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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 20, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy even.
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ship it for free. set of delay order. the contours one today >> vegas story of sin city sunday at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to 14000 waiting on a decision, a federal >> appeals court consume decide whether to allow texas to temporarily enforce its controversial immigration law just hours after it was blocked again, and an attorney for texas making a stunning admission in court saying he isn't exactly sure how the law would even work in practice and signaling support after
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appointing three supreme court justices who help end roe v. wade former president trump is now voicing support for a 15 national abortion ban. and evacuated getting americans, the us government using planes and now helicopters to get us citizens out of haiti, a nation under siege. we're following these major developing stories many more all coming in right here. cnn news central >> this our president biden heads to texas as his justice department clashes with the state over a common controversial immigration law today in appeals court heard arguments on sb4, the law that gives texas authorities the power to arrest and even deport migrants suspected of entering the country illegally. sb4 has pinball through the court system here in the past 24 hours and adding to the
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uncertainty, some grid hey, areas in the law have emerged. they were on full display during this morning's arguments here's an exchange between one judge and the texas solicitor arguing in favor of the law that, was just trying to envision how this all plays a couple of things just because i'm not sure i understand the law totally. so what if someone enters in, let's say, from mexico into arizona and lives there for five years, then moves to texas are they covered >> i don't know the answer >> we couldn't get a ruling anytime. we do have reporters on the ground, ed lavandera is in el paso, texas, arlette saenz is trailing the president in arizona. and what are you hearing from texas officials and running? >> well, the we've been mainly talking to law enforcement departments across the state,
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trying to figure out how they would handle the implementation of this law if it was allowed to go into effect. and we've talked to many from el paso down the south texas to the major cities of texas as well. >> and what we're >> hearing, the broader theme is that there doesn't really appear to be this desire to send officers and sheriff's deputies out into communities looking for people who don't have proper documentation they don't feel like that is their responsibility that that is something that should be left up to border patrol and federal law enforcement officials to handle that aspect of immigration law. on immigration enforcement. there's a concern about manpower, jail space, and that sort of thing. you can hear from one of the deputies here with the el paso sheriff's department who spoke a little while ago explaining why they're so concerned about the implementation of this law >> really would want them to do their job. we want them to step forward handle that portion of
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which there was possible for enthralling local law enforcement into this is problematic we're seeing a federal agency stretch to its limits and they have far greater resources. a great amount in power than we do we have about 270 police officers and this issue could quickly exhaust those resources for our community so briana, while the lawyers hammer out the details in court, and you heard that confusion there? exactly. >> what are the nitty-gritty >> details of the reality of this line? but it would mean for day-to-day life, for migrants here and residents of texas, as well as law enforcement officials. you can sense that confusion and anxiety among law enforcement departments all across the state as well. briana. >> and thank you so much for that report. obviously, a lot of confusion and let's turn to arlette now, our lead, this is a ruling in texas serious
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repercussions constitutionally, but also politically. as the president is facing pretty low marks on immigration and a dip in support among latino voters. >> yeah, briana and part of president biden's a trip out here to the west, including an arizona has been trying to shore up support among latinos so voters. so yesterday he had visited with latino voters saying that they will be critical to his reelection coming in 2020, it comes at a time when former president trump has tried to makes them inroads within the latino community, but the president has been trying to argue that he and his policies are quite different from the approach that trump has taken to latinos and immigrants in this country. but this latest legal back-and-forth over that texas immigration law really has brought the issue and immigration and border security once again front and center in the 2024 campaign, we have yet to hear directly from the president about the legal back-and-forth. but the white house yesterday did push back on this texas law wide house
