tv Smerconish CNN March 9, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST
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for free visit, ai or download the app united states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn >> this next story comes to us from san diego state university gas thompson, a former slave, moved to california in the late 1800s he and his wife, emma built a home there. and when they moved in the late 30s, 1930s, the thompson's rented it to the dog family. is he the dogs were chinese immigrants. no one else would rent to them. and when gas died, his widow sold the dong's the home. it's where ron and lloyd don junior grew up and now in their '80s, they've sold the house i'll send property next to it and they're going to donate $5 million from its sale to the san diego state university's black resource center to the dog family. i see you. >> thanks for joining me. smerconish starts now one step
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closer. i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia on friday, the third-party group no labels ended months of speculation about whether it would field a unity ticket for the presidential race in a virtual convention with an 800 delegates from all 50 states voted to move forward with the process and on the heels of that news, several outlets are reporting there's a particular candidate. now under consideration. geoff duncan, 48 year-old, was a republican lieutenant governor of georgia under brian kemp from 2019 to early 2023, is a conservative republican and also a vocal critic of donald trump's efforts to over returned the 2020 presidential election. duncan recently wrote an op-ed in the atlanta journal constitution titled end doesn't justify the means on trump about why he won't support trump for president. writing quote, trump has become incapable of leading in a respectable or mature way until more of us are willing to acknowledge that pardon, truth, we will be on the outside looking in. the news came the
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day after president biden, state of the union address, which calm the nerves of many in his own party about his capacity and vigor for the campaign and the job. it's too soon to know if biden's performance will dent the polling that for months has been finding many americans unhappy with rematch of the 2020 rivals. last fall, a fox news poll found that 50% of registered voters would dread a biden trump rematch as primary voting began this year. and the inevitability gain momentum. a reuters ipsos poll found that 70% of respondents said biden should not seek reelection including about half of democrats that's 56% said trump should not run, including about a third of republicans. and most americans don't identify as republicans or democrats. the most recent gallup poll on party affiliation finds 42%. now say they are independent a recent wall street journal poll, including third-party candidates broke down this way, trump at 40, biden a 35,
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kennedy at nine, with a few points among cornel west, jill stein, and libertarian lars maps dead and 12 still undecided complicating the no labels bids several names, including senator joe manchin, former maryland governor larry hogan, even nikki haley have already said they will not run as no label candidates. there's also the issue as to whether a haley or dean phillips for that matter would run afoul of state sore-loser laws, which bar candidates who sought and failed to win a party he's nomination from then running in the general as an independent or for another party. joining me now is the chair of the no labels convention. mike rawlings. he's also the former mayor of dallas, texas and former ceo of pizza hut, maire. nice to see you again. the wall street journal and abc, both saying that there have been these meetings between no labor bowles and former georgia lieutenant governor geoff duncan, is there truth to that >> well, i think we'll get over our skis here. good to talk to you, michael we have just
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gotten those delegates to say, let's move ahead enthusiastically with this. next week, we're going to unveil the process from here on out and talk about who's doing what to whom all these names have been speculated. there has been named since you've been talking about it for a long time. and everything is speculation at this point. and so no news to bring you this today. >> okay no disrespect to geoff duncan in particular, but don't you hope in the end, if you feel the candidate for president that there's a bigger credential than say, lieutenant governor we want to make sure and listening to our delegates, they want a couple of things. one, they want to kind of break the mold from the candidates that are out there a second that they make sure that we've got a path for the white house. and that those candidates are winnable and so we're looking for those things. somebody you
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know, it, it's very tough as a human being to decide to run for a president. you got to have courage and you gotta have the ego to have courage and you've got to be have the humility to cooperate and bring this country together and so that's what we're looking for >> mayor, you know, the adage. you can't beat somebody with nobody. is it proving more difficult than you thought to find a candidate, a ticket? >> well, first of all, i think the concept is you've talked about america loves, but it's all got to get down to the person and that's why we're so excited that we're going to get serious about this now, in the next couple of weeks we should announce something by march 14. no later than the middle of april. everybody wants us to do something now, but we do have time. remember, ross perot really didn't start getting signatures until the
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spring of 20. he ran, so there's time out there so former congressman dick gephardt is in the on-deck circle. i know that he's written a letter to no labels as well as to third-party candidates already running, saying in short order, if by july 1, you're not in a position to document that you can actually win this thing that you're on ballots to get 270 electoral votes and that you're competitive and at least five of the battleground states, then you ought to stand down. does that seem like a fair proposal or challenge from congressman gephardt? >> i'm michael i'm fascinated with this theoretical fear mongering that's going on that somehow what's going to keep america from leaping into dante is nine circles of hell, is what no labels does. okay? somehow this is no labels fault. the democrats. my democrats, this is my party, my
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whole life. okay. have done this to themselves with quixotic a windmill chasing with bad, bad talking points with the candidate that they chose. this is what the democrats have done no labels is just speaking for the common sense majority that says we got to have a better way out of this thing. do i feared >> i'm very mayor and i know all the polling data because i do discuss it constantly. most people want a choice that's what they've consistently said. and a plurality of the country. i just had the gallup data in there again, are independent, not r or d. before you leave me, respond to the person watching who says and you've heard this too in any other cycle, this would be worthy of pursuit, but you can't do it in this cycle because donald trump is perilous to democracy. you say what to that? >> we're going to get run over by the donald trump train.
