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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 17, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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products at foreign imprint for certain >> welcome to all of you watching this here in the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kimberly, who were this is cnn newsroom. russians are heading to the polls for the last day of voting in the country's presidential election. meanwhile, we're standing by for possible demonstrations outside polling stations. this is a sour plus >> now if i don't get elected, it's gotta be a bloodbath for the whole that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the conscience the former president ratcheting up his rhetoric on the campaign trail. this is a new poll shows biden's message
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that trump is a threat to democracy, isn't resonating with one key group and haiti is in chaos as gang violence wreaks havoc on the island nation how the state department is coordinating evacuation flights for us citizens trapped there >> live from atlanta this is cnn newsroom with kim brunhuber >> russia says more than 60% of its voters have already cast their ballots in a presidential election. that's in its third and final day. now the outcome is expected to be a landslide victory for president vladimir putin. he faces no real challenge. juror, partly because many opposition leaders are dead, jailed, exiled, or banned from running. but some average russians are still fighting back. prosecutors have open 15 cases against people who reportedly stayed small acts of protest at polling stations. but as russians vote
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the defense ministry says three dozen ukrainian drones were launched against the country overnight. moscow says two people are dead, and this refinery in southwestern russia caught fire. meanwhile, we're waiting for more possible pushback against the kremlin at polling stations. >> we yulia >> navalnaya, naval yana, the widow of opposition leader alexey navalny, urged voters to show up in droves at noon, which is the current time in moscow. she asked them to do anything they want with their ballots, except vote for putin. she's hoping the optics would send a message of defiance to the kremlin i want to go down to london where clare sebastian is standing by. clear. these acts of defiance, i guess we're slated to start now, so it may be too soon to know what exactly is happening, but take us through what we've seen so far and how it's sort of challenging the narrative that putin wants to create. hey >> yeah, kim is now as you say,
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noon in moscow, but the navalny team has been running a live stream and monitoring events in the eastern regions of russia where they've already past noon. and so far what we've seen. i don't think you could classify necessarily actual demonstrations. people simply lining up outside polling booths, which in a sense is what you didn't have asked them to do and obviously we don't know for sure what everyone put on their ballots, but we are of course, monitoring the situation and moscow more significant so far there have been these acts of defiance that we've seen at polling stations. some 29 polling stations have been affected around 200 or so ballot boxes destroyed. we've seen incidents and people pouring green dye into a ballot boxes. other cases of alleged austin were fires have resided in polling stations. this does reflect i think although it is a relatively small number, of course, in a country of 140 million people that undercurrent of frustration striation, of dissatisfaction with the putin regime that we saw in the lead up to this election with support for an
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anti-war candidate, it was withdrawn from the ballot to and the outpouring that we saw in the attendance and alexey navalny's funeral, just a few weeks ago. so we are seeing elements of this. you have to remember that in russia, the climate of repression has been increasing even in recent months. we've seen an uptick since the start of the war. there are serious legal consequences for protests. most protests are illegal without pre agreement from the authorities and certainly they don't have that here. so this is the situation that we're dealing with. but of course we are monitoring what will be happening at polling stations now that we're in the moscow times zone, when it comes to that noon call to action. >> all right. well, we'll keep >> monitoring that as you say, million time ukraine's reaction to what they're calling the pseudo elections. what are they saying? >> ukraine is urging residents of the regions of its country that are occupied by russia not to take part in these
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elections, calling them and eagles saying that anyone seem to be helping will be seen as collaborating and good faith consequences. the real fear is that this is what we've seen russia do when it occupies territory. we have, we have a template for that with crimea, where holding elections, getting people to take russian passports, bringing in russian institutions that turns what should be a temporary occupation, certainly in the eyes of ukraine, into something more permanent and irreversible and allows russia to consolidate his power in those regions. so ukraine trying to get the message to his people not to be part of this and of course, we are also seeing in the lead up to these elections, a, an increase of russian, of ukrainian are alleged ukrainian attacks inside russian soil. we've seen, as you say, some three dozen drones. russia says that ukraine fired at it overnight. there's been another attack in an oil refinery. we've seen a spate of attacks on oil refineries in recent weeks as ukraine try to bring the war home, both to the military element of this, we
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know that russia makes most of its money, of course, from its oil and gas, but also to civilian life as well. i'm getting the message to the russian people that this war is not something that they are insulated from as they you to vote in these elections kim, i appreciate that, clare sebastian. thank you so much former us president donald trump is on the campaign trail after securing the republican party's presidential nomination, he was in ohio on saturday days before the state's primary on tuesday. you once again repeated his promise to free those charged with crimes related to the january 6, 2021 attacks on the us capitol, even referring to them this hostages. listen to us >> june you see this spirit from the hostages and that's what they are as hostages. they'd been treated terribly and very unfairly. and, you know that and everybody knows that and we're going to be working on that suit as the first day we get into office,
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we're going to save our country. we're going to work with the people to treat those unbelievable patriots. and they were unbelievable patriot from >> also repeated false claims that a president biden is behind his legal problems. and once again, praised hungary's authoritarian prime minister viktor orban, but he didn't discuss his former vice president mike pence, who said on friday that he cannot, in good conscience, endorse his former boss. now at that ohio rally, trump also made a shocking comment about the possible consequences if he loses in november. cnn's alayna treene has details well, former president donald trump gave his first formal speech here in ohio or after he secured enough delegates earlier in >> the week to effectively declare him the republican presidential nominee. but look, donald trump's visit to ohio was not necessarily to boot who's his own candice desi both donald trump and his team believed that he will do very well in this state in november.
