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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  April 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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to you by skechers hands-free slip ends. >> what's the >> greatest invention of all time? new hands-free sketcher slip ends. you just slip in and they're on. it's like they have an invisible built-in shoe horn. so your foot and slides into place hands it's free sketch your slip is >> denied on three 60, the former president tries again to get as new york judge off the case. the manhattan da response as the clock ticks down to his hush money trial. also tonight, trunk campaigning today in two states, you wanted 2016 lost in 2020 could be key to victory this year. and all we're learning about israel strike on a food convoy that killed seven workers and world central kitchen good evening. thanks for joining us when most criminal trials are just days away, most criminal defendants and their legal teams are busy enough, just prepping their cases. don't trump, of course, is not most defendants. so today with his new york criminal trial, just 13 days away, his legal team tried again to get the trial judge to recuse himself and in short order, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg responded. so we begin with that as well as some court filing filings which were expecting tonight in
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the classified documents case, cnn's kara scannell is following all of it. so what is the trump team's arguments for recusal this time? because the judges gave a ruling on this list and 24 hours ago. >> well, so trump is asking the judge to recuse himself in this case because of work that his daughter does for a political consulting firm called authentic camp paine's. it does marketing and fundraising. and in the past has worked for both biden campaign and the harris campaign. so at trump's lawyers are saying that they now have this data of past payments that they received from these groups. and arguing that that is grounds to for the judge to recuse himself, saying that they stand to financially benefit but from this trial. they write in a letter to the judge, the trial in this case will benefit authentic financially by providing its clients more fodder for fundraising authentic will make more money by assisting with those communications and your honors, daughter will continue to earn money from these developments by virtue of her senior role at authentic and then the da's office did
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respond today as well. anderson >> what did the dsa? >> so the da's office is saying that the judge has already ruled on this and that he had consulted with an advisory committee on judicial ethics that they said it wasn't grounds for the judge to recuse themselves. they also say that trump's team has strung together as they put it, a daisy chain of innuendo, but not actual facts connecting any money going to the from the campaigns to his daughter. and they say there is simply nothing new here that would alter this court's prior conclusion that nothing about this proceeding will directly benefit authentic or this court's family member, let alone this court. this comes as trump again, today has criticized the judge on one of his social media posts. and it is just the latest of trump making these comments about the judge's as he is pushing the boundaries both in and out of the courtroom. >> i have a trump-hating judge with the trump-hating wife and family, was either whacked out
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or dishonest. >> donald trump is lashing out and testing the limits of judges and the rule of law as he is set to be the first former president to face a criminal trial. the presumptive republican again, presidential nominee. and for time criminal defendant has been slapped with gag orders, stormed out of one federal courtroom and turned his appearances at others into campaign events. his targets are often the jurists on the bench and i don't know how you can have a trial what's going on right the middle of an election, not fair. not fair. it's not fair at all. he knows democrat judge. >> monday, new york state judge juan merchan expanded a gag order and is now restricting trump from talking about his family after finding trump's rhetoric threatens to instill fear and append the rule of law it is no longer just a mere possibility or a reasonable likelihood that there exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. the judge wrote, the threat is very real judges overseeing trump's cases
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have faced bomb threats and swatting calls at their homes courts have increased security. >> it's very disconcerting to have someone making comments about a judge and it's particularly problematic when those comments are in the form of a threat, especially if they're directed at one's family. >> the hush money case will be the third trial trump attends as a defendant in the past six months sitting across the table from the judge, he is attacked >> judge >> property. is it worth a tiny fraction. >> a frequent target is new york state judge arthur engoron, who found trump liable for fraud and ordered him to pay nearly half $1 billion this row, judge >> trump hater the only one that hates trump, flores is associate up there and and corrupt judge named lauren, you had a beak, looked at seriously looked at trump was back in court in january where he tested the boundaries with judge lewis kaplan during the
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defamation trial involving advice columnist e jean carroll. >> that's a nasty man. he's a nasty judge. he's at trump-hating guy. >> after an outburst, the judge threatened to remove trump from the court i would love it. trump replied despite the exchange, trump was not thrown out. never know if >> we don't have a viable court system that's able to function efficiently, then we have tyranny. and i don't think that would be good for the future of our country and the future of democracy in our country. >> now one judge that trump >> hasn't criticized since judge aileen cannon, who is overseeing the classified documents case in florida, she is set a deadline for tonight for both trump and the special counsel, jack smith's team to put together their thoughts on jury instructions. this is viewed as pretty unusual since she is not yet set a trial date in this case, and she also asked them to weigh in on the presidential records act. that is a key part. i've trump's defense and something that's special counsel says has no place in this case. anderson kara scannell. thanks very much. want to get perspective now from jeremy vogel, who