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press secretary karine jean-pierre suddenly statement quotes, as before, will not only make communities in texas less safe, it will also burden law enforcement and sow chaos and confusion at our southern border. as before is just another example of republican officials politicizing the border while blocking real solutions. you have seen the president try to show that he's trying to take some actions when it comes to border security, considering executive actions supporting that bipartisan deal that was ultimately scuttled >> do too former president trump expressing his opposition to it? he resonance tried to turn the tables on republicans on the issue of border security, which has increasingly emerge as a political liability for biden heading into 2024 after he's done here in arizona, he starts heads right to the state of texas. a coincidence as this debate is playing out in the courts down there they are. the president will be there on hand to raise money for his presidential campaign >> all right, we'll be looking to see what he says. arlette saenz. thank you for the report from chandler, arizona, boris
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we want to discuss with someone dealing directly with the uncertainty over sb4. bear county sheriff javier zola's are is with us now, has jurisdiction includes san >> antonio sheriff. thank you so much for sharing part of your afternoon with us. i want to get to a dispute that i've heard from officials in texas. some more inland texas law enforcement officials don't think that sb4 is going to change much for them, that they believe that this is much more for border jurisdictions what's your view of that opinion? >> well i can just give you the view of from my county were a couple maybe maybe 100.2050 miles inland from the border in any given direction. and i think that this is going to just create more problems than what it's worth it's certainly not creating any solutions for us >> i am curious when you say that it would create more problems about how it works practically because it seemed as we heard a sound by moments ago that even the folks that are defending us before in
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quarter are confused by some very basic hypotheticals like let's say you arrest somebody. it turns out other undocumented, they're convicted, they serve their time. it's unclear what happens next, because it's not obvious that your office would remove them or some other office within the state would like, what if mexico or whatever country the migrant is from doesn't accept them. what happens? >> well, there's a reason that it's unclear what happens next because i'm willing to bet that the people that crafted this, this ill thought-out law haven't created that process yet. and so it wasn't look, i think that this whole thing is just a talking point on future campaign literature for the governor and in reality, i think that this is a lot that's not going to work for the vast majority of texas sheriff's. certainly not for me in my county. other sheriff's may begged to differ and that's okay. but certainly in my county, it's it's hard to tell from here it's menn affected, it's virtually impossible to tell from here.
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if somebody crops plus the border illegally, that's 100.2050 miles away. and unfortunately, what i feel that this law might do is it might put us in danger of first responders thinking they have authorities and protections under the law that they really don't and so my fear here is that our deputies and the agency would put in in the way by way of liability in harm's way. >> yeah. and that liability could get very costly very quickly. i'm wondering, sheriff, i've heard from law enforcement folks at the state, local level who've said that they believe that additional training and additional resources will resolve some of the issues that critics they've raised with sb4 specifically when it comes to a potential discrimination and racial profiling, it doesn't sound like you believe that that would be the case? >> i don't think so. i think that we should probably just do away with this law and just enforce the laws that are currently on the books >> i'm not
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>> saying give everybody a free pass. that happens to be undocumented if they're undocumented and they break a law like assault, murder, possession of drugs. absolutely. we need to hold that person accountable within the confines of the law. but with that being said, we're an overwhelmingly minority county. and i don't need our deputies being accused of just approaching people that look undocumented and asking for papers and then putting us in harm's way that way i'm assuming you haven't heard anything from governor abbott's office on additional resources for your community. it doesn't sound like they've reached out about additional training or facilities well, i don't i don't think that i'm on governor abbot's speed dial for sure, but no, he hasn't called me to ask or tell anything about this. i think, you know, obviously, i think we're on two different ends of this, of this topic, and that's understandable for understandable reasons. but from my perspective, it's just creating a lot more problems than and then solutions we've got a population here. look the undocumented population here in
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bear county. there are far more likely to be victims of a crime than perpetrators of a crime. so all you're really doing is taking a population that's far more likely to become a victim and making them more afraid of law enforcement, then the people that may be victimizing them, that's a dangerous situation. >> sure if i do want to ask you one more thing, you mentioned enforcing the laws that are on the books when it comes to federal immigration law, it seems that that hasn't really worked at curbing these record numbers of crossings that we've seen over the last year or so. what's your message to congress when it comes to passing comprehensive immigration reform that ultimately is effective at creating a better system for everyone well, a couple of weeks ago, i was privileged and at the white house reached out to me personally and asking me for my support with >> regard to the proposed legislation, i came out in support of it. i thought it was a good medium ground and obviously some some folks on the republican side of the aisle worked on this piece of legislation letters, good
