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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 2, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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your sources telling you about the decision that the palace's is making right now about his health well, i think it was a big reassurance exercise for the public, but also for the family. they're ultimately there to support the king and now that he's going to be able to do a bit more, they're going to take each engagement one by one depending on the medical advice. then if he's able to do more than less pressure on them, particularly the princess of wales, who's going through chemo, has to consider that and also has got the kids off school. at the moment. i think the next big challenge probably is friday. this big netflix movie it's such prince andrew was unempathetic to view, is going to remind everyone of that. it's going to open up a new audience. and it's not just the associations with epstein you're going to see a lot of very realistic behind the scenes footage as well, showing how frankly out-of-touch print sandi was unempathetic towards epstein's victory timms, and
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these are the values that william and charles has been trying to move away from. so i think that's going to blow up again. it's going to be a problem. you probably going to see a lot of it on social media. and we're not going to hear much from this lot about it. i don't think because he's not working royal. yeah. max foster. thanks very much. >> the >> news continues right here on cnn >> abortion band and become the law in that state. but voters are going to have the final say in november and the first vessel travels to a newly created alternate channel at the site of the baltimore bridge collapse all right. >> 5:00 a.m. here in washington live. look at capitol hill. good morning, everyone. kasie hunt. it's wonderful to have you with us donald trump heads back on the campaign trail today, a day after posting a 100 million bond that of course means that new york attorney general, letitia james has been
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blocked from seizing his assets until at least september when the former president's appeal is set to be heard. >> the >> bond is underwritten by a california-based insurance company, despite trump saying last month that he would use his own money to cover it >> they have a lot of cash, but i would also like to be able to use some of my cash to get elected. i might spend a lot of money up on my campaign trump will have to choose his words carefully when his campaign rolls into green bay wisconsin today, the judge in >> his hush money trial, expanding a gag order to include family members of court personnel and the da. the ruling comes after trump posted social media attacks against judge juan on merchant's daughter last week, joining me now to discuss all of this, nicholas johnston publisher of axios, nick. good morning. good morning. >> to you. great to be here. >> so a big move here from the former president donald trump. he actually went to a company out in california that specializes while the the money
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behind it i is a guy who made his money specializing in subprime car loans he tells forbes and abc that he happens to be a supporter of donald trump, although this was a business decision what happened here, >> essentially, donald trump for the strategy for all of these trials has been to delay time, delay the eventual resolution of them. and for this most recent one, i think he's paying about $1 million a day, as you said earlier, to kick the next issue of this trial all the way to september, the trigger strategy across all of them. it's like to push these as far as close, as close as possible to the election, ideally past the election. now, this new york case will not be discussed again until september. we have the other new york case starting next month the federal cases, the one in georgia, very indeterminant. so again, the trump's strategy so far is working as part of trying to push these as far away out of the elections. you don't have any final resolution or a judgment days. remember, trump said he couldn't pay the 475 million that would not require additionally, 100500075, a little bit easier to go. but again, it's just kicking this
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can down the road but again, as closer and closer to that de and remember, you said he's paying $1 million a day. what do you mean by that? just did the math. i literally standing over 175 divided by the month it takes to get there. it's about 30 million, about at about $1 million a day to get to the what? 175 days until september when this comes back before the court. >> okay. so let's let's also take a look at what trump had to say about this. just to overnight, it looks like so he says, i've just posted $175 million bond with the sadly failing and very troubled seat of new york he says that he also posted a $91 million bond on another new york fake case money. i can't use on my campaign. just with cricket joe wanted and again, he calls this a, witch hunt again, he casts all of this as a system that is out to get him this worked for him in the primary, right. does it work in the context we're in now? i think that is the real question. i mean, how much do people will get? third of tired of this, like as i say, every single week when i come on here, donald trump lost the last election. he needs more