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served as federal judge in the california's a northern district, also mark his children's former investigative counsel to the house january 6 select committee and cnn legal analysts carry cordero, judge for vogel, i mean, this second attempt to get merchan tossed off, does that i mean, is it any different than the first attempt? >> i don't see any difference. there's no new facts. the association that his daughter had with her political agency was brought to light then. and there's really nothing new and there has to be a more specific connection. >> there's not really any detail in this filing. >> no, there isn't. now what you would need to get a recusals, you'd have to have a more direct connection because all judges have family members and their family members can do a lot of different things. they can be political activists, they can be they can have beliefs of all different kinds. and the question is whether there's something about what they're doing that causes a reasonable person to think the judge can't be impartial in the matter that's before the judge or that there's some direct financial benefit to the family member and you don't
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have that in this declaration area. >> i mean, is there any precedent for uh, judges recusing himself because his daughter's doing well, there is the judge was saying there are family members and spouses and we have these types of issues with judges. the standard is whether or not the judge has impartiality. his impartiality might be reasonably question and that of course is a very subjective analysis. that's, there's no hard fast, it doesn't sound like in this particular case that there is an actual conflict that has been articulated. so it falls more into the appearance. is there some sort of appearance of impartiality in this particular case that he would be biased in some way and even that doesn't seem to have risen it's into the level. >> so more is this just to help trump politically too foster the narrative that he's being railroaded. >> i mean, go into carries point on ethics panel already found that there was no
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impartiality. the judge's daughter having a job and him overseeing this case. i think i think actually, if you go to the judge's point, there's no two facts here in an argument actually feel speculative at best. there was no real facts alleged about the benefit that the judge's daughter will receive from overseeing this case, and it feels desperate, almost like the way that we saw leading up to the certification of the election where the former president was just throwing things against the wall to see what would stick. and this motion actually feels desperate as well, because the court's already rolled. >> it does certainly >> desperate. maybe he but it does certainly have an effect among his supporters have just rallying this solidifying this well, that's what i wanted to say. i think there's from a legal standpoint is desperate because it's an argument that's been made in rejected and there's no new new evidence. but i think on a political level, it's not so much desperate as it is kind of what we're getting used to, which she is an attempt to tear down the legitimacy of the judges who preside over these cases and it's interesting as you played the clips, there's the same language over and over again. rho judges democrat judges. >> i mean, he is a master of just repeating the same thing,
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right? but without i'm >> not even taking political sides here, i think there's, it's just, it's a matter of a concern herded practice of trying to delegitimize the courts that are presiding over his case. >> he has not gone after judge aileen cannon know whom he appointed to the bench in terms or actions so far in the mar-a-lago doc? no, he hasn't and and she has her own political history her own associations, both personally and her husband. does that mean if one wanted to make an issue about those things? i mean, i don't think those are disqualifying. people should know about them, but i don't think there's qualifying but but she's ruled in his favor over and over again. and so she's not been a target and what i worry about and judge walton, i think really spoke to this. >> if you keep delegitimizing the judiciary over and over and over again, their bias there unfair there rogue, they're irrational. the hate me all that that the more people tend to believe that, the more they tend to think the judges are just like anybody else that they're just politicians and robes. they're just doing whatever the whoever they're
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the people who line up align with them, expect them to do it, that there's no legal process, there's no consideration of the law. and i think it also insights violence and i wanted to say here that i've been doing a lot of teaching and my current roles, retired judges do a lot of teaching of current judges and people talked to me about what's going on out in the field the concerns about physical security nationally have never been as acute as they are now non-chord person, non-chord personnel court clerks, judges, baylis, everybody who works in the courts. and it's not just the judges have ruled against mr. trump. it's it's just there's an atmosphere of, of anger and thinking that you can make death threats against people. social media has really expanded that. >> yeah, it's a real problem. this is all the piece. i mean, it is all about the deepstate stuff, it's all about sort of tearing down institution. yeah. and he's a he's trying to discredit our institutions as judge vogel and judge walton said last week, and he doesn't have to be expressed and asking for violence in his tweets for
