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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 13, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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impact. in key battleground states. wisconsin for one, michigan, pennsylvania, among others. >> do you agree with that analysis? do you think the teamsters endorsement could decide whether joe biden wins in those states or not. >> i definitely think our endorsement is crucial. we've proven in our ups campaigns, contract fight anheuser-busch. our members vote, our members get out there and our members will support the candidate that we recommend and that they recommend. more importantly, we are very, very vital in this upcoming election. >> talk to me about timing. the teamsters traditionally don't endorse until after conventions. that would be late summer. >> do you think that's the >> same time frame you're looking at this time around because if you thought it would have more of an impact, would you endorse sooner >> look, we're going to have the same impact whether we endorsed sooner or later. the one good thing about our members and our organization, we've proven that we can mobilize on a short period of
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time and deliver deliver when we have to this is right now margin of error election. it really suggests. and you said you've got democrats, republicans, independents all amongst your ranks and your members. given that it's going to looking at like a margin of error election. this could be, you're going to have members who were supporting the other guy, no matter who the union sides to endorse, how do you manage that? >> well, we manage it through pauling, talking to our members, making sure our leaders are out there talking to the members. we have 360 locals nationwide we got to make sure everybody is playing a role in this and that's how the decision that's how the judgment is going to be made. >> sean o'brien. great to have you on. thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> a new hour of cnn news central starts right now >> john, it giving a new
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warning today as lawmakers get ready to vote on possible a possible tiktok ban, critic say this band could be a threat to feast free speech a government report says artificial intelligence poses an extinction level threat. have a nice day this morning. it is the kickoff to an unprecedented stretch in the presidential campaign. no one has seen anything like this. sara is out today. i'm john berman with kate baldwin. >> this is cnn news central >> in the next hour, the house of representatives will gavel and beginning what could be a huge day for congress for one, they will be considering a bill that actually has bipartisan support. and also considering a bill that could ban one of the world's largest social media apps house lawmakers saying to tiktok's spin off from its china-linked parent company or
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be gone from the us >> and new this >> morning, china is responding saying if the us makes this move, it will quote, backfire on america cnn's lauren fox is tracking all of this from washington. lauren, this could be a big day. what are you looking at >> yeah. i mean, obviously the vote total today in the house is going to be the top thing to watch. they are bringing this bill under a suspension of the rules, which means they expect that they can get a two-thirds majority, at least of the the entire house. that means this is going to be if it passes a huge and overwhelmingly bipartisan effort to get this across the finish line. now, not everyone is ready to vote for this. in fact, eric swalwell said earlier on our air that he is planning to vote against it. here's why i want to find ways to better restrict the use of >> data without taking away a platform. that so many small
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businesses rely upon it and so many young people use to communicate it. and this would do nothing to look at other social media companies please in their data. so i just i don't like bans on speech >> and there are several democrats who have acknowledged in conversations i've had with them that this could have an impact on joe biden's ability to win over some of those younger voters. another thing to keep an eye on today is where those republican vote totals are because donald trump has made clear he is not particularly a fan of this version of legislation. and despite the fact that many republican leaders in the house are, i think that that dichotomy is going to be worth watching whether or not the trump factor looms large. once again, on capitol hill, the future of this bill in the senate still on certain. chuck schumer, the majority leader, was asked about it yesterday. he said he still wanted to take a look at the bill to decide his path ahead >> yeah, this bill kind of exposing all of the dynamics and one, the tight margin in
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the house, the trump dynamic. and what's going on in the senate as well? >> all at play. good to see you, lauren. thank you. john. >> all right. with us now, is congressman jared moskowitz, a democrat from florida, congressman. thank you so much for being with us. you know, a few days ago you told my colleague, abby phillip, you were leaning towards voting in favor of the bill. what's your final decision? >> you wanna be a yes on the bill this morning. the bill doesn't ban tiktok. the bill forces the sale of tiktok by the way, we've seen these things happened before. let's remember when the la clippers had to go to a forced sale by the end? be because of the issues that happened with their own or the clippers didn't go away and tiktok is not going to go away either. but that is the campaign that tiktok lobbyists and investors are running to try to scare people. so if you're a tiktok user of your young person out there, tiktok is not going to go away if this bill passes and then passes the senate and becomes law, they will be new ownership. if the
