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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 6, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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sold out completely about four years ago what never runs out here are the good people and moonpie. by his lips. >> before the eclipse and the good times >> any end the cuboid capital of the world, a lot of that good time, a lot of that fun happen with the hat some people are worried about the whether aaron, perhaps some cloud cover, not here in bandera, people are committed to have a good time if i could give you my tin hat theory, i think it's good to be a good day, eric, back to you >> all right. rosa, thank you very much. it's going to be a really incredible incredible day. and maybe uplifting in a way that so many in this country need. we will have special coverage of the solar eclipse on monday. it'll be another two decades before you can see one in the united states. so tune in starting at 1:00 p.m. eastern on monday to watch it live here on cnn, also
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streaming on macs thanks for joining us. >> the >> news continues now on cnn hello and welcome to. >> our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm anna coren, live from hong kong >> ahead on cnn newsroom >> this trip hi jake mistake could and should have been prevented the strike on the aid vehicles is a grave mistake >> the israeli military sharing its damning preliminary report on the killing of seven world central kitchen workers will look at what answers the report provided and what questions remained plus the count down to monday's solar eclipse is gearing up with all eyes on the sky, will look at why one particular group and zahedi indoors with the beginning >> and she's done it again >> caitlin clark >> advances the iowa guide to
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the ncbi doublet is national championship game for a second, stripe season cnn sport's andy scholes joins me live to break down march madness >> well, tomorrow will mark six months >> since the attack by hamas that led to israel's war in gaza. in that time, gaza's ministry of health says more than 33,000 people have been killed gaza's infrastructure and largest hospital have been destroyed. >> and now >> more than 1 million palestinians have taken refuge in these southern town of rafah meanwhile, the us is warning iran not to use israel's strike on tehran's diplomatic mission in damascus on monday as a reason to attack us personnel and facilities. >> the >> us state department says the warning is a response to a message from iran iran says it
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warned the us, quote, not to get dragged in. netanyahu's trap, end quote. >> the world central kitchen >> is calling for an independent investigation into the israeli strike that killed seven of its workers. the idf released a report on friday saying errors in decision-making led to the strike the norwegian refugee council says aid flowing into gaza for new crossings offer a glimmer of hope. israel has approved a plan to allow aid to flow through the erez crossing. and the israeli port of ashdod israeli officials tell cnn that will happen tomorrow will cnn has a team of reporters covering all the latest cnn's nada bashir is in london and cnn's diplomatic editor, nic robertson is in jerusalem. but we begin with mj lee at the white house on the iran threats >> cnn is learning that the us is currently on a high alert and actively preparing for a significant attack by iran that
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could come as soon as within the next week. this attack would be in response to the israeli airstrike this weekend baskets that killed multiple top commanders in iran. a us and israeli officials are saying that this attack by iran is basically inevitable and that the two governments have been working together furiously to prepare for such a scenario. >> though >> even as of friday, officials are not eight entirely clear on exactly when and how iran would carry out this attack. we're also told that after that damascus airstrike by the israelis that took out those iranian officials. iran actually sent a message to the us blaming the us for that attack, and that the us is response was to say that the us had no involvement in the attack, didn't know about the attack ahead of time, and that the us also warned iran against coming after us personnel and
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us assets an exchange that certainly highlights how volatile tile this current situation is. mj lee cnn at the white house >> the charity world central kitchen is reacting to israel's investigation into the drone strike that killed seven of its aid workers. the deaths prompted the organization to withdraw from gaza for the time being cnn international diplomatic editor, and they robertson is in jerusalem with more on the idf report and the fallout >> the idf's timeline, a catalog of errors unfolding over 45 minutes. miss identification of the vehicles miss of the event, culminating in the deadly strikes at 11, 9:00 p.m. 11, 11. and 11, 13 monday night. >> this operational miss identification in was the result of internal failures. >> this the >> idf's first public
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>> report explaining why they killed seven world central kitchen aid workers, admitting a grave mistake. the soldiers conducted the strike without any awareness that these were in fact wck vehicles at the time, they were certain that they were targeting hamas the investigation found that the forces identified a gunman on one of the aid trucks following which they identified an additional gunman >> after the vehicle left the warehouse where the aid had been unloaded, one of the commanders mistakenly assumed that the gunmen were located inside the accompanying vehicles in a separate briefing, adding more detail and specificity to the public report the idf told journalists that they had missed identified something slung over the shoulder of one of the passengers mistakenly thinking