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his supporters to view it that way. i mean, just a month ago, a january 6, ryder said he was responding to the patriotic call of the president and attacking the capitol on january 6. and i think that the former president's tweets about the court here in new york can be construed as a patriotic call. and i think that's underway to be really be worried about and consider as we head into actual trials lesson federal judge nancy gertner said struck me. she said about judge cannon what she's asked to parties to do is very, very troubling. she's giving credence to arguments that are on their face absurd. she's ignoring a raft of other motions equally absurd that are unreasonably delaying the case. do you agree? so this goes to judge cannon in the florida case and her requests for these jury instructions. i think what was odd about her order on the jury instructions is that by asking the parties to weigh in on the presidential records act that really goes to a matter of law and is the type of issue that should have been resolved
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through motion since practice? not at the stage of jury instructions. so in other words, if she is of the view in her analysis of the law is going down the path of finding that the presidential records act actually applies in this case, what i would argue it doesn't, but that it does. and that that permitted the former president to retain any classified documents that he thought belonged to him as presidential records. that actually the case would end there and that would be a finding of a matter of law that she could make and then that would go up on appeal. certainly that the justice department would appeal it. but what it is so odd in this particular circumstances that she fashioned her request for views from the parties on issues of law as potential jury instructions. >> i've never seen an order like this. this. is trial judge for 37 years. i have never seen an order like this. and i'm not trying to read, judge cannons mine. i don't know, judge cannon. i don't know what her thinking is, but i do think that what you would normally do is carry just sit as you would decide the legal issues first, what is the law that applies to the case? are we under the presidential records act, are
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we under the espionage act? what what's the governing law? and then you would make all of your case management decisions, including what's in the jury instructions based on those determinations. and so the ways she's doing it is exactly the reverse of how it would normally be done. and i think it could potentially put the government in a very tough position. let me, let's say that she decides that the instructions that former president trump is asking for are the right ones that actually this is all about the presidential records act and they, he could have declassified anything he wanted to without following a formalities if he makes that decision, and then the case goes to trial and then he's acquitted as he certainly would be with that instruction. the government has no recourse. there's double jeopardy so that they have to find a way to get this legal issue decided first. and the way judge would normally do it is you would decide. okay. here's the law. >> these >> are the instructions i'm going to give and if a party is agreed by that, whether it'd be the defense or the or the government than they could try to get an intervention from the higher court, judge vogel. thank you very much. mark childress as well, carry
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cordero as well, coming up next the presidential campaign. and the chance to be president again runs through wisconsin, the latest from the former president's visit is that there hasn't gears up for new race against prison. biden and the role robert kennedy jr. could play in at all. and later what investigators are finding and what israel's military and government are saying now, in the wake of the deadly idf strikes in a world central kitchen food convoy, which calls seven workers president biden is just weighed in his reaction >> the rise relax a a caribbean's state of my visit, or call one 800 sandals >> dangerous ladders, gutter mac >> yeah. >> no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing. there's lee filter are patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your the gutters forever. guaranteed. colleague three, three lee filter to get started and get the permanent gutter
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is the easiest way to reduce sure >> i mourn liebermann at the pentagon and this cnn it's primary nine and five states tonight, including wisconsin. but just as it's been for several weeks now, much of the attention there and elsewhere is on november, which is why the former president is in wisconsin tonight was in michigan earlier today, seen as kristen holmes is in green bay for us, we're a trump rally wrapped up for short time ago we've heard a lot of dire warnings from trump on the campaign trail >> yeah. anderson, most of the messaging today, who is in michigan first and then here in wisconsin, was all about immigration and doubling down on that anti immigration rhetoric he referred to the border crisis as biden's border bloodbath. he talked about immigrants as animals at certain points >> talked about >> violent crimes, linking that again to immigrant to be
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painted a really dark picture using violent rhetoric of what a second biden term would look like. take a listen >> treasury will be raped, plundered, and rob to bear to pay for welfare, free health care, free housing, food stamps, medicaid, and countless other public benefits. >> one of the things we really heard from donald trump again, doubling down on was this idea that immigrants were linked to violent crime. and of course, as we have reported, the data shows that immigrants and migrants are far less likely to commit crimes than citizens. however, there have been these high profile cases we have seen across the country, the donald trump has latched onto and they believe this is going to help him in november >> how often does he trying to court voters and wisconsin? >> what what's really important in wisconsin as winning back some of the voters that he wooed in 2016, but lost in 2020. and there are two categories here. there are people who voted for biden