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voters. it stands to reason in the next election to win. so what are things that he can do are talk about that will jens people both decide to vote from that didn't before i think the focus on the trials is not something through social is not. i think we're a lot of swing voters and a ton of their time looking at the triplet former president attacking the judge. the judge is family, as we think all of this detracts from, i think the message they would much rather be talking about french and border security if you can be talking about in michigan later this week. and then again, the time yet suspend in trial and then the money as well, a big undercurrent that came up. a lot of the earlier first-quarter of financial report this is biden and the democrats have a lot more money than trump and the republican. >> yeah, they sure do >> so on this >> gag order, it has expanded to include family members after we saw pretty extraordinary outpouring from including one sitting member of the federal judiciary saying, hey when you attack people, when you donald trump attack people is actually very physically dangerous for the people that you attack. is this the right move here? obviously, the judge not
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protecting himself because he does have the role, but the family members aren't pardon me. >> we're in very interesting, uncharted territory here. president trump or president trump has generally follow some of these gaps egg orders. he has ratcheted down some of his rhetoric when the judges have gone after him before. but i think are real question is, what if the president goes on truth, social and attacks the judge's daughter? again, what is the judge's response to that? to hold the former president the whole donald trump in contempt to have us marshals or new york cops going put the president in jail for contempt of court. >> when you typically get two the fine situation before you get that far, i think that'd be the first step of it, but then president trump, listened to that will be fine. that would be enough. it's like, how do you hold the president accountable? how do you hold a former president accountable for these kinds of things when that very much relishes and pushing those kinds of boundaries. i think that's where a lot of portraits struggling with what he had to deal with it in the civil fraud situation, right? judge engoron, and we saw that once the judge did start putting some consequences in place, trump did adjust as being 100% tone down that retic, there's always that tension i think with donald trump as far as
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what his advisers, what his lawyers, what judges would like him to to say and what he likes to go on the campaign trail and say and what he likes to put on truth, social >> yeah. so nick, while i have you, let's talk about another story which is an issue that's going to be absolutely critical in the november elections. portion. rights in florida at the supreme court made one of these in some ways, it's a split decision, it's a little complicated as to why, but basically they allowed the six-week abortion ban to go into effect here coming up. but they also said voters are going to get to decide this on the ballot in the fall. what is your assessment of how this is going to have this one? it's matters fruity unexpected. but as we've seen, abortion is a very salient issue in elections. a lot of the off-year elections, abortion drove a lot of people to the polls in ways that people didn't expect. i was just pulling the ohio results on my phone back there to remind myself, 56% of voters in ohio, that's not a swing state that is not a purple state by any measure, came out and endorsed in abortion rights in the constitution. they are still having that on the bite it,
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having that on the ballot in florida in november, democrats are very excited about that, about who that brings to the full. remember, i'm not saying florida is in play all of a sudden, but it's another piece of these trends that are blowing up again, like i've said, donald trump needs more voters than last time. and abortion rights, rulings on the ballot bring joe biden ballot voters. >> and of course the reality is that florida has become one of the few places in the southeast united states, if not the only one one, if you look at a map at where abortion is available at all, which means that some women have been going >> there are huge, huge vote, a lot of money pouring into it and that may even kick over international implications. and again, that'll drive a lot of abortion rights proponents to the polls. yeah, for sure. all right. nicholas johnson for us. thanks to be up early. appreciate it. >> all, right, coming up here >> aid workers for world central kitchen killed in gaza. what we know about what happened there ahead. >> plus rfk junior, me in the argument that president biden is a bigger threat to democracy than donald trump and a no hitter like no other cnn