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it was a weapon on closer examination, they discovered it was a bag. they also described in harrowing detail how the aid workers have fled from the first vehicle when it was hit to another vehicle, only to be killed seconds later world central kitchen have described the report as cold comfort for the outrageous killing of their staff whom they say the idf acknowledges followed all proper communications procedures adding video, the idf showed them fails to show any cause to fire on our personnel the united states withholding judgment on the report >> we're reviewing it very carefully we'll be discussing as conclusions with israeli officials and with planetary and organizations in the days to come. it's very important that israel is taking full responsibility for this
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incident to come on, does fiat hey jay under reserve kernel, three others disciplined, triggering pushback from hardline ministers and pushback from the un secretary james general. >> essential problem is not who made the mistakes fixing those failures requires independent investigations. and meaningful and measurable change. it is on the grounds >> nic robertson, cnn jerusalem >> will cnn's nada bashir joins us now with more on the situation and not in the wake of this strike on those humanitarian workers. and after a very tense conversation between biden netanyahu, israel is finally opening up crossings into gaza to get this humanitarian aid into the territory. how soon will it arrive? >> well, according to israeli authorities, we are expecting the erez crossing to see its first shipment of aid coming in
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tomorrow. it remains to be seen how quickly this aid can actually get to those most in need, as we know much of northern and central gaza has been completely destroyed logistically, this poses a huge challenge when it comes to transporting aid in and around northern and central gazan, of course, amongst aid organizations, there are huge security concerns particularly in light of the killing of those seven world central kitchen aid workers as they were leaving dental balah in central gaza. of course, the hope is that this will provide some rest bite. there has been growing calls for further land crossings to be opened up. we've seen, of course, the establishment of a maritime corridor. we've seen air drops of aid, but the repeated message that we've been hearing from aid organizations and world leaders is that we need get more land crossings. that this is the most efficient and effective way of getting humanitarian supplies in to gaza. but of course, it remains to be seen how six cecil, this will be we heard from the us
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secretary of state antony blinken saying that the test will be in how quickly this can get to those most in need. take a listen these, are positive developments. but the real test is results. and that's what we're looking to see in the coming days and in the coming weeks is the aid effectively reaching people who need it throughout gaza >> we had from the eu's foreign policy chief josep borrell, he has said that this simply isn't enough to alleviate the starvation that people in gaza all facing the majority of those in northern gaza are already facing starvation. there are fears that gaza will be pushed deeper into famine. of course, the killing of seven world central kitchen aid workers by an israeli strike has stoked fear amongst many humanitarian organizations >> not of a shear in london. >> many thanks at least six
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people are dead after a new russian missile strike on >> ukraine's second largest city. well, that's according to ukrainian police who say 11 others were injured in kharkiv this morning the attack damaged apartment buildings and caused least one fire that came a day after russia launched a so-called double-tap strike on zaporizhzhia, killing at least three people. >> ukraine >> says one wave of attacks drew first responders to the scene before they were here to buy a second wave 40 minutes later 19 people were injured, including two ukrainian journalists. there's no word yet if first responders are among the victims well, ukraine has reportedly launched its own back-to-back strikes targeting russian airfields. ukrainian sources say the attacks went after military airports in russia's saratov and krasnodar regions on friday, which came on the heels of similar strikes on an airfield in the rostov
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region one source told cnn at least six russian fighter jets were destroyed and about 20 service members killed or wounded. we cannot independently confirm those claims russia says it shot down dozens of ukrainian drones in those regions, but it's not saying anything about the airfields mexico says it's breaking diplomatic relations with ecuador. these comes after police in the capital quito into the mexican embassy in arrested ecuador's former vice president mexico says he was a refugee and seeking asylum. ecuador says the former vice president had been sentenced to prison mexico says it's immediately removing or diplomatic personnel from ecuador journalist david shortell has more from mexico city an extraordinary break between two very important latin american countries, mexico and ecuador, ending diplomatic relations today following some
