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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  April 19, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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my name is oluseyi and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. on the apple app store, android and m. i'm arlette saenz in scranton, pennsylvania.
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>> and this is cnn israel iran, your nuclear facility escalating a dangerous standoff in the middle east prosecutors claiming donald trump violated, uh, judge's gag order again, with his latest truth social post all right. two for the price of one swifties getting excited after taylor swift drops to new albums and two hours that also happen overnight will tell you about that as well it is 6:00 a.m. here in washington, about noon and coppery italy, you're
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looking at live pictures right now? at capri, italy and the g7 meeting their secretary of state, tony blinken, expected to speak. and just a short while from now, just minutes from now good morning, everyone. i'm jim acosta and for kasie hunt were following breaking news this morning, the us confirming israel has carried out a military strike inside iran. three blasts were heard in the central province of it's fine where iran has nuclear facilities and drone factory. the israeli military not commenting on the incident the source telling cnn, the us had advanced notice, but did not endorse the strike. iran has ramped up the rhetoric. the country's foreign minister telling cnn the response to any further israeli action would be immediate and at a map maximum levels, cnn's paula hancocks is live in beirut with bohr of paul, i guess we should note that iranian official said that before what took place last night. so perhaps the calculation will be different once they assess the damage, but what's the latest what can you tell us well, jim, we're
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seeing a very different response after the attack than the rhetoric we were hearing from iranian officials before the strike. >> now what we're hearing through state media in iran is iranian officials saying that explosions that were herds in the area of this and overnight, were the air defense systems of around that we're taking out three drones. now they have said there has been no damage whatsoever. they say that their nuclear facilities are intact, they are secure, and that is something that the un nuclear agency by ea, has confirmed as well, saying that there has been no damage to the nuclear facilities that also based in the same area. now it's understood, at least from from state media that it was potentially near a an army base. it's not clear what the target was. we haven't heard from the israelis. they have given a no comment. we haven't
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heard from the iranian sayyed, what they believed was being targeted as well, nor from any other sides. so there is still information that we are waiting for before we can assess whether or not the iranians are likely to want to respond to this. now, we knew that the israelis we're going to have some kind of response following that precedented drone and missile attack against israel. on the weekends and what we've heard from the rhetoric sayyed, point out. this was before the strike happened, but just hours before strike the iranian foreign minister speaking on cnn saying that if israel was going to carry out any kind of attack against the assets of iran, then there would be an immediate response, an immediate and at a maximum level, and it would be decisive. we've heard as well in recent days from the president and you see, for example, saying that it would be an even bigger response than
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what we saw last weekend's now, whether or not what we have seen overnight, which appears at first sight to be limited in scope. we did have a us official as well as telling cnn that they believed israel would make sure it was limited in scope. so they wouldn't escalate the situation. >> but from what we have seen so far, there is certainly hope in the region that this may be something that iran does not feel the need to respond to. >> now of course, this is speculation at this point. it is experts assessing whether or not ron will feel that they need to have some kind of retaliation, but we've heard from the us, we have heard from countries around the world asking for de-escalation and for calm heads. jim all right. >> paula hancocks. thank you very much. and i'm joined by former deputy assistant secretary of state and democratic strategist, joel ruben. >> joel talked in the previous hour about this. >> you know, what the, iranians said before, the strike rate
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might be a little different from what they say. this morning and reaction to this strike. i mean this was bit of a pinprick, at least it appears so far and might not elicit the response that they were warning about. >> yeah. >> jim, there was a lot of thanh thing going on, frankly, from the iranians, the way that the foreign minister was describing the end of the earth will occur if israel response and i think for the israelis to show the world thanks you. the run-ins know they're not going to be intimidated by that was a crucial psychological maneuver by them. and to iran, it's in their interest to not escalate as well. and hopefully this is not going to escalate. it does look like to box years bumping gloves right now and sort of going back to their corners potentially but yeah. i do think that the foreign minister, he was very clear in trying to intimidate israel and that didn't work. >> but one of the things i mean, it does appear that this was very strategic on the party of the israelis. and the fact
