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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 4, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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radio transmissions satellites, there's a bunch of citizen science going on with ham radio operators. so it is sending pings and then recording how long it takes to hit a certain area and come back and are balloon experiments happening in colorado? satellite stuff everywhere? soh atteion the science world paid to what'happening dung it is incrediblyool chances that only come once a generatn or so. and you make it sound so much cooler than my dumb joke thank to have you here >> you guys are talking about relativity and the corona, which i you know, which one i thought it was and i'm just focused on my chances to win powerball. so that's where we are today. >> i don't know. that's all i'm gonna say. okay. but we're going to continue on this. we have been seeing severe weather across the country i'll week and now there are concerns. the forecast here down on earth, not in the stratosphere is, could actually be a problem for the much-anticipated solar eclipse. meteorologist elisa
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raffa is watching this one for us and she's joining us now. what are you seeing in terms of forecast? now? we're >> watching the possibility of a storm system developing on monday. and here's the bullseye were severe threat would be right over dallas, parts of southern arkansas, there, right in the path of totality, the jet stream or the path to store munis kinda sitting right there. and that's where we can find that storm development and the clouds. so our risk of seeing some rain is pretty high over parts of texas, louisiana, arkansas another storm system up in the northern plains as well. and you can see where we can find some showers as we go into monday and that would of course come with some cloud cover. so when you look at the cloud cover, you could see it does look pretty cloudy, especially on the southern half of the path of totality here from texas into arkansas, maybe a little bit more clear up in new england, places like upstate new york and vermont on that path of totality. again, if you know, you're learning what this eclipse even is. we've got the moon that comes
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around the earth and the sun that's around both of them will we're gonna get a shadow because the moon just kinda b. write and direct line of the three. and that's what we're looking for on monday >> absolutely. at lisa. thank you so much. going to be continued to track this forecast for us. he knew our scene, a new central starts now we are standing by for >> what could be a pivot little moment in israel's war in gaza, not to mention the us presidential campaign a phone call between president biden and israeli prime minister with reports the president is angry in ways he has not been before and he's a fool with plans that are quote, a heaping, steaming pile of bs >> those words from congresswoman marjorie taylor greene about how speaker mike johnson, whose job seems in increasing jeopardy, and a powerful marina mr. good dump
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more than two feet of snow on some states. >> happy spring. >> i'm john berman. was sarah side you're and hate baldwin. this is cnn news central >> today. >> a phone call that could alter the course of a war. the planned phone call between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu yahoo, this will be the first call between the two liters. since that tragic incident where seven aid workers were killed in an israeli strike in gaza this week top white house officials are telling cnn that biden is both angry and outraged about it this morning, the founder of world central kitchen aid workers worked for chef jose andres, is accusing israel of systematically his word targeting the aid convoy car by car, and he is calling for an industry dependent investigation into it
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>> these was not use bad lag situation where oops we dropped the bomb in the braam place or not. but i know is that we were targeted deliberately non-stop until everybody was dead in these convoy >> cnn's arlette saenz is at the white house with more force and arlette democratic senator chris, who's very close to joe biden. he was just sounds speaking to sarah and he said this phone call he expects is going to be very important in the next step in the israel relationship >> yeah, kate and president biden is expected to convey his personal anger and frustration directly to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu as they speak in the coming hours the israeli strike that killed these seven aid workers with world central kitchen really marks the latest flashpoint in an increasing haley tense relationship between biden and netanyahu. and the many are
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questioning whether this moment could serve as a turning point in us support for israel as it conducts his campaign to root out hamas in gaza. and the president has expressed his outrage about the incident, frustration has been rising here at the white house. the president is expected to focus on the death of those aid worker as well, also broadening out the conversation, trying to discuss ways to ensure that there are protections for humanitarian aid workers. we have sources have told us that us officials have already started talking to the israelis about the need to change the way that information is transmitted when it comes to the local cations of aid workers that we also anticipate the president to talk about the ongoing hostage and humanitarian aid negotiations to try to get a temporary ceasefire, as well as that operation that israel is expected to wage in rafah. now, ahead of this call, defense secretary lloyd austin spoke with his israeli counterpart. you'll have gallant, where pentagon spokesperson said that he conveyed his outrage while also saying that this incident