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>> very tense few moments in quito, you're watching the video now ecuadorean police rating the mexican embassy. they are where jorge glass the former ecuadorian vice president, had been holed up in december, seeking shelter and asking mexico for political asylum, blasts had been under investigation for missing to use of public funds related to how he appropriated government spending around an earthquake rebuild in 2016 now, ecuadorean police moving in and arresting him late friday evening and quite dramatic fashion with guns out, new see some of these police officers quite literally scaling the embassy wall after that very pence few moments, mexican president andres, manuel lopez obrador coming out in a statement calling it in north for teren act and saying that he would be rupturing, breaking relations with ecuador effective immediately. now we understand that to mean that mexico will be pulling all of
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its diplomatic person now from ecuador, bringing them back to mexico. i want to play for you some sound from a senior official at the mexican embassy, downing. this is actually the man who you can see in the video being dragged to the ground by ecuadorean police are seen in an espanol correspondence, caught up with him shortly after that exchange. take a listen. >> would you have just seen is an outrage against international law. and they invade all ability of the mexican embassy in ecuador totally unacceptable. this cannot be its barbarism. it is impossible for them to violate the diplomatic premises as they have done. >> now, this seismic break in relations following some very tense days between mexico and ecuador on wednesday, mexico's president lopez obrador taking a shot at ecuador in a news conference questioning really the validity of their recent election there that just happened a few months ago
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later, that week, ecuador's president firing right back the clearing, the mexico's ambassador in the country, persona non grata, which essentially means that they would have to leave the country in short order earlier on friday, mexico made an announcement. they said they would. in fact, be granting political asylum to jorge glass. this former vice president and that's what preceded this extraordinary raid at the embassy that we are all now watching this video of. of course, this is a very, very significant development, not just between the two countries, but for the broader region, ecuador of course, has been going through a very tumultuous period. they have some drug cartels that have really exploded with violence in recent months, crime rising steeply. in recent months in that country, and concerns in the that immigration would increase out of ecuador towards the us southern border, mexico, of course the country that really controls the flow of migrants to the us south. so if let's go in ecuador are not
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getting along, that is something that's going to cause concern for the white house president biden has relied on mexico's president to stem the flow of immigration. this is a serious issue that is going to have lasting repercussions david shortell mexico city were just two days away from monday's read total solar eclipse across north america. he helped people across the us a sound preparing after the break and it wasn't a big one button earthquake did rock the northeastern united states on friday. we'll bring you details on one of the strongest quakes deep the region >> in many years >> and it's been more than ten days since the key bridge collapse in baltimore, killing six construction workers the tragedy is raising awareness of the dangers of work in the industry and the people who put themselves at risk to do >> those stories i brought in a short max protein with 30 grams
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from new england, patches of completely clear skies will be few and far between the path of totality. >> and so >> bad news for eclipse chasers heading to the southern plains severe storms or forcast across parts of texas and arkansas. >> they'll likely come >> after the eclipse, but could cause a hazard to travelers with eclipse mania will underway our kristin fisher spoke to people across the us on how they plan to mark the big day >> it's the most amazing terrestrial thing i've ever seen >> dr. hakeem, aloo chez is one of the die-hards, an eclipse hunter and astrophysicist who's hoping to see his sixth total solar eclipse on monday. what makes an eclipse so special >> yeah. >> you don't have to ask that question if you see it right you know, it's like bringing the space and the cosmos to your lab, this is when you know, hey i live in a solar
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system that fill the galaxy it's surreal. >> a total solar eclipse happens when the moon moves in between the sun and the earth, aligning so perfectly that it completely blocks the face of the sun >> and now the corona, which is 1 billion times dimmer, becomes visible. it just appears this is the moment of total this is the moment of totality, of totality. this time is a long totality. it's about twice as long as the 2017 total solar eclipse. oh wow, this is a four minute totality that is nearly 32 million people in the united states from texas to maine live within the path of totality millions more will be traveling to get there. and roughly 450 couples will be getting married during totality at two mass wedding events, a lope at the eclipse in arkansas and ohio, where you'd want to again, we wanted to do something unique, but we didn't necessarily need to be up front and center and it's something that will bond
