tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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>> i'm david culver in port-au-prince, haiti. and this is cnn closed captioning is brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends we talked on the phone hands-free. go hands-free to turn on our lights. >> and now >> there's hands-free footwear revolutionary skechers, slip-ups. >> we just >> slip in and they're on dry sketches, slip ends tonight on 360 breaking news and a stoning brief to the supreme court, the former president asked me put beyond the reach of the law for january 6 and his actions leading up to it also tonight. good news on crime, new data
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showing something you wouldn't know from the headlines, violent crime down across the country. and murdered down sharply. plus more twists and the royal photo flap, a new video appears in an old photo was likely dr. more questions about what is going on with the royals good evening. thanks for joining us today. the former president of the united states asked the supreme court for absolute immunity from charges connected to his attempt to overturn the election. he lost, not granting him that he warned would be quote, the end of the presidency, as we know it continuing from his brief quote as the recent history of impeachment demonstrates, once our nation crosses this rubicon, every future president will face facto blackmail and extortion while in office and will be harassed by politically-motivated prosecution after leaving office over his most sensitive and controversial decisions. now we should point out here that this has never happened to a former president before this one. and there's no evidence that's happening now to him yet. that dubious idea, which a lower court unanimously rejected is now central to a
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sweeping invitation for the courts had set precedent for generations to come. a call for overturning the common sense notion that no president is beyond accountability something the founders certainly believed in two centuries later senate minority leader mitch mcconnell gave is his reason for not holding the former president accountable after january 6, we have a criminal justice system in this country we have civil litigation and former president's are not immune from being accountable by either one. >> well, let's of course, this former president gets what he wants from the supreme court more and all this now from cnn's evan perez, who joins us now. so what stands out in this filing, evan what anderson, this is designed to appeal to the conservative justices who have this expansive view of the power of the presidency. i'll read you just a part of what the trump lawyers say there's filing, they say a former president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts criminal immunity arises
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directly from the exec, executive vesting clause and the separation of powers. they go on to say that the impeachment judgment clause reflects the founders understanding that only a president convicted by the senate after impeachment could be criminally prosecuted. of course, obviously, anderson, that that is referring directly to that episode that you just played from mitch mcconnell, which is during the impeachment proceeding, the trump lawyers argued that you could leave it for the criminal justice system to take care of this issue that the president was being accused of and of course now there are arguing the opposite. they're saying that first you have to be impeached and convicted by the senate for before you can actually take any kind of criminal action against the former president. this this argument also anderson is designed also to remind brett kavanaugh of some of his own writings. they point out that in the past, he has pointed,
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pointed out that a president who was concerned with being criminally prosecuted is inevitably going to do a worse job, designed again, to appeal to that core derivative group on the supreme court. >> is it clear when special counsel jack smith may respond to this? >> yeah. the supreme court has already set those deadlines. april 8 is when the government is due to respond. of course, there's gonna be another set of filings after that. and then the oral arguments are set for for april 25th and we're anticipating that jack smith and his team are going to go back to the thing that you just opened with, which is that no president, no one under our system is supposed to be above the law, which is what president trump and his for president trump and his legal team are doing here. >> evan perez, appreciate it. thank you joining us as former republican congressman adam kinzinger, who served on the house january 6 committee, also
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seen and legal analysts jennifer rodgers and maggie haberman, senior political correspondent for the new york times maggie, let's sort out with you. i mean for some, what do you make of this latest filing? not a surprise. >> now, it's a continuation of an argument that they've used several times, perhaps more emphatically right now, i think that the brett kavanaugh writing is very intentionally done. we know this is a former president who has talked repeatedly in private about being unhappy with the supreme court justices who he appointed because they haven't cited with him in his alliance election lies previously. brett kavanaugh has some look. >> they are looking toward oral argument and they are looking toward how the justices are going to respond to it. and it is not especially concerning to them that has ever noted. they are taking contradictory positions and one filing they say well, he wasn't impeached and then another they say, well, the criminal justice during impeachment, they say the criminal justice system is where this should be dealt with. i just i don't think we
