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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  April 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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on the defense and a former president going on the offense. mike johnson heading to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring as trump's stokes election fraud claims but will it save johnson or will it sink him plus a potentially consequential hearing in the classified documents case as two of trump's co-defendants look to get some charges dropped and as a trump lawyer who's become a key witness in the case, leaves his legal team >> and vice president harris lands in arizona. the current epicenter of the abortion rights battle. the state's reversion to an 18-6 is there a band could be pivotal in a critical election year, we're following this high-profile trip and other major developing stories all coming up right here on cnn news >> former president trump will hold a joint news conference at his mar-a-lago club with house
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speaker mike johnson and walk trump will make a public appearance with johnson, a big question is, will he give the speaker a public show of support? johnson is facing a serious it's challenge to his leadership. gop congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is still standing firm on her threat to force a vote to remove johnson as speaker trump and johnson are expected to deliver remarks on wait for it election, integrity. remember, johnson played a key role in trump's efforts to overturn the logit jim, it results of the 2020 election. we are told the two are planning to draw attention to alleged efforts to allow n-citizens to vo. wehould note currently federal law bans non-citizens from voting in federal elections if they do, which th often do not, they riskajor fines up to a year in prison and rtees i want to bring in cnn's melani what more do we know about why speaker johnson feels that he needs to go mar-ao to
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kiss theing mieah. brianna, this is a big >> ment for speaker joson, on the line right now. now, this pressrence on its surface is about ections, which is something donald trump obviously carevery deeply wn to florida today with a much bigger ion in mind. and thats secure a critical lifeline fromne of those powerful figures in the p it's telling that this press conference was johnson's idea according his sources that we spoke to her. now, johnson would not say whether he explicitly has asked donald trump for his support amid this speakership battle. but kristen holmes a i repted, there i've been allies to both trump and johnson who have encouraged trump tther stay on the sideles or to put out a sesha public show support, some sort of statement backing johnson amid this potential battle. so we wi watching very closely to see how trump interacts with johnsonn the stage and to see what he does say about the speaker. but at the same time here, the person agitating against you johnson
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is marjorie taylor green who was one of donald trump's and hanging over it. aight, now is the tic oraine aid. that is somethinghat agait ing. he is stins committed trying to fina path forward. and am told that allies to johnson have counselehim to keep trump in the loopy to get hisuy-in for whatever they do because there's a clear recognition here that donald trump has the power to not only make or break that legislation, but also make or break johnson as speaker your ship three. >> yeah, indeed, mel, thank you so much. let's bring in cnn's kristen holmes, who is there in west palm beach, set the scene for us of this meeting, christian yeah we actually just got walked i standing here. you can see bend me what this is going to look like. one mic, but for both men, we are told anagain, the concept of this is quote unquote election integrity, something that donald trump loves to talk about. i am told that both of these men will likely relitigate the 2020 election, but it's also about this idea of talking about non-citizen
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voting. now to be ve clear, there is a federal ban already on non-citizens voting. you'll be fine. you could even be arrested, but they are going to be pushing this idea. donald trp himself has ma this a republican rlying y. he has said that democrats actually want to have undocumented immigrants coming across the border to help them in the 2024 election. now, of course, there is nothing that proves that that is accurate, but it is something that they are raising lauren bells of it. it's not just all trump. we have seen in various states than actually again, passing these laws to bar, non-citizens from voting already, there is a federal law in place and just a reminder, donaldson, i'm mike johnson would only really be dealing with federal elections now, there's a little nuance here because there there are some states, some cities that do allow non-citizens to vote in local elections, including school board elections. but after my last live hit with you guys, i did get a call from a senior adviser who had taken some issue with what i had to say. but one of the things that they pushed forward on with