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legislation was it perfect? >> no, >> no piece of legislation is ever perfect for everybody, but i thought it was a pretty good effort. the fact that it got canned for no reason other than political pandering, i think is a tragedy and i think that the folks in dc would would do better to just continue to work at that thing and get it hammered out. that's the true solution. just before is not sure if javier to psilocybin. thank you so much for the time >> thank you, sir. be list of course >> ronna, back here in washington, republicans are moving forward with their impeachment inquiry into president biden, despite failing to provide in any evidence that the president benefited from his son's business dealings in ukraine this is the how oversight committee second hearing and just six months and it was not without its antics to be sure, democratic congressman urine moscowitz showing up wearing a mask of vladimir putin as you see here. and republicans keeping a nameplate out for the empty seat meant for hunter
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biden, who declined to appear cnn's melanie zanona is joining us now from capitol hill with more details on this melanie, are republicans getting what they want from this hearing while they're certainly have been fireworks and some points of contention and a lot of theatrical inside the hearing room. but so far republicans have failed to produce any evidence that advanced their central claims about president biden. now some of the witnesses did fill in more details about joe biden's interactions with some of hunter biden's business associates, but those are mostly described as pleasantries, not direct involvement, not financial profiting and not evidence of wrongdoing. and when congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez press one of the witnesses, tony bobulinski, about what crime specifically he saw biden commit. it led to a rather testy exchange. >> take a listen >> did you witness the president commit a crime? is it your testimony today? yes >> and what crime do
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>> you have you witnessed? >> how much time do i have to go through it? >> it is simple. you name the crime. did you watch him still some corruption statutes, rico and can what or what is the crime, sir? specific that you keep up? you asked me to answer the question. i answered the question. not go. you're obviously not familiar with trump's stance. >> me, sir. excuse me, sir. excuse me, sir? rico is not a crime. it is a category. what >> story of crimes that you're then charged, you have charging long 100, you have charges sir, please. the names act statute, or rico. >> well, it's funny in this committee room, everyone's not here. there's over l right there. i reclaim my four years. there aren't the lost time and, so. it looks unlikely that this hearing is going to change the calculus inside the gop were many >> republicans still remain skeptical of impeaching president biden. so this is
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raising serious questions about the future of this probe at this point, james comer, the house oversight chair. so there will be a final report with criminal referrals many republicans anxious to wrap this up and move on. riana. >> anyone revisit that? did he give us answer? the crime mill he didn't, he wasn't able to answer that specifically, which is something that democrats are seasoning on to point out >> that even some of the republicans own witnesses can't articulate exactly what crime fighting committed. >> yeah. no, that would be certainly helpful. melanie zanona. thank you very much for that report. still ahead, democrats hope that it'll be a headline issue in the election. and former president trump just put it in bold. what he's now saying about a potential nationwide ban on abortion hundreds of americans desperate to escape the chaos in haiti. i'm going to talk to a man who's on the ground helping organize their evacuation with
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boring if you think about it >> thank you. boring closed captioning brought to you by >> if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 808 to one fourth thousand presumptive republican nominee, donald trump is clarifying his vision for a potentially critical issue in the 2024 election. abortion during a radio interview on tuesday, trump revealed that he's considering a federal ban in the realm of 15 weeks. sentence. kristen holmes joins us now with more details. kristen, did trump explain why he's in 15 weeks? >> well, bores, first of all, i think we're going to have to go back a little bit because i'm not quite sure i would use the word clarifying because every time donald trump goes to talk about abortion, he ends up saying some kind of vague, convoluted remarks that don't really agree to something, but