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instead, he was here to boost his endorsed candidate for the ohio senate primary. and that's businessman bernie moreno. moreno is locked in a messy, contested three-way primary and donald trump really came to the state the hopes of giving him that last minute a boost and more support ahead of that race on tuesday. but even though donald trump was here to talk about the ohio senate, primary, much of his speech focused on the general election. he attacked joe biden and blamed him for what he argued were the many charges that he is facing and heal it's also offered a new line that i've yet to hear yet on the campaign trail, and that is essentially that he argued if you were to not win reelection in november, that there would be a bloodbath in this country take a listen to how he put it. >> we're gonna put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line. >> and >> your dr. to be able to sell those guys. if i get elected now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole that's gonna be the least of it. it's going to
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be a bloodbath for the country that'll be the least of it. >> now those comments came as donald trump, once again, argue that he wanted to free those imprisoned for their role on january 6, he referred to those convicted as hostages and favorable term that we've heard him use time and again on the campaign trail, he argued that it was a day one priority for him if he were to reclaim the white house in november alayna treene, cnn, van ohio >> the trump campaign later sought to clarify his comments, saying he was specifically talking about an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and auto workers when he said there would be a bloodbath if he loses a president biden's campaign was already slamming trump's comment in a statement, biden's campaign spokesperson said, trump quote, wants another january 6, what the american people are going to give him another electoral defeat. this november, because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, in his thirst for revenge your mom present biden
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is coping african american voters and important democratic voting base. he recently spoke to the black information network in that interview will be coming out in the coming hours. now a comes as a recent new york times sienna college poll found that 66% of black voters are leaning towards biden compared to 23% for trump. that's nearly 20% decrease for biden from 2020, and a near doubling for trump. >> recent >> reuters ipsos poll found that 37% of black voters say they are voting to stop trump versus 65% of white voters. all right, one row is clifford albright, co-founder and executive director of black votes matter. thank you so much for being here with us. so listen, you can argue with individual polls, but it's hard to question the trend and that seems to suggest wasn't buying is bleeding support from the african american community now it's more noticeable with black men particularly, but it is overall as well. what do you think is behind it
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>> yeah. good morning. thanks for having me. i think, you know, as you said, different calls, they different things you know, there's other calls that are selling including 1 coordinate without so recently, did that says percentage of those black hole is looking support. trump is closer to 11 or 12%. when we talk about the trends though, the reality is that at about this point in the election cycle in 2020, joe biden's approval ratings are favorable ratings in the black community at that time, we're close it's around 76%. and so he's really at about where he was and in 20-20, look, that said, obviously you've got a lot of stories and some anecdotes about black men in particular that are leaning towards trump. but i just got to say, it just doesn't match what we're seeing in the community when we're outdoing doing our work that's what we're what we're seeing are here. and it's not matching the way that black men or black voters in general have been voting in recent election
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cycles. look good georgia or kentucky, or even ohio and the abortion referendum >> yeah. >> some of the arguments that have >> been made are that it might not necessarily be that they they have a lot of passion for biden, and they might not come out, but then, but then we're seeing something else and that's a significant number of people who said in recent polls that they would actually vote for trump 13%, 17% around those numbers depending on the pole, which is obviously a lot higher than the 8% he got in 2020. so that means that since then, black voters have looked at trump, listened to his message and says, yeah, you know, he's he's the man for me despite the many statements he's made that have been widely described as racist against black people. >> yeah. i mean, again, it just doesn't match what we're seeing and hearing. i think that there's a difference between, you know, as you say, that people saying at this 0.8 months out, oh, yeah, i'm thinking about only two trump,
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right? or or even saying that in a poll, and the way that we actually vote, it is not all that unlikely or unfamiliar that there are people that have stated their thinking about holding for trump. but we just don't come out and do that. we heard the same thing in georgia with the 22 senate race where everybody thought that black men were going to swarm over to vote for herschel walker because he is such a popular football here probably be georgia. >> and it just didn't happen. you, i think it's interesting in recent polls does specter of trump is not enough to get black voters to vote for biden clearly not enough worth saving >> democracy is not enough when we feel like we've never had democracy. but if you look at the same what you see is that black voters are more likely to say that they support president biden because of his policies as opposed to the specter of trump. >> yeah. i'm curious about that because that remains a
