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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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2:01 am for certain cnn this morning with kasie hunt. next you cnn breaking news good morning. >> i'm jim acosta and for casey khan, we begin with breaking news. a us official confirming to cnn that israel carried out a military strike inside iran late last night and news agency reporting, there were three explosions heard near an army base in the istvan providence that's about 270 miles south of tehran the israeli military is not commenting on the attack and it's not immediately clear what was targeted. this appears to be in retaliation for a ron's failed missile and drone. it's back on israel last weekend. the international atomic energy agency says there's no damage to iran's nuclear sites, and it is monitoring the situation very closely. paula hancocks is in beirut with the latest paula. get us up to speed. what do you know?
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>> well, jim, at this point we have been hearing from iranian officials throughout state-run media in iran. and really the message that they are giving at this point is that there was no damage it is business as usual. we understand from the state media reports that they shot down three drones in this particular area and was really strict it seems of a business as usual, on state-run media, really an effort to downplay what happened overnight and trying to prove that nothing was affected. we heard from a state media also saying that the nuclear facilities are secure and that it's this point that is no concern. it's a very different message to what we have been hearing in recent days. in fact, just hours before the strike
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happened on our air, we had the iranian foreign minister saying that if israel does carry out another strike against a radiant terror and iranian assets than the response would be even more than what we saw last weekend with unprecedented attack of more than 300 drones and missiles against israeli territory. and this is what we have been hearing in recent days, that if israel were to retaliate, then there would be an even more significant response so at this point we don't know what is going to happen. we can assess from what we are seeing from the iranian sayyed that is being downplayed, but they don't consider this a significant attack and certainly when you compare it to the visuals of what we saw last weekend, it does not seem to be on that t kind of level. so the hope certainly among many is that these fears of a wider regional
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conflict may have been averted at this point, but it all comes down to tehran now, jim, it depends if iran believes that this was a low level enough attack that it doesn't feel it has to respond. jim all right. >> paula hancocks in beirut for us. thank you, paul appreciate it. let's go now to cnn, chief international correspondent nick paton walsh. use live in london with more nick, if you can pick up where apologists left off there, you know, it sounds like there's a lot of hope inside the diplomatic community internationally that perhaps this for tat will not continue. but i guess there are no guarantees that that will happen yeah, absolutely. >> no guarantees, but i'm one of them. >> the benefits of ron has of being an autocracy, being able to control the information released inside its own country. is it going essentially tell everybody what it wants to about what just happened? this may be israel showing in a limited way that it can penetrate iranian air
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defenses is it maybe potentially trying to hit elements of iran's military that were involved in the attacks we don't know, and we may never entirely know. we do know from us officials that nuclear targets were not hit. and so it appears here that israel has calibrated this. it is limited as they had potentially signaled to their allies earlier, and it gives around the opportunity to essentially say nothing happened here. look at street scenes of how calm life has returned to its for khan. let's move on potentially closing a chapter here. there is obviously jim huge scope for miscalculation. yet again, you could argue that we got to this place because potentially of miscalculation in israel although if they hit the iranian consulate in damascus, so that wouldn't spark potentially a larger iranian response. so in this region, it's impossible to have absolutes, but it's pretty clear from the nature of the iranian attack here. one in which iran is saying these were drones, you can argue maybe
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they even launched inside of iran itself and israel can put its own messaging out about the strength of its strike here, that both sides have sees an opportunity annuity to turn the volume down. and then we're going to deal frankly with more pressing internal problems themselves, jim. >> yeah. >> nick, i mean, one thing that has happened over this past week is that both sides of sort of cross this? i read what used to be sort of a red line that there would not be strikes inside israeli territory by the iranians and vice versa. and that seems to know more yeah, that whole sort of confrontation to this point for the most part, has been about proxies iranian proxies in syria, lebanon, hezbollah key there and iraq being used to hit israel and its allies with some degree of deniability, they could turn it on, turn it off, but leave the iranian homeland, so to speak. not something that could be a target. also, israel using covert operations inside of
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iran to hit nuclear scientists, to hit key targets and damage iran's infrastructure drugs are but not have to stand up and claim public responsibility that to boo is now gone certainly. and you may argue the cat is now out of the bag. it cannot be turned round. we're in a new phase potentially of this confrontation, but it's clearly a face tonight. we've seen neither side really wants to embrace. this is not a new era of direct confrontation either once& jim, it's important to just remind ourselves here how nobody now, right now, it seems of the three major parties involved in this seems to want over war. it's clear the biden administration absolutely does not want that as we head into an election season, is clear. israel sees real pressing problems still in gaza potentially invading refer, which is going to need to deal with before it potentially sparks a huge and bloody messy confrontation that many israeli hardliners think it needs with hezbollah to its north and iranian proxy and iran not that strong militarily, i think it's fair to say the apogee of its powers is potentially
