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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 22, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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speaking of moscow, it does draw some comparisons to russian president vladimir putin, who is known for his let's call them aggressive photo-ops playing sports riding horseback, shirtless >> you know, i mean, hey, this stuff is >> nothing new. it's not new in the us president biden has been photographed, but it really doesn't really compare honestly to shirtless vladimir putin. but here's president biden riding a bicycle. >> donald >> trump, always played golf when he was in the oval office, barack obama famously got on a bus a ball court installed at the white house. and the french president, macron needs a sparring partner. i might suggest outgoing senator at utah, senator mitt romney areas boxing, former heavyweight can vendor holyfield for charity from these busy, i'm only a phone call away. mr. macron. i think you'd honestly wind, but what are you gonna do? all right. thanks everybody for being with us today. thanks for joining us. happy friday. i'm kasie hunt. don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now
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>> the blue wall and the cracks in the blue wall. and look at what voters are saying and how voters are feeling in michigan and pennsylvania right now, the cnn polls just out. >> so donald trump could get news of a multibillion dollar windfall today for a company that by some accounts is floundering, is this just what he needs to avoid the seizure of some of his real estate empire >> and were you >> on that alaska airlines plane were the door plug blew out? mid-flight? well, the fbi i just sent out letters saying you could be the victim of a crime zara is out. i'm john berman with kate bolduan it's? friday. and this is cnn news central >> so we have new cnn polling
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out this morning and the state of the race today is staring directly at the blue wall, michigan it had vga to battleground states the joe biden flipped in 2022. battleground states were voters right now do not appear happy with their choices. less than half say they're satisfied with a biden trump rematch. and when you dive in, you see in pennsylvania, there's a dead key between the president and the former president, both with 46% support. the good sign for the biden campaign. biden appears to be holding advantage there with women voters, voters of color, and independence. >> the >> biden campaign is likely feeling quite differently about the view in michigan right now among registered voters there, donald trump has an eight point advantage and seems to be gaining ground with younger voters and independence cnn's david chalian has much more forest david, a smart man named david chalian flag this morning roughly a quarter of voters in
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both of these states say that they are not locked in to their vote quite yet why is that so important? >> you said is right gaping we are still seven plus months away from the election. so it's important because as we know with polls, this is a snapshot in time. but when voters tell you, yeah, i could change my mind. it kind of proves the point that there is work to be done here for both the trump and the biden campaign with all these months ahead of them to seal the deal. but i want to go inside a little bit some of the demographics slices underneath those horse-race numbers that you just provided. look here in pennsylvania. if you look among independents, you see that biden's at 46% trump at 36%. he's plus ten among independents back in 2020 according to the exit polls by them was plus eight in pennsylvania among indies. so within range women, he's plus eight with women back in 2020 and exit polls biden was plus 11 in pennsylvania among women again, within range. so as you
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noted, pieces of the biden coalition here seem to be coming back to him in pennsylvania yeah, that is a different story. when you look at michigan michigan, again, look at these same demographics, places. biden is minus ten to trump among independents. well, back in the 2020 exits, biden won independence in michigan by six women. it's roughly even here given the margin of error, i would call that three-point split 48, 40 if i have roughly even split among women between trump and biden. biden won women in pennsylvania by 14 percentage points in 2020 and the exit. so there is clearly pieces of the biden coalition in michigan that are not yet sort of returning to the norm of where they were in 2020 and what about the continuing question about a third party david >> kate, i find this fascinating look here that just horse is again, among registered voters were not in the season of looking at likely voters just yet. but you see here in pennsylvania trump gets 40% to biden's 38% to rfk
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junior, 16% to cornell's 4%. the first thing i want to just note here, because i think this is the biggest factor of the third party support at this moment. it lowers trump's when number right? he's winning that race basically, if you will, no clear leader, but he's numerically ahead with 40 3% of the vote. that's all he needs to be getting the most support their same thing in michigan. if you look at the third party factor there, you see that donald trump's number to come out on top is when number here also at 40%, it's just dramatically lower for trump when to get over the hurdle of winning the state with the third party there. now, when we look inside hi we've seen that those kennedy voters, they're sort of pulling, he's pulling from republicans and democrats near equally. so it's not entirely clear in terms of the support where it's totally pulling from in terms of advantage for biden or trump, but it is clear that it lowers the threshold needed to win a state how is president biden's approval
