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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 9, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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just saying i can't find them and get those extra ones to get into the free line. you just got to be smart wall up and if you make he makes two, don't let don't three-point shooters makes shots and protects just protect them at all costs. >> there was i'd say it's guessing you guys didn't double zach edey underneath and that's something. listen. you lost your mother in 2018 and we are so sorry for your loss. she was a ball or two. i mean, what, three and cwa tournaments? what do you think that she would like most about this for you >> yeah. you know, how hard i've worked in what i've what i started with that fight about public high school. i played on a very small au team. i worked hard and i tried to make it to a level a very high level and i was able to make history. i'm not she she's smiling down on me. hello she's happy for me
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>> i wish she >> could be part of it, but like i said, i know she's proud of me. >> i'm sure she would be so so proud of you we lost this thing go there. donovan clingan, what an athlete in what a nice guy there are new developments in the case against donald trump, a new our have cnn news central starts right now another attempt >> to delay rejected donald trump's hush money trial will go forward next week, and we now know on what the potential jury will be asked ahead of this historic case? i'm speaking of historic and historic sentencing, how far will the judge go to hold the parents of a school? a school mass shooting accountable for their role in their son's crimes an absolutely no control of his emotions since that is what prosecutors are saying
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about alec baldwin on the rust movie set, why they argue this, this compromise safety on the set where the cinematographer the shot and killed i'm kate baldwin with john berman, sarah is out today. this is cnn news central >> this morning the trial is set to begin four we'll it seems donald trump's attempt to delay his criminal trial in new york denied overnight, maybe for the last time and for the first time we have a window into the jury selection process which some attorneys will tell you is the most important part of any trial, starting on monday, trump is required to sit in a courtroom four days a week for at least the next several weeks as arguments over his 34 charges involving lies, payments to an adult film actress, play out the first part is already underway with a jury questionnaire released
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overnight. cnn's katelyn katelyn polantz has the details on this whole lot are really interesting questions. kayla yeah, john 42 questions. these potential jurors are going to be asked and have to answer. that's only the start of the process of jury selection that we'll start next monday, april 15, in this first trial of former president donald trump in new york, these questions are built to we'd out people who may have a strong bias for or against donald trump. and cannot find a way to be an impartial juror. so some of the questions we'll just give enough information to the defense team and to the prosecutors to ask further questions. so an example of that is there is going to be a question it's going to asked of these potential jurors of what print publications, cable news outlets, or other online media they are consuming regularly. do they watch cnn? do they read the washington
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post who they watch fox news, msnbc, do they read the new york times? that is one of the questions that doesn't necessarily mean something one will be tossed just because they say yes to that or because they say they watch one of the cable news networks, but it does allow both sides to ask further questions to see if there's a bias. >> one of the things >> too, that the judge has said here, just being a member of a political party or voting for donald trump, that is not going gonna be even asked. he says there are no questions asking prospective jurors whom they voted for or intend to vote for in this upcoming election or who may have made political contributions to. however, there are questions about do, do you have a strong opinion or belief? about donald trump as president four years ago or as his candidacy continues for president now, in a way that makes you unable to set aside the facts here. and then there are also questions. if you have worked for or volunteered for
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him in the past, john all right. >> just some of the questions and that is only the beginning. katelyn polantz. thank you very much for that reporting. >> and to another trump case right now, special counsel jack smith has a new asked of the supreme court when it comes to donald trump. and presidential immunity. now, this remember involves smith's federal election subversion case against donald trump jack smith is now urging the court to reject trump's wishes to get the charges tossed out, and we are now 16 days out from oral arguments before the high court. cnn seen senior supreme court analyst joan biskupic is joining us now with more on this joke. can you walk us through what exactly jack smith is saying and asking here? >> sure. good morning, kate. it's a very forceful filing in advance of the april 25th oral arguments. this is his main attempt to make a case in writing. his lawyers will be making an important person on april 25th, but this is in writing, and he he rejects across the board in a very unequivocal way. donald