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feel love our formula for phase two a vino this is the big dam >> kane. >> who, that do >> all right, a developing story out of gaza this morning. the world central kitchen says at least seven of its workers have been killed in an israeli military strike the organization says a convoy was hit, leaving a warehouse where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid. cnn global affairs analyst can dozer joins me now with more on this. kim good morning to you. so the ceo said that this is not only an attack against world central kitchen, this is an attack on humanitarian organization patients showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. this is on forgivable. we should note that the people who
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were killed are from australia, from poland, the uk, someone has a dual citizen in the united states and canada, a palestinian also how does something like this happen with curve like this >> this looks bad. this looks like indiscriminate bombing. the same thing that many of israel's critics have been saying has been going on, especially when the world central kitchen, the details that are coming out that they were coordinating with the israeli defense forces saying okay, we're leaving now, they were in clearly marked vehicles. you can see the logo in the footage from the bombing aftermath >> the >> australian prime minister has already come out condemning this. i think it's really going to in, one sense, give ammunition to the biden administration to tell the israelis if this is what you do with an aid convoy, what are you doing with ordinary palestinians? this looks bad and already the idf has come out with a statement not
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acknowledging responsibility. but talking about they're looking into this quote-unquote, tragic act accident. that sounds like they think they were firing something in that area as opposed to in other cases where they've said no, no, no. this wasn't us. we weren't operating there. >> so kim, can you help us understand how the world central kitchen would be interacting with the idf under normal circumstances mean i just what kind of information does the idf have about their whereabouts? just like dig into that a little more because the whole gaza strip is an active war zone aid workers coordinate usually with combatants on the ground, on both sides letting them know we're going here and they're clear markings from there close to the vehicles. they're traveling in. that's one way of trying to keep themselves safe. but something like more than 100 un aid workers have been killed. and now we see but, but people were thinking maybe that's because there's such animus between
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the us and the un age, age between israel and the us, the un agency there. but this is world central kitchen and they were allegedly on the phone according to the aid organization saying where leaving now? it, sounds like thidf didn't know what one part of the organization was doing. like maybe the air force wasn't talking to the ground force. something didn't get through. if it does, in the end proved to be definitely an israeli airstrike. >> and the bottom line >> here is that this is an organization that has developed worldwide renown it is widely known here in the a chef jose andres showing up in catastrophe after catastrophe to do this kind of work, what impact do you think it has politically here in the on perceptions of the conflict, it just ratchets up pressure on the biden administration, especially with the left wing of the democratic party, saying, you know, what? why do you continue to arm this government when it's not using these munitions with care.
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>> pretty remarkable. >> kim, while i have you, there also was another significant development overnight and that the israelis apparently bombed took out a top iranian commander inside syria. what do we? you know about that? >> this was an iranian diplomatic facility. therefore, that's considered iranian territory and this was the highest ranking according to iran, the highest ranking quds force commander taken out since soleimani was taken out by trump drone strike in iraq so they've vowed revenge israel hasn't claimed responsibility publicly, though anonymously. there's been reporting that they've claimed it. >> they have said that they >> will track down anyone responsible for the october 7 attacks and the quds force trained many of the hamas fighters and also helped get weapons to them. so this is something that could escalate
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tensions, could create more hizballah fighting on the border. you know, iran has held back, but it's gotta do something publicly to strike back for this. in this instance. all right. kim dozer for us. kim, thank you. i really appreciate it. >> are coming up next year. a judge in new york expanding donald trump's gag order after the former president attacked his daughter online loss, a rare case of bird flu in the, what we know about the person who's come down with it get your viewing glasses ready, and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage it's around the country of the spectacle in the skies, eclipse across america, live monday at one on cnn for streaming on max, lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. >> now going like enjoying the coal one while watching the game who's willing? >> we are my friend we are
