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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 15, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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doctors preferred, better science, better results. >> i'm evan perez and washington. >> and >> this is cnn
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>> hello, welcome to our viewers. join me some all around the world and everyone i'm, in london across the middle east though, and around the world there's an all-out diplomatic push right now to contain the fallout from iran's unprecedented aerial assault on israel early on sunday. and to prevent any further escalation of violence, israel says that over the course of about five hours, some 350 drones, missiles, rockets all fired from iran iraq, yemen, and hezbollah as well in lebanon, israel intercepted most of them with help from the us, uk, and france. however, the us says it won't join any retaliatory strikes now seen after the attacks, the un security council called an emergency session. members of the g7 held a virtual meeting with regional leaders, which began and regional leaders began reaching out to their global
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counterparts as well. the un, the us, warned iran against taking further action let me be clear >> if iran or its proxies >> take actions against the united states are further action against israel. iran will be held responsible the united states is not seeking escalation our actions have been purely defensive in nature the best way to prevent such escalation is an unambiguous condemnation from the council of iran's unprecedented large-scale attack. and an unequivocal call on it. and its proxies and partners to refrain from further violence >> well, so celsius then israel's war council is divided on a response, but a call from the us president convince israel's prime minister to delay retaliation, at least for now seen as paula handcuffs joins us now from abu dhabi. so no response right now, but the certainly thinking about one and a former idf
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spokesperson said, it would more than likely include a direct hit on israel and iran rather he has max, i think the overall consensus is that there will be a response to the >> question at this point is what's the timing and what sort of format will that response take? the fact that the war cabinet meeting lasted for hours and went on into sunday evening is very telling think it's clear that there is disagreement within the cabinet or differences of opinion as to exactly what the response should be. but there is expected to be a response. we know that it is. this coalition in israel at this point does have a very far right elements within it. and certainly we've been hearing very publicly from some of those ministers that they want to see a hard and fast response to a run. but we have heard from others within the government that want to take more time. we've heard
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from, for example, the president has psaki was speaking to cnn and saying that they want to have a cool headed response to what we saw over the weekend. let's listen to what he said >> i think we're operating in a very focused way and very responsible way. and i'm sure there will be a decision accordingly that we'll make sure that we protect and defend the people of israel. and of course serve the idea of this coalition that has emanated all of a sudden in front of our prize. in opposing the aggressive acts and the and the operations of iran in the region for so many years >> we have heard that israel's cabinet is determined to act. and at this point, they are asking the military for more options. so the options they had on the table on sunday none
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of them seemed appropriate. it it would appear and they're asking for the military the military to figure out other ways that it can retaliate against iran. and that unprecedented attack on israeli soil on sunday what we have also heard from one you're biden administration official is that they believe israel is not looking to escalate the situation. that's the message that israel is giving at this point. but of course, the concern is that there will be a significant escalation in the wider region. there's been an escalation just by the very fact that this is the first iranian attack from iranian soil onto israeli soil. and we've also heard from iran's saad president saying that if israel responds that, then there would be an even bigger response from iran as far as tehran's concerned. this was a retaliatory attack for a suspected israeli attack at the
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beginning of the month on an iranian diplomatic compound in damascus. and they have been very clear in their messaging saying that they believe now they have retaliated and the situation has concluded of course, that is not the way that israel sees it. max sorry, not poor hancocks in abu dhabi. thank you. other countries in the middle east are calling for restraints on both sides of the conflict egypt's foreign ministers spoke with his counterparts in iran and israel on sunday, wanting any further escalation could destabilized the middle east even more the saudi foreign ministry issued a statement expressing concerns over any potential severe repercussions in a social media post, the ministry called on the un security council to step up and manage the situation given the threat to international peace and security saudi crown prince mohammed bin salman also spoke with iraq's prime minister to discuss steps to prevent further escalation in the region officials in the uae responded as well. the ministry of foreign affairs issued a statement saying it called for
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resolving differences through dialogue and through diplomatic channels. join me now kazaa, robbie, director of islamic revolutionary guard corps research the united against a nuclear iran, a non-profit and nonpartisan policy organization. thank you so much for joining us. i mean, it is a horribly tense situation, isn't it what do you think? the israeli war cabinet at least will be weighing up today >> but i think it's important to underscore that israel must retaliates the islamic republic of iran. the regime in iran conducted an unprecedented attack on israeli soil. it should be noted though, that this was a well choreographed attack, eight symbolic attack really serving the propaganda needs of the regime. israel was tracking the drones, for example, it had advanced notice that this attack was coming.
