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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 8, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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an audit in a deep dive a few days ago, our faa administrator, mike whitaker, sat down with boeing's leadership, gave them 90 days to come up with a comprehensive plan that we'll speak to these issues that we really are concerned about. about that we're seeing when it comes to quality control, when it comes to processes of boeing needs to demonstrate what they are going to do to fix these issues. and we will not let them increase their production until they satisfactorily do so >> yeah. i mean, i will say the number of near mrs. on runways and in the air and other places. certainly, i'm glad that i'm not we're not covering actual mrs. and injuries for the most part. people have been saved, but it is definitely concerning transportation secretary pete buttigieg mr. secretary, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you >> thanks to all of you for joining us this morning. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now
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>> campaign kickstart president biden's fiery state of the union. and now his administration officials are fanning out across the country to deliver his message. >> family business, little thoroughly. the trump family takeover of the republican national committee becomes official this morning as he faces a deadline in days to come up with half a billion to cover legal losses do you know where that tire went? something you might ask about your kid's lego set, not a conversation, however you expect between a pilot and air traffic control i'm kate baldwin with sara sidner and john berman. this is cnn news central >> it's on and pop in this morning, president biden and the white we'd house officials
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kick off coast to coast off as they take last night's fiery state of the union message directly to be where can people president biden visits battleground? pennsylvania today and over the next 18 days, white house officials will fan out across 22 different states as reviews of biden speech are now pouring in the headlines this morning. haydn chooses a hammer over an olive branch from politico the drudge report biden wars. and brace herself usa today writer for a brutal biden trump campaign paid in all biden referred to trump 13 times without ever actually saying his name, opting instead to go after his predecessor. and the threat. biden's says, he still poses the threat to democracy must be defended. my predecessor on some of you here, seek to bury the truth about january 6, i will not do that >> cnn's arlette seinz, lead
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us off at the white house for us this morning how do how do biden's advisers believe this all went? there was some hand wringing before the speech yes, sara, president biden's advisers feel the president accomplished what he set out to do and laying out a vision >> for a second term, but also presenting a direct contrast with former president donald trump. it was a highly political speech, one where president biden was quite fiery as he tangled directly with republicans on issues like immigration and taxes. but the president also really use this as a chance to draw that contrast with trump, even as he did not name his predecessor directly by name, simply referring to him as my predecessor, at least 13 times in this speech, really trying to set up those contrasts arguments when it comes to democracy, freedoms, and reproductive rights, take a listen to a few of those moments from last night's state of the union now mark processor
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a former republican president, tells prudent, quote, do >> whatever the hell you want that's a chrome a former president actually said that bowing down to a russian leader, i think it's outrageous. it's dangerous and it's unacceptable. my predecessor on some of you here seek to bury the truth about january thanks i will not do that this is a moment to speak the truth and the bury the lives. here's the simple truth. you can't love your country only when you, when my predecessor came to office determined to see roe v. wade overturned his reasons overturn any brags about it. >> look at the chaos >> that has resulted. i >> will not >> demonize immigrants saying they are poisoning the blood of our country i will not separate families my predecessor told the nra he's proud. he did nothing on guns when he was
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president do you like the lincoln why president also use this speech to try to tackle one of the concerns facing many american voters. and that is the president's age and stamina. the president at the end of his speech really tried to direct address this ahead on using a bit of humor as he talked about his age, but also arguing that this is a campaign not about someone's age, but about how old their ideas are. now, the president is set to hit the road today to take this message directly to the american people, he will travel to the battleground of penalty sylvania, visiting the all important philadelphia suburbs of four to lay out his campaign arguments tomorrow, he will be at the state of georgia while vice president harris is out west to this weekend in arizona and nevada, the biden campaign is really trying to capitalize off of this moment. the president's biggest audience so far in the 2024 campaign, they want to build off of this momentum, trying to make their push in this campaign, especially as they're preparing for this face off against former president donald