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that they struck near an army base, near sensitive of nuclear site that was that was designed. i have to think unless there were some accidental targeting here that that was designed to send a message. >> yeah, look, there's the real balancing in all of these responses. and for israel, they have to be thinking about the fact that just over last weekend, iran shot ballistic missiles into israeli territory. those are misses that potentially could carry a nuclear warhead that is extraordinary. and if you think about that from the israeli perspective that puts their entire defense doctrine under duress. and so they needed to establish some type of deterrence and demonstrate to the iranians, we can hit your nuclear facilities first. and so by hitting isfahan in the area near nuclear facilities, you're telling me iranians don't even try it. and then of course, hitting some military infrastructure, batteries, whatnot said the ability
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essentially for iran to project its power, they had to do that as well. but a very limited deterrent. they did not want they go hit civilian areas. clearly, and they did not make it a massive assault, but they're making the point that what you can do, we can respond to preemptively over the weekend when the us, the uk, the french, the jordanians, the size, all came together to help the israelis defend against that aerosol from iran i mean, there were a sort of a shift in the moment in the region and also in this relationship between the israel, the israelis, and the us is it in the same place that it was last weekend? do you think because the president was saying to netanyahu, take the win, take the one maybe. yeah, i was going to take the tie here. i don't know. >> where things stand. >> yeah. >> let's see how it has to balance domestic politics. i think it was a stunner last week to see how quickly president biden was able to organize these multiple countries we'll see, i do think that it's quite likely that many of these countries will need to publicly condemn&
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express their disappointment and concern. but they've been expressing disappointment, concern for years related to disraeli action that doesn't necessarily mean in the moment of truth that are not going to be there, but it is crucial for israel still to capitalize on the positive momentum they got from having multiple countries backing him last weekend and try to change the dynamics in the region from their security perspective and from the american perspective. effective ultimately, it's our opportunity to engage as secretary blinken is doing right now with g7, multiple countries to try to calm the situation down. that's the best way forward. >> all right. joel rubin, of course, we're going to be watching here in the next several minutes the secretary of state, tony blinken, expected to address the cameras. we're going to see some of that in just a few moments from now. a joe, thanks a lot. appreciate it. thanks for your time coming up next as i just said, tony blinken, the secretary of state, expected to speak at the g7 summit in coppery. that's coming up moments from now, plus prosecutors calling for contempt charges against donald trump for his latest truth social post and tete times two,
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trump using props to air has all too familiar grievances after a court adjourned yesterday de a break watch this to believe that his pursuit of companies in political questions and then doing this for joe guys go world is watching this notes? you got to be the teta control for the record, we've said this a lot, will say it again, president biden has no involvement in this case. >> it's a state prosecution of but also developing this morning, prosecutors claiming trump violated the judge's gag order again this week with a post about the jury on truth social. let's bring in cnn legal analyst, former federal prosecutor here, ellie williams, cnn senior political analyst, mark preston, cnn political commentator, former hud deputy chief of staff. sure. michael singleton and former special assistant to president biden, megan hayes elliott. walk us through your the legal eagle here. walk us through everything what trump was just saying there a few moments ago. i mean, i wonder if maybe he's a little edgy
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after this jury selection process came together pretty quickly. it moved together pretty quickly. so as folks might have seen, there were what was it three days of jury selection that moved a little bit more methodically and then toward the end of day three, it seemed to happen overnight. yeah. now, why that happened, you might have heard that each side has ten strikes of jurors limited number of people that they can get rid of for any reason. i presume they just ran out of strikes yesterday. they had gotten rid of the jurors that they didn't want on the panel, and then just had to take what came and as he started seeing some of the folks toward the end of the panel started having slightly more political backgrounds. i think on paper placed in the abstract. so it moves pretty quickly assuming they can get those additional, i believe it's five alternates today. they can get a jury is seated and start opening statements on monday. >> yeah. mark i mean a lot of different ways you can slice this. i of wonder if maybe a faster trial is a gift to donald trump, no matter how it ends up, because he he is being