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the islamic republic of iran communicated this >> so this >> was serving propaganda knees however, it also the regime in her eyes seeking to test the boundaries of the red lines, push the red lines further. and retaliation is a must to deter this action from taking place in the future. but also the key element here is the us support for israeli palliation because if to haram perceives, but the biden administration being weak in its support, we can expect greater escalation, particularly in the next ten months before a potential new administration and the white house we have the attack on the syrian consulate. didn't wait for iran. then we had this, which many people are seeing more a warning strike because it didn't have any casualties and it was pretty easily disrupted with the support of israel's allies and iran
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saying this is now concluded the counter strikes continue. that's the dangerous area, isn't it? rather than because there's been resolution already to some extent back to that i would come back to that and we need to set the record straight here. there's been a lot of talk about diplomatic facility in syria. the facility he that was being used by the islamic republic of iran. was you being used by the islamic revolutionary guard-core, the irgc, the paramilitary organization of the regime, the individuals that were targeted were irgc terrorists command is mohammed reza zahidi. he was among those who was killed by israel in syria, was responsible and overseas or oversaw the irgc puts force operations in the leaven lavon and that includes, by the way, personally spearheading the more than 170 attacks on us forces by irgc proxy that's
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important to understand this was the revolutionary guard exploiting diplomatic status for terrorist operations. now, the danger here, as i go back to that original point, is that the regime in iran is testing the boundaries of the red line is pushing these boundaries, pushing the red lines are further further. now, since october 7, it has been doing this. the islamic republic has been escalating against not only israel, but the us and its regional allies. now, the biden administration since october 7, has gone out of its way to tell iran that it does not seek to impose direct consequences on iran now rather than having a de-escalating effect that's actually shape the uranian calculus that's shaped the climate public's calculus and has made them believe that they can get away with escalation without facing any consequences. so it's key to leave in order to have the
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escalation, the us, the israelis must change that calculus and must make it very clear to the regime in iran that there will be direct consequences imposed on it, including insights on irgc sites inside of the country it was a consulate which the iranians argue was sovereign territory. so that was the escalation from their point of view >> well, let the islamic republic has, for years been exploiting international pro school on diplomatic status, not just in the middle east but also in europe when we've seen terror plots taking place in europe against targeting iranian diaspora members targeting members of the jewish community, the islamic republic's embassy has always acted as a shield, as a, and has been exploited by the terrorist of the regime to conduct such attacks, you have
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to understand why was an ask the key question, why was the irgc's goods force commanders meeting at a so-called diplomatic compound why was mohammed reza zahedi who spearheads and is responsible for coordinating hezbollah tax on israel. why was he using a diplomatic facility? that is because the irgc exploits international protocols on diplomatic status to conduct terror operations. now, zahedi, as i said, was responsible for coordinating hezbollah attacks on israel for overseeing more than 170 attacks on us forces. by the way, that includes the killings of three us soldiers. now the us still, despite the fact that us forces were killed, has avoided until now, imposing direct consequences on tehran that calculus must be
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changed. you need to change the calculus of the regime in iran if we're looking for long lasting peace and stability and the escalation in the region >> cousera a robby. thank you so much for joining us with your insight today. >> thank you very much. now >> iran's attack on israel has renewed debate in washington over military aid facing pressure from both sides of the aisle. house speaker mike johnson says he'll try this week to bring an israel aid bill up for a vote, whether they bill will include funding for ukraine as well remains to be seen cnn's melanie zanona has what congress is divided right now over how to provide aid to israel. and specifically whether to also attach aid for ukraine. this was a question that speaker mike johnson was already wrestling with, but that question has taken on renewed urgency and significance in the wake of iran attacking israel. now, speaker mike johnson when did say that he plans to put some type of israel aidill on the house floor. this upcoming week. but he said those details
