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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 1, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> dilute the free text l0 vii to three-to-one, three-to-one. today >> hello, >> and welcome to have you >> as joining us here in >> the united states and >> all around the world, >> you are watching cnn >> newsroom. and i >> was my church just ahead, high talks between the united states and israel could begin today in washington, as the israeli prime minister's is his country will go into rafah despite pressure from the us. >> all opposite >> eastern messages from the two men vying for the us presidency. we will look at the rhetoric coming from the biden and trump camps. and the final four is set in men's college basketball, which teams are headed to the semifinals this weekend will take a look live from atlanta >> this is cnn newsroom with rosemarie thanks for joining us and we begin here in the were officials tell cnn that
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high-level talks between us and >> israeli officials over israel's proposed ground offensive in rafah could take place in the coming hours those talks originally scheduled for last week were abruptly cooled off by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu after washington refused to block a un resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza and the release of hostages. it comes as mr. netanyahu said, on sunday, that pressure from the us will not stop his forces from going into raffa. he also, once again claimed the operation and with necessary to defeat hamas >> an ionic current we'll go into rafah and eliminate hamas battalions there for one simple reason, there is no victory without entering rafah and there is no victory without eliminating hamas battalions. there cnn analyst barak ravid's is mr. netanyahu's continued rhetoric about going ahead with a ground >> offensive in rafah, despite concerns from the us shows
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he's trying to divert attention from the political problems he's facing back home well, dynamic between israel and the us is in one word, it's good in two words, it's not good. and i think we saw that today and over the last few weeks and at one today, i think i don't want to treat the issue of rafah in a way that doesn't sound serious enough. >> but >> let's go over the facts. this was the fourth time in the last two months than the netanyahu said that he approved the operation in rafah. okay. >> if you want to go in an operation, you go in an operation. you don't say four times that you approved the operation? but it's still hasn't happened. >> and i think it >> tells you a lot and it tells you a lot about netanyahu's domestic political problems and how he's trying to divert attention from a lot of other stuff with this shiny object of rafah. and it says rafat and
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we're talking about rafat. but on the ground nothing is happening honey regarding the operation rough >> the israel defense forces says they have withdrawn from gaza's largest hospital after a 14 days siege the idf says their troops have completed precise operational activity in the area of the al-shifa hospital killed terrorists and located numerous weapons. but a spokesperson for gaza civil defense says the situation is very bad and that injured and dead bodies fill the hospital grounds. he also said more than 30 injured people had to be transported to another hospital east of gaza city meantime, in central gaza, two people were killed on sunday in an israeli drone strike around al-aqsa martyrs hospital. that's according to the hospital spokesperson for more. let's go to cnn's nada bashir. she joins us live from london. good
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morning to you, nauta. so what is the latest from inside gaza? >> will the grades me, you mentioned the situation at al-shifa hospital. this is a situation which has been raising concern for weeks now. that's sieged are coming to an end after 14 days and we have, over the course of those 14 days been hearing troubling, first-hand accounts from palestinians trapped inside and around the al-shifa hospital. we've heard from medical officials on the ground. we're hearing now from gaza's civil defense spokesperson saying that a shifa can no longer be described as a hospital that many of the buildings around this large medical complex, what once was gaza's largest hospital have now either been completely destroyed or burned down, and we have seen those dramatic images now coming out of osha for showing the scale of the destruction caused at the hospital following this two-week long siege. and of course, we've been hearing those troubling accounts. the israeli military now also confirming that its troops had withdrawn again, they have
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described this as a precise military operation. you shouldn't they say they were targeting hamas militants operating in and around the hospital complex that they located weapons and intelligence documents. we heard yesterday from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, saying that more than 200 hamas militants have been killed as heart of this operation. and then of course, the idf has also repeatedly said that no harm has been caused to civilians or medical officials on the complex, important to underscore that a cnn cannot independently verify those figures put out by the israeli military. and of course, claims that no harm has been caused to any civilians around the complex really stands in contrast to the first-hand accounts we have been hearing over the course of the last two weeks from palestinians trapped inside the hospital, as well as medical officials. now gaza's health ministry has said that they believe there are more than 100 patients currently trapped within a shifa hospital who were trapped within al-shifa hospital, as well as 60 at medical officials. the health
