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tv   Laura Coates Live  CNN  April 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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and so all the hatred, all the vitriol, the death threats. she doesn't matter. we need to stop. i mean, it's unnecessary. have you ever been so disliked that someone wants to send you a death threat? is that unnecessary? yes, perhaps in our business, but my point being unfortunately, my point being is that that's sad. and there is nothing that she can do about who she is. she's coming into the world. she's figuring it out and i hope whoever's watching should know she deserves a braking. do not treat a 21 year-old kid deserves to have the opinions she has before you go though you made your predictions. we got for the championship. >> wow my bruins you know, if i put outs that lay by iowa, excuse me, by lsu speaking of angel reese, so i am going to tell you that i do believe that dawn staley and south carolina will win at all. i think it will be iowa and south carolina. i think don will avenge her loss to iowa in the final four and we will see her team win, which i'll be excited about, and i'll come back to tell you about it. that will be an electric thank you
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very much. thank you. >> and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now. >> so when is a loss, also a win only in trump legal world, i'll explain in just a moment. plus ocean's 11 charred out. >> how >> did burglars and that lay get away with $30 we'll a former bank robber is gonna enjoy me to break down this highest and leo is here as well with a warning about ai tonight, alarm codes live all right so not a good day in court today and trump world before were present piling up the els. there's a lot to keep up with here. so stay with me and know it's late at night. >> i start >> down south and work our way up north. shall we so florida a judge that donald trump appointed, her name is judge aileen cannon cannon. she refused to just outright
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dismissed the criminal charges against him in the case of those classified document that seemed to be everywhere in mar-a-lago in the ballroom in a bathroom all over the place. now, trump has you recall one of the case thrown out based on his claim that he was allowed to keep if any documents he wanted under the presidential records act, the judge said no. but she did leave the door open for him to use that argument to defend himself at trial, causing many a lawyer to tilt their heads like this while judge cannon also hitting back at jack smith after he blasted what he called her quote fundamentally flawed understandings of the case, unquote. that's lawyer speak for, you know, what you're talking about your head starting to spin yet. well, let me comment down for a second because trump started the day demanding jack smith be censored for criticizing judge cannon centers for criticizing a judge who's and what now pot
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meet kettle the judge doesn't like me too much. her whole life. is that like inmates have judges that are out of control and it's a very unfair thing for me, but you got to see these judges. they're screaming, they have like lunatics. this judge is a lunatic is a nasty judge. he's a trump-hating guy. is this judges very partisan judge with the first it was very partisan sitting alongside perhaps even much more partisan than he is >> i could've gotten a lot longer with that. you realize, right. and the heads just keep on coming in the georgia election subversion case, we're traveling again. judge scott mcafee rejected trump's latest attempt to give that case dismissed. over his claims that his alleged efforts to overturn joe biden's election where protected under the first amendment and in their
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continuing legal strategy of trying to get da fani willis thrown off this case lawyers for several defendants in the case are considering asking for a gag order against her and let's not forget, trump's civil fraud case in new york. now, we're up new york for a second. that's the one where trump secured a bond from an insurance company for $175 million. it doesn't lower the damages that was founded by judge engoron, but the bond had to post so what's the problem with this now well, you know, when someone asks for the receipts, well, this time someone is asking for it. the bank statements. now, da official james isn't so sure the company that helped post that bonk and actually cover the bond. so she's now asking for proof that they have those funds just another day in trump's legal world. let's get down to cnn legal analyst and forgettable prosecutor elliott williams and devlin barrett, a national security reporter at the washington post. okay. >> we're >> done on the travel for a second. the road trip has now ended for a second word back in
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washington, dc. >> okay. i'm going to orient the conversation. we begin you elliot for a second here because judge cannons ruling does still allow trump to use this defense i'm confused as to why she would do that. >> you and me both sets. i honestly, i am perplexed by what is going on with this issue. based on the second number one, it appears that the judge is at a minimum confusing the difference between the presidential records act and the espionage act. the presidential records act basically governs mugs that presidents are given as gifts by foreign liters. what happens to them at the end of their time? right? it doesn't become a record, does it go to your museum or whatever else the espionage act covers the handling of sensitive documents. that is the crime that donald trump was charged with. and the judge seems to be blurring the two of these things and really is cracked open the door to making this hybrid presidential records act argument at trial which is really sort of mind-boggling. and you can see the sort of frustration and anger i think