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also kind of say that he supports something. now when you talk about 15 weeks he essentially said that that's what most people are starting to agree to. the thing to point out there is that most people, if you look at polling, do not agree on a national abortion ban. in fact, particularly those voting groups like suburban voters and independent voters that donald trump will need in november to win an election against president joe biden. do not agree with this, but this was the farthest that we've heard. heard him go on this topic. take a listen to what he said >> the number of weeks now, people are agreeing on 15 and i'm thinking in terms of that and it'll come out to something that's very reasonable. but people are really even hard-liners are agreeing seems to be 15 weeks, seems to be a number that people are agreeing at, but i'll make that announcement at the appropriate time. >> so two things to note here. one, this is dramatically different from anything we heard during the primaries,
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wind behind closed doors, donald trump was telling people he did not want to talk about abortion. he did not want to talk about our national band that he thought it was a political loser. in fact, he's actually said that publicly 22 republican saying you need to know how to talk about the topic of abortion. here clearly though he is going further saying he might, at some point consider backing this 15 week ban, but i will also tell you, boris, i have filled into a number of his campaign advisers and allies who say that they do not have anything planned to roll out some kind of national ban, but they aren't ruling out the fact that donald from himself might just make an announcement that that's something he supports. >> i stand corrected, kristen, perhaps attempting to clarify his position would have been more accurate. kristen holmes >> attempting to clarify here, kristen holmes, thank you so much >> malala trump has largely stayed out of the public eye since her husband left the white house. but now that he's the apparent republican nominee, many are wondering how she's going to be involved as she going to be that involved
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in his reelection campaign >> are you going to return meet with your husband stayed if you couldn't catch that quick soundbite, she said, stay tuned her comment came after voting in yesterday's florida presidential primary let's discuss with white house correspondent for the new york times, katie rogers, who is also the author of the new book, american woman, the transformation of the modern first lady from hillary clinton to jill biden. >> katie, >> thank you so much for being with us. stay tuned is not exactly a commitment to campaigning, but it is more than we've heard from millennia recently. >> right? i think i think one of the interesting things about her response is that it was a reply but not an answer. you can think of somebody like joe biden asked a similar question would have a much more definitive answer. melania trump is somebody who doesn't really enjoy the the campaign
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trail. there were a couple of myths stuck. she made in 2016, including with her rnc speech, like got a lot of scrutiny for being plagiarized what she does do are has done in the past is speaking fees to speak at fundraisers or as the guest of republican groups like log cabin republicans right before the 2016 election, she also spoke to women voters and pennsylvania. so there are things that she has done and that would be in line with the kind of presence that she has kept on the trail before yeah >> she took notably as first lady forever to launch her initiative you write very notably in your book that she hardly used her office. it was actually turned into a gift wrapping room and that by the end of trump's term, as he was trying to stay in office. she was staying in her bathrobe and the residents, it was really very ready leave it not the model of a first lady approaching the role with zest. and so with that context in
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mind, it makes you wonder how she would be approaching it for a potential second time? >> yeah. so >> people who know her who have worked for her, who know her now, all say, you know, i asked the question for my book would she do this again, what she'd be willing to go through this again, given the reporting you just mentioned and the answer from them is yes, she liked the title. she likes being first lady, but she liked a lot less the scrutiny that came with it the attacks that she felt were unjustified on her family warranted or not, her response to some of those. >> and his >> sort of dichotomy of liking the pomp that comes with the role and not liking the actual role that the expectations around it. are katie, there's some concern in trump world about his potential weakness with suburban women,
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specifically do they seem alanine as a figure that could potentially bridge that? gap if she decides to become more involved in the campaign >> yes, people involved in the campaign or the end, people who have been working for the trump's are with them for a long time know that she's a popular surrogate and it's a much requested surrogate, but she has not always answered those requests and appeared on the trail. now, if it becomes more dire for donald trump with women voters, we might see her emerge as she did i think five days before the 2016 election to talk the women and put a softer focus on her husband's comments and about women and about other different groups in the country. so that could happen, but she certainly at this point in the campaign, has not exhibited a desire to do that katie rogers. >> appreciate >> your reporting and the new