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working class voters who broke for him in 2016 but then in 2020 went with biden, but there's also another section of voters in which they voted for him in 2016. but then after four years of him in office, were completely exhausted they're trying to bring them back into the fold. a lot of that is trying to energize that base. they're doing that by painting a portrait of the current day society under joe biden and saying, it's just so terrible, you have to come out in both mean, i will tell you anderson it seemed to be somewhat successful here tonight it is a blizzard. there was sleet and rain all day, and there were hundreds, if not thousands of people lined up to see donald trump. now he hasn't been wisconsin since 2022, but there was a lot of enthusiasm in the room for him here. tonight >> kristen holmes. thanks very much. now the ongoing drama on the democratic side of the ticket were concerning wisconsin and elsewhere is rising over the role third party candidates could play. november, especially with robert kennedy jr. in the race more than that tonight from cnn's john if selling it third party candidate sees to my
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opinion or an unacceptable answer in the 2024 election? no. mike cruelty is at the helm of his liberal talk radio show in wisconsin, where the question of the de is one that many democrats are stewing over guinea appetite for robert kennedy jr. this fall, wisconsin is one of the titus battlegrounds of all made clear again tonight as donald >> trump return for a rally in green bay but in the rematch with president biden comes in new wildcard in robert f. kennedy jr. he's playing spoiler again. i'm not clear why i am fearful of a second trump term. there's only one acceptable vote and that's for joe biden. and you don't love them, but you do have to vote for him. come this november long before it's clear, we're kennedy qualifies for the ballot as an independent candidate is at the center of considerable handwringing over whose support he may tab i've been two let's see how the third parties develop but bobby
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junior is the one i'd be most concerned with. >> anthony gray is pleased to see democrats taking kennedy he is seriously and challenging his views, particularly given the razor-thin margins of presidential races here in addition to having such a fabulous democratic name has actually done some good work particularly in the environmental space. the problem is that he now traffics in conspiracy theories, particularly around vaccines in 2020, biden won wisconsin by fewer than 21,000 votes with no green party candidate on the ballot four years earlier, trump defeated >> hillary clinton by nearly 23,000 votes with jill stein winning more than 30,000 >> i'm hopeful that we have, all learned our lesson and we just really can't take the risk of a second trump administration >> when kennedy jumped into the race a year ago, is a democratic challenger biden, the white house was dismissive
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becoming an independent has kept those ambitions alive, allowing him to attack freely. >> and i can make the argument biden has a much worse threat to democracy >> so does kennedy take from both sides, do you believe absolutely longtime wisconsin libertarian phil anderson is helping kennedy's campaign? sees a unique opening. this year. there's >> two very unpopular candidates running for president. they see trump and biden, and their stomach turns a little bit and they're like kennedy's gotta be better even if they don't know that much about brian shimming, chairman of the wisconsin republican party, said he spends little time thinking about kennedy. there are >> some issues where he has some appeal, probably to our base but when it gets down to the ten days before the election that the seven days, the one de, the hours before the election is he more likely to have? for democrats than us? i think no question. why do you talk radio back on the radio? kriti intends to keep voicing his concerns about all third party threats that he believes could up in the 2024 rematch i
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would say jill stein, the green party worries me as much as kennedy does. but i am concerned because anything that changes the head-to-head electoral math between trump and biden changes the math and i don't like that now, kennedy or any third party candidate can get on the ballot with only 2000 signatures. that's a tremendously low bar. compared to some other battleground states. now there's no question that kennedy supporters can be found across the political spectrum. but anderson democrats are paying particular attention to him trying to define him. they have teams of lawyers and others going through all of this paperwork here but one adviser told me by the end of this, they want to make sure that people know that robert f. kennedy jr. is a kennedy in name only intersects one >> in madison, wisconsin, jeff, thank you for spectrum. now, from to cnn political commentators, former illinois republican congressman adam kinzinger and former biden