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can underscore enough how consequential mitch mcconnell's speech was that day, not because he was so hard on trump, but because of what he chose not to do which was not to vote to convict and not to whip other republicans to do the same >> in jennifer, every trump's lawyers, i want to read what he said. let's put it on the screen. he said if their lawyers said if immunity is not recognized, every future president will be forced to grapple with the prospect of possibly being criminally prosecuted after leaving office every time he or she makes it politically controversial decision that would be the end of the presidency's. we know what and would irreparably damage our republic. what do you make of that? i mean what do you expect the supreme court to do here? >> yeah, we'll accept that this has never happened before. no president has ever faced that, that concern before because no other president has done this before. listen, i think that the port is going to look at his argument for absolute immunity, which is the argument that he has to make here, where he can't really make a more nuanced argument about all of these things i did were part of my official duties as president and therefore, i should be protected in the way
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that he could if he say ordered a drone strike in some da somewhere, tried to prosecute him or something. what he did he did as a candidate for him his own personal benefit and his political benefit not for his job as a president and the country. and that's why he has to go big on this argument for absolute immunity. and he has to raise the specter of oh, if you do this, you know, everyone's going to be prosecuted after this. will no one has been prosecuted before in the history of our country, no one who lives within the bounds of the law while their president will be processed dequeued it again, this is really about his actions and because those actions are outside of any reasonable scope of what the president is supposed to be doing. i think the court will have to set a standard that is below absolute immunity for sure. >> so encouragement, i mean, if former presidents can't be prosecuted, why did gerald ford pardoned richard nixon also by the trump team's logic, every president could go in crime spree the last morning of his term in congress wouldn't have time to impeach convict, so he could never be prosecuted >> no. yeah, that's right. that's its logical conclusion. you can do that. a president
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could form a militia. he could order the military to overthrow congress, like there's any any number of horror story please, that we can think of. a president could theoretically do with absolute immunity. and the only way he would ever be left out of powers if he failed at his illegal action. >> it'd be succeeded. of course, he just stay in power at that point. so the logical conclusion of this is, i, i don't think there's a chance in the world the supreme court finds in favor of trump, but the other thing i ask is like, let's do what i've literally just thought of it created the biden test. okay. so if you if joe biden could do what donald trump is saying, he wants to do, would that side belief that immunity would exist, for instance, when they argued that a president could, in theory, have seal team six, go out after his political rival. they saved joe biden could do that. well, of course they'd say no, that everybody has to be held to the same standard if the biden test doesn't pass and there's no way that the trump
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should be able to get away with what he tried. you did. >> it may give trump's lawyers, they invoked the drone strikes by president obama. middle east, aaron strikes launched by president clinton around the time of the monica lewinsky scandal as examples of conduct they thought could be could have been prosecuted. then they write in all of these instances, the president's political opponents routinely accused him and currently accused president biden of criminal behavior and his official acts in each case, those opponents later for came to power with ample incentive to charge him having nine. >> an example is really strange considering that example about biden is being made primarily by trump and by people connected to trump. what they're trying to say with the president clinton and president obama arguments is basically that there is no such thing as an official act that isn't political, that you can't divorce one from the other. and i expect you will hear them make a version of that before the supreme court. i don't know how compelling it'll be because when they tried going down this road in the lower court, one of the questions that came up was,
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what if there was a ordering seal a 16 to go assassinate a political rival, and that got into a cul-de-sac that i'm not sure the trump lawyers wanted to be in so you can argue yourself in one direction or another here, but i don't think that any, any rational person thinks that drone strikes are the same and they will try to suggest they were because he was talking to his vice president. but there's so much else that comprises what he's been indicted for in connection with january and jennifer the trump's team also floated this idea via that if the supreme court refused to grant him full immunity in the kitchen, could be sent back to the lower courts how the how much would that delay things? >> yeah. well, if they did what he wants them to do, it would delay things substantially, which is go back for some sort of factual finding and application of the new test of this case and then come back up ban appeal inevitably, but they don't need to do that here. we're not at a stage where there's factual findings to be had except for the trial itself. they have the indictment at this stage of the game. the indictment is taken as these are the facts we're