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pulled away from the campaign trail. he has used this to great effect, but really the only with the base, i don't see how it really helps them into general election sense. >> no, i think walking out with the stack of a base, basically newspaper clippings, which is from like 1970, right? like they had a print them out for him and he does nobody does that. nobody i mean, you read it on your on your telephone or your computer, you know, but the reality is is that he has so much ahead of him right now in while this does play well to the base and certainly people are inflamed if they support him. >> i don't know how this is going to work with swing voters. i don't know who's going to work with with folks who were on the fence about joe biden or donald trump? in some of these very important states, whether it's pennsylvania or wisconsin, or georgia, or you know, out in nevada, it it just doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense for him. >> yeah. i mean, sure. mike, one of the other things he was talking about coming out of the courthouse yesterday is how cold it was yeah. >> maybe it was because he was nodding off crank down the
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temperature little video stays awake. i don't know maybe that has something to do with it, but i mean, you know if you can get through this process even with a conviction, i mean, i i i feel like it's going to figure out a way to work that with base, anyway, he needs to get back out on the campaign trail. he needs to first of all, most campaigns do a lot of that leg to worked for the candidate, the campaign is doing to get out the vote efforts, estate offices are doing those efforts. >> the campaign spending dollars on television, radio, social media, a targeting different individuals and groups across the state. so, so a lot of the bulk of the work politically speaking, we'll be done where the candidate comes in as to go and large rallies excite the base, excite people to gin up and maintain that enthusiasm. and that's where trump has a point. he really does need to get back out there just very quickly. >> do the biden folks, megan, feel like because i keep saying, oh, what conviction or it will people will just move on. do you feel like it's just gonna be a wash? politically speaking, if he's convicted or might there really be i think
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the polling has shown us that people really do care if he is convicted of a criminal charges. i think to mark's point that the swing voters, i do think that impacts them. i think people are tuning him out. i think trump also is missing a huge opportunity every day he goes out and talk to people twice. where the media takes at live every time, and he just makes personal gripes or accuses the prosecutors and the da of being corrupt or saying untrue statements, he could be saying about all the different things he's laying out for the future and he's not doing that. he's missing a huge opportunity joe biden is not on air live every single day, twice a day. being able to say what he's been doing for the country and donald trump is just squandering that away, saying about the gripes of a de is corrupt. it's just doesn't make sense well, listen to you, megan spring may not be helpful. all right, guys, just had i do have a quick break because the secretary of state might be talking to your why prosecutors and donald trump's hush money trial are asking the judge to hold them in contempt. we'll talk about that. i'll plus more we're breaking news. we'll see if the secretary of state comes out to the cameras after that as really airstrike inside iran stabilise the white
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up to 70% off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurry. there'll be gone in a flash. designer sales that up to 70% are soft today donald trump could be facing contempt charges. prosecutors claiming he violated a gag order multiple times. one, that bands him from talking about witnesses and jurors in the hush money trial, the former president using every chance he gets to air his familiar nonstop grievances they go world is watching this you've got to be the tadic control. you have a judge is highly conflicted the thing is a mess panels back, elliott was talking to joey jackson yesterday and he said, you know, after that truth social post where he was quoting desi waters and it's sort of a insinuating that people are lying. >> they're wearing of the jury which prosecutors say that violates the gag order. joe
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jackson say maybe it's time for the judge to then the message trump put them in the holding cell for a couple of hours, see if that changes is mood what do you think the problem is that it's not clear how much authority that the judge has to just do that, judge, at a minimum has to have a hearing under new york state law, it's not the judge being weak or feckless are afraid of donald trump. >> the law says that there's a process that he has to follow. now the question gennez, is it civil contempt, where you're trying to compel him to behave better in the future is a criminal contempt where you're locking up for things he has done in the past, which is much harder in almost in effect, requires a separate trial. my big question is, why is the judge waiting until the 23rd? i guess four days from now, right. even have that hearing in the first place? he could have done so yesterday or today to really send that message that this is important to the court and this conduct needs to stop. yeah. mark, i'm wondering, how does it change the rais. we saw what happened when he had the mug shot. that fired up his base obviously, it wasn't really necessary that point kind of wrapped up the nomination but if you go into a