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ministry believes there's some 400 people have been and killed over the course of this siege. and that more than 1,000 homes were also targeted around the al-shifa medical complex. we've been hearing for medical officials inside the hospital from doctors inside the hospital saying they are running out of supplies, they do not have water, they do not have medical equipment to treat those who are wounded that they haven't been able to move in and around the buildings on the complex in order to treat those wounded for fear of being targeted by snipers around the hospital complex. and we've also been hearing from civilians who have managed to fleet the hospital complex and moves southwards as per the orders of the idf, many have reported facing interrogations, being forced to undress, to strip at by the idf. so it really troubling accounts. but of course, we are still now gathering more information as the siege comes to an end. of course, the full scale of what has happened over the last two weeks still unclear not of a
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shear. many thanks for your live report appreciate it. well, anti-government protests rocked jerusalem for a second straight de, on sunday, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets demanding the release of all remaining israeli the hostages, and calling for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign and hold early elections cnn's melissa bell has more >> for the first time since the war began, the protest movement has returned to the streets of jerusalem. pete, with many thousands are coming out to protest to the way the government has handled the war so far. far virgin calls for the remaining more than 130 hostages to be bought but also anger at benjamin netanyahu and his government and calls for elections to be held now at tens of instead up, just down there by the knesset, the protesters intend to keep their pressure up over the coming days. we heard from these ready prime minister himself just ahead of the protest at saying that she believed it was his policies that were responsible for bringing hawthorne cij is
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home so far and doubling down on the idea that he believed that round offensive the rafah was necessary in order to flush out the remaining hamas battalions. but that tonight is not what we've heard from these protesters. a good deal of anger, a great coals now that his time in office should end, the changes should be made, and that his war should be brought to an end melissa bell sin interests them >> the easter sunday holidays spock two very different online messages shared by the front running us presidential candidates president joe biden wished observers a happy easter and said, quote, with wars and conflicts taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace security, and dignity for all on the flip side, donald trump posted in part and i'm quoting here, happy easter to all including
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those many people i completely and totally despise because they want to destroy america it comes one day after sharing an image of his political opponent, joe biden, tied up and bound in the bank back of a pickup truck. trump also ramped up attacks against the judge, overseeing his criminal case over alleged hush money payments, posting a link to an article showing his daughters picture just days after attacking her as a quote, rabid trump hater ron brownstein is a cnn senior political analyst and senior editor at the atlantic. he joins me now from los angeles, good to have you with us hi rosemary. >> so in what appears to be a new low for the presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump is lashing out on social media, even posting an image of president joe biden hogtied and the back of a pickup truck. what is the impact of an image like this
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coming as trump increasingly ramps up? a violent rhetoric against judges and prosecutors testing the limits of his gag order and also using words like bloodbath when threatening what will happen to this country if he's not elected in november, an >> all >> of these dog whistles to his base, do you think? >> yeah. look, there are voters out there, americans >> out there who are going to hear this in a very specific way. the same way as when he told the proud boys in 2020 to stand back and standby, ultimately translated into january 6. there is nothing subtle about the way donald trump has encouraged violence as part of his political strategy, really, since his emergence in 2016, you know, you can go back and recall that he offered to pay the legal fees of people who beat up protestors at his rallies all the way back. it is first presidential campaign there is none i think subtle here about
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what he is doing and again, it continues to be striking how few republicans excuse me, are willing to speak up and warn and reflect on the obvious dangers of the leader of their party. the undisputed leader of their party, using this kind of language and sending these kinds of signals >> yeah. and ron you just wrote a piece in the atlantic suggesting health care in america may turn out to be a major winning issue for democrats. what do you say that given the party's previous efforts to expand health care were met with public and political resistance. >> yeah. it's interesting that joe biden was on stage with bill clinton and barack obama. this week in new york, raising that 25 million or so incredible some like clouds and obama biden has made expanding access to health care a centerpiece of his domestic policy. agenda unlike them, he may actually benefit from them.