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sale gets forced. i do find it interesting that china comes out this morning and says, this is an act of bullying that will backfire. well, if there's no chinese influence in tiktok, why, why did they, why do they care if the us part is a separate company? let's remember, donald trump supported this. he was forward before he was against it, before he was visited by some of the investors who said he should go after mark zuckerberg instead. so this is a bipartisan issue. it's a national security issue and i expect a pretty big vote in the house today. as for your flipper is if they didn't get a new owner, they were still going to be play games and b. on tv. if this bill passes and no new owner comes in for tiktok, they will not be an app stores, they will be banned from app stores, correct? >> yeah. but there's going to be a new owner. i mean, just think about all of the us companies that would love to own this platform. this
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platform is not going to knock it sold. i mean, i can't the unlimited amount of money that is going to come in to try to purchase tiktok is going to be significant right? it could be apple, it could be murdoch, it could be a number of players in the private equity space, so it could be elon musk. i mean, who knows, who could try to come up site to deal on my skirt rupert murdoch. would you be happy with the elon musk or rupert murdoch one tiktok well, it's better than china. >> i >> mean, this idea is, it doesn't matter what us citizen owns it, right? it's about making sure that there isn't foreign influence. look, after october 7, we saw all of the misinformation being spread all over tiktok. there's no community notes on tiktok, by the way. so when they show images of what happened in syria, when assad gassed his people and say it's gaza, there's no one correcting that on tiktok. and so the idea that that could be weaponized against the american people to influence foreign political
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decisions we make in this country, or decisions that we have to make around the world is something that we need to prevent that's why national security experts on both sides on a bipartisan basis. >> then he >> said it should be sold to a us company. >> it looking there is rare bipartisan agreement on this, at least in the house of representatives, i will say there's a fierce lobbying effort among tiktok users and creators. and i did speak to one woman who runs a small business has about 1.4 million tiktok followers who says, it's essential to her business she says she's watching this vote carefully today. listen >> if you vote for this ban, you are voting against the my first amendment. in my way of freedom of speech. you are voting against my small business. you are voting against me getting a slice of my american pie. so i will have to this will highly influenced who i vote for especially in november >> what political cost do you
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think you'll have to pay for this vote? >> well, unfortunately that's part of the misinformation, right? summer is going to be able to keep her business. no one's taking summers business away. she's going to continue to run her business right? tiktok is not going away. no one no one that's voting for this bill is under the impression that this is going to lead to the deletion of tiktok that's not where this has going. that's not even in the briefings that we've gotten anybody advocating that tiktok should disappear by the way, the one person that wanted to ban tiktok talk was donald trump. donald trump wanted to completely ban tiktok, but he didn't have the power to do it. this bill doesn't do that. this bill gets chinese influence out of tiktok. tiktok will survive so i want to shift gears here. republican ken buck from colorado is resigning next week. basically, he told dana bash yesterday, it's just because he can't stand to be there anymore. listen to what he said it is the worst year of the nine years and three months that i've been in congress and
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having talked to former members, it's the worst year and 40, 50 years to be in congress it doesn't sound like a happy place, congressman, how do you feel about it >> well, ken buck has it exactly. right. right. the 118th congress is historic. it's an historic congress. we've done historic things to help the american people like remove a speaker which has never happened in american history, expel a member which hasn't happened in 20 years and impeach a cabinet secretary, which hadn't happened in 115 years, 150 years. so these are historic achievements that the 118th congress has done for the american people know this is an awful place no people here are frustrated on both sides. there are people here that want to solve problems. i want to help the american people and i want to lower costs for food and for, for the price of housing. they want to make sure that we can get foreign aid to our allies like israel. and you
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crane and yet there are enough members here that want to do nothing and doing nothing is what they're comfortable of doing. and because the motion to vacate is what speaker johnson is afraid of. he looks at himself in the mirror in the morning and he just he's just so worried about the motion to vacate kate that we can't get anything done here. so i understand why ken buck is frustrated. he's also frustrated because we're breaking every single solitary norm here. he talked a lot about how we're using impeachment no longer as a constitutional tool that it is that we're using it as a marketing and pr and political tool. and every day we continue to break a new norm here and we just continue to break, break congress and the world. the world is watching. so look, i understand what he's doing, why he's leaving, he's he's had enough of it. but look, republicans are doing everything they can to hand that speaker gavel to leader jeffries by continuing to resign >> cosmic jared >> moskowitz, i do appreciate your time this morning. thank you so much. >> thank you. appreciate it >> okay. i mean, hearing