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on the part of the justice department in the filings that they're putting in front of her. >> i mean, this is just by the way, one of the motions devlin on this case, there are at least i think like eight or more that she supposed to rule on, which if we're going to look at the pace at which she is decided this case so far, at least this motion is there any way this is not slow walking >> i spoke to a lot of lawyers when she openness pandora's box of his presidential records act argument, which is so strange and a lot of them said from that order just a couple of weeks ago. look, there's no way we're getting this trial this year. it's just if this is the pace we're going to go at. if these are the types of things we're going to spend weeks at a time doing. we'll never get to the start of his trial. this this calendar year i do think that one of the potential silver linings of this is that cannon has now put aside. and in this order she issued today, can is now essentially put aside this issue for the time being. but like you said, it
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can come back up if she wants it to. i think what sort of the wilderness about the pace she's going at here is she's seems to be hopping around from topic to topic. she's not going an order. this issue itself was not remotely in the sort of like lineup place in the line of you'd expect it to be it's like having the catcher bet hip first in the line-up. that's not how any of this works. normally that's really work because you're talking about it comes up in the context of jury instructions, which are something that sort of this long speech that the judge gives the jurors at the end of the drug. it's critically important. however, that's kind of premature. now if you haven't picked, you haven't talking about picking a jury. i'm talking about there's not going year and each of these things takes time to file and brief and argue what is happening now, cut so what's going on in georgia for a second because there isn't bit more of seems law and fire under the feet we're hearing when the judge mcafee said, i'm going to rule on this in two weeks while we heard about in 14 days, right. you're going to have this hearing on this. and of course is also televise in this instance. now, he is
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also ruled and yet another where in the world is the carmen san diego of trump's legal world? that he is dismissing trump's request to throw out the case under that first amendment argument and what he said was the defense has not presented nor is the court able to find any authority of the speech and conduct alleged is protected political speech so when you look at that devlin, i mean, this is a counter to what's happening, say in the florida case. it seems to be moving along, maybe not to the pace of da fani willis who wants to have it in august? >> sure. i mean, look realistically, this is a layup issue like a lawyer attempt as good as elliott would be able to tell you why this first amendment argument was a bad argument for trump and was not going to win what judge mcafee is doing is he is moving through these issues, but remember two, there have been two months of delays there on stuff that has nothing to do with the real facts of the case. and mcafee also does not have a trial date and to be honest, mcafee use case is judge cannon keeps referring to her case that the classified
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documents case is so complex and first impression >> i think >> judge mcafee is case is quite complex and quite challenging. i think to manage. and there's no trial date there either. so as much as these judges are moving through these things, i think what you're seeing is the court system is slow. i think a lot of people went into this year thinking this is the chance for the court system to show what it's got. well, this is what the court systems got. the court system takes time and a lot of judges do not work particularly fast. and that's what you're seeing in city after city. >> it now it takes a long time for people with a lot of money to have a protracted proceeding, right? that's part of the idea of it as well. and again, there's going to be, let me be a gag order request against fani willis, which is ironic given the pace at which has taken to get gag orders against i don't think now let's rock, for example let's talk about going on new york in that civil fraud trial in case because there's already been a trial is already been judgment. there's already been a bond posted, elliott now, it's da da the ag should james saying, i'm going to see your bank statements, you really have the
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money to back this up. how unusual is that? it is >> unusual because it's well, it's unusual these sums of money being at the center of litigation now this the whole notion of bonds is sort of mystifying to many people that you get this outside company to guarantee that one day you'll be able to pay hundreds of millions of dollars i think that she at least two we haven't seen her substantiate why she thinks he's not able to play or why they're not able to back this up. but this is what happens when billionaires or purported billionaires are brought into the criminal justice system. you have to figure out ways to get the money out of them. and lord knows where this one goes and frankly, i'm just quite curious about that. but what happens with it? >> giggling, you're curious to ic >> you're talking about massive the sums of money and the type in this that we just haven't seen much up before with individual defendants. and so i think a lot of people are sort of making it up as they go. yeah.