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are still being finalized. let's take a listen. >> the house republicans and the republican party understand the necessity of standing with israel. we are going to try again this week and the details of that package are being put together right now, we're looking at the options and all these supplemental i'll issues and part of the reason for the indecision here is because johnson is facing competing pressures over how to proceed in one corner, there are bipartisan calls, including from gop leader mitch mcconnell, including from some of johnson's own republican committee chairman in house, to just put a senate passed foreign aid package on the house floor that package includes aid for israel, taiwan, and ukraine and if the house were to pass it, it could go immediately to president joe biden's desk for signature. but in the other corner, johnson is facing calls from his conservative hardliners to keep israel and ukraine separate. and one of those hardliners includes marjorie taylor greene, one of those people who is 30 johnson's job and his speakership, if he moves ahead with any aid to ukraine. so johnson has some
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very big decisions to make in the coming days he did participate in a phone call on sunday with the other top four congressional leaders with president biden to discuss the ongoing situation in the middle east. but at this moment, very uncertain how congress is going to to act and what johnson does has not only big implications for his speakership, but also for our allies abroad. melanie is known as cnn washington >> those column leaders of a g7 countries met virtually to discuss a diplomatic response to iran's attack on israel, more on their message to tehran i'll two quick break, plus, we're also getting reaction from leaders in asia to iran's attack or special coverage continues in just a moment >> so my daughter tells us urine television. >> you could start streaming and you're $40 a month for live sports, news and entertainment slings quite a catch >> please. >> we'd love that you found someone that is so smart with money.
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country's support for israel and condemned iran's attack in the strongest terms, but he said the us is not trying to escalate tensions in the region. leaders of g7 nations are also, well, they also met on sunday to discuss, quote, an urgent diplomatic response to iran's attacks on israel. the group condemned the strikes in quote, the strongest terms expressing solidarity with israel in a joint statement demanded that iran and its proxies cease attacks and said that they will continue working towards stabilizing the situation and avoiding further escalation for more reaction from around the world. cnn's kristie lu stout standing by for us in hong kong, barbie is also in rome for us because barbie the italian prime minister, really lead these international discussions >> that's right. italy right now holds a rotating presidency of the g7. there was a big meeting here and pooley on the southern part of the country in june. but before that, this week on the 17th, that foreign ministers, will meet and copy
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and that is going to be an absolutely portioned point in the diplomatic efforts here, not just in response to iran, but it also in how israel response to these ladies to tax. now, europe has been very, very strong and it's support of a humanitarian efforts inside gaza. but europe is a complicated place in the 27 member states don't we're always agree on basically anything, but they certainly don't agree necessarily on the relationship, the historically and in the future with your ad and that complicates things. even more. the italian foreign minister antonio tajani, is leading these talks on on wednesday and capri and, and and vows to do everything they can with the g7 in order to temper the emotions right now, to try to keep things de, to try to de-escalate things and keep things. as calm as possible because of course, this affects much more than instability in the region effects trade in the red sea. and also you've got to remember that there is a war already going on here in europe with
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ukraine, and that was it's going to be the main topic of conversation, but it's going to be around right now. this week, max. >> yeah kristie china, not always getting involved in matters like this, but could hold a lot of sway potentially yeah. >> in china, his weighed in along with other nations across asia, china, in fact, as expressed deep concern, it's calling for an immediate ceasefire. it's also calling out what it calls countries of influence to act on sunday, we heard from china's ministry of foreign affairs and they said this is bring up the statement for you. quote, this conflict us and now trying to cause on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. trying to, they're making reference in particular to the united states luck trying to wants to be a peace broker in the middle east. it's a region where sources a growing amount of oil and energy. but from beijing's point of view, the off-ramp here is not for china to step in and restraint iran