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working with and they have the law, the constitution is they're going to evaluate this immunity argument up against the constitution. so the lower courts can't do anything more than they can do. in other words, so there's no need to send it back for anything other than the trial itself. and that's that's what his argument is missing. he wants another spring back and forth to delay things. a number of months again, really till next term. and the supreme court, but the supreme court won't fall for that. there's no fact-finding to be done encouragement. i mean, it's important to point out that there's a lot at stake in this ruling >> oh, there's a lot of state i mean, not just in terms of what it means for this election. now obviously, if the supreme court comes back of what the expect we expect and say, you don't have absolute immunity then potentially this trial will proceed. >> but it has a >> huge deal of that state if they come back and say there is such thing as unlimited amino the i don't see how the presidency, and frankly how democracy can continue if you have a bad actor in place that literally can get away with anything. so long as he or she
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has the title of president in front of their name. and this is a very important thing for the supreme court to take up. it may be why they decided i need to take this up after the appellate court, but they're going to have to make their stamp and hopefully it comes out 90, potentially 81, but it's going to be a war zone in defeat for trump. i think adam kinzinger. thank you. jennifer rogers, mega he everyone as well as the former president was arguing for immunity. one of his former top advisers, peter navarro, faced accountability the first of four months worth in federal prison for defying congressional subpoena in his last moments of freedom, the mega ones spoke from the north lawn of the white house and the white house briefing room, real that reporters from a strip mall parking lot details now from randy k every person who has taken me on this road to that prison is a brilliant democrat and at trump pater, that's former trump white house adviser, peter navarro, minutes before he turned himself into federal prison in miami as the first former white
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house official to be imprisoned for a contempt if congress conviction. when i walked in that >> prison today that justice system such as is will have done a crippling blow to the constitutional separation of powers executive privilege >> navarro was convicted in september after refusing to comply with the subpoena from the house select committee, which investigated the january 6 attack on the us capitol. liz cheney, who was vice chair of the panel, said navarro would have been a witness in america. >> no one is above the law. every citizen has a duty to comply with a subpoena. >> navarro argues he was bound by executive privilege defense. that's been rejected in court. do you wish you had shown up for testimony and asserted privilege in person? >> if i had gone to congress and played the piecemeal game with them, i would have done damage to the separation of powers and i would not have been doing my duty. i would not have been obeying my oath of office in his final minutes as
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a free man, navarro continued to paint himself as a victim i'm that's what i'm feeling right now. all i have done is my duty to this country >> just last week, navarro asked the supreme court to intervene and allow him to remain free while he challenged his conviction. the high court rejected his last-minute bid on monday, navarro has never been able to show that executive privilege page would have applied in his case. the prison were navarro will serve his time is one of the oldest prison camps in the country. while navarro has complained about financial problems, the prison consultant he hired to make his time more comfortable inside, told cnn that the 74 year-old will be housed in an air-conditioned dormitory for elderly the male inmates, the consultant said navarro will have access to television, email, and be able to make phone calls and he'll be expected to take classes and get a job. he'll likely also be able to hear the roar of the lions from the zoo next door, as peter navarro headed off to
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officially turned himself in, he left us with this god bless you all. >> i'll see you on the other side >> for any joining me now from outside the prison, did he say whether he had talked to donald trump before heading to prison >> anderson. he was asked about that at the news conference and once again, he claimed executive privilege. he would not say whether or not he had any conversations recently with the former president though he did say he believes he has former president trump's full support. he also said that while in prison, he believes that one of the things that will keep him going and give him strength is knowing that donald trump will be the republican nominee. but it is worth noting anderson, that according to this prison consultant who has been working with peter navarro, it he told cnn that it's very unlikely who will serve his full four months sentence. he said it's more likely who serve about 90 days because there are our laws in place that allow for early release for federal inmates. anderson ran dk. thanks very much coming up next, polls close a short time ago in ohio.