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congressman say to you, john, a congressman saying this is an awful place that was pretty stark. this is an awful place. how do you really feel exactly? cars moscow, it's not one to mince words ever it's great stuff. >> any moment now, >> the father of the michigan school shooter is going to be back in court. prosecutors have indicated that they could rest their case against james crumbley as soon as today, cnn's jean casarez is outside the courtroom, has been following this all along the way now, jean james crumbley, son, ethan crumbley, who committed these committed these killings. >> his >> journals were brought into court yesterday. they were brought into the discussion. >> what did they shot? she talked about this, his actual handwriting you know, kate, the prosecution has put so many witnesses on the stand, witness after witness, but the one witness this jury will not hear from is ethan crumbley. he will not take the stand. he will not testify as a attorneys won't allow it. the defense wanted it
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but yesterday, in a sense, he was in that courtroom because his state of mind is going to be at issue with this jury. they will assess that the prosecution brought it in. we believe with the final witness, which was the lead investigator and his journal wasn't dated. but through the evidence, the lead investigator believes he can assess when the entries were made. this first one probably early on in 2021, he says, i want help but my parents don't listen to me. so i can't get any help, obviously so important for the prosecution because it shows the knowledge potentially that james crumbley had that his son was crying out for mental health help also in that journal i will have to find where my dad hd my nine millimeter before i can shoot the school. >> now this in a sense >> favors the defense because
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james crumbley said he hit it hitting hiding the gun. you didn't have to lock your gun up at that point of time? and the third one the lead investigator testified this had to have been on november 29, which would have been a monday because tuesday was the shooting. first off, i got my gun it's an sp 2022 sig sauer. second, the shooting is tomorrow i have access to the gun and the ammo. i am fully committed to this now. >> so yeah. i'm going to prison for life and many people have about one day left to live and that all came true. >> you know, >> i i've studied the jury. i'm intently focused on the jury they are intently focused on the witnesses. i do not see anyone looking around, looking
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bored, looking down focused on the witnesses, they can take notes they hardly take any notes at all. but this is a jury somewhere younger. some are older. they're very focused in serious and when the pictures of the victims came up in on the screen yesterday i saw at least one juror couldn't look at them and took a kleenex and just started nabbing her eyes >> i mean, just when you think of those journal entries and what he wrote and those four lives that were lost, those families destroyed. his children, killed. just why it did not have to happen. it was just so so horrible. >> gene. thank you so much. we know that james crumbley, he has gone into court. he's now in court and this is about to get underway. once again in michigan. >> john journal, chilling and terrifying god. we have new details about the alaska
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airlines flight that lost the door panel in the air. what we're learning about the warnings signs that seemed to have gone ignored. >> so this is the kickoff to an unprecedented campaign stretch. we do have to presumptive nominees way earlier than ever before, and we've got new information about what they both have planned. the big hit for bargain shoppers everywhere, dollar tree is set to close nearly 1,000 stores across the country >> this room with wolf blitzer night at six point, cnn want to know is secret. >> more than just my armpit stink. >> that's why i use secret whole body >> deodorant everywhere. >> we're all human >> it's okay to smell like one i smell very human right now, which is totally normal. >> girl >> breach. >> but if it bothers you four out of five gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your peers to
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incredible 765 cfm run it's up to 90 minutes on a single charge exclusively at lowe's hasten ego authorized dealers >> what happened to the golden boy of new jersey? >> i engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i gotta go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake tapper, new episodes sunday at nine on cnn so alaska airlines says the plane that had that terrifying incident
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with a door panel flying off >> mid air was set to undergo maintenance that same day, the airline told the new york times the plane was supposed to be removed from service to investigate two separate warning lights what does this all mean? cnn's pete muntean has much more on this. pete, give us some perspective, put it all in context here. what does this mean >> well, the bottom line here is the 7:37 max in this incident should have never left a boeing factory without those door plug bolts. but now investigators have this new question to ask. >> would >> this scheduled maintenance have caught that omission by boeing something the ntsb will no doubt dig into now they have the maintenance records. they've been recovered by investigators, but let's look at the timeline here in the ntsb preliminary report on october 31, 2023, this plane was delivered to alaska airlines. what is it? interesting here is that there were a couple pressurization warnings in the cockpit that has to deal with the pressurized air inside the cabin, which came rushing out