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okay. we didn't tie the democrats to this track. we were the ones that saw this coming and say get off the track, let's do this in a different way. let's talk about common sense issues. let's get common sense leadership. let's take accountability in this country as opposed to like pointing fingers and putting the blame game. let's stand up and let's say what we're going to do for america in this future >> mayor rawlings, thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you >> now for an opposing point of view, dick gephardt, former house democratic majority leader himself, ran for president 1988 and 8.2004 the group that he co-founded, it's called citizens to save our republic. it's bipartisan organization i mentioned this, sent an open letter to the no labels delegates, as well as similar letters to rfk junior, jill stein and cornel west. the letter asks that they signed the following no spoiler pledge, quote. if by july 1, no labels and or its ticket has
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not qualified to be on the ballot it's in enough states to have a mathematical chance to win 270 electoral votes and is not competitive in five or more states, no labels commits to withdrawing its candidate from the ballots in the swing states that will decide the election, that will ensure an up or down vote for democracy congressman, nice to see you again. you ran twice for president. why shouldn't anybody else have that opportunity >> they should michael, as i've said to you before, if these were normal times, we would have no problem with this anybody can run. we're in a free country. i ran twice for the democratic nomination. nobody told me i could, nobody told me i couldn't it's a choice of it. everybody can make and i heard what the mayor said and i respect him but he's saying the democrats dropped the ball here. well he could have run against joe biden. anybody else could have
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run against joe biden? everybody chose not to do that. so he's going to be our nominee. so we are aware we are. but donald trump, who's the republican nominee tried to overthrow the last election. and he tried to overthrow the federal government. he cannot be allowed, as liz cheney said, anywhere near the white house again, so we're just trying to alert no labels and the other third party candidates don't risk putting donald trump back in the white house by running in this context congressman, you make the point that in any other cycle maybe it's worthy of pursuit. you also salute some of the work that no labels has done. in particular with the problem-solvers for me, it's kind of a rorschach test glass, half empty glass, half full depends how you interpret it. you say any other cycle because trump is too big of a
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threat. i look at the data and i say the moon and the stars have lined up because people want a choice. we may never get an opportunity like this. again, where so many individuals are begging for an alternative predictive michael, let me give a little history and a little mathematics in 2016, donald trump got 46% of the national vote and third parties. and in that race got 5% of the vote that elected donald trump. in 2020, he got 46% of the vote but the third parties only got 2% of the vote and that allowed joe biden to win a razor thin majority over donald trump. now, let's look at some history. in 1992, ross perot entered the race late. >> he got >> 19% of the vote, he got no
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electoral votes, not one to get an electoral vote, you have to win a plurality of a state. and that is what we do not believe no labels or any of these others are going to be able to do and i've seen a recent poll that says that nikki, if nikki haley is the no labels candidate in this race, she gets an 11% of the vote and she would not get one electoral vote. that's our worry. >> i want i want you to respond to a comment. i'll put it on the screen, but i'll read it aloud in case you can't see it. this is from the wall street journal coverage of that story today that says geoff duncan is under consideration. a gentleman named george says this, i give no labels. a lot of credit our system has evolved in a way that both major parties essentially represent a political duopoly. and it ain't working. they both have produced candidates that no one likes accept the