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this conversations, they say they want to both are that from happening? they don't want this to actually happen. >> so even though it's not >> happening, they don't want it to happen in the future and it's really goes to this key issue of immigration. republicans have latched onto this. we know that it is a top issue for voters and they are encouraging people are fear stoking really two about the issue of immigration, saying they're going to now also leaking to crime, but now say that they're going to link them to election. so we will see what, what they have to say. of course, we just heard from mel are reporting on the fact that this speaker race is really hovering over all of this. and one thing i will note, just reminder trump is very close to marjorie taylor greene's, so it's unlikely you're going to see him give some full throttled support more likely hit will just stay on the sidelines of this. but this is giving johnson the opportunity to have some cover from donald trump getting to stand out there and talk about this issue that donald trump loves to talk about. >> yeah, we'll look if they don't want to happen, what isn't happening? they are so in luck and yet clearly that's
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not what this is about. kristen holmes. thank you so much. live for us from west palm beach. jessica, also in florida right now, donald trump's two co-defendants in the classified documents case are trying to get their obstruction charges dropd. they say ey were unaware that they were allegedly moving aroboxes that contain sensitive national security materials. l's special counsel jack smith claims ty tried to help trump hide those boxes from the fed's trump-appointed judge aileen cannon will ultimately decide it this charges stan and it's something the former president's lawyers are certainly watching closely cnn's evan perez is at the federal courthouse there in florida. evan, how is this playing out so far today? >> well, jessica, we're about an hour into this here and that we expect to go on for another couple of hours and right now, you have the lawyers for these togas co-defendants, walt nauta and carlos de oliveira both still currently employed by donald trump at mar-a-lago and what what the argument from
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these two from the lawyers is is that they did not know that there was an ongoing investigation or at least a government is not proving that they knew there was a there was an ongoing investigation and that they didn't know what was inside these boxes he's boxes, of course. it contained classified documents according to the government, some of the highest most sensitive classifications of documents that were contained in those documents. and that according to the government, according to prosecutors they have on video evidence of them moves moving boxes multiple times, trying two according to the government, trying to evade the fbi, which came to retrieve them. so right now, i'm john irving, who is a lawyer for mr. oliveira, is getting some sharp questions from the judge. she's going she's pushing back a little bit on his argument that the government hasn't done enough to prove that there was obstruction. and she's pointing out that some of his arguments are better left for a jury that he could
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make these arguments to a jury when you come to a trial. so at least for further from the initial part of this hearing, it doesn't look like she's leaning leaning in the direction. she also though, was pressing the government to say, well, can you explain what in this in this indictment actually shows that they knew what was going on and the government, i have to say was having a little bit of a hard time. they said essentially that the fact that we charged it is the proof that we believe mr. they vera knew what was going on. so again, this hearing expected to go for another couple of hours. donald trump, as we talked about, is not here today. jessica >> evan perez, outside the federal courthouse there in florida for us. thank you so much. let's bring in chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller now, i'm john. we now have the fbi transcript from walt nauta, one of these co-defendants talking about what was in these boxes, what did he tell those agents?
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>> well, it's quite an extraordinarily document and the fbi. this is what we called a 30 to it is basically the record of an interview conducte agents togents of walt nauta about the boxes when the boxes were moved? you, know what they contained and walt says he can he thght they contained old newspaper clippings, personal records, hairspray, s personal items for dorumpand he id that in the context of when they were leaving the white house in january after losing the election that, the moving process was pure chaos and that things were thrown together in a topsy-turvy way into different boxes and shipped to mar-a-lago. and so on part of the problem and evan touched on this briefly, is, well, how did they know what wall knew about what was in the boxes? but now there's a telling piece he's interviewed in may about the boxes, but it's also may where he's
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getting texts and enlisting others to start moving these boxes around some of the boxes are given to one of trump's lawyers some oe boxes are shifted from one storage area tonother. walt iteacherly in charge of this. and when the fbi asks him in this three, you to wherehe boxes were stored before they were in tru's as residents, whether they'd been in a securlocation. he says quote i wish i wish i could tell you. i don't know. i i honestly just don't know that is part of the bulwark of where they charge him with a 1001 viation or lying to federal officials in an official investigation because when when the boishen some of the store areas and spilled ou in pictures at were taken on waltauta aphone, you could see markings osecret and top secret. so this is something they'd rather litigate in