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really enforces us concerns about needing to protect civilians in any type of operation that israel conducts in rafah. but even as we have seen this heightened rhetoric from the administration expressing anger and outrage, what we have not seen yet there's any shift in policy when it comes to the us approach to israel, especially when it comes to the us continuing to provide military support to israel without any conditions, officials here at the white house said that they are not at that point where there is a shift in policy, though a senior administration official says that there has been a shift in the frustrations from the president. now, this all comes is president biden is also facing significant pressure here at home when it comes to his handling of this conflict, he heard that directly from muslim community leaders here at the white house on tuesday. but many are questioning whether this exact moment could serve as any turning point in the administration's strategy as of now, it doesn't seem but they're changing any pathway forward in the imminent future
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>> arlette saenz at the white house. thank you so much, arlette sir. >> all right. thank you, kate, cnn chief international anchor christiane amanpour is joining us now. christiane, we just heard from senator who says there is a line and there should be conditions and the president of the united states has been very frustrated. we know with netanyahu and israel's approach in gaza at this point, the pressure is really mounting on israel from other close allies. what are you hearing? >> well precisely that and it really in the united states, you'd have to go back as far as the first george w, george h w. bush administration, when they express public frustration and anger over different issues, the increasing building of settlements and james bacot held out a phone number for the state department to say, when you so give us a call, you have the number but what does this actually change? this mounting pressure as you heard from our lead, it's unlikely to change any shift towards sending military aid to israel, but
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that is precisely what governments around the world israel's allies are being asked to do, including here in the uk defense minister, former prime minister, and foreign minister david cameron has said that he is demanded to his israeli counterpart and immediate investigation into this appalling attack on aid workers. and he said, we want to see that happen very, very soon. the problem here is that all the allies say that israel has a right to defend and itself after what happened on october 7, but that it must act within the rules of the international row. they are international laws that include not firing on civilian convoys. and let's not forget this one like the others were heavily coordinated with israel. this is what the un humanitarian chief told me about the world central kitchen assassinations or tax on monday >> yes, it's a duty of care problem, but it's also a legal problem attacks on humanitarian
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institutions and workers is prohibited under international law. so whether it's intentional or not, it's a crime and we must be very conscious of this, as i say, it's been happening. as you know, chris can to our colleagues from the outset and as you know hundreds, nearly 200 un and other aid workers killed the vast majority of them. palestinians. sarah yeah, it strikes me in your conversation that he said whether it's intentional or not, it is still a crime. what is the impression that netanyahu and his administration is giving to those who are calling for better treatment of civilians. what are you hearing? >> well, look, it's really, really difficult to understand this even former president trump has told and you can see it on an israeli website, israel hi arm, it's a right-wing website. they interviewed him earlier and even he said, you've got to
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stop your war yes. you can defend yourself, but you've got to stop this. you're losing your international credibility and the board and we cannot keep seeing these bodies piling up in gaza. >> so >> this is really becoming a metal trump gave netanyahu everything he wanted moving the consulate and the embassy to jerusalem slim giving them sovereignty over the golan heights practically inviting them to annex the west bank. he was very much in netanyahu's camp. but right now, as we as i've said, there's an increasing number of allied governments, allies of israel, who are looking at the very serious matter of continuing to send the massive weapons systems and the bombs 2000 ton bombs from the united states that are two ton bombs that are being sent. again, here is jose and dress on his conversation with president biden >> i spoke to press him biden yesterday, and by then made a statement. seems ready a harder stand, but it's very
