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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  March 25, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> hayden christiansen, the actor you saw there, flip the switch at the top of the empire state building turning that building cif read it's really kick off the star wars takeover of the empire state, building. star wars has been a very important part of my life. it was a real pleasure to get to be here and see this amazing show that. >> so thank you >> we did cars, we did star wars. it's all my favourite thing. this morning guys. thank you so much for being with me today. i really appreciate your time and i want to thank all of you as well. all for joining us on this monday morning. you'll come back tomorrow. >> don't go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now
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>> bank accounts frozen, property seized by the end of today, this could be a reality for donald trump. in this doesn't even cover the case. it could land him in jail. we have special coverage. yes, it unfolds >> and a republican revolt on two fronts. senator lisa murkowski says she's done with donald trump and could leave the gop entirely. and in the house. >> where >> does marjorie taylor? for greens plan to oust speaker mike johnson stand today? >> also >> for men in custody and charged with terrorism. after russia's worst terror attack decades, more than 130 people are dead. and this morning, we're learning new details about the plot kate bolduan is out today. i'm sarah side or john berman this is cnn news central >> this morning >> it is about to get very real
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for donald trump. and perhaps very expensive two cases, et key pivot points one case could land him in jail, the other could cost him chunks of his business empire starting at any point today, very shortly, trump is expected to be in a new york courtroom for a hearing and his hush money trial involving adult film actress stormy daniels. this is a criminal case with criminal consequences the proceedings today could set a trial date for as soon as mid april. today is also the deadline for trump to produce nearly half a billion in bond payment and his civil fraud trial, he lost. if he does not come up with the money, the attorney general in new york is prepared to begin freezing his bank accounts and seizing his properties. this could happen at any moment today and on social media and you can see it's already getting under trump skin cnn's kristen holmes is outside the court here in new york city. this is where trump will physically be today in the criminal case, but you get a sense his heart is with the money elsewhere, kristen?
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>> yeah, john, absolutely. any look, he's facing two and threats today. one legal one financial, and somewhat legal. it is that financial asked fact that is clearly consuming him. you saw that post on social media and we know from behind the scenes it's something that he has been obsessing over this need to post this nearly half 1 billion bond. but let's start with that first one. that legal that courtroom behind me because today, if you'll remember, was supposed to be the first day of his criminal trial in new york. he is facing 34 charges here in the alleged business fraud covering up an alleged affair with stormy daniels and adult film star. he is thought to be in court. he was supposed to be here instead, his lawyers will be arguing for later think the postponement and possibly even to dismiss the trial. although that seems highly unlikely, and i'll remind you that all of this happening because we saw them turn the prosecutors turned over we're about hundreds of thousands of documents. trump's lawyers. no surprise seeking to delay to
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postpone saying they needed time to go through all of these various documents and surprisingly, the prosecutors, the just attorney, agreeing to that to at least 30 days saying that the trial would be postponed to at least april 15. so he could walk out of here with an actual trial date and john, one of the goals here, the gold we have seen over and over again from trump's legal team's is to delay, delay, delay their hope is that not one single trial will happen before the november election. however, they know that it's possible that this one will happen, but they do believe that it's easiest to paint this trial. you're in new york as political. now, let's talk about the money, because that is what is consuming donald trump. he has been talking about it behind the scenes. non-stop end. we still have no indication that he's going to be able to post that half 1 billion bond. and as we have said, as you mentioned, if he does not meet that deadline today attorney general has said that she has started the steps to start seizing property
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anything any assets that he has, and we don't know that she's going to start today, but she has begun those steps. that is one thing that donald trump fears the most. this idea that people would view him as a non wealthy businessman, which goes to the core of who he is, which obviously disagrees with the visual of different assets being seen yes. john >> kristen holmes outside the court, again, watching the criminal case, the financial steps could happen at any moment. so we're watching that very closely as well. thank you so much, chris, is there. all right. joining me now, are our cnn legal analyst, former chief assistant da, and the manhattan district attorney's office karen friedman agni-v. philo and former federal prosecutor, jennifer rodgers. thank you, ladies for being here. we were just listening to christmas report. i wanted to ask you how you think things are going to unfold in the fraud case today where there is this $464,000,000 bond that is still sitting out there waiting to be paid. >> well, if we believe tish james, i think we should take her word that she's going to start moving to seize the