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rating which we track all the time? of course, how is his approval rating playing into any of this or not? >> it's such a good question. we do track it all the time and it has been a reliable indicator for decades in politics especially for incumbents who are running for reelection. looking, joe biden's approval rating in pennsylvania first you see, he's at 40% approval, 60% disapproval. that's basically where he's been sort of nationally as well on average. but again, in michigan, we see something different. he's at 35% approval in michigan 64% disapproval. it is a tougher electorate in michigan for him now and specifically in basically all the polling that we've seen after october 7. >> and the israel hamas issue, how it's particularly playing there but kate the question is is biden the factor in this race according to these poles and needs to battleground states. trump is the factor, trump is the factor for both biden voters and trump voters. look in pennsylvania, you see
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biden voters overwhelmingly say they're voting against his opponent 61% say that a biden supporters, not for joe biden. it's the complete reverse for donald trump. we see a similar thing in michigan donald trump, whether you're biden supporter or a trump supporter is the driving force in this election. and that may be good news for joe biden, who of course, who is trying to keep donald trump front and center in americans minds. >> that's fascinating. david to seeing those numbers up there on the grid together. it's great to see you, david. thank you so much. >> you were just coming. this is really cool. >> are you sitting gave great job laying that out in the idea that donald trump is the central factor, it may be we're both campaigns thinking, right? because that's what, that's what i've been saying >> don't compare me to >> the almighty, compared to the alternative basically the nutshell, by the way, >> seasons of likely voters, david chalian, favorite song from rent, little exactly,
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that? one well played, well played, well played so this morning, donald trump is >> raging as he tries to prevent his real estate empire from being taken apart, building by building. he is racing to secure a half-billion-dollar bond to appeal his civil fraud case in new york by monday's deadline in the middle of the night, trump wrote, quote i did nothing wrong. this is simply taking much like what is done in communist countries and will leave an irreparable stain on new york state and his judicial system now the trump seven springs, the state in new york's westchester county is one of the properties than new york attorney general, letitia james may begin seizing if trump cannot pay up. cnn senior crime and justice reporter caitlin poland's is with us now, tick tock, tick tock. katelyn john, the question this morning is, will the appeals court in new york state throw donald trump, a lifeline here? he has this monday deadline on monday. that means the
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judgment, the win, that new york attorney general, letitia james has had in this civil fraud case would be solidified in court in less donald trump can find a way to put up this money for his appeal or the appeals court comes through with him. he's hoping that the appeals court could say yes, you're rich enough and you don't need to post a bond or make sure that the court knows that you have $464 million in cash available or they could reduce the amount that he would have to post in bond to something more palatable to any of those third-party underwriters. he's been trying and failing to get alone from or help from. so if that comes through, then we will not be talking about this anymore. but if it doesn't, and the appeals court doesn't allow him to trump to continue to delay paying this money or having its seized by new york state, then the new york attorney general, they are already getting things in place to claim the victory here. letitia james, she is
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laying the groundwork by having her lawyers from the state of new york, gov 02 different counties where he has properties and letting them know entering the judgment in them in westchester county where seven springs estate and golf courses in new york city where trump tower, a property on wall street, hotels, apartment buildings where all of those properties are. and then once that judgment comes in, if there is no additional way for trump to continue appealing if he's not posting the bond, then they get to go to court to claim those things, file liens, move for foreclosures, and elongate the process very likely because trump will be fighting them. each step of the way as they tried to seize his assets, cash, real estate, bank accounts donald trump, he says this is all very expensive and he has been railing about the new york attorney general and the judge saying that this is all about him being under attack politically, but really what this shows is that we are at the end of the road of a
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lawsuit that donald trump has lost. and there are very fewer for options day by day going forward. and as the moments progress till monday for donald trump, he has lost its lawsuit and there is 464 million on the line for him. yeah. look, don't touch that dial because i don't think we're even sure about how or when we will know that this thing is bullet up altogether, or whether he has a resolution could happen anytime in the next three days, katelyn polantz. thank you very much for that >> and add into all that a possible merger for donald trump's truth, social, and that could be bring trump a three billion windfall could that will, that saved him from paying up for the fraud case he lost. there may be a catch and cnn is inside haiti at where one person says it's kill or be killed right now, mobs armed with machetes, and people forced to walk past dead body is lying on the street every day lawmakers there's still sprinting to the finish to avoid a government shutdown, a lapse in government funding, at
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least one key republican has already though announced hizon speaker. johnson, once again is counting every single book >> we're here to get your side of the store. >> we keep ending up here. you can't write this stuff. united states heats up scandal with jake tapper, it's sunday, uh, nine on cnn jazz. >> what if you could go from this to this with just one step to resume silk zero, time for the ultimate humidity test weightlessly smooth hair >> your turn new to resume keratin smooth collection. >> so yeah, dp disrupts cid p derails. >> let's be honest >> socks but living with c idp doesn't have to. >> when you sign up at shining through cid, you'll find information and real patients stories helpful tips, reliable information, and more. >> cdp can be tough.