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holding right. >> jail cell, what does that do? we even know, i guess we don't know. >> i don't think we know, but it really does put us between this rock and a hard place, right? >> and the rock is like, listen, he has done something that's wrong if it was any of us sitting at this table, would we be held to a higher held to high student, would we have to go into that holding cell? >> i think that if he does go into this hole, if that were to happen, first of all, i think you would probably see civil unrest across the country, is certainly in some cities that's one in two politically, if i'm the biden campaign, i don't want to necessarily see him and gl because that's just going to get people more inflamed in more fired up. i don't think that's necessarily great for the country even if we are bending the rules for some now we're going to get you guys are weigh in on this just a moment, but they do want to take a quick break because we're monitoring the situation overseas right now. a ron's warning to israel just hours before the israelis attack, plus we're than 100 people rusted of the pro palestinian
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tehran. the international atomic energy agency says there are no, there's no damage to iran's nuclear sites. the israeli military is not commenting on the attack it's not immediately clear what was targeted. this appears to be in retaliation for a ron's failed missile and drone attack on israel last weekend. and prior to last night strikes a ron's foreign minister warned israel against taking any further military action. >> in case the israeli regime, for a bit hard, embarks on adventurism. again and takes action against the interests of iran full, the next response from us will be immediate and at a maximum level i'm joined by former israeli ambassador to the us, michael oren, mr. ambassador, it's great to see you again. >> thanks so much for joining us. what's your reaction to what we saw overnight? it seems as so the israelis wanted to send a message but not provoke
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iran to unleash your responsive to their own, what's your sense of it good to be with you jim good morning. israel had to thread multiple needles. >> you're not just one, not just reply to iran and send them unequivocal message to iran that its military bases are vulnerable in the way that israel skies were not vulnerable to iranian missiles but also do this in a way that wouldn't alienates israel's sunni arab allies who stood by us last saturday night. some actively participating in israel's defense certainly not create oppression in washington. the great fear in washington that is, that the nicest could be dragged into a regional conflagration all of this had to be threaded. and i think that israel succeeded very well if the reports i say are true about the israel, about the attack on the military base in isfahan. of course, israel is not claiming any responsibility for this and it's really ministers for the most part are remaining mum,
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still the message has gotten across in that interview with our erin burnett, iran. so foreign minister, explain why they decided to go through with last weekend's attack let's listen to that how objective worn as to send a clear message to be received by the government of israel and to let it know that we do have the means to respond. >> i will repeat again. we never seek expansion of chaos and warfare and tensions in the region yeah, mr. ambassador, he says, we never seek the expansion of chaos and warfare and tensions in the region. what's your response to that let's, say pretty, laughable. a rod as the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism is extended its sphere of influence violently across lebanon, across syria, across iraq, into yemen. >> it is backing pro-iranian
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militia. that have attacked us bases in syria back in jordan, close to 200 times it has blocked international shipping through the montt deb straights to the houthi rebels.& it is conducted a war on two fronts. so get hamas is backed by iran policy, the islamic jihad also in gaza fully owned and operated by iran and hizballah in the north. so israel is fighting a multi front war against iranian proxies. so to say that iran is in any way not responsible for instability, war violence throughout the middle east is tragically laughable, affable. the big question is how we respond to it. do we play by iran game by only responding for the proxies? or do we actually exact a price from iran itself and over now a decade and a half, both israel and the united states has responded primarily to the proxies and the gain may have changed right now with this massive strike last, last saturday night, which are about 350 projectiles, some of those