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tugboat pushing a bard with jet fuel for the defense department was the first vessels across the alternate channel it person in texas has tested positive for bird flu the second case ever reported in the state health officials say the recovering patient had direct contact with dairy cattle there's no risk to the commercial look supply the powerball jackpot soaring to just over 1 billion after no one won last night wednesday nights drawing we'll feature the fourth largest jackpot ever with a lump-sum payout of 527.3 our time now, for whether the thread of tornadoes impacting millions today from the southeast to the ohio valley, those storms hitting the midwest right now. and there are tornado warnings in effect near st. louis. let's get straight to our meteorologists, elisa raffa, who is tracking those storms right now. elisa, what do you see? i mean, it's been a >> really busy night. we have multiple reports of damaging winds, large hail, at least three reported tornadoes so far
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and parts of oklahoma, the hail has been ginormous overnight. we're talking two inches, three inches, 4.5 inches in diameter. and when you look at that scale, we're talking about hail baseball, two softball size that could really do a lot of damage and cause injury. here's where we've got the storms this morning that tornado watch until 8:00 central time for parts of eastern missouri, southern illinois, as we continue with that threat for tornadoes early this morning. here's a look at where we've got some mornings tornado, warnings, their sound of st. louis closer to paducah and i want to point out, we can see the lightning strikes, but we're having a hard time getting the radar data this morning because they're actually is a national outage with our radar information, all the red dots that you see here are radar sites that are not working. and this is incredibly crucial because tonight we're looking at possibly even more intense severe weather outbreak tonight, up in indiana and ohio
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in this area where they actually also have some tornado, some radar information down. here's a look at that risk four tonight in that red moderate risk that's a level four out of five. we're looking at the likely we could have strong tornadoes, very large hail, again, baseball, softball sized hail and damaging winds. this is the threat of tornadoes for ef2 or stronger. so not only are we looking at the threat of tornadoes were looking at strong tornadoes possible in that red hatched area from columbus, cincinnati down towards louisville both to an incredibly dangerous. nine now, april is the part of our severe weather season where tornadoes can be pretty common, but not really in this area. we don't really see them. usually we find some of those tornadoes a little bit farther south. so something to watch as we go through the night tonight, hail again can also be on the order of baseball what's a softball size? so look at the storm's really just intensifying as we go into the afternoon, all of those discrete cells can be turned attic as we go into the
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day-to-day kasie. >> all right. elisa raffa for us at least so thank you very much coming up next here, a striking gaza kills workers from chef jose andres's aid group, world central kitchen an american is among those dead plus cnn goes one-on-one with rfk junior >> i can make the argument biden has a much worse threat to democracy he did indeed say that, and more we'll bring you all of that. >> if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing that could ever happen >> my dad died doing what he loved spatial columbia final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn, dry >> skin is sensitive skin two, and it's natural treated that way with a vino daily moister formulated with nourishing prebiotic ode. it's clinically
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who's winning? >> we are my friend we are >> carbon, a cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine welcome back? >> we gotta live, look in new york city this morning. good morning to you. thank you for being with us some kasie hunt, donald trump is supposed to watch what he says when he leaves for a campaign stop in the midwest today, we'll see how that goes. but it's because the judge in his civil fraud case has expanded a gag order to include family members of court personnel and the da. the ruling comes after trump posted social media attacks against judge juan merchan's daughter last week merchant not holding back in his ruling writing this pattern of attacking family members, of presiding jurists and attorneys assigned who is cases serves no legitimate purpose. it merely injects fear in those assigned or called to participate in the proceedings, that not only they but their family members as well are fair game for defendants, vitriol.