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positions, mutual physicians, mutual. >> this is the big dam time that do lawmakers are sprinting once again, but it's a question also again this morning as to where they are sprinting to a photo finish to avoid to pass as a government funding package to beat a midnight deadline, or they sprinting toward a train wreck of political infighting among republicans. again, that could stop this all in its
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tracks. >> and less than two hours, house lawmakers are set to meet their set to vote on first on 1 deal on this trillion dollar deal, spending thing for six government agencies is on the line. so where is this all going seen in sunlight is everybody. she's back with us. she's been covering this force. someone were to things stand this morning >> well, kate speaker johnson, he really has to rely this morning on house democrats to get this done and he has an extremely high bar in the house who will vote on this bill first, then need to get two-thirds of the majority of those present to pass the bill. so depending on how many members are here today, that's about in the ceu to 90 range. now, there has certainly been a lot of grumbling on both sides. we heard all day on capitol hill yesterday top republicans though, they do expect the votes, they will have the vote what's this morning to pass this bill in the house? but even they admit that it will be close and you heard this deep frustration from far-right members chip roy saying he
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describing the bill as a failure of leadership now, when and if it passes in the house and then it goes to the senate. there is going to face a tough slot any one member can object to passing the bill quickly, and that could slow things down and delay voting all day today. and of course, kate, you know, time is not on their side. they have until midnight tonight to get this done. and certainly a lot of possibilities for it to get off track. now, all of this will kick off in just a few hours after huddling this morning republicans and democrats, then we'll go to the house to vote around 11, 11:30 a.m. eastern. so a lot up in the air this morning. kate >> absolutely. we'll get some answers though by this afternoon. we one thing we will know it's good to see zelman. thank you. john pick. >> more than 150 americans evacuated as gang violence sweeps over a nation. cnn is on the streets and why the fbi is telling a plane load of paint passengers that they may have been the victim of a crime this
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year the one thing >> republicans and democrats have been common, they're both waiting for their nominee >> this such white trash in congress you have young american same than lobbies right? why don't you take a gap year in a bada bada >> show were right and left talk to each other, >> sanity needs to save space cnn presents an encore presentation of hbo's real time with bill maher tomorrow at eight on cnn >> sorry, body for knowing about actives. but giving 100% of them to my face, the fear no more body get active serums with hyaluronic acid that quench vitamin c's that brightened and pro sarah mind that even everywhere new dumps, theorem, body wash, get dove, or get fomo file 100% free with turbotax free edition, roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form 1040 and limited but it's only see how a
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>> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premieres sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn >> new this morning, a first look as americans evacuated from haiti land back on us soil, nearly 160 have left in the last week as the gang violence, they're escalates. now one gang leader was killed in a shootout with police last night but carnage continues. now seen as david culver was one of the first us television journalists to get to port-au-prince since the car is started, his report is disturbing my body, just sitting right in the middle of
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the street there >> people are trying to figure out the best way to get around it >> across the street. this family rushes into a truck shielding their little ones eyes an effort to preserve what innocence is left here in haiti the gruesome sights slowing but not stopping the morning rush hour. >> and you can even see here, look at this, i'll police car is just going right past and it will continue on does it even stop >> a neighbor explains how an overnight gang attack ended in vigilante killings fire. >> shooting here. >> what's this man says? he and more than 50 others immediately set out to find those terrorizing their neighborhood where they surrounded a man they didn't recognize and you believe he was a gang member >> we really going >> carrying machetes. he tells me they carried out. justice as he sees it the only way they know to defend themselves now
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we've invented by live on packages >> when they come in shooting all around trying to scare us to flee. we won't just let them kill us. they have to die. he tells me >> the way you see this is kill or be killed >> we really me police don't condone the killings, but they are overwhelmed and overrun and they don't have time to stop them there are daily gun battles in the capital as police struggled to push the gangs back the officers have willpower but little adults we see that firsthand as we patrol with haiti's national police there are no front lines in this war. >> the >> boundaries are blurred and they're constantly shifting. and these officers no driving around in an armored vehicle like this? well, they expect to be shot and they're moving targets >> they cruise through gang terror for tori, revealing a city in ruins and on fire at