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trump in november arlette seinz. thank you so much for that wrap up john. lot of efforts being used here, but they're the good ones feisty, fiery. and i'm sure president biden is hoping that will also mean front runner. we will see i don't think there are >> any bad ephors, but i appreciate what you're saying there. it was a lot of shouting for after 09:00 p.m. that's for sure too much for some some people in this morning, new reaction to the speech from republicans, many of whom of course, backed donald trump, who tried to overturn the results of an election and has called for his political enemies to rot in hell. now we mentioned that because these republicans are calling president biden's speech divisive and hyper-partisan now, the official republican response took shots at the president on immigration, the economy, and his age >> right now our commander in chief is not in command the free world deserves better than a dithering and diminished leader america deserves leaders
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who recognize that secure borders, stable prices safe streets, and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a great nation >> that was senator katie britt from alabama. now, later today, donald trump will cement his takeover really a family takeover of the republican national committee shortly ronna mcdaniel you'll enter co-chair will officially step down a move essentially forced by trump and then two candidates that he is endorsed, one of whom is his daughter-in-law. they are expected to easily win elections for the top positions. cnn's alayna treene is at that spring meeting in houston, and we'll watch it unfold today later. >> yeah. well, good morning, john. i do want to just start with some of the reaction to joe biden speech last night we saw donald trump. he watched the address from his home at mar a-lago. and as promised,
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delivered a live play-by-play on truth social in response to joe biden speech and it really was as a stream of consciousness reaction from donald trump, p attacked biden heavily. he went after him on his positions on ukraine and social security, but its attacks also grew increasingly personal. we know that house speaker mike johnson warned republicans to maintain decorum yesterday in the chamber, but that was advice that did not reach donald trump. he very much attacked biden. he mocked his appearance, he mocked his hair and his walk, and also claimed that he was quote, so angry and crazy now, donald trump also responded on truth social with some video taped video messages in response to biden's speech, one of which really really trying to turn the tables on joe biden's argument that donald trump is a threat to democracy as we have seen, donald trump do in the past, he claimed that biden is the true threat. take a listen. >> joe biden is on the run from
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his record and lying like crazy to try and escape accountability for the horrific devastation he and his party of created all the while they continue the very policies that are causing this horror show to go. we cannot take it any longer as a country >> now, john, obviously, we have heard this type of rhetoric from donald trump in the past as well. i've seen him live post during these large events, but they do take on new significance now that he is the presumptive republican nominee, and it also comes as his grip on the republican party is tightening something we're going to see play out today here in houston with that rnc spring meeting. we're going to see ronna mcdaniel step down from her position as chairwoman. it comes after donald trump in her relationship, had really grown tense and it had been a struggle for over a year now we're going to see donald trump's hand pick replacements
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for her glide to their path to the top of leadership at the committee. and again, this comes as donald trump is very eager to use the weight of the rnc, have their full interests infrastructure behind him, including their data operation. their ground game strategy. there her poll with voters and of course, they are fundraising. but the way it's been described to me, john, by senior advisers is yes, it is normal for a presumptive nominee or a candidate to have their own control in a way over the rnc or of a committee when they take power. but i'm it's been described to me as more of a takeover for donald trump as he tries to sync his vision with the rnc. john and his family with the rnc, alayna treene and houston. thank you very much. okay. >> so george santos is trying to make a political comeback already. the dramatic the dramatic turn and that one primary fight in new york is about to take an a soldier who dreamed of being jason bourne now accused of selling military
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right now. and with a very keen eye toward november, of course, a speech the atlantic dubbed the most unusual state of the union in living memory let's test that against history right now, cnn presidential historian tim naftali joins us. it's good to seize him you've studied many a president and you've studied many of these major addresses. what did you see in this speech >> well, first of all, this is the first time and in over a century that a precedent, an incumbent is running against a former president this is the first time in history that an 81 year-old man has ever given a state of the union address. and this is the first time in history that an american president faces reelection challenge against an instigator of an insurrection so just there, we're talking about an unprecedented historical speech president biden in many ways, had to give a state of the president's speech more than a state of the union speech.
