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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 14, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> doctors preferred better science, better results were how solomon in new york cnn
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>> hello and welcome us joining us in the around the world and streaming on sin and max, i'm max foster across the middle east and around the world. there's an all-out diplomatic push, right now to contain the fallout from iran is unprecedented aerial assaults on israel over the weekend. and two preventing any further escalation that the violence in that region as soon after the bombardment ended on sunday members of the g7 held a virtual meeting and regional leaders began discussing with their global counterparts. in an emergency session of the un security council, the secretary general urged restraint the middle east is on the brink the people of the region are confronting a real danger. if a devastating full-scale conflict
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now is the time to diffuse. and the escalates. >> now is the time >> for maximum restraint what israel says about 350 drones, missiles and rockets were fired from iran, iraq, yemen, and hezbollah in >> lebanon, israel intercepted most of them with help from the us, uk, and france. however, for us says it won't join any retaliatory strikes. israel's war cabinet, hasn't decided on a response. the source tells cnn the council's divided, but a call from the us president convinced israel's prime minister to delay retaliation at least for now, seen as ball a hand courts joins me from abu dhabi what john stan, the view to be then within the war cabinet about any sort of response >> well, max, we understand that there is a split at this point. we do know that within the wider cabinet there is definitely currently a right
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wing element of far right wing elements that has really kept this coalition together and they are of the mind that there should be a part and fast response to iran. there is a feeling that israel needs to re-establish shay, a military deterrence when it comes to the attacks over the weekend but we have heard also that the phone call that the us president joe biden had with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, did have some kind of an impact so the us president was trying to urge constraint as many across the world are at this point, but also pointing out that israel should see what happened as a win because the vast majority, 99% of those drones and missiles were shot down. and there was very limited damage from the attack itself. we have heard though, that israel's cabinet is determined that there will be some kind of a response. it's just what that response will be. we understand
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that this meeting went on for hours and that's very telling in itself the fact it went on. for so long, but the military now has been asked to draw up further plans, further options, as clearly the options that were on the table. we're not what sufficient for this war cabinet. we heard from israel's president as well. herzog, who spoke to cnn on sunday and said, israel i'll is looking at this situation with a cool head >> i think we're operating in a very focused way and a very responsible way. and i'm sure there will be a decision accordingly. that will make sure that we protect and defend the people of israel and of course, serve the idea of this coalition that has emanated all of a sudden in front of our eyes in opposing the aggressive acts and the and the operations
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of iran in the region for so many years what we've heard from the iranian sayyed, they believe this matter is concluded. they say this was a retaliatory strike four a suspected israeli strike at the beginning of the month on an a radian diplomatic building in damascus, which killed seven and we've heard good from iran precedent as well saying that if there is a response from israel that is aggressive against the uranian assets or people, then there will be a heavier response from iran. so this is the concern when it comes to for tat attacks between the two countries. the fact that this has been the first attack from iranian soil against it israel has certainly increased the tensions if there is a response and then another response of retaliatory once
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that is an escalation that is the concern that this will then spark a wider regional conflict. max, could israel be convinced by america, who's already managed to get it? delay on a response codes, israel be convinced that this is resolved because if you home it down to these two incidents that's effectively what iran saying isn't it? concluded its responded to what happened in syria >> as far as arounds concerns, this is done. there was an attack syr on iranian assets and they retaliated if you look precedent, though youook at what isel has done in the past, it is very unlikely that there ll be no response from, from israel at this point whenever there has beean attack on israel, they have responded and they have responded with significant force in the past and remember, this is a untry that is reeling anis in the midst of a war this poin it did
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have a surprise tack on octor 7, against its people, which it is now trying to create. it says deterrence destroy hamas with devastating back. so we have seen in gaza and on the palestinian populaon and then again, this very significant attack from iran on israeli territory mitre something the likes of which we have not seen before. so again, there is a definite call within israel that deterrent needs to be re-established bullish to the israel does need to respond in some way. we just don't know the timing. we don't know the format. but i think the general consensus is that it is highly unlikely that israel will do nothing. >> max or k polar in abu dhabi. thank you so much retired lieutenant colonel jumping co-workers as a senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracies, and a former spokesperson as well for the idf. he knows the system they're very well indeed, he joins us from tel aviv. thank you so much for joining us.