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court than an moono dismiss. based on what you just k described, thesecu are going to try to poke hol in this account and try to prove he w noteing tl >> well, that's true. and i mean, this is part of a larger game and the development of a complex case against a major target. whether you're talking about walt or de oliveira what the fbi strategy would have been was to either to get them to lie and then to force them to cooperate, or to get them to tell the truth and get them to cooperate both of them have stood by donald trump. that's they became co-defendants in this caseand what they're trying to do now is get out of the case, essentially the sa look, we didn't know wt was going on. we were just cogs a big whand let donald trump go thione. tre are other option is ask t severed from trump and tried defenses aren't tied together. >> all, right. john miller, four as always, great to see you. thanks so much. briana
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>> we're getting some new details on that breaking news out of texas where we're told that there are multiple serious injuries after a tractor trailer crashed into a department of public safety office northwe of houston, and there are signs that it was intentional. we have rosa flores joining us now om the town of brennan where this happened. a rosa tell us wha you're learning wellthere are th is a very active seen rionda were expecting a press conference here shortly, but i want you to look over my hasome sort ofoad in the , it y back and it looks like it hit the building at about a the building that you e is miing. that is the entrance that would be me glass doors angls wiows that are now gone. you can see members of thpoliceepartment there right in front othilding. no traffic slowed down a bit. a lot rr necking here, a lot urious drivers that are ying to see what is going on.
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i can tell you that grime scene taber has gone up there are multiple agencies on site. i can see members of the texas department of public safety, the washington county sheriff's office, and the brand them as well. we understand that there are several serious injuries, one individual was airlifted from the scene. we are still waiting to hear more for information again, we're expecting a press conference here pretty soon from the texas department of public safety. >> we also >> know that one individual has been arrested, unclear if that's the individual was driving this truck, but according to texas department of public safety texas rangers are investigating this at the moment. we do not know the motive. we don't know exactly why this person decided to do this. we do know that this is a texas department of public safety building, a driver's license office. and of course, this is a friday and unclear how many people were inside at the building. but again, we are
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waiting for a press conference from the texas department of public safety, and we're hoping to learn more than brianna >> just awful rosa, thank you so much. we'll continue to fall this along with you. thank you >> we have some breaking news. president biden, just to dressing, what white house officials are calling a real and credible threat against israel from iran and its proxies. here's what he said from the white house you've made attack on israel is from iran, mr. president >> you got expectation sooner than later >> rig now. >> what is sprisg which to iran in this moment don't are american personnel that ad the president mr. present eisenhower, americanroops trips that risk as well >> we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will suort israel, will defend, help defend israand an will not succe. thank you
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veryuch. >> well, i'm sure you're a direct us response >> that is the president's message as the us mobilizes american assets into the region as a deterrence to iran in this his message to iran don't, we're going to stay on top of it. we'll be right back sunday night though, speaks for its own story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone? >> followed by the two part of an leo space shuttle, columbia? hello, flight. >> sunday starting at eight on cnn >> gala mouth is ready to conquer the world >> there is a general in genuine feeling of hope coming from people >> there is a >> legend here that when you come through on goal lin visit the kwanza revert and drink from its water you'd never want to leave i've never once
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ban is quote, one of the biggest aftershocks, yet following the united states supreme court's reversal of roe v. wade, and she'll warn a second trump term would look like more bands, more suffering less freedom >> former president >> donald trump, who has long taken credit for overturning roe, calls the band, quote, inappropriate. and he's urging the arizona's legislature to act immediately, but lawmakers in the arizona house did try to do something they put forward a motion to repeal the ban earlier this week with republicans blocking that effort and then you see the chaos that erupted on the floor joining us now is arizona state representative david cook. he's a republican who supports repealing the ban. thanks so much for being here and making times afternoon. we really appreciate it. >> i >> just want to ask you first that you have said you're going to use support repealing this ban in the past, you did support legislation back in 2022 that allowed it to stay an effect. so i'm curious why did you change your mind?