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the backlash against bill clinton's clinton care program, a proposal devised a largely by hillary clinton. the backlash against that swept the republicans to their landslide in 1994 his failure to pass it, the backlash against barack obama actually pass it the aca and a very polarized legislative debate help republicans win more seats in 2010 and the house than any party out of the white house since 1938. but when republicans and donald trump tried to repeal the aca in 2017, the politics flip. democratic, shifted the focus from the parts of the law that are focused on expanding coverage for those without insurance to the parts of the law that protect people with preexisting conditions who do have insurance. and since then the law has been more popular than not more americans have said they wanted, they wanted to keep it in place. then want to repeal it >> and you have the >> republicans can tenuring to push down the road of repeal, as well as house republicans
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talking about ideas like converting medicaid into a block grant and medicare into a voucher. they are providing biden a lot of targets to try to win back some of those working class voters who are disenchanted with him largely because of inflation and high prices >> and ron, what about the controversial issue? of abortion rights in america being tested once again before the us supreme court, which is now considering whether to apply a nationwide ban on the abortion pill mifepristone. how likely is it that this will ensure abortion becomes one of the critical issues that rallies voters, no matter what the court decides, say, in june yeah >> the reason that it's so important is because donald trump and/or anna republican, republican administration can do through executive action at the food and drug administration and the department of justice everything that the advocates are asking the supreme court should do. it does not seem like the supreme court is inclined based on the oral
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arguments to go along with the claims from the opponents that they should roll back. the efforts that were taken under both obama and biden to make it easier to access and if a press stone trump left all of those rules, the obama rules in place while he was president, he didn't act against them this time he faces much more pressure within his coalition to use tools at the fda and even a 19th century law called the comstock act through an opinion of the justice department to restrict the distribution. maybe not only a mifepristone, but any medical device that is used in abortion. and so yeah, this issue is very much going to be on the ballot, not only regardless of what policy trump pursues in terms of legislation around a nationwide ban on abortion administrative. executive branch levers that he largely left untouched as president. again, he is going to face much more pressure
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within the party to deal with them. and i think democrats are gonna make voters very much aware of that ron brownstein, always appreciate your political analysis. thank you so much for joining us >> thanks for having me want to bring up some live pictures now and progress to report from baltimore harbor, the us coast guard says, the first pieces of the collapsed bridge have been lifted from the water nearly a week after a container ship crashed into the structure this is only the beginning of course, of a long process. cnn's gloria pazmino takes a closer look now at the crash site and the magnitude of the task ahead. >> so you can see we have been able to get extremely up close to the wreckage of the dali and we're starting to really get an appreciation sure. in an on a sense of just how massive this job is going to be. >> you're looking at for tons of steel and concrete that are
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sitting on top of that bow. that is going to be the most complicated part of this operation moving all of that debris. and taking it off the ship so that they can begin as cleanup process. >> and then there's everything that's >> laying below the surface, the part that we can't see, there is more no more concrete, more debris in the water. and that's going to be critical because they have to be able to make that safe for the divers whose mission is to get back into the water and continue searching to attempt to recover the bodies of those who were lost. but as we're sitting here now finally, being able to really see it and get up close to it, you really just get a sense of the normally of the job at hand. >> but all the >> officials here have told us that they are confident that they're going to be able to get it done. they're working together, have all of the technology apology necessary,
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and they're going step by step, taking them, it takes to make sure that they get it right and that eventually they can reopen the port. they can start rebuilding. and that this important symbol for the city of baltimore in the city of baltimore on the state of maryland, can get cleaned up and the people here start getting back to normal gloria pazmino, cnn coming up, ukraine's president says, he's country will lose ground soon if the us does not send weapons and munitions more on that warning and walk us lawmakers but doing that's next >> everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. >> news >> censored in clinical white provides two sheets wetter teeth and 24/7 sensitive your production. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients were you worried the wedding would be too much