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just take us through what that war cabinet will be weighing right now in terms of whether it responds and what type of response there will be >> yes. good morning max. and thank you for having me. i think it's not a question of whether there will be a response, but the question rather is all the different questions are what type of response would we see? what will the strategic objective ve and who will israel be able to get support from in order to execute a bigger plan? i think that when iran attacked israel from iranian soil for the first time, that was a watershed moment in middle eastern history, because for decades it's iran has been working in the shadows and using proxies to attack israel. and this time they did cross that rubicam and now they are in unchartered territory. and so is this well but what i am happy to see, is
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that what i'm happy to see is that israel is taking its time, not rushing and responding immediately, but taking it's time and thinking what the best first response to this uranian aggression will be. >> and absolutely important potent key will be having support and approval of the us, but also to get other local players like the saudis, the me rods, the jordanians, and others on board. for them, it's an opportunity to get to scale back uranian aggression in the region for israel it's absolutely imperative that is what retaliates against iran in terms of that retaliation, that would be from israeli soil onto iranian soil. is that your understanding? >> one would assume so israel has a pretty deep and diversify toolbox when it comes to a military matters dealing with iran, iran has good defenses
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and a sizable military, but i think that israel has the ability via air force and other standoff capabilities to inflict significant damage on iranian military. and perhaps economic infrastructure and i think that of course, since iran attack is well from uranian soil, i don't think that is what will be, again, attacking a proxy or dealing with something that isn't iran proper. but really what matters is, what is the big plan here? what's the strategy? because this is an opportunity for israel to, as your, as the reported spoke about israeli surrounded by iranian proxies that i've inflicted some of the most heavy, the heaviest damage on israeli society, hamas is an iranian proxy and so hizballah what israel urgently needs to do in order to enhance the safety of its civilians is to scale back those iranian proxies. and what
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is what hasn't done so far is to address the source of violence against it. and that's iran. and so far israel has only been dealing with the proxies and that hasn't been a very successful endeavor. so there's really a fork in the road here for his role in terms of its regional strategy. i think that we will see a significant israeli response. i hope that the us will support it, and i hope that other regional players will be behind it as well >> the us has already said it won't support a response is pretty clear from other countries that supported the defense of israel over the weekend that france and the uk, that they're very concerned about escalation as well. if israel doesn't get the support from countries like that in reacting back to iran, do you think it will still go ahead >> yeah, you know, i listened very carefully to the interviews made by kirby and by others and i wouldn't say
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that. that's clear, no, i'd say that of course the us concerned with many other issues with elections, with global things and many other things doesn't want a full-scale war. and i don't think that israel wants either but i think everybody understands that israel has to retaliate. there's no way that iran on the is well with 350 missiles and drones. and it goes unchecked. that, that's not that's not a scenario. so what i've listened very carefully from the american sees well it us won't be part of it. and we are not asking for the us to be part of it. i think. but what israel needs is behind the closed doors approval. and i think this relies very much on the quality of communications between jerusalem and washington and presenting a coherent plan. i think that's possible. and i also think that it would serve us interests in having a strong
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israeli ally executing that kind of power against a very dangerous and reckless iranian regime >> jonathan count recurs in tel aviv really appreciate your insight and time with us today. thank you so much. thank you. >> just ahead iran's military chiefs say their military operations against israel has ended as paul was saying, but they also have a warning for israel details of what they're saying. to a quick break you will make to find inner peace. >> we >> were made to track flight prices to paradise with the
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>> wow, i'm gonna make the switch >> you really should tired of turbotax. >> you could file free and easily do your >> own taxes online with h&r block. it's better with block iran says its retaliation against >> israel is now over that's the message from tiran, at least it's making publicly and to a senior us official, is the same thing being communicated to the white house privately. but iran's military chiefs are warning that israel shouldn't attack again in future on iran, the chief of staff of iran's armed forces has warned they won't sit on the sidelines if israel makes any further moves. join now by a rash or zz, he's the author of the shadow commanders soleimani, the us, and iran's global ambitions and what iranians want women,