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winehouse communications director kate bedingfield. katie, how concern should democrats b. about about kenny, particularly wisconsin, i mean, biden only won by 21,000 votes there. >> yeah, absolutely. they need to take him seriously. i think they are. i mean, this is a state that donald trump won by 20,000 votes in 2016 with a third-party candidate on the ballot defeated hillary clinton biden. then as we heard, won the state in 2020 by 20,000 votes. so the narrowest of margins, which means that any third party candidate has the potential to be a spoiler. so i think the biden campaign and democrats need to take this seriously. i think that they are, i think there's a little bit of a challenge for them in they don't want to further elevate him. i mean, really his currency, kennedy's currency right now is really attention, right? and so they don't want to give him more pension, but they also don't want to let them go unanswered. so i think one of the things the biden operation has to do is to really help educate people on the notion that a vote for robert f. kennedy is not a vote to put robert f. kennedy in the white house. there is really not a universe where he is going to get enough electoral votes to be present in the united states. a vote for
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robert f. kennedy is effectively gonna be a vote for donald trump. i think they need to be very clear in terms of voter education on that. and then they also need their allies as they're doing. i think they need their allies out pushing back on some of the most egregious things he said last night he was talking about joe biden is a worse threat to democracy than donald trump. that's a ludicrous statement. >> and they need to make very clear for that. that's the kind of person he is. that's what he stands for and they need to make sure the stakes are understood >> it's something congressman, last night on erin burnett show he essentially he was saying back when jill stein was running, he was speaking out against her campaign saying, look, it's, it's essentially a vote for trump he doesn't make the same argument, obviously now about his own campaign >> no, of course not. i mean, he's i don't know if he's doing this to elect donald trump, and this is just an attention play. he's, as kate said, he's not going to win. he's not going to be president but he, he could easily give
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this to donald trump. and here's the, here's the thing you've got to keep in mind. look who's running the super pac for robert f. kennedy jr. it's republicans. they're going to spend all of that super pac money not going after donald trump. they're gonna be attacking joe biden with it. so from donald trump's perspective, that's a good thing. that's why, you have republicans running his superpac because they will be consistently trying to knock down joe biden. and then you think about just the fact that donald trump's supporters, i think are much less likely to say, goodness, there's this guy running for president who isn't donald trump, even though i like donald trump, i'm gonna vote for him we all know the base of trump's support is pretty rapid. >> but >> joe biden has this moment where there are some democrats have either aren't happy with them, whether it's gaza or anything else. and i think it's just more likely that they may peel off as a protest vote against it in vote for kennedy, and they could easily make donald trump, who was by far the biggest threat to democracy it's president of the united states, by the way, i misspoke. >> it wasn't jill stein. he was
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talking about is about ralph nader running against a window al gore was running an errand, play that tape last night or the gloves, do you think going to come and you said that the biden white house shouldn't elevate kennedy, but do you think they will start directly taking him on? >> i'd be surprised. i wouldn't expect that there would be a moment in this race where joe biden is going to directly go at robert f. kennedy jr. what i do think is that democratic democratic operation. i think democratic groups may need to start running ads. i think that allies of joe biden need to make sure that robert kennedy is the fine. i don't know that there's going to be a moment where president biden himself is going to take robert kennedy on, but i don't think that there should be. i don't think it should be hands-off i think everyone should be very clear about the potential the potential threat that he poses. and i think this is part of why you have allied groups. this is why you have groups that spend in this way side of the spending from just purely from the presidential campaign. so there are ways that democrats can work to define him, including with paid advertising that doesn't require joe biden
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himself to take on robert kennedy in a way that would elevate him beyond where he should be elevated in the race. i didn't >> feel thanks very much, congressman kinzinger as well. thank you. coming up, president biden's reaction just into israel strike in gaza that killed seven aid workers as they delivered food to civilians during back >> alexis show alternate routes technology that's ready for the road ahead >> lexis and x >> your wallet is always in danger. criminals get scanned and accurate information without you even knowing worse yet, it's bogey and so disorganized, but not anymore because slim introducing slim in an ultra-thin rfid blocking wallet that keeps your cards and cash truly protected. and now maybe you're last chance to get it for a low writes, its limit uses the latest rfid
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aid agencies warn that half of gaza's population is on the brink of starvation and famine due to the conflict and world central kitchen is one of the few aid organizations delivering food to gaza and certainly getting in. and by the sea. cnn's jeremy diamond investigator, the tragedy. and we want to warn you some what you're about to see his graphic and disturbing >> there is no mistaking the target of this israeli strike the world central kitchen's logo still visible after a missile tour through the roof of this vehicle pieces of the aid organizations, emblems scattered throughout the charred whole of a second vehicle and then there are the bodies of the aid workers themselves patches proudly worn on chess over bulletproof vest that offered no more protection in gaza, then the emblem of a humanitarian aid organization they are among seven aid workers killed israeli strikes on their convoy late monday night six of them were