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behind it economically strike we're calling with internal dissent issues too. so all three, perhaps not wanting confrontation now, you may see increased tension with israel and iran's proxy hairs belonged to the north and the months ahead, because there are so many in israel who believed that quote, problem needs to be dealt with. but it would be utterly catastrophic when that confrontation comes. my takeaway without the big caveat of accepting how unpredictable and volatile this whole region has always been, is that we may be seeing this chapter tonight coming to certainly a lesser volume in the days ahead. >> all right. nick paton walsh, our chief international security correspondent. nick, thank you so much really appreciate it coming up. >> jury selection nearly complete donald trump's hush money trial on track for opening statements in just a few days. plus, more on the breaking news overnight is heard. nick and politics talking about those tensions in middle east escalating after israel strikes back against iran cnn is central.
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50 battery hedge trimmers said real still, find yours breaking news, overnight in the middle east, israel, striking a non-nuclear target in the istvan provenance that is south of two ron, the israelis vowed to retaliate after last weekend's field drone and missile tag by the iranians israel's war cabinet meeting for days before deciding to take actions. cnn's erin burnett, we should note spoke to a ron's foreign minister just yesterday before israel retaliated. here's what happened in case the israeli regime bit embarks on that again and takes action against the interests of iran well the
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next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level and joining me now is former deputy assistant secretary of state and democratic strategist, joel rubin. joe, what do you make of what we saw? >> overnight? i mean, we were talking to nick paton walsh few moments ago i suppose there's some optimism and the diplomatic community that maybe this is, it each sayyed got their luxon, so to speak maybe this won't spiral out of control. >> what do you think? >> well, jim, cold comfort in a sense, like if you look at where we are in terms of the big picture, it's been over two decades now where this has been building a question about whether or not there will be a direct confrontation& the psychological barrier was cross last night israel hitting iran inside of iran basically, now, can changes the game in terms of how this shadow war is seen. it's no longer in the shadows. it's now out in the open. i do think that the strike itself
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was limited. it was targeted on military sites, potentially, and also calibrated to send a message to iran that israel, we can hit any strike any site we want, including the here are your nuclear sites. so that was very limited. and in that way, in the immediate term, we can breathe easy. but in the big picture, we're heading in the wrong direction. >> well, and our cnn reporting is that the us was given a bit of a heads-up on this and the message was sent that the administration is not on board with this. what's your sense of all of that? yeah. i agree with that. i think be menstruation has been trying to gently, if not a little bit more than kitley explain to israel that there actually is a diplomatic window for them. look what happened last weekend with this unprecedented strike by iran the barrage of missiles too much too. it was too extensive to aggressive. but that generated sympathy for israel globally with europe and it also had arab allies defending israel and the white house is saying, look, this is an important moment for you
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diplomatically, and it's an important moment to think carefully and i do think the israelis heard that the idf, from my understanding, one to go much harder to really restore deterrence from their perspective. but there's some political heads and israel that heard the white house messaging and that's a good thing. >> enron's foreign minister also said this about last weekend's attack on israel's territory. let's watch had our objective worn as to send a clear message to be received by the government of israel and to let it know that we do have the means to respond. >> i will repeat again. >> we never seek expansion of chaos and warfarin tensions in the region he says, we never seek the expansion of chaos and the region. >> your thoughts. >> while we're doing it, you know, isn't that what they do? that is their business with the proxy groups, with his blood now bombing northern israel said point, we have almost 100,000 israelis having to flee their homes. the houthis from iraq, you name it de-stabilizing syria that's
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just bollocks as they say in england. but i do think that the tante and coming out of tehran also belies deepen security that israel has the capacity. it's demonstrated last weekend that we have extensive defensive capabilities to prevent real damage to israel from iran in an attack. so they're having to talk tough, but the idea that iran is somehow passive actor here in the region is laughable. >> one i have to think that we just to that point, looking back at what occurred this past weekend, the way that the us, the uk french, jordanians, the saudis. i mean, that was quite a coalition that came together very quickly that had to have gotten a ron's attention. and i also think there's limited response by the israelis that also sends a message. >> well, you know, kudos, joe biden, kudos to the white house for orchestra and bringing that together. and also so tamping down what really has had a lot of domestic political turmoil