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cornerstone of president biden's messaging. is that trump? paul? opposes this threat to democracy and he, you know, he hammers that again and again. so polls have showed that, especially with african american voters, that doesn't seem to resonate. you seem to suggest it's because black people think that democracy was flawed. anyway, is that yeah. >> i mean that the threat of trump, i mean two things. one, because of our experience with this democracy has been, and it has always been flawed. so that's part of it. the other part is that people like bonus, particular saying, we've been through that, we've heard that before. we noted use that and all that, but a lot of stuff that he tried to do those last term was stopped. i'm not saying that the second term would be the same way by any means, but that's what a lot of black folks feel like. but what we are more concerned about, the president's policies. and so, so far the messaging is largely been about trump and his threats to democracy. but i
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think that if you look at some of the more recent materials, especially after the state of the union where president biden and his campaign are starting to focus more on those policies, focus more on the onlys infrastructure projects that republicans have tried to take credit for and now i'm doing the same thing that trump de, which is basically putting his face and name on some of those projects. i think some of the policies are now about to get more messaging. and as you see that happening, then you'll start to see some of the, some of the favorite and someone holding starring and shift but that process is only just now getting started. >> all right. >> so what i'm taking from this so far is that poles are kind of an illusion. they don't match what's happening on the ground, but we're seeing from the actual votes from year to year, we have seen a drift from the democratic party, not just with african-americans, latino voters as well. a could it be that this represents a more general trend that it's not actually present biden, that the racial minorities in
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america are just slowly voting more and more like other racial groups yeah. >> there was a research that was put out the past week or so they said that there's this realignments i can place that non-white voters voting increasingly republican over the past 2030 years. the reality is, i think you just hit on it, right? as you look at the quote, unquote non-white voters of color clare >> what's >> happened more so than, than black voters shifting is that the composition of the non-white electorate has changed, where you have more latino voters are some apis and american voters, but the composition of what that electorate looks like has shifted, and latino voters are are less likely to vote heavily democratic, as, let's those as a bit so much that black voters have been shifting has been that there's been a shift in the composition of landmines. but as you said, latino voters in asian american voters have always voted at a lower
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percentage. that black voters for democratic party, not at 90%, but maybe it's like 70 5% or 70% >> and so that shift >> is changing the total numbers. but if you look at it over the past 30 years, the blindfold is really been remarkably consistent. >> always >> somewhere between 80%. >> and of >> course, the obama highs what 96%. >> all right, well, we will see whether you're right and a bunch are so clifford. all right. thank you so much for being with us. really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right. turning now to the state of new jersey, which saw an hours-long armed standoff saturday with the suspect in a triple homicide case 26 year-old andre gordon was apprehended not far from a home that authorities thought he was barricaded inside. his alleged to have killed three women saturday morning in pennsylvania, just north of philadelphia. police claim he killed his stepmother and sister before driving to another home where he allegedly shot and killed the mother of his two children. authorities say he then carjacked a vehicle
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and fled the menn this weekend for a man accused of shooting and killing a police officer in new mexico jaremy smith is accused of shooting the officer who stopped to help him with a flat tire. state police consider him armed and dangerous investigators say smith was driving this woman's card during the new mexico incident? she's paramedic phonesia machado-fore of south carolina, and she was found dead on friday police in indianapolis, indiana have arrested a man. they say opened fire in a nightclub early saturday morning. one person was killed and five others wounded, according to the gun violence archive hi of the indianapolis incident is one of 77 mass shootings that have happened here in the us. in the first three months of 2024 there are new signs this weekend of a growing rift between us president joe biden and israeli prime minister you're benjamin netanyahu also ahead. what biden saying about a speech by the senate's top democrat calling for new