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tell you what exit polling shows about the key us senate race there and how that might bear on the presidential race in november. also, some good news on crime. former nypd deputy commissioner john miller on new fbi numbers showing crime is down sharply even as some candidates paint the opposite picture >> leaks lives, cia secrets, vowel replace, salary claim froward playing. >> i was undercover. >> so in your response yeah. >> did someone at the white house blow the cover of a cia operative after her husband criticized the run-up to the war, where are the weapons of mass distraction exactly? >> this is the rear scandal that really mattered. >> lives were at stake. >> yes. my children. >> this is horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday at nine on cnn. >> i adding downey unstoppable to my wash. now, i'll be smelling fresh all-day lounge still fresh get the pick times
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which it's saying yeah, anderson, i mean, these exit polls give us insight into how this republican primary electorate in ohio sort of sorts itself. one of the key questions we've been tracking all primary season is asking republican primary voters, do you believe that joe biden legitimately won the 2020 election? we know the answer to that is yes, but if you look here among republican primary voters in that key set of primary anderson only a third, say yes, 32% here say yes, 63% wrongly say no. he did not legitimately win. that larger group. take a look at how they split in this republican senate primary. they overwhelmingly, if you look here go for bernie moreno, the trump back candidate over matt dolan. so moreno wins 58% of the so-called election denier's the bigger group of voters here to matt dolan, 24%, frank larose, and 18% with these voters, if you look at the reverse, those that do believe correctly that
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joe biden was little digital monthly elected. remember, a smaller group, just a third. and you see that matt dolan does much better with those voters. again, he's the establishment back candidate. he gets 63% of those who say biden was legitimately elected. trump's candidate, bernie moreno, only gets 20% of those voters, anderson and jeff words, >> what's the sense >> of where the senate >> primaries headed tonight? >> well, that certainly is the divide that david laid out. there. are there is a sense, this is a versus maga primary. and of course, we've seen these play out through the era of trump four year after year, we will see what the hi all resolve this site, but matt dolan, the state senator, he is backed by ohio governor mike to wine and former senator rob portman moreno for his part, is backed by donald trump and senator jd pants and others. but anderson, beyond this establishment, mega divide in politics. there's a stark policy differences. well, and this is something that really has emerged in the final days of this race. governor to wine
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has been urging, in fact, imploring republican since to look at the policy differences specifically on things like ukraine on funding for ukraine, ohio has a very large ukrainian population in this was once a central issue. now, in this maga movement, if you will, the funding for ukraine is very much uncertain. so the policy differences here also our so starch is ohio going to completely change in the way of the trump era like jd vance or will the establishment wing, if you will? hold on a bit in the vein of senator rob portman or governor to wind. so yes, there are political differences, but the policy differences here also are significant >> yeah. >> david, how do you see it? i mean, if the trunk pack candidate wins ohio, what does that mean for the establishment republicans there? that, they're time being the dominant force in the republican party is over anderson. i mean, it's just, it's not reflective of the party anymore. you're looking there at the vote totals in this current race, we've got about roughly 19% of the
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estimated vote in. and you see it's a pretty close race. their 3,089.9 i'm present to 38.3%. i just want to note here anderson, the vast majority of this vote that is already when is pre-election vote? it's early absentee vote. so as we know, sort of trump-aligned forces tend to show up on election day itself. so if bernie moreno is benefiting from trump's backing here, it would make sense that as more election day vote comes in, he may see his numbers grow right now. you're looking at all early absentee vote, but to your point, that establishment wing of the party, if indeed they come up short here yet again, as they did throughout the presidential primary season, as they haven't so many primaries, it will just be yet another sign. this is donald trump's report public and primary and his supporters are the dominant force inside of it. >> jeff, there's some democrats would think that a candidate aligned with the former president would be easier to beat in november, that strategy worked for them in 2022. what are the chances that works in ohio this time around?
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>> we'll certainly see, i mean, that's where the three-dimensional chess comes in, if you will, in the final days of this race a super pac that's aligned with senator the senate majority leader, chuck schumer weighed in on this race with some $3 in ads or so supporting promoting bernie moreno, tying him to donald trump, trying to elevate him. they believe he will be the easier candidate to win in the fall. that's very much an open question. in this presidential election year, sherrod brown has been on the ballot as a senator three times. the only time in a presidential year was 2012, but he was running with barack obama, who one, the state of ohio, there's no doubt for senator brown to win. he has to win many trump voters. >> so >> that is the obstacle course here. but democrats believed that moreno will be the weaker candidate in november. that's why they tried to prop him up at the end. so one of the many dynamics going on here, we've seen democrats be successful in meddling in these republican primaries i will see if they are again tonight. and in november, david, how concerned
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hitting the trump campaign should be about where nikki haley's support level. it's not even though she suspended her campaign two weeks >> yeah. anderson, we're not very focused on the presidential primary because it's over. but if you look at the vote board right now and you noted nikki haley's been out of this race for two weeks now. she's pulling roughly the last time i checked with 20% of the vote, there you go. 21 of the vote, 22% of the estimated vote in nikki haley sitting there at 22% of the vote, she's not even campaigning. she hasn't had any edge. she's not a candidate, so it represents that there is still this faction, a small faction inside the republican electorate that is just consistently resistant to donald trump. so as he, as the nominee, now the presumptive nominee of this party heads into this general election season part of his mission is to get a big swath of those haley voters back on board with his campaign that, he has a unified republican party taking on joe biden this fall.