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assets if that bond isn't posted today. so these things take time, the money in bank accounts is the easiest thing to freeze and then ultimately sees real property is more difficult, but she's already started filing the judgments in different jurisdictions like westchester county in manhattan, where she could seize properties. so i think she'll go ahead and get that ball rolling. it's not an instantaneous is thing, there are lots of legal paperwork type steps that need to happen first, but i think she'll start doing that as she has said, she would she's indicated it in what she's doing right now, which is sort of setting the scene for potentially seizing assets karen, i will talk to you about what we've heard from donald trump in his life. players in a deposition last year, he said he had more than $400,000 in cash than last week. he bragged about having $500,000 on his truth, social account his lawyers, of course, are saying otherwise in court, what does the judge do with us? >> so i think really you have federal monitor or here a former federal judge, barbara jones, who's a monitor here, appointed by judge and goren in
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the civil fraud case and she is aware of what all of his actual numbers are and how much money he might have in bank accounts or insecurities, et cetera. so i think letitia james, the attorney general in new york, is going to have to coordinate with the court and this court monitor to actually determine what is there and what isn't there? >> that is the truth, speaking of truth, social that the truth is going to outright because the court is looking at exactly what is there what is in the accounts i want to turn now to what what could be the first criminal case and it's donald trump, anna and i'll start with you, jennifer the manhattan da, charging him with falsifying documents in connection with trying to quiet stormy daniels, the film star that said she had a sexual encounter with him is there a scenario where this gets dismissed because you have the trump attorneys, which is what attorneys would do, what a defense attorney would do, which is asked for the entire case to be thrown out. is there
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a scenario where you see this actually happening though, theoretically >> sure. i mean, the judge did say in a fairly terse ruling that if necessary, he would set a trial date after this hearing, this happening today. but what's come out since then is that these documents that were turned over, which we're really voluminous, a very small subset of that was actually new material. and of that there doesn't seem to be anything that it's exculpatory are really blockbuster in any way. so i suspect the judge will still want an explanation as to why those documents weren't turned over last year. what happened, but ultimately, i think he'll go ahead and set a trial date and it'll probably be in mid-april, so we may see this fairly soon. >> april 15th, i think it's the date that has been set by the judge. but you do have this hundred thousand pages of documents from the doj that was turned over late, if you will, and they've had them for a very long time and trump's attorneys have had a couple of weeks go over them. what else could they argue to try and delay this further? because one thing they're trying to do is get it dismissed. the other thing you're trying to do is delay until after the election.
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>> well, the other thing that's happening right now is there waiting for the supreme court to determine the presidential immunity argument? and that happens to be starting the oral arguments april 25th, right the only a little more than a week away from when this trial is supposed to begin. so he could argue, why don't we wait for that decision since he is also claiming that presidential immunity in the manhattan da case as well. so he could try that, which he has already tried to seek delay. he will argue as jennifer says, that certain pieces of material that was turned over was exculpatory and therefore, there should be some sort of punishment or sanction on the manhattan da's office. so i think we're going to expect they're going to make all the typical arguments to try to get delay. but judge, more shawn is an experienced judge, so i don't think he's going to allow his legal team to get away with that >> karen anopheline. thank you so much, as well as jennifer rodgers. appreciate you both coming on and kind of walking us through these two two huge cases that he's facing all
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happening beginning today or at john, quite possible breakthrough and hostage talks is real agrees to a us proposal that would see 40 israeli hostages released hamas could respond at any or republican senators says, she is done with donald trump and will not rule out leaving the party. and new accusations that the force suspects charged and the deadly moscow terror attack may have been tortured by russian authorities >> i've been the world with my music. now, i want to focus on what's happening to our planet in >> carbon. a cnn films sunday, april 21 at power ea trades award winning trading app makes trading easier with its customizable options chain, easy to use tools and pay for trading to help sharpen your skills. you can stay on top of the model i get from wherever you are. etrade, from morgan stanley power, etrade, easy to use tools may complex trading, less complicated, custom scans