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everyone who does it that day together for our what is it about an eclipse that makes it kind of romantic? >> there's a story about the sun and the moon and they fell in love. and then when they finally kissed that's when the solar eclipse happen. >> a cosmic kiss. >> it's similar to what the navajo >> people have believed for centuries. >> that's a time of renal, intimate relation between sun and the moon. this is the time when you don't look at them to have intimate relations. so and in the sun, some privacy yes, they give them time for private see, looking directly at the eclipse, like president trump famously did back in 2017, is not safe without protective glasses, but the navajo people won't even look at it with glasses. >> during the eclipse. >> we >> have to get back into our dwelling, close the curtains, make it really quiet. >> it's a sign of respect, a
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way of honoring a sacred alignment between the sun and the moon. and it's something that's been kept dividing humans for as long as we've been alive, not so much. >> what you see, which is amazing, but it's also what you feel. the first i'm telling you, you feel it when you see this, it is not is not any experience you've ever had and millions of americans are trying to have that experience if the weather will just cooperate. here in washington, the forecast actually looks pretty good, but here you will only see a partial eclipse, not a total eclipse. and the difference between a partial and a total is quite literally the difference between night and day kristin fisher, cnn, washington jonas monday for the total solar eclipse as its path travels from mexico across the eastern united states and into canada. now, especially show coverage dots at 12 paestum in the, that's five p in london >> well, millions >> across the northeastern
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united states will have stunned and a little bit rattled on friday does this serve quake >> you is this earthquake? you what your minor earthquake >> after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake could be filled from washington, dc all the way up to maine. >> it's a rare event for the region >> causing unaccustomed east coasters including lady liberty so assume it was maybe a passing freight train before realizing it was something more. well, friday's quake was the third largest recorded in the area in the last half century. and the strongest in new jersey in more than 240 years that's according to the us geological survey >> with cnn's polo sandoval >> has more on the story from new york >> the typical morning in
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middlesex, new jersey suddenly interrupted by a rare earthquake that rocked much of the eastern us on friday second angle captured the rattling of the walls violent enough to knock items to the ground you're my house was shaking >> it's one of many videos shared online, capturing stunned and scared residents during and after the 4.8 magnitude quake wait the epicenter was some 50 miles west of new york city in northern new jersey, according to the us geological survey, which estimates at least 23 million people felt some degree of shaking from dc to new england ned tanner was working at a manhattan high-rise. >> my chair started kind of bouncing a little bit and as soon as i looked around, i immediately realized that i
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wasn't alone. everybody else in the building definitely felt something then. so there's a feeling i haven't experienced before. it was quite interesting and yeah. there's a little unnerving. >> the new jersey quake is the largest to strike that state and over 240 years, according to the usgs, in new york city, let's security council meeting on the war in the middle east forced to pause as the un manhattan headquarters shook yeah. >> you're making the ground shake >> critical infrastructure like bridges and the transit system fared well. many built to withstand seismic events stronger than friday's assured city officials, we do not have any reports of major impacts to our infrastructure or injuries but of course we are still assessing a situation. >> polo sandoval, cnn new york >> still ahead on cnn newsroom who signs like these keep popping up as us economy churns out, new job month after month, we'll have the latest jobs report that left all
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predictions. >> and the desk houston, check, your nothing >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part of the wing coming up? part space >> shuttle columbia, the final flight premiers tomorrow at nine on cnn state june to get this fight piece, ultra non-stick bakers that free from granite, stone, are you tired of plastic lids that to and pans stick? you know, you need a new set with the prices are so high, it makes you will get ready for a kitchen full of the most durable, ultra non-stick cookware at the most affordable price anywhere. introducing granite, stone blue, the fast, easy way to cook or may family hill's every day, each piece of granite stone. >> good. where is breadths from a solid aluminum disc for even he conducted and coded three times with our durable, ultra non-stick credits from blue, vignesh. great. it's don't blue is oven rated up to 500
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send info positions, mutual physicians, mutual >> welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm anna coren in hong kong. >> this is cnn newsroom well, so it's finished higher on friday following a surprisingly strong that monthly jobs report the, dow closed 307 points higher up to climbing more than 400 points during the day? >> yes. and p gained 1.1% and the nasdaq added 1.2%. but all three major indexes ended the week lower after starting the