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life, freedom. thank you so much for joining us today. in terms of what iran was trying to achieve over the weekend, obviously, there weren't any casualties, but this felt like much more of a message, a standard position. how do you read what they were trying to achieve over the weekend? and after the attack on april 1st, which was on iranian consulate in damascus the iran islamic republic, and iranian regime were under a lot of pressure to try to respond to it, to show that they can do something. of course, not just because of the attack on april 1, but because of the israeli attacks. over the past few months, they really felt like they had to do something at the same time. they wanted to not get iran into a broader conflict and to not get into a broader war. >> so >> it was a calibrated attacks to not cause casualties, but also just show a response from the uranian side, which is why also the most importantly, they very seemingly they've told the countries in the region and the united states beforehand. i
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mean, terms of countries in the region, 72 hours beforehand to avoid an israeli response was just surreal from a former idf spokesperson saying israel is now in a position where it probably would feel it does need to make a direct attack back on iran what do you make of that? and iran's response to that >> it's a very dangerous moment. the reality is that since october 7, all of us, those who avoid about the possibility of a broader conflagration that could bring iran and israel in a direct war to each other and that will involve many parties around the region and we've been all worried about this moment. what israel does now it's very important, as i said, we could look at the fact that this attack was designed not to cause any casualties and they are the states we'll try to, i think impress upon israel deeply importance of restraint, the importance of not causing a broader war, but you part of
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the reality is that of course, i think even if establishment, because in iran, israel, both and don't want war sometimes we're happens despite that. so i think it's a very dangerous in a few hours or few days ahead of us >> and i hope all can be done to avoid a broader war. >> one >> compromise, presumably >> within the israeli cabinet would be to attack a proxies, but that won't have the same impact as directly hitting iran and the justification for a direct hit on iran was that these drones were targeted at israel >> well, but also if you're talking about you know, the reality is that iran does not have iron dome. so any attack on israel and iran is likely to cause a lot of casualties. >> and >> look at the reality is this the regime ruling over the iranian people is no friend of there's and eats i blame it as
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do many other iranians for getting less than two adventurist sort of politics in the region and for threatening israel and for getting us into situation on the brink of war. so it's not this region would do anything like that >> but it's also the fact that danielle, who departments of israel might one and adventure of his own end in order to get out of the troubles that he has so it's very important if israel is going to respond. i know what kind of casualties is going to have and what kind of responsible cause back from iran will it can get all get us into a place where it would be not in the interests the people of israel, people who have iran, of people have palace center or anybody else in this region for this war to spread >> how nervous are people in iran right now that you're speaking to? >> i mean i think they were pretty nervous from the early hours >> they >> were lying in line, upset gas stations in supermarkets. and you know, people are not
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nervous just because of the war, but because of the economic effect that they will have run already burnt millions of dollars. and this attacks in israel and they're very worried about the continuing fallout and economic fallout of a broader war. iranians can ill-afford the war. it's a terrible time they've, iranian economy has been battered four months so i think it's very nerve racking a moment then iranians remember a war >> eight years we're back in the 1980s that really devastated iranian society. so it's one that they would pretty likely would not like to repeat and they would like to avoid russia's eez really appreciate you spending your time with us. thank you so much. >> let's take it >> so let's come we are getting more reaction from around the world to iran's attack are special coverage continues in just a moment
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>> doctors preferred better science, better results >> i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn israel trying to get back >> to normal after being bombarded with hi, there may late on saturday that ramped up tensions in the region. as schools have reopened and restrictions on large gatherings have been lifted, israeli official say they are determined to respond to the
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attacks, but are still figuring out the timing and the scope of any action cnn analyst barak ravid's says, some ministers are pushing for immediate retaliation, while others urging caution due to international pressure in the face of the iranian threat, we will build a regional coalition and exact the price from iran in the fashion and timing that is right for us. and most importantly, faced with desire of our enemies to harm us, we will continue to unite and become stronger >> well, the idf says, iran launched about 350 missiles and drones that israel, but most of them were shot down by the israeli military and its partners leading the us. us central command says its forces intercepted more than 18 drones and at least six ballistic missiles fired from yemen. and iran, leaders across the globe condemning iran's attack during a virtual g7 meeting on sunday, the group expressed it's quite for solidarity bought to israel, but also vowed to work