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>> we just got thank you for having me on it's not the fact that i changed my mind. the fact that the legislation we passed in 2022 didn't get us where we need to be out today. whether you talk about the court case of roe versus wade. >> this needs to be a >> state decision, and i appreciate that >> so at the point >> in time, we we passed what we believed was sensible legislation to go into effect. but we asked the supreme court to step in and say, okay, what is the ruling here? give us the definition of law. our job is to make the laws and it's the judge's decision. and their job to determine what that means. so now that we have the room doing what you saw there last wednesday, which this is my eighth year, was the decorum was just terrible >> we >> did not know there wasn't 50 members on the floor. i would bet that even knew what that bill was that they tried to motion to go to the board for a vote >> i had >> long said members should read you'll legislation before being vote on so why did was i
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went ahead and we stuck together as a caucus and we motion to recess and adjourn. and what i've said is we're going to have a plan. what i'd call a leadership, have a plan by wednesday and how we move this forward and cooler heads can prevail and i want to touch on what the plane is moving four, but i just want to follow up on that question first and asked you if this issue and these total bands, like the one >> that we've seen in arizona, are becoming political losers for republicans. are you concerned as a republican about your political viability? >> oh, absolutely. because what i want to say is that if you're not even if you're a woman in arizona and you're not registered to vote. this issue. >> i don't i >> find one woman that i've spoken to that once the government telling them what to do, i'm not constituents from all of the made up to the agent within their 70s and 80s been appalled him said, you need to fix this for women now, this
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issue doesn't affect them. it's not going to affect them, but it's the idea that we're telling women that these are the parameters when we have some of the smartest women in arizona from school boards to selected county officials in cities and towns, to the governor, to the attorney general. so what i'm saying is we can't say you can make all these great decisions that affect our lives. but you don't have the ability to make a decision that affects your own life as a woman, right? >> even though you have put in place legislation before they did put restrictions on that did inform what they were allowed to do >> yes. and what what i'm saying if there's got to be a balance there is middle ground here that i believe that is very achievable. and i think that you haven't streams on one side and you have some extremes on the other side and cooler heads are going to prevail here. and i want to just give a shout out to donald trump in taking the position of asking us to move quickly,
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quickly when it comes to moving legislation is that it takes us one week to repeal it. and then a second week to get the policy put in place that we need for arizonans that we can reify, then that is very quickly, especially the at the state legislature. >> i would posit to you though that donald trump has also taken credit for overturning roe v. wade. that's something he really talks a lot about. it, it's very proud of and that is why we're at this moment though, isn't it? >> well he can take credit for appointing the justices, but it's the justices in which made those decisions. and so that's why i just said is that i want to thank him because their colleagues and my own party, i'm 55 years old. i've been republican since i was 18. and there's colleagues in my own party at this stage. hey, how's that are kind of difficult for me to work with based on what the messaging president trump says to him and now i find myself again in line
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with what president trump is saying. and i'm asking my republican colleagues to cool down let's have these much needed discussions in a caucus and those caucus, however, it's going to work for however many hours it's going to take to resolve this issue >> he did say though, is i killed roe v. wade. so he is very proud of that and he does personally take responsibility for it. okay. so i'm i'm hearing you say you want cooler heads to prevail that you want to find a solution here. so what is this? solution that is acceptable to you and that you think your republican colleagues will accept as well >> well, i think that we can start with repealing the 1,800 law as a rancher. at that point in time women couldn't vote. slavery was still legal abraham lincoln was running for his second term is reelection. i mean, that's the time period in which this territorial law, we weren't even a state yet, was in fact inactive. we didn't have the medical
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technology. we didn't have this combo getting women did not even have the right to vote. i've got a long history and record of defending women and their rights and taking care of their health care whether it's education, health care, and i'm not going to stop here. there is going to be a solid ground and what we're going to start with is this territorial law needs to be repealed and we need to move something forward in. i hope a bipartisan matter that we can all agree upon and then made to be even to the point of allowing the voters to determine not only if abortion is going to be legal in the state, because remember that's what roe versus wade overturned was it's going to be the state's decision when before it wasn't. so we find ourselves in new waters here in new territory here. but i want to assure the people arizona, that we are going to find a solution for this as we move forward. and like i said, quickly and is two weeks and in government, especially the
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legislature, is very, very quick and just quickly before i let you go just to pinpoint, what do you think that that solution, what is a possible solution? is it as it a certain amount of weeks? what does that look like >> well, for me, you can go back to the legislation which we just discussed. number one is the rights and protection of the life of the mother and all of these decisions need to be made where they're at the people that are closest to that decision with their clergy. and their doctor these are this was a horrific decision for any human being to make no matter what then we have to look on to the parts of rate or incest. we have to make provisions for those daily. you look at the weeks. i think that the majority of arizonans and the people in this country go up to about 15 weeks. and that's the discussion we need to debate within our caucus. >> yeah. >> and that's where i think we're going to have a middle ground but is found eventually. did i support the 15 week ban? absolutely. what i do it again?