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second quarter on a sour note. or job creation the us remains in high gear despite headwinds from inflation and interest rates. and you reports as the economy created more than 300,000 new jobs in march, file more than expected the unemployment rate dipped to 3.8%. >> play >> increased across the board, led by health care, government construction, and hospitality the us has been adding jobs for 39 straight months now, which is the fifth longest streak on record president joe biden praised the new report saying he created more than 15 million jobs since taking office >> for more on this, i'm >> joined by ryan patel, a senior fellow at the drucker school of management's claremont graduate university. ryan great to have you with us >> the us appears it's to remain strong with job numbers, really beating expectations by almost 100,000. what does this mean for, for inflation
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>> well not so much good news actually, because i think most people thought january and february numbers were more out of the out of the woods and march would be kind of slow. so what does it mean for inflation? and think about the last 12 months, the average job, right? 20020030000 jobs every month in the owes added, that would be a very booming number. what it means for inflation, it's a couple of things i think the first thing it means that if the fed had to decide right now to make interest weight cut, they wouldn't. so that means the numbers inflation is still cooling, but not as much. and wage growth still pretty high, about 4.1%. it's not the time to inflation is still out of the woods and that's something means to interest rates that the fed is very comfortable at this moment. just start making those cuts ryan president biden released a statement that read in part today's report marks a milestone in >> america's comeback three years ago, i inherited an
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economy on the brink with today's reported 303,000 new jobs in march, we have passed the milestone of 15 million jobs created since i took office. i mean, three years ago we were dealing with the pandemic is biden correct. and taking credit for the recovery since then >> well, i mean, if you if you just throw all the political party and you just looked at the number is you'd probably say the same thing that you and i are thinking of. >> well, >> that was really good. it was a really good run. and to continue to that degree, but also the pandemic had that issue as well. >> i >> think i think if you frame it that way, i think president biden will take credit for it and we'll need it to go into the election. i think also the other aspect to this is what is the consumers? feel at this moment, right? and i think not everyone looks at the numbers that way and they see just interest rates versus the numbers. and i think that's where president biden will have to make a distinction on that well, it's interesting. >> you mentioned that because a >> recent wall street journal
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poll found that 63% of voters in swing states say that they rate the strength of the american economy is not so great or poor so what are ordinary americans facing? i guess that would, would dampen the perspective >> well, i think there's a couple of things. i mean, let's talk about the reported again the sector that had the highlights that we're showing growth were hospitals, restaurants, local governments large rehab, warehouse retailers and in kind of a diverse coral growth. but when you think of the shelter prices where we in housing and rental, food prices is still still high. that's where their consumers are actually looking not so much in the wage growth numbers that we're seeing. and so that means what? that means? that you're not taking more in your paycheck, you're also seeing companies do do even though the growth rate is great in the jobs you're still are layoffs. there's looking at consumer prices increasing because companies are not making less of a margin when it
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comes to manufacturing and they're passing off to who? to the consumer. and so those are not just optics, are those but the consumer, consumers are feeling. and so it's the numbers show everything's great, but it doesn't really match to some people's aspects as well, >> ryan finally oil prices, as we know, have risen due to these heightened tensions between israel and iran. how does that play into the picture for inflation and future, rate cuts >> that, that's a great point, meaning that we can talk about all the numbers and job numbers and we look at the phone of places in inflation. we see a crisis or energy crisis, or any kind of crisis that comes into geopolitical crisis into this economy? makes it a very fragile system. so what does that tell you? that the us isn't as strong as people indicate if these things of this nature can make an impact. so i know we've used the word that the economy has been very
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resilient, but it can only be resilient so long until all the variables and factors can have the fundamentals to be strong enough to be able to manage some of these crisis is like the oil crisis that could cause some issues for many companies and profits, which also passes the buck down to the consumer ryan patel, always great to speak to you and get your perspective. thank you so much. >> thank you, anna >> president biden gets a first-hand look at the deadly bridge collapse in baltimore, maryland and pledges to do everything he can to get one of the nation's busiest shipping lanes back in business. we are looking at live pictures there are the key bridge disaster killed six men, all of them immigrants from latin america. that's raising new questions about the dangers of the work. and what's being done to protect the people doing it. say we've seen it
