tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 28, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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paul for comment. we have not yet heard back. you're looking now wolf at new affiliate video that we obtained that is sean combs gulf frame 550 executive jet. today in miami. still no public sign of the singer himself. we have not heard directly from him nor for that matter, have we heard from authorities about what, if any we think they found at those residents as wolfe and whether any of that information might result in criminal charges. >> josh >> campbell reporting. thank you very much into reviewers thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. the news continues on cnn then >> right now >> good evening. any moment now we are expecting to hear from federal safety officials with the ntsb about what sent that 95,000 ton container ship into the francis scott key bridge in baltimore, destroying the main span and killing six. construction workers just a short time ago, we heard from maryland state officials, a state police colonel delivering the grim news that divers today recovered two bodies from one
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submerged vehicle, but that the remainder in other vehicles are likely beyond recovery we have exhausted all search efforts and the areas around this this wreckage and based on sonar scans, we firmly believe but the vehicles are encased in the superstructure and concrete that we tragically saw it come down >> they also went on to say that conditions for divers under the water simply just too dangerous. so this is no longer recovery operation, he said, but its salvage effort and without divers right now in the water again, we're waiting for the ntsb to start a press conference. we expect that any moment while we're waiting, want to bring in cnn's brian todd, who joins us from the scene with more on what has developed over the last 24 hours. so what are authorities saying tonight about the collapse? >> well, anderson to reiterate what you just mentioned, that was the main piece of news
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today. the maryland superintendent of the maryland state police, colonel rolling butler, saying that they did find these two victims inside of a red pickup truck in about 25 feet of water, right by the center stanchion of the bridge at about a little before 10:00 a.m. this morning, he identified those victims as alejandro hernandez fuentes 35 years old, and dorlian castillo cabrera, 26 years old? as you mentioned, he said that this is now a salvage operation, not a recovery operation. that means that there are four people still unaccounted for and presumed dead, whose bodies have not been recovered and there's really no telling when they may be recovered because as you just said, the recovery operation is just so dangerous as bad as this looks above the surface of the epitaphs go river, it is even worse below the surface with all the tangled metal there and the weather has really turned for the worst today, anderson, it's gotten much it's more rainy and windy today. that means that the water has less visibility underneath. and
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again, there's a lot of tangled metal and concrete underwater that is extremely dangerous for those divers. we can also tell you, anderson that earlier today transport excuse me transportation secretary pete buttigieg, and a top coast guard official gave another the briefing. and secretary buttigieg basically said, we can't give you a timeline for the recovery of the port of baltimore and the rebuilding of the francis scott key bridge. but he so that is going to be a priority for the biden administration. he did say he did warn of major major disruptions in the supply chain because of this, he he said that however, the federal government has what he called multimodal freight teams that are working together with ports and terminals all over the east coast to reroute a lot of the cargo traffic in the meantime, one interesting thing anderson, again, they can't give a timeline for reconstructing the francis scott key bridge, but maryland senator ben cardin did say that they are working on a building, a floating bridge as a temporary replacement for the key bridge. so maybe at least
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some vehicular traffic can get over the floating bridge, but again, it's going to be problematic because the key bridge was the one avenue here where trucks with hazmat material could travel over going up and down the east coast. they were not allowed in the tunnels that are under the baltimore harbor because that's where most of the civilian traffic is and with the key bridge. now, of course, destroyed is a floating bridge going to be efficient to move trucks with hazmat materials that's just one of the logistical headaches here. anderson still more grim news today from both of those news conferences. >> i want to brian, i want you to stay around and again, anybody joining we are awaiting this news conference from the ntsb for the latest. also want to bring in right now maritime attorney and former merchant marine captain close luta also structural engineer, kidney, a moto and cnn's danny freeman, who has been reporting today on the workers who died as we wait for that press conference to begin, danny, let me we start with you. brian talked about two of the peoples who were
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recovered today, their bodies. what more do we know about them and those who are still missing? >> well, listen, we now know the identities of four of the six people who had been missing. and of course, like you said, and like brian said, two of those people were discovered early this morning, tragically in a car that had fallen off of the bridge, and that was submerged at the bottom of the water. brian mentioned the first gentleman was named 30 five-year-old alejandro hernandez fuentes. and the second gentleman was 26 year-old dorlian castillo cabrera, and actually had a chance to speak with a couple of people with from dorlian family earlier today, his sister-in-law told me that he absolutely loved this construction job that he had at brawner builders. his bride other when i tried to speak with him about dorlian and this was before we knew that he his body had been discovered he was in shock and he didn't want to get into a full interview, but
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said he is just in grief right now. that is all that he and his part of the flip could think about. meanwhile, dorlian, his cousin, said that he came to the states to follow the american dream and to help his mother as well. so these are the two men that we know were discovered at the bottom of the lake rather the water behind me earlier today, but instead, i'll just make a note of two of the other men whose identity we learned over the course the past 24 hours we learned about 38 year-old maynor yassir suazo sandoval. he was honduran. he was a husband. he was a father of two. his brother they're telling cnn that he was the breadwinner of the family. and then we also learned about miguel luna. he's from el salvador, a father of three and an organization and nearby by this area where he was a member of said that he'd been living in maryland, for 19 years. anderson and the one thing i'll just say just being out here speaking with family members, is that really this whole community? you can tell us rallying around these families.