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when the door plug came off on the december, there was a pressurization warning, then again, on january 3, two days before the dope door plug blowout, and on january 4, the day before the door blood, now the ntsb says these are unrelated to the door plug blowout, which was on january 5. but the new question to ask here is, would these warnings have triggered a deeper investigation during this maintenance check? that was originally scheduled for the night of the door plug blowout on january 5th, alaska airlines as his closing this for the first time after this reporting by the new york times and alaska says in a statement, we remain confident in our maintenance and safety actions leading up to the incident and we look forward to participate. our continuing participation in a robust investigation led by the ntsb, so that this does not happen. again, only the start
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of what will be a huge probe by the national transportation safety board. and just yesterday and announced what's called an investigative hearing that will be in the public. it is very rare. this means the ntsb can subpoena parties to testify and then it could include officials from boeing gate didn't even know that. >> that'll be really interesting to see an important, to see. it's good to see pete. thank you so much. john. >> we are standing by for a ruling from the judge in the georgia election subversion case to rule on whether he will remove fulton county district attorney fani willis from prosecuting the case against donald trump and his co-defendants. in an interview, the judge says he is on track to issue that decision by friday on whether he believes willis financially benefited from a romantic relationship with the cases lead prosecutor nathan wade. let's get to cnn's nick valencia and atlanta this was unusual to hear this interview from judge scott mcafee. what's going on here >> john totally unusual. in fact, we were shocked to hear
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that he had granted an interview because he's basically denied every single one of the requests. >> but he >> didn't speak recently, did wsp radio here in atlanta to talk about the challenger he faces in his reelection bid. and it was during the course of that eight minute interview, he also talked about his pending decision vision of whether or not to remove fani willis and he did say that he is on track to make his decision by the end of this week emphasizing though that an order of this magnitude does take time. he also talked about how this case has personally impacted him but i think about is, you know, i've got two kids, 5.3, they're too young to have any idea of what's going on or what i do. but what i'm looking forward to one day is maybe they will grow up a little bit. may ask me about it, and i'm looking forward to looking them in the eye and telling them i played a straight and i did the best i could to say that there's a lot of anticipation about his decision would be a huge understatement and it will be consequential because if >> he decides to remove fani willis, it would all but derail
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this case and likely mean that trump would not face a trial before the election. also finding somebody to take over this case would pre-approve a unique challenge. there has been security concerns surrounding this case, and of course you know, the politics surrounding this case are just really difficult to handle. john >> oh, yeah. look, he's got a huge decision and it will have a major impact. no question about that. nick valencia. thank you very much >> joining us now to talk about this is cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers. the core question here what is the bar for disqualification? what do you see here? just to kind of like bring it home for everybody, what the judge is going to be considering right now. yeah. well, that's a big question. the question is whether there's an actual conflict of interest or just the appearance of a conflict of interest. prosecutors argued has to be an actual conflict of interests that's what most legal experts in georgia seems to say, is the law. but sometimes judges disqualified based on the appearance if a conflict of interest and that's what the defendants are arguing for. so it comes down
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to if it's an actual conflict of this financial interest issue, did fani willis financially benefit from nathan wade having the job and this goes back to the trips that they took together that he paid for and her testimony that she paid him back and whether or not the judge credits that if you're at home, not following this all the time. i continue to try to get back to it as well. what does a fight even if financially benefited relationship between two people? given they're, given their titles and status what does it have to do with the criminal case? >> well, it doesn't have to do with the facts of the criminal case, but the issue is if a lawyer is conflicted from his or her participation on the case, they have to step away. so sometimes it has nothing to do with the case at all. it can be nothing that's your fall. let's say you own stock in company or the core of a conflict of your brother-in-law? he was a witness. i mean, those sorts of things here it is. you know, if she benefiting by having hired him to work on this case in a
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way that makes it improper for her to continue like pretend that she hired him. he's being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. he's handing her a portion of that and she's extending the case in order to make money that's the sort of thing that a conflict is designed and to avoid this whole thing just feels really messy. i know that's not like a legal term. it just does feel messy. is it >> it's very, very messy. the record was very messy. there were a lot of back-and-forth evidence coming in at the last minute, contradictory testimony. >> that was here while to >> fall and issues like if they lied to the judge, if fani willis and nathan wade and terrence bradley lied to the judge, which defendant's alleged that they did. and there's some evidence to suggest that some of the cell phone evidence and so on that their relationship started before they testified that it did can that disqualify her? the prosecutors say no, that's maybe an ethical violation, but not really for this proceeding. but defendants say and i think late people watching at home may agree if a prosecutor wants