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for bibi netanyahu. he has members in his coalition. this morning basically saying week to ineffective, too soft. so the president's having to finesse this and i think this gives a window. i'm always an optimist this gives a window for some type of diplomatic engagement. the region knows now it's on a tinderbox and now it's out of the shadows as we're talking about the region has to be engaged diplomatically europe is engaged. there may be a way to try to chart some diplomatic process out because we're heading in the wrong direction. >> yeah. you have to hope the cooler heads prevailed on a reasonable that doesn't always take place. joel rubin. thanks very much coming up. donald trump's jury is now seated in his criminal hush money trial with the judge's saying about the search for the rest of the alternate alternate for that jury plus war on the breaking news from the middle east israel striking back against iran will have warned that just a few moments they with blue
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event or inspire your imprint for certain the sinking of the titanic. >> how would really happen, especially to our premier sunday, april 28, did nine on cnn donald trump's hush money trial now has a jury with opening arguments on track to start as soon as monday so far 12 jurors seven men and five women plus one alternate have been chosen so far. that's all that's left filling the remaining alternate seats. that's continuing in just a few hours from now, trump airing the same old grievances after korda journey 11 different places campaigning
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but i've been here all day on i trial that really is a very unfair trial. >> all of these are stewards of legal experts, sitting how this is not a case and jeremy now trial attorney imran ansari. >> imran, thank you so much for being with us this morning what is your sense of it? i mean, i think one of the things that's taken a lot of folks by surprises, how quickly they've been able to put this jury together, even though we had a couple of jurors go by the wayside yesterday, they were able to essentially get a almost a full jury with a full slate of alternatives together yeah, jim, my first reaction as the events of this week unfolded was that it was a quick jury selection process. >> i expected that it would go on more than one week. we see that it's almost wrapping up here with one alternate already picked the main 12 jurors seated and five alternates or so to go. it was a quick jury selection, of course, some issues arising during that jury
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selection but my opinion was that it was a lot quicker than most of us in the legal world expected and prosecutors said they won't share the witness list with trump's legal team ahead of opening arguments because quote, we put this on screen, mr. trump has been tweeting about the witnesses. >> we're not telling who the witnesses are. what's your reaction to that? >> that's not necessarily the normal course of business. typically, there's some professional courtesy between trial attorneys, the prosecution and the defense, and you would receive the witness list, the first witnesses to be called after opening statements from the prosecution and that's the courtesy that we give amongst each other as it attorneys in the courtroom, here is the exact opposite prosecution, obviously, saying that they're not going to give that to donald trump's legal team because they're afraid that there's going to be some publicity about that, or he will be tweeting about that. not tweeting, but on truth, social especially making comments about the trial oh
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there are withholding that and that's not typically the norm we know little bit about these jurors seven menn, five women, the jury foreperson is in sales. >> other areas of work includes law and education, investment banking you've probably looked at some of the details about some of these jurors and this jury that we're going to be watching this case with your sense of it, is it a pretty well-rounded jury as things go? i think it reflects new york county gym in terms of the jury pool hair. it's pretty diverse. i was surprised that there are two attorneys on that jury typically, when you're picking a jury, you don't want attorneys on the thereto want them to really impose their knowledge into the trial or takeover the deliberations in the back when the deliberations are occurring between the jurors, you have to attorneys
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on there and you have a very jury of seven menn five women on that main jury from different professions. and i think it's indicative of manhattan, new york county and it remains to be seen though if it's going to be a fair and impartial jury will have to see all right. >> and ron on sorry. thank you so much for your time this morning. really appreciate it all right coming up next house speaker mike johnson, putting policy says he's putting policy over politics of move that could cost him his job plus explosions overnight and iran on israel striking back tensions in the middle east, escalating. that's five good things. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts to advance the future of golf, pga of america chose t-mobile for business with a 5g powered innovation hub to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. >> take your business further with america's largest by gene network not flossing well, then
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dangerous escalation in the middle east, israel carrying out a retaliatory military strike inside iran, three explosions were heard near a major military airbase near the ronny and city this for khan, uh, right now, the israeli military has not commenting on the strikes. >> sources tell & and the us was given advanced notice of the strike and did not endorse it earlier, iran's foreign minister told cnn that any retaliation by israel would be bio response that is quote immediate at a maximum level during the now seen and military analysts kernel, cedric leighton, kernel late and i mean this was shortened to flare up is probably you and i were trying to go to bed last night and we woke up to things not spiraling out of control.