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foreigners including a dual american canadian citizens and as well as british australian, and polish nationals triggering international uproar and prompting a rare apology from israel's top general i want to be very clear. the strike was not carried out with the intention of harming wck aid workers. it was a mistake that followed a myth identification at night during a war in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened >> world central kitchen says the israeli military knew about the convoy in a weapons expert consulted by cnn said images of the damage indicate a precise drone strike carried out with total visibility of the target world central kitchen said its aid workers got into three vehicles after unloading aid. at this warehouse in central gaza and began traveling down
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the coastal al rashid street cnn geo-located the convoys deadly journey using images filmed at the scene three-and-a-half miles south of first vehicle is struck, two other strikes rained down in quick succession. one vehicle is hit a half-mile further the third comes to a stop another mile down the road, found only the next day >> a little bit for you last night between 11:00 and 11:30 p.m. a missile hit a car. when we approached, we saw the car on fire we tried to extinguish the fire and upon opening the cargo and we discovered boxes of candy, meat, it was an international aid organisation that assists people. any international or european organization that comes to aid gaza will be targeted they want to send a message of don't can, you can let the people die shabby? >> the israeli military has struck aid convoys in the past, including this un truck which was shelled in early february
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world central kitchen, founded in 2010 by celebrity chef jose andres, has been one of the most prominent aid organizations in gaza, even working with the israeli military last month to build the pier off the gaza coastline to learning the first aid shipments to gaza by sea. >> this is one chapter today we're the date of alaska australian zomi frankcom spent years. it was coordinating aid operations for world central kitchen risking and ultimately sacrificing her life to help those in need she died alongside her polish colleague damian sobol >> hello everyone who gained from k weeks >> earlier, he was excitedly readying a convoy to build soup kitchens in gaza >> tables shell water system. >> today, their bodies were among those headed for the rafah border crossing but the body of one of the seven will
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not leave gaza saif issam abu-taha, a driver and translator, was buried in central gaza so not far from where he carried out his final mission >> in jeremy diamond joins us now from jerusalem. i mean, there's new explanation from the idf chief of staff. it doesn't really explain anything well, they say they basically acknowledged that they targeted these vehicles, but they say that they didn't intend to kill >> or harm in any way the aid workers who were inside these vehicles that they were misidentified, but they aren't explaining exactly what they thought that they were targeting in the first place, but just think of about the magnitude of this statement from the chief of staff of the israeli military. words like grave mistake, shouldn't have happened we are sorry, these are not words that we have heard from the israeli military's top general since the beginning of this war. and it speaks of course to the gravity of what the israeli military actually did here. but
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it also speaks to this moment in time where israel is facing increasing international criticism, increasing pressure from the united states, recognizing that a grave incident like this can be a turning point amid all of that pressure. and so in light of this, what they're doing is they're pledging to create this joint command center two address aid distribution issues in the future, but human or humanitarian organizations on the ground have been complaining about a lack of coordination with the israeli military on these issues for months now. so it is notable that they're establishing this now but major questions still remain anderson about this incident. questions that we will continue to ask enter dominant. thanks very much more prospection have from cnn political and foreign policy analysts baraka review, what are your sources telling you about this? >> well, and the sun, what i heard from several israeli officials over the last few hours is that it is clear to everybody that what happened with this strike was a serious violation of the idea of protocols and rules of engagement okay. to call it a
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miss identification or mistake, that's the understatement of the century and this is not an isolated incident. the reason that we talk about it here is because it's wck, it's a very well-known and famous ngo. but those incidents happen every a few days in gaza. >> we've seen this throughout this entire exactly. >> and you >> earlier have talked about it being a disconnect between what idf commanders maybe at headquarters thinking and what the troops on the ground are actually doing. >> yeah, you saw it, you saw in the video of the idf chief of staff herzi halevi i'm sure that there are lots idf commanders and soldiers in gaza did watch this video and say what's he talking about? >> okay. because there is a disconnect >> between how the idf senior brass is looking at at this and how it develops the rules of engagement and the orders, and what happens when those
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percolates it down to the forces in gaza, especially to the field commanders, the lieutenant colonels, the kernels, the brigade commanders, the battalion commanders they're not in the same place as the senior command >> said they're not in the same place. both literally there there or in gaza they're not un headquarters and they're also the ones fighting and to have a different attitude about, let's just get this done. >> i think therein day, each commander on the ground has a different interpretation of the orders. and this is why you see what you see that this is not for disaster. this is a recipe for a disaster not only in gaza, but for the destruction of a professional military. this is not how a professional military conducts its operations. and four years, the idf was considered not only here in the, but in the west overall as a very professional military and what we've seen in this strike, but in many