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complicated to understand that we are going to be sending america is when are we sending is naibe and military to do humanitarian work? when at the same time weapons provided by america, none, not to defend israeli tells from missile attacks. but use weapons, a dark killing civilians in this moment >> and as you can imagine, if international aid organizations like the un, like jose andres stop doing their vital humanitarian work. who is going to do it is israel going to do it? that's all that's left and we saw the catastrophe when they tried that freelancing a few weeks ago. and some 118 people were killed in shootings. understanding pete it's a very critical issue right now >> christian, on report. thank you so much for all of your reporting is always john, as we are standing by for that phone call between the president and prime minister, there already has been one conversation between us defense secretary
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lloyd austin and his israeli counterpart. so what took place? they're seen as the taj repurchase dread at the pentagon, natasha, what do they have to say >> well, john, it was largely, largely a mirror image of the conversation that president biden had. are those or the statement that president biden had issued earlier this week that he was expressing outrage over this wck strikes secretary austin, apparently told the israeli defense minister that he too was outraged by this attack and he urged them to conduct a swift, a thorough, an independent investigation into this attack. and importantly, something that we've heard from other administration officials as well. they want the results of this investigation to be made public, and they want someone to be held accountable for this tragic mistake, which is what these really are for characterizing it as. but the administration is really at this point withholding judgment about whether or not this was deliberate and for that reason, they are not giving any sense of what whether or not they're going to shift their policy towards israeli defense and
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arms sales which have been ongoing as we reported earlier this week, the administration is set to approve an $18,000,000,000 15 sale to the israelis where the jets won't necessarily be delivered for another four to five years. there are questions about why the administration, while they're expressing outrage over the strike while they're expressing outrage great job for the fact that israel does not appear to be doing enough to protect civilians is engaging in these arms sales with these relays and thereby kind of affirming that they view them as a professional military that is capable of carrying out these operations in a way that is consistent with how the us would expect their allies two and so i hope secretary austin did reiterate that he is angry about this strike. it. remains to be seen whether anything is actually going to change when it comes to concrete us actions. because at this point it does not seem as though these really are necessarily listening to what the us is saying. and we're seeing that play out in real time, of course, with the operation that they're planning in southern gaza, in rafah indeed, indeed that is the
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case. obviously, a very important de, as we watch it unfold. natasha bertrand at the pentagon. thank you very much >> and we have for us a fool and a liar, not just what we say to john berman, just to say, good morning. every day, the republican congresswoman unleashing on the republican house speaker as she pushes forward on the threat to try and oust him and nothing says spring a powerful nor'easter, some states could see up to two feet of snow >> and caitlin >> clark has clearly earned her rockstar status and achieved about everyone you could ask for on the basketball court. the only thing is still missing a national championship check. >> we hear nothing but space shuttle accident excuse me. not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming apart? >> space shuttle columbia, final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn ag one works by making foundation on nutrition
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>> a cnn film sunday, april 21 at nine >> a fool and a liar, those words from republican congressman woman marjorie taylor greene about how speaker mike johnson she's doubling down, refusing to let up on her threat to oust him. if he gives way and allows more us aid to ukraine joining us. now cnn, congressional correspondent, lauren fox. lauren, those are some really nasty strong words and i know a top republican, it's called her a member of the chaos caucus what's the speaker gonna do about this >> yeah. i mean, she may be a member who is on the fringes of her party when it comes to wanting to oust speaker mike johnson. but here's the problem for the speaker. it's such a narrow majority right now among house republicans that any one member has excised power here. and what you're peering for marjorie taylor greene, is the idea of doing anything on ukraine could potentially trigger her
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decision to go ahead and try to oust the speaker. our colleague, manu raju, caught up with marjorie taylor greene yesterday over the phone, and she said one of the most egregious things that mike johnson could do right now is to go ahead and try to bring forward aid to ukraine. here's what she said it looks like we don't have that site right now, sarah. but one thing to keep in mind here is the fact that she is arguing that she's not saying she's going to bring a motion to vacate against speaker mike johnson if he moves ahead with ukraine, she's also not saying it is not a red line. for her, and that is making it extremely difficult behind the scenes. mike johnson is still talking to members about the best path forward to do something on ukraine aid. but sources that i'm talking to say we should not expect that a vote would be ready to go next week. that's because he still wants to have