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they've been multiple gofundme. is that have been set up a number of politicians have promised to make sure that they get aid. and i also spoke to the executive vice president of the company that so many of these workers worked for. and he said very clearly make no mistake, we're going to take care of these families were really, really hard day as we're learning more about these people of course, were told that this press conference may begin in about two minutes or so. so i just may have to interrupt you, but just let me ask you any is there any update on the two who survived being on the bridge >> we still are. waiting for more information. i do have a little bit though about these two survivors. the first thing is that we've been talking about all eight the people who were on this bridges members of the construction company. well, the executive vice president of the construction company actually told me that seven of those people of those eight that were on the bridge belong to that particular were workers for that company. so we're still missing a little bit of information about the eighth
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person. however, the seventh, one of the survivors he told me that basically there's a miracle that he was able to get away from this incident. and also, he said, i asked him, how did he survive, right? this is a huge drop so many people obviously still missing the evp of this company said he didn't quite know, but he believes that he may have swam and again, called it a miracle that he was able to serve provide, but he did say that he is very much in shock right now and suffering from quite a bit of stress after that incident the other day. >> let's listen in to this again, my name is jennifer homendy and i'm the chair of the national transportation safety board with me today is one of our >> newest board members, alvin brown remember alvin brown is this is his training launch and we have our investigator in charge who we call the iic, marcel muse as i mentioned, we arrived on scene yesterday at
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about 06:00 a.m. but the team came in from across the country throughout the day. it was really a day to get our bearings we set up our family assistance program and also began to develop our investigative plan and request documents that we need in order to conduct our investigation. today is really the first fold investigative day. on scene. >> we were able to board the vessel i. boarded the vessel around noon along with our marine safety team and our highway safety team. and i can talk about that in just a bit. but i want to take a moment before i discuss, are some of the factual information we've been able to identify and speak to the families on behalf of the national transportation
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safety board i just want to extend our deepest deepest condolences. you are in our thoughts and prayers. as the days, months years ahead, go forward certainly, we are focused on you our entire mission is to save lives and our aim is to prevent this from reoccurring. and we are so so very sorry for all that you, are going. through, its unimaginable and truly, we think about you throughout this investigation so as i mentioned yesterday, for those who may not be familiar, the national transportation safety board is an independent federal agency. we are charged by congress with investigating every civil aviation accident and the united states and significant events in all modes of transportation that includes
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bridge collapses and it includes marine accidents and incidents our mission is to determine why something happened. how it happened, and to prevent it from reoccurring. again, to save lives i wanted to talk a little bit about how we conduct an investigation, but i think it's really important for folks to understand that we will not analyze any of the information we are collecting. we will not provide any sort of findings, conclusions, or any safety recommendations while on scene our entire focus on scene is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs it's taking any sort of electronics or components whatever goes away once the scene is cleaned up, we need to collect that
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information for investigation when it comes to digging through inspections maintenance records that can be done when we leave right now, it's focused on the scene itself so to conduct our investigation, we work with parties to the investigation, parties to the investigation provide us technical information this is factual information that we use as part of our fact-finding so if we need bridge inspection data, we would ask say the federal highway administration or information about coast guard inspections. we would ask the coast guard so parties to the investigation or the united states coast guard maryland transportation authority the association of maryland pilots we've invited grace ocean private limited and synergy
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marine private limited, grace ocean is the owner of the vessel. and synergy is the operator of the vessel. again, these parties are part of the fact-finding. they do not conduct analysis with the ntsb. the dsb, does that independently on its own and then we do our own findings our own probable cause, and our own safety recommendations. now, in order to effectively carry out an investigation, we have experts throughout the ntsb in different areas and so we break up our investigation into groups. those groups focus on their particular areas of expertise in this safety investigation, we have a nautical operations group this group gathers evidence to document the actions taken by the vessel the procedures for the safe operation of the vessel company oversight,