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book and appreciate your perspective. thanks for being with us >> thanks. >> of course >> still ahead another group of americans has been rescued from haiti. what we're learning about that mission as us officials race to get so many others out details and just moments >> my fellow citizens need to be better >> no law inmates, he wants you to be dead >> be better being on yeah, good streaming exclusively on macs important health care announcement. if people tell you your tv is too loud, or if listening in some environments become too difficult, we are requesting your participation in a special program called the 30-day risk-free challenge hearing life hearing centers are seeking people with here during difficulties to evaluate a new 100% digital mini hearing aid. now being released, all people with hearing aids or
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gripping haiti is now prompting multiple efforts to get americans out. moments ago, the state department announced 15 us citizens were evacuated from the caribbean nation via helicopter. a spokesperson estimating that more than 30 americans will be able to leave each day on chartered flights. in the meantime, officials in florida are awaiting the arrival of a plane set to bring in number of americans to the state and non-profit groups are getting involved. two, including my next guest, bryan stern, who is the founder and ceo of project dynamo, which is a florida-based organization actively helping us citizens get out of haiti. and brian, i mean, we meet again here. i saw you last in ukraine as you i did an american couple with their baby who had been born by surrogate there you also assisted afghans during the us withdrawal in 2021. tell us what you're trying to do in haiti don't forget sudan in maui, israel and gaza where here conducting operations. we just completed our 610th
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admission, which turns into just about 7,000 people globally. we've been in haiti, we've been here in the region. we've been in dominican republic and haiti 48 days now conducting trying to get trying to get americans out of the whole country from the austere environments all over the place to port-au-prince >> and tell us what you're hearing from the americans who are trying to leave about the situation they're facing. and also the challenges that you're facing trying to get them out we're hearing lots of lots of christ for desperation. people, people want to go, they need to go in the urban areas. it's incredibly violent. and in the more desolate areas there just cut off where it's, it's the gangs aren't really there, but they also have no way to get out. so there's lots of lots and lots and lots of americans saying helped me, helped me our efforts have been it's been very frustrating here to be frank the lots of governments,
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lots of different equities, lots of different politics, lots of different issues. and of course funding. we're donor-funded, so we're limited on our resources two, so we won't be able to rescue everybody, but we're doing our best the state department, as i mentioned, is now getting people out via it's pretty limited though they're saying they can get about 30 people out a day. what do you think about that capacity? >> i think i think that's great. i mean the us got you between state and dod we don't have a capacity problem where get moos, not too far away, where a two-and-a-half hour flight for florida. >> so >> we're not out in the middle of nowhere where we're and the right hemisphere where even in the same time zone. so the idea that they're doing things is excellent. that's what they, that's what they should do. once that capacity increases in that throughput increases will be a little fold up our tents and get out of here, which is which is what we hope we operate with the us government is not so now that their doing
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things a little bit makes life a little bit easier for us >> so tell us, as you mentioned i mentioned some you mentioned some of the evacuations in places that project dynamo has been. how does this compare? to some of the other places? what is unique about this thing? >> she are different, number one, the embassy is open. we usually work in places where the embassy is closed. so this is having challenges, but they exist. they're functioning to the grace except that they can and there is a us embassy presence, so you don't have when we started in afghanistan, the evacuation the embassy was evacuated ukraine was the same way sudan was the same way gaza? there is no embassy, so this is our first you a quote, unquote war zone deployment, where the us embassy, it's not open for services. but there's a couple of hundred marines there. the american flag is
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flying, so that's a different dynamic to brian. >> it is great to see you again. i never see you under good circumstances. i will say, but best of luck in your efforts as you're trying to get people out of haiti and thanks for being with us >> thanks so much project is our website. please donate. >> all right. >> thank you, brian. >> still ahead. a fourth former mississippi law enforcement officer convicted of torturing tube blackman, is about to learn how much time he's going to spend and federal prison. we're live from jackson are, you all-star teams return >> for a waterfront redemption showdown? like in a brand, but only and we'll make us flash. i think we nailed it out the long haul new monday night at nine on hgtv life is better with the