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so i mean, where did things stand at this? >> so that's a really great question, jim, because i think what we're looking at here is each side is posturing they're doing certain things and yes, there is a possibility of death and destruction with these kinds of actions. but the problem that each side has is they have to play kate internal constituencies and they've got militaries that are actually wanting to go after the other side and so they are doing these things in a way that is somewhat escalatory, but it's escalatory with a certain limit to iran when it struck, it did hit israeli airbase, happens to be the ehr-based worthy of three 40 fives are based. three squadrons of them. and then you also have on the uranian sayyed, the israeli strikes seems to have gone after either an airbase or some other military installations around s4 khan. and that basis where the older four teams or ad, which is also appeared by the way, by the civil airbase i
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civil excuse me, the symbol airport in s for khan. and so those runways could have an impact if there are cratered, they could have an impact not just on military aviation, but also in civil aviation. well one thing that we saw this past weekend is that obviously the iranians have the capability to respond and they could try to do something in the same vein that we saw last week. >> and with those missiles and drones and so on going towards israel but what do we know about are ron's military capabilities? i mean, there's a lot of space that what we saw last week was calculated in a way that they knew that much of this was going to get intercepted, that it wasn't going to inflict major damage and that was maybe part of their calculus that might be reading into things too much, but could is it possible that they could unleash something that's far more fearsome. what we saw last weekend, it's definitely possible that we have to remember that they did hello graph, what they were going to do, at least through turkish and other intermediaries to the us. so there was a degree of preparation that not only israel had, but the us and
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britain and france, as well as arab countries the next phase might be a situation where there's no such pre-warming& if that's the case, that's completely different. but regardless, israel still has a far more advanced air defense system than iran. and these attacks have proved that basically the iranian attack on israel showed that the israeli or defense system with little help from its friends, was able to really keep things in, check in a remarkable fashion when you hit 99% of the incoming missiles and drones out of the sky. that's a major impact on the other hand, when you look at how the israeli strikes seems to have worked in iran and it's a bit early to assess this fully. but when you look at that, it seems as if israel was very easily able to penetrate iranian air defenses when they talk about the iranians being able to turn on their defense system, that seems to almost have been after the fact after israeli missiles penetrated iranian aerospace and i guess one is signal.