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extremes. these guys are both running against each other. neither of them could be anyone other than the guy they're running against. use your brains. people don't i'll be sheep. it's time for the thoughtful center to take back the country. what do you say to george spencer >> in another time? that may be true. i'll say it again. the republican nominee, donald trump would end our democracy that's what we're talking about here. that's the only thing to talk about in this election democracies on the ballot and all of us are on the ballot. if the american people want to preserve this precious gift that we were given by our founders in 17 89, we were the first people on earth there were allowed to govern ourselves. we have to prevent someone coming to this office who will destroy the electoral
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process. and this democracy thank you, congressman. wish we had more time because, you know, i love this debate. appreciate you being here. >> thank you. >> what are your thoughts? hit me up on social media. i'll read some responses throughout the course of the program from the world of x realistically don't you think the unity party? should have been grooming a candidate for months, if not years ago, is this a little late in the game? ha i think it's it's an idea that many of us, i'll put myself in that category for sure, embrace in the abstract until you get to the point of deciding who will it be? and the individuals who are out there of stature have not signified that they've got a willingness or an ability to do it. you want a name for me? i'll give you two and they're both admirals. william mcraven and james stavridis. if either of them were willing to accept a no labels invitation, it's a game changer speaking of games still to come, a heroic game
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buzzer-beater at a high school, boys basketball game in new jersey is unbelievable. nullified by refs who said the shot had been launched after time expired, changing which team got to keep going to the state championships. >> but >> the call was so demonstrably wrong look at the clock. there's time on the clock but the team then took it to a different kind of court. the one with a judge, a decision was made. so who's going to get to play in the state championship that's the basis for today's poll question at, i want to know what you think should court's legal courts should cords correct. a blown call by a high school sports referee. be sure when you're there to sign up for my free daily newsletter, you're going to find exclusive the content from political cartoonists, like two-time pulitzer winner steve breen, check that out >> anderson cooper 360
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>> pharmacist recommended vitamin supplement brand closed captioning brought to you by mesothelial mom. it's all >> we do with local offices throughout the country, but us how you get the compensation you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 44 it's over. >> everybody agrees they got robbed. >> should a >> court have overturned it to new jersey high school boys basketball teams will face off today at noon, et a championship game after a controversial courtside ruling on tuesday, the camden panthers were leading the manasquan big blue warriors scores 46, 45 during the semifinal game, three seconds on the clock manasquan player, mrs. a three-pointer from the wing, his teammate griffin lindstrom was there, grabs the rebound put the shot back in for what the team thought was the game winning basket the buzzer-beater secured manasquan spot in the state championship or so it seemed while the fans
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rushed onto the court to celebrate, the referees decided to reverse the original call all resulting in a victory for camden. this despite the fact that several videos showed that the shot clearly should have counted, there was time on the clock the next day, the new jersey state interscholastic athletic association admitted the referees made the wrong call, even going as far as to apologize for the error and despite the overwhelming evidence from the video, the tournament rules prohibit the use of videos in reversing a game officials decision. even new jersey governor phil mudd murphy weighed in on the controversial call saying that he felt badly for the players, the coaches, the families that had a victory snatched from them. but ultimately he said he couldn't do anything to change the outcome. the manasquan school board, the board of education, asked a county superior court judge to delay today's championship game between the camden panthers and the arts high school jaguars. but their request was denied.