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people were watching to see his energy level, his vibrancy his fight, his willingness to fight for reelection. and people saw it yesterday. he saw all of that >> it's a it's a really interesting framing. i don't i hadn't thought of it that way. people >> were looking to see how he did not, how he presented the message or not how well crafted the policy was. that is that's an interesting way part of that. was it was a surprising bit. how many times that he did bring up donald trump, though not by name, talking about his predecessor to draw contrast between then and now, let me play a little bit just to remind folks >> row mark predecessor a former republican president, tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want, my predecessor and some of you here seek to bury the truth about january 6. many of you in jaber, my predecessor, a
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promising to pass a national ban on reproductive freedom. >> and watching i had a couple of questions for you. do you think that was effective and do you think he did it because he wanted to or do you think he did it because he needed to the biden coalition is the old democratic coalition of the 1990s plus >> folks who don't want to vote for donald trump. there are independence and some former republicans who will support biden in 2024 as they did in 2020, just because they don't want to see donald trump in the white house. again, it is very important for the president to remind those elements of his coalition that he well understands the mandate they give him so i think he had dimension it that can't be the only message he delivers because there are progressives in the democratic coalition who want to hear much more. and he gave them more about gaza last night. and he also wants everybody wants a vision for the future. they just don't
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want to elect someone because he wants to be president. they want to know if we reelect you, sir. what do you plan to do in the next four years? so he had heavy, heavy burden on his shoulders last night one thing about we know about the state of the union is a lot about some, it's a lot about tradition, and it's a lot about, you see, like institutional washington right before your eyes. that's what you're looking at with the state of the union. and looking at this speech in the historical context, biden did what? used to be thought of as unthinkable, which is criticizing the supreme court and directly addressing the justices as they sat right before him in the chamber. i want to play this for folks. this is when he was talking about the decision that overturned roe versus wade supreme court majority wrote the following and with all due respect, justices, women are not without electoral, electoral power excuse me electoral or political power. you're about to realize just how much variety so what did
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you make of that moment? and the fact that it's coming from joe biden nonetheless >> well, first of all, reproductive rights are very important element of the president's message and the vice president's meshes. it's gotta be, it's gotta be a way to energize and mobilize people it'll go out to vote for the team, for the ticket in 2024. he of course had dimension it. he also believes it in terms of attacking the supreme court. well, american culture changes in our political culture doesn't stay the same. we are in a particularly divisive partisan moment where people expect their leader to show fight show the willingness to, to basically express their disappointment with the status quo. so i believe that just as republicans expect, a certain level of fight, obviously from donald trump and they get that and more democrats and independents are expecting the same level of fight from joe
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biden. and he gave it to them yesterday. >> it's good to see you, tim. thank you john. >> so yes. that was really george santos and the house chamber for the state of the union. and yes george santos is really running for congress and yes, it is already getting weird and words you do not want to hear from your pilot. hey guys, we lost a wheel what happened to >> the golden boy of new jersey, governor jim the grieving i engaged in adults consensual affair with another man. it was shocking. >> was it an instant attraction? >> yeah. >> grevy's top fundraiser under investigation they lover, want to stay payroll for reasons you immigrating resigned is a lot more complicated than we remember. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake? tatler? i've got to get a therapist, if they're having an interview, which i definitely new episode next sunday night
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can go camping and be ready for monday, sign up for free, visit, ai or download the app. >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house, and this is cnn this is not where you want to find a wheel from the airplane