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israel has agreed to a us proposal for a deal that would lead to the release of hostages in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners the world is now waiting for hamas to respond under the proposed deal is real really 700 palestinian prisoners, some of whom are serving life sentences for killing israelis. hamas would release 40 hostages possibly including some americans see it as paula hand cox is in doha where the talks have been taking place. paula was the latest >> well, john, as you say at this point, we're waiting for some kind of response to this potential cantor for now what we've heard from cnn analyst barak ravid, citing israeli government sources, is that this could take a few days now for a a proposal or an answer to come from hamas saying that the person in charge, yahya sinwar, is likely about 100 feet under the ground and the tunneling gaza. so to get them the response from him, we'll take time. now we are hearing a lot of leaks, a lot of sources
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talking from the israeli side clearly the israeli government is under pressure and internationally to try and push this deal forward. so what we have heard is just ten days ago, hamas suggesting that their counter proposal was between 701,000 palestinian prisoners to be released. so this us proposal, 700, it's within that range and of course, it's not just the number of isn't those released its which prisoners. and this proposal suggesting there would be one who are serving life sentences at this point for having killed israeli citizens since now, it's important to note as well, this is just one part of one phase of the overall potential ceasefire deal that is being worked out. we're hearing from one source code there's to the talks that there is steady progress, but there are still differences that remain a diplomat whose been briefed on this talk also telling us that there are other issues that have to be hammered it at this point. for example,
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what happens to the israeli military in gaza once there is a ceasefire, hamas has made it clear that they would like the israeli military the tree to be outside of gaza when that happens, israel has made it clear that that is not possible. we have heard consistently from the israeli prime minister that they want to still oh, carry out this major ground offensive in raffa. so at this point, the palestinian prisoner issue is a key element of this but worth remembering, this is just one small part of an overall deal, john. >> yeah. understood. in the meantime waiting for hamas to respond, paul talks in doha. thank you, paula. >> sir. all right. still ahead. a walk back on the latest attempt to oust house speaker mike johnson but he isn't feeling a full sigh of relief and call off the search for cinderella, the team's officially making the sweet 16 cut and the underdoggs, hoping for another upset
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to trust your experts at true green. go online today. >> harbor sola alvarez at the white house and this is cnn representative marjorie taylor-greene seems to be backing off her call to oust house speaker mike johnson. she hinted she may not forced the vote over it plus, you have this the pressure on johnson to bring the ukraine aid bill up for a vote which could happen after easter recess. and now the house gop's razor-thin majority is getting even smaller. cnn washington correspondents, sunlen sephardi as joining me now, congressman mike gallagher has announced now that he's resigning earlier than expected. we also this is the second person in the last three weeks. i mean, where do things stand right now?
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>> yes, era, this is certainly a very precarious moment for house republicans. and specifically for speaker johnson himself. one member warning over the weekend that this chaos and this infighting that we seen as going to cost them in an election year. now, when they come back to washington in two weeks speaker johnson will face a major her decision on ukraine that is going to just shine a bright spotlight on the problems that he's facing within his party. you have hardliners on the right. they are adamantly opposed to this bill. they're just going to ramp up the pressure on him. and that's threat. of course, from marjorie taylor greene of removing him. that also wanting him as well. here's how one member put it this weekend >> his commitment is to put it on the floor after easter and we are working on this bill as soon as you all come back, april 9 i would like to be done as soon as possible. i need the situation ukraine is dire now
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at the same time, johnson is seen his majority in the house dring, as you noticed congressman gallagher of wisconsin, >> he announced his retirement last week. that leaves johnson with only one vote to spare to get measures passed along party lines. that means it will be much more difficult for him to rely on republican votes that he needs. so he'll have to work with democrats even more and sarah, as we saw with how the spending bill got passed, ultimately ultimately republicans on the right, we're so dissatisfied with how he negotiated with democrats. so this is something especially now that majority is even smaller that's just going to be hanging over him >> i'm curious. mergers, retailer greens sort of call to oust johnson will congress have to address that when they return from recess? >> at some point, they will expect that when they come back into weeks, we will see some members of that again, you