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trump's claim of absolute immunity he says that nothing in us history dating back to the founding or any supreme court precedent since would allow a president to claim absolute immunity for for any kind of actions in office after office against criminal prosecution. and what he does here, remember jack smith has brought several charges, all related to the aftermath of the 2020 election. fraud against the us obstruction of an official proceeding denial of the right to vote. and first he reaches back to the founders and says, the framers never endorsed criminal immunity for a former president and all presidents from the founding to the modern era have known that after leaving office, they faced potential criminal liability for official acts. and i wanted to stress this is after leaving office and then
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special counsel smith pivots to a more modern precedent and that involves richard nixon, who engaged in misconduct related to the watergate cover-up remember the 1972 break-in of the democratic national campaign headquarters in the watergate building. and richard nixon was an unindicted coconspirator related to that cover up and gerald ford, when he became president after nixon was forced out of office, pardoned richard nixon. and what jack smith is saying is that that pardon implicitly acknowledged that a former president could have been criminal, criminally prosecuted for his acts while in the white house >> so interesting, joan, what do you think? the high court, the justices are going to make of trump's position here >> well, in many ways, it's pretty audacious cave. he is saying he would be absolutely immune from any criminal prosecution. any actions
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including actions that would involve really serious alleged crimes it would go it would even go to as emerged in the lower court hearing to the president ordering ordering some sort of hit on using seal team six against a political a rival. and what lower court judges did was just absolutely reject that out of hand. and there's a line that i think will strike this supreme court from the lower court ruling in this case that said, whatever kind of executive immunity president trump might have enjoyed enjoyed while he was in office acts dissolved once he became citizen trump and that's what the court will be looking at here, not what he could have been liable for while in office but once he leaves office couldn't face charges. and in this case, because of trump's really no exceptions argument, i think
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they're going to reject it in the end, maybe with some caveats. but i think he's heading for a rejection. kate joan, thank you so much. it's great to see you coming up still for us, the parents, next hour, the parents of the michigan school shooter will be sentenced that's happening today. next hour, the first parents be held criminally responsible for their these horrific crimes committed by their son how far will the judge go? >> we will soon find out so she sued her state after roe v. wade was overturned. and now that doctor is running for congress in a peak key battleground state and wants to make take abortion rights. the central issue plus, they were a critical part of president biden's 2020 coalition. a closer look now though on why he is struggling with younger black voters this time around >> there's debris in this guy husbands and wives gone wish i could've done something differently. you can just make
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guaranteed. it's time to trust your experts at true green, go online today. >> chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts >> all right. very shortly for the first time parents will be sentenced for a school shooting. their son committed. prosecutors are seeking 15 years each for james and jennifer crumbley convicted of involuntary manslaughter for me murder is committed by their son and oxford, michigan cnn's jean casarez. it's been following this from the beginning and joins us now, this is a precedt seg day higan, it for sentencing it is becausit's a precedent-setting cawith e parent ty dn't pull the trigger of the gun, bu four days before the mass school. so the foc point is to get in prison in michigan, but also the victims, the for the famiesf e fo young students that were gunned down by their son, who was the one
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that pulled the trigger prosecutors are asking for the ximum they want 15 years, if not ten to 15 years beuse they say there'no nowe're morris here at all. these are egregious cres. these are homicide convictions in there are four of th. the defense is asking for far less now a very novel theory, shannon smith, who is reprenng named jennifer crumbley, always put a gps monitor oner. she se can stay in my guest hse for the remainder of any tm imprisonment that you want f her but you ere's also an issue about james crumbley. not only did he, by the gun, but the prosecutors have recordings that he made. we might even hear a clip in the sentencing where they allege he threatened karen mcdonald, the elected county attorney for oxford, count for oakland county, and says wait until i out. i'm coming for you. the defense's saying they're hard two sides to this story. you