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>> that you're on, a united airlines flight lost one of its landing gear wheels as soon as the plane took off from san francisco airport, take a look, cameras captured the moment the wheel came full buying off air traffic controllers immediately stopped. traffic on the runway. let's get right to cnn aviation correspondent pete muntean. >> i >> mean, i don't know how this happened. maybe you do, but this is rough this morning. you know, sometimes airplane tires burst, sometimes they catch fire, never or rarely ever do they fall? from the sky and cause damage on the ground. this was the scene. >> it's effort cisco international airport >> as these plane spotters did this live stream, they were able to capture this tire falling from what appears to be the left main wheel assembly on this triple-7, there are six tires each on one of those landing gear assemblies fell off and on to the runway. this flight, about 250 people on board going to osaka. so this is the very beginning of this trip at 11:35 a.m. pacific time
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and usually something like this is not immediately apparent to the flight crew so it had to be up to the air traffic controllers on the ground to tell while other planes to abort their landings as they were coming in. and to tell the pilots, hey, attire just fell off of your airplane. you can listen to the air traffic control audio here. >> the last departure loss of waylon departure. so organ accessible through runway down the door that tailwind know. so ty going to be a few you guys six tires on each one of those landing gear sets, they each weigh about 265 pounds. so that's not including the wheel hub assembly. so this caused a fair amount of damage there on the ground and the employee lauded as a vo looks like it took out a toyota corolla, also a tesla all three, something like this, typically not apparent to the crew. faa investigating this right now. the question is, how did this we'll come off probably not a
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boeing issue because this airplane was 22 years old, so not recently in the factory was it a maintenance induced issued this plane may have been in maintenance, although we're just speculating now because it came in from paris, there's a maintenance base at san francisco international airport and also was this just simply simply broke these wheels take a lot of punishment, sara and they have their support. this airplane that's 300 tons, that's why they're 14 of them on triple seven. but a magic thing that call that your car was just destroyed by attire that fell from the air. of course, united airlines says it's helping out those people who had their cars damaged. i'll go although if i was one of them, i'd be asking maybe for some points are some status from united to get a little bit as depth thing out of this something i. have no idea that there's tires were that heavy, but boy, they did quite a bit of damage there. two those two cars, pete muntean. thank you so much for that update >> one thing i doubt is that pete muntean needs better status on airlines, right? >> i mean, i feel like himself
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like exactly. like you kind of got this one in the bath coming up for us. >> we now know when president trump needs to come up with half 1 billion spoiler alert, it soon. >> miami beach hi, to break up with spring-breakers. why they're still showing up to fight, despite official flees to stay away. >> it's like defiance. you tell me you don't want me to come on. >> sunday. why is china targeting taiwan? and if the conflict boils over, what's at stake for america, fareed zakaria presents an in-depth look, taiwan, unfinished business sunday kate on cnn. >> lactate is 100% real mouth just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like enjoying a cold one while watching the game who's winning >> no idea. >> real milk, reel, delicious
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sergeant who prosecutors say aspire to be a real life jason bourne is accused of giving sensitive information on advanced weapon systems to china, all for $42,000.40, 2000 visuals, a 24 year-old corbin schultz shared classified information about hypersonic missiles and the f22 fighter jet or the foreign national claiming to live in hong kong. his indictment comes days after federal prosecutors charged a retired army lieutenant colonel was sharing information about the war in ukraine on a foreign dating sites. new satellite images reveal the chaos happening right now in haiti's capital port or prints, there was a breach at the caribbean port services tariff terminal, which is crucial for importing food to the island this is happening as violence in the country escalates and the government has extended did it state of emergency, tens of thousands of people have fled their homes in the past few days, adding to the more than 300,000 already displaced by gang violence 92 year-old media mogul, rupert murdoch, is set to marry again this time to
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alayna's a cova, a 67 year-old retired scientist the couple plans to tie the knot at murdoch's california state. this is murdoch's six engagement with four previous marriages we wish them a lifetime of happiness. a new cdc report finds nearly 11,000 children have been rushed to the er after accidentally taking melatonin because most of them think the gummies our candy more than half the accidental ingestion involve children between 3.5 years old, melatonin is a hormone many use as a sleeping yeah, clearly, melatonin is not something we need on this morning shift at this point. >> the cost of donald >> trump's legal problems and courtroom losses is catching up and quickly, we have new reporting this morning on when president trump needs to come up with about half 1 billion to cover his losses. cnn's kaitlan, poland's has more reporting on this kaitlan. what are the new deadlines now >> the courts have spoken and now >> that donald trump has lost these lawsuits, he owes a lot of money very soon these