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know, she did as you noted back off that a bit this weekend saying, oh, this is something that i potentially would do, but it's not imminent we might see democrats forced to try to kill her effort to do that, there will be some theatrical around that likely when congress comes back into weeks. but most motor notably, it is a warning shot to speaker johnson and he will have to respond to that. and as we see this ukraine bill come up, how he responds to that will be because in part of this threat that's looming large over his head about some wing of his party wanting to get him out of there. so there'll be watching each and every move. is there felons >> 40. thank you so much for your reporting >> we are standing by frankly, donald trump is standing by to see if his bank accounts or frozen property sees he has yet to come up with half 1 billion. he needs to cover the bond in the civil fraud trial, he lost. >> we have >> special coverage and then kevin bacon is going to prom,
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. better, changed my life. >> check your eligibility in minutes at get light and >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that can ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved. >> space shuttle columbia. he final flight or mere sunday, april 7 at nine on cnn very soon now, donald trump will head to a courthouse in new york as he faces a pivotal day in two major legal cases against him today, a >> judge could set a trial date and trump's hush money case, potentially the first and only criminal trial that could begin before the november election.
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and today is also the deadline for for the former president to post that $464 million bond. in the civil fraud judgment against him. if trump cannot pay new york attorney general, letitia james could begin freezing his account and seizing his assets overnight. trump posted on truth social claiming his bond was set at more than $450 million because he has a similar amount in his bank account saying he had quote, intended to use much of that hard-earned money to run for president joining us. now cnn's katelyn polantz and a lot of treene, a lot of we're going to start with you. how are you, what are you hearing about the thinking behind the scenes as he faces these two cases colliding in new york today right? >> well, sarah, the dueling threats, both in the same day, in the same city really underscore some of donald trump's longest and greatest fears, which has won a potential criminal conviction.
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and also the public perception that he does not have as much cash as he claims. now, the new york attorney general, civil fraud case is one that has struck a particularly sensitive cord with the former president. and we saw him air some of those grievances and public last night when he posted on truth social criticizing fox news is coverage of this. i'm going to just quickly read for you some of wrote what he wrote. he said, quote, don't like the way fox news is reporting the latina it should james election interference scam. they don't want to discuss how ridiculous the corrupt judge is. fine of $400 is it should be zero. the posts went on to say that these are not the people that made america great. these are the people that are destroying america. now sarah, part of the reason that this is so personal to donald trump, and we've reported this throughout the coverage of the civil fraud case is that it strikes at the core of who he is, which is a wealthy businessman. he was a businessman before he became a politician and he's really for several years has been able to avoid, despite being caught up
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in legal entanglements with his real estate empire. he's been able to avoid this specific scenario. now the other part of it, again, is the public perception that he does not have enough liquid cash on his own to put up enough money for this bond. and that's something he's wanted to avoid as for the criminal the new york hush money trial that he is going to be attending that hearing for today, despite donald trump and his team using these four different indictments really successfully to fundraise and galvanize his republican base around him donald trump himself has personally said that it hurts him. he's told reporters that he does not want to be indicted, that despite what they are saying publicly, this is not something that he wants. and at the same time they are concerned about a potential criminal conviction. this is the first expected trial that he will have this year. and any of his indictments and so of course, it is concerning, but at the same time, his legal team does believe that this is the case that is the least threatening to him that they can you know, the new york hush
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money case, this case in new york is not as potentially damaging to him as some of the other indictments. so that's another way to look at this as well, sarah >> okay. elaine, i'm going to switch over now to kaitlan to give us some sense of what we might see when it comes to this bond hearing. what we might hear and see today as donald trump enters, that courtroom well, sarah, when the bonds situation, it is on the new york attorney general's office to collect. they one, this lawsuit against >> donald trump and the judgment becomes solidified in court today. they're going to have to go and seize assets, put liens on properties, try and lock down bank accounts and maybe even try and find other assets that donald trump has so that they can get the $464 million that they are owed now in court. now, this all takes time. it doesn't happen overnight, it doesn't happen just in one day. there can be court fights over it, but it