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yes. >> all right. arizona state representative david cook, we have to leave it there. thanks so much for your time. we appreciate it. >> we'll be right back >> carbon. >> let's see an infill. >> sunday, april 21 at nine the rise >> relax into a caribbean's state of my visit, santos or call one 800 sandals >> lag sunglasses friend lactate brand ed, dr. time, you
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to today's fast-food workers. californians have led the way. now, $20/hour is here. thanks to governor newsom and leaders in sacramento, we can lift workers out of poverty. stop the race to the bottom in the fast-food industry. and build a california for all of us. thank you governor and our california lawmakers for fighting for what matters. >> there's debris in the sky parents, husbands and wives gone. >> wish i could've done something differently. you can just make it better. those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, two part finale, sunday at nine on cnn >> the pentagon is now asking the defense department's inspector general to review issues raised in report by about child abuse and the lack of accountability at some military daycares. when bella kirkendall was 15 months
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old, she was abused. by navy run de karen, hawaii as our affiliate hawaii news. now first reported last year. and the two staffers and you're seeing pictures here. i know these are hard to look at, but the two staffers who harmed bella pleaded no contest to third degree assault. they received jail sentences of 38 days, and the coconut family is one of nearly a dozen family emily, is that interviewed who found in infuriating pattern of daycares not informing military families quickly when their children had been abused. the report found, quote, base commanders and military police units often don't know who is responsible for reporting and investigating allegations of abuse allowing cases too slow to a crawl while offices shirk responsibility and joining us now is kate kirk end-all bell is mom kate? i just want to tell our viewers, your husband is a captain in the army. he serves as an intelligence officer and you
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obviously have been through a lot. i do want to warn our viewers that what we're talking about here, obviously, and we're seeing are these are very upsetting photos, day care workers, according to this report by, shoved a photo of you and your husband into bell his face, so hard that her head turned a full 90 degrees we can see her cheeks, the redness on them. they pinched her, they shoved her the smothered her. they pushed her up against a wall. how is she doing now? >> he is she's she's doing better, much better year-and-a-half later she is still has trauma, ptsd involves. >> now that we are aware >> of the full scope of the abuse the assaults that happened, isabella we're able to get her the proper care she needs and to be a little more gentle and nurturing towards her you know. >> yeah. i'm sure she requires
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it and this was on video obviously, it demanded a serious response. it was undeniable but how did the de the navy and other authorities respond >> they downplayed it. they the gas lighted me a lot. i kept big and and ask him to see the footage if i couldn't see the footage because i dr. see the footage because i was just being told it was a single pinch by one person in one incident and made it hard to help help her heal and get better. so i just really wanted to help isabella when she was having a really tough time for the first five months after the abuse. >> you wanted to know what she was going through so you could help her what ultimately happened? with the investigation? did you run into walls >> yes. yes. i every every outlet i tried to go to to ask for help, to ask for advocacy,
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support. i was met with the same type of quote was just i was just a pinch, pinch. it's just one person. there's nothing else there. we watched all the videos. i'm not going to waste my time so yeah, that was that was a while. i kept hidden for the first yeah. >> and obviously it was more than that. this has gone all the way up to the pentagon. now, kate and i know that you've seen the reaction from the major general pat ryder at the pentagon. he said any harm to children is unacceptable. these reports will be taken seriously. it is paramount that we ensure children on dod installations are provided a safe, healthy, and caring environment and their families have confidence in the care provided. he points out this is being referred to the inspector general for a review. the army, which of course your husband is in the army? this was a navy facility. there have been