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deadlines are in march, so let's get to the details. march 11th. that's this upcoming monday that's when donald trump is going to have to post at $3.3 million in his defamation case that he lost against e. jean carroll. >> there is >> also a deadline upcoming for him to post $454 million. that's in the new york attorney general's civil fraud lawsuit against him, that he lost. that is due march 25th, the same day that he goes on criminal trial for falsifying business records in new york. those deadlines are approaching so fast, even while donald trump is appealing because the way the system works, kate, is that even when you're appealing, you have to put the money up as bond. and so not only is he going to be having to put those that amount of money up pretty soon by those deadlines. there also could be additional amounts added to it because of percentages extra you have to put up when you're posting bond, as well as interest i'm
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about one another case that we're obviously continuing to follow. their developments in trump's criminal case out of florida. what's happening >> well, the justice department is hitting back against things that donald trump is trying to argue to get the case dismissed. two of their main arguments yesterday in court filings to judge aileen cannon and then overseeing that classified documents case. is that prosecutors say do not let donald trump be above the law. his argument is that because he took these records out of the white house and took them tomorrow lago, they should be able to be his. and the justice department says he should be able to be held accountable for taking national security many records that should not have been at mar-a-lago after the presidency, they also are arguing that in one of his arguments where he says he should be immune because he was president when he took those documents after the white house, the justice department says that is a frivolous argument. and while he has appealed issues about presidential immunity in his
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other case related to january 6. this is so frivolous in this mar-a-lago case, he should not be able to stop the clock if he continues appealing questions about presidential immunity in this mar-a-lago case everyone should be headed to trial. that's the justice department's position, but we're going to see everybody in court next thursday to start arguing some of these things. a little bit more detail with judge cannon. >> interesting, it's great to see you, kaitlan, thanks for bringing it all to us, sir. >> all right. today, another flashpoint between president biden and republicans is glaringly obvious after the so2 speech, health care in another off script state of the union moment, the president called out republicans for supporting tax air tax cut, trump era tax cuts at the expense of social security and medicare. one of the president's promises of the night drive down the rising cost of health care and expand efforts to lower prescription drug prices during its now cnn's meg tirrell what more to the president say this, this got heated and there was a lot of back-and-forth
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>> sara to prescription drug prices are incredibly important to people in the united states. and the president has been rolling out a lot of initiatives on this, but they haven't really been getting a lot of traction or even awareness from many voters. here's how he started his section of speech focused on this issue >> it's now time to go further and give medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for 500 different drugs over the next decade starting next year in the same law caps total prescription shan drug costs for seniors on medicare at $202,000 a year. he very expensive cancer drugs that cost 1012, $15,000 i want to cap prescription drug costs of $2,000 year for everyone >> so those are some of the new initiatives, the expanded initiatives that president biden talked about in this speech last night, you know, we've heard a lot about $35 insulin that is something the inflation reduction act put into place for seniors starting
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at the beginning of last year. he talked about trying to expand that to everybody with commercial insurance that is already something that under pressure the drug companies have put in place after the ira did that for seniors. interestingly, though, one of the most seismic shifts for drug pricing that we've really seen in decades has been the ability of medicare to negotiate on any drug prices. the inflation reduction act put that into place to start with just ten drugs. they're doing that now. but president biden in that speech saying he wants to increase that to 50 drugs per year. he also talked about expanding a $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket prescription drug costs, which will go into effect for people well, in medicare, he talked about expanding that to everybody with commercial insurance guys. these are things that would need congress to get through. and there's little chance of that necessarily happening anytime soon. but this really ratchets up the pressure on this space that we hear from people in the united states is a really important issue, but they don't actually recognize what the inflation reduction