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missiles could have taken out an entire for neighborhood and killed thousands of people. there were huge, huge missiles this is a game changer. >> and the question is, how is the world going to respond to this? >> it's not just israel's problem is not saudi arabia filed and jordan province, a world problem and will the united states, certainly under the biden administration, began to change his policy from one of trying to seek reconciliation to iran to one leading a front of confrontation resistance to iran yeah, mr. ambassador last weekend, president biden was urging prime minister netanyahu to not go overboard in any kind of response to that iranian attack. >> he said, take the win, a reportedly and overnight from what we understand from talking to our sources is that the us yes. was given a heads up about this strike that occurred over night, but at the same time, the us i guess, sent the message that the americans were not onboard with it. what's your response to all of that is the prime minister by not heating some of that cautionary
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warning from the president is he potentially gambling with the relationship a little bit between israel and the us? what do you think i don't think so. >> i think that nothing you actually hear hated the advice from president biden not to go overboard. and this strike the way it's been defined, the way it's been described does not appear to have been overboard at all and if some of the criticism of the israeli government here from the radical right members of its own government have been that, that it was, that the response was underwhelming so this now is getting criticism when his own government about this no, i think it's an attempt to get on the same page with president biden, both at the same time, sending that message to the iranians that they cannot shoot massive amounts of rockets it's that us with impunity and that message. and i think that was a underscored by even we have a national unity government here and there are opposition members of this government. benny gantz, gadi,
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eisenkot, who are actually unfavorable, much bigger response. it was netanya. they held back and i think tried to meet president biden halfway all right. ambassador michael oren, i know there's a lot to discuss. i wish we could get to everything this morning, but really appreciate your time. thanks so much as always. in the meantime, israel reportedly warned the us that it had plans to carry out the attack against iran, a senior us official telling cnn the us did not endorse the attack back with me. mark preston. sure. michael singleton, megan hayes. megan, let me go to you first there was this really frosty relationship between the president and prime minister netanyahu that was just getting frost. your frankly, before we saw what took place over the weekend that iranian attack, which really i mean, i think shook up a big chunk of the diplomatic community but your sense of it, this relationship between the president and the prime minister, it seems to be improving and maybe as michael
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oren was saying a few moments ago, israel did not go overboard with this retaliated strike last night and perhaps that will keep things on an even keel. what do you think? yeah, i tend to agree with you. i think that netanyahu is trying to walk fine line here without angering the us more than they've already done so. and, you know, obviously the reports are saying that we did not green light it also their reports from the news today that the media inside i ran is actually saying, we don't know who this was and sort of downplaying it within their own state media. so that tells you right there that no one wants us to continue. and israeli or netanyahu? with walking a fine line, making the us happy while making his government happy, and then hopefully this can all just settle and we can continue to work towards peace. >> yeah, i mean, sure. myoglobin the other aspect of all those mean there's a domestic political dimension for all that we saw these big protests at columbia university. yes, your honor, we have some of that video we can put it up on screen, if not no big deal, but there were protesters crusted. i mean, this is a domestic political problem for the president. i think during one of the commercial breaks, mega we're all discussing. i mean,
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michigan. >> yeah, rfk juniors, just made the ballot in michigan. if the president loses supportive on arab americans in michigan, i mean, they're real political consequences. meanwhile, she again, wisconsin, another state. we don't talk a lot about this often, but even the state of nevada, there's a growing muslim population there. and then we don't often discuss. and so as a political strategist, when i'm looking at these marginal victories at president biden achieved in 2020, i would be incredibly concerned within the democratic party, not only be because we know that the presidential race is going to be close, but now you're throwing in third-party candidates that are certainly going to seed votes from which one more than the other, we're not clear on that yet. but i think president biden has to figure out a way to allow israel to protect itself as it should while providing aid to the palestinian people were i think even people who support israel hey, we want you guys to protect yourself, but we certainly don't want to harm innocent people yet the thread that fine line. >> yeah, margo, i mean, this is going to be a problem heading into the fall.