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gotta listen to the whole tape because after that, he wants her disbarred from the michigan bar saying that she lied during this case, you should not be an attorney. he begins at recording the defense's by saying, i would have done anything to stop this if i had known it was going to happen. so that's what the defense will be arguing. whose conduct during the trials and issue here as well. well, the prosecution is saying that as he held his earphones to be able to hear that he used his middle finger and that middle finger was assigned >> to the prosecutor. this is what i'm talking about. this is how i feel about you the defense's saying he was just holding a earphones in so we could hear. he wasn't doing anything like that. g casarez, some full contact reporting today. thank you for being with us all right >> new attacks from donald trump on jewish people who vote for president biden. why trump says any jewish american who does not support him should quote be spoken to prosecutors claim alec baldwin, he told
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absolutely no control over his own emotions, why they say his behavior contributed to issues on the set of rust sunday a nitro space first on the whole story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope >> are we alone? we're finding out things about the first galaxies that we never knew in a way, it's a time machine followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia. the final flight being an astronaut was always recalled a calculator, grass, humans are explores. i wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better for those that fall well, sunday starting at eight on c their thon. >> nice to meet you. i'm running boston to make sure childbirth is safe for all moms everywhere i'm one of thousands of runners running to beat things bigger than the clock to help more kids outran cancer, help amputees walk again and maybe even run
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free >> with stealth the biden campaign, making it clear once again, they want abortion rights to be the central focus and many battleground states in this election out with a new ad blaming donald trump for the near death of a woman who was denied an abortion in texas >> the blank get the shoe
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>> now that woman the woman who is a focus of this ad, amanda's ross k, is going to be campaigning for biden in key states. >> this presidential >> election that includes was we're the race for one congressional seat may very well turn on this very issue. joining us now is dr. kristin laura lee? she's an ob-gyn and wisconsin now running as democrat in that congressional race, doctor, thank you so much for joining us. this is a race just to remind, fill everyone in to fill the seat vacated by the surprise retirement really have republican congressman mike gallagher. i mentioned that the woman who appears in this new biden campaign at his coming to wisconsin to campaign for him. you also want abortion access to be a central focus of your race. why do you think abortion will be the issue that you're raised turns on the
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woman in this ad is like so many people that i have taken care of in my own practice and i'm so grateful to her for telling her story and for coming to wisconsin and sharing her story. >> but there are so many women right here in my state who are suffering the same way that she has suffered and that's why we need to change things in this country. and that's entirely the reason why i made the decision to run for congress donald trump just announced yesterday, made i would say just yesterday, made his stance, i guess more clear on >> abortion after months of mixed signals, he did not come out to support a specific number of weeks where he would support a ban. he did not support a federal ban. he only said that he would like it to be left up to the states to decide what do you think about that? what's your reaction >> did he make it more clear? i
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think he made it murkier and i can tell you that my colleagues in arkansas and tennessee, who are struggling to take care of their patients, who are struggling to make maintain their practice. and frankly, who are trying to figure out whether they can continue to provide any care in these states they need to have national protections because they're not going to get it at the state level. we saw this in wisconsin when dobbs happened, we hadn't 18, 49 law that made portion in accessible for people of wisconsin. luckily, because we have an incredible team and some fantastic doctors including me, who stood up and said this does not work for our patients luckily, we were able to bring abortion rights back to wisconsin, but it's not enough and it's certainly not enough for people in these deep red state the reaction from the right to what they heard from donald trump was disappointment. i mean, his former vice president mike pence called a slap in the face