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it is no longer just a mere possibility or a reasonable likelihood that there exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. the threat is very real, joining me now to discuss furnished mary, she's congressional reporter for the associated press and anti-death scenario senior congressional reporter for punchbowl news. good morning to both of you. thank you so much for being here. we really are for new and unprecedented territory here with the former president talking honestly, the daughter of the judge in this case, someone who is not actually even related to the preceding directly, but is really kind of an innocent victim in many ways, trump hits the campaign trail at today out in the sort of wisconsin michigan blue wall, so to speak. where president biden really won the election in 2020 how do you view how these two things are interacting with each other? and do you think that the former president is actually going to abide by this order? >> yeah. i mean, i would say
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i'm precedent as far as yes. there i don't think there's been in history a president who is facing going when to trial at the same time that he's campaigning for office. but the tactics are the same, right? we saw in the 2016 election, the way that donald trump would go after ted cruz's wife, right? >> seven is the >> precedent that donald trump said for him. yes. yes. exactly. the only has it is own precedent and you just continuing to follow along all right. but i think interestingly enough, i mean, when you are facing the number of charges and the kind of legal battles that he's facing. and you do not have the defense that you do. what do you do? you go after you make it personal, you go after family members. he obviously found that with the daughter of this judge, who is democratic consultant, that he's accused false flee of posting pictures of him in jail. i think it's a tactic that he sees when he's facing a wall, when he has no other way out. but as far as like when it goes against the campaign trail, i mean, we see what happens when he talks about biden talks about biden's age, his ability to do the job and i think you'll see
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a through line in the way that the personal attacks continued to go >> yeah. >> andrew, the congress's out for easter recess >> so did you guys are much better rested than you? here at this hour, but it also spares them the questions in the hallways of like, hey, did you see that social media post where donald trump attack the judge's daughter and republicans are at mike lawler was on with my colleague, dana bash over the weekend having to because he was on a sunday show remote from home but he was asked about the violent imagery that trump reposted of president biden hogtied on the back of a pickup truck and clearly didn't really want to answer the question, how are republicans going to grapple with the fact that i mean this, we're now a few weeks into him being the presumptive nominee of their party you're not going to want to answer for him, but to a certain extent they have to write we're back to these consecutive news cycles of republicans having to respond
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to things that donald trump says and does, because now he is the presumptive nominee of their party. and most, if not all of them, have now endorsed donald trump either officially or given the wink, wink nod, nod to his candidacy. with this attack against the daughter of the judge in this case. i think you would even hear a lot of trump's traditional allies on the hill say things like, i wouldn't use that language if i were him basically trying to distance themselves from the type of rhetoric and type of language he's using without outwardly condemning him because really it is difficult to defend the types of remarks he is making. in this case and look, his campaign is right, that this is unprecedented for a presidential candidate to be not silenced, but told what he or she can and cannot say on the campaign trail. but it is also unprecedented for a major presidential candidate to be facing this many criminal indictments and to be on trial for these range of charges,
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right? well >> the thing that also strikes me in this particular case that no, my question for a lot of these folks would be they all have families and they all have an understanding of how there living in the political world, their work affects the people that they, and they often will say like my kids are not fair game. yeah. right. >> like backoff offline especially minor children, but they'll extended two adult children too. so i think that there's i'm interested to see how much of a double standard there will be for this once they start getting asked more aggressively about this, absolutely but furnish, let's talk a little bit about some other developing news overnight that's going to have a ripple effect on the campaign, but also across the hill. and that's the florida supreme court rulings around abortion. i want to show you what the campaign director of a group called fluor floridians protecting freedom this was one of those names where you would be forgiven for not knowing exactly which side of the debate this person comes from. but this is the language that
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democrats have used pretty effectively. and talking about this topic, watch what she had to say hey, about the supreme court ruling >> we are thrilled to floridians will >> have the opportunity to reclaim their bodily autonomy and to gain freedom from government interference by voting yes, on amendment four, this november, we're not saying that anybody has to ideologically aligned with abortion were saying that politician shouldn't be the terminators of that decision. they shouldn't interfere with patients and medical providers >> so the florida court did two things here for new state paved the way for the six-week ban on the one hand, but on the other hand, they said this is gonna be on the ballot. and so what she was talking about there and she is on the side of preserving abortion rights was that they are thrilled that people are gonna be able to vote on this because the reality is every single time voters have had to vote directly on this issue, they have voted either to explicitly protect the rights or at least they have rejected restrictions on abortion rights. how do you see this playing out? this florida is the last place