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waterway management, safety management, and regulatory oversight. that group would and has collected and has asked for information on, say, duty records licensing, training they requested the cruelest, so we were able to confirm that there were 21 crew members on board the vessel at the time of this accident, plus two pilots that's 21 crew members, plus two pilots for a total of 23 individuals onboard the vessel at the time of the accident? they also were able to obtain the cargo manifest now, the cargo manifest fast. we did bring in one of ntsb's senior hazmat investigators today to begin to look at the cargo and
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cargo manifest he was able to identify 56 containers of hazardous materials that's 764 tons of hazardous materials mostly corrosives, flammables and some miscellaneous hazardous materials, class nine hazardous materials, which would include lithium ion batteries some of the hazmat containers were breached. we have seen shear on or xin sorry, sheen on the waterway. the federal, state, and local authorities are aware of that and they will be in charge of addressing those issues. but the ntsb as part of our safety, our safety investigation documents that type of release and documents the damage documents, the type of materials involved as part of
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our investigation we also have an engineering group which gathers evidence to document the design and operation of engineering systems, including the vessel propulsion steering, and power the operations and engineering group was able to board the vessel last night and they did a walk through of the vessel, including the bridge and the engine room they were looking for other electronic components, any sort of downloadable recorders, any sort of cameras, any sort of cctv. they did not find any of those things but that search continues they've also requested document number of documents, including maintenance and inspection history and our as we speak,
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conducting interviews onboard the vessel those interviews began at 01:00 p.m. this afternoon, and those are with the crew members onboard the vessel then again i mentioned we did board again today at 01:00. that was the in pretty much the entire team, me plus office of highway safety officer, marine safety member brown and looked at the damage. we were able to take a look at peer protection we looked at some of the damage to the containers and certainly the bridge structure now, we have a recorders group which is responsible for locating retrieving, and downloading any recorder or recorded information that may relate to the accident. we do have the
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voyage data recorder they worked on that all de to validate that information. they also have a printout of the alarms that's the log. they still have to go back and look at that. and validate that information at a later time. in addition to that, we are survival factors group interviewed or discussed with the maryland transportation authority police the timeline of events that occurred around the time of the bridge strike. though that two sets of information we're putting together in a time line that we will release through our social media channels. but for right now, i'm going to ask marcel to go through the voyage data recorder information that we have to share with you, as well as some of the information that we gathered from the police
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thank you, chair >> information from the dali's voyage data recorder or what we call a vdr, was successfully recovered on the morning of the accident by the us coast guard it was provided to the ntsb upon our arrival approximately six hours of vdr data was provided to the ntsb. the recording included the time period from midnight to 06:00 a.m. by regulation, the vdr is required to record 30 days of history and the ntsb is continuing to obtain more data the times express below as recorded by the vdr and convert to local eastern daylight time all information is preliminary and subject to final validation the vdr data is comprised of audio from the ship's bridge as well as recordings from the ship's vhf are very high frequency radios. >> the quality of that >> audio varies wildly because of the the high levels of background noise and alarms
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additional analysis will be performed at the ntsb's lab to filter out the audio and improve its quality >> just leave >> the vdr recorded. limited sensor data an example of that data recorded includes the ship speed as your rpm. ships heading and rudder angle, as well as some alarm information. ntsb engineers are working to identify and validate all of that data the vdr recorded the ship's departure from seagirt marine terminal at approximately 12, 39 recorded the ships transit outbound in the fort mchenry channel in a striking, the francis scott key bridge by 10, seven, the ship and enter the channel and buy 124 the ship was underway on a true heading of approximately one for one in the fort mchenry channel at a speed of over
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ground or approximately eight knots are 9.2 miles per hour as 0,124.59 seconds. numerous audible alarms were recorded on the ship's audio bridge audio about the same time vdr sensor data ceased recording where are the vdr audio continued to record? using the redundant power source? at around 0,126.2 seconds the vdr resumed recording sensor data. and during this time, steering commands and rutter orders recorded on the audio at around 0,126.39 seconds. the ship's pilot made a general vhf radio call for tugs in the vicinity to assist about the size of the palm association dispatcher phoned the mdta duty officer regarding the blackout around
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01 seconds the pilot ordered the dali to drop the port anchor and additional ordered additional steering commands around 127.25 seconds. the pilot issued a radio call over the vhf radio, reporting that the dali had lost all power and was approaching the bridge around this time mdta data shows the following also occurred their duty officer radioed two of their units that were already on scene due to construction on the bridge one on each side of the bridge in order them to close traffic on the bridge all light all lanes were then shut down by mdta around 0129, the ship's speed over ground was recorded at just under seven knots are eight miles per hour from this moment on, approximately 129.33