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to stay on a case so badly that they're willing to lie to stay on the case. that's troubling going forward. right. what what prosecutors would do going forward, jennifer, the judge has heard has set a deadline of friday to make this decision about disqualification after the judge makes this >> decision, is this all put to rest? >> maybe maybe not. they could potentially appeal. i think the case would continue while they do that, but i don't think this is going away in a colloquial sense because i think defendants will keep pounding this drum right. that she had this improper relationship. she made improper speeches. she may have lied to the court. they're going to be out there with that message and remember, all of the jury pursue ultimately will sit on this case if it goes forward, are out there as well, so they're going to be kind of pushing this narrative of this unfair prosecutor having targeted these defendants and having her own ethical problems at the same time >> all right. stay stay close. it could come as early as today, so please stick close. it's great to see you. thanks. thank you. >> coming up for us. what do
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you who have planned in the next 34 weeks >> the campaign trail will look >> now that both parties have found their presumptive nominees, and we are looking at a long general election ahead >> and then there's this this explosion, an explosion in the sky of private rocket bursting into flames seconds after launch if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved >> space shuttle columbia to final flight from your sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> the beauty of any martial artist teaches you discipline. you have to have a discipline to living a healthy life i'm almost 70 years old. i practice martial arts and i take balance in nature. i started taking balance in nature three-and-a-half years ago, and i feel good. and if you feel
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atlanta. this is cnn so this morning, a political never have i ever moment, never has the united states ever sealed up party nominations this >> early in an election year? so let the unprecedented drinking games begin with us now, democratic strategist chuck rocha and republican strategist doug heye. it guys, i covered george w he bush in 2000 and he wrapped it up by the end of march in 2004, john kerry wrapped it up, but this time, but it's a forever period that these candidates are looking at now. and there's a question about what they do with it. so doug, i just want to start with you. the biggest opportunity for donald trump in this month's long period before the convention and in the biggest risks of donald trump go. >> well, i think donald trump comes at this in a unique perspective, and that's because what he could try and do and should try and do are somewhat muted by the fact that he's got court cases, which means yes, we're in an unprecedented situation. he's in sort of a double secret, unprecedented
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situation, but currently right now operated patiently. lot of changes at the rnc, as we know, this should be an opportunity for the rnc and the trump campaign to focus on his number one deficiency right now campaign-wise, which is raising money. the rnc and the trump campaign, whether that's individually or together with joint fundraising committees, should be raising money hand over fist and not spending that money. and then they're rnc has questions of our hear a lot of nervousness in the building right now of how we'll money be spent in the future will be spent on donald trump's legal or personal activities or not. and what's going to happen with staff? >> what about risks to doug? because in the cnbc interview he did almost in this presumptive period he talked about cuts to social security and medicare, which i'm sure is not something his campaign with abby about you. >> i think it's truck knows rule number one is don't dig new holes that you don't have and donald trump seems to have done this again with cnbc. i would take this opportunity to sort of reset. again. he's got court cases which makes some of
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that difficult, but don't cry create new problems where they didn't exist. that's clearly what's happened here for trump >> all right, jeff, what about president biden? because again, in times past, if you were an incumbent with this much real estate in front of you, you would be busy precedenting so what do you think the biggest opportunity for president biden is >> there's one thing in a campaign you can never get back and i ran a lot of presidential campaigns. you can't get back time. and to doug's point, when we lead in money, you have to take advantage of the time and the money. and with this long extended calendar that you're talking about, the biggest winners going to be folks who won't these stations because there's going to be a lot of advertising. so what you do is you start earlier than donald trump, because donald trump can't start as early as you, because if he does, he will run out of money before the end unless people come to bail him out. so you take advantage of time and money what about the risk to president biden in this stretch >> lots of things when you're an incumbent president, one can be a war that could be a bombing somewhere. the other thing could be his health, like he's an 80 year-old man, so you