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before the united states to step in and to restrain israel. in addition to china, we also heard from japan and south korea leaders, they're strongly condemning the strikes. india and pakistan have also expressed concern indonesia, malaysia are urging restraint we also heard from closely with ally australia, australia has condemned iran's attacks on israel. it says it continues to support regional security including that of israel. but maxes, you can imagine this attack has raised the threat of a much wider conflict in asia is on tender hooks, max what sort of leverage might you expect? china to use it over iran >> well, max analysts say that china on paper has leveraged. yes, it's true china has big investments trade relations with iran. china's main purchaser of iranian oil, trying to his help soften the blow from us sanctions china also deliver that surprise deal last year when it brokered the
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re-establishment of diplomatic ties between iran and saudi arabia. but analysts say china's leverage has limits as does china's appetite to get involved. analysts point out that relations between iran and china are shaky. they've been strained by china friend is underinvestment in iran not delivering on investment promises. and china also tends to minded business. it doesn't want to overextend itself the way it believes a us has. and that's why from china's point of view, the solution here again, is not for china to step in and restrained iran, but for the us to restrain israel. max. okay. kristie, bobby's well, thank you both very much indeed for joining us just ahead becky anderson will be speaking with the jordanian foreign minister and what iran's attacks mean for the region at large there's new ally in the fight against climate change. this >> is new car business blue carbon just need to protect
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him. oh unt the 369369 i'm exposed >> to your what you see an end user more and our top story today, the un secretary general calling for de-escalation in tensions over iran's attack on israel during sunday's emergency security council session, antonio guterres said, quote now is the time for maximum restraint? israel and iran condemned each other's actions during that meeting. but the us warned in no uncertain terms that tehran, quote, will be held responsible if it takes any action against the us or israel jordan is issuing a stern warning, warning to iran after its attack on israel, residents in amman say they saw and heard explosions in the sky over parts of the capital amman early on sunday morning, the footage taken by residents and obtained by cnn shows what
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appears to be mid air interceptions. although cnn cannot independently that, but jordanian officials someone the iranian ambassador later on sunday. and during an interview, jordan's foreign minister asserted the country's firm stance on national security and vowed to cross into set every drone or missile that violates jordan's airspace. it has a real regional impact for more on jones position. let's go to my colleague, becky anderson, who's in abu dhabi >> max, it is just over 600 miles or 1,000 kilometers and a direct line, if you will, from iran to israel across iraq, syria, and the kingdom of jordan, the government in amman confirming there were interceptions of quote, flying objects over jordan to secure it says, the safety of its citizens. look jordan does not want to see this conflict
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spilling over nor does anybody across this wider region. and we are hearing the demands for de-escalation, for restraint, profound concerns around this region. statements from ministries of foreign affairs, foreign ministers, leaders saying, we need to see de-escalation not escalation at this point. well, i'm joined now by the jordanian foreign minister, ayman safadi. he is live for us from amman and foreign minister, let's start with the iranian strikes unprecedented five-hour pave of projectiles directed towards israel to be clear, was it jordan or the americans who intercepted those projectiles over jordan? >> good morning good. becky the attack was retaliation to
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israeli targeting and a taco the iranian consulate in damascus said that they've done what they needed to do and no more. now i think the pressure is on israel not to escalate and work towards the objective that we all share, which is the escalating the conflict. and the first step was the escalation is the aggression on gaza ending the illegal majors on the west bank and get on a truck that will produce if you just and lasting peace on the basis uses two-state solution that we all believe is the only path to peace and security >> as far as >> jordan, what i did was consulted with our long-standing policy and a projectiles drones, whatever that enters our space as turkey and we'll continue to deal with it because it poses a threat to jordan. we are interchangeable fire and he
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missile or projectile that could fall, enjoy them would cause harm to jordan. so we did what we have to do and let me be very clear. we will do the same regardless where those drawings are from israel, from iran, from anybody else? our priority is to protect jordan and to protect jordanian citizens and to do whatever we can against escalation that would be detrimental tool >> foreign minister, was it the americans or the israelis who asked you to intercept or are you saying it was absolutely a decision by jordanians first and fourth? oh, nice unilaterally to intercept those projectiles >> as i said, becky our long-standing policy whatever objects that go into our skies violates our airspace that we believe pose a danger to jordan. we will do whatever within our means to two in that, in that threat. and that's what we did again, i