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>> williams, evelyn barrett just made describe laura coates live. thank you so no, i don't make up as i go along. it's >> very clear cut >> president biden also delivering an ultimatum to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu >> protect >> civilians and aid workers or else secretary of state blinken saying, if the us does not see changes to protect civilians in gaza, quote, there'll be changes in our own policy. and this comes the aftermath of the strike against world central kitchen aid workers with president biden delivering the ultimatum to netanyahu by phone in a nearly a 30 minute telephone phone call. the white house saying, biden told netanyahu, the humanitarian situation in gaza is unacceptable. and in a statement, after the call, the us is saying, quote, us policy with respect to gaza will be determined by our accession as many of israel's immediate actions on these steps. so what are these steps at the white house is loaded, is looming or looking forward to actually
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seeing. here's national security council coordinator john kirby elaborating this evening on what is meant by these specifics listen >> we have to see a measurable increase, for instance, of trucks of aid getting in, we want to see additional crossings opened up and the ones that are already opened up, increasing the flow. and we want to make sure that we can see real civilian harm mitigation measures put in place by the idf so that we can have a measure of security and frankly, aid organizations it's going to have a measure of security that they can operate on the ground safely and they won't be targeted or they won't be accidentally struck. and then lastly, and i talked about this earlier, we need to see a pause in fighting. we want to see a ceasefire tied to getting the hostages out >> i want to get right to dan reveal, a former cbs news foreign correspondent. we spent more than a decade covering the middle east. is also the author of spies against armageddon inside israel's secret wars. also here is a lindsey johnson, a former senior advisor for the biden 2020 campaign. there are
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some conditions being place, so to speak tonight, dan and just tonight. israel as improving the reopening of the erez crossing in the northern gaza strip, which is for more humanitarian aid. >> there, >> what else is calling it a welcome step, but what if conditions are not met or according to the terms that the white house is suggesting, what are the consequences anymore? >> i've been watching us-israel relations like forever in my reading of it is that when the president of the united states takes a turn, it's a policy change that happened on this day that netanyahu has to live listen so again, it convene the war cabinet. they made the decision to open another crossing and the port of ashdod just a few miles to the north. it wasn't receiving any aid for the people of gaza, but now it will be israeli say so i think they're going to carry it out. i still think there'll be more disputes in the future because president biden has also been pushing netanyahu to think about the future moved toward a
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palestinian independent state. and on that netanyahu hasn't been moving at all. >> well, there's the issue of the aid and the ports being open. and of course maybe moving by land, the most effective the way to get to the biggest reason people. but then what about the offensive in rafah known as, known as raw the last city, the last target, if you will. so far every israeli leader, and this seems to be popular in israel because they're again so angry about but the hamas attack of last october almost every israeli says, yeah, if we started this war, we're going to have to finish it. and the last enclave, the last holdout for hamas is that city of rafah. but more than 1 million gazans are there. and again, the us is not happy with israel's proposal for how to move those people to safety. so again, more disputes between the us and israel. >> well, you know, senators are weighing in on these issues, including senator fetterman who is saying that no conditions for aid no conditions for aid. and the competent gaza is a massive as. you know, political liability for president biden everywhere he goes, there's a protests. he has to address the