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these continued conversations with members of his conference in part because he has floated a series of ideas, including trying to make part of this funding a loan to ukraine, something that he was hoping might assuage concerns from conservatives like marjorie taylor greene. but obviously for monitors conversation that he had with her yesterday, it becomes very clear that that may not be he enough that any action on ukraine could endanger speaker mike johnson's job, sarah, because it's very telling and striking how one member of congress can cause so much chaos. lauren fox, thank you so much. appreciate it >> so twisted metal, crushed concrete. cnn has getting a close up view of the wreckage from the baltimore bridge collapse. we're going to bring that to you this is the big dam. >> it's great >> to the music, the magic it's time to dance
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singing voice. don't make them inherited final expense tab to get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again for another two decades. joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in this guy's eclipse across america, live monday at one on cnn or streaming on macs >> so this morning, cnn got an up-close look at the bridge debris and ship wreckage in baltimore. officials with the army corps of engineers invited gabe cohen to ride along here's what remains >> we are getting a surreal up-close look at the bridge collapse here in baltimore from feet away, the hulking wreckage towers over us, twisted steel and crushed concrete, a massive hole in the bow of the dali pancake shipping containers and highway lampposts poking out from the choppy water. and most of the debris you can't see. it's crushed below the surface. we have to be very
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careful about how close we actually get to the wreckage. we've even pulled away at times because there is a dive operation happening right now. there are divers in the water they died from this barge using sonar shown in these images to map the mangled mess and determine how they'll cut it into smaller pieces so they can lift it out. a process that's been far more complicated than officials had hoped and slowed by days of stormy weather, >> the visibility are very limited maybe one foot at the most. and that makes it very treacherous for folks to be down there. and if you have to remember, there's a lot of wreckage at the bottom and it's really kind of scattered and it's also almost like a spaghetti sitting on that barge is the first piece so the bridge that's been removed from the river, it weighs 200 tons. the largest crane here can lift 1,000 cranes are still arriving, but their work has hardly started with cruz still surveying the scene leaving the
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river blocked and the port of baltimore at a near standstill, crews have open to small channels for essential commercial vessels. we went through them for the first time this one is about 14 feet in depth. officials have said this is the first step toward opening the port of baltimore backup would be first essential commercial vessels being able to pass through. >> but the governor >> has said that for large ships like the dali to pass through this channel, they need 35 feet of depth. >> we are still a long way from being able to get the size and the cadence of the commercial traffic back to where it was before the collapse >> this complex salvage operation still in its early days more than a week after the bridge came down gabe cohen cnn baltimore >> it is slow going, but still good to see some movement there. >> sarah. all right? >> still ahead.
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>> ukraine is waiting for more international support. but as it does, it is now lowering the draft age and the country. what to expect from nato leaders? ukraine desperately looks to bolster its resources on the battlefield next stop stage >> all those points that's just what dreams are made. >> they talk about for a lifetime, we will see you in phoenix >> make your first mover with battery power made by steel right now, say $50 on the rma five, ten battery mower plus get a free extra battery, real still bind yours hi guys. >> bill, you look great. >> now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose fire inspires of sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button where you go. >> i'm going to get inspired
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centcom and chairman of kkr global institute, retired general david petraeus, general, always great to see you what does the fact of this move from president zelenskyy tell you in what are you seeing on the ground there >> well, it tells us that they recognize the imperative of generating additional forces. so entirely new brigades and also a lot of replacement personnel for the casualties that they had been taken to tough situation here in this reflects their appreciation of how difficult it is. the russians have made adjustments. they're going very aggressively after civilian infrastructure electrical generation plants, and transmission and they figured out some tactics that are very difficult for the ukrainians to defend against, especially as the us pipeline has run out. so that twin challenges for ukraine this year number one, to generate additional forces that's facilitated by the reduction of the age from 27 to