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seconds the vdr audio recorded sounds consistent with the collision of the bridge additionally, around this time, mdta dash cameras show the bridge lights extinguishing >> additional >> analysis of the vdr audio and comparison with other time sources will be needed to determine the exact time of contact between the dali and the bridge that's 129.39 seconds. the pilot reported the bridge down over the vhf radio to the coast guard >> the >> ntsb will later convene a group of technical experts to review the entire video are recording and develop a detailed transcript of the dialogue and the events. an event alarms as recorded >> a few areas of that i just want to clarify the data that we received from the coast guard, which was they were able to obtain on the bridge by
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downloading the information from the vdr from midnight to 06:00 a.m. that's a standard timeframe. they provide that immediately so we can see that time timeframe around when the accident or incident occurred, knowing that we can go back and get the rest that there should be 30 days there. so this is the immediate information that they give us, but it's not i don't want anyone to think anyone anything was being held back. that's very standard information. i do want to thanks a coast guard for that because it was pretty immediate. it was done right away and then they provided us with a thumb drive that we're able to evaluate back at our lab at headquarters i'm sure you will have questions on that. i do want also say i've i've seen a lot of comparison
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between the vdr and as cvr is in fdr's are black boxes on commercial airliners this is really a basic system and fdr would give you 1,000 parameters. that's not this vdr is basic. it is a snapshot of the major systems on a vessel and we have long wanted more recording more parameters to be recorded on a vdr so that's hopefully something that we can provide happy to answer more questions about that timeline. but before i do, i want to continue with what our team has done are survival factors, group their whole role is to examine the response and so they were able to obtain dispatch logs from the maryland
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transportation authority, the baltimore county fire department, the baltimore city fire department, to begin to put together a timeline and they will be conducting interviews tomorrow including with a few people in the bridge area now, we also have from our office of highway safety a bridge structures group many know that the bridge was built in 1976 it has three spans, the main span is 1,200 feet the entire bridge is 9,090 feet in length the average annual daily traffic on the bridge is 30,767 vehicles per day. 30,767 vehicles per day? the bridge is fracture critical. it's a fracture critical bridge >> what that means is if a
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member fails that would likely cause a portion of or the entire bridge to collapse. there's no redundancy >> the >> preferred method for building bridges today is that there is redundancy built, built in whether that's transmitting loads to another member or some sort of structural redundancy. this bridge did not have redundancy there are 17,400 fracture critical bridges in the united states out of 600 bridges total. and that comes from the federal highway administration. >> this bridge was in >> satisfactory condition the last fractural fracture critical inspection was in may 2023. we have not been able to go through that inspection and
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all the documents that but that will occur after we leave the on-scene portion, but we've also requested all fracture critical routine and other underwater inspections of the bridge over the last decade once we receive that, we will begin to go through all of those documents. we've also requested information on peer protection on all mdta that's maryland transportation authority owned bridges. they have four bridges where we would have they would have information on peer protection. we are looking at that our family assistance team continues to do their work and outreach to the families they provide them with assistance immediately unseen, connect them with the resources that they need. but then we continue to work with a families
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throughout the course of the investigation leading up to the board meeting and many times for many years thereafter, where for many work to get our safety recommendations implemented to improve safety. with that again when it comes to analysis of any of the inspection records of the records that we are requesting that's going to take place later. right now, we are focused on obtaining information getting the perishable evidence, conducting the interviews. so i will take questions but i will call on you and one question at a time. please provide your name and affiliation >> scott human from abc seven news in washington, dc question about your work here and the efforts you have to make for the recovery that you're trying to get regarding information and things that are perishable and all the challenges on top
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of that with the girders, metal in the water. the difficulty of having a ship with hazardous materials what can you compare this heifer two. in other scenarios, you've dealt with in the past, >> i mean, it is a it's a massive undertaking for an investigation. it's a it's a very tragic event. it's multimodal. there is a lot of information we need to collect, a lot that we need to analyze many interviews many different components to the investigation. but this is not new for the ntsb. we've conducted other investors stations of bridge strikes, bridge collapses >> we have an amazing team of individuals who are focused on very specific areas of expertise and so i have no doubt that we will be able to pull this together in hopefully