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>> i'm no question. it's a problem. you know, we spent so much time talking about donald trump, but we just spent a lot of time just talking about but, donald trump in the problems that he has with women in abortion, what have you, what we don't talk a lot about because donald trump sucks out every bit of oxygen in the room is the problem that democrats are going to have. and there are a lot of problems right now that democrats need to resolve. and what we saw happen up in new york yesterday, it's happening all across the country right now. we only got a square his mark, you know? you know this all too well, your, your political team looks at this every four years. these margins and all these battleground states, it's just gonna be on a nice edge and you just keep on getting tighter and tighter and tighter, which just shows you how divided we are as a country. >> yeah. all right, guys, a lot more to talk about. stay with us coming up next to the speaker of the house. they're a little drop. there has been some drama there this past week to say hey, the latest, why johnson defying the maga wing of his party with job on the line. but we'll have more on that just a moment. also, when does this woman sleep? taylor swift dropping two new albums
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reason for that is because of that massive aerial barrage. of course that we saw from iran just last week, they felt like they had to respond in a very substantial and meaningful way. and one that actually was a kinetic attack of physical attack inside iran itself. now, the response, though, was always expected to be limited in scope and that has a lot to do with all the diplomatic heavy lifting that the us was doing over the last week to try to convince israel not to overreact the message. of course, had been, take the win because israel in conjunction with its allies, they really did prevent or runs at ballistic missile attack drones cruise missiles from causing any significant damage inside israel itself. and so that was seen as a pretty big victory here over the last week, us officials and allies western officials were trying to convince israel to keep its strike very limited now appears as though that is what israel has done. and iran of course, is also apparently downplaying this this morning, but secretary of defense lloyd austin, he did speak to his
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israeli counterpart just yesterday, israeli defense minister yoav gallant is unclear if they discussed just what israel's reaction was going to be two, that iranian in strike last week. however, they did discuss according to a readout of the call runs escalation in the region. so undoubtedly on the minds of secretary austin and yoav gallant, we're just how israel was going to respond to this. and now of course, we are told that israel did give the us a heads up, that it was going to respond in some way. of course they made it clear to the us that these targets would not be civilian. they would not be nuclear and therefore, again, telegraphing that this response was not going to be overly escalatory and overly dramatic. jim and natasha, israel's military. i guess it has no comment on all of this. but in just a few moments from now, we might hear from the secretary of state, tony blinken, who's with his counterparts at the g7 and coppery right now, what are we expecting on the diplomatic front? >> what we do expect secretary
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blinken. of course, to reiterate that the us does not want to see an escalation in the region. something of course, that diplomatically they have been trying to achieve over the last seven days, over the last ten days really since iran started striking, israel after we saw, of course, israel initially strike that but building in damascus that iran said belonged to was actually a consulate. and so what we expect to hear is, of course, a plea for calm on all sides behind the scenes. what is likely occurring here is essentially back channeling so that iran gets the message here that this should really be over at this point. we should note that we do have a regional intelligence source telling our colleague, nic robertson that in fact iran does not plan to retaliate further, and that this for tat for now at least appears to be over all right, natasha bertrand at the pentagon for us. thank you very much. it's 48 minutes past the hour right now. here's your morning roundup. a maryland high school student allegedly
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planning to committee school shooting has been arrested. police say 18 year-old alex g wrote adrienne 129 page manifesto and was turned in by an unidentified person who is communicating with him on instagram. the federal judge denying several attempts by donald trump's co-defendants to dismiss obstruction charges against them in the classified documents case judge, still has to rule on several motions by trump to dismiss the charges against him nebraska is republican governor jim pill in a vowing to take extreme measures to change states electoral system to winner takes all i will not hesitate to call a special session to complete other unfinished business including winner-take-all donald trump has been calling for change under the current system, nebraska only awards two of its five electoral votes to the winner of the statewide votes. >> the senate is expected to vote today on a bill reauthorizing fisa for two more years. the warrant surveillance