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stalled in congress for weeks, thanks to deep dysfunction within the republican party. but one moderate republican lawmakers says that may soon be over. representative mike lawler told cnn sunday that he is optimistic the issue shou will come up for a vote in the coming days >> i believe there will be a vote when we get back from the easter recess certainly, this is critically important for our allies we are the leader of the free world and we cannot shirk on our responsibility to uphold and defend democracies across the globe >> but there could still be road bumps before ukraine gets that aid far right, republican lawmakers are opposing any new money for kyiv and a threatening to ask the house speaker if he puts the funding up for a vote matthew schmidt is an associate professor of national security at the
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university of new haven, and a former professor of strategic and operational planning at the us army command and general staff college. appreciate you joining us it's going to be here. >> so >> president volodymyr zelenskyy is warning that ukraine will have to cede more territory to russia if us military aid doesn't come soon referring of course to that multi-billion-dollar package waiting to be passed by congress, how much time does ukraine have before? forced to see that land >> i think we can see now that it is being forced to give up land. it simply doesn't have the ammunition or the manpower needs to withstand the russian offensive going on right now it's not a lot of land. it's not strategically critical right now. oh, but even if that money is turned on tomorrow, it will take some time for the arms to get into theatre and make an effect >> and all of this comes as us house speaker, mike johnson is
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indicating an openness to support a separate bipartisan plan in the house. and has told gop lawmakers, he made is schedule floor time after the easter recess. but is it getting too late for this given nato is also yet to offer ukraine a greater commitment to its defense against russia i think you hit the nail on the head, rosemary, the key here is for nato to signal to ukraine that it is committed to defending territorial lines >> as they are, or as they were. and we just don't see nato doing that yet >> as far >> as the usa goes, i don't think we can read too much into the fact that johnson has said he might put a bill on the floor after easter he's going to in any case put the bill on the floor. that's going to ask democrats to cut spending somewhere else. and that's going to mean that anything that does pass is likely going to be well shorted. the 61 billion that the administration has asked for and what would force both parties, russia and
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ukraine, to the negotiating table right now with ukraine desperate for military >> aid and russia lacking quality manpower and what might that negotiation look like? >> russia is facing a bottleneck in its production of equipment and ammunition in 2025, it really, really wants to be able to put this to bed now in 2020 for ukraine is looking to survive until 2025. so this is the critical 12 to 24 months from both sides. i think in terms of a negotiation, the likely outcome here is that ukraine will refuse to give up legal right to any of its territory especially crimea, but will seek to freeze the conflict and then come back 1020 years later and pull that territory in those populations back under its fold. >> let's look deeper into that wording. you see this war going throughout 2024 and into 2025.
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and do you see an end point here? >> i think on the russian side, putin is going to try to push an offensive any way that he can. if he's able to do that, it's going to be messy and bumbling because he is short of quality manpower. he's short of equipment and ammunition right now, also ukraine is trying to make up for lost time and building secondary defenses to stop a russian offense from going more than a few kilometers past their current line of contact. and so i think you're probably going to see each side bludgeoning it out wherever those lines are somewhere in a 20 kilometer range of where we're at right now and waiting to see really how the us presidential election comes out. >> in the end though, it looks like russia has the time to wait this out. so you can't say the same for ukraine though kenya you can't. if nato doesn't give it >> promises of defense, right? of commitment to protecting whatever lines are drawn out in
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a negotiation. >> in the end >> ukraine will win this war and the end ukraine already has won this war. it's a question of if it can winning in the next two years, or if it's going to take 20 years to finally essentially liberate the russians from putin and that's really the challenge for ukraine here. but ukraine is one. it's not going to ever come under russian control in the way that putin wanted it to matthew schmidt. appreciate you joining us many things >> my pleasure >> still to come, israeli forces withdraw from gaza's largest hospital. i'll 32 weeks siege. what officials in gaza was saying about the difference? the station left behind plus pope francis makes another plea for a ceasefire in gaza, more on his easter message after short break oh, trouble seeing body. >> you should book on examined america's past america's best. they have one of the
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every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or so up today but turning to one of our top stories, there's our the israel defense forces says >> it has withdrawn from gaza's largest hospital of 314 de cj, the idf says troops killed terrorists and located numerous weapons and intelligence documents. but i witnessed it it was. and officials described the widespread devastation left behind. a journalist working for cnn says, quote, it feels like a horror movie. he says many families are looking for their loved ones and cannot find them while the people who remain alive are malnourished but francis called for an immediate ceasefire in gaza during his address on easter sunday, he presided over easter mass since and peter's basilica after a week of events