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republican senator lindsey graham. there's a lot of back-and-forth on social media. he thought trump should have supported a federal ban if the republican right is mad at trump for his position. here. does that mean that he's choosing a more moderate position? does this make your work harder? >> they are just so wrong when it comes to abortion >> politicians have >> no place in our exam rooms period. this shouldn't be a political issue. and when you look at what's happening on the right, this is the reason that mike gallagher decided not to run for this district because the leadership of the county republican party's up here are so mega extreme that they were no longer aligned with someone as moderate as mike gallagher they want more, they want harsher and that does not reflect the people of this district, the people where i was born here. i know these people. they are good kind people and they don't want this
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extremism. they want their personal freedom. they want to be able to make their own personal health care decisions. whether we're talking about abortion or cancer care, or anything else, they don't want anyone else making their decisions for them. >> we ask mike gallagher, he was elected four times. i think it was to serve what is a solidly red district trump wanted by 16 points in 2020. they just looked this morning at the nonpartisan election handicap or cook political reports still has the district of solid red. if you're not successful, doctor, what message does that send we will be successful because even though it looks like a solid red district on paper, it is the swing district in the swing state. and we've seen friends that show that the people here are not satisfied. we know that they are independent voters. they're not red, they're not blue, they're green and gold word green bay packers fans. and mass. what we rally around
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so these people will vote their conscience and their conscience is with freedom, its width democracy >> this in your campaign. i was, as you well know, president biden's statistically tied in the state with donald trump and some of the latest polling >> do you >> want to appear with him? do you would president biden campaigning with you help you? >> that's a great question. i'm really focused on my campaign and i'm really focused on getting out and talking with the people, hearing what the people want to see, the issues that i'm hearing are bay don't have enough resources to put food on the table. they can't put gas in there are there having a hard time paying their health care bills those are the things that people here care about. and that's really what we're going to focus on as well as elevating other folks across the states. remember, we got new maps. we had redistricting from this
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horrible gerrymandering that we've been living with for the last decade. so for the first time in a very long time i'm we're going to have a democrat in every state assembly race, every state senate race. and this congressional race which didn't have a challenger in the last cycle it is the dawn of a new de and wisconsin especially in northeastern wisconsin dr. coaston, larry, thank you so much for coming on thanks for having me coming up for us. the uk's top diplomat and former prime minister david cameron, meeting with secretary stay tony blinken. that's after you've met with donald trump and president biden unveiled a new, new moves to target student loan debt >> what does it? really mean for you and your family? >> the >> secretary of education is our guest >> every weekday morning and then five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes or less, cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming five days a week
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>> also try >> are allergy headache, and nighttime pills. >> this situation with wolf blitzer didn't night at six point cnn this morning, an 18-year-old from idaho could face up to 20 years in prison if he is convicted of planning attacks on churches prosecutors say >> alexander mercurial swarm for an oath of loyalty to isis and said he wanted to kill as many people as possible. he allegedly plan to use knives, firearms, and set fire to churches. he was hot after meeting with a confidential source, working for the fbi just in we just learned a 600 million settlement. has been reached for the 2020 free norfolk southern derailment in east palestine, ohio. that around of spilled more than 1 million pounds of hazardous chemicals into the soil, water, and air >> if appred. moved it resolve all class acon lawsts witn 20 milesf the derailment. so as congress has back twork this morning, publican congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is tried to bui support to ou hse speaker mi johnson, and a
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five-page letter to her johnson of failing to delir on promises d she blamed him for jeopardy rising their rar-th majority. now greene d not go as far as to say if she would bring this to the hofloor itself >> so the uk's top diplomat ma a pit stop mar-a-lago to meet th donald trump ahead ahead of his meeting with the secretary of state, tony blinken in washington a spokesperson for david cameron though, says it standard practice to meet with opposition candidates of their partner nations. cnn's alayna treene has much more on this alignment. what is the significance of this? >> well, it's pretty significant given that david cameron obviously the former prime minister of the uk, but also britain's current top diplomat and forei secrery met with donald trump. but as you mened, kathis spokesperson emphasized that this is standard practice and it is. remember in 20 the 12th, cameron, while then prime minister met with senator mitt romney when he was running for