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act does it's on that meg tirrell. thank you so much for explaining all that. john >> so president biden did not shy away from what some people look at as one of his bigness electoral weaknesses right now, his age. biden addressed it heading into last night, so he actually addressed it in last night's address? >> i've been told i'm too old or young or old, i've always been known i've always known what endures. i've known our north star. the very idea of americans, they were all created equal, deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. my fellow americans issue facing our nation >> isn't how all we are. >> it's how old are ideas hey, anger, revenge, retribution are the oldest of ideas but you can lead america. with ancient ideas. only take us back with
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us now, cnn senior political commentator ana navarro and former deputy press secretary for president obama, bill burton. bill longtime no. see, does this speech from president biden last night, which many people are calling fiery. does this answer? all the questions and concerns that have been out there, particularly from some democratic voters about the president's age >> look, people have had a lot of questions about president, president biden, whether it's about is a durability, et cetera. but i think he put those two last night. i think it was fiery. it was forceful. he showed the american people just how hard he is going to fight for them with a very clear vision for what issues he's going to fight on, whether it's health care, our national security, immigration he took on all the hard questions last night and he came out on top >> how do you make it lasting though, bill, if you if he did do all those things, how do you make it last past just one night? >> well, you know, most americans didn't watch last night speech. they'll get vibes from it, from the news coverage, cetera but what the
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white house is planning on doing is they're making the speech not just a one-night event, but a months-long event for his forceful as he was in the house chamber last night, he's going to be even more forceful out on the campaign trail. he's going out there, he's hitting some of the most important battleground states in these coming weeks. and i think you're going to see a new tone, a new contrast, and a president who is ready to be president for four more years. >> so and i had asked you beforehand, are we reached out? do you and i was curious what you thought would be the moment that had the most lasting impact, perhaps from the state of the union. and you said the immigration moment parts of it. i just want to play some of that now, let's watch we can fight about fixing the border or we can fix it ready to fixed by partners have about higher 1,500 more security agents and officers, 100 more immigration judges help tackle a backlog of two minute cases, 4,300 more asylum officers and new
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policies so they can resolve cases in six months instead of six years. now >> so you didn't see there right at the end there you saw james lankford, the republican senator from oklahoma, who helped write that bipartisan bill nodding. yes, it's true when the president said, and a one very conservative republican senator from oklahoma. okay, so why do you think this is he's going to last. why do you think this moment matters going forward? >> because it's supposed to be his weakest issue, right? it's a policy issue that's got all of america, democrats and republicans concern. we're all seeing was going on in the border. and he is calling republicans on there calling the bluff on republicans. he's saying to them, i did this. we had an agreement that did this did this did this. he knew every point and he was calling them out and fact checking them on the spot. >> and he also >> you know, republicans came in weaponizing laken riley, right? a young woman in georgia who was tragically killed by an undocumented immigrant. and they thought they were going to
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rattle with him with that. they were wearing these buttons. they marjorie taylor greene had this moment is, you know, where, she handed him the button and you know what? >> he used it. and he looked up on the stands and he offered condolences to her parents, and he talked about how he knew what it was like to lose children. it was the strongest moment of the speech for joe biden. what's supposed to be his weakest policy argument and i'm talking in a speech which was full a strong moments for joe biden in part, i think republicans dug their own grave by creating this narrative and by creating these lowest of expectations, right? so if he went out there and he didn't stumble, it was a good night, but he did far more than that. >> this was >> far, far from that narrative of the bumbling old man who can string a coherent thought together. >> this game you what he >> was doing, he was calling out republicans in their factual, you're calling out republicans in sort of giving