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and then yesterday, friday, the new jersey commissioner of education declined to hear the board's appeal citing that quote, the commissioner cannot find that the officials decision regarding the basket was anything other than a judgment call? and the nj sia rules clearly state that once an official has made a judgment call, no appeals will be honored, even if the official decision was not correct. under the clear and explicit bylaws, it is not revolt reviewable. plus the appellate division, for the superior court in new jersey also denied manasquan appeal he'll i wouldn't know what you think. go to my website at answer today's poll question. should courts correct a blown call by a high school sports referee joining me now is john cupola is a filmmaker, entrepreneur and host of dads, saves america podcast. john night he's to see you. everybody agrees. manasquan was robbed. the question is, what if anything, should have been done about it
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>> well, first of all, thanks for having me, michael. it's funny because this one goes against my libertarian priors, which is i actually think the courts and the governor of new jersey got this right how are you going to do this, right? how are you going to at this slight slim margin, make a decision just on the basis of the final shot. i mean, any shot throughout that whole game would have changed that outcome. so i kinda i feel for the parents, i feel for the school, my son played varsity basketball here and so i've been apparent on the sidelines cheering for my son and get an angry about bad calls. but there's i mean, how many calls throughout that game could have gone the other way if the cameras were focused on it. so i think you make a really good point. by the way. i think the school a point made by one of the lawyers in this case, catherine put up on the screen, so i can show john. he said, are we going to go back and look at all 32 minutes of the
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game and come to the judge and say, judge, this wasn't a foul. it's ridiculous. that's really the point you're making. like, how far back are we going to begin the process of review? >> well, i also think we have this problem in our country where everything is a constant appeal to the next highest authority and everything has become political and to me, this sort of speaks to this problem. we have of adulthood. know the adults at the school level should have taken a deep breath after this and wrap khalid, what round the team but said, look this, these are the rules and this is the way this goes. and sometimes life isn't fair and to take it to court, i don't know. i just think that sends the wrong message to the whole community, especially to the kids. >> okay. griffin lenstra is the young man who made the shot. the shot that he should have remembered. well, frankly now he will remember for the rest of his life, john, you are all about dads and the importance of dads as role models. if you were his dad, the young man who
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made that shot, that should have made him a hero. and onto the next level of the championship. what do you say to him? what's the message for him >> well, i think i'd first say, look, imagine being on the camden team going into the next round knowing that you technically lost you know life is like this. life involves close calls that could go one way or the other. and you played great and you've got an awesome life ahead of you. so like brush it off if you're going to be all right, you're gonna survive. >> i mean, honestly that is what i would say. that's what i tell my own son. >> okay. we're limited to 30 seconds. how about the camden team? is there any argument here for them to stand down and say, we're not cool with how we won this i mean, i'd be up to them. >> i think that again, i think mr. kappa nelly makes a pretty good point. i you know, these things happened throughout the game all the time. and as a
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parent, i've had that experience like, oh, well you know, if that one call hadn't been made and they didn't reverse that. if they'd gotten the three-point there, it would've changed everything. i mean, this is just one of those rare cases where it came right down to the last second. it was one basket away that determined it. and it creates this heat. >> but you know, i don't know. this is not ultimately a moral decision. this is this sort of about the rules and everybody getting hothead and caught up and things >> i think you're right. john pope, paula, thank you for that. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> a lot of social media reaction to this, catherine, what do we have from the world of youtube? we can't make everything in life about going to court, officiating errors happen in every game, everywhere says chuck hall. chuck is correct. of course, i guess what makes this so compelling is the video, right? otherwise, it would've been great barroom fodder forever. was there still time on the clock? i don't know. do you think there was time in the clock here? there was time on
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the clock. make sure you're voting. go to, cast a ballot on today's poll question should courts correct a blown call? i want to make it clear. everybody knows it was blown by a high school sports referee up ahead. my next guest lived all of our nightmare being awoken to in the morning by an intruder right at the foot of his bedroom. the homeowner had a gun in his closet so how did it end that homeowner, former washington post staff writer, frederic kunkel, is here to tell the tale tomorrow. >> why is china targeting taiwan and if the conflict boils over, what's at stake for america, fareed zakaria the presents an in-depth look, taiwan, unfinished business tomorrow at eight on cnn managing my finances felt like a maze. spreadsheets posted notes, nothing gave to the complaint i wanted to solution that would actually improve my finances, not just show me the numbers that's why i created dropping money. an app. it