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together to stabilize the situation and avoid further escalation. foreign ministers from the g7 set to meet this weekend italy for more reaction from around the world. soon as christy just standing by in hong kong, but first to barbie nadeau she's in rome. just take us through the reaction from the g7 and any action we may get from the foreign ministers >> yeah, i mean, italy is holding the rotating presidency of the g7. so yesterday, georgia the meloni, the prime minister, called this virtual meeting and the very much predictable, i think reaction everybody is, trying to, trying to exercise so people that exercise column at this moment in the statement that came out of that g7 meeting yesterday, really calling for a de-escalation also continuing to try to stop humanitarian crisis in gaza that was part of that statement that came out of the meeting yesterday on thursday and on the 17th, i guess that's wednesday the g7 foreign ministers will meet and coppery off off of naples here
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in the south of italy. >> and >> the prime minister here and the foreign minister here. toyota yani, say that the priority of that meeting is going to be talking about de-escalation, talking about how to protect trade in the red sea. all of these sorts of things that are are, are at risk here. and so the focus of that meeting is going to be really the attention of the world is going to be on that how these leaders can work to try to try to tell temporary even israel's reaction and how to, how to sort of calm things down. now, >> max and kristie china often doesn't support action against israel in situations like this. when it's on the security council against these sorts of conflicts, what's its position? because it has a very important role here yeah absolutely. we've been monitoring reaction from china and from across the region after iran strike on israel. we also heard from japan and south korea, they strongly condemned the strikes indonesia and malaysia urging restraint and
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the line that we're we're hearing from china is an expression of deep concern while calling for a ceasefire and also calling out what it calls countries of influence. i want you to look at what china's ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson said on sunday issuing the following statements saying, quote, the common it's like must end now, trying to calls on the international community especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region now, trying to wants to be a peace broker in the middle east as a region where it gets a lot of growing amount of oil and energy. and that is how it's weighing on the conflict so far. and i do want to quickly tell you what india and pakistan have said as well. they have expressed concern we receive this statement from the ministry of foreign affairs from india saying it's calling for the immediate deescalate relation, exercise, restraint, stepping back from violence and return to a path of diplomacy. and from pakistan's government, we heard this for months. pakistan has underlined the necessity of international efforts to prevent expansion of
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hostilities in the region. and for a ceasefire in gaza finally, the closest ally australia, has condemned iran's attacks on israel, saying that he continues to who support regional security including that of israel. so that's a roundup of the reaction here in the asia region back to you >> what is china's relationship with iran? how much leverage does it have? there? >> china does have some leverage at least on paper, but it's difficult to, for china to actually pull that lever because it is not that powerful in the region and it doesn't intend to use that power when you look at the leverage, it as china has substantial investments with iran, china's main purchaser of iranian oil. china has helped soften the blow from us sanctions in iran. but analysts point out that center rania in relations are strained because of china's underinvestment in iran and china tends to mind its own business. it does not want to overextend itself the way it
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believes the us has. so this is why the belief is from the perspective of beijing, the solution here is not for china to restrain iran and to use its so-called leverage on it. ron. but for the united states to restrain israel back to you, max kristie, bobby to thank you both for joining me after the break, donald trump's historic criminal trial is set to begin today. we'll look at what to expect with the jury selection >> the sinking of the titanic, how it really haven't especially to our premier sunday, april 28, nine on cnn, not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listed three is five times more effective than floss ev, reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth >> this >> three, feel the wo covid-19
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hide the reimbursement of hush money paid to adult film star stormy daniels, the former president is pleading not guilty in a truth social post. he said, i'll be fighting for myself, but much more importantly, i'll be fighting for our country, joining me now from los angeles civil rights attorney and legal affairs commentator, or rava martijn. it must be fascinating. if nothing else view this today because we haven't seen it before >> absolutely unprecedented to see a former president who is running for president again, to have to face criminal charges and not in a federal court house accord room tomorrow. he will be in a state court in manhattan, a city that he wants loved claim to be closely aligned with. and now is claiming that he can't get a fair trial, that he does not believe that he can get a fair trial from jurors in new york, which is his home state. so we are in uncharted waters for sure >> what do you understand the