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this intersection, we find another gruesome scene three bodies have eaten by dogs and still smoldering people desperate for food and for shelter >> even if it >> is in the shell of what was once a government building. >> i mean, this is just a >> symbol of state collapse here >> more than >> 1,500 have now occupied this building there mostly children >> and there were those who line up for hours trying to get visas to go anywhere. but here that guy. >> certainly different security. there's my chops the normally there's no jobs you're running after is wherever we aren't what's left of an atm is still in there. >> they're trying to show
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themselves. robin moos are stuff, but they're just they're just they're criminals. >> for street vendors like this woman who still have fruits to sell, no customers to buy them. because folks can afford moos, these items >> more troubling for her the horse she witnesses on the streets. >> many >> people have died. she tells me and they have to make trips to pick them up we see that for ourselves as we head back just before curfew medics clearing the remains of that suspected gang member a hurry not to save a life, but to pick up two more bodies on this same street here in haiti, humanity has it's integrated into a brutal fight for survival
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>> what a report or thanks and david culver for that >> so the truth is out there way way out there. could donald trump's beleaguered social media? the a-site truth social. when he $3 billion >> today >> and then happening now, the secretary of state holding key meetings in israel is a deal to release the hostages in gaza, moving closer on the chasing life >> podcast, dr. sanjay gupta goes inside the world of weight loss, the numerical drugs, and what we've really tells us about her a health chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts >> i met with the turbotax expert because i had two full-time jobs, lawyering and leaving count on me, mia, i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy guaranteed. let a turbotax full service expert do your taxes as soon as today
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>> an alabama woman will face no jail time after pleading guilty yesterday to faking her own kidnapping last year carly russell apologized in core yesterday saying that she had made a grave mistake after it mysteriously disappearing last july, police two days searching for her until she showed back up at home and said that she he'd been abducted. she later admitted that the kidnapping was a hoax, and then she said this in court. i made a grave mistake while trying to fight through various emotional issues >> the fbi i has a message for passengers who were on that terrifying alaska airlines flight. where are the door plug blew off mid-flight they all might be victims of a crime. fbi and i'm out to seattle, sent a letter to people who were on that plane noting that the fbi is currently investigating the incident. cnn has previously forwarded justice department was looking into this and also looking thinking to boeing after the incident, boeing has declined to comment. >> now only one day >> into march madness and there's a good chance you're bracket. bracket has been boosted it said another way, one day in and we already have
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cinderella stories four double-digit seeds, pulling off upsets on the first day of the men's tournament, oakland duquesne and see stayed oregon. all were underdogs and all one for decane. it was their first tournament win in over 50 years. lover, cinderella story, >> jonathan, who has two thumbs and pick your tukey in the final four this guy right here, but i rather bad news all right, today, donald trump could hit a jackpot worth three billion. it all has to do with the troubled social media network. truth social seen as matt egan is here with the details. this is fascinating john, it is fascinating. donald trump looks like he's on the verge of a massive financial win. his social media baby truth, social is finally about to go public after years of legal delays, shareholders are likely to greenlight a merger between trump media and a blank-check company called digital world acquisition
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nefise. look at a live look at that stock price premarket. it is up 3%. the higher this stock goes, the richard donald trump is at least on paper because this deal calls for donald trump to own about 79 million shares of the new company. >> so at >> these prices were talking about a steak that is worth more than then $3 that's huge, that is almost ten times the bond that he's supposed to post by monday in new york. now, here's the bad news. >> it's not like donald trump can >> just take that stake. it's not like it's sitting in robinhood account. he could sort of just tap a button and send it over to letitia james and the new york authorities in fact, some experts are telling me that that stick is likely less liquid than his real estate holdings for a few reasons. one, deals like this. >> they have lock-up >> restrictions, >> insiders are basically agreeing not to immediately dumped their stock as soon as the ink is dry on a deal, right? that's never a good look, but it's especially bad look in this deal because donald trump isn't just the face of the company. he's arguably the product itself. so