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democrats a lot of what they wanted. what about the nikki haley voter? if president biden is targeting nikki haley voters going forward, what do you think that they saw that they liked or not? >> let's first i'm not sure there's such a thing as a nikki haley voter. i think what they are are anti-trump voters. i don't know how many of the people that were voting for a nikki were for voting for her or voting as a protest to against trump? i think he spoke to them for the full first 30 minutes of that speech. i was like, okay, when is he going to tell us that the union is strong? he spent the first 30 minutes talking about needles for that. yes, i would like that he forget to tell us that there is that our union is strong no. he spent 30 minutes laying out the groundwork on ukraine. he was quoting ronald reagan for god's sakes. he sounded like a neocon republican. he had republicans clapping. i saw mitt romney up the clapping when it came to foreign policy. >> so gilbert and what about
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democrats were just getting word from the biden harris county pain they had their biggest fundraising two hours to date light between 9.11, they brought in a lot of cash here. what did democrats need to stay energized? bill well. >> i think they need to see that joe biden not on the campaign trail, and i think that what we saw last night is an example of what we're gonna get on the nikki haley voter question. >> if you look >> at that new york times poll, two-thirds of nikki haley's supporters actually supported joe biden 2020, only 9% supported donald trump. and so it actually was a real moment of consolidation for president biden in terms of getting those voters, bringing them on, i predict that his numbers will go up in the polls, particularly since nikki haley is out of the race because he gave those nikki haley supporters something that they could really hold onto and support i'm pretty sure also that part of that fundraising last night was yes. joe biden headed out of the ballpark, but then you had a republican response that was cool coup
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crazy. >> this >> durbin had people scared. >> i mean, that >> lady looked like she was processed that time beloved, happy at times she was on the verge of tears. she went through every emotion in the spectrum. it was like watching symbol. and multiple personalities. and so i am sure a lot of people picked up the phone and said, okay, this man is saying, and these people are insane republican senator katie britt from alabama who deliver the republican response to the delight of many >> rubio and bobby jindal look like statesman in there and their responses, she was that i'm gonna put you down as a nun not liking the republican response last night, anna navarro, builder and thank you both very much. sara. >> you know, should've never tells us how she really feels about things, sheets so subtle >> kicked >> out of congress, but hoping for a comeback, republican george santos says, he's making another bid for office.
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and outrage in uvalde, texas after an independent investigation clears police from blame and the response that mass shooting at robb elementary school will have more on that you said that it was best that there was no way to go and it was for their safety it was not for the safety of children >> how are you >> via headliner las vegas that's what i? want to do. >> it. so unlike anywhere else in the world vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn from need the dot to need it. now >> so many ways to say life ready, wallet, happy that's 365 by whole foods market.
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>> with so many choices on there are so many tina fey as i could be hired body doubles to help me out allergic. tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive trina walk to a farm state or ride this force >> glenn close with millions of possibilities. >> you can book whoever you want to be. >> that's my line >> yeah >> emergency crystals pop in phys when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throw back emergency crystals? >> the situation room with wolf blitzer didn't night at six point cnn >> the families of the victims, the uvalde school massacre, left in shock, once again, furious after an independent report put no blame on the
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local police response to the 2022 tragedy at robb elementary school. the report found, quote, even though there were many failures, it went on to say uvalde police acted in good faith and did not violate policy after releasing the report, the investigator walked out of the city council meeting without taking questions. leading to even more anger. >> watch >> where did he go >> bring you bad is live >> the bill would report 113 i'm sorry, but i don't accept this report without further explanation. and yoshua, neither. >> i've been sitting there have been shaking for the last hour. i'm so off at what happened today? and i know you guys are and i'm hearing it >> i remember it took 77