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25. they were very different way of going about recruiting than we do our average age in the frontlines is 18 to 21. there's is over 40. so they have to go through that process. and again, that was very important. it was very emotional, as you note, very controversial in ukraine. but we've had good meetings with the ministry of defense, chief of defense staff the parliamentarians and so forth. they all realize this is absolutely necessary. the other big issue of course, is to get the us assistance resumed. this is a huge challenge for them, even though all the european countries have piled on, they've done their part, the eu pledge. another 50 billion euros. it's really the industrial strength capacity of the united states with munitions and additional weapons systems. more of the air defense systems that are so important right now is russia's going after these different elements of infrastructure. and if that all comes together, then i think they're going to make it through it. a difficult year we've got to get going in the
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though as quickly as we possibly can. and there are heartened to know that the speaker of the house does intend to put this on the floor early next week. >> you've used words like tough difficult challenging >> what >> chances do you see of ukraine actually? retaking some the territory. it's lost over the next six months >> well, they may have some tactical opportunities that present themselves to retake some of the territory. but i think the general consensus is that this is going to be a year in which they're going to do an awful lot of defending they tried the offensive last year. in fact, a lot of people characterize the overall course of the war so far as you know, being overly pessimistic, the first year, as you'll recall, kyiv is going to fall within a week or two then the second year, a degree of over-optimism as the anticipation of the offensive looms. and now this year it's much more realistic. it's just a very sober appraisal of what is becoming
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quite a long war. there's still the absolute determination, there's still the reverence for the ukrainian military. everyone is still going about their efforts with enormous sense of purpose but russia has generated very substantial additional forces they don't care about the casualties that appears they take colossal losses for small pieces of ground, but that's the situation on the front lines at this point in time >> general president biden has a very important phone call
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>> then the key here is keep your eye on the overall does need to be destroyed there are at least four battalion size elements still that are down in the south around rafa. they have to go after those the challenge though is how to do that without civilian casualties, without these kinds of mistakes. and by the way, flooding that area with humanitarian assistance, which they have not been doing. they've got to get much more serious about that at the end of the day. hearts and minds matter, they're not going to love the israelis, but you can't have the entire
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population against them when ultimately hamas is destroyed, you want to make their lives better. there should be a commitment to that, even as they go about the very challenging operations in an area that has 1.1 million displaced persons that have to be moved somewhere else and have to be taken care of much more effectively >> general david petraeus in key of this morning. thank you for taking the time to speak with us >> tara write some nebraska lawmakers will try once again today to attach a trump back effort to change the state's electoral rules to an unrelated bill. after that bill failed wednesday, former president donald trump and his allies are demanding nebraska change its electoral college system to a winner takes all approach. it's one of only two states that assigns votes based on proportional representation. this hence, at trump campaign, realizing just how close this
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presidential election could be seen as daniel strauss joins us now, there are what two weeks left in the legislative session is there a chance that this goes forward? this could just could be a game changer like they know, because things are really, really tight at this it's point in time >> there's a chance, yes. era, but also there a great deal of hurdles and some of those are just very technical legislative measures. the fact that this push by trump and his allies to move a bill and to change how the process works for a electoral vote well, it's, is being met right now with legislative hurdles like which bill to attach it to, and how much time there is left in nebraska legislatures session to consider a new proposal of this statute. now, it's important to keep in mind here that even though nebraska because of very red state this is a late minute, last-minute
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push by trump and his allies here. and that's causing a fair amount of chaos and disorganization in the lead up to but you it's pretty clear that this is something trump himself once he's posted on social media and truth social about this and it's clear that in a close election this could be a game changer for the former president >> again, those rows, thank you so much for that reporting. really interesting this morning. okay. >> let's talk more about this joining us right now as republican strategist former communications director for the rnc, doug hi and former obama campaign manager jim messina. enough jim and i were just watching that report together from daniel strauss. what do you think of this? i mean, how important could one electoral vote out in iraq, scopy incredibly important because it's in combination with other states, allows biden or trump to get 270 electoral votes. the easiest way for the democrats to win the white house is the midwestern three states and wisconsin, pennsylvania, and michigan those are states democrats won six less seven elections. it's easiest way.