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12 to 24 months with that said, we will not hesitate again to issue urgent safety recommendations before that time if we need to, pete you said that there was limited sense or data from the voyage data recorder engine rpm heading rudder, angle, and alarm information >> how a setting is that to you knowing that there were not more parameters >> so this is a newer the question is the parameters on the vdr and the limited information that voyage data recorders provide i'll ask marcel to add to that too. my answer. this was a newer model. so it did have additional features, but it is very basic compared to, say, a flight data recorder where we would have 1,000 parameters. so it would be good to have that information key to have that information for an
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investigation i think marcel can provide additional information on what might be missing so but this is a voyage data recorder. it's not a ship-wide system recorder, so most of the sensors that are being recorded are from the bridge. so things like gps the audio rudder feedback, rudder commands are recorded on there, but not engineering the temperature of each cylinder. power distribution sensors, those aren't those things are not recorded on a voyage data recorder we're looking for other sources of data in the interim that would give us that data. the vdr to also does record snapshots of the radar. and the electronic chart. we do have that at one tiny bottle of which would have been able to tell what the source of the power outage on board the ship, what we'd have to determine >> that as part of our analysis in this investigation too early to tell full yaakov boesky here
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from w valle in baltimore. you said that there were 56 containers of hazardous materials on board that ship. how many of those are in the water do you? what's the timeline to getting those out of the water and the rest of the containers that are sitting on that ship in the potassium? >> yeah, i did see some containers in the water and some breached significantly on the vessel itself. i don't have an exact number, but it's something that we can provide in an update and certainly in our preliminary report, which should be yeah. out in two to four weeks time wanted to getting those out of the water. >> that is not something that the ntsb does as part of our safety investigation, but that is something that i would refer to the federal, state, and local authorities yep. >> question. that's taking leonel wto. >> could you characterize the level of concern about this hazardous material? we'll leave the sheen on the water and should people be concerned
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about this right now is there anything be done to mitigate >> the authorities are aware it's of the materials themselves and i would just direct you to them for those sorts of questions, tom madam chair, can you can i ask you to give me again the time that the pilot called for the talks. i didn't i can get that as quickly as you happen to mention it. >> in the second level, >> when the pilot hole for the talks confirming the ship had no tugs out all help clean it navigate through the waters before it hit the bridge. >> that's correct. the tugs help it help the vessel leave the dock, leave the port, and then get into the main ship channel and then they leave once it's on its way, it's a straight straight shot through the channel. so there are no tugs with the vessel at that
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time. so they were calling for tugs. do you have the time? i'm sure the pilot made that call that one seconds. according to the vtr yes >> if you want two things. one update on the status of the ship workers. listen to it and water situation like and how long can they expect to be there? and then to the shift of power problems before we have heard there's a question on the concerns about power or a >> reports of concerns of power outages on the vessel prior to that moment of the bridge striking, we have seen reports of that read reports of that we've heard reports of that that's all part of our investigation that will have to look into and verify with respect there was a question on the food, situation with the
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workers on board they cook was cooking. when i got on board, it smelled very good. i was very hungry so i don't have any other information other than that. but we were able to engage with some of the crew members and others are part of the interviews that are ongoing how long ago either information on how long they will be there. that is not information i have at this time, sir. >> recover usa nine i'm their reports potential outages. are we talking about any kind of work for the outages on the vessel? you're asking about outages on the vessel prior to this moment of striking the bridge we don't have any information of outages of onboard the vessel prior to that time certainly, we are
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going to look at what we can get from the vdr data because there should be 30 days. so hopefully we'll be able to find something in that data if the entire 30 days is there. but we are aware of the reports and that's something that we need to look into. chris can you just been listening to the ntsb chair, jennifer homendy, into other officials on the >> shipwreck and the bridge collapse in baltimore. just want to quickly give you a sense of what she has said over the last 37 or so minutes, she pointed this out and just clarifying that the ntsb's entire focus right now is on collecting what she described as anything perishable evidence anything photographs sonar data, any information from the electronics on board the ship, anything that may dissipate over time or that they can't.