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two sides to the case being? the prosecution and the defense? >> in prosecution case is pretty straightforward. they are alleging that donald trump made payments to stormy daniels to prevent her from coming out or going public with a story that they had had a sexual relationship about ten years prior to the first presidential election that he was a part of, and that he made those payments to his lawyer once he was elected president in 2016 and he covered them up, he falsified business records allegedly stating that the payments were legal fees a rather than hush money payments to stormy daniels. now, donald trump is his defense has been primarily that he did make the payments to his then lawyer, michael cohen, but they were payments for legal fees and not payments to tried to quiet a story involving stormy daniels. he's also been claiming that this is a part of a concerted
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effort by joe biden and democrats to persecute him that they weaponize the justice system the legal system to prevent him from winning a second term as president. >> what would the prosecution needs some hard paperwork proving the direct link between trump and stormy daniels absolutely. >> and we should expect >> that they will have a bad paperwork. they will have documents, they will have not only documentary evidence, but they're going to have testimony from stormy daniels herself. we should expect her to be a key witness for the prosecution as well as michael cohen also want donald trump's close advisers, hope hicks, allegedly was on phone calls with michael cohen and donald trump as they were hatching this whole plan. she's expected to testify as well. his one of his former financial managers, allen weisselberg, is also expected to testify. so we have to remember that michael cohen has already been accused
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four very similar crimes related to this hush money payment. and he was actually convicted and served time. we should expect donald trump's team to go hello, after michael cohen and to try to challenge and question his credibility. but i think what's most important about what's going to happen in that state court today in manhattan is that for the very first time someone who's running for president, someone who has been president is going to have to face 12 jurors and try to explain to them why he should not be found guilty of a crime his credibility, his ability, i think to convince those voters, particularly those independent voters, that he should be reelected is on the line. so this trial is much bigger than just criminal charges. it really probably holds the fate of his political campaign as well >> if he is found guilty, he could still run though, couldn't he? and perhaps not lose much support because a lot of his supporters would argue
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this is all a setup. anyway >> well, i think you're right and wrong on a couple of points, definitely under our constitution, you can still run and you can be elected president even as a convicted fellow, nothing in the constitution prevents that. but all the polls indicate that if he is convicted of any crime and this is the first criminal trial that's going to take place that he is going to lose substantial voters. and we have to remember it's not just republican voters those key independent voters who are going to make a big difference in those key swing states. so as much as we hear donald trump suggests that this is persecution and all the bluster about how this is going to help him. it's pretty clear that this it would be quite damaging if he is convicted >> he's got a bit of a history, hasn't it? using these cases as part of his campaign effort to make that argument about persecution. how much time will he be allowed by the judge in court? >> well, one thing we should note is that because this is a criminal trial, he has to be
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present every day. and this judge has said the court will be open four days a week, and like we've seen in the past, we should expect him to be on the courtroom steps holding essentially, you go to campaign rallies because he won't be able to be out on the campaign trail during the time of the trial. the trial is expected to last six to eight weeks. i think contrary to all of the comments and the rhetoric we heard from donald trump, this is going to be incredibly damning to him as a candidate. we have never, ever seen a former president and particularly someone running for president, have to face criminal charges. let's talk about the embarrassing testimony that's likely to come out as well about his sexual encounters with stormy daniels. we know that's her testimony, and then there's karen mcdougal someone else who claims she had a sexual affair with donald trump. so it's against that backdrop, that voters are going to be asked, is this someone you want to return to the white house? that has been subjected to criminal
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trial >> the question or even martin. thank you so much. >> thank. >> do watch cnn's special coverage of that, as well as it unfolds thank you for joining us. i'm max foster for our international and max of view as world sport is up next for our viewers in the and canada, i'll be back in a moment with more cnn newsroom after this short break >> rsv is out there for those city years and older, protect against rsv with a wrexham is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from ours in people 60 years and older, wrexham does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a low response to the vaccine. the most common side effects or injection site pain, fatigue he muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. >> i chose her xv rsv >> make it a wreck. sv >> millions of people have lost weight with personalized plants from new like britney, who lost