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the problem is that gets you to exactly 270 electoral votes if you include the one seat in nebraska. so that one electoral vote could be the key to one of the major maps as for the democrats >> we're down to one electoral vote out of nebraska. doug, i mean, as a republican who is not necessarily a big supporter of donald trump's seeing how this is going down in nebraska. is this good for republican politics? >> i think ultimately it could be, but just on the margins really, again, we're talking about one congressional seat. this is what's called an politics of the blue dot. it's the one blue dot the state of nebraska, but this shows how i think nip and tuck this election is going to be kate for the next eight months. think of what our conversation has been over the past week or two donald trump is up in this poll. joe biden's up in this poll. the biden campaign's making moves in north carolina. kamala harris is there today. the biden campaign is making moves in florida. we're going to hear a lot of back-and-forth. this is going to be very long, very
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depressing game of ping pong i was drawn to work at how we're going to add nip tuck into the next question. i don't think i'm figuring it out this way. jim. i wanted to ask you about something that donald trump started up with this week and one could expect that he's going to, this is going to become a reoccurring theme in his campaign speeches. >> and it >> hasn't talking about wanting to debate joe biden calling to debate joe biden, let me play how he did it earlier this week >> we have an empty podium right here to my right. you know what that is? that's for joe biden. i'm trying to get him to debate i'm calling on took a joe to debate any time any place we'll do it anywhere. you want, joe >> donald trump didn't take part in any of the republican primary debates, right? reminder. but what what do you think he's setting up with a stunt like that to do and do you think there is a chance that there will not be a debate between joe biden and donald trump
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>> would that say? >> look, i think there's a very good chance because i don't think donald trump really wants it i mean, he didn't debate at all, as you said in the primaries. and now he's trying to say, oh, i wanted to, but he's already saying i won't live by the existing rules of the presidential debates. because remember last time he broke all those rules. so we setting up in the end to not debate because i don't think he really wants two. so this is all a game of chicken or as doug correctly said, ping-pong back and forth. and i don't think trump really wants a presidential debates. >> let's see what joe biden in the campaign will say next dug the dnc is taking their mobile billboard campaign against robert kennedy jr. to a new level. now, not only have they been putting these billboards like these mobile billboards targeting campaign events, but now they're putting these more mobile billboards outside private fundraising events were robert kennedy is expected to show up in, in florida. you helped and i remember this very well. you have helped craft some very creative targeting
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campaigns from your time at the rnc. what is this one likely to do >> well, as jim knows, one of the things that we all often say in politics, republican or democrat yard signs don't win campaigns neither do billboards and i can tell you driving through north carolina last month, i saw a lot of billboard's video and other kinds of billboard's targeting various members of congress, targeting a donald trump or joe biden. those are completely ineffective. what the dnc is doing is because we're talking about it. trying to drive up a lot of media coverage. so that that's how the message gets out. nobody is going to see the billboards except they're going to see them on tv and that they're in clever places. but i think the more important thing kate is, how this wage, or how does battle will be waged against rfk? this is going to be overwhelmingly through the media and especially through digital. and they just brought on it the dnc, liz smith and old campaign pro. i know liz. she's an
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assassin. >> and if i'm if i'm rfk junior, i'm >> pretty worried about having her down my neck. >> he is she is she would love that moniker, knowing less no question about it. looking forward to seeing her back in it. >> this adds to an >> overall question i wanted they asked asked you, jim because there's a lot there is growing concern amongst some about rfk junior pulling votes from joe biden >> you've got >> pulls out saying joe biden is down in six. trump is beating him in six of seven battleground states today. yes, there's a long campaign to come prominent democratic strategists, not named jim messina, but another one simon rosenberg, he's been profiled in the new york times saying, whoa, whoa, whoa, he is not worried about biden's chances. he is optimistic about democrats winning in november, which gets to conversations you and i have had for a long time, which is the so-called fear, the democratic bedwetting that you've been trying to push back against for a long time? what do you see here? >> look, i think it is true that democrats are in general