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experts say these restrictions would likely prevent him from selling or even borrowing against this stock at least anytime soon. >> but even if he got past that hurdle this would be really hard to get a loan against because as soon as there was worried that he was going to sell, the stock would probably go down. so who would want to take that as collateral also, perhaps most importantly, experts say that trump media is really overvalued yeah talk about that a little bit more because they're all these reports that the share price, that price is being driven up. i don't want to use the word artificially, but being driven up here, this is a show some media company that's losing users. >> it is. so this company is burning through cash. it's piling up losses in the third quarter. it lost 26 million generated revenue of just one million. and yet it's got this valuation in the billions. it doesn't really make any sense. truth, social itself is shrinking the monthly active users down 39% year over year
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one professor told me that, quote, the stock price this is clearly a bubble. another told me that at this point it's basically a meme stock, so listen. yes, this is a financial wind for donald trump, but no, it does not look like the golden parachute that he really needs right now. no, although $3 on paper still pretty good, not bad. a lot of us would take it, maddie, and thank you very much for joining us now for more on this as cnn senior legal analyst and former assistant us attorney for the southern district of new york, elie honig le let's jump off of what john amount we're talking about this truth social sale likely to go through if you're ranking trump's options to come up with the money that he needs by monday. how does this rank >> it's a b minus for trump because it looks good on paper, as matt said by the end of the day, donald trump could be worth several billion dollars more. but the problem is all about timing here, kate, because in all likelihood, donald trump's shares are going to be locked up for six
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months, meaning he can't sell them off until six months are now. now, there is a possibility he could go to the shareholders and asked for a waiver, asked for special permission to sell off some of them early so that may give him a way around this. so he's going to be much richer, likely by the end of the day on paper. but the question is, when can you turn that into cash? >> right? so how are the other options then looking as he gets closer to the monday deadline >> so two big things that we should be watching for today. number one, does donald trump come up with some sort of cash infusion, whether through truth, social, through a donor, through some benefactor, through a friend, through who knows what means the other thing we need to watch for is the appellate division. remember donald trump went to that court of appeals earlier this week and asked them to either delay or reduce the amount of the bond. now, appeals courts do do that. sometimes they have the power to do that. it's hard to know how often they do it. there's no real data available, but there are certainly examples so of appeals courts coming in and
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reducing bonds by 50, 60, 80%. so we've not heard get from the appeals court and we could hear from them at any moment today. >> so we can actually really can stand by to see if maybe we get some more information on that. at some point today. >> how does all of >> this impact his appeals? i i'm kind of turned around on all of this. i think >> i am glad you asked that question, because i think there's a lot of misunderstanding yes. donald trump can still appeal no matter what the bond does not impact his appeal rights he has the right to appeal the case itself, and he will appeal it. here's the difference >> if he >> posts a bond, the attorney general cannot start collecting the judgment until the appeal is over. we're talking months or years from now if he does not post the bond, however, the attorney general can start collecting on monday, so we may have simon hello, tiniest, donald trump appealing and the attorney general starting to collect on the amount of the
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judgment. so that's the difference. the ban matters a lot here, but yes, he can appeal with or without a bond >> let's turn to georgia. the judge there we know, ruled that the district attorney, fani willis, can stay on the case. we learned that right here on the show. she is now pushing forward with a goal of getting trump on trial before the november election. we have reporting that she intends to ask the judge for trial start. maybe the summer. do you think that's possible? >> no. that's not going to happen. and the da has to know that the da's most recent asc of the judge was to start trial in august even if that happens, even if the judge says sure, we'll start in august, they're going to still be picking a jury come november caused me election day so i think the de herself has acknowledged that if we start in august, as i'm asking, this trial is going to carry into 2025. that is just not a realistic ask. i think it's posturing by the da. she wants to put out this perception of i'm ready to go. she knows darn well, there's no way this case this is going to start in august. there's no way this case results in a verdict