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think what happened was a sign of how terrible things could be, how dangerous situation could deteriorate into unless we deal with the cause of all this tension which is the israeli aggression on gaza and the continue with absence of political horizons to solve the conflict as a result of israeli policies. again around retaliated the attack see that is over. now, we have to look to the future and to look for now actually, and to make sure that there's no other triggers for escalation. and i think the onus is on israel for that >> and i want to pursue your thoughts on that >> let me just >> bear with me for one moment where you warned ahead of the pending attack by iran. i mean, you summon the iranian ambassador, overstatements. you said they've made against jordan. so firstly, were you
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warned? >> and >> secondly, can you be clear about what was said? to the, iranian ambassador. >> does jordan >> believe it is under increased threat from iran and its proxies at this point look i mean, it's no secret that you days before the attack, it was >> clear to everybody that the attack that the italian retaliation was, was eminent and we were aware of that as were many, many other other countries in relation to the question of is summoning the ambassador we did saw in reaction to what we believe was harmful at this information. statements carried by iranian news agency, agency, i guess jordan incitement against jordan and we told them very clearly, very unequivocally that this is not acceptable their problem is with israel and not with jordan and we will not allow for such disinformation against jordan to continue. and we will
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retaliate if they continue with that. are we don't want conflict with iran. we don't want conflict and the whole region. but in order for a good relations with iran to develop, we have to address all causes of attention with iran, which include some intervention and some threats are national security, including through or by a malicious affiliated with iran that they're trying to flood jordan with drugs and weapons. but again, i think we need to be focused the issue here is not iran, the issue here is the aggression on gaza. the issue here is the extremely illegal and helpful majors to the palestinians of the west bank. this has to stop, as you said, becky nobody wants escalation. we all want to calm things down. but the first step towards that is ending the aggression. and we're seeing
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that ignition continue. we're going i think one more point i want to say is that look, the israeli prime minister have always wanted to invoke some confrontation with iran. now, as the international pressure on israel to stop the aggression on gaza continues invoking a fight with iran is something that we believe he, he thinks could dilute that pressure and could take attention away from gaza and focus on this new confrontation. what we tell all our partners, the tennis community, the issue is in gaza and the west bank, and our focus needs to continue to be on that because unless we solve that, then the height answers for regional escalation will continue >> and you and i have had spoken about this at length over months and months even before october the seventh, you have been morning of the potential for widening escalation here, king abdullah has spoken to joe biden, the us
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president, and he has warned him that any escalatory measures would widen this conflict. and again, you've warned since october the seventh and before that, but this region is being driven given to the abyss. we hear those sentiments echoed around the wider region. do you genuinely believe the biden administration will be able to use its leverage with israel to contain the situation given that you've just said, you believe that benjamin netanyahu is intent on widening this war? >> look i mean, we do hope that will be the case reports about american positions have clearly said that the uss dot israel and that it should not escalate that it will not even support as we're elephant if it decides to go against against iran. and as i said, i mean, as well attack the embassy, be consulate and iranian consulate in damascus. he ran retaliate, said it will do no more. so i
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think that should stop now and i think the whole world has an interest in making sure it gets that message and is not allowed to invoke another confrontation with iran as to your second question, look, we said it before. i think i said it to a new show, becky, before. that as the pressure on the tinea amounts as a result of the continuation of door and gaza, he will be looking for ways to dilute that. i think he has an interest in the conflict continuing so that he doesn't face the reckoning. that is inevitably going to face in israel. and therefore, we should all be cognizant of that part and we should all work to make sure that this escalation doesn't happen, that the war in gaza stops, so that we start working on ai once and for all a solution that will end this conflict on the basis of the two-state solution that would unfiltered intimate rights of palestinians to feed and