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>> we're hitting this morning. is that the iranians are not hyperventilating over this. it doesn't seem like they're doing that but also, i mean, what do you make of the fact that our sources telling us that the us was given advanced notice, but did not endorse it so this is in line and it seems to be in line with what president biden is reportedly telling the israelis, which is we will not support any offensive operations against iran so there's a dance going on between iran and the united states in all of this as well and there seems to be somewhat of a rapprochement going on on diplomatic. >> sayyed between the iranians& the americans. and that is something where the israelis have to kind of watch what they do because they if they're thinking rationally, they should not want to destroy that. that effort even if it's a very small and really early stages effort here, because prior to the last weekend, i mean, things are really coming to a head between the president and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and i guess currently, what do you make of
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the fact that in the history of the tensions between the israelis and the iranians, they haven't up until this past week, they had not struck, struck each other inside each other's territory. that has now changed. >> that's right. >> in that really, i mean things might be simmering down this morning, but you can't put put that to the sayyed. we've now gone over that that edge. >> that edge is a key edge actually, while certain tensions seemed to be dissipating to some extent the real problem isn't their attentions to have never gone away and they will not go away unless there's something major breakthrough between all of the parties involved, all the countries involved in that's i don't think we're going to see that soon, but there are certain possibilities that could dampen some of the order in in efforts to retaliate from one side to the other. so maybe the latter of escalation it is not going to reach the top wrong, but it's still to be there. and the other thing to think about is a lot of what we're dealing with would be
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things like attacks that could happen that are not kinetic, things like cyber attacks. all of that kind of stuff is definitely possible& will happen in a way that won't make headlines, at least not initially. yeah. i mean have to wonder, can both sides let things cool down? so it doesn't spiral out of control. a further one last question on ukraine obviously we might see these aid bills get through the house at least. we're not sure what's going to happen over in the senate, but what is your sense of it? i mean, if this aid we've talked about this many times, you and i, when aid gets delayed to ukraine, there's a consequence out on the battlefield in ukraine, i suppose that might be the case this time around as well. and if things really go downhill and you can't get this eight out of the house, out of the senate there's gonna be, they're gonna be real consequences for the ukrainians. >> yet, if the aid doesn't pass either the house or the senate, then it's going to be a disaster because the ukrainians
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have reached their basic limit in terms of the weapons that they have, the armaments that they have and what they're doing is remarkable with almost nothing but you can't hold the line if you don't have the means to do so. and that's what we're dealing with. we're dealing with a situation where the ukrainians were able to do many things that were quite good, then they stalled in their last effort to do a counter offensive. and that the fact that they stalled out there, a lot of reasons for that. none of them pretty but that has created this dynamic where in essence we're dealing with a war of attrition, at least on the ground level in the eastern and southern fronts. and that is a problem for ukraine. >> all right, kernel eight. and as always, thank you very much. let's talk further about this. joining me now jackie kucinich, cnn political analyst, and washington bureau chief for the boston globe, and nicholas johnson publisher of axios guys. good morning. good morning. >> coming up at this hour just to jump off of what current leighton was saying a few
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moments ago, jackie, i mean, the speaker is going to have to rely on democrats. >> seems to get this done bit of an unholy alliance but what do you think? >> do we think we're going to see this get done this weekend? >> thank you make a prediction our but you know what i've learned, particularly this particular house of representatives, you don't make predictions because something can always go sideways, but your nick and i were talking to the green room just about how unusual that rules committee vote. i know it's nitty-gritty. yeah. but usually that is the speaker's committee, that what they do with what speaker says they do and the fact that you had to have democrats bail him out on this is just truly remarkable and that's exactly what conservatives don't want. and listen this motion to vacate this procedural measure that can jettison him the minute the kevin mccarthy agreed to that one vote did the one vote trigger for that, right? completely disempowered the speaker. and you can see how we got here. >> yeah, i mean, that's going
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to play out yet again in this process. >> do you mean like when will that come back to the floor? i think jackie's point is really great, like we're former hill reporters, we wrecked our brains. we cannot remember a single time where the majority had to rely on the minority did not get a rule passed began as a rule out of committee path. now i know this sounds very inside baseball and arcane, but the reason the house is not the senate is because the speaker controls the rules committee. kevin mccarthy gave that away. kevin mccarthy paid the price for and it looks like speaker johnson's going to pay the price as well. >> yeah what is happening inside these forces that we saw throw kevin mccarthy the overboard the last time around, it seems as though there's some hesitancy do this yet again. but at the same time you have marjorie taylor greene going out to the cameras and saying, i've got more people coming on board what do we know? >> this is a power struggle. this is an internal power struggle. >> i think one of the other more remarkable sort of unmentioned pieces of this is you did have speaker johnson meet with the former president for president donald trump. >> should try to really try to