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before the election. >> you mentioned the jury, john's book to ashleigh merchant, the defense attorney, who led the effort to disqualify fani willis. she represents one of the co-defendants. she thinks summer is not possible, and she also said this about jury selection to john >> we're going to have to find jurors who have not already made up their mind. there's no way we're going find jurors that don't know about this case. there's no way that they're not going to already have some type of an opinion the question is gonna be whether or not they can put that aside and be fair and impartial. it's going to take a very long amount of time >> when it comes to jury selection. do you agree >> she's exactly right. the goal is not to find 12 jurors who have never heard of the defendant. that would be impossible in this case. it's the fine 12 jurors who can be fair, but the trick for lawyers on both sides here and i've been through jury election many, many times. is do you believe what the jurors are telling you? sometimes you'll have a potential juror who will say yes, i can be fairly the partial, but you don't believe them either way and there's no science to that. it's really an
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art you have limited information about the potential jurors, and sometimes you just have to rely on your gut instinct and say, i like this juror or i don't for our side, so jury selection is going to take a long time in any of these for trump cases. and it's going to be complex and it's going to be the whole ballgame. kate. >> so fascinating, great to see you really >> thank you. >> john >> are happening now, secretary of state antony blinken is meeting with the war cabinet until a v, we believe these kidneys are still going on. he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu earlier. cia director bill burns is in doha where he is expected to join hostage talks and meet with regional counterparts. all of this comes ahead of a vote at the united nations security council on a us sponsored resolution calling calling for an immediate ceasefire. cnn's state department report or jennifer hansler is with us now. a lot going on at the same time, jennifer >> absolutely. john, we're just seeing this flurry of activity aimed at putting an end to this suffering in gaza, securing this immediate ceasefire and
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the release of the hostages and deterring this military campaign into rafah that netanyahu has vowed to carry out. so this morning we saw secretary blinken arrive in tel-aviv. he has been there are numerous times since october 7, and he was expected to continue these tough khan rivera's stations with the israeli government, among the things we expected him to raise is the need for more aid to get into the strip even without a ceasefire. he said yesterday that israel needs to do more that there had been some improvements in the aid getting and but it is not enough and he stressed that 100% of the population in gaza is experiencing acute food insecurity security at the same time, he was also expected to bring up this prospect of an invasion into rafah by the israeli military. this is something the us does not approve of. blinken said they would not support it, and he has some really tough words in a press conference yesterday about this potential military offensive so into rafah, take a
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listen on rafah >> again >> we've been very clear. president biden has been very clear that a major ground operation in rafah would be a mistake and something that we can't support there is no place for the many civilians who are masked and gaza in rafah, excuse me to go to get out of harm's way and for those that would inevitably remain it would it would be a humanitarian disaster so his conversations and israel today, we'll come ahead of meetings in washington, dc between us and israeli officials to discuss >> alternatives to that offensive at the same time, these talks talks in doha, we expect to get underway to continue to try to narrow these gaps in a deal to get an immediate ceasefire and get the release of the heart hostages. >> and in >> complement and complement to that in new york in just a few
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hours, we expect the us to put forward their own un security council proposal, which will we call for an immediate ceasefire and the release of those hostages to support that diplomacy on the ground, john. >> all right. jennifer hansler, i know you've a lot of reporting. are you let us know when there are developments. thank you so much. kate. >> so still have for us. it's being called the largest attack ever on ukraine's energy grid. we have new details on what happened in ukraine overnight. >> and new cnn polling with a new look at two key battleground states today. one key data points, how many voters are still open to changing their minds? cnn's original series curious vegas, the story of the story of sin city is out with a new episode on sunday, 10:00 p.m. eastern and pacific. here's a brief it's the first time i've ever been in vegas. >> so >> i'm curious to see. i'm going to really enjoy the salaries were actually ridiculous i remember dolly parton was playing. tighter