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that is time sensitive. so that's what they are getting. they haven't analyzed anything. she didn't come up with any analysis of anything that they have already received. she was simply giving out information 21 crew members on board. they have confirmed at the time of the act of the ship hitting the bridge with two pilots, 56 containers of hazardous materials were on board that ship that's 764 tons of hazardous materials. she described it as corrosives, flammables lithium ion batteries. she said, some of those containers were breached. she said she saw a number of them breached on the deck of the ship also some signs sheen on the water which would indicate something from those containers is in the water didn't seem to have any answers about how concerned people should be. she referred reporters questions to other officials. that's really not the ntsb job, right now she also talked about the voyage
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data recorder, which is the ship equivalent of the flight data recorder, which we're all very familiar with, the differences she pointed out is that there are what she said we're about 1,000 parameters on a flight data recorder that you would find after an accident on border or an incident on board a plane with the voice, the voyage data recorder. it's it's very basic. she called it a snapshot of major systems on a vessel, nothing to do with engineering. they certainly she has urged for over the past for more what she'd terms as parameters on the vdr to mandate more recordings. i want to bring in seen as pete muntean is at a briefing sites in its bryan, todd and danny freeman are at the scene also with this as maritime attorney and former merchant marine captain close, luta and structural engineer kidney, a moto kept it a luta up. first of all, let me just ask you, what should now to you from what you heard >> one of the things that jumped out to me is the timeline as they were stating
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minute by minute, the decisions that were being made in the calls that we're going out. if there's any silver lining in this at all is the immediate response to those distress? cause there was no time to get a tug there. that's obvious, but there was time to shut down traffic on the bridge, possibly limiting loss of life and a time of day when this occurred if there is a silver lining and all of that, i think lives were saved. >> yeah. i mean, the tiktok was it was there's minute by minute in some cases involving seconds, it will all at 01:26 a.m. pilot made a call for tugs 127.40 seconds. the pilot ordered the port anchor to drop. what does that indicate to you that the pilot ordered the port anchor and a drop and obviously trying to slow down the vessel are stopped yeah. i've been on vessels just like this in and out of the port of baltimore dozens of times, sales all around the world. and that's an immediate typical
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response to a distress situation where you don't have control over the vessel letting go of the anchor is a manual function. there's a break you just crank the wheel and you can let it go and tighten it back up. and that's one of the initial emergency responses that that's required in order to hopefully slow the forward progress of the vessel >> kit. >> you're a structural engineer. she talked also about the type of bridge this was built in 1976 with three spans right? and that the design essentially it's an older design that it doesn't have it's not a fracture >> is >> a fracture critical bridge. can you explain what that is? that it doesn't have structural redundancies. if i assume if one part of the bridges is weekend that the load could be carried by other parts of the bridge. is that right? >> that's what i am essentially that the weight is system is actually pretty simple. there's appears and
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there's the bridge on top of it. so if the one of appears calm down, then everything comes just there's no redundancy that all. and also this bridge built in 1976 and it starts seismic area. so it's a little bit different. like, for example, if he's cd modern, say bridge construction in california, it does has more redundancy because the seismic area sodium structural system tend to become bigger and also more ductile, which means can take the impact per say >> but if there were more if there were structural redundancy is on a bridge like this, how different would it look? i mean, what if there's three pillar, three span? how would you deal with the weight of those three span? >> i think what's going to happen all get after all, this is 100,000 pond of a ship or de amazon thousand feet long. it's a massive thing, is a bigger than the bridge by itself. so even moving as a nine miles per hour, the momentum's a huge. so node structure can take that such a
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brutal force however, there's many ways doing it. for example, if you see the tampa bay the bridge which collapsed, by the way in the 1980s. now provide the island system around the pier. so therefore, the tables slow down the process of heating you know, stuff like that. and also, you can make the structural system into much more redundant aza. they're talking about. >> so essentially he, those i were those islands which i've seen around the pillars on bridges. that is not just for helping the pillar or stand that is four, if stopping, slowing down anything that might be coming to hit the bridge, that's right. >> i was essentially that's going to energy coming through anything at the barrier. it's going to slow the momentum and to modal that's a very important aspect of it if you follow the amount on the bridge design and code the chance will collapse of its nature happening 1.10 thousand. so it's a really rare event and by there's the even order bridges. there are ways to make a protection like protection to
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never happen. this kind of things again and kept it a luta >> the, it's always frustrating to hear after an incident like this about voyage data recorders that one that could have more information, but i assume it's just a i'm not sure what the holdup is if if the ntsb has been calling for wishing they would have more parameter is built-in are mandated into these who decides that sort of thing? >> that would be something dictated ultimately by regulation promulgated by the coast guard. but when she says that the voyage data recorder information is basic, that's because ship operations are basic. there aren't a lot of parameters on these vessels to be able to track. you have the propulsion, you have the steering a lot of the external factors like winds and currents and atmospheric conditions, those things can all be measured and you can capture those outside of what the ship