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victims call now $30 billion in trust money has been set aside. you may be entitled to a portion of that money all when 808592400. that's when 808592400 happening right now, two more former mississippi sheriff's deputies are being sentenced today for torturing two black men the white >> ex-officers we're self-proclaimed members of the so-called goon squad, who prosecutors say we're willing to use excessive force and not report it. the hearing for christian dedmon, who you seen on the left now is underway. daniel opdyke on the right was sentenced to 17.5 years in prison earlier today at the testimony so far has been graphic. we do want to warn you some of what you're about to hear is disturbing. let's go to cnn senior national correspondent ryan young, who has been following the story very closely. he's in jackson, mississippi for us. ryan you see another emotional de, and core >> another emotional de boys take a step back. we've ran down here while courts still
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ongoing, and i can tell you, even the folks who guard this building are concerned about the emotion getting get out of hand and this proceeding with dedmon the courtroom is full of extra marshall's. they have extra security in place. there's two large groups, of family members, but what we've been hearing in court is quite graphic >> and to >> tell our viewers what they described is the deputies found a sex toy inside the home and they took that sex toy and they placed it in the mouths of both men. and then at one point they tried to place the sex toy in michael jenkins. and the only reason why it did not go in michael jenkins is because he started to defecate then they forced both men to take a shower together so they can try to clean up the evidence. look, there's been a lot of talk about the corruption and rankin county. there has been talk about maybe trying to make sure the sheriff is no longer the sheriff. >> i want to show you >> dale up dikes lawyer after
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court today because he spoke about the corruption and how far it possibly goes. take a listen >> well, i said everything in cowork that i want to say about that. i don't want to always advocate for my client sir and doing the best i could for him. and of course, we are disappointed in the sentence that he didn't get a break on the maximum but we did all we could yeah. >> the other soundbite that we also wanted to share with you from that same lawyer was just talking about the idea that he believes there's no way that the upper management by the sheriff's department couldn't have known about this culture. so we know that this lasted for some 88 minutes in terms of this torture. >> and in >> fact, eddie parker for the first time, one of the men the stand, and he was talking today about seeing the devil >> he said >> he knew the devil came to visit him that night. the menn
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continually laughed at him tried to take his manhood slap them around, and continue to torture him over and over members of the court started crying while he was talking the father for michael jenkins also stood up and said, who could teach such young men hate. >> there's also been talking >> about the challenge coin that was passed around at one point, the child i was going had a confederate flag and a noose on one side. all this emotion just being stirred up. those watching the other family, especially dedmon family, they were members of his family that actually said bs to some of the things and dedmon axon tried to deny some of the sexual assault. there's a third victim that has nothing to do with this particular case that says that dedmon pulled now his private parts and slapped him in the face with it over and over again and tried to force it in his mouth. and then at some point they pulled the man's pants down and grabbed him by the genitals and shook it around and said, my you have big one while they
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started dry hoping him on the side of the road because there's a missing lawn equipment so people believe this is a culture that's ongoing inside the rankin county sheriff's department. this courtroom was pretty much silent. apple point of somebody's allegations coming out the government is asking for 41 years for dedmon. and as you can understand, there are a lot of people who were asking for the maximum sentence here. but again, they're here some of these allegations and to know what these men had to endure as chocolate cert was being poured on them. when the deputies left, they stole the hard drive with the video surveillance they peed in the closet and they put food all around the house. so when the men got back, it would be rotten. they tried to plant drugs and a drop good on the two men who had never done anything association was because one of them knew a white woman. but this was going to be a problem and they were the only black people in that street and they wanted them gone. >> boris, these details are beyond disturbing
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>> know, they are absolutely they are absolutely abhorrent rhiannon thank you so much for bringing us that story. stay would see on a new central, we're back and just moments >> there is no media personality >> businesswoman celebrity chef, like her the >> many lives of martha stewart now streaming on macs did you, not. turbotax now provide you with a tax expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax life full service. your full expert will do your taxes for you as soon as today, plus, they'll only sign and file when they know it's 100% correct. and you're getting the best outcome possible for attacks x byrd, who will do your taxes from start to finish, try turbotax live full service, visit today, ran power helping you buy better if