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uncommitted vote and the instructed vote. how is it gonna play out in congress? >> listen, i think we had a lot of senators making statements about this yet it's better manage. you mentioned also cinder cones, who also has been more of a centrist democrat, but he even talks it's about how if israel doesn't change course, there needs to be conditions around aid. and look, i think for some people and regards to the election and voters, that is a helpful step forward before a lot of voters who voted uncommitted particularly the muslim and arab relation, as well as a lot of young voters and people of color voters. they want to play ceasefire, right? i would be very clear that it's not just those voters. we look across the world, we look at what the unsc there are a lot of folks who want a ceasefire and i believe that's moral push this moral conversation around what is happening to the palestinian people has a lot of folks looking at this conflict and a different way than say folks have in history, you've covered, obviously israel and the us relations for a long time. this shift has happened not just here in the, but also
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globally. i think that political conversation is interesting. >> it seems to add up to your view that in the world israel is less popular and people may recognize that that attack by hamas last october, where at the six month mark of that, right? that that attack was terrible. but now the war is terrible in gaza. so what does israel to do there's an old saying in israel haley politics were willing to look terrible, but still, when they think in the middle east, they have to win, they have to show their power and show their force. and i think by the way, president joe biden knows that of course he's been a friend of israel like forever. but let's keep in mind, he does doesn't like netanyahu and he's not really hiding that. and i think the us would prefer that the us, that the israeli started, that the israelis call elections. that's what senator schumer called for on the senate floor. >> and yahoo was furious by that hey, prospect. >> but you know why laura, because he's likely to lose the polls show that because of the october attack and the big failure in israeli intelligence and security, that's on yahoo
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would lose. so he doesn't want to call an election. he wants to look like a winner in the war. and frankly feeding the people of gaza has been low on his priority list, but he'll do it you can find this lens here. i want to hear your insight, please. but what he's not calling up, president biden is not calling it. and a lot of political pundits, and senators and advisers are calling get a red line moment he's not going as far as to say anything about a red line. obviously, we know him as president biden, but he was once vice president biden under president barack obama when in 2013, obama called for that red line and we've action to syria. and then was widely criticized for not following through if it was violated and when it was violated. is that part of the concern now about not wanting to fall into that trap of a definitive statement. >> listen, i do think that is a lot of consideration here because president biden has a lot of interests to think about right? and he doesn't want to get ahead of himself is what i've been paying attention to and how calculated he is on what he is officially saying,
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which is why we hear him saying one thing officially, but we're also getting a lot of reports it's of the frustration behind the scenes, the off the record, the background. and so i do believe that president biden in this administration don't want to catch themselves and something that they had to eventually walk back however, they are listening to the moderates and the centralis and the party who are even moving further along and to the point that you were making, this isn't the day after the attack. this is several months later and a lot of people in the as well as across the globe really do want the united states to go further with analyse position. so we interesting to see whether or not netanyahu heats to this very stern warning today, whether you because cancer, a wealthy us israeli alliance, it's not over joe biden doesn't want to end it. he wants to shape it, and he doesn't want netanyahu and right-wing ministers to be the ones guiding this alliance. >> while we will see what happens, obviously, there's a lot to consider and there's human beings that we're
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talking about a tiny the policy as well. dan revival and cia johnson thank you both so much >> well, coming up >> how did they get away with it? >> how somebody pull off a 30 highest in los angeles? well, who would know better than a former bank robber? i've got one here next >> i don't understand what happened. all that money this is the big dam. it's great to the music, the magic, the madness. >> it's time to dance what do you need >> or you can >> can kane, who that do? >> one second, grandma, this guy's going to buy my car.