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does mean that the judgment would come in today and donald trump would have to pay it somehow. and the new york attorney general can do what they can to collect it. now that's what we'll be moving and it will be in the mind of the attorney general, letitia james today as that judgment comes in, but there's is the possibility of a lifeline out there for donald trump. he has asked an appeals court to either lower the bond amount, he would have to post in order to continue appealing or just have the courts recognize that he's wealthy enough. he doesn't need to post bond at all. we're going to see if the appeals court comes through as well on this, which of course they could as soon as today well he has said on truth, social that he has the money we will see what happens in court. anything could go down at this point. i thank you so much. katelyn polantz and two are alayna treene as well. >> john, look, we don't know if in when the appeals court rule rule we don't know how or when the attorney pretty general logistic genes would start freezing bank accounts or
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seizing assets. that's what makes today. so interesting and unusual with this now former white house spokesman for president george w bush, pete see also former white house aide to president bill clinton, keith boy can donald trump doesn't like to lose money. but what are the politics surrounding it today? what do you think how would you think it will be viewed if his bank accounts or suddenly frozen? >> well, i think it could easily be viewed as petty. if the attorney general starts seizing assets, if she starts going after mar-a-lago and trump tower and and maybe even trump force 1. she could literally ground donald trump on the campaign trail and potentially forcing him to fly commercial but the campaign, the trump campaign, is leaning into this. if my email inbox is any indication over the past 24 hours, i've gotten six fundraising solicitations about trump tower alone with subject
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lines like keep your hands off trump tower for annual, never get trump tower. and my favorite one, trump tower will live forever. >> the campaign. the >> former president obviously feels very personally about this, but the campaign is trying to turn it into a short-term political advantage. >> keith, you believe it's a political advantage, do you buy that >> well, yeah, of course, it is a political advantage for donald trump and his supporters. but for no one else. and the conscious world is it a positive thing for our candidate for president united states throughout a half $1,000,000,000 judgment against him that he can't pay to be insulted publicly. people were calling him don poorly on on online to have the idea that this guy has his, as his university shut down and find, is that his foundation shut down and find he's had his business convicted of 17 felonies is cfo incarcerated. he's had his his lawyer in prison then and now here he is himself after having six
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bankruptcies before he comes into office in two impeachments since he gave me an office >> now he has a >> half $1,000,000,000 judgment that it can't meet in court today. no one in the conscious world would take this seriously, except for the people who live in the cult of donald trump's world lisa murkowski doesn't live in that world or doesn't want to live in that world anymore. p, the republican senator from alaska over the weekend spoke to our manu raju. and let me just read you a clip from from what monte reported the veteran alaska republican is done with the former president and said she absolutely would not vote for for him, pressed on if that meant she might become an independent murkowski said i am navigating my way through some very interesting political times. let's just leave it at that. >> now, >> i know murkowski is seen as more moderate than almost any republican senate, senator pete, but still it's significant, or how significant is it when you have republican center willing to go front and
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center and say this you have several senators that have said this in the last several days. they either are not running for reelection or won't be on the ballot until 2028. so they have some political cover to come out and publicly say they won't support or vote for the former president. but i think at lisa murkowski is case. this is not necessarily new in the aftermath of january 6, she said that a publicly said that she was grappling with whether or not there was a place for her in the republican party moving forward, but for the balance it's of power in the senate is what really matters here. and my question is, okay, if she leaves the republican party and becomes an independent, does she remain caucusing? does she still caucus with the republican party? and if she does, then we're status quo and it doesn't really make that much of a difference. >> does she do a jim gee efforts? who when he left the republican party back in 2001, started caucusing with the democrats, or does she do a
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kyrsten sinema who continued to go along with the party that she loved keith. if your senate majority leader, chuck schumer, what are you offering? lisa murkowski right now? >> it's good question. john. and i think that right now schumer is probably trying to figure out how we can get get lisa murkowski on his side. but i don't know if if she has a political future in the republican party in alaska, if she is she's a democrat. so i think maybe she's better off being an independent where she does caucus with the democrats from time to time, or maybe she doesn't have to make an alignment. so i think maybe chuck schumer could probably offer some sort of committee assignment or offer her some sort of legislation that she might want, but but she's not the only one. you have vice president mike pence, just last week who say he won't endorse donald trump. i either this is unprecedented territory when we have us senators and reformer former vice presidents who were now condemning the current republican presidential presumptive nominee keith.