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elections in israel plus 200 tons of food >> labor here >> in northern gaza >> going to go up to gaza >> city, nazi night, pretty late, but the world central kitchen is unloading food aid in gaza. meanwhile, another country has joined the effort to airdrop supplies that's ahead. and cnn is on the ground in haiti where gang violence is spreading into more neighborhoods in the capital >> i know what it's like performed through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine nortech odi team may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent my brand attacks. treat and prevent all-in-one. >> don't take if allergic to nortech, allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects for nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain, >> relief is possible. talk to
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expected to resume on monday in qatar. now this comes amid frayed relations between president joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. on friday, biden embraced senate majority leader chuck schumer's speech calling for a new election in israel. later, the white house attempted to clarify those comments, but refused to say whether biden believes netanyahu should resign less and less this president biden want to see new elections in israel and for prime minister netanyahu, no longer remain in power. >> that's going to be it for the israeli people to decide black president spoke about the passion with which leader schumer made that speech. and the president said that he knows that those remarks, they resonate with many americans out there >> we us is one of several countries in airdropping aid to gaza. the german air force says it dropped four tons of humanitarian aid on saturday, the united states and jordan conducted airdrops on friday and saturday. us central command and so as an american aircraft delivered rice flour,
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milk, pasta, and canned food provided by jordan her last elliott gotkine joins me now, live from london. so first elliott, more aid getting into gaza, but still nowhere near enough. what's the latest? >> that's right. >> we've seen >> as you say, airdrops from the us again in conjunction with the jordanian air force. now the germans as well. >> but >> the simple fact is that even though there's also a ship that's made, it to gaza with some 200 tons worth of aid, which is due to be distributed as well. the most efficient way of getting aid into gaza strip is overland. and even by the israelis own calculations, they say that over the past three weeks, more than 158 trucks have made it to northern gaza. but overall, if you remember, before october the seventh, there was something like 500 trucks going into the gaza strip on a daily basis and that was before there was a humanitarian crisis, before there was a famine effecting or potential famine affecting large swaths of the gaza strip. and before a lot of the gaza
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strip was in the state that it's in now following all these months of war. so more aid is required to go in and although these airdrops and even ships are helping they are still relatively speaking, a drop in the ocean compared with what is actually needed. and as part of these truce talks that are due to resume, this week, there is going to be the hope that more aid will be able to go into the gaza strip if that truce comes about, kim. >> okay. well, let let's turn there then these hostage and ceasefire talks, as you say, expected to resume on monday. so take us through where things stand right now and what we're expecting so right now where things stand is that there is an israeli war cabinet meeting due to take place at 10:00 a.m. eastern time, about 90 minutes >> later, a full cabinet meeting where they're going to decide upon the position that israel is going to take at these truce negotiations, which are due to resume this week in doha in qatar. and it's david barnea, their head israel's foreign intelligence service, the mossad, who again will be
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israel's point person there. he'll be joined by a top egyptian officials, the qatari prime minister is expected to be a part of these negotiations as well. we did reach out to hamas to understand if they were going to be there. obviously not in the same room as the israelis because they speak to one another through the categories. and the egyptians. but they couldn't give us a straight answer. it's unclear of hamas will be there to >> interesting. all right. only gotten in london. thank you so much. >> haiti is facing growing humanitarian crisis as gang violence ramps up. but the un has found a way to get some aid into the country level latest just ahead florida governor ron desantis, taking matters into his own hands as he prepares his state for a possible influx of haitian refugees. but more on that ahead, please stay with us what happened to the golden boy of new jersey? >> i engaged in an affair with another man. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper? >> i've gotta get a therapist
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79594061 >> call now we'll come back to all be watching us here in the united states, canada, and around the world. i'm kimberly hubert. this is cnn newsroom humanitarian tragedy is gripping haiti where violence is widespread in the streets as a gang uprising limits access in and out of the country. sources tell cnn the first flights of a un air bridge between haiti and the dominican republic have been completed it will help bring much-needed humanitarian aid into haiti as people struggle to find food and supplies. meanwhile, police say several bandits were killed during an operation involved class on friday please see is firearms and unblocked roads in the lower del mass neighborhood? authorities say they're hoping to take back some areas held by armed gangs. cnn's david culver is on the ground in haiti's capital. he explains how people are trying to stay safe as gangs expand their control neighbors, protecting neighbors. that's