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>> tomorrow. new interviews with a return israeli house what is the meaning of being hostage? phrase, no certainty. >> and the fight for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper tomorrow at eight rnc >> this is a night singles doesn't care, but she breaks, protects only shavers has proven over 90% effective. she reaches a vaccine used to prevent shingles and adults 50 years and older, she thinks not protect everyone and it's not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose, an increased risk of ghislaine vare syndrome was observed after getting chambers fainting can also happen. the most common side effects so pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingo x today, have you or anyone you know, ever been stationed at marine corps base campbell june camp luck, june's water was contaminated by fuel leaks if you add any water contact while it camp on june had been diagnosed with cancer or parkinson's disease, you may be entitled to compensation as a marine who
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> imprint for certain
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>> dive teams have recovered the body of a third construction worker killed in the collapse of the francis scott key bridge in baltimore 38 year-old male nor yassir suazo sandoval fell into the river when a container ship lost power and crashed into the bridge, causing it to collapse the discovery of his body came only hours before president joe biden visited the site offering condolences to the family of those killed and pledging federal support for the rebuilding effort cnn's kayla tausche reports >> during his visit to baltimore, president biden, extending his condolences to the families of the six workers who died during the key bridge collapse also vowing his support for the 20,000 workers whose livelihoods are at risk with the port of baltimore closed. president biden saying that the company who owns the container ship that collided with the bridge will pay folks finally,
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>> we're gonna move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible. and we're gonna do so with union labor and american steel. my administration is committed absolutely committed to ensuring that the parties responsible for this tragedy pay to repair the damage and be held accountable to the fullest extent the law will allow but i also want to be clear. we will support maryland and baltimore every step of the way to help you rebuild and maintain all the business and commerce. >> biden calling on companies like amazon, home depot, and domino sugar that all took quite a lot of business in this region to maintain the jobs that they had here, even if they have to relocate some of that activity elsewhere until the port reopened, the army corps of engineers estimates that that could be as soon as the end of may for the full waterway to reopen a development that would bring back online a critical passageway for goods like cars metals, and farm equipment.
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>> local >> officials briefing president biden told him the goods arriving here and up in 27 states but the first priority is going to be removing the twisted metal from the ship that is currently sitting in epitaphs. go river, and getting that wreckage out of the wait so that the waterway can reopen. kayla tausche, cnn, traveling with the president in baltimore, maryland >> well, so far the bodies have only three construction workers killed in the bridge collapse have been recovered they were among eight men working to fill potholes on the bridge's center span at the time of the crash to the men were rescued from the water. >> all of >> them were originally from latin america president biden spoke about the victims during his visit to the site and our hearts are still breaking hey. eight construction workers, right of the water. when the bridge fell, six lost their lives moos are immigrants, but all were marylanders
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hard-working, strong and selfless >> joining me now is as martinez, a member of the maryland house of delegates? shanty great to have you with us during president biden's visit on friday to baltimore, he said, the nation has your back. did you feel that support >> absolutely. >> good morning. thank you for having me since the start of this tragedy, the biden harris administration has been on the ground here in maryland ensuring that we one had the command unit setup so that we're all centralizing all of our efforts. both federal, state, and local, so that we can respond rapidly to this tragedy. the biden administration also was able to inject $60 in emergency aid so that we could start to begin to repair a lot of the damage, but also start to look at what is the impact to the workers in the port of baltimore. and
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mainly the workers that we saw here on the bridge. many people like them, how are we going to support them as we start to rebuild this very vital lifeline, which was the key bridge and the port of baltimore well, those six road workers who died while working on the bridge on that overnight shift, filling potholes. they were all immigrants from central america. you took over as chair of maryland's legislative latino caucus tell us how immigrant workers are not protected and what can be done to better protect them >> immigrants are the lifeline here in maryland and across the country when it comes to our economy you know, when we are at home, sleep these folks are out making sacrifices in the middle of the night to make sure that we have comfort and commerce. the lives that were lost are emblematic of folks who day in and day out labor and sacrifice. so that all of us have what we need right now.