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have to be careful. you ain't out, run it up and down the street or on that bicycle every time it gets on a bicycle, i get nervous. and also, you got to make sure that what's going on in congress the bills you're signing today, they're voting in congress to ban tiktok. do you want him to be the president that banned tiktok when you need youth turnout to be at all-time highs for him to win. these are all obstacles when you're an incumbent president, answer that question for me. do you want him to be the president that signs a bill banning tiktok? >> i'll tell you this that as somebody who does a lot of latino outreach has 100 million tiktok daily users and a lot of them are latinos that i'm trying to talk to everyday through influencers to get them to vote for democrats. so that should answer your question >> doug, on the tiktok question, since chuck brought it up right there, this is beginning to smell of something that will never actually come to fruition. and by that i mean, yeah, it may pass the house today, but then it might just quietly drift away in the senate and president biden will never have to sign anything here. what do you think? >> that's ultimately i think the bet that's been made in the
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white house is that it's not going to reach the president's desk. when you know that something is not going to happen, it's very easy to take a really tough position on it >> i want to also talk for a second about what's happening in the house of representatives. ken buck of colorado he's just had enough. he is quitting basically now, doesn't even want to see it out till november. and he says it's because he hates the place i just spoke to congressman jared moskowitz. do we have the sound of jared moskowitz know santa jared moskowitz, we spoke to him about half an hour ago and he told us congress is just an awful place at this point. doug, you are a man of the house. so well, how do you feel when you hear people talk like that >> 11:59 p.m. on december 31st of 2012, i was walking out of the capitol building leaving work. i heard fireworks going off because it was new year's and i said to myself, i hate this place and that's a terrible attitude to have. and the reality is more and more
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members of congress have it and it's because political shenanigans aside, we saw a lot of them last week certainly congress has become a very bad workplace, house, house of representatives, members, their employees as well, right? we think of them as exalted members of congress. that's their workplace they're miserable in their workplace. republicans and democrats. it's a big thing that congress needs to fix. it's very hard to do so because our political incentive structure means certain people get a lot more attention than others. we see a lot of marjorie taylor greene, i would love to see kay granger that great house appropriations chair, who is also retiring on tv and on talk radio a lot more for those kinds of members don't get rewarded. >> chuck, any lesson here >> yeah, i think back in today when i first started back in the days of jim. right. and when i remember kay granger from fort worth being a state legislature, folks would look to try to get things done. democrats and republicans are always going to disagree on maybe the philosophy to get to the end at the end, everybody wants what's best for the american people. let's have have a debate about what's the best way to get there right now, we run to our red corner, we run to our blue quarter and
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we scream at each other about the little bit of things we have different. we don't look at what brings us together. >> chuck wins with a gym, right? reference the ambition and the power can croatia? doug heye. thank you both very much for being with us. appreciate it. so the us sends marines anti-terror units in as a country falls into chaos and a government report says, artificial intelligence is it extinction level threat to the human race, which is bad >> i was, was calling a trap any couldn't get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis. it was the beginning of the downfall. but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sin city. sunday here, ten on cnn >> diverse models is, you know, 80% of women are struggling with here damage. >> just like i was join us in friz could be damaged here that can't retain moisture. new >> pantene, miracle rescue, deep conditioner with first of its kind of melting provi pearls blocks and moisture to
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>> king charles denied it. on cnn so breaking news just moments ago, the prosecution rested its case against james crumbley, who is facing >> involuntary manslaughter charges for the four students. his son killed at oxford high school in michigan. you're looking at pictures right now of a defense witness that is james crumbley's sister, testified she is the first witness for the defense. this could move very quickly. now, the judge has said the jury could get the case as soon as today struggling discount a change family dollar says it will close 1,000 stores, as it says, persistent inflation continues to weigh on shoppers wallets. when dollar tree bought family dollar and 20 15, many in the stores were in poor condition and they've struggled with maintenance ever since $30 tree stores will also close as lease is expire explosion in the sky, a rocket burst into flames just seconds after launching in japan, it
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was carrying a small government satellite, i say was no injuries were reported. the explosion is under investigation. or republican senator has blocked a bill aimed at protecting ivf access for veterans and service members because this comes after alabama ruled last month that destroying embryos could lead to wrongful death charges. senator james lankford says he blocked the measure because he says the bill is too expensive. the language is too broad. he also said claim that he and his republican colleagues do not oppose ivf >> so right now, a marine unit specializing as an anti-terrorism is in haiti deployed to help haitian security forces who are trying. and so far struggling to restore safety and security there for weeks now, the nation has been teetering on the brink amid massive gang violence the prime minister even resigning cnn's oren liebermann, has much more on this from the pentagon or an help is on the way clearly with this, with this unit heading there. but what talk to me about the