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>> we have some reporting from axios that i love to put up on the screen that has to do with how the biden campaign is approaching the campaign of robert kennedy jr. this is what axios said president biden steam is so worried about robert f. kennedy jr. is potential impact on the election that it's built an entire operation dedicated to attacking kennedy a, how concerned you think the biden campaign should be in b is attacking him the right way to handle it >> that's good question. i actually did not know about this until now, and so i have to say that i don't think it's a smart move to spend a lot of energy attacking robert f. kennedy jr. i think he's probably a marginal okay. no, i don't think he has a big impact on the election. i don't know. i don't know if i heard any democrat who's seriously considering voting for rfk junior, i think the more he talks, the more people know about them, the less likely he becomes to be an appealing candidate for democrats. so i think it's wise for them not to not to take, not too ignore this threat, but i wouldn't take it so
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seriously that they began attacking him. >> well, first of all, i like the fact that we're giving you new information. that's what we're here for >> the people. what do you think about this? >> well, i think the biden campaign is seeing threats from a lot of different directions. there is reporting that they might start moving to florida to try and capture that state because they're seeing battleground states like michigan go donald trump's way. so they have to expand the map for biden to win as it stands today. but when you have an election that's going to be as close as we expect this election to be even a handful of votes going to rfk junior could make the difference. so they have to look at this very, very seriously. >> look, he's >> pulling and ross perot territory right now, not jill stein territory. i mean, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of votes, not single thousand. so that's what makes it potentially dangerous for the biden campaign. pc keith blinken. thank you. both great to see you. sir. >> all right, john, you have to stay around for this because it's time for some good stuff
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this morning, a utah high school asking kevin bacon to prom and he said, sure. but it's not just any high school. it's pace in high school where bacon's iconic 1984 movie footloose was filmed. john used to dance to this a lot. >> what do mean used to? >> he's still doing right now. i'm all right, folks, were of course, the plot centers around getting a dancing ban removed. justin time for the prom based in high school, is relocating at the end of the summer for the students thought it'd be really cool. they started a social media campaign to get kevin bacon to attend their final dance here's the moment. he broke the >> news to them. >> thank you. thank you. >> and i'm going to come i got a gun that's so cool. >> they can they not actually
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appear at the dance >> itself, but he will be at the school that day. the dance is set for april 20. you know that six degrees of kevin bacon, it's now zero at this school. i love it all right, still ahead. that's so funny. i just want to dance out the rest of the segment. i mean, this is, this is a little bit concerning here but still had their snow ice, wind blizzard warnings dangerous, severe storms. the calendar says spring, but the weather says otherwise our forecast is coming up in just a also some new accusations men charged with the horrific terror attack in moscow, the killed more than 130 people, have been tortured in russia, in russian custody we will here so what moscow has said up that good stuff brought to you by the farmers dog, real fresh pet food delivered long-lived dogs
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>> that do >> so this morning we all most saw the first number one seed go down almost carroll amino is with us right now, march madness, not complete man is just sort of moderate madness so far, carolyn, that's right. i know you have your dancing shoes on. you beginning footloose all morning. that's more than the cinderella can say, houston has been one of the best teams in the country all season, but texas a&m push them per 40 minutes and then some last night, this is fantastic. the cougars were up by 12 of two minutes to go before the aggies 1 on a run for the ages, wave taylor draining a long two to cut the lead to single digits and a couple of possessions later, he hits a three and all of a sudden you got a five-point game on your hands. now, one position game, one second left
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anderson garcia inserting himself into aggie law. the buzzer beater from deep forcing overtime, the senior from the dominican republic coming up so clutch but houston was able to really hunker down in the extra period. jamal shed nice little baby hook with 30 seconds to go ceiling the wind is the cougar survive 100 to 95 advancing to their fifth-straight sweet 16. unfortunately, the clock did strike midnight on the cinderella is at this year's big dance with grand canyon james madison and gayle losing to alabama duquesne, san diego state, respectively yesterday. so that sets up a championship game rematch with the aztecs and the huskies meeting in the sweet 16. and you can watch a thursday on our sister channels, tbs& trutv in the women's tournament, which does continue today, we had another overtime thriller late on the west coast in case you missed is this 17 seed iowa state on the road in palo alto against number to stanford. and senior emily ryan had a career high 36