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around the religious holiday cnn's christopher lamb has more now from london following concerns about his health, pope francis has presided at easter sunday mass and given his easter sunday >> message from some peter's in the vatican francis has been battling bouts of ill health recently and on good friday, pulled out of a service in order to what the vatican said was to preserve his health on the easter sunday message, pope francis addressed various conflicts going on in the world and reiterated his call for a ceasefire in israel. hamas war here's what he had to say, which she live in a functional, a manteia pelo >> i appeal once again, the access to humanitarian aid be ensured to gaza and cool once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on the seven october, and for an immediate ceasefire in the strip during holy week and in the run-up to easter, pope francis presided at five major
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liturgies on thursday, he went to a female prison in rome and washed the feet of 12 women prisoners on the saturday before easter he celebrated the easter vigil, a service of more than two hours long following the mass on easter sunday. >> he poured some peter's >> square on his pope mobile, greeting the pilgrims would gathered many thousands who were there and seemed in good spirits pope francis, 87 years old, and despite his age and his health has insisted that he will continue in the post of pope and is refusing to consider resignation christopher lamb, cnn >> the people of turkey, delivered president erdogan and his political party their biggest ever electoral blow on sunday. it nationwide municipal elections voters reinforce the power of istanbul mayor ekrem imamoglu and his opposition party as a strengthening
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political force in addition to holding onto eastern ball in mom or lose republican people's party gained may oral seats and 15 other cities. the outcome of the election marks a dramatic defeat for president erdogan and his ak party after two decades in power, the lungs in time leader acknowledged the losses, saying his party did not get the result. it hoped for, but that it will respect the wishes of the turkish people as scott mclean is following developments from istanbul local worry referendum on the ruling recep die apparent one, then not happy not only in erdogan act party failed to win back major cities in this country, but it appears that they are on tract also lose some areas that had been entered and perhaps the biggest
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night is right here where people come to celebrate the way that the incumbent mayor he had. a man who is widely considered one of the very few rows. the only opposition figure, popularity in the spring take gone erdogan in a general election. and not only won reelection, but it appears that what and win a very comfortable margin district in where erdogan himself was born and raised and everyone personally injected himself into this race is based on the billboards he's been here for rallies as well, but also hanging over the country at the time the dire of the economy were in place. you did out of control interest rate 50% and people are really feeling it in their wallet now, president narrative won is
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constitutionally barred from running for another term in office. but there are some loopholes which could allow him to run one for climate >> he does you will now surely have a very formidable opponent >> be >> elected mayor of sample at grump emomali. >> stop. >> cnn example >> what was supposed to be a fun saturday night out, turned into a bloody nightmare for several children in indianapolis, we will have the report on that >> check. >> we hear nothing >> a space shuttle accident, it's usually not one thing. it's a series dence is that, is that part as the wing coming apart, space shuttle columbia final flight premieres next sunday on cnn. >> old spice gentleman hydration, body wash. and now lance, 24/7 motorization with vitamin b3 are you and all the
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old spice >> merely to turn off the alarm? amelia weather, >> reason, son today, emilia unlocked the door >> i'm afraid i can't do that. can >> why not? >> did you forget something? >> my protein shake >> the future isn't scary. not >> investing in it is. >> so dramatic. >> emilia, by >> jin, 100 innovative companies, one etf, before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses in more and perspectives that invest tourists tourists that turn into scientist tourist, taking photos that are analyzed by ai searchers can help life underwater. >> clerics >> erez
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>> swift beer was tour taylor's version downstream make only on disney plus >> so i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company will rest assured companies in great hands marci hit the homes >> we we've done on your homework >> now that is worth celebrating i love it >> thank you. >> home work very clever, veee
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lob e to three-to-one, three-to-one. today >> another weekend and america mod by gun violence on saturday, at least seven children between the ages of 12.17 were shot in indiana's capital. all the victims are in stable condition i'm police are still working to identify a suspect. this marks the third weekend in a row that indianapolis has been rocked by
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a mass shooting cnn's ivan rodriguez has more indianapolis police say they rushed to the scene and found a large group of children's six of them with gunshot wounds are seven juvenile who also >> sustained gunshot wounds arrived at an area hospital later, right now, all of them are recovering from their injuries. police have yet to make any arrests. now we want to show you this map showing the locations and dates of all the reason mass shootings in indianapolis, all of the shootings happen within 25 minutes distance of each other, although they're not believed to be connected, are march 16, a nightclub shooting left one person dead and five others injured. the following weekend, one person was killed and five others, including an off-duty indianapolis apple is metro police officer were injured after a shooting outside a bar early sunday, march 24th, and violence flared saturday night downtown in an incident involving a large group of young people and multiple firearms police officials say more than 25 officers were