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minutes for law enforcement to stop the killing, even as children were calling 911 from inside the classrooms, pleading for help. 19 children and two teachers were killed. cnn's shimon prokupecz, who was at this council meeting. we're just playing a little bit of he's joining us now and chauvin you were able to speak to the investigator that left the room. we were just talking king about afterward. what did he say >> yeah, we got a chance to speak to him. he didn't want to talk to us. he didn't want to take questions this is from the families. it was so difficult to sit in that city council hearing and listen to him explain his findings. just the coldness of it, the lack of empathy for the families and you could hear the pain there and kim rubio's voice and bring him back because he had the nerve to get up and just leave would out the families having an opportunity to speak them? this was the first time they have ever met this man. at the end of the city council hearing, he did. he came back
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to the room and then he laughed again. and so we went outside because we want to know how oh, he came to these findings that are so different from every other investigation that are so different from every other law enforcement official who has said they were complete failures here on every level. so we went outside, we followed him, we tried to ask him some questions about it. >> take a listen >> do you feel the pain of these families >> and what happened to her >> well, you just not going to answer our questions. >> i'm not going to answer at this point. >> why not? >> this is your oppenheimer speak to us. i'm not done with the job on their side. i'm done with the report, but they still have some questions that they need to ask. >> you allow you well off you wouldn't answer their questions. you laugh. you laugh. >> do you disagree? but what the department of justice >> so you see there obviously refusing to answer any
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questions he's saying that he's going to come back at some point, but that's not entirely clear if that's even going to happen. the family so did get a chance to speak to more of the family members stood there. take a listen to one another. family members my son survived the 77 minutes fighting for his life he was transferred by ambulance to haunt old another hour to debit but he didn't make it >> just the pain throughout this hearing visible even if it was so hard to sit through and listen to these families. this caught them by surprise. >> he was the first time they were hearing the findings of this port. now, there's another
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city council hearing scheduled for tuesday. where the families will be back and we'll see what happens. but for the families you know, just when they think they could get pass some of this, that they can have some sort of closure. you see what happens yet again and now just the pain and the feelings of just a disrespect and the like lack of empathy for this community continues >> and just how many more times so they have to have their hearts just ripped out of the chest as he were like, we're seeing on display in these council meeting thanks. shimon. thank you for being there thank you. sir. >> all right >> now, >> to florida, we don't welcome mayhem. florida governor ron desantis urging spring-breakers to mind their manners, which has rarely been done. the governor dispatching 140 state troopers across florida as popular destinations like miami beach are boosting security measures and telling people not to show up if they're going to be wild cnn's carlos suarez is there and joins me now, there is a new cign going on
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that's on social media from miami beach itself. that's basically telling spring-breakers, we don't want you i don't think i've ever seen that four in the state of florida which makes a lot of money off a tourism. what's going on there >> yeah, that's exactly right, sara, good morning. so the city of miami beach really is making things difficult, if not pretty impossible for folks to come out and enjoy spring break barriers, like the ones here beside me, have gone up across parts of the city of miami beach, including famed ocean drive. all of this is in an effort to try to discourage folks from coming out as you noted at last week, the city of miami beach released this video, a breaking up with spring break the video which went viral, featured actors talking about this it's relationship between the city of miami beach and spring breakers. the actors has said it wasn't a healthy relationship and it was a relationship that had to come to an end. the video also reminded folks of what things were like out here this time
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last year when a several large crowds or took over parts of miami beach including ocean drive here that ended in back-to-back shootings. and as a result of that violence, the city of miami beach had to declare a state of emergency and they enacted a curfew. and so going into this year's spring break, city officials implemented a number of new security measures, including these curfews, limiting beach restrictions as well as the closure of several parking garages. sara, the mood out here is one of some hesitation about how the next couple of weeks are going to play out. we expect the biggest crowds to show up here, despite all of these security measures taking effect this thursday or this thursday, rather going through the weekend and the rest of the month to be he in the second and third week of march carlos >> suarez. thank you so much for your reporting, john. this morning, some unexpected political news. george santos is running for congress. yes, that george santos, this


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