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law is expected to expire at midnight tonight, also on capitol hill being the speaker of the house nowadays, like being leonato, in dicaprio's girlfriend, you hang on as long as you can just try to enjoy the ride wow. >> okay. the who is choppy maybe in peril house speaker mike johnson is opting not to take the nuclear option and change a rule that allows a single member to force a vote to remove him hard line republicans writen to oust him over a foreign aid package that includes billions for ukraine, johnson acknowledging yesterday that while many rank-and-file republicans have encouraged attempt to raise the threshold for removal. any rule change requires a majority of the full house, which we do not have my panels with me. now, mark, i mean, you know, i think there's some truth to what jimmy kimmel we're saying there. if you a moments are going to be leonardo dicaprio doesn't have to worry about somebody, just one person coming along and voting out of girlfriends. so hi, there is that, but i mean, this is i
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mean, you almost have to get not the you feel any sympathy for any speaker of the house. but i mean, my goodness, one vote, he's just hanging on by a thread here to gym. >> when i first came to washington, i spent six years on capitol hill. yeah. covering capitol hill literally the dustin capital i mean, i mean, that's how intense it was at that time i got to tell you what i've seen over the i hate to say this, but i've seen over the last 2025 years, is this shift to democrats or republicans not being able to work together anymore where democrats republicans only care about themselves. >> and at some point i think you have to consider are we really going to allow the minority of the minority run the majority? and i think that's what we're saying. >> yeah. sure. michael, what do you think? i mean we we've been watching marjorie taylor greene go up to the cameras and talk about how she's putting together these other lawmakers and the house republican conference who are going to ask my jobs, but it hasn't happened yet. and it looks like these votes are going to go through. so maybe this, because most members of the conference
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want to move forward, they want to govern. there's a reason you're seeing so many members just say to hell with this. i've got not here. we're not doing anything i think from speaker johnson's perspective, he's come to this realization that i have a job to do. it's taken them 100 plus days, but here is and in doing so, he recognizes after going into that skiff room, looking at the intelligence from our military analyst in an intelligence analysts, we have some serious problems in the world if we do not provide funding to israel and you ukraine, i have to take a tough vote. and if marjorie taylor greene gets a member of two to attempt to oust to speak or my hope is that the democratic friends say, you know what my job is doing the right thing. we're going to come to his aid. that's a part of b and the speaker, it's a tough job and i'm proud of the speaker for doing so for a party that is not in power, they do have so much power. the democrats really are in the majority the house, right now. they are controlling everything they are going to determine if he keeps his job. they're going to do that these bills path and it's kind of incredible at the margin. i mean, i think someone's retiring tomorrow in the margins going down 2121, one, you and it's just i mean, it's incredible the situation
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that we're in and even more impactful what happens in november because it gives democrats the opportunity to take back the house. but then they'll even be in a slim margin and politics be facing a similar situation. if they did take back you wonder why people here in washington dc wonder why people hate washington. >> why the rest of america outside the beltway hates washington. >> mcgee, whether an it's not the heat and july, the fact is, is that people are being paid to come to washington to get things done. >> they're not getting paid to be sent here to stop things and you have to wonder, like if you're sitting outside were talking earlier, gas prices, if they go up this summer, what's gonna be done like, what can congress do? well, they're not gonna do anything. >> they just barely name a post office. they said sure. myco means there's a lot to be said for that in addition to what mark was saying, it's not just people pay washington, the people who work in washington are hitting washington so much that they're leading members of congress are leaving in droves. you mentioned somebody who's leaving the house. i believe that's my gallagher