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president so this is something that we've seen from some of europe's or excuse me, britain's top leaders in the past. but i think the key thing here to note is the timing of it. this is all part of cameron's push get the united states more active in affirming their support for ukraine. he's also going to be meeting with tony blinken, as you mentioned, but also top congressional leaders and john camerohad said last weekhat he is urging johnson to pass moreido ukraine. that's really the purse of is visi do you want to just read for you a statement we have received from the british embassy on this, cameron said that quote, success for ukraine and failure for putin are vital for american and european security. this will show that borders matter, that aggression doesn't pay, and that countries like ukraine are free to choose their own future. the alternative would only encourage putin in further attempts to redraw european borders by force and would be
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heard clearly in beijing tehran, and north korea and luck, i think that's really the key here. many countries in europe do want to see the united states pass this age package that the white house is pushing congress to do. of course, we've seen in johnson, hold this up for some time now, and is receiving a lot of backlash from republicans for considering putting this on the floor. and so a lot of moving parts here, but cameron is really here to try and again reaffirm the united states support for ukraine we're going to train. thank you so much, john. >> or the white house has released a new set of proposals that could relieve millions of student loan debt in student loan debt before the election, it is president biden's second attempt to implement broad student loan forgiveness after his first plan? was struck down by the supreme court last summer. with me now is the secretary of education, miguel cardona. mr. secretary, thank you so much for being with us the morning after a big uconn victory, which i know you must have liked your still smiling over that. look. >> what makes the
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administration so shoehorn, what makes administration so sure that you're not selling borrowers false hope for a second time here, how will this? polls will pass legal muster when the first one did >> yeah, first shot out to the uconn huskies. but look as the president said yesterday, we're fixing a broken system. we're trying to provide a fair shot to americans trying to access higher education. and we're doing that by addressing runaway interests. we know it's been out of control all the interests that people have to pay. >> we're going after >> those schools that are defrauding are borrowers were providing relief to those who've been paying for decades we're providing relief to eligible public servants, and we're addressing hardship that many americans face. >> i got a couple of 11th graders who have begun looking at colleges. so i have a keen awareness of how much college is expected to cost any year-and-a-half the new york times just put out a study saying that some schools private could cause up to 100,000 a year, right? so what is student debt forgiveness
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matter in the long term? if these tuition's are going through the roof >> it does matter for many americans who are right now saddled him that i talked to a teacher yesterday in new york who took out a $30,000 loan. >> it >> ballooned to $60,000 because of the interests. so it does matter for that teacher who can now buy a home are really help her children go to college. and we're also working on college accountability. we have a new save plan that makes paying back your loans more affordable. so we in the biden administration here, we have a multi-pronged approach to make higher education more affordable and more accessible. as a first-generation college student, john, i can tell you 30 years ago when i was looking, i needed something like this. i'm thankful that the administration right now is putting our efforts to making higher education more affordable. we have to lead the world and education, and we are taking steps to do that >> yesterday, the n a which is the national association of intercollegiate athletics, basically for smaller colleges,
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banned transgender women from competing in women's sports i wonder what position the administration has about this and how you feel about that move you we're in rulemaking right now and title nine. so i can't really speak to that process until it's over. but what i will tell you is that it's our responsibility to make sure all students have access to public education and the offerings of public education, we need to tech ball students and make them feel welcome and seen and supported. so when it comes to athletics, it's premature for me to discuss something that's currently in the rulemaking process. we're taking feedback. we've gotten over 250,000 comments that we want to go through before we come out with a proposed rule, right? yeah. us secretary of education, connecticut guy, former connecticut superintendent miguel cardona, if people didn't get what we're talking about there. thank you so much for being with us >> absolutely no control. that is how special prosecutors are