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has. so it's not really so necessary for these systems to be very complex and record that much information. i understand that there she would like to have more information and that's the ntsb's job, of course. >> but >> ships for the most part are pretty basic and their operation kit was there, was there are there are other aspects of this press conference that stood out to you from an engineering standpoint? >> i think it's definitely good to just looking at pictures and how it's collapsed. we just at those peers of seoul week. so little compared to this just this whole disk mass scale with ship so there's no way to just avoid the collapse here so it's definitely the thing at the building, the production system around peers, especially for older bridges. i think that's a really critical things we got to do >> kidney moto. i really appreciate talking to you. start these circumstances, captain cloche, luta as well. and thanks to all our correspondence tonight and ever since the accident, we have been talking about how difficult it is to maneuver and
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control an enormous vessel, even under the best of circumstances, let alone with power steering problems. >> you >> watch video of the mv dali heading toward that bridge would seemingly it looks like it's in slow motion and benefit. in fact, it's unable to steer or stop it only underscores even what everything, everything when it goes right, it's the sheer physics of steering enormous vessels through narrow channels around major obstacles, which is why we sent our randi kaye to south florida and a simulator built to approximate what that is actually light go ahead and start the exercise. >> john flanagan is an instructor with maritime professional training in fort lauderdale, florida. >> he set >> up the ship simulator to help us visualize what the dali and its crew may have been doing moments before the ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge or on a about 90,000, almost 100,000 ton container ship. and we're outbound the port of baltimore, and we have the key bridge
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about less than half-mile away. >> the screen displays tell us our simulated ship is moving at about eight knots what's the protocol as you're heading out? is there anyone out there in the front of the container ship? yeah. very common on a ship of this size typically have something called an anchor detail, where there's a couple of people up on the four-day up on the bow by the anchored that person obviously, when they saw they were about to hit the bridge, what if that were me? >> i would start running just before hitting the bridge. official say the dali had a total blackout and lost all engine and electrical power. they know they're in trouble what is the checklists that they go through the training requires i need to sound a general alarm and get the get the crew to their emergency stations. are we going to have to fight a fire? send them to get dressed out in firefighting gear simultaneously. they're communicating with the engineer's saying, hey, why did the power goes out, right? it can we get the power back online? what are what are the issues? what's going on? with the backup systems? >> the american pilots association said the dali's pilot also ordered the ships
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anchor be dropped, which flanagan says was the right move, even though it didn't stop the ship's forward momentum. and according to officials, the pilot in a last-ditch effort also gave a rudder command to the helms men the pilot apparently called for a hard rudder report. >> what does that mean? >> so that means they're taking the wheel and turning it to left or port as far as it will go, which tells the rudder to actually turn the vessel as far report as you can turn it. >> so in this incident happened, it was about 01:30 in the morning, so clearly it was dark out. can we simulate that? >> yeah, sure, we can okay. go ahead and make it night >> wow. so obviously it's pretty dark but. you can still see those are the lights that would have been on the bridge. so it's hard to even see the columns right >> yeah. and that's where we would use the vessels radar to help us that without a little
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bit, that's the radar here on this simulator, we have two, which is very similar to a ship like the dali. they would certainly have two that would be able to pick up the columns that are under the right. >> yeah. so the columns are right here. these two main support anderson based on what we know right now, of course, the investigation is still ongoing, but instructor flanagan says the crew onboard the dali did a lot of things, right? certainly dropping the anchor was one of them, anderson for any it's incredible to see it from that perspective. thank you for that. next, remembering political maverick, former democratic than independent senator and vice presidential running mate joe, joe lieberman who died today i've come to know was friend be obtainened te lame t the ct giveven >> thehe old wisdodom going tot protecect us placeces out there >> i've got to o do this >> it t might justst will falll
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>> former senator and vice presidential candidate joe lieberman died today here in new york, according to his family of complications from a fall, he was 82 years old, the connecticut native was first elected to the senate in 1989 as a democrat than in tooth thousands there was this historic moment >> tonight. i am so proud to stand as your candidate for vice president of the united states i am humbled by this nomination and so grateful to al gore for choosing me >> said are laboring med history as the first jewish vice-presidential nominee of a major party. you're likely remember the gore conceded the race after the supreme court ordered the florida vote. recount stopped a few years later, and our lieberman's relationship with democrats became strained over the war in iraq and the us troop surge that doomed his 2004 presidential run than two years later after losing his democratic senatorial primary, he ran and won as an