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leaving the house. >> serious lawmaker was working on issues like china. >> people are heading for the hills staffers you talk to people around stars. staffers are leaving. they just can't take it anymore. the places unworkable, but it isn't workable and my message to republicans who are supporting mtg and there are quite a few in the base set of saying this is the right thing to do. if you care about having some level of power in the house, this is not the strategic thing to do. >> there are far more house seats up for grabs. >> than democrats to meghan's point, every model that i have seen showcases that democrats are likely going to take back to house by whatever margin it's going to happen and so for mike johnson at some point, you have to govern to show the american people that the party and do something to sort of stop the bleeding at this point, what marjorie taylor greene and others are doing, they're literally bucking the speaker they're damaging their own conference and for what? >> yeah, i don't know. >> people were tired of the space lasers guess is what? all right, guys. thanks a lot. appreciate it. >> turning out of this on a
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lighter note i'm actually going to write now. we're just bring please don't do it, don't do that on tiktok but it was a big night for the swifties take a look at. this taylor swift releasing are highly anticipated. >> 31 song album. wow, how does she do this? it's called the tortured poets department shortly before midnight last night. and justice swifties finished listening through that. the grammy winner stunned fans i dropping another 15 songs in a surprise album titled the tortured poets society, the anthology. am i reading this all correctly? is this. it's you really do all this at 2:00 a.m. eastern bruce and the control was telling me, yes, she did do how does she have the time with travis kelce and everything else? a dreamy now, someone who has interviewed taylor swift several times, cj farley here there's a cultural commentator author of the upcoming novel, okay, computer wow you have a
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great job. >> we all have nv here in washington after the conversations we've been having this morning tell us about this ej 31 song album than a 2nd 2am release correct me if i've any of this wrong and swifties, please don't come after because i'm tired and i've been doing this all we get an ungodly hour, but i mean, this is amazing stuff from taylor swift. she's a credible you have it exactly right. and probably while we're talking, he might have dropped another double album did not sleep. it seemed to produce a lot of songs at also is a great album. i think it's, it's her really enter poetic, bashed. >> i mean there are a lot of great tracks on here that i think a lot of people going to be doing trying to figure out what songs are about which boyfriend. >> but she's more complex than that is not just a so-called confessional album. i think that's an album for anyone that's gone through heartbreak. that's dated that's gone to a bad marriage is onto a bad patch that really
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is a smart on album with a lot to offer, a lot of people is not just about her who can't relate to that. >> and let's listen to a little bit. this is fortnight with post malone listen to that, man. oh man. >> how does this compare whether previous album in terms of everything that she brings to the table while she keeps getting more complex in a word play, in a word choices and her song construction. >> so he's getting better and she was already really good what i find interesting about this album how many references there are to the past. stevie nicks and 75, she says at one point, and clara bow and dylan thomas and she makes a reference to the blue nile, a scottish group that releasing business song called the downtown lights back in 1989.
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so this isn't just a song about things that she's gone through her own life the sun that really takes note the past and brings it into, into the, into the present. are really smart album. i think it's kind of multi-generational. i mean, we think of swifties as these young girls were just following taylor swift, but really she makes albums. i think that our multigenerational multifaceted and she keeps getting better she really does. >> she is a force and let's listen to another one of the songs that she released is called florida. let's listen to that and i'm happy. >> to play taylor swift's music all morning. and if i'm getting at any trouble with the rights and clearances, people as seen in our anywhere else? i have nothing to do with this. it's all on the control room, but kudos of the control, because this is the best segment of the deck cj your your reaction. are there any big hits? i mean, i have to
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think when you listen to it, do you know okay. that one's a hit, that one's a hit what do you think? well i, think the. way tell us what rights these days she's not just looking for hits, she's looking for things that last that song you just played florida features florence the machine sort of between taylor and machine. so i think that shows that she's willing to reach out across genres, find other kinds of artists to work with. rock artists folk artists, and that's what makes us album such so unique so different and shown her pushing your boundaries. there are a lot of sounds like here. so long london, but daddy, i love him. this is some called the smallest man that ever lived that has some of the the most dramatic lyrics is just end where she says, were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? did you sleep but gun underneath are bad. we writing a book where you were sleeper cell spy and 50 years old, just be declassified i would hate to be the person be the person


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