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vault. we can open without being seen by the camera >> oh, yeah. sorry. i forgot to mention this. >> yeah, it say we do all that we're just supposed to walk out of there >> with $115 billion in cash on us without getting stopped yeah >> sounds crazy, right? they managed to pull it off in the mousavi. of course. i mean, it's rare we hear about such crazy highest in the real-world. well now isn't one of those times. and it involves big money, mondo money. i'm talking $30 million in cash, money stolen on easter sunday. it happened in northern los angeles at a money storage facility. once that cash from business across the region, well, they're held there towards the telling cnn the burglar is broke through the roof bypass the alarms entered
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the vault by cutting through the ceiling and then exited the building by breaking through a rare wall. it's one of the largest cash heists in the city's history. i know i know you've probably got 30 million questions. so to y so for starters, you ever see what $30 million in cash looks like in person >> me either >> but here's a taste this is $30 million stacked in $100 bills. now, we are at the government nominations of the stolen cash, but in $100 bills, that would be about 661 pounds if it were in $50 bills, more than 1,300 pounds, $20 bills, 33 hundred pounds. and in case the burglars really ran into a challenge, $1 bills would have been 66,000 pounds so about all those questions, who better to help them, the person who first
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broke this story along with former bank robber. well, joining me now, richard winton, a reporter for the los angeles times and joe loya, who rob more than 30 banks in the late 80s and served prison time for doing so he's the co-host of the podcast, the score bank robber diaries, author of the man who outgrew his prison cell gentlemen, thank you for both joining me this evening. everyone is talking about this story and trying to figure out how, why and of course who richard, what are your source is telling you about how this thyestes was even carried out >> he was carried out very quietly on the holiday, which is not unusual when it comes to big heist they choose the place and time when there's the least opposition. and this was clearly designed to be stealthy. they won't look unlike that movie there wasn't gonna be any gods. they just had to evade all the security systems, make an access and
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yes, they had to remove out of cash, which certainly is like a small elephant i mean joe, you're the one with the experience here to say the least. i'm wondering if your perspective when i describe what is entailed, seemingly, how much planning would go into something like this? >> well, the the the crime is dictated by by the inside of the place. so if the place says you have to be here to avoid these two units, avoid these cameras, and then maybe you have to push this code here and wait for this to happen. what, how you have to maneuver through there is going to is your plan and i believe it's an inside plan, so i believe that everybody who was involved in robinett already understood that they understood what they had to do, where they had to be, what cameras to avoid. >> so >> i don't think that's the challenging part, planning the actual robert great. it's all the other things that go into it as the disguises. it's a
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weapons it's the getaway stuff. and i believe that there's another robbery. i 1997. were some guys robbed another money storage facility and they are very, very clever the way they did it. well, he got away with it the way they waited, but they were also dumb and that's the thing about bank robbers. we are very brazen, impulsive, and we can do things that like i wrote 30 banks. it was a very successful like short, brief bank robbery career, but i was impulsive and i was dumb and i just push too far and i feel like that's what's going to happen here. are these people? we're going to get caught. because even though they're very sophisticated here, somebody's got their going to fall, they're going to stumble. and eventually you get cotton will find out exactly what kind of inside job it was. >> well, richard, let me have you, wade here because everyone's wondering about the fbi investigation. what do you know? >> well, what we know at this stage is the fbi is asking
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people in the immediate area per video of this personal security systems, like there's a mobile home park, there's a there's a number of other businesses. they've been going round trying to collect every piece of video from that period of time to see if there's anything on it in addition, there's also reports of a grinding sound, which suggests that there was a time there's a time they're talking about when they think it occurred, and they'd been asking residents about that. so we think that they're trying to pin bowling a time and that may mean they are also looking to see where the weather cell phones used in the area. they do a lot geo fencing and other techniques to try and work out who's who was actually in an area who may be watching this area in the past let me ask you, joe >> someone's walking around with $30 million or maybe they're not walking around. i mean, how did they avoid detection? do they lay low? did they try to spend it? i mean, it's cash what's next