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all i need to do with my new hands free sketches, lipids it's like slip ins have an invisible the ball built-in shoe horn. so my foot slides into place what could be better >> walk about 12 years in north america, i'm max foster in london, a senior us administration official says iran message the us privately while the attack on israel was underway on saturday to say, quoting the us official. that they were finished after this, the barrage of more than 350 projectiles from tehran had the potential to cause great destruction but the vast majority of those strikes were intercepted by israel. israel and its partners and the us. as assessed that there was no significant damage within israel itself. the idf says only a few actually made it into israel now israel is promising to exact a price from iran for the attack. as
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israel's war cabinet ways as responses, allies, including us president joe biden, urging restraint. meanwhile, the us and other leaders of g7 countries are condemning iran's unprecedented attack on israel quote, in the strongest terms, cnn's priscilla alvarez has the details >> president joe biden on sunday spoke with g7 liters following iran's attacks against israel to coordinate, quote, a united diplomatic response keyword there being diplomatic as they sought non-military actions, known enjoyed statement following those discussions, do seven liters said the following quote with his actions around and has further step toward the destabilization of the region and risks provoking an uncontrollable regional escalation this must be avoided. we will continue to work to stabilize the situation and avoid further escalation. horse that has been the primary focus for the white house containing the risk of a wider regional conflict. and he was officials said that sunday there were constructive talks to this end, but in a phone
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call on saturday night, president biden told israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that the us will not participate in any offense it's of action against iran. and said cautioning israel to think carefully and strategically about its next steps toward iran. now, the us has also assessed there wasn't any age or damage to infrastructure within israel, and that israel should take this as a when they wrote to take down missiles and defend themselves against a run. but of course, the big question biden is whether these really prime minister will heed the advice of president biden. the two have had public ribs over the handling of the war in gaza. and so it's unclear what these really prime minister will decide moving forward. but the white house making clear over the weekend, but they do not want to see any further escalation in the region for so long. alvarez, cnn, the white house >> as ukraine struggles to fend off the russian aerial attacks, prison volodymyr zelenskyy says iran's attack on israel proves that model defense systems
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saved lives. nearly all of the hundreds of iranian drones and missiles fired towards israel were intercepted and destroyed. mr. zelenskyy says, that's all he wants for his own country. >> lay see much the whole world sees what real defenses it sees that it is feasible and the whole world saw that israel was not alone in this defense the threat in the sky was also been eliminated by its allies equal. and when ukraine tells its allies that unity provides the best defense, they are all well aware of its effectiveness. they need, they are aware of it and insurance it was a volodymyr zelenskyy says russia launched 130 iranian-made drones against ukraine this week alone, most were intercepted. but he says it was harder to destroy the more than a beattie, russian missiles and 700 guided bombs fired this week, including the missile that flattened this neighborhood. in her son then washington congressional leaders are discussing us
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funding for israel after iran's attack, president biden, how the call on sunday with top leaders the senate and the house. soon as capitol hill reporter, melanie zanona has more >> while congress is divided right now over how to provide aid to israel. and specifically whether to also attach aid for ukraine. this was a question that speaker mike johnson was already wrestling with, but that question has taken on renewed urgency. dan significance in the wake of iran attacking israel. now speaker mike johnson did say that he plants to put some type of israel aid bill on the house floor. this upcoming week. but he said those details are still being finalized. let's take a listen >> the house republicans and the republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel we're going to try again. this week and the details of that package are being put together right now, we're looking at the options and all these supplemental issues. >> and part of the reason for the indecision here is because johnson is facing competing pressures over how to proceed in one corner, there are by parts and calls including from gop leader mitch mcconnell,
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including from some of johnson its own republican committee chairman in the house to just put a senate passed foreign aid package on the house floor that package includes aid for israel, taiwan, and ukraine. and if the house were to pass it, it could go immediately to president joe biden's desk for signature. but in the other corner, johnson is facing calls from his conservative hardliners to keep israel and ukraine separate. and one of those hardliners includes marjorie taylor greene, one of those people who is threatened. johnson's job and his speakership if he moves ahead with any aid to ukraine. so johnson has some very big decisions to make in the coming days. he did participate in a phone call on sunday with the other top four congressional leaders with president biden to discuss the ongoing situation in the middle east. but at this moment, very uncertain how congress is going to act and what johnson does has not only big implications for his speakership, but also for our allies abroad. melanie is not a cnn washington tara, the top