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essentially what this has become here in port-au-prince, just to survive. and this is one community that we're in that feels rather safe. and that's just because several blocks out, you've got perimeter after perimeter that is set up by the community and works with the police to the police essentially allow the community to do what they need to do that setup these blocks entries and exits and the community in turn helps empower the police so that they can then do their patrols. but for many of them, it's about setting these up to block what is not far from here, and that is an expanding gang territory, one that has been trying to encroach on this community. in particular, many times over the past year or so >> and it got to a >> point where community members, according to one police commander, had to take justice into their own hands. and they were able to take into custody 14 suspected gang members. they then executed
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those gang members, right in the middle of the street. there was a very public display, but for them it was to send a message to other gang members keep out of their community it hasn't stopped the gangs from trying to push further and further in. but for the folks who live here it's everyday life has gotten increasingly difficult we see a few street vendors but not many, and we are here three weeks ago. many of the sidewalks were filled with street vendors folks now simply don't have things to sell and so they've resorted to trying to secure as best as possible using the police's helped. some of the supply lives trying to bring water and food into areas like this i asked some of the community members, how is it that they're able to stay afloat? and he said, we rely on each other. essentially, they will have some of these community members go door to door collecting food, maybe some money, some water, and then that provides some substance. for the folks
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who are securing these communities. if you ask, who's in charge? >> then look around and they >> say no one. >> that's why >> they've taken matters into their own hands. you ask, what do you need? what can help haiti in this moment? the first thing that most folks have told us is for the international community to not intervene in the way they have in the past. instead, they want help in the form of aid they also say that they need some sort of security backup. what that looks like >> they didn't really articulate, folks really didn't want to go into too much detail in trying to explain what that added security might come in the form of but for most here it's just about trying to figure out how to get to tomorrow and knowing but tonight could bring another round of violence david culver, cnn, port-au-prince, haiti
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>> so as the unrest continues in haiti, concerns are growing in florida about a possible influx of haitian refugees former governor ron desantis says the federal government isn't doing enough to prevent that from happening. and these acting on his own ends, rafael romo house the latest governor, ron desantis announced friday that he's boosting law enforcement and florida by increasing the number of officers and agents. the goal is helping federal officials deal with a potential increase in the number of migrants trying to get to the united states through florida as the unrest continues to grow in haiti, desantis said he's beefing up agencies like the florida department of law enforcement, as well as fish and wildlife. according to the governor, as part of this new directive, he has increased the national guard by 40 the aid guardsman, the florida state guard by up to 133 soldiers and the florida highway patrol by 30 additional officers in addition to equipment and aircraft, like four more helicopters to be used by the
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national guard. desantis specifically referred to the crisis in haiti at the potential for a new wave of mike the grants from the caribbean nation trying to get to florida by both. this is part of what he had to say. >> what we decided to do given the situation that's happening in haiti, some brutal reports that are happening we want to make sure that we're protecting floridians. and so we have authorized additional officer first with the relevant agencies, florida department of law enforcement, florida fish and wildlife, also on friday, desantis signed three new bills into law, including one that increases maximum sentences for people driving illegally without a license in the state. another one that enhances penalties for a crime committed by an individual who returns to the country after deportation. the third one says that florida will not recognize ids issued to undocumented migrants elsewhere. desantis also said that since he declared a state of emergency over migrant
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entries in january 2023, florida law enforcement agencies have intercepted 670 vessels carrying over 13,500 undocumented migrants. once again, desantis criticized the federal government for not doing enough. he said to secure the border and says, states have been left to fend for themselves last month, the white house blamed house republicans for rejecting the bipartisan bill that it said contained quote, the toughest and fairest reforms to secure the border. we have had in rafael ramos, cnn atlanta all right >> coming up if there's one thing that the majority of republicans and democrats can agree on. it's that we'd should be legal in the us. what the white house is doing it can happen. that's coming up next, stay with us >> i'll just use caught in the trap and he couldn't get out. >> vegas was having in an identity crisis. >> it was the beginning of the downfall, but vegas had a