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>> as a part of it, at least three people are dead and over 1 million are without power. and that's just some of the early assessments that were getting in from ukraine right now seen as fred pleitgen gathering more details on this, he's joining us now, fred are the attacks over what's the latest at your hearing? >> i think it was very hard to tell whether the attacks are completely over. and also one of the things that we've been seeing over the past couple of days that the russians appear to have stepped up their attacks on ukrainian infrastructure. you, there was a big attack that took place yesterday on the ukrainian capital on key of the ukrainians, they're saying they managed to shoot down 31 russian missiles. but this attack that we saw in the early morning hours of today was a whole lot larger. the ukrainians are saying the russians fired 100 missiles and drones towards many ukrainian cities and other suburban areas as well. the ukrainian say they mentioned take down 92 of these
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missiles and drones, but obviously some of them very much got through. we just saw that video there that apparently was the russians striking a major hydroelectric power plant in ukraine. and that's something that the residents on the ground had to deal with so far, we have confirmed that several people that have been killed on the ground, obviously scores of people have been injured as well. but the big thing is, is that about a million people in ukraine are without power also in some of these areas that are close to the border with russia, there's a lot of people who are even without water for as well. and you can see on the map that we have up right now, just some of the places in ukraine that have been hit and you can see that this was a sustained missile barrage by the russians that happened over large parts of ukraine and caused a lot of damage. they're one of the new things that i actually have for you just in the last couple of minutes is the russians have come out that pence ministry and said that yes, they were behind these attacks that took place. they claim that they hit energy infrastructure, which is what the ukrainians are saying as well. they also see if they hit military targets. obviously, the ukrainians not
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commenting on that, but we are seeing a big uptick especially over the past couple of days of russian missile attacks on ukraine cranial infrastructure came yeah, fred, thank you >> so much. we're going to get stay close to friday is trying to gather more details from inside ukraine force. thank you so much for >> john. >> right this morning, new cnn polling gives us a snapshot of two critical swing states that flip from red to blue in 2020 after being blue before that in pennsylvania, you can see right there it's a dead heat between president biden and donald trump in michigan, which was crucial to biden's 2020 win. donald trump leads by eight points. now with us former democratic presidential candidate, former dnc chair, former governor howard dean and cnn senior political commentator and former trump campaign adviser, david urban governor de, i want to start with you and i want to look at the question of issues in michigan just to show people where president biden is trailing donald trump right now when it's just about on everything get that in michigan, which candidate would
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better handle that issue if elected? donald trump with huge leads on the economy and immigration is real gaza hugely even leads on who would better handled in the united states. and guy who tried to overturn the results of an election in 2020 ahead on that, albeit only by two points. and even on abortion, joe biden's lead is only eight points. so governor dean what has gone wrong in michigan so far, and how does the biden campaign fix it? >> it's very hard to say. and there have been so many polls. this is a bit of an outlier actually, i haven't seen another poll in michigan. it looks much like this at all. so the aza is who knows? >> i don't >> you know, we have seven months to the election a long way to go and i just i find it hard to believe actually these numbers i do think however, that michigan is affected by the gaza war. and i do see the president moving to a much more neutral stance on this is that instead of the usual pro-israel
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position, a's now understanding that when you kill 30,000 women and children, probably you can't be be entirely pro-israel on this one. and that's really in keeping with what's happening in america as a whole because of netanyahu, who has really poisoned the relationship between israel and the united states i will say this i don't know how much of an outlier this poll i haven't seen a poll from michigan that shows president biden leading their lately, i haven't >> dug into the underlying numbers there. but but these issue numbers are tough for him there. david, i want to put up because we also asked in both pennsylvania and michigan if you had a third party candidate in some cases for parties how they would do and in pennsylvania, if we can put these numbers up on the screen, robert kennedy jr. your sub take my word for it, gets 16% of the vote. okay, that's michigan, 18 for robert kennedy jr. in pennsylvania is 16% that's a big number for a third-party candidate that's like ross perot in 1992. number
