wasn't holding the gun when it went off. prosecutors didn't provide direct evidence of her actually bringing live rounds of ammunition on the set, but nevertheless, a jury found her guilty of involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors had alleged all along that in her role as the weapons handle or she alone was responsible for weapons safety on that set. her defense had claimed that she was being scapegoated. they blame the film production company itself for creating an unsafe culture on the set. they also blamed actor alec baldwin. now, we just heard from hannah gutierrez, reed, attorney a short time ago outside of court, he said that they are disappointed. they respect the jury's verdict, but they do i intend to appeal. we're also just getting in a statement now from the attorneys representing the family, the surviving family members of alayna hutchins. i'll read you part of that statement. they say, we are satisfied that the jury, based on the evidence, found hannah gutierrez reed guilty beyond a reasonable doubt for
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her part in taking of hotline is life. we look forward to the justice system continuing to make sure that everyone else who was responsible for halyna's death is required to face the legal consequences for their actions. of course, it's worth pointing out that guttierez reed wasn't the only one who was charged. actor alec baldwin himself faces his own involuntary manslaughter charge, to which he has pleaded not guilty. john to that point, josh, are they separate trials or it could this verdict affect the baldwin trial this summer >> so separate charges, but it could certainly affect that trial in two key areas. first, the most practical going second, allowed the baldwin team to actually study the government's case. all the exhibits, all the witnesses, you can bet that they were paying it tension here because the charges are so similar. so that provides that added advantage to be able to study that for months prior to his upcoming trial, we've also heard from legal experts say it could be beneficial. once it gets to a baldwins trial to be able to point to hannah gutierrez reed. verdict can say, look, someone else has already been held responsible.
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alec baldwin shouldn't be the one it wasn't responsible for gun safety on the set. we'll see what happens, john. >> we will see as it plays out in the months ahead. josh campbell, thanks so much to new york now, and a major announcement from the new york governor kathy hochul, hundreds of national guard troops, state police, and other resources being deployed now into the city's busiest subway stations to help fight crime according to the nypd, has been a 13% spike i can violent crime across the transit system since last year, cnn's john miller joins us with more. he of course, is a former nypd deputy commissioner, john walk us through this. how exactly will this work? are we talking strictly about the presence of soldiers as a deterrent, or are they there to engage in law enforcement activities? >> so they're not police, you know, they're they're national guard members and they are there for a visible presence. they will also be conducting bag checks. the bag checks that's something we used to do for counter-terrorism purposes. this will be more to find out. is there a gun or is there a knife in the bag? do they want to stop somebody from? i'm coming into the system to
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reduce violent crime. the real question john, is the visible presence of national guard people in uniform when machine guns going to make rioters feel safer, or more leds that that's what it's come to as you know, from being in the business, sometimes help and support his welcomed. sometimes people get turf conscious. is this something the nypd will welcome and does the police department think it will be affected >> so this is something that the mayor and the police commissioner didn't want what they wanted. instead, was the money. what they wanted was the governor to give them the $20 million or more so that they could use that for overtime to put new york city police in the subway. we know that people see a cop and feel better on the subway feels safer. but the police also know this transit system. they know the stations, they know how to do train patrol, something, then national guard in the state police are not going to know certainly at the beginning so that would've been the preference if you ask the mayor governor hochul also said she wants to transit authorities
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and the police to keep track of repeat offenders. and for that information to then have a bearing on whether a defendant would get bail. how likely is that? >> well, it's great to keep track of it, but the real issue here is the bail reform law is the criminal justice reforms that make it really hard to prosecute people for these minor crimes that make people feel unsafe on the subway major crime is actually down to pre-pandemic levels. it's extraordinarily few major crimes in the subway, but it's the conditions caused by mentally unhinged people, people doing pickpockets are grabbing phones, minor assaults the guy sitting next to you on the bench who's smoking marijuana in the train car that make passengers feel that the place is not under control. and that's district attorney policy. a lot of those cases are just ones that they declined to prosecute watch as this one plays out, john miller. thank you very much. appreciate the insights. just ahead, we returned to haiti two days after we brought you frightening images of gang
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violence there, the security situation getting even worse. one gang leader has warned of a quote, genocide. if the prime minister returns, david culver just back from haiti joins us next >> we have a new home. >> what's that? >> we have of >> garage door that doesn't lift and we have a gate doesn't open. >> so i went on angie to meet just a handful of minutes. the vendors who came andy, you were more knowledgeable. they did higher-quality work. >> they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well could be felt like we got the most value out of the contractor that we chose. >> it is a beautiful ghraieb >> connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at >> hi, i'm david and i lost 92 pounds on goal. i noticed within a week that the released supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days and i have goal to thank for that. >> spelled splashes coil overs,
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lose you did with atms smashed open people, scrambling to gather whatever they can. several police stations bombed out by powerful gangs who now freely straw through the streets the rising anger directed towards prime minister ariel henry cellular one gang leader in the capital, threatening that if only does not step down, it'll mean genocide for the haitian people. and it is most often the people who pay the price. we were in haiti just before this recent surge in violence people venting to us their frustrations, wanting amerie to go and barricading their neighborhoods to stop would be gang kidnappers. perhaps the biggest indicator of dysfunction comes from the top. all of this happening while a major mystery looms where exactly is prime minister henry he was last seen last week signing an agreement in kenya, securing the deployment of kenyan police officers to haiti, expected to arrive any day. now, the miami herald says, henry then boarded a flight that went first to the
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us and then on toward haiti's island neighbor, the dominican republic, for an indefinite stopover. >> but officials in the dr. blocked his arrival instead on his plane went on to puerto rico the miami herald reporting that henry was mid-flight when the biden administration asked him to agree to a new transitional government and resign. the white house, pushing back on that, we are definitely not pushing prime at the prime minister to resign. that is not what we're doing, but we have underscored that now is the time to finalize a political core to help set haiti on a path to a better future where henry is now is not clear, nor is the direction of his country, which is increasingly under the tightening grip of gangs john, i haitian security source telling us tonight that police are trying to hold the line. they're low on ammo. morale is depleted. they say that with the prime minister out of the country in this moment, john, they feel like they've been abandoned david culver, important
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