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>> streaming exclusively on max >> what if this happened to you to 3051 morning? my next guest, frederik kunkel, asleep in his house in washington, dc. he's alone. his spouse was away on business he opened his eyes and saw an intruder coming to the top of the stairs passes bedroom door and head down the hallway he thought about grabbing a tool from his toolbox, then worried that might escalate things so he yelled at demand to leave as kunkel recently were counted in the washington post, the intruder then asks how just go out the front door. i shouted while trying to say whether he had a weapon to my amazement, he became belligerent, cursing and saying front door, who do you think you are or some such thing as he went down the stairs kunkel called 911 we're seeing emergency
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>> yes >> there's a guy who appears to be dropped and lost a little bit older and he somehow gotten into the house. anyone leave? >> the police were dispatched, but kunkel heard the guy rummaging and the kitchen. was he looking to leave or maybe find a knife? that's when kunkel decide to get his own 357 magnum revolver from a lock case, it is walking bedroom closet so what happened next? frederik kunkel joins me now he's a former staff writer for the washington post, you know, freddy, the fact that he's in your house, you've got a gun for many that's like the end of the story, the end of the debate. they say, you should have shot them yeah. >> well, the one thing that really stays with me a lot from that night was too surprising. things. one, how during the incident, i was relatively calm, surprisingly calm and thinking very clearly how much
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i did not want to shoot anybody that night, how much i didn't even want to escalate things as as you mentioned, by showing them that i had a night, had a gun or ordering amount of the house and i'm the other thing was how i was also very sure my mind that if he did come toward me, i would shoot and i would put this guy down >> but >> it was only afterwards that i realized and the adrenaline sort of flooded over hey, by the time the police finally came that i realized how rattled i was, how scared i was at the time because i just didn't know what this guy was going to do he had surprised me i, went i was waiting for the police to come. it took them at least 20 minutes and so after i loaded the weapon and i went downstairs to just see and i
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also thought i'm going to have to let the police to see if anybody was still there and i had a flashlight on. i came to the bottom the stairs it turned out who is hiding right behind the door? just a few feet away from me it's very strange encounter why even go downstairs like i get it. the intruder has gone down the stairs. you've you've retrieved your weapon. why not? just you know, katy bar the door, wait for the cops and whatever he takes, he takes why put your life in jeopardy? >> you know, i guess because i was wondering what i actually thought or the police actually going to come to be honest and i wasn't sure if he is there, if the house was still open. it turned out the front door was still open i don't know in retrospect, maybe i should have just hunkered down, but i just sort of cautiously went downstairs as cautiously as i thought it could do. again, expecting the guy had left so in the post, you tell the full
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story. i encourage people to read it. he does leave the police do arrive a blocker to away. they apprehend someone. they take you over. it's the guy you decide not to press charges. and i think you regret that i do. i regret only because i was under the understanding that if they had stopped the sky, i did the guy i was absolutely sure it was the same guy who had been in my house and i told the police if this guy has a record or he fits the description of somebody else, say jiggling doors had been seen prowling around some place and then it looks like this was purposeful than i was a player. i would definitely want to press charges but i also thought it was just some guy who stumbled into my house loaded drunk. it was an honest mistake. would i really want to put them into the system for something? it had been unlawful entry. and that's what i was thinking the police told me that night. well, he doesn't have a record
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and we are going to make a note. he's going to be in the system. so he couldn't if he's ever caught in another house, he couldn't say this was an accident. and it was only after the fact that i discovered there's really no formal entry in the police report or anywhere else about what had happened. >> a >> spokesman for the department told me it might have been in the officers notes in that district who works that beat >> final thought. put this in the broader context of the second amendment, because oftentimes when we debate the second amendment, this is exactly the kind of case that we have in mind, right? i mean, you had a right to have that weapon. i would argue you had a right under the castle doctrine to use it, but i'm curious for your big picture takeaway >> yeah. >> well first, i'm a very strong believer in that people should have a right to at least have a firearm in their home if they wish to for self-defense to protect one's life. life, and liberty obviously so i
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think that's a really a profound right that we have. and i'm glad we have it in the second amendment but i'm really grateful that i didn't shoot. and kill or hurt this person. i didn't need to in the end, even though as you say, under the castle doctrine, somewhat argue, i could have we don't know why he did he take anything. i mean, we because they didn't keep track of and you didn't press charges. we really don't know anything about this individual anything gone from the house. >> yeah. the only thing that we found out that was missing afterwards where the remote controls from the tv set why it took those freddie. freddie, if your house if your house is like my house, look under the cushion. i've got to the caution. okay. >> i'll check it out. >> thank you what a story