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describing alec baldwin's behave if you're on the set of the movie rust, baldwin has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges for the death of the films cinematographer halyna hutchins but prosecutors say his behavior contributed to the safety issues that ultimately ultimately lead to her death cnn's josh campbell has more on this. he's been following this. every aspect of this case hasn't moved forward. what are you learning from this filing, josh >> kate? well, you know this criminal case is getting messy and it is getting personal. it's not unusual in criminal cases even in an adversarial relationship between a prosecutor and a defense attorney to have some kind of causal relationship, but it's clear that that is not the case in this hearing. this trial, the prosecutor is making in this new filing. that's quite caustic. it's defensive. i'll read you just part of the opening here. they say that prosecutors have experienced near countless lives and manipulation from the defense for more than one year. in addition, we haven't certainly will continue to be the subject of the defendants contrived an
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unwarranted personal attacks that prosecutors go on to describe baldwin and his defense team essentially as ignorant arrogant, and liars. i'll read you through some of their claims in this case. and by the way, this was filed following a motion by the defense to dismiss the case, prosecutors essentially trying to defend defend their own case. they say throughout that baldwin himself contributed to this culture of unsafe practices on this movie set calling him safety compromises, saying that he was rushing members to hurry up and work faster times screaming and cursing at himself other people. and essentially this quote that they haven't, there's really quite something to read a prosecutor say that to watch mr. baldwin's conduct on the set of rust is to witness a man who was absolutely no control over his own emotions and absolutely no concern for how is conduct affects those around him. so truly, truly stunning comments in this motion, they then go on to essentially refute what involvements defense attorney has said regarding some of the evidence in the case. of
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course, we'll have to wait and see how the judge ruled. it's not unusual to see a motion from the defense to try to dismiss the case. but what is unusual is this type of caustic defensive response from prosecutors kate and taught me more about what but the about baldwin's team and what they have filed because it really went after the government's case in this >> they did and you all along. he has claimed that he was not responsible, that he did not pull the trigger for on that gun, of course, analysis by law enforcement of the gun indicated it could not have gone off without someone actually pulling the trigger. but nevertheless what baldwin's teams said is that there's essentially been this cloud over the actor. now for over a year now plus, as prosecutors have weighed whether to charge him and then at one time removing the charges and the brain bringing the back in their filing in march is defense attorney said that quote, prosecutors publicly dragged baldwin through the cesspool created by their own improprieties, saying this is an abuse of the system and an abuse of an innocent person whose rights have been trampled to the extreme, of
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course, if this case isn't thrown out the trial is set to start this coming july. so of course, we'll be watching to see how this unfolds. of course, baldwin has pleaded not guilty to that involuntary manslaughter charge. one individual, the armorer on the set, as already been convicted, very, very similar charges, kp that's right. >> it's good to see you, josh. thank you for keeping track of it. all >> come up for us last month was the hottest march on record. if you think you have heard that before, you have the number of months we have seen record heat and the new warnings from scientists now as global temperatures continue to rise, they are the first parents to be convicted of manslaughter after their son carried out the largest school shooting in michigan. moments from now, a judge will sentence james and jennifer crumbley. >> we have live coupled
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>> so the world just experienced the warmest march on record capping off a ten mohs strk of that's accoing to new da from the european union's cnn's chief clate vi correspondent, bill weird joins us, no builds new book, life as we know, it can be stories of people, climate, and hope in a changing world will be avaible next week on april 16, i happened to t an copy a it'fantastic. 'll get that though next week. bill, first,'s talk about march. i mean, how hot are we >> wel joh yet again my