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statehood. and also address israel's legitimate security concerns. other than that, we're gonna be in this cycle in and out. and history has shown that the region want to conflict unlisted which cause of that conflict, which is the occupation of the palestinian territories, the majors that are being taken by israel systematically to killing the two-state solution are stopped and again, you see what's happening when there since friday, six palestinians have been killed, over 60 injured. how some cards has been put and fires by settlers who continue to ramp which palestinian communities. so that is the danger that we are focused on right now. again, the only way to de-escalate is to stop the aggression create real credible political horizons that would take us trial solution that will be there israelis and everybody else >> for foreign minister jordan, let's be quite frank here is
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trying to balance what is a very delicate position maintaining relations of course, with the united states, but also with israel. you have a peace treaty with israel with what is your highly critical possession of the way that israel is carried out its war against hamas in gaza. and many in jordan wants to see the kingdom do more and that includes calls for cutting ties with israel will that >> happen >> becky? it will not happen simply because we don't believe that will be helpful to jordan or to the palestinians or two, because a piece which is a necessity for all of us and the region that said, however in what israel is doing, giving it's killing of political horizons, giving the aggression on gaza that this treaty is a document are collecting dust because we will not be able to act on many of the opportunities that this treaty should offer to us, to the palestinians, to the whole, to
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the whole region. public opinion is to set it seemingly against any kind of normalization with now and again, this is netanyahu's doing not since october 7, but long before october 7, when he publicly said he doesn't believe in the two-state solution. one public is set, he will suffocate. the aspirations of palestinians for freedom when he continued with the filament building confiscation of land security attacks on, on palestinian communities allowing settler terrorism against palestinians. this is the reality. so jordan is a country that believes and the necessity and the need for just and lasting peace for all because we believe that the only path to bringing about peace and security all of us. but in these conditions, under these circumstances of warned before becky that the amount of dehumanization and hates that this war is producing an israel and the arab and muslim world is extremely dangerous and it
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will be extremely difficult to navigate in the future unless there is serious effort that will deliver. justice, lasting peace that we won't happen working for foreign minister, foreign minister, let me ask you this as a final question. >> who >> is more of a threat to that peace and security, not just for the region, but international peace and security at this point, israel or iran? >> i think there's no point comparing becky, israel and what israel is doing, what this israeli government is doing, what the radicals and this israeli government are inciting four is an extreme danger to the security and stability of the middle east. and as far as iran is concerned iran say even though it's retaliated, again against the attack on its embassy, the war on gaza have been happening for six months. the retaliation came after the
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attack on the consulate but if we solve the palestinian issue, if we fulfill the palestinians right, if we create real peace between israel and the palestinians, didn't all of us will delay run. you know, you have nothing to you have the right to interfere and the affairs of the palestinians. all of us. so i think everything is connected and the middle east are all conflicts are interconnected. and i think we need to start by the urgent now and the urgent is to end the aggression on gaza, start a new horizon for peace, and then we can deal withdrawn and look, it's clear that we have issues who they run. as i mentioned, the drug trafficking from from syria by militias that are affiliated with iran intervention. in the affairs of the fireball. but i think right now iran is saying that it has a problem with israel because if you keep patient at champions itself as a project picture of the palestinian or muslim, right? if we solve the palestinian issue then all of us will be able to tell iran, hold on, hold back >> don't i >> don't don't drive us into
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trouble. so i think that immediate danger now is the aggression, is the failure to create political horizons. and as for iran, all of us one that's good with iran, with israel, but in order for that to happen, roots of complex causes tension have to be addressed. and right now, i think the biggest goes attention in the region is two on gaza and the continuation of the occupation and the absence of any political horizon for a fulfilling the palestinians, right? and therefore create a piece that will also address them. two metrics and concerns of israel >> i'm in safari in amman, foreign minister. thank you >> max. >> thank you. so fascinating. thank you so much, becky >> now, while after the break, shall have >> the latest on donald trump's historic criminal trial set to begin just hours from now. >> you think you know the story, but there's more beneath the surface >> how really happened with