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really in the southeast where abortion is accepted. symbol current. >> yeah. i mean, we saw in ohio, i think i covered ohio for several years. i knew it was a stunning decision to see them add to their constitution the right to protect abortion rights. and i think florida has a lot. i think they're similar in an in certain ways, but i think it'll be really interesting, especially as democrats continue to come out to say while republicans are making immigration the topic of their campaign for presidency to take back the senate and to grow the majority in the house. democrats are really staying on abortion, reproductive rights. ivf is going to be how they slide in to victory in the house and potentially maintain hundreds plus word. >> yeah. i mean, look, this issue has >> benefited democrats electorally. the question is in a state like florida, can it have the down-ballot impact for democrats in the senate race there? rick scott is obviously a for reelection president biden obviously is on the ballot in florida, florida has trended more republican in
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recent years, but it's still a state that is viewed as an important swing state in the grand scheme of things. so the goal for democrats is to ensure that they can harness this energy on the abortion issue and have it benefit them up and down the ballot in november. >> all right. furnished meri andrea stereo. thank you, guys. i really appreciate you taking some of your vacation week to hang out with that's hearing. >> all right. more now on our developing story seven, eight workers from jose andres world central kitchen were killed in an idf strike in central gaza the organization says they'd coordinated their movements with the idf and were in marked vehicles with their logo world central kitchen is one of the few aid organizations providing desperately needed food to gazans. the organization is now pausing operations there. andres posted on the platform formerly known as twitter that he is heartbroken and implored the israeli government to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers and stop using food as a weapon joining me now from
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jerusalem is cnn international correspondent, melissa bell. melissa, good morning. what more do we know about these seven aid workers? many of them were foreign nationals >> that's right, kasie, we understand that they came from such very countries as united states, canada, poland, there was a palestinian amongst them as well. the united kingdom, two and outrage has been expect expressed by the home countries of so many of them. but of course, also so by many aid organizations. and outside observers who say look, it is a crucial organization that was there bringing much-needed aid. it is because pause the land crossings are so tightly controlled that the world central kitchen had found this way of getting aid in last month from cyprus brought a shipment of aid to the this makeshift jetty that's been set off set up off the coast of northern gaza. and again another one we'd heard was on its way on saturday with 400 tons of desperately needed aid. it's still understand off the
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larger of the edge of gaza. but right now, as you say, they've pause their operations and it's unclear how that aid is now going to get in most damning perhaps that claim by world central kitchen that this movement of aid and what we understand is that the workers had been just dropping aid, offered a warehouse and were then driving the way in two armored cars, most damning is there claimed that this had been coordinated with the idf. now we've been hearing from the idf as well, announcing a kasie that a probes been launched at the highest level to try and figure out what happened. but this is also, of course, renewed calls by the international community that the un resolution that was approved last week, to call for a cessation in the osteology so that aid can get in to try and alleviate this worsening famine inside the gaza strip, be actually respected. casey >> all right. melissa bell for us in jerusalem with this important story, melissa. thanks very much >> all right ahead here, new underwater images of the
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baltimore bridge collapse, plus the incredible caitlin clark lifting the iowa hawkeyes into the women's final four >> not flossing well, then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is five times more effective than plus at reducing black above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth. this three feel the worst. so would you get to nashville hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders >> what about you? >> tenders for better flash random for the kind of at our when no always the competition. i >> am the shrimp bought i have active psoriatic arthritis, but with sky rizzi to treat my skin and joints count me in along with clearer skin, sky rizzi helps me move with blessed joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and 30 and is just four doses a year after to starter doses, theory is allergic cic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight the may occur. tell your doctor if you