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ining faces a minder o we live in the age of broken record breaking oncein, of e charts, mperatures, for march, according to copernicus, 1.68, almost 1.7 ten degrees celsius above average. these are the sea surface temperature anomalies. you can see all the red patches around the globe. let's blow through these line charts here to really get a sense the perspective of years past. look at where marches on top, the red line was last year, which was the hottest in 120,000 years. scientists believe or so and marches already on track to blow past that. and then what's happening in the oceans, john is most troubling every day for the last year has set a new record of ocean surface temperatures and the line at the top, once again, it's showing that we're headed into unprecedented territory. another reminder that this march, may be the hottest ever, but it's one of the coolest to the rest of our lives. and a lot of the physics here is baked in planners, leaders get
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ready because this is just the opening attractions, the record heat we saw in 2023. >> i know from your book bill that i shouldn't just despair and leave it at that at over this situation in there are some swiss grandmother's who were taking action and trying to actually change the situn. what's going on here? >> that's absolutely right. there was ju a key landmk verdict in the european court of han rights for thfirst timever, they decided a clime case brought by more than 20 elderly swiss women who says that swiss, switzerland or countries inaction on policies taking this problem seriously, a for it is threatening their lives essentially. and the court agreed with them. this is binding across all european nations. it could open the floodgates of more lawsuits there are dozens of lawsuits in the united states byarious states municipalities, tribes suing big oil companies for basicalllying to the public for decades about the safety of their products whethey knew
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results. so this ione more step towards maybe the court's having a say in alof thid those grandmothers turng thr anxiety into aion in ich you outlinhow we can all do some of that in you know extensively next week i bill, e seeing today. thank you >> president biden is going to need a strong showing from his 2020 coalition of voters if he wants to win again in nomb her and gh he's rugg with one key part of that coa, n fding unger black voters. cnn's renee march sat downh studts at hbs to dig deeper this novembewill be the first time lani whitand rogarbo will bold enough to vote in the presidential election. and justhe secontime when we cast a presidentiall none are planng to vote foroe biden or donald trump. >>i wereo vote tomorw,
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i wouldn'vo period. ideally, i would le to vote third party hello, for an dependencandide. >> i'm considering either voting for claudiaela cruz or cornell west at thisoint. there is no substantive policy chan when it comes comes to the genocide in gaza, then there's not really a discussion for me when we met this barbecueestaurant in atlanta, cled told me they were rsed an originally registered ademocrats, but this year the president's handling othe israel-gaza war has turned tm away. i think what ben has done in aiding and abting a genocide is just something i cannot stand for. >> you're willing to withhold your vote in the presidential election unless there is a ceasefire, yes. and it's implemented? yes. what not voting could mean donald trump gets into office. do y think he'll be better on gaza >> trump would probably say flatten gaza and make it into the golf course. >> i have >> absolutely no faith in him. would you no >> say that alsohe people who
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are not voting for one of the two people who are the likely people to really be in this race have a role to play in kind of giving the race to donald trump in a state like georgia where it's going to be like razor thin. >> i'll do you one a better actually, i think that just means that's why the democrats should listen exactly >> radical and more tapped in than their peers is how the group describes emselves. rokia, even helping to organize this demstration in ata last october, calling r peace and aid r the lestinn people while they don't speak for the majority oblk ters, ey're descent poses a al conce for democrats in battleground stas like georgia, where ben won by fewer than 1000 tes. >> black >> voters under age 30 made up only about 6% of voters in georgia in 2020, that group voted for joe biden by more than 50 points. >> we are holding there election in the pa of our hands and they're not listening.
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>> we're tired of just hearing him say these things, these trust anjoe biden, the no republican party isn't earning their te eher both sides or ju iga >> nothing is being done for u if enough people but third party,e can win. that's my thoughts has touted h success on ken issu affecting young voters including student loan forgeness yes lowering unemployment and tackling inflation >> sll thoh, i don't feel it, people may be employed, but can they survive off of what the federal minimum wage has stayed the same since 2009. i was five and two becaus'm not i'm 20 years old now. well, i work at goodwill now for $12 an houand cost of especially here at could your mind as f as hoyou ange vote inovember, kfar permanent ceasefirand actually implemented, i would like us to stop giving aid to israel iit doesn't get elecd. that is his flt. not the black voters here.