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independent in 2008. he's surprised lot of democrats again by supporting his friend john mccain's 2008 presidential race over barack obama and more recently, lieberman said this in 2021 to cnn's pamela brown about former president trump refusing to accept defeat in the last election basically al gore put the interests of the country for his president trump. but the other hand lost the election by over 7 million votes. he, he contested in court more than 50 times, lost them all and still he refuses to give up. and i think he's really hurting our constitutional democracy by what he's doing. and frankly, he's hurting himself >> from warren center lieberman's life and legacy. i'm trying by former obama, a senior adviser, david axelrod, and seeing that john king, who covered the core, liebermann campaign david, i mean, it sincerely room, obviously, a complicated history true democratic party even going so far as you know, back to the center, john mccain and then then senator barack obama and the 2008 presidential campaign
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president obama released a statement tonight saying in part, joe lieberman i didn't see it. i but he had an extraordinary career in public service. how do you remember him tonight? >> look, he clearly was a significant figure in the united states senate for a long period of time. he was a guy who could work across party lines every time there was an effort across party lines to address problems he was in the middle of it. he was very progressive on some things, the environment and and abortion rights basically, he was a scoop jet. what we used to call a scoop, jackson democrat. he was progressive on economic and social issues. he was conservative on national security issues and that led him away from the democratic party around the iraq war. he was a little, i think, angry when the party voters dismissed him in connecticut, he went as an independent and it took a while to repair that rupture. you didn't caucus with democrats for a couple of years, but look just the fact
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that he was selected as the first and only jewish american as a candidate on the democratic ticket. earned him a place in history. and so he'll, heal. >> he will be remembered >> jonny covered them. how do you remember him? >> should have to david's point about the history senator lieberman, first and foremost said that proved the magic of america that a jew could be on a major party ticket that america has such amazing diversity. it was very important to him. he loved taking in questions about it on the campaign trail from voters who would like, i've never voted for a jewish person. what's it like or what does it mean? how are you different? he wouldn't yeah, there are people ask questions. he loved the questions. it was frustrating at first, but then became a huge challenge that the campaign staff loved because he was observant. he would go down for shabbat. and so they had to schedule his events up to friday afternoon and then shut them down and then they would come back up and he would tell staff, i know this might frustrate you are 24/7 the other days, but i want need to be at my family. i need to be with my faith. i need to recharge. and one of the quirks i was just saying with the former staffer tonight. as they
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traveled, the orthodox community would somehow always know where he was. and when they showed up, there would be kosher food in his holding room. so he he was a very funny man. i converted to judaism in 2008 when we were on the the road a lot with senator john mccain and he used to joke with mccain about if can, can do it, you could do it. i'm okay with just wave him off, but it's time to go, but he had a great sense of humor, but he also did become a strange from the democratic party. >> it's also true. i mean, his relationship with john mccain and the loyalty he had to john mccain, choosing him rather than barack obama in the race. >> and so there's some lingering tensions with that. and a lot of the people who were loyal to him were willing to forgive him, forget there because it was a great personal friendship and they knew that it was he was genuinely incredibly close with mccain and his family. the no labels thing later in life that was a lot of democrats sort of lost their patients. what senator lieberman over that one and are kinda sad that that was the last piece of his legacy. >> and david, i mean, lieberman, he was close in age to president biden. they serve in the center for long time i'm as john mentioned, been involved, that no labels group
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to potentially put forward a third presidential candidate this year. do you think that factors into his legacy much well look you know, the last time i saw him was last week on television promoting the no labels ticket. and i don't think that is perceived as a friendly gesture by supports are was by supporters of president biden. >> so that will be a >> coda on his legacy and but it doesn't wash away hey, everything that came before joe lieberman was a really significant figure in history. and he will be remembered as such >> the there was a sense of humor about him, which you mentioned, which is rare, and he seemed to be kind of in on the joke in many times, it was comfortable in his skin, i think in part because of some of the challenges he faced, he was very comfortable in his scan. he was like this is who i am. this is what i'm gonna do. this is to support take it or leave it. that was comfortable. that also just think about now how many look at the republican party now, mostly they just
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follow trump no matter what that he was willing to break with his party and do things that got them in trouble and stand up and explain it. and look you in the eye and say, this is why i'm doing it. he believed that john mccain was known as the maverick joe lieberman was kind of a maverick. he was not afraid of going outside of orthodoxy and taking heat for it and taken flack for it. but he kept most of his friends, which is interesting even the friends who are mad at him, why are you with mccain? why did you go to no labels? he kept most of them was tells you something about the man more than a politician >> yeah >> i mean, in terms of politics, is there one? like event you think he will be moos. the vice president >> is the history-making is the vice presidential candidate, and also the big divide in the country in the democratic party. he supported the surge in iraq and thought it was the right policy. and of course, you don't. brock obama became president because axelrod ran a great campaign. obama was a great candidate, but also because the country was so mad about the iraq war. he was on the side that people were mad about david actual john king, thanks. the news continues right here on cnn
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