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>> okay. so after shrewd, did not gonna do anything with it for a long time by that it means six years, six months a year, because they want to they know because he was leave. they're going to be followed or that could be tracked like like your other guests said, there's phone's going to be tracked there's cars that are going to be notice from video surveillance, so they might be followed. they have to understand that that's going to be so they don't want if they have an uber job or delivery job or a car repair, they're going to keep that job. they're not going to move at all and i think that i want to say something about the cars and the phones, which is in prison when you're in prison, one of the things about being a prisoner, a criminal, as you see and hear who gets arrested, and you've seen here how they got arrested. and so nowadays, i know that people who are criminals x friends of mine who come out. one thing we understand it is phone's get
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pinged and so if you want to be doing a highest, it can't be your phone. secondly, ever since timothy mcveigh got caught because they track the car, his truck leaving the crime scene, and they used footage, surveillance footage from atms, sides of buildings well those if you want to get away, you need to you need to you need to not use your own car. >> wow, i mean, i don't know if i ever use these tips. joe lawyer, but i'm glad to hear him. i love this investigation. richard winton. thank you for your reporting as well. thank you both. >> thank you >> thank you very much >> a warning from some of the world's top artists about what they say is an assault on human creativity. they're talking about artificial intelligence. and my next guest is just as worried about it nio is here in just a moment
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text palo v0 to three-to-one, three-to-one. today spatially >> colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine and cnn >> these girls, i can heal machin >> sounds catchy. well, is not what you think. it's an ai generated song mimicking the voices of drake and the weekend. and tonight it looks
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like artists have had enough of these ai covers some of the biggest names the music including billie eilish, ja, rule, jon bon jovi, nikki menasha, and so many more, they are calling on the industry to protect the artists from the threat that is posed by artificial intelligence. worried about the ways technology continues to accelerate by cloning voices, or maybe creating a kind of music on its own with the genie seemed willing out of the bottle already. >> can it be >> put back in. well, let me ask my next guess. you may know him. well from this please, you know that the three time yes, three-time grammy award winning artists, mieux, is also a brilliant songwriter. he's behind breakup anthems, lag, rionda, take a bow close and to the left, to the left. how about beyond says
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irreplaceable? >> well, i do know about here his name is neil and i want to welcome him to the show neo, i'm so happy you're here. welcome. thank you. happy to be here. >> i could have taken the entire showed are run through all if you're a songwriter credit just so we're very clear. i know you i know this but this is what is so interesting to me. you are one of the many songwriters and artists who are looking at ai and saying, no, this is a problem. >> why man, okay i look at ai the way, the way i looked at fire right now with fire, you can warm a home. you can you can, you can create a beautiful home cooked meal. would you can also burn the house down, wood fire so as not necessarily that it's a bad thing, it's a bad thing depending on how it's being used. and my challenge to, to the ai, the people create an ai is show me the
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positive aspect of this. show me, show me what positivity is going to come from. being able to not only take my voice, but take my writing style, take my whole likeness, my everything, and do it at whatever the hell you want, like show tell me the positive aspect of that. that's all i'm saying. >> well, they would say, well, we're able to have creativity, but you would obviously think that it's stifling or trying to make obsolete the true human creatives. >> how is it creative? to mimic mean what makes that? what, where's, where's the creativity in that? you're basically just doing your best impression of me. i don't i don't see the creativity and we use when you look at it and i hear you when there are concerns, i don't like being duped right when i think i'm trying to hear a particular artist, i were to support the artist i don't want to have a cheap imitation. i wonder from the songwriting perspective, especially when someone's trying to piece together. here's a style like meal or a style like this artist, as opposed to going right to you, it's also a financial cost it can definitely be a financial clause. i mean, so i'm one of