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harrowing. i don't i'm not making light of it. harrowing story and well-told by friday kunkel, thank you, for eddie. thank social media from the world of thank you. what do we have from the world of x? we have every right to protect ourselves, get educated, take a class, practice shooting guns are tools and have used properly can help if someone comes into your home to do you harm, you have that, right? no beef about that. kellyanne, the way that you've expressed and by the way, i know from freddy's peace and from speaking to them that he is knowledgeable, proficient. having grown up and western pennsylvania and i think a hunted as a younger person, he knows what he's doing with it with a gun and i think you're right to say people ought to be well-trained if they're going to own it. and he in my opinion, had the right to use it. but you heard him say he is grateful that he didn't. and by the way, i talked about this extent and simply on my sirius xm radio program and i was amazed at how many people have similarly have had similar episodes where, where people have just shown up oftentimes, due to mental illness in a place where they should not
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have been. so tip of the iceberg, i guess is what i'm trying to say still to come more of your best and worst social media we love them. my favorite part of the program. don't forget, vote on today's poll question at based on what happened this week. in a high school basketball game in new jersey, where the refs denied a buzzer-beater that would have won the game. case ended up in front of a judge. so i'm asking should courts correct a blown call? >> bye. high school sports >> referee, if you subscribe to my daily newsletter, you're going to get exclusive editorial cartoons from the legends check out what artist rob rogers drew for us this week >> backroom deals, cia secrets, affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution >> there's so much more to the store in 19 states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn the future is not
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it was to wash day. my always crying i went sad. >> i was diagnosed with raab no miles should coma. >> once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight, tears, sickness, and your stomach just don't want to get about a bed. >> that statement well, you got to look on the bright side of things tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is >> it's a long road. it's hard >> but the same job has gotten us through st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life diseases. thanks to generous donors like you families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel housing, or food. so they can focus on helping their child without all
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those donations st. jude would not be able to do you all of the exceptional work that they do for just $19 a month, you help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. >> no matter it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month. they are changing people's lives and that's a big deal >> join with your debit or credit card right now. and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support >> our families for grateful for donations, big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance >> st. jude's not gonna stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out on the doors of this hospital cancer-free, >> please. don't wait. call. >> go online or scan the >> qr code below right now for nearly a decade, i served in
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the navy supporting seal teams. today, i run sabo outdoors with fellow special operations veterans our mobile app connects customers with a hunting, fishing, and other outdoor experiences. american technology has been essential to our growth. but some in washington won stifle that technology plenty small businesses like ours depend on this misguided agenda will empower foreign adversaries. threatened national security, and destroy jobs are leaders need to strengthen, not week american technology >> choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveller you want to be. like number one, chef, dad, cook it up a free hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel mom made this. >> i added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you book direct >> i'm jeremy diamond in tel
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aviv and this is cnn again, you can find me on all social media platforms. my favorite part of the program is when i get to respond to those things that come in without my seeing them in real time. what do we got? >> from the world of x with respect, you should have led your show with president biden's performance in the state of the union address, you should have revisited the question of his mental fitness, which the president has clearly answered says brand, well, you're giving me the opportunity to do that. so if you're asking me what did i think of the address i talked about it extensively on my radio program i thought that in a very strong performance, he needed to, and that this will probably quell the talk of a replacement between now and the convention unless something else should happen, i have to say that while i give the president props for the state of the union address, it was too political it was much too political. all that discussion of my predecessor was over the top marjorie taylor greene addressing like a clown for the
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events and so forth. i don't want to stay to the union to become an rnc or a dnc acceptance speech for a nomination. but no, i fully acknowledge it. president biden was on top of his game in the state of the union. so there i think you got what you wanted from me. what else catherine from the world of i don't know, social media live chat. michael, how dumb are you? pretty dumb, anna, if you can't see the threat to democracy that a third party running represents. it's, you should not have a national platform tusk, tusk, tusk. she says, i don't want to be repetitive, but i look at the glass differently, ana, than you do. i look at two extremely unpopular candidates. i don't remember in my lifetime, i've been paying close attention since the 1980s cycle, never before. have we had numbers on both major party candidates likely have today. and in the context of a plurality of the country saying, i'm not an arn,