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patrolling the area saturday to prevent this type of gun violence from breaking out, but it happened anyway, and they warn disputes like this should never lead to guns violence >> downtown. commander burton has already changed resources and directed resources to try to address these juvenile crowds before they get started. and having officers that come in earlier, even to try to address that and stay on top of it. so absolutely. all of our resources are going to be directed at preventing this kind of crime. >> it starts at home. that's the first place you can look to the police. all you want to try to solve these things in like the chief said, we have plenty of resources in downtown indianapolis on the weekends too. deal with our issues and yet this this occurred and so we're all going to have to like i said, take a look in the mirror and find out what more we can do as a community it's extremely concerning to the mindset of some of our community members, especially some of our young community
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members once again, and i know you guys have heard cheap bailey talk about it conflict should not lead to somebody pulling out a gun and trying to resolve it. the consequences are eternal. >> okay? >> we have got to learn how to talk to each other. we've got to learn how to resolve conflict in different ways and when there's a bold disrespect for law enforcement authority and the laws of our society it's a problem that's bigger than the police deputy chief tanya terry also says police believe multiple firearms were involved, but it's unclear what led to the shooting or how many people opened fire, >> although they didn't provide information on the nature of the gathering, police have noticed large crowds of young people moving around the downtown area. ivan rodriguez, cnn lana >> in the state of tennessee, police have identified a suspect in connection with a deadly easter brunch shooting. one person was killed and at
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least seven others wounded at a nashville restaurant on sunday. >> police believe >> it happened after an argument between two menn the suspect has been now identified as 46 year-old aunt and rucker. police say he has passed convictions for aggravated assault and drug charges. they don't believe the suspect and victim knew each other 30 years into its young democracy. south africa is struggling with a crime wave. it can't seem to control violent brazen attacks and heists which should be handled by police, are instead it turned over to private security patrols because police corruption is rampant as well. >> cnn david mackenzie wrote along with a security guard in the middle of a pursued and spoke with both a victim of crime and an admitted criminal about the lawlessness gripping the country >> my charlie's 63
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>> this was a vehicle that was triggered by the license plate recognition system. we need to be on top of the vehicle as soon as we go as fast as we possibly can. >> so anton is chasing a hijacked vehicle this happens all the time in south africa. they are in touch with private security groups throughout this eastern part of johanas berg. and one thing you don't hear anything about? >> it's the police direction north needs direction police can't cope and if funded and struggling with corruption the shooting, the shooting. >> i >> dashcam. >> footage shows the criminal gangs private security are often up against in south africa, more than 20,000 vehicles were hijacked last year murders are at a 20 year high night. >> she cash-in-transit heists on now commonplace armored vehicles targeted in broad daylight by heavily armed gangs
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this heist on a major job okay. highway in october was it difficult to get a gun >> we measure cash-in-transit criminal who claims he's gotten out of the game. we agreed to hide his identity, so he would talk freely. >> people who with the living the host of people just those are the people work carrying with >> he says around a dozen gang members target the vehicles often with insider intelligence. they have spotters, drivers, and shooters splitting the cash evenly did you ever kill anyone >> some of them you who won two mozart they want to become heroes >> but father of four, tt
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ngwenya says he never wanted to be a hero. he just wanted to put food on the table because i needed the money. you must check out that your own to be killed because you will never work for your children. >> he always knew they would be hit. and in may 2021, they were dashcam video shows the gang working quickly efficiently. even they made ngwenya and the other gods lie in the grass when they blew off the roof, it crushed his legs >> at the big thing to me, i'm no longer able to stand >> welcome. >> i'm no longer working as the way i was before john that job. and now always full pain. i'm shot with some pills you see a number florida >> seems like the value of life has actually means nothing do a lot of people many i think at the moment, our crime is out of control. our crime is really
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not in control. we are having a hard time fighting fighting, drive south africa is losing the war against crime. the promise of its democracy hijacked by corruption, desperation, and grief. david mckenzie, cnn, johannesburg and we'll be right back >> your best days of the year start here at capote are orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of capote attractors. zero turn lowers, and utility via the goals, including the number one selling compact tractor and the usa plus the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select count pack tractors orange goes all day, sales endings visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at coppola, orange >> monies, allergies don't have