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instances and other cases of abuse and army facilities, but they expressed sadness and concern and said they'll cooperate with this investigation. what do you want from this igg investigation? kate? >> allon, policy changes. i want procedure changes and i want it to be transparent with parents. hey, this is when this happens to your child. do you can expect this the policies that are in place were not being followed. the procedures were not being followed. so i think everybody needs so what those are kikee of the parents, the reassurance that their kids are going to be taken care of. and again, these are service members, children they deserve the best of the best and not very minimal so that is my hope, that is my hope that this will change and i have faced in this, it will your husband is not with you today. there are some sensitivities. i just want to be clear about active duty service members talking to the media. there are sensitivities about that but clearly he is
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frustrated. he spoke to he said that there's too much expletive that happened to our child here. he said the people that were supposed to help, they'll failed. the cops failed, and the navy shore as expletive, failed as you know i know so many military families know. it's a family business, military service, and i wonder how you feel now about your support of your husbands service yeah, i my husband to give his life for this country and he he does put a lot of effort into providing the best, >> of the best for himself. he investigated this whole thing on his own, 75 hours of footage. and to do all of that and watch your daughter be assaulted if i multiple women and then have to go to work. >> he he >> kept it together and he gave outlets. agency is chances to do right. but it took this
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advocacy coming out to get to where we are today so we're very optimistic that this will change and i'm very proud of him and it's just black and white where we're not afraid. he's not afraid of retaliation because this is not what the military values. this is just the day facilities need to fix their procedures in their policies yeah >> certainly. and the hope obviously is families are going to benefit from this. kate kirk end-all. thank you so much. we really appreciate you and your courage to speak out. thank you. >> thank you. thank you for your time. >> and we'll be right back >> sunday on ninth of space for stoma story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope are we alone? followed by the two part finale of space shuttle columbia. bill final flight sunday starting at
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>> closed captioning brought to you by skechers hands-free slip ends, step in the future like i did when you hands-free skechers slip is the secret is flip ends have an invisible filth in shoe horn, so your foot slides into place price skechers slip in >> fish in florida, spinning in circles until they die. and now there's new urgency and the push to solve the bizarre mystery after six critically endangered small tooth song fish washed up dead in the past seven days. it's a dramatic increase in the depth of the rear creatures cnn's bill, we're has been following this disturbing phenomenon for months. now built what more can you tell us this sounds so strange? >> it really is a strange, a fishy mystery there in the keys, especially jessica, this particular species once was seen everywhere in the gulf of mexico. the soft fish you could find from florida to the carolinas. now there's not many left. they're critically endangered. one of the first marine species to join that list a generation ago and maybe they lose on average four or
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five a year to bycatch. so they take notice when it jumps like it has right now, 38 saw fish death so far this year six and the last seven days and all these other species, there's now 50 reported various species having this strange spinning behavior. in some cases, it's lethal, it seems to be especially lethal for that small too soft fish, especially since six and last seven days have turned up there. there's anecdotal evidence that they move those fish into clean water and the spinning stops. so they think it's in the water it's not red tide, it's not low oxygen levels, which would be this suspects before. and so the really the main suspect these days is a form of algae called gambia. discuss, which has a neurotoxin which can be harmful to fish and humans with enough of it. and it seems to really like hot water, which florida and the planet has a lot of these days, they were hot tub hot temperatures last summer are more expected this summer, it could be