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pan occurs and that's good. we've lived through these things. third parties really have changed elections for us al gore in 2000 and hillary clinton in 2016 lost enough third party votes where they lost the election. so it is a real concern. but if you just look at the underlying hey, metrics, don't look up polls because you and i know polls are usually wrong. look at actual electoral results in last two years, were democrats have over-performed polls by almost 10%. that's why people like simon and i are optimistic about what's going to happen 214 days from now >> do you see how zen he is? there's so many people that are not said, not nearly that is different. siena, it's good to see you and thanks for being here. it's always great to have you. thank you. john >> thank by caitlin clark is a record breaker and a cultural icon, but can she become a national champion and what to wear next monday for the solar eclipse it is important to look good, but to be safe, you might need something more than this
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special episode of the whole story. new interviews with the return israeli let's do just with someone with you, a terrorist with you every day, every second. >> so very deep >> aspects of humanity that are taking away thank for the release of those still in captivity. >> i worry moos that she will despair. and this is what i keep telling her in my mind. i don't >> the whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn >> iowa superstar caitlin clark is adding yet another piece of hardware to her mantle last night, the basketball phenom was named the naismith national player of the year for the second straight season. and now, as clark sets her sights on a national championship, the entire sports world. it's trying to lock her in, get that according to espn 12.3 million people tuned in on monday to watch clark and the hawkeyes knock off the reigning champions, lsu. that's a record for women's college basketball. and a bigger
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audience than last year's nba finals and the world series joining us now cnn sports analyst, christine brennan christine, just for a moment, when you look at this moment for women's sports, can you just put into context? what caitlin clark and frankly, lsu's angel reese have done for women's sport >> that was just three years ago, that famous oregon women's basketball video during the pandemic that showed the weight room for the women compared to the men. it was a couple of weights sitting in a corner horner versus what the men had at their final for three years in those three years, the outrage was so strong, it was one of the lead stories on the news for a few days. the ncaa had to apologize, the ncaa had to admit that they had not allowed women's basketball to use the branding march madness for all these years, we didn't even know oh, that. and there's a new contract. and there was
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they were really shamed, frankly, you're obviously you are a great athlete. volleyball player. i played sports. we know what it was like back in the day. and those days really do. seems as if we've turned a page, but it took a lot of work by wonderful for young women to point out the inequalities and inequities to the point where the nation was outraged enough. meanwhile, there was a point guard in iowa who we really hadn't heard of yet, who is about to explode on the scene. >> yeah it she's incredible. i speaking about the menn versus women, this is what lebron james said about all that >> i don't think there's much difference between the man and women game when it comes to college basketball. i think the popularity comes in is the icons that they have in a woman's ganim. you able to build you know, like a real like iconic legacy out about a program that's what we all love about it
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>> it is what we all love about it. can we all just sort of admit the women's tournament? and the women's final could be the more exciting game than the men's. no oh i, think so. i'd actually thought that from the beginning just because the fact is lebron was saying sarah that the women stay a lot of the man, it's one and done great for them, but terrible for building the program, for building familiarity for fans at specific universities versus it's the women, caitlin clark, four years future watkins, we know her name, of course, only a freshman of course, angel reese now is just that she's going to the pros. but on and on it goes uconn and paige bueckers, who was caitlin clark before caitlin clark and then injuries hit her on and on it goes, these are women who are sticking around for three, four, or five years with the covid year >> and the nation is getting to know them. and that's exactly the recipe for success. i think for women's sports moving forward, where you get to know them and you fall in love with them, kind of like the 1999 women's world cup soccer team