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i think it's a moment for the biden administration to do everything that at their disposal to ensure that folks have an opportunity i pathway to be protected, doing expansion of tps as well as humanitarian parole well, as you say latino workers, they play an important role in your state and they certainly play an important role >> federally they represent about a third of americans in the construction industry. i mean, that is a huge overrepresentation considering they make up just 19% of the us population. >> what more can be done to safeguard latino workers >> i think providing protections around legal status helps eliminate the fear that many people have when they go into the workforce looking for opportunities. it would stop against potential waitstaff it would stop against having to work on unsafe working conditions if people were
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empowered by legal status, they would have the ability to operate fully with not only within our economy, but fully contribute to their communities as well. >> as we know immigration and border security, some of the top issues, if not the top issue in this year's election, do you think that this tragedy could perhaps change? the way that americans view this debase over immigration policies >> you know, immigration is a national issue that unfortunately congress has continued to kick the can down the road and not provide a solution. we need comprehensive immigration reform. and i think all americans understand that vital need and understand the importance of emigrants here. and this country. i think this election cycle is an opportunity for us to elect and continue with the biden harris administration because we know that they are going to be the folks that can help usher in
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this type of reform that we need. we know that if we were for to go back to the trump administration, we would not be able to make progress on this very vital issue in february, had a potential comprehensive deal when it came to our national security spending. but that fell through because republicans are so busy playing politics when it comes to immigration reform, instead of delivering for them american people >> we can only hope that this shines a spotlight, this tragedy shines a spotlight on these issues. a shanty martinez, we thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me still ahead on cnn newsroom >> caitlin clark, and iowa, i >> hitting back to the women's national title game to face south carolina. cnn sport's andy scholes joins me after the break to break down the whole kise nail-biter of a game in the final four if you have
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waiting for this matchup, but let's of people not happy with how it ended yeah. yeah. and you a great game. we had caitlin clark versus page backers and it came down to the wire, but a controversial call ended up deciding this. so it has a lot of people shaking their heads this morning. yeah, the huskies, they did a great job against clark plants, have a great defense holding clark and check until the third quarter. and that's when clark would finally get going, knocking down a pair of big three's clark though. she had just 21 points in this one. but here's the play. everyone's talking about this morning, iowa up by one, you call with volunteer to thanks to go. becker's got it. >> but >> they call aaliyah edwards for an illegal screen. take another look. just a brutal call to make in that moment, hawkeyes would hold onto and 71 and 69, and we'll play for the national title for a second straight year. and here was uconn head coach geno auriemma. afterwards on that controversial call
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>> this probably no legal screen call you can make on every single possession i just know that there were three or four of them called on us and i don't think there were any called on them so i guess we just gotta get better not setting a legal screens >> i think being in this moment before i think gives are group a good understanding of what to expect we know what south carolina brings to the table. we know we're going to have our hands full the way that they play they tonight was incredible but it's the national championship, it's last game on my career. it's last game for five people on this team, so i don't think motivation will be hard to come by yeah, so it will be i owe versus south carolina for the title nc state hanging with the undefeated gamecocks in the first half down just one going into the third, but >> that's when coach dawn staley said her team turned up he eats health carolina dominant the third outscoring nc state 29 to six. the team was asked about what was said at halftime whenever i've just
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one i wanted to hear locker room talk. we wanted i knew i can tell by our faces. i can tell by our voices. we wanted it more >> i mean, we just told each other that we're good. we've been in this position before and that we just got to come out warning it more and we did and we locked in on both sides of the court only south carolina would crews to a 78, 59 when they're now 37 to know and looking become the first undefeated national champion since uconn and >> 2016. so that stage is set undefeated south carolina will take on caitlin clark for the national title. sunday afternoon at three eastern now, all is not lost for nc state fans. they're men are going to take the floor tonight and the final four for the first time in 41 years and a big reason why is they're six-foot-nine, 275 pound forward. dj burns junior. he's played a huge role in the wolfpack's in run to reach this point, they had to win nine games in a row. any laws would have ended their
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season. but bern says, he's believed in this team all along. >> yeah, definitely could have imagined this, you know, that's why i worked so hard every day to get to this point. so i'm i'm not going to act like it's something that was that, i thought was unachievable. but you need a team to do it. so i'm just glad that god bless me with the team that we're allowed us to be here >> yeah, so nc, state and purdue will tip things off tonight just after six eastern on our sister channel, tbs. and it's gonna be alabama and uconn. the winners will play for the national championship monday night. and finally, you know, nothing says, oh opening day in baseball like pouring snow, check out the seeds in pittsburgh for the pirates opener against the orioles, the teams having to play through snow showers and the pirates, they ended up losing this one five to two. but, you know, and i go to a baseball game. i like sitting in the sun, haven't hot dogs and peanuts but the up north here in the dealing with
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snow for these first few weeks of baseball >> yeah >> i guess it makes a little, little bit slippery. andy scholes. >> good to see you. thank you very much. >> well, that wraps up this. >> our all but cnn newsroom. thank you so much. you company. i'm anna karen in hong kong, >> for viewers in north america, >> cnn this morning is next for the rest of the world, it's african voices, changemakers. >> please stay with cnn >> if you work in spaceflight. >> this >> is the worst thing that can happen. >> space shuttle columbia, the final flight premiers tomorrow at nine on scene i brought in a juror, max broaching, with 30
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