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points for the cyclone, sitting at three to put them up in overtime. but kiki iriafen did are one better junior scoring 41, a new career high for her and incredible night 30 seconds to play in this game. and who else would add brown draining the three to give iowa state the one point lead. but the cardinal would not be toppled. brooke dmitry delivering a final blow, answering with the three of her own is stanford holds on and 87 to 81, the final kim mulkey is lsu squad also surviving a first half scare against middle tennessee state that third seeded tigers trailed at the half look a little dire than they were able to turn it on. lsu going on a 3098 run during the third and fourth quarters to put that one away and enhance. so we've got eight more games. this march, monday, including iowa and caitlin clark playing her final game at home as the hawkeyes take on west virginia at eight eastern the stage is set. i'm sure millions we'll be watching me, especially hi million and one. >> look, hate >> to see yale go down
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>> those ivy league kids. they share can't catch a break caroline, man. oh, thank you very much sarah. >> all right. we know why you said at john, i'm not bringing up the schools, ivy league brackets busted my brackets were broken the beginning like it's like they never even i fixed 64 teams barely already been in the turn. okay. well, that's problematic, but the games are so much and i can't wait to see caitlin clark playing all right. >> i'll tell you what else is blasted. the weather, you have blizzard warnings from colorado to minnesota, then in parts of the southeast, texas and even up to nebraska, 25 million people are in the path of severe storms maybe even some tornadoes, a lot going on here, meteorologist derek van dam is joining us now with the very latest. it is spring that please tell me something good. this is a mess i wish i could. i mean, we've got snow blizzard conditions all the way to tornado threat. and this is what we want to highlight today if you're located in eastern louisiana or central mississippi, right near
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jackson, that's our greatest threat of severe weather today, we have a slight risk encompassing that and colluding shreveport and we knew poland's and just west of birmingham, but we're going to show you this hatched area right there. that's where the storm prediction center, including jackson has the greatest chance of ef2 tornadoes were talking about wins over 110 miles per hour. that is something we need to take very seriously. and watch off for those to fire up later this afternoon and evening once we get the date tom heating from the sun further to the north, blizzard conditions on the backside of this system drawing in the cold air, you can see the radar very busy, but still no severe weather as of yet. that's a different story though across the midwest and the planes, this is all snow and it's being whipped around by wins and of 50 miles per hour. that is why we have blue those are conditions for this area. it's going to be downright awful near duluth, minnesota, where blizzard warnings are in place across the extreme eastern sections of minnesota, right off of lake superior, could see another foot of snow again picking up
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with winds as well. you're looking at a live look in minneapolis where they've transitioned to rain, but they saw a day haley record of snowfall yesterday with over eight inches reported there. i think we've just had enough warm air to transition into rain for the morning this morning, but behind it will start to draw on the colder air and get another couple of inches on top of that very, very wet and active over the eastern third, but we have to talk about this critical fire threat as well right near the del rio value can see strong winds, gusty winds and dry air in place. so that means the potential therefore, critical fire danger with holding onto your hats across the central parts of the us, sarah, you got to check this out, wins over 50 miles per hour that's what we've got these blizzard conditions in place. >> route derek van dam, i know you'll be watching it for us. we will come back to you if there's something big happens with that, whether all right. thank you. appreciate it, john all right. kevin hart got >> emotional as he thanked his family and friends who honored him as he won the mark twain prize for american humor at the kennedy center. jerry seinfeld,
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chris rock dave chappelle, all there >> beans so much to see the people that i will show of for show up for me. in ways over dave its value >> in for me right >> now, i want you to make sure you feel that you understand that. so joel aside. thank you for showing up on a night this so dope that could not be as dope without real relationships and energy the full ceremony errors in may on netflix a fire on a carnival cruise ship, four fourths passengers together get off multiple eyewitnesses reported seeing lightning strike the ship. one passenger called the loudest thunder and lightning i have ever heard the fire was contained quickly, no guests were hurt for carnival is offered, gets a full refund and a 100% future kroos credits 137 school trill kidnapped by armed gunmen on motorcycles