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captioning is brought to you by skechers, go walk pants skechers go walk pants are breathable and flexible with a comfy soft feel, plus they have front and rear pockets, including a hidden zip security bucket try sketches affordable, go walk pants welcome back. >> a six-week abortion bans set to become law next month in florida after the state supreme court ruled florida's privacy protections do not include abortion, the ruling paves the way for one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country to take effect. but florida voters will get the final say in november monday's ruling, setting up an intense political showdown in the state. >> here's what donald trump said >> last year about florida's six-week ban people are starting to think of 15 weeks. that seems to be a number that people are talking about right now. do you sign? >> i would i would sit down with both sides and negotiate something and we'll end up with pizza in that issue for the
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first time in 52 years. i'm not going to say i would or wouldn't i mean does sanctus we're willing to sign a five-week and six-week ban. you support that. you think that what he did is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake. >> if course talking about florida governor ron desantis, dring me now, new york times, national political correspondent, lisa layer. she is also the co-author of a new book, the rise or excuse me, the fall of roe and the rise of a new america. lisa, good morning. it's wonderful to have you >> hi, thanks for having me. >> so you heard trump there, say that this six-week ban is a big mistake. this is set to go into effect now in may and the court also said that voters will get to decide so the reality is there's people in florida are actually going to have a chance to experience life under this ban. they are going to be forced to experience life under this ban pending on how you want to want to frame that before they actually vote on it. >> how do >> you see this playing out? >> well, in some ways, this is
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the perfect test electoral test case for democrats democrats have seen since roe fell, about what year-and-a-half ago or so, that abortion has remained really energizing issue for their base. it's something that really gets their voters out to vote. it's a coalition of independence democrats and even some moderate republicans who feel strongly about this issue >> and now this >> these dual rulings have basically guaranteed that the issue will remain the news in florida up until election day as the state adjust to this new reality where abortion is effectively banned and then the question will be put directly to voters in november. so it really is something that democrats are very enthusiastic about electorally of course, from a policy perspective, quite disappointed so this is also, it also means that the southeastern united states is basically has entirely >> outlawed abortion procedures. it's kinda the
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last place where people could go to potentially have the procedure. what does that mean for women, american women in this region of the country? >> well, it means that if they need to end a pregnancy or want to end a pregnancy, they will have to travel thousands of miles to do so effectively. there is nowhere in the southeast part of the country where abortion will be accessible. >> and it >> also raises questions about whether the other states, places like virginia oh, or maybe ohio, which are of course quite far from florida and the closest places where a woman, particularly later in pregnancy can now get an abortion can deal with the overflow from florida. and whether they can deal with the number of patients coming into those places remains to be seen as well. >> we said, can >> you dig >> into what you found as you reported and wrote your book? that's set to come out here very shortly. you call it the rise of a new america. what do you mean by that? >> well, what we found was,
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even though the ruling in dobbs which eliminated the half-century long, right, constitutional right to an abortion >> even though that came >> as a shock to most the americans, this was a long-term plan designed by the anti-abortion movement that stretch back decades and particularly gains speed over the past decade, decade. this was a case that was organized by activists, anti-abortion activists, with help with a broad plan that included the judiciary branch the white house, and of course, the state houses and this movement all work together to get this case up. the court. and while they did so, the left and the pro-abortion rights movement in this country we're aware of, but largely unable to stop it both for political reasons and because of strategic missteps. our book really details this decade long push by via these activists to get this case and how ultimately plea they were highly successful. and now
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we're all, the country is living in their world effectively >> yeah, they really are. what is your sense of what how the fall of roe changed the political landscape, the political terrain in that there are suddenly a lot of people we'll have been woken up to the reality that their rights have been changed dramatically curtailed. if you are someone who is in need or wants to have this procedure, we have seen it the energy around this swing back what is your sense of how these groups are? preparing for the fight ahead to try to fundamentally change this if they have a plan along those lines at all >> well, what we found and we saw this in focus groups and polling and really exclusive never report before reported political data like that, that really never been teen but we were able to unearth for as