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0200, coventry direct redefining insurance hybrid. >> still alvarez at the white house and this is cnn >> a major investigation is unfolding in the uk after reports that a london hospital staff member for allegedly tried to access princess kate medical records the uk health minister says, staffers could face prosecution here. you may recall the princess of wales had abducted nominal surgery at the london clinic in january, and she has not resumed official duties since that
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operation, leading to rampant rumors and speculation about her for condition. cnn's anna stewart is joining us live from london. anna, what can you tell us about this investigation? this is pretty serious >> it's really serious and it comes amid something of a vacuum of royal news. the king of course, is working from home hi, i'm battling cancer. the princess of wales has been recovering from surgery off work for weeks at this stage and all this has been perhaps exacerbated by that photoshopping incident. but this report, if true, takes it to a whole different level. this was a report from the daily mirror today and investigated a potential data breach at the london clinic, the private hospital where the princess of wales was seen back in january. now alleges that at least one member of staff tried to access the private medical records of the princess of wales, not only is that wrong, not only is that serious, it's potentially criminal and it certainly illegal. so this is something that authorities are taking very, very seriously. the ico, which is the data regulator here in the uk, have
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launched an investigation. the london clinic, which is the hospital, the ceo came out, it was a bit ambiguous actually about the report itself, but did say there was no place at the hospital for anyone who intentionally breaches the trust of patients or colleagues what is clear is if this breach really didn't happen, then a line has been crossed. >> rana couldn't they protect her her medical records better. and is there a way do we know for them to track? how they are accessed, because that is often the situation here in the states we'd expect it to be the same there in britain >> they say the old, the right sort of infrastructure is in place to protect medical records for patients and to ensure that their assistance some place. one would imagine that it should be easy to track someone down if they accessed illegally the wrong recalls, or it should be impossible for them to do so. so i think this will all be part of estimation. i really hope that we have a little bit more information about that in the coming hours
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or days >> and anna, are we expecting to be seeing princess kate anytime? soon? she's obviously been you know, she's been recovering from this abdominal surgery and she's been out of sight, but it seemed that we're coming up on a time when we were supposed to be seeing her again. >> i think there was the understanding from the palace that she would be off duties till at least around easter weekend. so it's still a few days away from there, a few weeks, really. and then perhaps she will come back into royal duties. perhaps it'll be a tapered return though you would imagine having recovered from surgery but at this stage, no news from the palace on that they were very clear, right from the get-go that the princess was undergoing surgery. we weren't going to be told a great amount of detail about that. she would be having a recovery and they wasn't they weren't going to give us a sort of running commentary i suppose, of hurricane hovering and her return to work. but the pressure from the public, from the media is clearly mounting every single day >> yeah. well, we wish her the best certainly health-wise you
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know obviously there's a lot of questions, but we do hope that she's doing well. anna, thank you so much >> the most expensive baseball player >> history making his regular season debut for the dodgers today shoheiohtani& los angeles, taking on the san diego padres and their mlb opener in seoul, south korea. or we're going to tell you how it went leaks lies, cia secrets vowel replace valerie plane, broward, point because undercover. >> so when you're respond yeah. >> did someone at the white house blow the cover of a cia operative after her husband criticized the run-up to the war, where are the weapons of mass destruction exactly? >> this is the rear scandal that really mattered. >> lines we're yes, my children. this is >> horrifying united states of scandal with jake tapper. new episode sunday nine on cnn. >> this is our future go daddy arrow creates a logo website
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>> we were talking about christian dedmon about seven minutes ago. we just learned that he was sentenced to 40 years. that's the most time that anyone has gotten so far out of this goon squad? i described to you before some of the sec acts that happened with that sex toy that they pled guilty to. but right now, we do know that crissman dedmon will face 40 years in prison after the goon squad terrorize michael jenkins and eddie parker for some 88 minutes. the government says he is the one who actually established the checks chain on what's app to put this whole thing in motion. even saying where cameras could be an initiated the cover up after this will all done so all this happening in the last few seconds, 40 years guys, a serious sentence >> ryan young. thank you so much for that update. still plenty of unanswered questions about how more senior officials in that department didn't know about what was going on we will leave you now to the lead with jake tapper. thanks for joining
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