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have been released in nigeria local officials were able to visit with them. the military said this was a rescue operation. the children were part of a group of around 300 who had been abducted earlier this month. sara >> all right thank you, john. today, four suspects and russia's deadliest terror attack in decades are now in custody and facing terrorism charges. they were visibly injured when they appeared before a judge over the weekend, three pled guilty isis has claimed responsibility for the massacre armed men stormed the concert hall on moscow's outskirts friday and killed at least 137 people. the four men suspected of carrying out the attack are from tajikistan and western officials say they were arrested near the russian border on saturday, cnn's matthew chance is joining me now now from outside crocus city hall where the attack happened, what have you been seeing today? i see an huge, massive flowers behind you
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that's right. >> it seems that floral tributes and memorials have become something of a feature of russian life at the moment. i mean, last month it was flowers for navalny's last year. you remember? it was for the wagner leader? if guinea prigozhin who died in mysterious aircraft. but now people are laying flowers for the hundred and 38 or so victims. as a result of last week's attack? at this the crocus city hall, just outside the city of moscow you see people are lighting candles. they're laying carnations and run poses, putting cuddly toys, stuffed toys as well as an act of tribute to the children that were caught up in this in this terrible incident, which as you mentioned there's been claimed by isis, but which the kremlin has attempted to link with ukraine, something ukrainian governments have categorically denied. you mentioned the suspects four of them. in fact, 11 people have been arrested, but the four suspected gunman attackers have appeared in a moscow court earlier today and
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they look absolutely brutal who's been battered, as you mentioned, they've all been charged with acts of terrorism and one of them appears to have lost an eye. another one had the remains of a plastic bag around his neck. that third one was in a wheelchair and there has been all sorts of grizzly video that's emerged on social media channels. basically showing a very brutal interrogation of these individuals. the kremlin critic clearly trying to show for the russian authorities, clearly trying to the that it is taking this threat, which of course it ignored when it was given the intelligence essentially by the united states for several months, it seems these now taking that thread incredibly seriously, sarah, i do want to ask your, has russia respondent in any way to this video and the pictures of really battered, as you mentioned, one person looks like they are missing an i have they have they said anything about about this? >> while they've been asked about it and dmitry peskov,
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who's that who's putin spokesman? basically said he wasn't going to comment on those allegations. are that ingestion of torture, but clearly that video, which has been taken by the security services, it seems actually doing the interrogation was leaked for a reason think one of the reasons for that is that the russian authorities want to make sure that what to send a message to the russian public that they're not messing around with these people? that they are taking this situation incredibly seriously and they will be ruthless in their response to it. there's even been talking the russian parliament, the russian duma about reintroducing the death penalty in this country that that law hasn't been introduced yet, but there's a serious discussion about whether the moratorium on the death penalty, which was in place since the 1990s, should be lifted. as a direct result of this attack. and so look, vladimir putin is meant to be the guarantors security for many russians at the war in ukraine. the various uprisings that, he's had to deal with as
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well. and this terrorist attack has really undermined that image that he's tried carefully to cultivate for himself >> matthew chance. thank you so much for your reporting. the next hour of cnn news central starts right now we have special coverage on a >> that could see donald trump's bank accounts frozen and his properties sees does he have the half $1 he needs to post bond in the civil fraud trial he lost. we've got new reporting just in waiting on hamas. israel agrees to a proposed exchange of hostages for prisoners. so what happens next? israeli officials head to the white house and united facing major delays as the faa digs into a string of incidents this month. i'm john berman sara sidner, kate is out today. this is cnn news central


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