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for that, it doesn't necessarily change who's leading and by how much. but what is the size of that number tell you? >> well listen >> it not surprisingly, john, as you is you talked about in many polls show there's a great discontent about both candidates on the ballot, right? neither >> a lot of people poll after poll showed that 70% of population don't want to see this, this match up. and so this gives them an exit ramp to vote for somebody else and look robert f. kennedy jr. is an attractive candidate for many folks right? on the left and on the right he draws more so from the democratic base, i think he's got the kennedy name and some of the ideas i think so. poll after poll does show that he steals more votes from democrats than republicans. but governor deans earlier point these numbers are not good if you're joe biden and right after state of the union, we
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heard, wow, this is great. there's big bounce state of the union. he's out, we're running strong now. things are going to change and nothing's changed. the job disapproval numbers in this poll, john are terrible in both pennsylvania and and michigan for president biden, they haven't gotten any better. he had 60% unfavorable and pennsylvania i mean, job disapproval rating 60% of people think he's doing a bad job, like you said, donald trump is ahead. i could tell you in 2016 when i ran the race in pencil silvana, we were we were eight points down at best, eight points, and we want okay, so for tighter ahead in these states, that's devastating for the biden administration, devastating and the term this narrative around this quick time, it's gonna be very big challenge for the democrats. >> i will say in pennsylvania, there are signs and the underlying numbers that president biden is starting to put his winning coalition back together there we'll see if that continues to trend in that direction. gatera, i want to ask you about some of the rhetoric we've heard from president biden on the campaign
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trail the last few days, we're going to report very shortly. we're going to update people on where things stand in the new york civil fraud trial. it's got to come up with half $1 billion well, there's by monday or risk the seizure of his properties. but president biden referred to donald trump as broke dawn on the campaign trail. i wonder how effective you think that line will be? >> i don't know. i mean, who knows they'll try a million different things between now and november i do think that a settlement with half 1 billion coming out of trump's hide and having his properties seeds are more likely attached is a problem for trump. i think people are gonna get sick of trump again. and i really be very surprised if these numbers hold up. trump is just toxic and the people who love them really love them with a lot of people, right now who are saying they're not going to vote for joe biden, who are going to end up voting for joe
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biden because trump has just an unthinkable alternatives. i will say the polls in michigan, pennsylvania both show that most people say they're voting on the issue of donald trump. either they're voting for him because of donald trump, or they're voting for president biden because donald trump david are very quickly as someone who's been involved in the republican party politics for awhile, we've learned from imitation to this giant trump fundraiser that as part of this fundraising agreement with the rnc, there is sort of a ladder of where the money goes when you donate to that joint group. number one is to the trump campaign number two is to the save america pac, which is paying donald trump's legal bills, right now, it only after that, only after that the republican national committee gets the money there how do you feel about that? about the, about the party one party money gone his legal bills go ahead >> yeah. so it's listen, john, it's at mar-a-lago. it's gonna be a big event. the president's headlining it, but it's not just clearly all her money. it's all the money that's going to be go into him going forward. is that
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agreement? >> john? so i don't think that donors have you asked if we polled if you said would you would you care this money goes to support donald trump's legal fees. i think they'd say not just yeah. hell, yeah, of course. i think they see this as part of the campaign. john they see it. is that the law fair that's going on taking place. i think they say it is just part of extension of the democratic party there. they're happy to pay to keep donald chubb a float. and in this fight david urban, governor howard dean, great to see both you this morning. thank you very, very much. >> a >> new our of cnn news central starts right now donald trump has just three days to find nearly half $1 billion. he's raging about it on social media while you were sleeping. and could that social media plan? from now become his last-minute hail mary? a rush of migrants breaking through a border fence and texas hundreds arrested after breaching


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