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story, the start of donald trump's historic criminal trial in new york, one hours away. now, jury selection set to get underway soon. this this will be the first time a former us president will go on charter criminal charges trump's accused of falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels law enforcement officials say they will deploy a sophisticated and multi-layered security plan greater than that of trump's previous high-profile cases in manhattan? cnn's polo sandoval has the details >> but we all remember the security presence. it was dedicated to former president donald trump during his civil fraud hearings and also during some previous appearances here in criminal court. i think of that as really the precursor to will begin to see here in lower manhattan starting on monday when his trial gets underway. this is a months-long planning situation that will involve many agencies >> i'll give you a >> preview of we could expect your starters, the nypd will be mainly in charge of securing the area around the courthouse
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using some of these barricades to create what? fair called like these frozen zones to secure the area around the facility itself especially as the former president arrives. and then certainly as he leaves, any potential trump supporters or protesters, the nypd will be really getting that presence to this park across the street, essentially creating a safety zone or at least a bubble here between queen members of the general public. and what's going on inside the secret service. their main responsibility will be protecting the former president. they will also be the ones to determine what motor kane route they take here from trump tower. that's about six miles away, a law enforcement official telling my colleague mark morales that they will likely that route will vary from day-to-day. then finally, court officers, there responsibilities will be behind these walls. there'll be mainly in charge of the former president's movements, even dedicating a specific elevator. there will be the one to actually take donald trump up to up to the court house where the proceedings are going to
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take place. look some good news here. these agencies, they're all used to doing this working hand in hand before what will certainly set this situation apart is that now it's not just a former president facing trial, it's a former president that is currently running for president hollow center while cnn, new york >> do what sin and special coverage of the trump hush money trial today at 9:00 a.m. in new york. that's cheap pm here in london. american golfer scottie scheffler has captured his second career green jacket, joining an elite group of players to win the masters multiple times and further cementing his status as the top player in the world right now, soon as don riddell has more from augusta, georgia scottie scheffler is winning at life right now seemingly everything he touches turns to gold a four-stroke victory at augusta on sunday gives the american world numbers he won his second masters title in the space of just three years. it's this third tournament victory and four attempts. and now we can
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return home to spend time with his wife, meredith ahead of the imminent birth of their first child >> my priorities will change here very soon. knew my son or daughter will now be the main priority, long as my wife shall golf we'll now be fourth in line but i still love competing. i don't plan on taking my off the ball anytime soon. that's for sure >> scheffler how it is nerve and attends final round at augusta consolidating his overnight lead by shooting a four under pass score he quickly recovered from a couple of drops, shocks on the front, nine, making a total of seven birdies throughout his round and as a clutch of challenges steadily faded away he co-hosted home to a majestic when scheffler is now unquestionably the man to beat in men's golf. but a major new star announced his arrival this time last year sweden is ludvig or bear was an amateur player. and in his very first major tournament, he played superbly, finishing second on seven and although tiger woods but it's finished in 60th place, he's
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looking on the bright side, the five-time masters champion made history by making a 24th consecutive cut at the masters. and it was only the third good time that he played four rounds of golf since that devastating car crash three years ago. the next major tournament will be the pga championship in a month's time. bye at which time scheffler will be a father and his rivals will be hoping that with a baby in his arms he will finally take his eye off the ball back to you. >> wnba star brittney griner and her wife, cheryl. are expecting their first child. the couple of shared the news on instagram and said the baby's due in july. a griner is a nine-time wnba all-star who plays for the phoenix mercury he's also a two-time olympic gold medalist for team usa, the athlete has spent ten months in custody in russia after being wrongfully detained back in 2022 thanks for your company. the sound that's also not they got with more cnn newsroom after this short brea k
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>> i've been touring the world with my music and now i want want to focus on what's happening to our planet >> corbin plus cnn field next sunday at nus out of your surroundings? >> just going to send a oh, are
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doctor, if you had had it as they could come back, peace him to can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had are planned to have vaccines, or if you are, we're planning to become pregnant. he sent to me cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects or upper respiratory he tract infection, headache, and injection reactions as your doctor about key symptom for rms >> sunglasses luck. >> rane
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doctors preferred, better science, better results. >> i'm evan perez and washington. >> and >> this is cnn


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