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that's not x, y, and z. n i's onim >> well, maga inc. the super pac supporting tmp has spent black radio, hoping to woo unhay biden voters. now we ask the biden campaign about the dissent that we're seeing amongst some young black rs. and they say their prioritys direct messang on the president's achievements to voterlike we spspoke to. >> and >> this is certainly an area and a segment of theirase, katethat they're concerned about. >> aolutely. great great rerting re, 'great to see you. thank you >> john. >> new comments from dd ump defending hinew statement on abortion he pted on social media and rt, by allowing the states to make their decision, we have taken the abortion issue largely out of play. with me now is senator tim kaine a democrat from virginia and author of the new book, walk ride, paddle, a life
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outside. we'll talk about the book in a second. it's wonderful >> senator >> donald trump says he's taken the aborti issue out of play. you agree with that >> i'm jo, i d't. and the recent evidence in vginia where we had both housesf our legislature up last november, showed it is a powerful and dominating issue. virginia is the only state in the south is by virginia statute. and it was a key factor in democrats winning the majori 40 in both houses. d our state referenda across this country. dominant issues between dona trump and joe biden as we get into the fal race. >> when you hear leave it up to the ste's, what does that mean to you >> well, donald trump, two things. first, he's saying it's fine if ates want to have complete abortion bans with no exception for rape or incest from the moment of
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conception, it's fine if a state wants to give bounties to those who read out their friends neighbors who might be traveling to another state for abortion. it's fine for texas to let a woman nearly die of sepsis before they agree to help her with a horrible health condition. so he's saying it's all that's fine. >> but what we >> really know is the republicans want to do a national abortion ban. lindsey graham has come out about that. others have. and when they put that on donald trump's desk what's the chances that he'll veto it? zero he will sign a national abortion ban. and republican congress will put one on his desk. >> it'll be interesting to ask him that question if he would sign a federal ban or not center or you came out against the united states providing offensive weapons to israel at this point, you said you would like to stop seeing the united states providing offensive weapons to israel given the situation there, we learned just this morning that hamas is criticizing the most recent
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hostage ceasefire deal. they are said to still be considering it, but they're very pretty critical of it so far. what does it tell you that hamas keeps rejecting ideas and proposals for ceasefires and exchange of hostages i think there's a couple of things john going on. one, this is intuition. this is not based on intel. possibly and this would be tragic. hamas those that not many of the hostages may still be alive. and those that are alive when they are released could tell stories about their their brutal mistreatment by hamas and they're worried about releasing hostages who will then tell those stories where he is publicly that's part of it. second look, hamas knew when it attacked israel on october 7, that israel would respond and would over respond. they knew that and the over response is obviously creating a huge political turmoil within israel. and it's also causing many of us who have been long supporters of israel to say, you guys have to rein in your
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behavior, don't don't turn your defense against hamas into an all-out war against gazans. are palestinians, in some ways, as long as israel is overreacting hamas, who are very unconcerned about civilian casualties may want this to play out longer to create political turmoil in israel or in the united states. so there's a lot, it's hard to determine the behavior of hamas because we have no contacts with them but i've been worried about this deal that seems to be tantalizingly close for months now only to slip back. and those are some of my thoughts. but what might be happening center i'm holding in my hands your new book, walk, ride paddle. and what that means. so people know is that a few years ago you set out to walk the entire part of the appalachian trail that's it. you virginia ride, i believe the part of the blue ridge parkway and skyline drive on a bike that's in virginia and paddle the entire like the james river. that's in
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virginia. and you did this by choice? why >> yeah. wasn't a work release requirement. i did it my choice. i turn 60, john. and in 2018, when i was running for reelection last time i wanted to mark the milestone in my wife and tried to decide, well, what do i do next year after the election? and i decided i would embark on what i call a love letter to virginia the virginia nature triethylamine no one has ever done it as far as i know, but it's a little bit modeled after epic quest's and other states. new york has the 46 years if you climb the adirondack peaks higher than 4,000 and many families do that. my sister and brother-in-law did it with their kids and we joined them on a few i decided virginia needs a quests like this. i'm going to create one, do it, write about it, and hopefully encourage others to get outdoors and see the magnificent god-given beauty of our commonwealth you're a great salesperson and at the end, you say you learn more about yourself after it was done than you thought you would
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setting out you even show us pict


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