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part of our investigation for our book is that there was this really strong sense of denial that there had been a federal right to abortion in this country for so long that people really didn't believe it could be any other way. it had been in place for two generations and it felt unimaginable to many voters does that such a thing could fall even though of course politicians warned about roe for decades, people just didn't believe it. when the decision, when the leak of the decision came down and then of course the decision a month-and-a-half or month or so later. it really woke up the country and people were all of a sudden saw what was happening. and we're they didn't like it. abortion rights were always >> popular in some form. basically, since pretty much since roe was decided by the court back in 73. >> and >> when that change, you saw this new coalition of abortion rights voters who really became a political force. now that being said, there's effectively no way to restore federal abortion rights in the
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way of the four here before unless democrats can append the filibuster and get 60 votes in the senate, which you know, of course casey is a very, very high margin to reach in an unlikely one so really what democrats are trying to do now is enshrine abortion rights and a state-by-state effort and that's what we see here in florida, where there will be a ballot measure on that, people can vote on and november that would enshrine abortion rights in florida >> yeah >> all right. we layer for us, the new book is the fall of roe, the rise of a new america. lisa, thanks very much. >> thank you >> all right. time now for sports. caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes, looking to avenge their lost to lsu. and last year's national championship game, carolyn mano has this morning's bleacher report currently. good morning. >> good morning. i'm gonna need all the coffee today because i stayed up way too late watching the women's basketball like everybody else, but i couldn't help. but because this was arguably the the most highly anticipated gaming all of march madness, and it lived up to its
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billing this on-court rivalry centered around iowa's caitlin clark and lsu's angel reese. the two squares let's meeting in front of an electric sold-out crowd in albany. clark ready from the jump, she hit a to open scoring right out of the gate and you just knew that she was completed? wheatley locked into this game, iowa and lsu tied at the half the pace of the game was so fast. >> but >> clark showed no signs of slowing down. she just hit three after three nine from behind the arkin all the time, the ncw women's record for most in a single tournament game, while also breaking the record for most career three is among men's in women's ncw division one players. and you obviously had angel reese to that trademark physicality on full display. i mean, she ended the night with 17 points and 20 rebounds. she did all she could, but in the end, this iowa squad able to figure out the team that they lost last year's national championship game as the hawkeyes are in a second trait final for appearance with a 94, 87 when clark elated afterwards, but
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after this game was well over, both women reflected on very different experiences i know r group has given everything we got and at the end of the day, you when you lose a feel like our group has given so much >> to this game and to this program that you can always help hold your head high. but i think at the same time, that's the reason we have been able to play such good basketballs. we don't want this to end and we want to keep coming back and working hard with each other fighting for one more week and extended as long as you possibly can, i guess. >> i'm still like all this has happened since i won the national championship and i said that the day since then, is sucks. but i still wouldn't change. i wouldn't change anything and i would still sit here and say, like, i'm unapologetically me, i'm going to always we've that mark and be who i am >> the final elite eight match up on the women's side will follow in portland and injury leg mu consine, maybe one of the best players in the games aim in jeju walk-ins in usc,
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she put on his shows going 29 to become the all-time leading freshmen score individual one history. this one also tied at the half, but after watching asteroids tournament from the sidelines, page, becker's was fired up and showed up per 28 points helps you khan pull away in the fourth quarter. she makes everybody around her better clinching this record of extending 23rd of final four appearance at the 73, the final and becker's reflecting on her journey after the game it can be easy for me to salt can be upset, and just be sad about what life is throwing me. it's past couple years market attack it with the mentality of being a leader. today was one of the most rewarding feelings i've ever felt in my life >> it's interesting, kaitlan, >> excuse me, it's interesting >> kasie to hear all of these women detail their experiences because they've all had such different journeys. i mean, you heard angel reese, they're talking about this villain role that she has assumed and how
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difficult that's been for her page and her injury journey. she has been fascinating to watch these women and they really shine last night. >> no, i mean, it's they have to deal with with things i would say many male athletes when have to deal with as aggressively, it's tough to hear her talk about that. carolyn, thanks very much. i appreciate it. >> coming up next. donald trump back on the trail after posting $175 million bond and getting that gag order expanded, plus new information on the suspect who ran their suv into the gate of an fbi office >> dry, skin, is sensitive skin two and it's natural treated that way with a vino daily moisture formulated with nourishing prebiotic. okay. >> it's clinically proven to moisturized dry skin for 24 hours the vena we had to take our old gas heating and radiant heat that was a really, really huge project. who has the type as a toddler, mom i do not. i was so overwhelmed, so i started contacting people off of the edge to be able to see contractors that are licensed
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