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i'm not a d, i'm an i. by the way, you would just never know that from following the media and the politicians because it's in their advantage to pit us against one another from the polar extremes. but the reality is that the country is somewhere in-between and people are yearning for an alternative. so if the alternative is not to be in the year when we've got to wildly unpopular candidates, then let's stop even debating the concept of a third-party candidate because it'll never happen. that's what i think i would say one more real quick. what do we have? yes, i'm keeping my eye and the clock don't worry. could this be the year third-party candidate ensures no one reaches to 70 electrode, sends it to the house of representatives according yeah it potentially could be. i mean, it could be that's what happens, right. i mean, if no one gets to 270, it goes to the house of representatives. it'll be the incoming house that will make that call every state, south dakota, and california get the same level of power, one vote
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per delegation. it's possible that could, that could be the case. look, i'm only saying if you're asking for my opinion, my opinion is let's let this play out. let's see what no labels comes up with. why would we say today shut it down. let's give them the opportunity to field a ticket. i will tell you as well that a lieutenant governor is not going to meet what i'm looking for. that's not at the level where somebody but he runs for president. my $0.02 still to come look, they blew it. can we watch this again? can we show the video one more time? look at that. there's time on the clock here. it gums so there's still time on the clock. everybody agrees. and yet the winning shot, the team with a winning shot, they got screwed. the final results are upcoming. have you voted yet at, should courts meaning legal courts, correct? something like this, a blown call by a high school sports referee. when you go vote, sign up for the newsletter. jack ohman turn the i loved that
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cartoon. look at this. this is after the colorado decision, check out the footwear on the justices via headliner las vegas that's what i want to do. >> it's unlike anywhere but i in the world. >> vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn. >> i tried all sorts of finance apps, but the best they could do was tell me what i already knew. like al-arouri, you spent too much on dinner. i know i did. i sign the check. that's exactly why i started rocky month i wanted an app to actually helped me improve my finances, rocket money finds and cancel sneaky subscriptions, lowers bills, and automatically tracks and categorizes your spending. start the new year, right? take control of your finances. download rocket money >> perfect. de for a family outing. >> shingles done some care, but she reads quote, techs only
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i paid before go to slash shave to claim your $7 trial. >> i'm evan perez in washington. >> and this is cnn >> so here's the results. so far of today's poll. wow, whoa, lopsided a that's today's poll question. should courts correct a blown call by a high school sports referee. we're approaching 30,000
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votes. i'll leave it up. you can continue to vote 84%. say no, that's the correct answer, right? i mean, come on. the message here, including for that young man who made the shot and forever never would have been the hero of the community. >> life's not fair. life's not always fair. and human factors, blown calls are a part of sporting contests. >> it'll be, it'll be great. has this, it'll be great to talk about it. your reunion for the rest of your life. and by the way, speaking of milestones, i want to say this today marks the ten year anniversary of this program on cnn. ten years of about what, 50 shows per year, 500 shows, even i can do the math more to look at me ten years ago yesterday. i went looking for that that tie in my closet today, but i couldn't find it. what do you think, catherine? how am i doing on the age of meter? am i aging appropriately? i've changed the eyewear that's a lot of
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commentaries 500 shows. that's a lot of guests. >> we know what >> else it's a heck of a lot of your social media, which is my favorite part of the program. i really, really enjoy when you're reacting to me and i get to react to you in real time. what i most want to say is, please know that living every single broadcast in ten years has been a privilege for, for so, so long, i wanted to have a program of my own and i never take this platform for granted. and as i said, on day one in that commentary that is now rolling in a polarized media landscape. my mission, my goal, each and every day is to try and reach people of all perspectives on a day-to-day basis. that's what i'm seeking to do. i just want to reach everybody. i want people changing the channel, except when i'm on television and mixing up their media diet and i'm trying to give you a nice balanced presentation. most importantly, i want to also say this, the program works because i am surrounded by really good
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people. and there we are this week celebrating in new york city david should i do. this? sure. and chloe and karina and katherine, my producer to my left, and emilia and jorge tc not pictured but a large part of our team as well we are all really, really grateful for this opportunity and we thank you. thank you for watching. and i'll see you next week >> what happens to the golden boy of new jersey? >> jason affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i've got to get a therapist if they're having an interview, which i definitely new episodes next sunday at nine on cnn >> beautiful and healthy looking eyes. it shouldn't be a compromise. lumify eye illuminations. >> three >> non-zero chance in products developed by the experts have bausch and lomb exclusively for the sensitive eye area to
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