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get him in his corner and even kevin mccarthy had the former president and his court remember he was making calls, trying to keep try to keep him in power. that trains seems to have left the station. it seems like that even he doesn't have the power to make sure that a speaker, a very friendly speaker to the former president, stays in power because these conservatives want what they want, and they have a speaker with absolutely no power and they think they can get it. >> well, yeah, i mean, trump was asked about this yesterday or the day before we'll see what happens. >> and this was just a few days after he mike johnson went down to mar-a-lago, had an election integrity event with trump at mar-a-lago i mean, wow, i mean, it speaks to just the unruly nature of that entire conference, like people don't fear anything, there's no retribution. you can vote against your leader in the rules committee. you can say you're going to depose your speaker on the floor of the house. and what can you do about it? like usually people would be drummed out of congress, would be thrown off committees that would actually be punishments for this. but i think it's just shown that the speaker is so diminished now recently there is nothing he
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can do about that. and so a lot of these hardliners are free to say like, you know what we're not going to go along with you anymore. and that makes it house completely unruly. and i said a lot of old line republicans are just throwing up their hands when we talked him on the hills are just exasperating like, i don't even know how to do that. retiring they're winning, they're leaving their staffs are leaving too. >> i mean, that's everything that's been happening in recent weeks and jackie, what about what's happening on the democratic side? because you talked to it depends on who you talk to him. yeah, there's some lawmakers are saying, oh, no, no, we're keeping our powder dry, we're not going to tip her hand as to what we're going to do there's some democrats are saying, you know what, if mike johnson is going to give us ukraine aid will help them stay speaker of the house. that's that's also hard to put your thumb on it, though, if you're right. but though there are there there is a coalition that believes particularly on ukraine, the time is running short yeah, this needs to get there. if that means keeping mike johnson and power for another month or two or until the next type, conservatives getting madder than. so be it. when you talk to those particular law bankers. but there's also a real question of what comes next democrat. so like when we talked about that, it's like
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okay, like this is the devil we know and if we decide to throw him overboard with marjorie taylor greene some of the other conservatives, who is our next speaker, brian, when we talked to republicans, they like they have no idea who would step in for this job, who could win the support for that job. and so i think to keep the trains running& with democrats getting legislative priorities, they want no, ukraine aid was maybe worth want that job, right? you back what he want that job right out with one vote. i mean, anybody you can go at any time just a button things up. let's get back to this relationship. i was talking about with kernel leighton a few moments ago, this relationship between president biden, prime minister netanyahu, jackie, it seemed to be really afraid and then last weekend you saw the us, uk the saudis, the jordanian. this is real coalition come together to help protect israel against that iranian air assault and you know, this morning we're hearing that us is did not endorse what the israelis did. i mean, it sounds as though i mean this relationship really is kind of on thin ice.
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>> biden told him to take take the width, take the win, take the i mean, i didn't exactly take the wind, didn't exactly take the win there and you're right, this is, this is a continuing afraid relationship. and how that continues. i mean, it doesn't seem like there's going to be mending it going forward and that's going to have that that'll have global repercussions. >> i don't think the ice is that thin. remember, like the house and the senate majorities in the house and the senate, i want to what blows for israel, but i think it's 100% true that president biden said about like just take the win right? a lot of those drones were shot down the damage israel in that attack. you can take a step back and good clear. you're a winner. here. i think where they didn't want that escalation. what's interesting though is i thought something at joel mentioned earlier in the hour is just going to be much bigger attack and so maybe the israelis did here biden in the administration, say maybe dial this down a little bit trajectory lorine temperature, yeah, maybe both sides will take the time. maybe that's the way there you go. look at the end of this week, guys. thank you very much really appreciate it. if you're just waking up explosions in iran overnight,
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israel striking back tensions in the middle east are escalating, are breaking news coverage is adjusted, had plus moments from now, secretary of state tony blinken, expected to speak g7 summit& italy. we'll go there, live in just a few months. they will new ally in the fight against climate change. this is new car business blue carbon yes, need to protect nature will do the rest blue corridor. let's cnn filled sunday at nine, not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine. new science shows listed three is five times more effective than plus ev reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three field, the world cracked windshield schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning what we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive a few moments we came to her with