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were the nation fell in love with what it had created. i think caitlin clark isn't individualized version of that 1999 women's soccer team that barns storm the nation. that just as of course, caitlin clark has been barnstorming the nation and filling arenas now for a couple of years i never look at some of those nil deals. caitlin clark's doing pretty well. christine brennan. thank you so much. appreciate it, john all right. this morning, bracing for a >> nor'easter that could bring two feet of snow in some places. meteorologist elisa raffa is what this now where and why is this happening >> feels like an april fool's joke, right? this is actually a live picture right now in mean, i mean, it looks like a winter wonderland would all of that snow and it's actually causing a lot of power outages. last check, over 600,000 customers, most of them in main without power because this snowstorm is also coming with when that's knocking down trees and power lines, high wind warnings
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continue along the massachusetts cosine from boston to cape cod through the day today for 65 mile per hour gusts that could create some localized blizzard conditions. here's a look at the radar. would all of the snow across main upstate new york new hampshire, and vermont and some of that snow even swirling around the great lakes as well when just storm warnings continue through the day today for an additional six to 12 inches of snow in the in the thank that you see there. and this is on top of six to 12 inches that they already got. so again, not quite feeling very springlike in new england today >> not at all. we lost power overnight. elisa raffa, thanks so much for that >> and just four days, millions of americans will be treated to a visual feast the view of, view of a lifetime is the solar eclipse sets in and with the good also the warning, the spectacular sight is also dangerous. if you do not do it correctly. seen as >> mike trout is here with much more, how >> do we safely celebrate this eclipse? >> so this is really important. the only time it is safe to look up at the sun during the
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eclipse is in the few minutes of totality. and of course, only some people in the united states are going to actually be within the path of totality. and totality itself, which is when the moon blocks all of the sun's light only lasts for a few minutes. everybody else needs to wear safe eclipse glasses. look like 3d glasses. i would get yeah. i mean, try them on a different they are from like a pair of sunglasses. they are incredibly can't see essentially. and here it's opaque, like i can't see you and i can't see the camera. >> that is wild, a sign of glasses that are going to work for you. and the reason that's really important is if you think about the sun's light coming into your, i think about it like a magnifying glass that is actually focusing the sun's rays. you can actually burns stuff with that. that's kinda how your eye works with the lens. the sun's light is coming in, it's getting concentrated into the back of your retina. if you look at the sun for too long, it can actually burn your retina and cause damage. this can only take a few seconds, so you have to be super careful seconds is when you can. >> so you do not want to look directly at the sun. so what
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you need is these eclipse glasses are similar eclipse glasses. the american archon astronomical society has some that are safe on its website. so you know that you're getting good ones. >> that's what iso stands for. we were kind of joking about yesterday. iso compliance is what you need to look for in these glasses >> for an international standard. and so you want this number 12312 dash t2. but of course that's not going to be enough on your glasses alone because if somebody's trying to counterfeit they could also print that number on your glasses. so what you wanna do is put them on and make sure inside they block out everything except the absolute brightest light. if that's good, you take them outside and you look at something that might be shiny like a reflection off the car from the sun. and that should be the only thing you can see if that's good, then take a brief glance at the sun it should be comfortable to look at if you're still not absolutely positive that you have real eclipse glasses, only look at the sun for two to three seconds at a time every five minutes. >> don't >> move that fast. you are not going to miss it. you will get to still see the cool crushing shape, but you should be really careful. i mean, real injuries can happen. these have been documented during eclipses
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before, and the damage can unfortunately be permanent. what >> there, you also have seen some studies of there are other safety risks with eclipses. what are they? yeah, there was one recent study that just came out looking at traffic accidents and fatalities around the 2017 eclipse. and this is really sad. i mean, they actually did see that in the three days around the 2017 eclipse, the number of traffic fatalities went up let's. >> loong at th guy because it seems tbee becae people were traveling to tryo go whe they'd be able see theclipse. so they compared it to a traffic weekend like thanksgiving, 4 july memorial day. you should know a lot of people are gonna be driving to see this eclipse. and he just got to be more careful on the road i underestimated how dark these glasses actually are. that's really cool. thanks so much bag thing. i will keep them or not >> drill. thank you so much. the next hour of cnn newsroom will start in just a moment. but first, the best way you can get a view of the eclipse with your wonderful glasses that you can obtain is go, go get them and you can also watch the entire thing


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