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>> marijuana reform. >> right now, cannabis is listed as a schedule one controlled substance, meaning the us government says it has no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse the biden restoration is reviewing that classification right now, on friday, vice president kamala harris held a roundtable discussion on the issue. she was joined by musicians, us officials, and people who have received pardons for a marijuana convictions. harris told them what she thinks about how the federal government treats the drug and its users here fuse this issue is, is stark when one considers the fact that on the schedule currently, >> marijuana is considered as dangerous as heroin marijuana is considered as dangerous as heroin and more dangerous than fentanyl which is observed not to mention patently unfair in recent years, american support for legal marijuana has
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skyrocketed according to a gallup survey, 70% >> of us adults say the use of marijuana should be legal, and that's the highest figure yet that same poll found that 17% of americans in 2023 reported that they currently smoke marijuana patrick nightingale is a criminal defense attorney who specializes in the rights of people who consume cannabis and enjoys me now, from pittsburgh, pennsylvania. thank you so much for being here with us so clearly from what we're seeing this latest round table, the presence comments during his state of the union, the bitumen serrations, hoping to capitalize on the relative popularity of marijuana reform is an election issue they like to tout their achievements, i guess, going into the election. so how far has the biden ministration gone on this issue? >> well, good morning and thank you very much for having me on on this st. patrick's day. i would say that the biden administration's position on legalization right now would be very welcome. had to come a decade ago i think that we're
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really dealing with half-steps, half measures by calling for rescheduling to schedule three, as opposed to complete d scheduling and allowing states to set their own cannabis policies. and certainly the president's position relative to pardons for individuals who have simple possession, simple federal possession convictions for cannabis as welcome, but practically speaking, the vast majority of possession convictions are at the state level. so while i certainly welcome the administration's change in position, i would submit that we need the president to go further. if this is something that he wants to have motivate young voters and motivate voters in general to turn out in support his reelection campaign get to that. do you think it will actually motivate americans? you highlighted especially the younger ones to actually come out and vote for democrats
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right now, if all the president is offering is rescheduling the schedule three, i don't know that that's really going to resonate with younger voters. i think that younger voters want to hear a more, a stronger message from the administration, a more firm commitment two, de scheduling to allow him to states to set their own policies, and to be completely honest with you, i'm somewhat surprised and have been for years that this isn't an issue that conservatives and republicans tried to steal from democrats because to me, cannabis reform and legalization is something that should appeal to conservatives and does appeal to conservative voters qatar's maybe not so much conservative politicians because it calls for individual liberty, individual responsibility, business development, and limiting government interference and people's day-to-day lives. but here to four, it has remained an issue that seems to be on the left
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side of the political spectrum. >> yeah, it is strange. i mean, we have the map showing how many states have legalized marijuana, including swing-state ohio, right next door to you, right. but many american states, as you say, continued to block what seems to be really popular with a chloride per plurality of voters, which is some form of a legalization. i mean, can you explain it >> yeah. it seems to come down to at least here in pennsylvania, you have republican leadership. we have republicans who control the pennsylvania senate, saying, well, we're in the midst of an opioid crisis. we don't want to add another drug bug some shamelessly. resort to the gateway myth or the gateway drug myths saying if we legalized marijuana, then we're going to exacerbate the opioid crisis. and it really just doesn't hold water anymore. and i think that republican legislators are coming around
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more and more as they read this is not a political liability and they hear from their constituents that say, this doesn't make sense. we would like to see the jobs in our neighborhoods and our communities that are being created by this, by this growing industry. and why should anyone face a law enforcement encounter over something that is now legal 423 hundred million americans for either adult use or medical purposes >> yeah, that's exactly it. because not only there's the side of making it easier for people to consume and presumably to enjoy, but also on the other side of it, the cost of it to society and to people who have, to have those encounters with with the law enforcement will have to leave it there. patrick nightingale. thank you so much for being here with us. really appreciate it. >> thank you very much. and have a wonderful morning. take care so ahead here on cnn newsroom, the windy city assisted one major league soccer team on saturday. cnn sport's coy wire, join me next