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>> david challenge of zeleny. thanks. now, significant progress in a problem that voters are hearing plenty about from candidates is here, especially the former president and crime new fbi data showing it fell significantly last year, almost across the board, property crime, mostly down violent crime also down murdered for down sharply. today, prison biden touted the new numbers, took a jab at the former president over his record in office and promised to keep fighting for police funding and a ban on assault weapons. now to talk more about this scene and chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller. so john, i mean, the biden ministration is really celebrating these numbers how substantial of a drop in crime is this? >> well, it's pretty substantial. i mean, you've got like a 13% decrease in murder shootings going down. we are not yet back to pre-pandemic numbers, but we're on the way and that's important because pre-pandemic numbers, particularly in violent crime, where some of the lowest ever that doesn't mean. and we check the fbi stats against the major city chiefs, that there aren't certain cities that are
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still having big challenges, particularly with shootings. >> but why is there a sense of why violent crime is down >> yeah. so i mean, if you look at the graphics the whole thing, you have 2018, 2019 crime is very low in the united states, low, it's has been in many, many years, but then in 2020, you've got the pandemic. you've got court's being shut down, you've got breonna taylor and george floyd. you've got demonstrations and disorder. you have police stopping making arrests in certain cases, you've got defund the police, you have a lot of things coming together and almost a perfect storm that we saw a surge in crime in those two years then when you look at 20:20 to 2023, you see some of those cities have refunded police rehired officers. the court back blogs are now back to normal >> you >> see some of the laws that were sweeping have been adjusted and fixed so that the
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criminal justice system works smoother and you see that crime goes flat. and now we see it starting to go down again. why do you >> think there is a discrepancy between the way hey, people feel or the way it's being portrayed. and these numbers, because there's plenty of people. i mean, i look around new york and think, wow, and it seemed things seem so, it's very real discrepancy. if you look at the surveys that have done either either by pew research and the gallup polls, they'll they'll tell you consistently that if you add as people is gun crime, gun violence, violent crime better now or worse than it was 20 years ago. they'll say no, it's gotten much worse 30 years ago. we know 30 years ago. there were 24,000 murders across the united states. now that's down between 15.18, depending on and what year you're looking at. >> but >> the perception is it's worse partly because of us. now we have almost instantaneous access to very dramatic video
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from people who sell see it more even though it may not be as let's talk about the active shooters and of course the politics of it is some politicians we were just talking about that reinforce the ideas ever rising crime when in fact it's way down from what it used to be, and it's starting to get back to where it was at its lowest. >> but that's so fascinating to me that because we have more information and cameras and more ubiquitous, we see it more and it makes us as a psychological effect. >> it's interesting so it's not just us, it's social media. two yeah. people are getting that feed from the citizen app and all those other things. it's a lot of input and it affects people. >> miller. thank you. coming out, possibly another doctored royal photo and it comes in princess catherine and prince william were spotted together in public. you see the video. they're smiling, happy details ahead >> from knead the dough
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now and ask about the bosley guarantee to closed captioning is brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends. >> we talk on the phone hands-free. go hands free to turn on our lights. and now there's hands-free footwear, revolutionary sketches slip. we just slip in and they're on dry sketches, slip ends with concern building of a major israeli offensive into rafah, a city in southern gaza, when a prime minister, benjamin netanyahu's closest confidence plus his national >> security advisor will soon head to washington to meet with us officials the white house expects the meeting early next week. this comes a day after prison. biden and netanyahu spoke by phone about the offensive the white house has continually pressing israel on his plans for how to safeguard the more than 1 million displaced palestinians now living in the south south of gaza today, the world health organization says it seeing a growing number of infants on the brink of death. jeremy
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diamond has more on some children who've been in an israeli hospital we're now actually being sent back to gaza >> little sorrow is barely six months old born in east jerusalem. all she knows is the safety of this hospital room this week, that will be torn away. war will become her new reality i might go back and they invade rafah, her mother, nimr says i'll be the one responsible for anything that harms them >> that's why i said if i go >> back with the twins, where do i go with them? where would i get? diapers and milk? gaza is not the same anymore. >> once i've sobbing for nearly six months. these three mothers have been living, sleeping, and nursing their five babies in this hospital room together before the war? their high-risk pregnancies made them eligible to leave gaza and give birth in jerusalem hospitals but now