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other strikes that we didn't talk about, is that this thing during this war this profession, professionalism has gone away and then yahoo's response is often, well, this stuff happens. i mean that he said that about this strike. he said that about the shooting event israeli guy who was trying to stop a terror attack, a, he said that multiple times. yeah. and this is why >> this incident shouldn't come as a surprise. you remember the just a few weeks ago, three israeli hostages that managed to escape their captors were killed by israeli soldiers who fight them, even though they were holding a white flag. okay >> and >> i spoke to an israeli reserve officer, was in the same unit. those soldiers who shot those hostages and i remember him telling me that the orders are basically from the commanders on the ground is just should every menn in fighting age those are the orders, but those are, but that's not the rules of engagement that is coming from
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the idf leadership on the ground. >> that's what they're >> being told exactly. >> and this is the same thing. the at the end of the day, the battalion commander of the brigade commander, i don't know who authorize the strike he interprets differently the orders that are coming from the idf headquarters in tel aviv. wrapper if he'd appreciate it. >> thank you. troubling. just ahead. it's been more than 100 years since the 1921 tulsa race massacre. the only two surviving victims took their case, the oklahoma's highest courts today to fight for justice details on that next is my favorite >> briefly with this one >> is this going to be >> ready for the baby from design and products to removal and it's deletion. rebound this with you through every step of your remodel the color visit for your free in-home design consultation. >> look, we've all been there. your ac decides to quit burnie your home into an unbearable sweat box. and now you have to deal with it hi, i'm joe and this is why i invented i flow
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antidepressants may increase these risks and young adults, elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life-threatening or permanent these aren't all the serious side effects >> calculator can help you let in the light ask your doctor about capital find savings and support and kept blight >> ever miss before you're preventing migraine with q lepton, you'll never truly forget migraine zero migraine days are possible, don't take if allergic to q liptak most common side effects are nausea constipation, and sleepiness, heel up theft. that forget you get migraine medicine >> today. attorneys for the two lone survivors, the 1921 tulsa race massacre, began pleading their case to argue for reparations. the oklahoma supreme court the survivors are now both 109 years old and they've been entangled in a years-long legal battle against the city of tulsa and other officials. the events leading up to the massacre started in may 1921, 19 year-old black shoe shiner ran from an elevator in a downtown building
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after the elevator's teen operator screamed rumors of rape it began to circulate. white tulsans formed a lynch mob and black tulsans gathered at the jail to defend the shoe shiner. according to the tulsa sheriff at the time, quote, all hell broke loose on june 1, 1921, within a span of less than 24 hours, the white mob destroyed about 35 the of the city's greenwood district, known as black wall street thousands of black residents were arrested. rob beaten, killed. now, more than 100 years later, the only two survivors are fighting for justice. cnn's omar jimenez as their store what do you remember about the time? people getting killed and houses, property, schools, churches, and stores, getting destroyed with fire. and then someone in the neighborhood send to lee the neighborhood, if not, we're going to kill all welcome black people. it just stays with me. you know, just the fear that i
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have lived in tulsa sense that if i don't sleep all night living there, 109 year-old's mother, fletcher, as she's known, is one of only two people alive who remember firsthand what the 1921 tulsa race massacre was like sitting with us alongside her grandson and nice. how do you think your life would have been different if this had not happened >> a little. gotten an education to where i could get a better job especially being a nurse. >> it's part of why tuesday lawyers for the survivors argued too, the oklahoma supreme court that tulsa asked to look at what the massacre survivors lost and make things right. >> and we're hoping this court will give us the opportunity to prove our case back in 2022 was when a judge initially allowed part of their case to move forward on >> if >> coming fletcher's younger brother, known as uncle redd, also was a survivor but in may 2023, on viola fletcher's 109th birthday, she was back in
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court fighting a new motion to dismiss the case >> i didn't feel very nice about it, but i'm willing to do that again, you know, and she's being tested on that because a few months later, the case was dismissed. so the family please appealed to the oklahoma supreme court, where the defendants argued in part, these individual plaintiffs lacked standing to bring a claim for public nuisance. >> this hearing, a new chance for the survivors yeah. but uncle redd died before he got that chance. he passed away in october 2023 at 102 years old. his daughters carrying on his fight a fight the signifies about a century lost a families trying to do what families are supposed to do. give the next a solid head start but. >> having >> a leg up for my father and my father having a leg up for me all we had was setbacks i had to do 20 years in the military to break the curse and fletcher's grandson says, it