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supercharging a bloom that is messing with the fish. of course, there's lots of other kinds of pollution, including pharmaceuticals that have turned up in bonefish flushed through floridians out into the waters there. so lots of pressures on that ecosystem. but this has folks who really loved the natural world reasonably freaked out until they figure out al the cause of it >> no doubt abouit, just watching the video whi yo're talking, it's very disturbin bill, we're for us. thanks so much. >> it has been more than 20 years since the columbia space shuttle disaster, but the effects of that accident are still being felt today. ahead, we're going to look at the new cnn original series space shuttle columbia, the final flight >> are you all-star teams return for a waterfront redemptions you like in a burden but only one will make us flash. i think we nailed it, rocked the block season finale, monday night at nine on hgtv >> every day, more people and more vets are deciding it's
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>> i'm dr. sanjay gupta. >> and this is cnn
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>> as an accomplished pilot space journalist and former member of nassar's advisory council, miles o'brien has just about seeing it on all his coverage of all things, aviation and space gave him a front row seat to nasa space shuttle launches, including the columbia mission in 2003 that ended with seven astronauts losing their lives. here's miles remembering what it was like covering the tragedy in the new cnn original series, space shuttle columbia, the final flight no further communications with the spacecraft about 8:00 a.m. central time hang out. let's listen it into no further tracking data from the spacecraft was gained from seabeds backing right are at the merritt island tracking station in florida >> my team was in the control room and they were like, this is serious, we need to get miles off that couch and as i was making my way across the newsroom to this other set, i literally started heaving the
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console that i was had we had an off-duty flight director. >> how called our >> console and said, hey, i'm watching the landing on tv. and they're showing this debris in the sky >> that's >> when we realized it really was bad >> now we're joined now by cnn aviation, alice miles o'brien it's it's hard to watch that miles you were on cnn when the news camin in, you stayeon the air for mo than 12ours covering this. take us back to that. what was the like >> it's i got tell you iana, i's very hard to go
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back over is tf even 20 yearlater the wot part of it, briana, for , is kw in an instant what iwas because we had a seen this huge piecef foam faloff e external fuetank of the space shuttle,itting the leading edge of the wing of colombia on unch day and thaultimately created this breach the to breakp in the searing heat e-entry 16 days later >> but after the launch i called severalf sources at th? we all saw it. it was quite obvious. >> and they said, >> oh, don'worry about it. we've had foam like this fall off. it doesn't do anying. 's light and i let the story go. rionda and it's it. an the moment that they said that ey didn't have commication, and more importantly, that theyidn't have radar teletry, which
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tellu there's nothing there i knew what had happed and so to go ck to that, it's tough. it was it s central hard day. and to this y, i don't know how i pulled it together to talk f 12 plus hours after having eured that loss and also that profound knowledge that maybe if i had done a ory that eventmight have turned slightldiffereny. who knows? >> i thinkhat'also the that pot with space trave where we gotten kind of usedo this idea that it s safe, right. b the tth is, it is so dangerous it remains dangerous. and i do't knowf you member, but i acally vered the first night unch with you the first night lnch wereoi day lnches. e ty remember that? >> breon i i'll share this with
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l the time when th ask ple about you, how amazing youe and how ch homework you did and how u were faced with this assignment,hich required steep learng curve. how pressi yours reporrs so efforts at the scalled press mount at tape. >> well, i thank you for that, but my point isayinghat was really to say that there were soany ey were so careful after that becauset was as if iteminded us this isot fe. this is something to be >> yea but they're, yoknow, the truth the matter is and their haunting parallels to challenge her 25 years earlier in a group of individuals, group of really smart people can be cometely blind to something which is aobvious thing to inquire a in. a foam had been falling off that tanks since day one they should attested what might happen on
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de too, and they didn't such a good thing to remember. >> miles. thank you so much. we are really looking forward to this. so be sure to tune in the back-to-back finale of the new original series space shuttle columbia, the final flight that will be airing sunday next. there'll be airing sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern pacific only on cnn. we'll be right back >> it seems you'd we don't care who cures cancer. we just
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