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they've packed their bags why the israeli government is sending them back to gaza, where israel's brutal military campaign has made survival a daily struggle >> but as i was like, i feel >> hannon, the mother of twins, says she's scared of going back to gaza without a ceasefire. there are diseases spreading infections. she says, it's not a normal life they will be among the 22 palestinians set to be bused to the kerem shalom crossing in the south but her husband is in the north and hanon is still trying to find a place to live despite that uncertainty, are smart, wants to return to but none of also mckinnon my daughter is there. >> she needs me. asma says, every time she speaks to me, she asks when i'm coming back, every time there's an airstrike, children go to hug their mothers. >> of >> mine has no one to hug at nearby augusta victoria
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hospital, nearly 50 gaza cancer patients have been receiving treatment since before october 7, watching from afar as their families in gd, the horrors of war i know from muhammad, one of the ten who are in remission and being sent back to gaza, being far away from his son, hamza was blind, has been the hardest to bear but going back is also terrifying with her than shin and i'm torn. >> he says, the only wish i have in life is to go back home. i regret even coming here for treatment. i wish i could be with them because i know how they need me. >> respond in a >> statement, the israeli agency in charge of their returns had patients who have received medical treatment and who are not in need of further medical care are returned to the gaza strip after more than two months of pushing back on
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israeli demands, dr. fadia trash says he was ordered to compile it the list of patients to be sent back to gaza this week we're going to have to send them, but it's it's not our cool >> then the data two, now he fears for his patients all the support, all the efforts that we have been put we have been putting two to try to cure them or to put them in a good condition, or to improve their quality of life will be lost because there is no caring gaza. there is no hospitals, there is no health care the system is totally destroyed >> the mothers are preparing for their journey they bought sweets and toys for the children who are waiting for them if they want to throw away all my belongings, they can, but not this bag for my daughter. >> ships. >> it is all they can bring for the children who have endured so much in six months and the babies who will soon learn the reality of war far too young
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injury. >> what is the israeli government's reason for sending the patient's back? and so gaza or their stated reason well. >> interest in israeli official say that these patients were brought to jerusalem in order to receive treatments and they say that now that treatment has been completed, they must go back to gaza despite the fact that the war is still very much ongoing, red cross officials, i'm told visited the hospital but all today, but there is still no clear plan for who or if anyone will actually meet these patients and these mothers and their babies on the other side of the border, once they cross to gaza, instead, what awaits them is uncertainty and potentially a three mile walk all the way to refer that ski southern city in gaza all of this walking with their babies, with their luggage is and everything that they have brought with them. all of this, of course, as there is major uncertainty about what will happen in rafah with the
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israeli prime minister vowing that he is determined to send israeli troops there. anderson, jeremy diamond, thanks. >> can we have >> next catherine, princess of wales, seen on video for the first time since her surgery. the footage was not released by the royal family, even as another older photo photo was found to have allegedly been manipulated details ahead i'm starting to think those bad idea find a bad gift on etsy. think if mode >> on etsy day one, we're shared values propel us towards a more secure future through august, a partnership built upon cutting-edge american australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art next generations that we readings and build something stronger together during, dictated peace
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>> new videos surface of catherine princess of wales, and prince william out for a stroll. it's the first video since her surgery in january. it arrives with her and the royal family embroiled in controversy obviously over the manipulated family photo that originally came out more tonight from cnn's royal correspondent max foster >> smiling, happy, and seemingly healthy. new video, not sanctioned by the palace, but reassuring royalists that the couple are well british tabloids also celebrating kate's re-emergence an apparent recovery from surgery. >> so it's good to see that she's back and hopefully she's doing well. >> i'm sure that it'd be quite nice for her to walk around do some shopping. we've perhaps it's i didn't really have any doubt when i >> wade, was weird because of the conspiracy theories that have swamps social media in recent weeks, filling a void of information from the palace and the video didn't nothing to quell them as it was accused of