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significance of it? >> well, this is a unit you'll see use, not in every situation. it's fairly uncommon to see a marine fast team deployed. fast stands for fleet anti-terrorism security team. and there are highly specialized unit of marines, and there are teams like this position around the world, so they can be essentially a rapid response force to go in and protect the us government building in this case, of course, it's the embassy. these teams typically consists of dozens, are several, dozens of marines who are sent in to give immediate security and immediate capabilities to an embassy to make sure it's safe. and that gives you an idea of how the us sees the security situation in haiti at this time over the weekend, the us evacuated non-essential personnel from the embassy there. but there are still embassy members at work there so this is to make sure they are safe as the situation, security situation deteriorates pretty much across the country there the us watching very closely, especially after the haitian president resigned a couple of days ago. but there was a question of which way this goes from here. and the us
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is essentially playing it safe. us southern command, which governs military operations in haiti. and of course in south america says they are looking at contingency plans depending on how the situation moves here, it's also worth pointing out that secretary of state anthony blinken said the us would give a total of $300 million to a multinational security support team. and that includes just sticks, support, and other elements. there. >> but >> the us still being careful in how it uses its assets here this team, this fast team specifically to make sure the embassy personnel still at work as haiti potentially falls apart, make sure they're safe as they continue to work there yeah. >> so important, oren. thank you so much for that update. much more to come clearly as that situation continues to be tenuous and horrible coming up still for us, an extinction level threat, a new report, not mincing words about the potential national security risks artificial intelligence >> there is no media personality this woman
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>> right now. because we're officially bringing soda back. >> i'm kaitlan polantz in washington. and this is cnn an extinction level threat to humans, that is the worst-case scenario according to a new report commissioned by the state >> department it details the quote, catastrophic national security risks posed by artificial intelligence in warns that the time to act is running out cnn's matt egan is here with this. i mean as as far as dire warnings go, this doesn't get much more dire. >> it doesn't john. this
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report was startling. it laid out in painstaking detail what could go wrong with ai, two central dangers highlighted by researchers here. one, that ai could become wet but eyes to, that it could become so smart that we lose control of it. now, on that loss of control fear, key line from this report, the researchers write quote, in the worst-case such a loss of control could pose an extinction level threat to the human species. now, that may sound ridiculous, but it's not coming out of left field where we've actually heard similar warnings from elon musk from ceos, from geoffrey hinton, the godfather of ai, know the us state department confirms to cnn that yes, they did commission this report, but they said no, the report does not represent the views of the us government but it does represent the views of hundreds of experts that were interviewed here, including cybersecurity researchers, frontline engineers in ai labs, wmd experts, and national
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security officials. and just to give you a taste of what's keeping them up at night when it comes to ai, they're concerned about ai powered cyber attack on infrastructure, massively scaled disinformation campaigns, weaponized robotics and this concern that ai could become so advanced that eventually it just refuses to be turned off i hope someone's paying attention to this and doing something about it. can i assume that this gives concerning somewhat enough to take action? i hope somebody. listened to, by demonstration, did they did put forth an executive order late last year, but the us does not have the regulatory legislation in yet, unlike countries in europe, these researchers, they are laying out some safeguards that they think need to be put in place as soon as possible, including launching a new ai regulatory agency emergency safeguards around how much computing power am models can use an export controls on ai supply chain. but the concern here of course, is if you do too much, you could stifle
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innovation. if you don't do enough, this could get out of hand. >> i make a lot of bad jokes about this because extinction sounds so bad. it's almost laughable, but this is a serious issue and it's good to know there are people taking a very serious sleep, especially you, matt egan. thank you. thanks, josh. yeah. those things that are needed that definitely seems like something congress knows what to do about someone has to pay attention to extinction. just say that don barbie doll over it. >> thank you all so much for joining us. this is cnn news central. cnn newsroom with jim acosta is up next. >> if we make it that far we're here to get your. >> side of the store >> why do we keep ending up here >> you can't write this stuff. >> united states of scandal with jake tapper, center sunday night and see it. >> i'm a 79 year-old power lifted. i said for state records for new york state for my age bracket. i said a national record on the deadlift see the body is remarkable. it'll adapt whatever you're doing if you're doing nothing, you can bet your degenerating first and then nobody your body needs to be fueled. and depending on the fuel you put
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