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can be traced to his grandmother in 1921 now, throughout the interview, his grandmother's hearing wasn't always perfect. >> he said, even after everything >> happened, he often had to repeat my questions. but as we wrapped up. >> all right. you look great. you sound great >> well, good. oh, >> you heard that you she still has hope the other 100 year-old survivor is lessie benningfield randle, her family told cnn in part, we plead for this case to advance let us honor them while they're still with us. >> i think we should get justice and i think the courts should feel the same way when i went to high school i knew better the trail of tears but greenwood was never mentioned and so i think regardless of what happens that you're all to be commended for making sure that that will never happen again. it will be in the history books >> omar joins us now. so what happens? how do are they up to the more options if this doesn't work? well at this
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point, it is in the hands of the oklahoma supreme court. now, i was just talking to some of the attorneys from the team a few minutes ago and they said based on the public nuisance claim, which is here's what they are using to push through this particular fight. if this doesn't work out, that's really the end of the road for this particular claim. and just to put everything in perspective here, it's not like if the supreme court justices rule in favor of the survivors, they get what they were here for and then they go home. happy. >> this is just for the >> opportunity to go to trial. so if they rule in their favor, this just goes back down to a lower district and then you begin the process toward a trial which you and i both know takes time, both of these survivors are a years old and it's time that they may not have a lot of left anderson. >> and we're jimenez. thanks so much. appreciate it coming up next. breaking news from taiwan, which has just been rocked by major earthquake destructive storms also hitting parts of the country. and tonight, millions more people phage threatened severe weather and the us, we're going to update from chad myers and the scene and weather center on all of it ahead
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say, i use splenda >> attention former marines and family members station to camp plus june, if you lived or work that can't lose you north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987, i have been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects, et a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant if he can compensation may be available, called legal injury advocates now, to discuss your case, got 18050, 3636. that's 180501, 3636. call now, i'm rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn some breaking news to tell you about a major earthquake. and now serious aftershocks in
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taiwan, also tsunami warnings across the region. it was centered winter stand off the island's east coast and measured out as a magnitude 7.4 according to the us geological survey, sina chad myers drawings has now with the latest so check. what are you hearing >> anderson but we do know that this was a slightly shallow earthquakes somewhere in that 37 to 40 kilometer range. so there was a lot of surface shaking up behind me here. obviously, i was preparing here for the severe weather across parts of north america here we do have the potential for tornadoes all the way through the overnight hours, but the shaking that we saw in taiwan was on the east side of the island. >> the >> least populated side of the island here for taiwan, although for the most part you think about because of hurricanes and cyclones to taiwan, that is the area that's the area that we're
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seeing most of the worst weather would come in. so most of the population centers are on the other side would be on the west side. this was still a very significant quake for quite a few people. i mean, 445,000 people still live in that county. and so yes, we do you see quite a few of them? we see somewhere in the neighborhood of about 15 earthquakes per year that are in the ballpark of seven to eight. so a significant shaking, many of them are underwater. and so we don't feel them on land, but we are going to obviously see some damage. we do know that some of the buildings have collapsed there in the city haleon city and this is the area that we will be watching all night long to see more pictures, to see more stories come in from that area as the night goes on >> and i can, in terms of the weather here, what more can you tell us about what to expect? >> all the way through the evening. we are going to see the potential for severe weather. some of these storms will be rotating they will put
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down some tornadoes. we've had five, 20, it'll just 35 or so, so far today. and i do believe now that we're getting dark, this is the problem we're going to have that people may not be able to get the warnings because their sleep thing if you're going to bed now in the ohio valley, make sure you have warnings turned on on your phone, either a noaa weather radio turned on or some other way to get a warning if a tornado is heading to you, the likelihood is going down now that it's getting dark but, it's not over. we still have the potential for severe weather overnight tonight >> anderson >> and there's gonna be possible as rain and snow. i know there's already been reading up on the northeast. there may be snow as well, right? >> that's right. i mean, there is a blizzard warning right now for the up of michigan, that upper part of michigan with snow and wind, wind could be 50 to 60 miles per hour. >> this is what >> we get this time of year, spring say, hey, i'm here winter saying, hey, not so fast. and that's this clash of air masses that