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being fake trusting any role in imagery undermined in part by kensington palace itself. after it sent out, not one but two doctored photos to the news media, both taken by the princess kate, edited mother's day photo, manipulated in several places and now this one released last year, which getty images is now labeled digitally enhanced, cnn found inconsistencies in several spots, such as a misalignment on the queen's skirt and blanket. strands of princess charlotte's hair appear to have been cloned and prince louis shoulder is blurred, overlapping the background getty told cnn in a statement, is reviewing all so-called royal handout images and placing where relevant an editor's note saying it could have been digitally enhanced, william and kate kensington palace was so trusted at christmas and now three months later, we have a situation in
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which whatever photo has put out, people don't believe it. >> the lack of information coming from the palace about the princess has created conspiracy theories, often wild ones, which get worse when the palace has been found to be manipulating images >> either they should have said nothing and kept with that just as they said, they were not going to say anything until there was significant updates or they should have put out a few little statements, perhaps a little statement from kate's saying, thank you for the lovely cards and kept people updated to a degree. >> seemingly >> unfazed and in good spirits royals refusing to be distracted in public. prince william making a long planned visit to a objection sheffield's no lack of support there or from the papers. as the rumors continue online. >> the max foster joins us now along with kate williams, who was just max's reports you cnn's royal historian. >> kate. i mean, if if the
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prince inferences are out shopping and their local farm shop why wouldn't the palace, given all this intrigue, have made some sort of a video of them or why wouldn't she have made some sort of a statement doesn't make sense yes this is what people are saying they're saying if the palate if she's okay to go out walking at a farm shop, which is great to see. then why can't we have a little statement from her so far, the only thing we've heard from caters her saying about the editing of that infamous mother's day photo that she liked to play with photoshop. i think most of us didn't believe that it was her who edited the photo. so people are raising these questions and you know, anderson, the queen said, you have to be seen to be believed that's what queen elizabeth said. but now people don't really seem to believe any photo. in fact, i was looking at a newspaper article about the farm shop photo and there were 9,000 comments and the majority we're saying they don't believe this photo either. so i really do think
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that the world's do have to kate does have to. i think put out a photo or pops a little video just like the king did in february saying thank you so much for all these get well soon cards because the conspiracy theories are still going on maxims. >> i mean, does this video at this market makes sense to >> it does make sense. i mean, they do go there and it was taken by another shopper and it's definitely them is certainly helped the palace. i mean, they're not sanctioning it being released, but it's certainly helped them because it reinforces their message that she is well they have a long tradition of communications. it pretty much goes back centuries. they don't respond to speculation and they're sticking to it. they've got a plan they're only going to update people when there is an update to come. >> and they >> are now caught in this storm, which is pretty unprecedented for royal reporting. in many ways, all reporting because it's blown up in such an extraordinary way. and we've seen how it continues and gets even bigger
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when they don't respond. so it is an issue for the palace, but they do. there is some strategy here, despite the fact many people are completely bemused by what they're what they're not doing as it were. >> so how how common would you say it is for photos released by the royal family to be changed or digitally enhanced i mean, the idea that i mean in public these days, so many photos have some sort of touch up yes. >> so many photos do, but there is a big difference, isn't there under sen. between photos, one puts on one's own instagram and photos ones give to official agencies such afp and getty. and it's really quite stunning to hear that getty is now going to go through all royal handout photos, wondering whether they've been doctored because, you know, the the royals have doctored since the beginning of time. henry the eighth didn't look anything like his portraits or elizabeth the 1st, and they all dr. them in as a great one of henry the eighth with his son and the wife who died in childbirth, but she's looking greater. the sun is ten, so they've always done