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about 12 hours is 6082 >> fields for both the men's and women's ncaa doublet tournament bracket will be revealed. and i'm going to reveal cnn sport's coy wire right now. so i mean, it hasn't even started already. we have some surprises before selection sunday, right? >> unbelievable. kim, forget reality. t.v. if you are looking for high drama, look no further than college hoops. and when it comes to the ncw a tournament, you gotta be in it to win it, right? and nc state defies all odds to make it to the big dance the wolfpack went into their conference tournament as the tenth seat out of 15 teams and likely needed to run the table to get in, but it never struck midnight for these cinderella is capping off their fifth win in five nights by knocking off north carolina. that's the fourth ranked team in the country. at 76 for their first acc title since 1987, the wolfpack also grabbing an automatic ncw, a bid senior guard, dj horne, who led the way with 29 points, gets emotional talking about the
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moment i love my brother's went into first game. that was her. they got the door for me. it gave me the opportunity to make this average and i wouldn't be here right now. okay. but won't forget bad side want to say may i shut out, walk back next to the job not done i. like i said from the jump man, why not us >> how about number one, houston dominating the big 12 conference all season long, but i was states spoiling the cougars first trip to the conference tournament decide clones, scoring early often they were up by 32 at one point in the second half, crews into an impressive 69, 41 when the 28 point victory margin is the largest over a number one since the 1968 final four, when ucla, one by 32 over by, you guessed it, the cougars, despite the laws, houston still wanted the bedding favorites the number one overall seed in the ncw a tournament. >> the >> wisconsin badgers are one win away from punching their ticket, but they had to put in
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some overtime against third rank purdue to reach the big ten's title game chucky hepburn gumming up clutch at the end of regulation with a layup at the buzzer to force the extra period. >> then with time running down in ot, hepburn gets the ball to max, claire zmot. he drives, hits the floater, is still some time for produ lance jones puts up the desperation three, but his prayers are unanswered. wisconsin pulling up the upset 76, 75 badgers will take on illinois and the title game later this afternoon warriors in la steph curry, back after being out with injury face, and lebron and the lakers tight game all night curry team-high 31 points, putting on a show for j lo and ben. but lebron says not so fast, my friends, the bronstein, his season-high going for 40 points wasn't enough. the warriors when 1208121, in a battle between these two teens currently sitting in the final to play off play in spots in the west. how about tennis legend novak
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djokovic? they're getting a jersey from curry. curry sorry, getting a tennis racket from joker. finally, stop what you're doing and watch this. one of the most jaw dropping goals you'll see in stoppage time, chicago fire fc's helen, acosta from midfield trying to break a 3-3 tie and it gets his team. its first when of the year it's his first goal with the team. >> a. well, give the assistant mother nature on this one. the when helping to float the shot right over and all the hands of fc montreal keeper jonathan sarawak. he couldn't stop the momentum ball ends up in the back of the net and kim, they don't call windy city for nothing. >> chicago there. kill it and acosta the chicago fire, they scored in the 84th, 95th, and 99th minute there to get that when harder earned pulls moriah, as shaking my head coy
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wire, thanks so much for free while st. patrick's day celebrations in new york city and chicago left the two cities seeing green, have a look here in the big apple, large crowds line the streets decked in green saturday is marching bands performed and politicians walked the parade route to celebrate irish heritage, along with new york city fire and police and in chicago, the windy city is world renowned st. patrick's day event drew thousands of spectators from across the globe with the congo river glowing emerald green as you can see there, it's a tradition that goes back at least 70 years, courtesy of the city's plumber's union dying the river for green each year >> all right. before we go on the st. patrick's day, we want to remind our viewers who celebrate the occasion. patrick is often shortened to the anglicized pat, or going back to those irish roots, paddy pad dy, path, epa, tty is never too we heard so in ireland and elsewhere, the holiday, the st.
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patrick's day, paddy's day or nothing. we've thought this was very important to remind you, hear us say patrick's day. all right. that he reminds that restless our cnn newsroom, i'm kim brunhuber for years in north america. >> cnn this morning as >> next of the rest of the world. it's decoded >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever help >> my dad died doing what he loved >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight from your sunday, april 7 at night? >> at morgan stanley, old-school hardware meets bold new thinking
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