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the few artists in his game that doesn't necessarily do it for the money in it. i mean, i don't get me wrong. i have a family and my family likes to eat however, i do music because i loved music and my music means something to me so it runs a little deeper to me when you play me a song with my voice on it that i know i didn't sing. all right. like that's your basic you're taking my livelihood from me my guess it's more than just the financial element of a yeah you're making it a little bit harder for me to make money doing what i do the way that i do it. but at the same time, i've worked blood, sweat, and tears. so when i had to do what i do, like, it makes me okay. it goes to this. if there was a shoe that anybody in the world could put on and play just like any of the greatest nba players on the face of the planet. >> what >> how would the nba players feel about that? now, anybody can play a game. now, people, because i'm going to do exactly what you do, exactly the way you do it by simply putting on his shoe. >> is >> that like is that fair? think about think about that nba player to that spent blood, sweat, and tears years learning how to do it. it is they do the way that they do. it's so good to where they earned the right
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to be an mba. here comes somebody with this shoe, with this magical shoe, they can now do what it exactly what you do >> i mean, there are protections. i started out in private practice looking at copyrights and trademarks and you could not not police your rights, right? if you had a brand or otherwise and you didn't police some, you lose the ability to own it exclusively. ai seems to me to be part of that frontier of well, if you don't police sit that fire as you say from that analogy, could burn the creative house exactly, exactly. module i'm under the absolute understanding that ai is the wave of the future in an gone over no time soon i get that. i understand that. all i'm saying is there should be something in place to protect the humans remain of desk, is that there should be something in place to protect us from what from the possibilities of this gone wrong way because it could very easily go the wrong way somewhere there's a terminator movie in john connor is looking to figure out what
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the answer to this is. i know but you know, at here, how about devil's advocate though? it's beatles advocate because, you know, john lennon's voice was i guess, revived is the best way to call it in a song that was led by paul mccartney and some said, well, this is an example of how a yeah, it could be used to bring back something. fact, let me play it for you for a second. what it sounded like so, you're trying to bring back in his voice obviously has passed away many years ago. would that be an example to you of a use that allows you to honore the essence of an artist without oh, okay. >> no, because is it honor, he didn't sing that. does not his voice. that has a computer doing its best impersonation of his voice. somebody tried to give me that same argument
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like, okay. what if they use ai to bring back your grandmother's voice and have your grandmother tell you that she loved me one more time. i would be offended because that's not my grandmother. that is a computer pretending to be my grandmother and it will never be my grid that will never be john lennon. i don't >> purification. i hear your point. i think in this instance, the ai purified the voice in a way that does sweeten the sound but i take your point completely about the frustrations that you feel when just thinking about the stifling of creativity. and you're not alone, by the way, in feeling that way, but in terms of how you regulate it, i had to turn the political side because congress, as you know, is not known to be at the forefront of the class when it comes to innovation, the bureaucracy d, is a very, very tangled web. do you see a world where they could regulate it in a way that stays in line with the innovation it's, hard. >> i don't know. that is not my my that's not what my
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expertise falls i certainly hope so. because again, like i said, i know i know that an ai is the next way. it's not going anywhere. it's as we speak is replacing people is taken jobs away from people as we speak. so and i know that that's not going to stop. i understand that. i'm simply saying if we're going to go this way, how about we protect their originals? how about we protect the people that started doing this in the first place from this going from his going left, that's all i'm saying. i'm not saying down what ai i'm not saying that at all. it's coming. all right. is here is here. but just because his here does not mean that i have to i have to be basically robbed of my livelihood because because of technology, i don't i just don't see i don't see it right in then somebody tells me that with your opinions that you have and the expertise that you bring, and obviously your fan base, so extensive and i can't imagine that there are not candidates who would love for you to endorse them, love for you to be beside them. you've format the white house in the past as well. you know,
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there was a huge fundraiser, a lot of celebrity is a lot of singers were there last week for president biden obama, was there, clinton was there. i wonder. do you feel a pressure giving your platform to get more involved in politics or to state your political views. >> not really, no pressure. i mean, if you asked me a question, i'll answer your question. but i am >> it's >> not really something that i that i get into too heavily and not really know. >> are you who are you going to vote for >> i don't know yet. i'm going to take my time and look at everybody there and see and see who makes the most sense with what i feel and what i think and vote for that person. i can't really tell you who that is just yet. >> you look into overt were recently, i think about angel reese, i think about lizzo, i think about i mean, you can name just 1,000 people if we had enough time who they not people not knowing them in a respectful way, it's robbing them of dignity. it is assuming that they can hide behind the anonymity and reckless towards them