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doctors preferred, better science, better results >> i'm rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn >> know, although in our other
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top story, just three months before the republican party has such choose him as their presidential nominee. don't hello trump is going on trial today in new york. jury selection will begin just hours from now, trump will be there and it'll be an unprecedented scene as well. never before in american history as a current or former president faced a criminal trial, is accused of falsifying business records to hide the reimbursement of hush money paid to add well, film star stormy daniels, the former president, is pleading not guilty. cnn's zachary cohen has more on how the jury selection process will work >> donald, trump will make history when he arrives in lower manhattan on monday as the first former president to face a trial over criminal charges to trial is expected to last about two months. it'll take its first step forward with the beginning of jury selection wears on both sides well as hundreds of potential jurors a series of questions about their feelings toward donald trump, and the fact that he is a current candidate for president. the goal is to narrow down the pool to 12 jurors plus a handful of
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alternates who can render a verdict fairly. that process could take days or even potentially weeks, but once elected, they will be able to watch trump throughout the duration of the trial going forward, trump a largely trade the campaign trail for the courtroom where he's expected to be four days a week. it appears likely that trump will continue to try to use his court appearances to rally support for his presidential campaign. but despite the showmanship, the stakes are high for the former president, he faces 34 felony counts for falsifying business records in the first degree. and if convicted, he could be sentenced to probation or maximum of four years in state prison on each count. zachary cohen, cnn, washington >> do what? seven special coverage of the trump hush money trial is sauce at 9:00 a.m. in new york, 2:00 p.m. in london stilts com, iran's attack on israel is causing a world oil prices to tumble why israel's next move could impact access to one of the world's largest oil store, store course, just the head
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were facing their highest level since october on friday and anticipation of iran's retaliatory attack following developments here in london were in a bit of a holding pattern mount waves. and what israel is actually going to do yes oil is the key asset to watch if you're looking at sort of the investment appetites around conflict in the middle east and with iran, it's interesting because it's not just >> to do with the oil supply, but actually the fact that around sits in the strait of hummers, which is where around a fifth of the global oil consumption passes through. so there is obviously concerned about the supply. however, looking at all this is, you see that they are actually lower today, likely because all price is actually very significantly on friday in anticipation of the attacks we've already had that in many ways, sort of priced in at this stage we're actually seeing a similar story, max, in terms of other asset classes over the weekend and this morning, gold prices the safe haven where we the money flow into those are higher. this morning that actually off the hizo we saw on friday where they hit an all time record high and looking at
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equities or stock markets open this morning, asia pacific, we saw a fairly mixed story, largely indices we're down a be the shanghai composite bucks those trends also you look king there at year at which opened in the last hour, mixed picture again and no huge moves at this stage. so what i think we can see here is that there was a lot of moves last week in anticipation of the attack. and at this stage, investors are very much treading water to see whether there'll be any sort of escalation in the response from israel, max okay. >> anna, thank you so much. now, golf swelled number one, scottie scheffler has captured his second career. green jacket of 2024 masters, the tournament wrapped up on sunday and augusta, georgia, after dramatic weekend, which saw players battling extremely windy conditions in the opening rounds. scheffler was up and down during the first nine holes is sunday, but he finished strong with four birdies on the back-nine security, securing victory by four strokes. scheffler is now
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in severely company or just the 18th player to win the masters more than once his first victory was in 2022 we are following all the latest developments for you and i've around particularly out of israel where they are pondering a response to that iranian strike over the weekend and me, we're all the rest of the world leaders are coming out and scrambling to issue statements calling for restraint. we'll follow all the reaction from both those countries and around the world in the coming hours. i, max foster back with more cnn newsroom after this short brea k
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