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>> if you or a loved one have mesothelial mac will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to you 80082 who won 4,000 >> breaking news coming into cnn crews are preparing to open an alternate channel near baltimore's key bridge for commercially essential vessels in the area we are taking these live pictures right now. this is the bridge that collapsed when a cargo vessel crashed ashley her about a week ago in the army corps of engineers, it could take weeks for the port of baltimore to reopen as crews clear the massive wreckage, leaving commuters and workers in limbo and supply chains in disarray. and we will have more on this coming up in the next hour. cnn newsroom >> anyways, college basketball's march madness, the men's final four is set. the top ranked purdue boilermakers defeated number
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two tennessee 72 to 66 in the elite eight. purdue is advancing to its first final force since 1980 north carolina state continues its cinderella run after upsetting duke 706264. here's how the semifinals will be played. saturday, uconn and alabama going head-to-head, and the boilermakers facing off with the wolfpack a frustrating day on the pitch for manchester city in the english premier league, arsenal held them to a scholars draw, leaving liverpool atop the table. here's patrick's now what it was little for the big winners in more ways than one on easter sunday after the title chasing reds be brighton and a vital match at anfield as they're too big rivals in this >> enthralling race to be current champions of england took points off each other in a goalless draw at the etihad by the time man city and arsenal took to the field of play they knew liverpool at ore backdoors, three points city, going close in the first half of this game when they're
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dashed offender lafe inaccurate or getting on the end of a kevin de bruyne coronary can't get a proper connection on it from close range there after the break, if before my city playing, gabrielle ye xu su have the home fans concern as he just failed to connect with the kio cycle cross and a strange one very near the end of city's erling haaland looks like he's in a great position to score, which somehow totally failing to make any sort of meaningful contact kind of summed up the game really, both spanish head coach is left to ponder goalless draw a full-time whistle city had scored in 47 consecutive home leak fixes before this sunday, but no breaking down the gunners here >> the commitment of all the players and the discipline are they having only defensive parts and even were really high on the ph and trying to win the war. we went level and lots and then when the re, that president had the where you have to drive back and they extend deep and they start to move. that is you have. to be really patients that are no roche and you have to defend the box really well. i think
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it's 2021 the last time that they haven't equipment 57 games. so that's three years so that's said to be people do you >> seem long, nine games and yeah, we see him. so wednesday, another one and we'll see will happen well, earlier on sunday, little for doing that part by beating bryson, but the whole fans initially in shock, the red behind are for 85 seconds danny, well back with a wonderful strike right in front of the car. the host predictably hitting back. >> and it's >> their colombian for this diaz reacting quickest to bring relief the anfield faithful, he levels just shy of the half-hour mark, a little pot with all my mentor at this point, it's no surprise when they get a win are really exquisite. cool is you liked 50 from egyptian style. most salah the 21 liverpool very important win for the reds three priceless points, but brightened, made the work for it so much at stake. reds boss jurgen klopp tried to keep everything into >> it will be tough and yes,
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it's sometimes nerve-wracking and it will be harder. aid will be at 180, 200 whatever from time to time if you want you to, if you're play it, but if we all together enjoy this we have a chance. if you don't we still have a jazz. it's just really much more difficult. and that's why we try to stay positive in all these moments. it's a great situation where the boys brought us in we are there i don't even know exactly the point, sally, but another three so maybe we add their up with two other teams fighting for the biggest price in english football. and we will see how it will end up. but my decided, i will really try hard to enjoy it >> will club will be a very happy man after sunday's results, frustration. so pep guardiola's side, you haven't been involved in a goal as match since october of 2022, liverpool lead the way by two points with the gunners and importantly, they're now three points clear of a third-placed
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city. there is still so much to play for all three title rivals have nine and fixtures left will be across it all for you on cnn's worth ball for now though, it's right back to you in the women's league cup final, tempers flared in a big win for our snow during the match, there was this confrontation between chelsea, scottish >> international, erin cuthbert and arsenal swedish manager jonas eidevall. then when the final whistle blew instead of a handshake, chelsea boss, emma hayes shoved arsenal's managing yeah, hazy is leaving chela at the end of the season to manage the us women's national team. want to thank you for spending part of your de with me. i'm sure seen a newsom continues next week, next >> get your viewing glasses was ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle, in the skies, eclipse, if possible. april 8 did one on cnn or streaming on macs
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