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no comment when asked about the strikes, but they come lesson week after tehran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at israel in retaliation for an israeli strike on the iranian consulate in damascus. joining me now is cnn international correspondent scott mclean. he has live in istanbul for us. scott, what can you tell us what's the latest? >> hey jen yeah so it seems like the iranian, at this stage of the game are sort of downplaying this. there's no big statements, there's no big condemnation of israel. there is no threat to respond at this stage. >> you're running the iranian military saying that those three explosions where the air fence system shooting at unidentified objects in the sky, they're promising more information to come at a later date. >> it wasn't just strikes on iran. there were also things targeted in southern syria, according to syrian state media, these were air defense systems and there was some damage done. the israelis have not officially commented the
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iranians have not said much beyond what i explained already. and of course, each of these two sides have their own internal domestic pressures to deal with none exemplified perhaps better then the reaction from the far-right israeli national security minister who tweeted his apparent thoughts about what israel has done here with one word, quote, lame there have been calls to de-escalate from plenty in the international community, from the uk, if the eu, italy, the chinese, the list goes on, but from within the middle east gym, there has been very little perhaps countries in this part of the world are waiting for the dust to settle a little bit more before saying much of anything we have though heard from the o'mara is who have condemned the israeli strikes, condemned israeli attacks in the region more broadly and called on the international community to do more to get to the root cause of the tension. we have also heard from the egyptians who have the foreign ministry putting out a statement calling
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for restraint, warning about the consequences of conflict and instability the israeli are the egyptians, excuse me, have made clear in the past that this is entirely predictable given the shadow war that we have seen between the iranians and the israelis play out in this region for some time years really, egypt has been among the countries that has been in contact with both the israelis and the iranians, urging them to turn turn down the temperature. and that has been a common theme amongst countries in the middle east, where over the last few weeks there has been this flurry of diplomatic activity from in and outside of the region. some of the private, some of them, some of it done out in public first, it was to try to get the iranians not to respond against the israelis than it was. to try to get the israelis not to respond back to the iranians because nobody really has any interest in this expanding further. turkey has been among the countries that has sort of shuttled messages between the americans and the iranians more
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than a week ago now, it's not clear their role. here, but there is also been some criticized cism, not only from turkey, but from others in the region against the west, the west has been very quick to condemn a ron, but not so quick to condemn what started this whole thing in the first place gym, which was of course that strike on april 1 against that diplomatic compound in syria all right scott mclean are seen an international correspondent in istanbul for us are the region certainly on edge this morning, scott, thank you very much, secretary of state. >> tony blinken expected to speak from the g7 summit in coppery. it will be the first statement from the biden administration since israel's attack on iran just hours ago, cnn's barbie being a dough is in rome. four is barbie. >> what are you hearing about? the conversations that are taking place at this g7 meeting? >> i have to think things have gotten a little tense inside those boardroom. what can you tell us? >> yeah this has been a very, very important to g7 foreign
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ministry meeting. and of course, the geopolitics at play mean that all these seven members don't necessarily always agree on everything including sanctions and things like that. that meeting that last roundtable is wrapping up right now and we're expecting to see antonio tajani, at least foreign minister make a few statements, have a brief press conference that will be followed by a press conference by secretary blinken. now, we can expect some self congratulations usually, these summits focused on the positive and the negative and that will be seen as a success that they were able to put pressure on israel to show restraint in there retaliation. if in fact that's what that it's finished in that restraint was shown so we're expecting that, but there's still so much so many things that is these foreign ministers have to deal with yet including ukraine, including getting some funding to them. and so i suspect we're going to hear more about the successes than the fifth failures and we'll hear a lot more about the g7 as they work their way towards that major
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summit in june here in italy and southern region of polya, where we'll see president biden and the other g7 liters meet under who knows what the circumstances will be in these, in these conflict zones. by then, jim all right. barbie nadeau. thank you very much. and of course, we are going to be watching for the secretary of state, potentially speaking to the cameras and about half an hour from now, we'll be watching for that. barbie know, you will as well. thanks so much coming up. prosecutors calling on the judge to hold donald trump in contempt claiming he violated his gag order, plus bore on our breaking news, israel striking back inside iran. we're tracking the latest developments coming up lactate is 100% real melt just without the lactose delicious to just
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