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>> forget to >> the plight of a fan. how about the joy of the anonymous troll? >> oh >> not that i don't even allow myself to be bothered by that because you said it yourself. that there are trolls that you have to look at that as entertainment, social media is entertainment. you can't say anything that anybody says about you serious on social media knowing for a fact that there are people out there that are waiting for you to china's say the most negative thing they can to get you to respond. like, why would you even give them the satisfaction of like, i don't block people i don't do any of that because why would i give you the satisfaction of knowing that you bugged me at all? like if that's what if your game is negativity, you don't exist to me. that's the way you deal with. with troll in an internet bullying. they don't exist until you make them exist. words have no power other than the power you give them but you've got to think about, like does you have a great day? you wake up, the sun is shining. you give a stretch, you go to work, everybody smile and everybody's happy to hear comments. mr. troll or mrs. tro
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was something negative to say about you. and what all of a sudden you're not having a good day no more why why, why would you give that person that power over you? why would you let that person decide that you're good day has done why would you do that again, i don't know. you you don't know me. you can say whatever you choose, say whatever you want. i don't have to accept it. i don't have to listen to it. i don't have to make a fact. i don't have to make a real i do that if i'm booked by what you said, i just made what you say matter. if i choose to not make what you say matter, then you don't matter >> man. i can fit that on a t-shirt or a month. i'll have to wear that mantra. i well, let me ask you one last question though, about the power of words because sometimes the words are a category of artist, the genre of music that you're supposed to be in. at times, it's a pigeonhole, isn't it? it's this is the kind of artist you are. you can use saying this music you write this music that must be frustrating at times, there's not the fluidity of the genre as well. you just create the work is the
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assignment of the genres difficult? >> sometimes it's just again as a human thing, we categorize to make things easier for us to swallow. you know i instantly think of beyonce and the country i've met, she just put out, i think of her to actually you know what, i don't i don't i i put it this way. i understand the flag, but i don't understand the flight because i've you beyonce as an artist justin artist because she's done hip hop music. she's done r&b music. she's done pop music. it'd be honest, i put out a poker album i wouldn't i wouldn't i wouldn't think twice because it's beyond say she's an artist. she's an artist who is doing art. and that's it. that's what, that's what it is. and that's what it should be. that's high, that's how it should be viewed. now of course, everybody can't be as enlightened design and that's fine. >> i think different, however >> if you take a second and just stop trying to put everything in a box and just listen to what it is. you might actually find some appreciation
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for it. beyond say is an amazing artist. and i personally feel like she could do any form of music, any style of music that she chooses is going to be great because she's a great artist. and that's the way that it should be viewed, not, not all it is like she's stepping into somebody else's laying who says is you're laying. it's just music or music comes from somewhere. and i can almost guaranteed it in a lot of cases, i don't come from where you think it comes from. it comes from somewhere a little closer to where weekend what i'm i going to go there? i'm not going to go there. >> the reality of the situation is beyond say as an artist and she is an artist doing art. and that's the way the people should view it as if in a perfect world that's how people would view it. >> truly a fascinating conversation. i'm really glad you came. thank you. >> thank you for having me. thank you. she knew everyone to hear neal live. you cannot miss his loss vegas residency this coming august. i can not wait. become and be there fast. can i get off work? cnn >> okay. they said no, but
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maybe okay. great. i'll see you in august. thank you so much. >> ahead from big >> expectations to acquire it, whimper. the group that was looking to pick an alternative candidate to joe biden donald trump throws in the towel this cycle, a farewell to the no labels, 2024 ticket is next >> here you can expect to find crystal clear audio expensive display space and more comfort
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