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this history and william and kate have also adopted quite a lot of photos in the past, we saw the christmas photo with a missing finger for louis and no one minded before they just said it was spot the difference. but in the middle of all these conspiracy theories, it just set everyone off. and now i think it's very concerning for kensington palace because you have afp saying that there is same levels of trustworthiness as the agencies of north korea and iran. and that means there's a long way of trust to get back. >> natural. is there a difference in how the palate handled king charles is medical issues versus princess kate? >> yeah. is the manoch and we have a greater right to information about him. so they are deliberately issuing luck images without the details around his actual health. i just think that kensington palace feels and prince william in particular fields that kate isn't on the throne yet. so she does have a bigger right to privacy at this point. is there anything the royal family can do to regain some of the public trust that may have been lost i
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think that they can do a lot. i think that what william is doing now, going out and about doing engagements which he wasn't doing before, mentioning his wife. he said my wife should be here to hear this today at his engagement about young person's homelessness. that's very important. and i think we probably will see something that picture or statement of kate quite soon >> well, i hope so. kate williams, max foster. thanks so much. just ahead you may have seen the headlines about intermittent fasting and a new study that suggests a type of intermittent fasting may be dangerous for your health. we'll talk to a cardiologist about it next. >> we're building a better postal service all parts working in sync to move for business poleward with the streamlines shipping network, and new high-speed processing and delivery centers for more value more of a liability. and
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rocket money >> melanie zanona on capitol hill. and this is cnn >> time restricted eating a kind of intermittent fasting is said to help first and lose weight and improve cardiovascular health. but now a study presented at a meeting of the american heart association says the opposite that an eight hour window for eating and 16 hours not eating
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is not just bad that it could actually increase risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 91%. and if you already have cardiovascular disease or risk of dying from heart disease and stroke increases by 66% the question is, is that actually true? join me now we've seen in medical analyst dr. jonathan reiner, director of the cardiac catheterization lab at george washington university hospital, dr. weiner, good to have you on. so there's a lot of headlines about this study today. i've done intermittent fasting over the last couple of years off and on what do we know and what do we not know at this point >> yeah. hi anderson. this study is very provocative, but really not that convincing so this is what we know about in a minute fasting or time restricted eating there are basically three forms of that sometimes people will fast two days out of the week. some people alternate eating one day
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and fasting and other day. and the particular kind of time restricted eating in this study is a form where people basically restrict their eating to a certain number of consecutive hours in a given day. and in this particular study, they used eight hours as the separation point to compare the effects of this strategy. and they looked at a large national database called n hanes which is the national health and nutrition examination study. they looked at 20,000 patients who self-reported their eating habits. now importantly, not all of the people who described limiting their eating to a certain number of consecutive hours in a day. we're doing that as part part of a diet and they importantly, they followed these people longitudinally for, on average about eight years. and unlike early studies which were largely short-term, debt, thinks that blood pressure and cholesterol and
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weight, this study looked at mortality, it looked at cardiovascular mortality. and in this study, the people who restricted they're eating to only eight hours out of 24 hours, eight hours eating 16 hours, fasting seemed to have almost a double risk of cardiovascular mortality out through eight years this runs counter to everything. we've sort of expected and learned about this eating strategies over the last several years when many studies have this. >> so you're saying >> more studies need to be done essentially, because there's not enough known about this cohort group that maybe it was people who weren't eating because of job or socioeconomic reasons. and that this study is not conclusive about whether or not you know, not eating for 16 hours a day and only eating and eight hour window is beneficial all right. >> there's so many potential confounders perhaps the people only eat in those eight hour
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blocks, have three jobs and they're, you know, they're stopping at mcdonald's between jobs and grabbing something quick and they don't have time to e perhaps the people who are time restricted have higher blood pressure or higher cholesterol or substantial cardiac histories or family histories >> what it seems >> possible to just for all these confounders, part of the argument that was being made about restrictive eating is that people lose muscle mass and that as you age losing muscle mass can can cause cardiac issues. is that there's losing muscle mass that's just that's a bad thing. >> yeah. >> that's a potential explanation for why it might have a negative effect i think the take-home message from this file is what we've learned early on from this strategy is that if you, if you fast in any of these strategies, you'll lose some weight. on average between right three
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